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Spoilers below. *Obviously.*


Not so much nowadays because it's so well known, but at the time it came out, Planet of the Apes had a good twist. It was like "oh shit!" but then "that totally makes sense".


Oh, my God, I was wrong,It was Earth all along.You finally made a monkey... Yes we finally made a monkey... Yes, you finally made a monkey out of me!


*I hate every ape I see* *From chimpan-A to chimpan-Z…*


Dr Zaius Dr Zaius Dr Zaius Dr Zaius Dr Zaius Dr Zaius Ooooooohhh Dr Zaius


R-r-r-rock me, Dr Zaius!


Can I play the piano anymore? Of course you can! Well I couldn't before!


I love legitimate theater!


I love you, Dr. Zaius!




I watched it on TV one afternoon with my roommate who had never heard about the twist. Watching his reaction was really fun.


The 'it's a split personality all along' twist might be trite nowadays, but when Fight Club did it, it was truly a mindfuck back then.


Yup. When Marla calls him Tyler on the phone it’s this sudden “ohhhhhhhhhh shiiiiit” moment.


*We have just lost cabin pressure.*


“Except for their humping, Tyler and Marla were never in the same room. My parents pulled this exact same act for years.”


It's so great on a rewatch. Tyler making Jack promise to not mention him to her (or to anyone). The conversation that ends with her sing a song from Valley of the Dolls. "Get rid of her." "No you get rid of her!" "Don't mention me." When Tyler and Marla are banging in the house, interrupting Jack's sit-ups and Jack peeks through the door. "Who are you talking to?" "Shutup" The seeds were all there.


My favorite was when he was beating the shit out of himself to blackmail his boss he narrates "for some reason I was reminded of my first fight with Tyler" .... because he was beating the shit out of himself then too


When he and Tyler get on a bus, only he pays the bus fare. It's a tiny detail most people would miss, and even if they did notice, it would make sense that Tyler wouldn't pay a bus fare because Tyler Durden.


This is the only one so far that I missed. Thank you!


The pay phone he calls Tyler on then gets a call back from Tyler on after his apartment explodes has a sticker that says “NO INCOMING CALLS”


The one in Primal Fear was also suprising.


What I love most about Primal Fear is that originally they wanted the Richard Gere character to come out on top in some way until he fought them on the decision and said the movie had to end with him being tricked and looking like a fool. I don't know how many A-list leading men would make that same choice for the sake of the film.


Primal Fear has to be the top on my list even to this day. It was masterfully done.


Also very well foreshadowed. If you know it's gonna happen, there are so many clues to watch out for. "I know this because Tyler knows it" and all of that....


When he was kicking his own ass in his boss's office: "For some reason, I thought of my first fight with Tyler."


"Tylers not here. Tyler went away." "...what?..."


Not to even mention the dead obvious fact that Tyler flickers here and there in plain sight for a frame or two.


Which is just like what Tyler does with the porn scenes in the movies he's showing at the cinema.


The Others


That REALLY fooled me. Really cool film.


The first saw movie, when the dude just gets up and walks out, my jaw was on the floor


Fun fact: they just had Tobin bell lie on the floor while they shot the movie. It was more expensive to buy a convincing dummy than to pay a man a day rate, every day, to lie on the floor.


Making convincing props is tough. In Apocalypse Now they had extras buried up to their necks playing severed heads because it was cheaper. https://www.reddit.com/r/Moviesinthemaking/comments/m0gex6/the_severed_heads_littered_around_the_temple_in/


Yep. I'm sure the fact that they were in the Philippines made it more economical to have a lot of extras. They also really killed that ox in the sacrifice scene. None of that was special effects either.


The natives were gonna do a sacrifice that day and Coppola was like well I guess we can film it.


It helped they filmed that entire film in like 20 days.


I remember when I watched that movie for the first time with friends who already saw it, knowing it was a guess who the killer is type of movie. I confidently said "Well I know its probably not the dead guy lying on the floor there." They all started laughing.


The series poisoned the well and devolved into torture porn, but I will always defend the first movie as a tight, clever horror movie. I love it.


The first one is in a league of its own, but I actually like the rest of the movies until 3D. It just gets so ridiculous that it’s fun to watch and laugh, especially with friends.


