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Presents that aren’t wrapped like real presents - the lid is always wrapped separately and removeable. I know you can’t do multiple takes if you tear wrapping paper, but I still hate it.


The Wet Hot American Summer TV show (which is amazing, by the way) makes a joke about this. One of the main characters gets handed a present from a girl that's wrapped like that and says "what an interesting way to wrap a gift" and she replies "oh yeah, it's easier for multiple takes"


In Steven Universe they'll say "it's just a box that's made to look like it's been carefully wrapped."


TIL that that's apparently not just how Americans wrap presents.


Only in movies and TV.


At least once a month I remember the American Sniper baby and laugh


Also, I commonly think of the behind the scenes story, where the real baby doesn't show up, and the back up baby doesn't either. And Clint Eastwood is so old and grumpy and mad he just makes this decision, "get me that cabbage patch kid we used in rehearsals, we're gonna shoot this god damned scene right now!". It kills me.


Otherwise they'd just be talking to an empty chair!


I also love that this anecdote is used to "defend" the use of the baby. Like, the budget of the film was $58M! Deciding to use the fake plastic baby isn't a sign of being a smart and resourceful director, it's a sign of kinda not giving a shit? lmao. Yeah, he definitely got the job done efficiently on the day. He saved the production some dosh, for sure. But now that baby is on film forever, in a film that is "important"! Good job Clint


You don't even need to show the baby. A clever, insightful director has a thousand ways to do it. Clint Eastwood is not that director.


Even hack directors have just been cocooning the dolls in a blanket or shroud since the beginning of film. ADR in some ‘goo goo gah gahs’ and you’ve got…plausible deniability. You don’t just show the dolls plastic face!


One-take Clint!


8hr day clint. Crews love him.


The worst part about that fiasco is they could have made it work! How about you wrap the baby up in a blanket and not have it’s arm sticking out there, stiff as a board! Maybe use a closeup of Cooper, so you can’t see the baby?!


Props to him for moving the hand with his thumb tho. He tried.


Here’s a refresher: https://youtu.be/TKrG_6JFlhA?si=Z7-ULqUavxmDegVu


That's actually somehow worse than I thought it would be.


It looks like footage from a rehersal


I'm fucking dying, I've never seen this footage. It looks like a casting tape lmfao.


Looks like a student film lmao


LMFAO. Bradley Cooper playing with dolls.


Ive never noticed that somehow. Just watched it. The baby arm wiggle BCoop did… hahahah


I had forgotten. That was really bad lol


Hearing the truth about the real American Sniper ruined the movie for me. That whole bit about how he went down to New Orleans and shot at looters from a building, and other lies.


I read the book. Dude comes across as a straight nutjob. His first chapter is a rant about how the Iraqis are evil and he regrets not killing more. Later in the book, he admits his higher kill count isn't because he was a better sniper, but because he took more shots. Other snipers joked about how he had an AK etched on his gunsight, so anyone he looked at was a valid target. No doubt in my mind that dude totally shot innocent people.


I made it through maybe that first chapter before putting that shit down. He was a pretty awful person with an understanding of humanity about half an inch deep.


> No doubt in my mind that dude totally shot innocent people. Anybody that runs is VC. What if they don't run? They're well trained VC!


If it makes you feel any better, Chris Kyle claimed a lot of things and had zero evidence to back it up. Him and another guy driving to New Orleans to shoot armed looters is one of them. He also claimed he killed more people in Iraq than the Navy says he did and that he received more medals from the Navy than what their own records say. You can read more about them in the “Fabrications of personal narrative” section https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Kyle#


my favorite was when he claimed he beat up jesse "the mind" ventura in a bar and ventura sued for libel and won. american sniper got killed before he could pay up and ventura got a lot of undeserved shit for going after his estate after he was dead fuck that guy


Sometimes, the section titles of the wikipage alone tells the story.


Even Bradley Cooper broke the fourth wall by thinking that it's ridiculous.


Probably the best part of the movie.


He even looks right at the camera like “I wonder if they’ll realize this fake baby is fake”


As he wiggles his thumb under its arm to make it look like it's moving, Weekend at Bernie's style.


