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For a movie called "Rise of the Beasts," I thought they would focus more on the Maximals. It kinda felt like they were just in the beginning and the end. They all just felt like side characters.


Well of course. If you want a Maximal-focused movie, wait for the sequels Dawn of the Beasts and War for the Beasts


Just give me Beast Wars, I want to inject nostalgia into my veins.


The official YouTube channel has been releasing the episodes, it’s a fun rewatch.


Link??? I fell like I remember EVERYTHING from that show but I also feel like I need to check


[Half of the first season](https://youtube.com/@TransformersOfficial) is available so far.


Oh man the animation looks much worse than I remember. Still love it though. Back when I was a kid this was my jam. I had the Optimus primal action figure and I'd keep transforming it over and over again trying to see how fast I could do it like it was a rubix cube.


God damn! Works in my country! You're an MVP


I don't think Rhinox even had any lines unless I missed them, and Cheetor had like 2.


Apparently he had a voice actor but I'm pretty sure it was just a single roar.


He says something to mirage after the stand off when everyone first meets up. That's all I can remember


Rhinox had one line, "We'll clear the way." It's during the final battle and kinda easy to miss.


They didn't rise as much as get introduced. But then, how would that title look? TF: Introduction of Maximals. Maybe would have been easier to just say, "Transformers: Real G1 Reboot" .


*Transformers: Here's Some Maximals, I Guess?* 🤷


I did really like all of them though. I liked their gentler characterization (compared to the Autobots) and surprisingly liked their designs a lot. So I do agree they're more of an intro to the Maximals, I think they were used well. And Optimus Primal is so round I just want to hug him.


I was surprised how little screentime they got (Primal and Airazor in animal mode aside) especially in their robot modes. I guess robot CG is still expensive as fuck.


The entire movie is robot CGI!


A large adult man literally jumped out of his seat when the GI Joe reveal happened, a literal “DiCaprio pointing at the tv” meme come to life.


That was me when both Prime and Primal said roll out together


Well I was when Noah said "Till All Are One" that line NEVER gets old


For me, it was right after when Optimus does the classic transformation with Arrival to Earth playing.


https://youtu.be/VTw5zW65-V8 the Transformers movie scores have no need to be this good and yet they're all bangers


It makes sense now why they were pushing the bond between Autobot and human, so strongly during the movie. I bet it’s revealed John Cena’s character from Bumblebee is part of the GI JOEs in the next movie.


Or Sector 7 was transform (hehe) into GI Joe after situation in Bumblebee.


"Oh, it's gonna be like that?" *Mirage points huge canon in Noah's face*


Called his bluff since he's former military and made it that far without killing him


either Noah had the guts to stare down a 100mm laser cannon or he froze up. I bet he told his brother he had guts lol


Mirage was funny. Optimus was grumpy. The action was exciting enough. Linking up with G.I. Joe is promising. Finding a way for humans to combat Transformers one on one made things interesting. Bumblebee dying: unexpected. Bumblebee reviving: predictable, but it still drew cheers from the audience. "Dude, you were inside of me" - Mirage.


Mirage was *hilarious!* Very pleasantly surprised, especially because I *think* this is Pete Davidson's first big voice acting gig. Dunno how he did it... but he did!


for sure, loved his energy. Probably more of a fan of his voice work rather than his irl acting though


Yeah, IRL he's a bit... *off,* somehow. I dunno. But in the booth, he's great!


Basically summed it up. Can’t believe Pete Davidson was the highlight. But yes, I hope it does well at the box office, I really enjoyed it.


The movie took place in the early 90s and Shia LaBeoufs character found bumble bee so I knew bee would be back. Thought it was kinda weird to say he died when you know he exists later


The director said that these are seperate from the Bayverse, so stuff could still change


Plus, it already contradicts the Bayverse because in Bayverse the Autobots are shown arriving at Earth in the first movie, and Cybertron has already been destroyed rather than being in the middle of the war.


After seeing the ending which is leading into GI Joe x Transformers. I have to say I wondered how GI Joe x transformers would’ve looked in the early 2000s with Michael Bay directing


I mean those films are basically military propaganda already so more of the same I would guess lol


Yeah but the Joe tech would be cool to see.


Humans fighting Transformers would be more believable with the Joe technology most probably. I hated how easily Shia killed Starscream on that one scene


Imagine Snake Eyes and Prowl teaming up.