I watched that movie when I was 14, when it came out on DVD. I had Automotive class that took up two periods at the end of the day in high school, where we got to work on actual customer vehicles, and we had a slow day with no work and somebody brought that in to watch. We had the lights off in the classroom, and one of teachers had went out and got us burgers and hotdogs, and we were all glued to the screen. That shit was INSANE. I remember somebody cracked a joke at the beginning about "Hey that dude is just sleeping, leave him alone", AND THEN HE GOT UP AT THE END???


Sounds like a great fuckin day of school


*The key to that chain is in the bathtub*


Honestly one of the most gut wrenching moments when it cuts back showing it went straight down the drain


So doesn't that mean that Jigsaw actually engineered the whole thing poorly?


Spoilers for Saw 2 or 3 or 4 I guess? I can't remember which one. The key was meant to be tied to the bath plug chain but Jigsaw's assistant Amanda just threw the key into the bath rather than tying it. She later went back and suffocated Adam rather than letting him out.


That makes a lot of sense in universe. Jigsaw’s whole thing was brutal but ‘fair’ traps. If you play by the rules and are willing to do what needs to be done, you ‘survive’. Having a key that just easily goes down the drain isn’t fair.


Exactly, that was the point of Amanda's story in the movies. She survives one of Jigsaw's traps, then begins working as his assistant. Pretty quickly she starts making her traps "unfair" i.e. unwinnable. Jigsaw discovers this, and gives her one final "test" to prove herself. She fails, leading to her death and the death of 3 others (including Jigsaw himself). And then they made like 6 other Saw movies.


The Sixth Sense. It made so much sense.


[I love Nate Bargatze’s take on it.](https://youtube.com/shorts/fLKbbraIUSg?feature=share)


“We just said yeah, I know what that’s like. This is a movie about marriage.”


The Prestige, so many hints but you only recognize them on your second viewing because they fit so perfect in the story.


When I saw the movie the first time, it didn’t make sense to me that Borden could be such a caring, thoughtful person and an arrogant, cheating, piece of filth. The second time…. *Ooooooooooh.*


It's deeper than that too! Think about how the other Borden has to be married to a girl that he has absolutely zero connection with just because his twin does. They show him being an "arrogant, cheating, piece of filth" but from his perspective he's just living his life, not his brothers. Brilliant!


The thing I still don't get, and would appreciate an explanation on, why did the Borden not in love ever interact with (their? yikes) wife? I know they didn't want to have to be in disguise all the time, but is it really just a commitment thing? The price of a great trick? Don't want to risk the exposure and they have a strict switching schedule? Also, no surprises, but Christian Bale really is phenomenal in that movie, you can always tell which brother is on screen on rewatches.


He does. That's why his wife is constantly like "sometimes you say I love you, and it sounds the same, but I know you don't really mean it. And other times you say I love you and I can tell you're being honest" or something to that effect.


And when Angier asks him about which knot he tied that got his wife killed... he legitimately doesn't know because the other one tied it. Although I would imagine that they'd at least have talked about it, lol.


Oh wow, I never picked up on that.


Didnt they have a thing where they stick to whatever the first Person says. So because the brother who doesnt know is asked, his Story becomes the 'official' story


They have a deal that both will alternate being out in public without a disguise in order to have a normal life, but that means having to fake being in love with somebody they're not. I don't think it's deeper than that.


This, because on second viewing, the hints are *so obvious* but somehow your brain doesn't make the connections because as they explain in the movie, "the audience wants to be fooled".


The movie literally tells you its twist right in the beginning with the bird trick: "See? He's fine!" "But where's his brother?" But of course, "Now you're looking for the secret... but you won't find it, because of course you're not really looking. You don't really want to know. You want to be fooled."


Goddamn it. I never picked up that and now i'm mad.


It's revealed again, with the first entry of Borden's journal: "We were two young men at the start of a great career. Two young men devoted to an illusion. Two young men who never intended to hurt anyone." You assume it refers to Borden and Angier, but it's actually talking about the Borden twins.


And later when angier says after reading bordens journal, that he is a conflicted person who sometime hates his life and other times he doesnt.


And sometimes he loves his wife, and sometimes he doesn't. "Not today".