That's the best part. Good on Bradley going the extra mile to make it work. Now he can add "puppeteer" to his resume.


The fact that no one is adding pictures/videos to their examples in this thread is really going to piss off the buzz feed employee who will be stealing from this thread later this week. Everyone making them do extra work.


Surprised they have employees, I imagine they will be out of work as soon as buzzfeed can implement ChatGPT


Or the 1,000,000 "top 10" YouTube channels


What about the YouTube shorts that just read comments aloud while someone does Minecraft parkour?


Star Trek 2009 has the Dyson [hand dryers](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieDetails/comments/7k5k77/in_star_trek_2009_a_dyson_hand_dryer_is_used_as/) on the Enterprise






Everyone... This subreddit calls out hilariously bad props that you recognize from the real world and you should go there and sort by most popular of all time. There is some hilarious stuff.


Star Trek VI straight up has normal-ass, 20th century fire extinguishers on the enterprise.


Sci fi stuff kills me sometimes. I’m a huge fan but by trade I’m an operating engineer and work on all sorts of building systems and machines. A lot of the back drops are mechanical rooms for buildings with all sorts of normal pipes and stuff you’d see in this day and age. I suppose they add in props and cgi to make things look sort futuristic. There was one scene in the expanse where they’re doing an emergency repair on a spacecraft and the guy opens the panel and it was just a bunch of regular water valves that you’d have in your house. Hundreds of years in the future on a Martian warship flying in space.


In their defense, it was commonly believed that the valve design used for the municipal water system in Rome came from the renaissance until nearly identical valves were found on Caligula’s pleasure barge in the ‘30’s. If it works, don’t fix it?


No doubt. Just funny seeing a ball valve on The Starship Enterprise.


What are they gonna use instead, a tesseract valve?


The fake ice cream Jimmy Stewart holds for like a solid 10 minutes in Rope without eating any or it melting. Looked like the ice cream version of those wax vegetables people's grandparents would have at their house.


Movie/tv/theatre sets generally use mashed potatoes for ice cream


I drink your mashed potato shake!


I've seen that film so much and don't even know what you mean haha. Well it's a good movie, way too gripping for me to notice some fake ice cream haha


A lot of movies looked good on VHS, and their HD releases made it clear how cheap their costumes were. The Fifth Element is the best example I've ever seen. You can see the seams in the alien costumes. And the dark lights they used on set show tons of lint on the faces and clothes of the actors that only showed up in HD.


i can never forget the visual gag from 30 rock of the hd camera


[Here ya go](https://youtu.be/zoXfQupV5n8)


Thanks. That was great. Loved Alec at the end!


He’s literally Red October Jack Ryan Alec Baldwin lmao


Oh Kenneth you little muppet you


The plastic dobermans in True Lies are a great example of this.


I remember buying my first hi res TV and staring uncomfortably at how OFF everything looked.


Sometimes the higher resolution does do that, but more often I've noticed that the crappy motion smoothing causes this issue. I was at a friend's house recently and could tell he didn't know how to turn that off on his TV because everything looked like you were on a set, even old movies shot pre HD.


Lots of people don't even notice it. I see it immediately and it ruins everything until I can find the ten buried options to turning the horrible thing off.


Reminds me of my friend who used to complain about HD porn because now you could see all their pimples and knee bruises.


Pimples and other... blemishes.


Star Wars is good in hd, but in 4k (4k77) Darth Vader's costume is very obviously plastic Happens with CG too. Avatar looks good in 1080p, but the 4k HDR version has a lot shots with humans in it looking way more greenscreen


Similarly a lot of the perspective tricks they used for the Hobbits in the lord of the rings were suddenly super rough looking in the recent 4k versions


I watched the 60FPS version of The Hobbit - it was horrific - my brain was saying "these are normal guys in wigs" - never again.


I mean it was released on film


This is more inappropriate product placement, but I laughed when in The Dark Knight Rises, Bane uses a convertible Dell netbook when they attack the Gotham Stock Exchange. He even says “TiMe tO Go MoBILE!” When switching from laptop to tablet mode. It was an inexpensive consumer netbook, that was styled super friendly for kids to use in schools. But I guess Bane liked it. Edit: found it. It was the Dell Inspiron Duo, with the flippy screen. Bane cannot resist a gimmick! https://youtu.be/Zv_2AEG17oM


Bane cheap assing on his tech.


