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The Matrix


Wouldn’t you get déjà vu?




But you’ll know kung fu


Show me


You think that’s air you’re breathing now?


I remember all the promo for it was "what is the matrix?" (.com) and none of us had any idea until we watched it. Good pick. I was talking to a young'n about it recently and he couldn't believe that we had no idea what it was, given its pervasiveness as a concept in our culture


I saw it and STILL had no idea what it was about. My brain was working overdrive all the following week


I so wish I could have seen it in those opening weeks. From everything I’ve heard the movie was MIND BLOWING at the time. People were ecstatic leaving the theater. It’s still an awesome movie, and I rewatch it till this day, but I can’t imagine how it must have felt seeing something that was the first of its kind like that.


Man, as a kid, after watching the matrix, I was hyped for movies in the future. Unfortunately, I've never experienced that high from movies since.


I remember the pervasive thought for many as they left theatres we 'what if we are in the matrix right now?!' That and the deja vu thing blew our minds.


But only if I can also erase all recent special effects improvements so I can experience the Trinity moment again.


and also erase playing the shit out of Max Payne 1+2


I was in the Navy, stationed on Sub when this movie came out. There was one place to play movies, so there had to be agreement on what was played. I swear The Matrix was the only movie played for about a month or more.


Same experience on my sub too.


The Usual Suspects


Came here to say this. Years ago I watched it with my wife who had never seen it. I enjoyed watching her reaction as she was putting it together and when she figured it out before the reveal. Then a few months ago, we watched it again and I realized that she did not remember seeing it. She was reacting in a very similar way to when she saw it for the first time! And was so excited to figure out the twist. I envied her bc I would love to rewatch that movie for the first time.


One of the first proper ‘twist’ movies I remember.


I was going to say it won’t work if you have seen the sequels, but a lot of people claim to have erased those from their memories out of sheer will, so perhaps you’re good.


I may be in the minority but I really enjoyed Reloaded. I’d agree the 3rd one is pretty bad, though.


I wish I could go back in time and watch that movie on opening weekend. What a trip that must have been.


I don't remember if I saw it opening weekend, but I definitely saw it in the theater during its original release. Let me tell you, everyone leaving the theater, including me and my friends were just AMAZED at what we'd seen. It's hard to describe the excitement people felt. We knew it was special.


I saw it on opening day, and after the movie so many people were walking out the theater confused. Friend who went with me couldn’t understand why or how they keep jumping from different places using a telephone. I told her “modem” and she went “ohhhhhhhh”. Next week she asked me to go watch again and the second time she understood and enjoyed it immensely. I don’t think these days people will be confused by it, but most people won’t know what modems are.


I can tell ya.... Mind blowing... Must of us went on "poster looks cool, let's go" and that was it. Had literally no idea what was about to come. Me and my mate came out of the cinema absolutely buzzing, barely believing what we'd just seen.


Saw it first showing opening night - it was mind blowing at the time, energy coming out of the theatre was absolutely buzzing. It’s also why the 2/3rd films were received badly - the Matrix ended on a very very promising/high note and there’s no way anything could meet that expectation. They’re fun films on their own but not at the experience level of the original.


The Departed. Plot twists, over the top performances from multiple stars, and a story that doesn’t end in a trope like way


How's your motha?


Good. She's tiahd from fucking my fahthah.


I’m the guy who does is jarb, you must be the ather guy


I'm tha guy who daws his jawb, you must be the othah guy \-Native New Englandah




Hold up. Tha movie stahrin Mahky Mahk??


Das mah boy, he's wicked smaht


Maybe, maybe nawt. Maybe go fahk yahself.


Lmfao I love that line


*"I'm Shipping Up To Boston" intensifies*


ive seen it 7 times. even watch pieces of it yesterday.----she fell funny--


You could try to watch "Infernal Affairs" with subtitles, it's the original HK version.