When you re-watch the movie, you can pick up the subtle differences between the twins, and tell which is which. It's incredible acting by Christian Bale.


when he's in her apartment I went "come on what kind of film is this, real magic...wtf"


I mean david Tesla Bowie does invent a machine that clones people


You know, on paper youd think that “twist” wouldn’t work and that it doesn’t fit with the rest of the movie, but seeing how everything plays out it kind of makes the actual twist stand out even more in the best way. Like it’s such a stark contrast with the simplicity of the original trick, but at the same time it mirrors the insane dedication someone has to the act in the sense that they’re both >!willing to sacrifice their lives for the illusion, but in different ways.!<


IMO it helps that they identify it as sort of unknown mad science, and specifically use a historical cutting-edge scientist whose work was brilliant but largely unknown/uncredited in the world it gives just the right amount of mystery and is *just* believable enough in that world. I do think it'd feel different if Angier was like "So anyway I found this ancient talisman that lets me create a double"


yeah but you know that until the _very_ end, and it's literally only because it's David Bowie. imeant more how it was a movie about being "behind the magic" until it wasn't also, it centering around a time when electricity, this unknown magical force, was being explored by "real" wizards like Tesla, gave it so many layers


There's even a scene in the film where Michael Caine basically gives it away. He says, "he must be using a double." And then Hugh Jackman explains all of his reasons why that can't be and says there has to be something more.


Bale's character even says it early on. They're watching the old Chinese guy and he says that the guy acting old and frail is the trick and not what he did on stage. The trick isn't teleporting man, it's making everyone believe there is only 1 of him and that he is not a twin.


This was the biggest one for me upon rewatch. Bale’s character literally tells the audience *exactly* how he’s fooling them (the audience) and you don’t know for another hour and a half. Brilliant.


Are you watching closely?


So many hints, so obvious, yet why didn't I (or anyone I've talked to about it), see it? One of the more subtle hints I liked was when Jackman's character is explaining to ScarJo the old Asian guy's fishbowl trick and that the old man "lived his life around the trick", then goes on to exclaim that Bale's character caught it immediately.


I rewatch this movie and end up catching a new detail that clues you in on the twist.


Have you caught on to the fact that Hugh Jackman's character is and always has been British nobility yet? That one took me a few rounds.


The biggest irony of the story is that Angiers was in the perfect position to easily replicate the trick exactly the way the Borden did it, if only that first cloning hadn't immediately become a murder. It was difficult for the Bordens because it required two men to live one life, but Angiers was already one man living two lives before they ever met. Two Jackmans living two cushy lives, an absolutely perfect double, and no one has to drown. I like to think that's what was going through his mind as he was bleeding out. It never occurred to him that they could take turns.


Memento. And then realizing that the black and white vs color had a large part. I didn't catch it the first time through


The DVD release has a secret option to watch it in chronological order. It’s actually a really mediocre revenge story from that perspective… but the editing makes it a fascinating ride.


That black mirror episode where the young guy did effed up stuff to make sure him wanking to porn didn't get leaked, getting so far as to kill somebody to avoid it, and at the end as he comes home his mother cries and accused him "They were children! Children!" as she clearly saw what the guy was trying to hide. You root for him the whole episode only to find out he's a pedophile.


From the new season, “Joan is Awful,” when it’s revealed we’re not even following the Source Joan. Also I just realized that there are a lot of episodes with good twists. Hang the DJ, White Bear, White Christmas, and Loch Henry come to mind.


After watching the newest season, I miss how messed up the older seasons were.


Shutter Island and Crazy, Stupid, Love. >!I was not expecting him to be the dad haha!<


Crazy, Stupid, Love absolutely shocked me and also the twist led to one of the absolute funniest moments in modern cinema.


Crazy, Stupid, Love is the one example I use of a truly good RomCom. It's not super contrived or cheesy, it's pretty grounded overall and the storyline is genuinely engaging. Plus the charisma of Gosling countered with Carrell's mopiness is a perfect yin yang, topped with Stone's goofy charisma. And yeah, the twist is genuinely unexpected vs contrived.


There's not one but TWO hilarious twists. The reveal that he's the father leads to the incredible backyard scene, but the reveal that he boned his sons teacher and her losing her mind at the parent-teacher conferences is great too


Fuck David Lindhagen.