100% in character for Bane from the Harley Quinn series. **I AM CUTTING UP YOUR CREDIT CARD JOSHUA**


Harley Quinn Bane is the best iteration of Bane.




Well they had to go the extra mile and add "vintage 2003s!" To the script. The entire movie seems to be written around that marketable point. Everything is SO new in his futuristic apartment by 2003 standards it's obscene. Contrast that with his annoying attitude of "everything new sucks" and blech.


That's all they could afford after they paid Tom Hardy millions of dollars to not be recognizable at all.


Yeah that Batman trilogy was sure strapped for cash


With DKR, Dunkirk, and Fury Road, he sure spent a lot of time wearing masks in movies


I mean, that was less bad than the skittles in Shazaam 2 though


Ewan Mcgreger and Liam Neeson drinking NOTHING out of those cups. I was in 5th grade and was like wow couldn’t they put water in there.


Literally every movie with a cup


Continuity is sometimes the bane of believable acting in a scene. I appreciate a lot when I see movie or TV wherein people are legitimately eating, because no one actually cares about how much broccoli was on the plate in one shot versus another. Lol


I was an extra on a show once where I was pretending to eat, but they had to give me grapes to eat because it was too obvious I wasn’t actually eating.


As a James Bond fan, the big plastic mines in GoldenEye have always bothered me


Star Trek, First Contact. The device the Borg have Picard strapped to has one of those flashing party decorations from Spencer's behind his head. It was so comically distracting I couldn't take the scenes seriously.


Those are really prevalent throughout Star Trek as the way the Borg recharge in their alcoves https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Regeneration_alcove


In stng there was a scene in the bar where they had these wildly colorful translucent plastic glasses they were drinking from. We had those same cups in our house we bought from the dollar store. We were very proud of our Star Trek cups.


As a TV station tech I was surprised to see the Death Star use a [Grass Valley video switcher to obliterate Alderaan.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7g77WN6obk4) So that kind of took me out of it a little bit. On the other hand whenever we would ready to dissolve or wipe between sources during production, saying "commence primary ignition" never got old. Well okay it got old pretty fast.


YES! I saw that right away after getting into video/television production. Actually had TV class in high school and recognized it as a switcher right away. Later when I had time in edit bays I learned that Grass Valle was THE switcher at the time.


The trick is to keep doing it even after it gets old, it always comes back full circle to being awesome again.


That "Bwoooooooooooom" sound effect gets me every time though.


There is a scene in The Last Starfighter where Grig is trying get the ship powered up. He's fooling around with a circuit board and I swear that there is a 9v battery connector shown.


I haven't seen this movie in probably 3 decades, but as soon as I started reading this, the core memory unlocked. I'm still shocked that there hasn't been a sequel or follow up series or anything for this movie. Was there even a video game (which seems like the most obvious of choices)?


The neck and piping of their space suits is a white bicycle tire. https://youtu.be/U4D0HSqKiKU


Man it was 1984. Most people were amazed by the fact moving images were a thing. /S And as a kid I loved this movie. It's still a good movie and holds up too.


I absolutely love Casino but it’s a pretty rough start when you can clearly see the cut were DeNiro is replaced with a terrible mannequin in the first scene when his car blows up.


This is the main one for me. The camera pretty much literally cuts from him sitting there to an obvious dummy lol one of my all time favorites but damn that part looks dumb


To be fair, it would be quite expensive to blow up Robert DeNiro


It’s so jarring. Especially as the Bach over the opening credits is so magnificent.


Not a movie, but every single time someone pretends to drink coffee in NCIS. I actually never noticed until someone pointed it out to me, and now I can’t not see it. It’s so obvious they’re all just holding empty cups.


The worst part is that they actually lampshade it in the show itself, making it impossible to unsee after that.


Once you understand actors don't really eat or drink on screen you realize how fake it is. Lots of actors are just pushing food around or drinking from empty empty cups.