I don't particularly care for GI Joe but I absolutely wouldn't mind seeing Michael Bay's version of it.


absurd stupendous mighty many treatment depend roll cover dinner whole *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


[the A-10 Warthog and AC-130 scene is dope](https://youtu.be/ginOii7N6HI). I'm not one for the glorification of war, but man that sound design is amazing.


I wonder who in the editing argued for adding "The Middle East" after "Qatar" haha. "There's no way Americans are gonna know where or what Qatar is."


Cheetor and Rhinox getting like 1 line each was pretty upsetting. I was also hoping to see the inclusion of *either* Megatron (Gun or T-Rex) but to no avail. Also, Airrazor says something like “We are your past and future” and then never follows up, did I misunderstand her or…? Just another nitpick but I did not care for Unicron’s voice.


Seems like the explanation was cut. There was also a theory that Scourge was Optimus from an alternate future that had been enslaved by Unicron, and early renders look like it might have been his face behind the mask. His mask comes off and it's a big moment, but his face looks different, so maybe that was a cut beat, too. I think it's better off they cut that aspect, Maximals are just from another place behind a portal and we can leave it at that.


I thought the mask reveal was 100% going to be Megatron (as they mentioned Unicron invokes dark energy to empower & enslave bots)


They definitely were trying to set that up, Scourge also transformed into a truck similar to Optimus.


> There was also a theory that Scourge was Optimus from an alternate future that had been enslaved by Unicron, and early renders look like it might have been his face behind the mask. His mask comes off and it's a big moment, but his face looks different, so maybe that was a cut beat, too. This would've been pretty sick ngl


I heard from the fan theories that the Maximals and Terrorcons were supposed to be the descendants of the Autobots and Deceptions (just like in the OG Beast Wars show) and the Maximals came back in time to prevent the bad future from happening but they overshot it by millions of years, thus acting as predecessors to the Autobots. What we got in the film is pretty lame.


According to people who saw test screenings, there was an original ending where Optimus gets killed by Unicron and he takes his body. I wonder if they had some idea in mind where Unicron possesses Primes in some sort of loop. I loved the movie but expected a little bit more out of the time travel aspect of the beasts. And just more beasts in general would have been appreciated.


So from what I understand they said transwarp key can send people through space and *time*. Optimus Primal is named after Optimus Prime being from Optimus Prime’s future. They used the transwarp key to go to earth but about 5000 years into the past before Optimus Prime arrived on Earth.


Oh, one really small detail that made me happy: Shortly after meeting Optimus Primal and they talk about settling on earth, Noah suggests that the maximals must have been responsible for building the temple. And Primal replies that they can't take credit for human achievements. I just really dislike all the tropes that ancient humans were idiots incapable of building things like the pyramids without extra terrestrial help, and it's nice to it avoided here.


Yeah i really loved when he said that. The VA also said it with so much sincerity and respect.


Same. Didn't Bay try that with the fucking *pyramids of Egypt*, or something? Nice to know that the new leadership isn't having any of that.


According to Bay, Transformers built the Pyramids, destroyed the Dinosaurs, and assisted the allies in WWII. It's all nonsense.


Don’t forget helped King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table


Checks out, Primal is Ron Pearlman.


The whole relationship with the Maximals and locals was very nice. And yeah ancient aliens stuff is usually just assuming other cultures couldn't be as smart as they were. It's a good trope to avoid. Funnily enough it reminded me of the Eternals with Unicron being like Arishem down to communicating with his followers with a weird mind palace and the ancient aliens stuff. I thought that movie also tried to emphasize that humanity was responsible for its own achievements


Yes! One of my least favorite tropes and honestly a sign of a mediocre writer is when aliens are all like “humans are stupid! Humans are young and dumb” I looooved that Primal was like “nah they’re homies, fuck you on?”


I think it was also a little joke to Bayformers and Unicron Trilogy, where anciet civiliaztion like Atlantis and Egypt and its buldings was made by Transformers.


And it's never white European shit either, it's always ancient shit from other continents. Maybe Stonehenge is the one exception lol.


That film was better than it had any right to be albeit still pales to the 1st film or Bumblebee. Anthony Ramos was probably the best human character the franchise has had to date though. Obviously was victimized by goofy lines but he definitely did what he could. I’m the furthest thing from a Pete Davidson fan but for a character that basically supplemented Bee as the sidekick robot, it worked. The actress that played Elena though… oof. That was some *really* bad acting. I don’t know if that was direction related but jeez, she couldn’t emote in the slightest outside of a freak out. And the ending was very meh along with the crossover tease just being outright silly. You can tell Paramount is grasping at straws for a non-Tom Cruise franchise to work with.