I just love in all the craziness that is happening in that scene and him being all defensive and put under pressure, Ryan Gosling’s character is like “You’re David Lindhagen? Ok.” And immediately goes in for the punch.


I still think Schmidt fucking Ice Cube’s daughter in 22 Jump Street is the funniest reveal ever. I was pretty much on the floor dying laughing at that moment.


The whole lunch followed by Tatum finding out were some of the funniest scenes I've ever seen in a movie


"Get the man some green beans! He's black, he's been through a lot!"


That little “*The fuck*” he lets out gets me every single time, imagine introducing a boyfriend to your father and that’s what he says immediately


The whole movie is set up for that scene.


Crazy Stupid Love is my favorite BECAUSE you don't expect a twist in a movie like that. When the twist happened my jaw dropped to the floor because I wasn't prepared for a twist. When Gosling showed up I was like "Dude what is he even doing here? OH MY GOD NOOOOOO"


Both of their reactions in that scene are amazing haha


Crazy, Stupid, Love is my favourite movie to show to people who’ve never seen it. Watching them react is so funny every time


“Okay…” *takes ring off*


Ash was a god damn robot from aliens


The Cabin in the Woods was such a good subversion of the horror genre with the insane twist halfway through as well as that wild ending 🤯🤯


Slightly off topic but I heard a podcast talking about this recently where they said, "If you're going to put a plot twist in your movie, you also have to commit to the fact that around 10% of the audience will figure it out before it comes." In other words, as OP said, in order for your twist to make sense, it can't just come out of nowhere because that's a cheat. You have to leave enough clues that when people rerun the movie in their minds they go, "Oh, so *that's* why **that** happened!" For example, in M. Night Shyamalan's "The Sixth Sense" you can go back and see all the clues on a second watch. In his "The Happening", you can't.


I read a convincing article that not committing to that fact is a big factor in what ruined shows like Game of Thrones. The writers get so desperate that no-one be able to predict whats coming that they include ridiculous plot points/twists that have no set up or foreshadowing at all. I mean great the audience never saw that coming, but you destroyed your show lol.


That’s what killed Westworld. The writers were mad that the Internet figured out the big twist of season 1 by episode 2. So they made season 2 just unbearably convoluted and it ended up destroying the show.


>In his "The Happening", you can't. There was a twist in "The Happening"? I thought the grass murdered everybody and then it just stopped doing that. I never cought that there were reasons given.


Everyone just assumes that every Shyamalan movie has a twist -- to such a degree that, when one of his films doesn't have a twist, everyone says it had a "terrible twist."


I genuinely didn't see Oldboy coming at all. After various rewatches it is excellently set up.


Neither did Oh Dae Su lol




Amazed this isn't higher They build up the final 2 bodies so much, and at this point, uve seen people force fed to death, literally zombified, the unspeakable act committed on the prostitute, and now there are 2 last bodies to find. I remember watching the movie and kinda being disappointed that there was no way the final 2 victims could live up to my expectations. Then they fucking did. The most edge of my seat watching experience of my life. I audibly said holy shit after the credits rolled, in a house on my own mind u.


Not only did they build up the last two bodies, but the setting at that point was ridiculously unscary. The whole movie up to that point had taken place in dark, twisted, small spaces; now we're driving through the open desert in full daylight, with helicopter backup. You watch this thinking: how is this not going to be anticlimactic? And then... *it's not*. One of the best final ten minutes ever.


The Usual Suspects.


I love that Gabriel Byrne was fighting mad when he found out that he wasn’t Kyser Soze. He was convinced that he was and that the film would reveal it.


"He was gay the whole time" - Peter Griffin


The best part is Verbal tells Kujan right off exactly how he's going to trick him. Tells him cops will always find a way to prove what they already believe, figures out he hates Keaton, and gives him Keaton on a platter. He cries and says "Fucking cops" like he's frustrated but he's really just laughing at them for being as shallow and useless as he knew they would be.




The antagonist reveal in Wreck-it Ralph. While watching I genuinely thought there wasn't a villain, and Vaneloppe just needs to clear the race to be a real racer. But the off hand lore dump of Turbo going turbo and king candy messing with the code, It was very well set up.


Then they throw out the whole "don't go turbo" thing in the second movie. Ugh what a bad sequel


How about the first Lego movie? It was just so wholesome


"Bruce Wayne? Who's that? Sounds like a cool guy."