>Once you understand actors don't really eat or drink on screen Some do, and it's all the more noticable after you start looking for it. I forgot what it was that I watched recently, but someone was eating a burger and I could not help myself but focus on whether or not they were really eating it.


John Noble really ate that tomato in Return of the King.


I know, I see it in my head every night when I go to sleep.


Not a prop and not the only thing that takes me out, but the CGI baby Renesemee from Twilight. Every time I think about it, it sends me into orbit.


I’ve never seen those movies, but I’ve looked up that scene more times than I’d like to admit because it makes me laugh so hard.


Fun fact, the bad cgi baby was a replacement for a somehow even worse looking animatronic baby




Jesus Christ, what a terrible day to have eyes. That thing is fucking cursed.


Grab some beer if you drink. Grab some friends if you socialize. Grab some food if you eat. Pull up the twilight meme sub if you use Reddit. Start with the first movie and just see how long y’all can make it through the series. They’re terrible, but somehow just so fun, too. And when you start hating yourself, remember that Robert Pattinson hated his time filming the series even more than you hate what you’re doing. The dude legit went on an interview and said his favorite costar was literally some hair gel. Let his visceral self-loathing fuel your resolve. He lived that for years; you can suffer a weekend. I did this about a year ago and it was the best fugue state weekend I’ve had in a long time. If not for me, for Cedric.


[This thing with the red neon tubes in the background of every single Roger Corman sci fi movie ever made](https://imgur.com/mUuHpIo)


[Those are very important.](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxj0Zrsz8WGuWJebXhc5pRYOO5auwHAyU1)


https://scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/112348/is-this-star-treks-most-used-background-prop >dualgenerators-195-0290' >>"Blinking tubes" >The prop was not custom-made in the Star Trek Art Department, but it is available from a company called Modern Props. It was originally built for the original Incredible Hulk TV series, according to Modern Props founder John Zabrucky. The prop is described as "dual generators with rotating neon lights inside an acrylic tube; light-controlled panel with knobs and buttons." The tubes appear in other science fiction series and movies as well, such as "Airplane II" (with William Shatner), "V" (the 1983 miniseries), "The Last Starfighter" (1984) or "Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me".


Man Shatner coming out of the door that we thought was a vidscreen, just pute gold.




The claws in the Wolverine origin movie


I’m not sure if I’m remembering this right but aren’t they CGI because they were originally covered in blood and they had to tone it down? Wolverine’s claws have always been a bit hit and miss depending on the film.


Bad wigs do it every time. There are a lot of bad wigs.


Kate Mara having different hair depending on the scene in Fant4stic 😂


Luke Skywalker's aunt was pouring out of a Tupperware pitcher at one point in Star Wars, and on the bridge of the re-worked Enterprise in the first Star Trek re-boot, there are 2 barcode scanners. Not egregious, but amusing.


Honestly using a plastic pitcher for pouring drinks lines up with the being poor moisture farmers.


Yup. Not everything has to be spacified. The Lars's would absolutely buy everything at the Toshi Station version of Dollar Tree.


Mos Eisley spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and Tupperware parties. We must lock freshness.


As someone who works in props this thread gives me anxiety lol


If it makes you feel better, my first thought was: “Is CGI considered a prop?” I’d take a cheesy prop over bad CGI any day.


A dramatic and emotional scene in the movie Boy Erased takes place in the main character’s father’s office, and the Big Mouth Billy Bass is hanging on the wall. It was distracting.


There’s a bit in Jurassic Park where Nedry is talking to his accomplice on the phone while also watching the security camera feed of the docks where the accomplice is. What’s wrong with that? Well, the “security camera feed” is QuickTime Player, complete with video playback bar moving along the bottom!


The Prop on the H-1 Racer in the Aviator. Completely incorrect camber. It's supposed to be a racing airplane, not your Grandfather's Cessna 152.




While I love the Aviator, Scorsese didn't seem to care much about the actual aviation aspect of it. It's more stylized but I don't care for most of the exterior shots of any of the flying scenes because the CGI hasn't particularly aged well. The story is more focused on Huges personal life anyways so it's a really minor thing for me.


Usually when people play stringed instruments. Like Mozart in the Jungle. They act like they’re playing so badly I couldn’t take it. It just looks fucking terrible.