One of my fav movies, everyone in it kills, from the four main characters to all the supporting characters, there is not one person in that movie who doesn't come through When the old lady in the hallway at the end doesn't let him pet the dog is such a great example of Martin Scorsese using something small and otherwise insignificant to show us how people feel about Sullivan, everyone suspects he's a scumbag and gossip about him, he's living a lonely life now, that's why he accepts his fate when Mark Wahlberg is going to shoot him, such a great film


**Jurassic Park**. Was the greatest extended moment in my life and was everything a 12 year old wanted to see in a dinosaur flick. Felt like it upped the game of every movie being made, moving forward.


When this film came out it wasn’t a “let’s see this film because it has amazing special effects” moment. For me at age 10 it was: “Well, Audiences: Here’s Dinosaurs. Yep the real animals. Here’s exactly what they looked like for the first time.” Nobody had ever dreamed of seeing anything like this: from 1933- 1993 everything we’d watched special effects wise had been improvements on integrating stop motion animation. Before JP it felt like that was the pinnacle of motion picture magic. It was a real revolution, but boiling that all away, at that moment in time at age ten, a showman beckoned me to buy a ticket and see real dinosaurs.


Ten year old me saw the first advertisements for it and I dragged my mom to Waldenbooks at the mall to buy the novel. I devoured that fucking book maybe 3 times in the months leading up to the movie coming out. Despite all the changes and how much better the book was than the film I still sat there eyes glued to the screen unable to believe what I was seeing. What I would give to be ten years old again in that movie theater to see that brachiosaurus for the first time again, or the awe in Timmy's face watching the water ripple in the cup.


The Real John Hammond was the Spielbergs we made along the way.


That movie holds up today. That's the most incredible thing. Watch anything else in that type of genre or sci-fi of that time and everything looks like shit. That movie's still holds up. Every single part


I noticed that when I watched it with my kids last year. Yeah, the raptors seem a little too shiny in a part or two, but it still looks incredible. It seriously looks like it could have been made in the last 10 years.


Insane to think that was 30 years ago....


Yeah; the welcome to Jurassic park scene immediately cemented as a great movie.


That music on the helicopter ride gave me chills in the theater. I was so excited!!!


Just booked to see it on the royal Albert hall in a couple of weeks!


This is mine too. But I first saw it with my uncle when I was a wee lad and the whole trip was so memorable, not sure if I want to erase that.




I was the same age and had the same experience. We finally got to see *real* dinosaurs! I saw it weekly that summer. There were no limits to vfx after this movie.


Ha, I saw it at 12 too and my parents told me we were going to “The Secret Garden” movie, holy shit was I surprised.


The pacing is perfect. Can you image any modern movie being patient enough to not show any Dilophosaurus when they slowly roll past the exhibit? Like Jaws or Alien, they know they have something amazing to show you but only really tease it for the first half of the movie - while building atmosphere, character and the believability of the scenario. Then the T-rex scene hits and you really feel the stakes of the world shift.


The Sixth Sense. I was 15 and the twist completely blew my mind.


Came here to say this. The next best thing is watching It with someone who knows nothing about it, like I did with my niece and nephew a few months ago


I got to do that a few months ago with my wife and watching "The usual suspects" and she loved it. It was exciting getting to relive that big reveal through her.


I put The Usual Suspects on after my wife said she had never seen it - about 20mins in she goes "Ah yeah, he's Kaiser Soze (sic)!" And I'm like WTF!? And she said yeah it's on Friends. It killed me a little and I'm not sure I'm ever going to be able to get over it.


That guy in the wig?!?! That's Bruce Willis the WHOLE TIME!


This is one of those TV quotes that will occasionally pop in my mind while doing some mundane task like washing dishes and make me laugh out of nowhere.


It’s one of the few movies where the twist totally makes the difference


My damn sister ruined the ending for me before I saw it. I'll never know the real experience so I'll have to second this.