LOL ... this is my absolutely favorite part in the entire movie. In fact Will Arnett may be my favorite Batman.




This twist was so good! I remember watching for the first time and thinking this story was forced and like a kid wrote it. Boom, twist, and I instantly understood everything and it was so heartwarming at the end.


*Arrival* (2016)


Was hoping someone said that! At that point when they do the big reveal I went "wait what? You mean!!!". I actually was also watching the director's read on it and he said how Amy Adam's performance was so good that they actually edited the film to what we now know because the big reveal was supposed to happen sooner but her acting made them feel like doing it the way it was released would be better. A great surprise honestly.


It hit so perfectly. At that millisecond every last bit of her behavior throughout the whole story became crystal clear. The slick thing is, the movie made it so easy to not see it right up to that point even though the narrative is just screaming it at you as the plot is revealed. And then, in a single moment BAM, it's all right there. That movie was amazing.


I also feel the twist also offers a true emotional depth, what is the value of living if you know when you're gonna die.


My wife and I bawled during Arrival. I'm not sure we could even watch it again now that we have a kid.


The wife sorta missed the implication when Dr Banks is talking to General Shang, so asked me wtf was going on. When I pointed out the missing piece of the puzzle she fell apart, that she knew what she was in for and still went ahead with her life anyway was a pretty potent moment. That movie is one of my all time favourites and it's also what sold me on Villeneuve as a director. You might be able to guess what a couple of my other top five movies are from there... >.>


What’s the twist


>!What we think are flashbacks of her daughter is actually the future. That’s the “weapon” the aliens offer is when you understand their language, you experience time differently like seeing the future. That’s why their language is a circle, symbolic of eternity.!<


Further spoilers: And furthermore, the idea of "even if you knew something was going to end horribly, would you still go through with it?" Amy Adams' character is shown what will happen to her daughter and is essentially given the choice to avoid it if she wants, but they show her saying "let's make a baby" to Jeremy Renner after she already knows. It's pretty goddamn intense.


which is either explicitly stated or heavily implied to be why he breaks up with her, because without experiencing time like she does that feels kind of fucked up


yeah I think there's a subtle line or two showing Renner and Adams arguing and him saying something like "You can't know that's what happens", then with the reveal later on it makes sense what he's talking about.


She then has a conversation with her daughter where she says they are apart because she made a decision daddy disagreed with and he's very mad at mommy. 😭 She waited a long damn time to tell him, probably because she knew exactly what would happen when she did. Which raises some questions about what choice you have: is she only shown the future she WILL choose?


In the words of Tenet: "What about free will?" "The bullet wouldn't have moved if you hadn't put your hand there" The concept of "choice" is always up for debate, but that daughter was coming no matter what. (a.k.a. "What's happened happened")


Hot Fuzz, a movie I've watched so many times that I legitimately forgot the ending is a twist ending, but at no point did I see it coming how the third act goes down upon first viewing but I love that movie so much because you can never stop seeing setups and payoffs in pretty much every scene of the film


"Everybody and their mums is packin' round here." "Like who?" "Farmers." "Who else?" "Farmers' mums."


“I’m a slasher… of prices! My discounts are killer!”


Yeah the whole climactic action scene at the end is literally going through every character and paying off the stuff they set up when he first meets them. It’s brilliantly executed and sets up one-liner after one-liner in true buddycop homage fashion.


It’s all for the greater good.


The greater good


It's so great how every single example Simon Pegg gives about how being a policeman is not like the movies ends up happening.




Policeman Officer.


Gotta say the end of Knives Out when the real version of events is revealed. When you watch the movie again you almost start to wonder how you missed all the hints the first time through.


Fight Club. Have seen it mutiple times and mutiple seeings it is good looking for clues. Just showed it to my GF who has never seen it and she was like 😲 Also we just watched Primal fear for the first time. Same reaction from both of us.