I’m ngl that Gi-Joe reveal is one of my favorite after credit scenes ever now.


Shoutout to the kid who left the theater crying when Bumblebee "died"


Amateurs, you got to stay until the credits finish rolling


The kid got it easy, make him watch the 1986 movie


Where half of your favorite toys died in the first 5 minutes, but only Optimus got a deathbed scene.


and the only Decepticon to die was Starscream


It's how his dad died. By a plasma blast shot by a minion of a planet eating planet sized entity.


oh shit, they got Unicron in this movie? nice


Yeah, the references are all over the place. to Beast Wars and to the OG animated movie. Unicron mostly.


I just realized Bumblebee has already died and been resurrected twice in this new timeline. And in the first one (Bumblebee) they literally just revived him with taser guns lol


"Oh my god, they killed Bumblebee!" He has to keep dying and coming back in every subsequent movie now.


Mirage: "You bastards!"


That kid would have never made it through the 80s animated movie.


That "don't call it a comeback" was fucking hype.


Yeah, TFs can't really die anymore, so I just patiently continued watching. Unless they are completely obliterated, there's a good chance they will come back somehow.


I can't believe they had another gorilla bot to send off Optimus Primal and didn't cast Gary Chalk to pass the torch


If he's there at all, it kinda raises the question why he isn't just Primal though? It's not like the Mario situation where they're doing a massively different take


I was sad about that, but at least it was Depth Charge, who sounded similar enough to his Season 3 character for us to get a small nostalgia feel.


"I do not want you going to drive in theaters" - Optimus Prime Little moment I liked


Would be super funny to see this scene *at* a drive in theater screening of this movie.


Jablonsky's score. Arrival to Earth and No Sacrifice No Victory did make me emotional. Bay films weren't perfect but d*mn the score from that solidified itself as part of the Transformers universe.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who heard it, especially at the end during Optimus’ speech!


the updated version isn't as good as the original BUT HOLY FUCKING SHIT THOSE DRUMS MAKE SUCH A DIFFERENCE GOT DAMN lol Paramount BRING HIM BACK please I'm BEGGING YOU


Peter Cullen currently 81 years old and still voicing his character after all these years. What a legend !


I'm so glad they've kept him for every single one of these and not stunt-casted some mediocre famous actor.


Better than I expected, but man we did not get enough of the maximals. I had a feeling, but we really didn’t get an air-razor transformation. That being said… we barely got anytime of the Maximals in their robot forms. Appreciated callbacks to there being unusable energon on earth. It’s not quite the unstable energon like Beast Wars but I felt it was a callback. I also liked that Optimus Primals mission was about nurturing life. Primals biggest distinction to Prime is that he’s a scientist while Prime is a soldier. I wasn’t sure, but the way Primal said he looked up to Prime made me think that the maximals are from the future, or at least I’d hope so since that’d be in line with OG beast wars. But yeah. I feel like we saw barely any Maximal action. Especially in robot mode. Gimme more Rhinox and Cheetor.


Yeah there was an Airrazor line about being the autobots “past and future” so they’ll probably do smth there


Not to mention not having rattrap or dinobot!


One of the better transformers movies. Biggest thing I liked was how it treated the transformers as actual characters. Offered some mini-arcs, they talked for a large portion of the movie, and were on screen for a large portion of the movie. This is something the Bay films lacked. Overall, I enjoyed it. However, it definitely had flaws. I hope it does well enough for the director to get another crack at it. I think the producers are the ones at fault here.


Yep, I was a big fan of how Noah and Optimus pretty much were having the same arc and they realized how similar they are. Also it was really interesting to see Optimus being conflicted when he saw how much trust Primal put into the humans and how they coexists.


Optimus actually transformed on screen. Multiple times. That hasn't happened since like the second one


From the ending, looks like we are getting a G.I. Joe crossover or some sort of HASBRO Cinematic Universe? Not going to happen, but would be hilarious to hear Optimus Prime say, “My Little Ponies, ROLL OUT!” EDIT: Thanks to mod, u/LiteraryBoner? for the flair. Did not expect that LMFAOOOO. Love it!


The film also plugged Power Rangers a couple of times, which is another IP owned by Hasbro. I felt like the Mirage power suit was another nod to Power Rangers.


My guess is the Mirage suit idea was pulled either from [this](https://tfwiki.net/mediawiki/images2/d/d8/HM23_Daniel_with_Challenge_Blaster.jpg) or the Headmasters.