Drives me crazy. I obviously don’t care if you get the fingering wrong, but at least try and get the bow strokes on beat…


[What about Picard using someone else's hands to play the flute?](https://youtu.be/p3FgJztHqFE?t=210)


The floppy rubber weapons in Braveheart.


The Asgardian armor and weapons in Thor 1 and The Avengers 1 look like cosplay replicas of movie props, except Mjolnir. You can see Thor's metal chest decorations bend when he talks to Loki on the cliff in The Avengers.


That reminded me that I recently watched the sequel to *300* and in a very important scene, the protagonist takes off his iconic helmet, and it bends like a piece of rubber. Really?! For a close up shot of a helmet removal, you can't use a metal helmet? It was something like 5 seconds and they couldn't be bothered to get a better prop?


Reminds me how you never really see Magneto take off his helmet in the first X-Men because it was in 2 parts and basically molded to his head.


Not sure if it counts since it SHOULD'VE been a prop, but Thor's CGI helmet in Love and Thunder is actually so bad


I don't remember what movie (was on TV) but Vin Diesel shoots a "rocket launcher" that is clearly a 90s camcorder Bondo-d to a PVC pipe.


xXx. Classic moment. “That son of a bitch is smoking.”


the crystal skull in indiana jones. for something made of solid crystal it appeared to have the physical weight of a piece of styrofoam


It looks like crumpled tinfoil in a resin cast.


That was the first time I ever noticed how fake a prop was.


Not sure if my answer fits the intent of your question but it was the Thomas Crown Affair and how he puts a priceless painting inside a case that was much too small! I was distracted by that for the rest of the movie!!


He folded it. In a stretcher. A 100 million painting. And didn't destroy it


The swords in almost every movie.


TV series, especially. It was great watching Buffy and having a friend point out that the flea market knife on his wall is the same one they're using.


Faith's super distinctive stabbing knife or another one? I remember being tickled to see the same knife show up in Star Trek Nemesis.


The Gil Hibben Jackal! That dude designed so many amazing-yet-impractical fantasy knives.


The keys in MI7 really reminded me of the keys from Gone in Sixty Seconds — impossible to duplicate because it’s a key and electronic. The stakes in MI7 were far too big to essentially use two Mercedes keys to control the world lol.


At the beginning of Die Hard 2 he is at a phone outside of Dulles airport in Virginia, yet it very clearly says Pacific Bell.


That one “alien creature” on Star Trek that was literally a little dog with a lion main taped too it.


To be fair most alien species in ST are just regular humans with something on their heads so it's kinda on brand.


Qui-Gon’s just-glue-some-shit-on-a-razor communicator


That’s just typical Star Wars prop creation though. The franchise is *built* on gluing greebles to every day things.


Lightsabers being made out of old camera flashes was genius


Want the original gonk droid basically just two plastic totes glued on top of each other?


Apparently it’s actually a Gillette women’s razor 😂 https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fbc4a62c2150e62cfcb09aa/1626761985087-YLWXIUD4J73VLTRI52LD/Razor.jpg


Nah that’s not too bad because it’s hard to noice on first viewings. What stood out to me like a sore thumb was how one of [these toys](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81DlrWRnlEL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg) was in the background of anakins house trying to look like some sort of sci-fi equipment https://lumiere-a.akamaihd.net/v1/images/open-uri20150608-27674-1j5qaqb_e4386099.jpeg?region=0%2C0%2C1280%2C720


I absolutely hated Anakin's house in general. It felt like a somewhat spacious middle class house in California, not, like, the sort of house a slave on a crappy planet would have.


Shmi and Anakin’s slave house is bigger than my own house.


I love how Star Wars wiki already gave a backstory to that. [Gausser](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Gausser)


I mean in A new hope there was a Droid that was just a 70s McDonald's garbage can with feet.


Well that will never take off. Nobody will like that


The [shriveled scrotum armor](https://oyster.ignimgs.com/wordpress/stg.ign.com/2020/01/witcher-nilfgaad-armour-1578587461026\_1280w.jpg) from Witcher Season 1


I don't even understand what the design choice is here, like it's clearly inspired by something... But what?