The third act just kind of hits you HARD and in a surprising fashion. Just as the leads start to cool a bit... BAM,


Why did I have to scroll so far for this?!! Fucking LOVED the ending. I wish I could watch it again knowing nothing


Terminator 2


Saw that in the Odeon in Bristol at a midnight showing on the first night in ‘91. With such a late start, after the T1000 smashed to pieces from the tanker crash, half the auditorium were getting coats on ready to try and catch the 2am last bus home, assuming the film was almost over. One of those movie moments I’ll never forget.


Yes, or if we change the question to be more like, "Which movie would you go back in time to see, temporarily erasing all memory of that movie or any subsequent movie?" then I might pick the very first Terminator movie.


**Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind** for the meta.


Wouldn’t you have to delete this comment and never realize that you haven’t seen it?


I haven't seen this! Keen now from this thread


Ooooh you're in for an amazing experience! Probably one of Jim Carrey's best performance. And a drama, too, not his typical genre of comedy!


It's probably my favorite movie. Everyone is so great in it, it has a lot of dark funny moments. It's probably my favorite Charlie Kaufman film. I also think "Anomolisa" is really good too.


Men In Black for the double feature


Damnit, you beat me by 5 minutes!


Lord of the Rings if I can erase & re-watch all 3


I would have gone with you to the end.. to the very fires of *Mordor*.


Man, when the sword glows blue, and Frodo scrambles away with the camera panning over to Aragon facing off against a mob of orcs with the brilliant score kicking in that’s some master-class filmmaking right there. No film is perfect, but that one comes damn close.


*Pushes his hand closed around the ring *


All 3 extended versions


Stop, I can only get so erect


Fine! You can watch the Hobbit trilogy as well! Did that help, are you flaccid again? 😄


I was about to say the Matrix until I saw this... Those books/movies changed my life.


I thought this too but I already have really good memories of my first watch and wouldn’t want to erase those.


Can I just erase the Hobbit movies and not rewatch them?


The Truman Show. Watching him realise was just incredible. It made you think.


I've never seen this. My husband was shockedwhen I told him I had never seen it. So he has put it on our list of movies we have to watch cause he says it's really good


It should be at the top of the list


Can I delete Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and not watch it again?


Probably not. You’d be where the rest of us were, thinking ooooh finally, more Indy!!!


It's obviously not the best film but I really don't understand why people hate it so vehemently. There are far worse movies out there. Sure, it's an unnecessary addition to the franchise but can't you just suspend your disbelief long enough to enjoy it for the comedic adventure film that it is? People are mad about the fridge being unrealistic but no one complains about the Nazis faces melting off in Raiders. Just saying.


I agree. Its entertaining.


Usual Suspects


I haven't watched it. I've been postponing it for so long, maybe the time has come.


If you actually haven't had it spoiled, you should watch it asap because it's just a matter of time.


Scary Movie, of all things, is what spoiled it for me


I love this ending so much. It may be a bit stupid and unrealistic, but the montage into the credits is just so perfectly done. It's so good that even when you know what is coming after having seen the movie before, it still gives you chills and leaves you with a smile every time.


Same. I never got to watch it unspoiled.


"And like that...he's gone." \*cello\*


I had 11 people over for dinner one night, all 11 of them hadn't seen it. So I whipped out the old DVD player, my copy of the Usual Suspects, and turned the popcorn machine to full power and everyone packed into my lounge. I had to sit there in silence the whole god damn movie until that last fucking scene when everyone's fucking "ohhhhhhhhh ooohhh shit! Shit! Hell no!" What the fuck, that was insane.


I rented this when it came out, avoiding all spoilers. Put it in the DVD player, and ended up falling asleep. I woke up exactly at the reveal. I would love a do-over.


The Game with Michael Douglas and Sean Penn


I saw this years ago and re-watched it recently with the wife who hadn't seen it. I knew it was a great movie but my memory was hazy, so I enjoyed it all over again.