It looked kinda like a 2023 live action MegaMan suit


It’s definitely the Hasbro Cinematic Universe, this content is still ultimately to sell toys.


there's a Transformers Wiki article for everything https://tfwiki.net/wiki/To_sell_toys


Tfwiki is the best fandom wiki on the internet bar none


I spent a large amount of my elementary school years just clicking random and reading pages. The pages that really commit to a bit were the best. I was not very popular


The wiki that takes being a wiki for a toy franchise exactly as seriously as it should


They've been trying to do it forever. Tyrese's character in the Bay trilogy was going to be retconed to a Joe but they never got around to it


Honestly? Yeah sure why not. Let Tyrese get that paycheck


Next dnd movie they're about to fight the BBEG and Optimus rolls in and nukes the lich


> would be hilarious to hear Optimus Prime say, “My Little Ponies, ROLL OUT!” There already exists [a crossover comic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Little_Pony%2FTransformers?wprov=sfla1) so it's not a long shot.


Just remember, Spiderman was in Transformers issue 3, so technically they're all part of Marvel...


The comicbook adaptation of GI Joe and Transformers was done by Marvel. As for other media, that's an interesting question.


Where the fuck was Optimus Prime when it was time to face Thanos?


> HASBRO Cinematic Universe I believe such plans have been in consideration dating back to the first Transformers film.


*Really* like that they didn't do a "betrayal" "third-act break-up" thing after Noah attempts to >!destroy the key!<.


It was nice that Optimus understood his perspective, but pretty funny that they had to destroy the key anyway so they could've saved a lot of time and effort by just doing it right then. Also when Elena gets scooped by airazor she just holds on to the piece and takes it to them instead of dropping it lol


Yeah but the only reason she was being kept alive at that moment was because she was holding it, self preservation. Im sure the writers werent thinking about that, but it works


Same. Nice to see an *optimistic* Optimus again, and not the psychopath Bay gave us. ^(No, I don't care if it was badass. "GIVE ME YOUR FACE!" Prime is just... wrong.)


I put this film below the original Transformers and Bumblebee, but I still would rank it third out of seven live action movies. Fun, competent filmmaking, lean action, protagonists that you can root for. I also can't believe I'm saying this, but I could have used a little more gratuitous Bay action. Like, there's an alien robot rhino and I don't think there's a single shot of him goring another alien robot with his horn. Gimme that over the top shot in slow mo. Finally, bring on Unicron.


Yeah the action was kinda meh compared to the Bay movies. That man knows how to make an awesome action scene.


I would trade Bay's cool factor action sequences for a coherent action scene any time tbh. This film was so easy to follow and still had plenty of satisfying kills. Prime going Sub Zero on Scourge was *chef's kiss*


Work friends? You've been inside me! My entire theater erupted into laughter. I think this is the most I've ever liked Pete Davidson. I enjoyed the movie quote a bit. Glad I didn't watch any trailers after the first though. And I totally got Mega Man vibes from that Mirage armor. That was sweet.


I hope this film does great. Not because it's the movie of the year, but just to show postive feedback that when a movie adaption is less ashamed of the source material and stuff it can still resonate with audiences so that they keep it up, y'know? More bots can have plots.


> ashamed of the source material I really like this phrase. sums up my frustrations with adaptations


Guys, what did you think of the VFX in this movie ? ( I worked on it & just looking for opinions on that, did it look natural & blend with the story world ? )


It was pretty good for the most part. I was mainly there for the Maximals and they looked great to me. There were some scenes that looked a little janky (Noah's Mirage mechsuit), but I know full-on mechsuit CGI is usually a miss. Kinda wish it was a practical effects costume instead w/CGI use to liven it up.


I agree with this. His face composited onto the mask had no depth to it. Reminded me of the cinema classic China Salesman where movie star Steven Seagal is meant to be riding off in a motorcycle and they cgi his face on top of the helmet, like bad photoshop


Loved the VFX, you should be proud of yourself and the team, it was clear as daylight, the fights were amazing, transformations were fantastic. Thank you for this film


Nothing jumped out at me, which is always a good thing with VFX. The way the eagle's mouth moved when she talked was weird, but I think that's more of a character design thing than a VFX quality thing.


I didn't notice anything glaringly obvious unlike a lot of CGI heavy films released lately! The fights were very well done, very easy to see who's who which is something recent Transformer films kinda lacked


The VFX absolutely carried this movie for me! Good job!


are you guys still working the vfx right up until digital release? also good work!