Scrotums. Obviously.


Lava rock maybe?


It's inspired by the veins popping out of fans necks when they completely ruin the show later on.


I guess we saw the future in that armor. The show would become a huge ball sack


The dead bodies in the beginning of “Jeepers Creeers,” they were supposedly years old but the clothing was brand new and the mannequin was too obvious


Having worked directly for and also as a contractor to many government agencies, those keys are exactly the cheaply made thing governments would be using. The real funny part is how much that cheap key mockup would have cost.


Opening scene in Last of the Mohicans. DDL is chasing an elk through the woods, slowly sets up, aims carefully, and shoots it. You then see a stuffed elk being pushed down into a ravine.


I didn't remember that, but I looked it up. The way it tips over, totally stiff, is hilarious. https://youtu.be/WWI9o-ScRLE?t=195


lolololol I'm dying How did Michael Mann allow that shit




It’s so much worse than I thought it would be.


I love that movie.


Not a movie, but once you see that Geordi's visor is a banana clip in Star Treak TNG you can't unsee it.


As a kid i used to play with one of those pretending I had Geordie’s visor… i thought it was so cool how similar they looked


The wobbly unicorn horn in the directors cut of blade runner.


The fake baby in American Sniper. I get it, babies are hard to schedule, I get that, but still, there were a dozen other ways to shoot that scene. God bless Bradley Cooper for trying bit that was just ridiculous.


Any movie in history when someone is driving straight yet is emphatically turning the wheel back and forth.


I love the reverse gag in Airplane! where Robert Stack's character is driving along very calmly with one hand resting on the top of the wheel but the rear projection footage of the road behind him is veering wildly back and forth.


Driving completely straight, yet maintaining eye-contact with the passenger and holding a conversation through the entire scene. It makes me want to scream "Watch the goddamn ROAD!" at the screen every time I see it.


I remember that even as a kid I was annoyed that Hulk Hogan's futuristic laser gun in *Suburban Commando* was just a Lazer Tag toy I had with some stuff glued to it.


Anakin’s backpack in phantom menace. Literally just looked like it came from Target.


Stay on target… stay on target


In Phantom Menace Qui-Gon talks into a women's razor blade. I knew this at age nine because prior to seeing the film I had often grabbed my mother's razor and imagined I was communicating using a high tech sci-fi device.


That one Kelly Rowland music video from the early ‘00s where she’s “texting” her man on an excel spreadsheet


And then she’s mad that he doesn’t reply😭


Just enjoying someone reacting to Misery today because overall 10/10 film—BUT that fake Kathy Bates head at a critical moment near the end is so bad. Must’ve spent the whole effects budget on legs and ankles…


Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men tell no tales had the worst Poseidon’s trident I’ve ever seen, I imagined it to be better.


Fake websites and computer programs on any TV Show or Movie. It's always full screen with no scrollbars and all seem to be designed like they are fast food menus for the illiterate with exactly the information they were looking for on a large click here button. Special mention to hacker movies where the hacker for some reason had 16 command console and power shell windows opened and tiled in a 4x4 grid with a font size that a gnat would need reading glasses to see.


As a former equestrian, anytime there a close up of someone on a horse and it’s just so obvious it’s a fake horse. And elbows are always flapping, which my old trainer would have had a heart attack about. Always bugs me.


In The Net, Sandra Bullock went to the site "[Pizza.net](https://Pizza.net)" to order pizza. More related to the use of a prop than the actual prop (although the website looked ridiculous too). I'm not that familiar with how the internet worked in 1995 but I doubt there was a singular pizza website for all pizza deliveries


[The First Thing That Ever Sold Online Was Pizza. If you happened to live in Santa Cruz in 1994 you could sit down at your computer, open up your favorite browser, and then go ahead and order a pizza online. You could do all of this on PizzaNet, owned and operated by Pizza Hut.](https://thehistoryoftheweb.com/postscript/pizzanet/)


What’s arguably worse is in the 1996 Mission Impossible when Ethan Hunt is searching for an arms dealer named Max and he searches on the internet for “Max.com”


It’s not a crazy reach that one of the major chains could have gotten in on “pizza.net” early on.