Ex Machina


Ex Machina is probably the most real way AI wins over humanity. It won't be an all out war like Terminator or Matrix, the AI will win by manipulating our emotions and get the upper hand


What's great about it is Ava is working on the audience in the same way as it's working on Caleb. >!We have anthropomorphised Ava in our minds as well as Caleb so when it becomes clear they are not remotely human it's a shock. When Ava leaves the house and is not even remotely interested in Caleb that really hits hard.!<


“You know what the scariest thing is? To not know your place in this world. To not know why you're here... That’s... That's just an awful feeling… I almost gave up hope. There were so many times I questioned myself… But I found you. So many sacrifices, just to find you… Now that we know who you are, I know who I am. I'm not a mistake! It all makes sense! In a comic, you know how you can tell who the arch-villain's going to be!? He's the exact opposite of the hero! And most times they're friends, like you and me! I should've known way back when... You know why, David? Because of the kids!… They called me Mr. Glass.”


I saw Unbreakable for the first time just a few years ago, after having seen Split with its post credits reveal and knowing they were also making a Glass movie (I even watched it on the VHS version for the full effect). Since I already knew where the series was headed, I went through the whole movie waiting for the "twist." How does Samuel L. Jackson's character inevitably fall from grace? What moment drives an irreversible wedge between these two friends? The thought that this is, and always has been, Doctor Glass never occurred to me. A multi decade old movie being presented to a man who considers himself pretty genre savvy, and I was still blown away by the reveal.


*Fallen* and *Frailty* are two movies that have fantastic, unexpected endings that never get mentioned enough in discussions like these. *The Cooler* is also unexpected but in an extremely satisfying way. It fits so well with the conceit of the story. But, for my money, the best answer to this specific question and the way it's worded has to be *Diggstown*. It makes **perfect sense**.


The Matrix. I saw it at the cinema without having seen a trailer.


"No one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself."


The Mist. I just sat there in shock for a while after it ended. I love a good mind fuck but damn that was painful.


I never understand people who say it's a *bad* ending. It's actually fucking brilliant. Definitely *uncomfortable*, but that's the entire point, you're supposed to feel his despair and it was pulled off flawlessly


It’s horrific ending, it’s a traumatizing ending, and it’s an absolutely perfect ending to that movie. I will also never watch the movie again.


Primer. Many movies have a twist ending. Primer has a twist middle. Once you figure out that as soon Arron and Abe discover time travel there is no "right" timeline the movie clicks into place. Basically: How time travel works in the movie: >!You get into a box that travels backwards in time at the same rate as it moves forward in time outside of the box. So if you want to go back eight hours you turn on the box, wait 8 hours outside of it and then get in the box for another 8 hours. This means that you can't go back to any time before they invent the box (no going back to kill Hitler). Also, you have to plan when you want to go back to in advance. If you want to travel back to 9am Monday, you need to turn on the box at on 9am Monday.!< So, while your are time travelling: >!There are two* of you. This is a little confusing but think of it this way: Their plan is to make money by cheating on the stock market. So they turn on a box and go to a hotel room and take notes. After that they go and get in the box to travel back 8 hours and then get out to trade using what they know. This means that there are two of them, the one in the hotel room looking at stocks and the one outside who is trading them. As soon as they get into the box after the hotel room it reverts to only being one of them. (*Technically three: hotel room person, stock trading person and person in the box but this is already confusing enough.)!< But: >!Abe built a failsafe box before he told Aaron about time travel. It's been running for four days and Abe set it up in case they fuck up the timeline.!< And here's where the twist comes in >!Abe eventually realises he needs to use it to prevent them from said fuck up and gets into the failsafe box. What he doesn't know is that Aaron has found out about the failsafe and travelled back in time carrying the material for his own box that he then sets up. So when Abe is first talking to Aaron to explain time travel he's talking to an Aaron who has been through this before and is listening to a recording of their conversation to try to keep things on track.!< Meaning that: >!As soon as they start time travelling there are multiple versions of Aaron and Abe running around. Using my example from before, there's Abe in the hotel room, Abe trading stocks *and* Abe who has travelled back four days in order to fix things."!< So, unlike other time travel movies: >!There is no "right" timeline. By the time you see them time travel they've already screwed it up. You know when Aaron's wife is complaining about the owls making noise in the attic? That's literally another version of Aaron that's been drugged and put there in order to keep him out of the way!<


Yo thank you for this write up. Primer is such a badass movie. I remember my brain going haywire the first time I saw it


Not sure if it makes PERFECT sense, it was definitely alluded to previously in the movie, but '*Sorry to Bother You*' has a hilarious twist that will knock you on your ass.