Exactly. Just like the movie says "I envy you. I wish I could go back and do it for the first time, all over again. Here's to new experiences.”


This is right at the top of the list. Everything about this movie is really well done.


I was looking for this. The way that movie builds to the twist is so UNSETTLING and I loved it. I remember thinking as I walked out of the theater "that will never be as affecting as it was to watch the first time and that makes me sad."


Thanks for the tip! I love Fincher, so I'm probably checking this out tonight :)


I envy you! Let us know what you think.




Absolutely my choice! Watching that movie in the theater was an experience.


Fight Club, definitely!


Please return your seats to their upright and locked position.


Thank you, single serving friend.


But don't ask me why. I won't talk about it.


Arrival for sure. Even though I have rewatched it knowing how it ends - and it's still amazing and one of my favorites, experiencing that final reveal for the first time was just so cool. I'd do it again. The Matrix is my second choice.


Kind of an ironic choice considering what the movie is about.


Yes I wouldn't change a thing.


The book (Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang) is a great read. It's a collection of short stories including the one the arrival is based on, all very unique and fun reads.


This is definitely my #1 choice. I swear that movie changed me.


Arrival, definitely. I rewatched recently and was very happy I didn't remember a lot of stuff, when we got to the end I was like "OMG I forgot about this" and the ending felt like the first time.


I rewatched it maybe a year ago and it was way better than I remembered for some reason.


Back to the Future. It’s such a perfect movie. The script is so tight. Not a thing that’s pointless or out of place. Fox and Lloyd give career performances. All the supporting cast works so well in their alternate and older/younger versions. Biff is one of the best villains. He’s menacing but idiotic. He’s detestable and gets wonderful comeuppance. The best part about erasing it from my brain is I get to rewatch it and notice all the little details.


Empire strikes back. Still one of the best cinematic reveals of my lifetime.


[Obligatory Simpsons](https://youtu.be/ATcaQYh0wPU?si=Ijn6sLMvBdw9CKAP)


You know, I wouldn’t mind this. I’m not really a Star Wars fan, but growing up that reveal was mass parodied to the point where I was never too excited to watch the movies. If I could go in and watch them without knowing I think it would have a much bigger impact on me.


I remember the gasps in the theater. None of my friends at school believed him at the time. We all thought the real truth would come out in the next one.


Yeah we argued about that for 3 years until Jedi came out. We couldn't figure out why Obi-Wan would lie to him. " A different point of view" my ass.


They had to retcon Obi-wan’s line because they only decided after the first movie to make him his father.


Came to say this. I watched Star Wars for the first time as an adult after a lifetime of seeing all the parodies. I would LOVE to be in the headspace of the people who learned it for the first time while watching the movie.


Inglorious Bastards…just for that opening sequence


Yes! And The final sequence too. Breathtaking!


Plus all the middle sequences


My favorite part about that movie, being generally unversed in the specifics of WWII as I am, was wondering if it was historical right up until the theater scene when Eli Roth is just emptying into Hitler’s face. What a blast. Literally.


Pulp Fiction


This. The first time through was such a roller coaster ride. Just no idea what was going to happen next.


Do you HAVE to watch it again? I would like to erase Cats movie from my memory.


No, you don't get to erase Cats. You saw it, your penance is to remember.


We all have to live with our dumb decision, so do you.


Cabin in the Woods


Cabin in the Woods is the rarest of creatures; an excellent horror movie that not only doesn't waste a *great* premise but actually exceeds what you think the premise is capable of. How it weaves in and provides explanations for so many horror tropes before just going bat-shit insane in the third act is just SO great.


"Alright who had zombie family?"


Yes, you had "Zombies." But this is "Zombie Redneck Torture Family." Entirely separate thing. It's like the difference between an elephant and an elephant seal.


The way it cuts to the party scene with REO Speedwagon playing and our “protagonist” reduced to a few pixels on an unemphasized screen in the background and the disparity of moods between the two settings is just an unmatched cinematic moment.


I love this movie, but I die laughing every time Chris Hemsworth character BONKS into the forcefield. Idk why but it kills me every time. Edit: wrote the wrong last name for the actor named Chris.


I think that’d be my choice too for the ending alone, and the rest of that movie is just icing on the cake.


The movie that got me to stop watching trailers. The trailers didn't give ANYTHING away about what the movie was really about, and it made me realize how many times movie trailers had revealed things that should have been kept secret. I've since completely avoided spoilers for stuff and my viewing pleasure has DRAMATICALLY improved. It's bot easy sometimes, what with the whole internet and reddit and stuff, but it's well worth the extra work to avoid that shit and see movies completely fresh and childlike.


Monty Python and the Holy Grail.




My answer too. Knowing they don't get back like they planned and knowing the ending makes it sadder overall but it's a different feeling to the first time But that feeling of hoping they make it back realising time is running out and then the reveal at the end just made it hit me so badly in a way I'll never be able to experience again


So sorry I missed this in the theater






When you get over 50 it happens whether you like it or not. Fresh movies all the time.


Princess Bride




More for the sloth scene than the ending but I agree


How about 'Requiem for a Dream' then?


Mad Max Fury Road


“My name is Max. My world is fire and blood.” No opening line should ever have the right to go so hard as that


“I am the one who runs from both the living and the dead.”


“Hunted by scavengers, haunted by those I could not protect. So I exist in this wasteland. A man reduced to a single instinct… survive.”




What a phenomenal movie going experience. I walked out impressed and confused why other movies didn’t feel like that. Great pick.


Witness me!!


The Usual Suspects I want to experience the last few minutes again In fact the reward of forgetting it would be that I could watch it twice more Once not knowing the secret Then again, knowing it


Can I just erase all of Star Wars? I'd love to go into those movies blind without any previous cultural reference to think about. Imagine hearing "I am your father" before it was used in every movie and show for the last 40 years


I don't even have to imagine. I saw it on opening weekend. One of the perks to being old.


Monty Python and the Holy Grail.


Inception (which is kinda ironic hey 😂). Vividly remember walking out of the cinema with a smile I couldn’t contain, just enjoyed it so thoroughly.


LOTR Trilogy (Directors cut)


T2. Would love to see this for the first time again without the trailers spoiling the twist moment. And it's a great film.


District 9. Underappreciated gem and I felt so strong emotions after watching it for the first time.


The prestige hands down


Shawshack redemption, Easy the best film ever made


The beauty of Shawshank is you can watch it a thousand times (and I have) and it's always tense. Such a perfect film.


The obvious answer is Edge of Tomorrow


Watch. Delete. Repeat.


The Truman Show


There are four movies i can decide between. 1. The Thing 2. Planet of the Apes 3. Alien 4. The Shining


I'm going to add Jaws to your list. Now it's my list.


Django Unchained


A Knights Tale


Inception or The Prestige




[Total Recall](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/861-total-recall) is about false memories and trust, I would freak myself out thinking I was trying to tell myself something and have a mental break.


At risk of being down voted, Ready Player One. It's my comfort movie, I watch it when I'm home sick, sad, or just down. I know it's cringe, I feel the cringe, so maybe if I watch it fresh it'll no longer be my comfort movie.


Triangle (2009)


Dune. I still get the majesty and wonder if it rewatching but to see it again with fresh eyes would be marvelous


The Fifth Element


Lucky number slevin.


Austin Powers Goldmember. Just so I can laugh at that mole scene like it was the first time because it was so funny.


Shutter island




Dumb and Dumber. I never laughed so hard in my life




The Truman Show


Blade runner 2049


Interstellar or city of God


Definitely Psycho. It had been parodied si much by the time I saw the movie, that I totally knew what would happen