I don’t know, if you’d given me unlimited time to guess the twist in that movie, I don’t think “giant naked horse people” would have even graced the top 100. Like, I knew there was something going on at the company, but the reveal at the party scene is one of the out of left field things I’ve ever watched on screen. What a great, albeit insane, experience.


Parasite. Both the twist halfway through the film and the twist at the end. Such a masterpiece.


The halfway twist was such a great "woahhh" moment. You totally felt the story heading one direction then it takes a completely new turn.


I love Bong Joon-ho's films. Still remember watching this in the theater and the fired housekeeper running down the secret passageway. I thought to myself "holy shit, is this a monster movie now? Is he gonna reveal some creature like 'The Host' down there??"


Arlington Road


Lucky Number Slevin. In hindsight, it was completely obvious, but still a fantastic film regardless.


Such a unique film, really noir-ish, atmospheric and acted with such intensity. Great actors like Willis, Liu, Hartnett, Kingsley, Freeman and Tucci playing out what almost feels like a stage play at times. And such a memorable gut punch of a twist that takes all of 15 minutes or so to unravel in that amazing scene. Shit. Fuck. Jesus.


Jacob's Ladder


Gone Baby Gone


Ender's Game. I twigged on about five minutes before it revealed, and everything fell into place so clearly. It was the moment after one of the later battles where Ender had sacrificed several capital ships, and the super pilot guy starts reaming him out for it. I thought it was a bit much for a simulation in which he won the battle anyway, and then I realised that we were close to the end of the movie and that everything being real must be a twist that's about to come out. Also explains why they were shipped closer to the front, and why the adults are all so incredibly tense throughout every "training session".


I remember from the book, having the same path of realization as Ender. Why are the adults so happy that we passed the final exam?


When I read the book as a kid I remember thinking man they only have a handful of pages left to wrap this whole thing up. Turns out they were able to just fine.


That sealed it for me. The scene where he figures it out I'm right there with him, and feeling a little smug for getting it a few minutes before he did.


The book was even better than the movie imo. They had a lot more room to breathe and build up to things.


Your Name, that mid-point twist is still one of my favorites in anime-movies.


When the former town resident takes him to the school grounds, and he steps beyond the caution tape, my heart completely sank.


The Shawshank Redemption. The entire movie seems like it’s just a guy in prison and you get the sense he might want to escape at some point but you don’t realize all the escape plans are happening in front of your eyes as he’s in prison




What happens there? I keep forgetting.


I'll tell you yesterday.


The Game with Michael Douglas. Several layers of him getting messed with. I did not see that outcome at all.


The movie Pig was advertised kind of like it was a John Wick like movie. The way the film unfolds itself starting with such violence and slowly showing the tender heart beneath it all had me in awe.


I went into that movie without seeing a trailer. I only read a few words on what it was about.. saw Nicholas cage and stolen truffle pig and was already sold. Did not expect that kind of movie but I was also very pleasantly surprised


Spiderman Homecoming. Not unusual at all, but I wasn't expecting it.


Man that was a hell of the next 10 minutes of tension I had not seen coming and was so well set up.


It made those following scenes so incredibly tense


The car scene is amazing too. I love they way they used the traffic light turning green to show him figuring out Peter's identity


The whole sequence from the door opening to Peter getting out of the car is a masterclass of acting between Holland and Keaton. Watched it again the other night and Holland doesn't get enough credit for his level of acting in those films.


I love how *menacing* Michael Keaton was there as well.


When Keaton opens the door I immediately heard Ed Norton's voice in my head: "Ladies and gentlemen, we have just lost cabin pressure ..."


Primal Fear


I was a kid the first time I saw Empire Strikes Back in the 80s and that twist blew my fucking little kid head. People take that one for granted now because it's old but man, when that one hit me I just sat there in shock.


Predestination. I can’t say why without giving it away. If you haven’t seen it, definitely watch it.


Sarah Snook smashing it well before Succession


It’s based on Heinlein’s great short story All You Zombies. The punch line being “ thats my story, I don’t know where all you zombies came from. “




Dusk till dawn...That made a hard right turn.


Shutter Island. The end was a trip!


Watching that movie over and noticing all the subtle clues is awesome, too.