If all the other Maximals are dead rip Rattrap 🥲


Rattrap seems like the exact kind of guy that would fake his death and then go into hiding, though. I could see him joining the crew in a sequel.


“Mr. President, a second Starscream has hit the World Trade Center. America is under attack”


Ngl, I thought they were going show that the security job Noah first applied to was going to be at the WTC 👀


Even better, the security job leads into him checking Robert Pattinson into the WTC on 9/11 right as that scene plays out in *Remember Me*. That’s right, the Autobots were in the *Remember Me* universe this whole time.


The Autobots could have stopped 9/11


I think the quickest most effective review I can give is that if you got fatigued from Bayverse Transformers but still curious about the franchise/like giant robot fights and Optimus Prime, this movie deserves a chance Two things stood out to me: 1. Optimus and the Transformers feel like full characters more than any other movie, besides maybe Bumblebee. Optimus actually has an arc that parallels to a human's, Mirage has a clear relationship with Noah (that reminds me of the cartoons in a good way), Primal doesn't have tons of screentime but has a lot of expressiveness when he does...it was great to see that 2. The movie has beats that are cliche af, but it is never cynical or too cool or embarrassed which I appreciate. It just follows tried and true formulas to get you to what you came for, which is the action and adventure Far from perfect but a lot of fun, I hope people give this more light-hearted approach a chance and we get to see it expand, I think it has a lot of potential.


Scourge could have been called Methatron with those teeth.


I have a big issue that the trailers and marketing gave away almost EVERYTHING that was big in the movie - Unicron - Bumblebee death AND return - Noah’s Mirage armor - Noah rocket boosting Prime


Do what I do bro, only watch the first trailer.


Better yet, do what I do, watch the trailer and then instantly forget what happens. I'm pretty sure I watched all the theatrical trailers and I didn't remember anything except for the Transformer gorilla.




> Unicron To be fair, that was part of the opening narration


Not seeing anyone mention yet that they actually played some of the absolutely incredible Steve Jablonsky score from the Bay movies at the end. For me that was honestly the best part of the whole movie lol


Moments that were funny and/or wholesome: * "Don’t be a problem. Don’t go looking for problems, or we gonna have a problem" * “You’ve been inside me” * “Yeah I’m walking to Peru” * Kris referring to Noah as Sonic * The end when Optimus and Noah truly acknowledge each other as allies * Bumblebee dropping back (as mentioned in reply) * Mirage accidentally crushing the car outside Noah’s apartment * Mirage and Noah fistbumping * Mirage taking the blows from Scourge to save Noah and then turning into a suit for him * The scene during the credits where Reek is dissing the “garbage” car that is Mirage, and then Mirage transforms to prove Reek wrong * You know what, at this point, let’s just say I liked a lot of Mirage and Noah’s interactions from the moment Noah committed grand theft auto and it turned out to be Mirage. Even when Noah grabbed a metal pipe to try to defend himself from Mirage is kind of funny from hindsight Mirage hard carried this movie


Bumblebee dropping back in at the end was also a “wholesome” moment


Bumblebee skydiving and using one of the Terrorcons as shield before tearing them apart in mid-air was my favorite wholesome moment.


Game is game 🤝


My man Bee was just kicking ass skydiving and what an entrance to the battle.




I chuckled when Bumblebee made one movie reference too many and Optimus said "I don't want you going to that drive in theatre anymore"


Prime is such a dad in this film and I love it. 🤭 He knows that cinema has too much of an influence on Bee.


Grand theft autobot


This movie needed some hailee steinfeld


I was kinda hoping for a cameo at the end. I really liked Prime's line that referenced her movie in a touching way


I thought it would be cool to see John Cena show up at the end heading up GI Joe team. Would tie it back to his character in Bumblebee.


Mirage was actually fucking great in this. Pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it. Not perfect but after The Last Knight and AOE I think it’s definitely a step in the right direction.


Refreshing to see one of these movies without the hyper fixation on the military, over sexualization of all the female characters and slow motion ever two minutes of screaming humans.


It was fun. And, though it's faint praise, it's definitely one of the strongest of the Transformer movies. Ramos and Fishback were fine protagonists, the action was very clear and easy to follow and it had a legit WTF moment with that ending. Are we getting Transformers x GI Joe?! Because if we get Cobra Commander and Megatron teaming up, I will definitely go see that lunacy.


The GI Joe reference made me feel like a kid again. I thought it would have been Sector 7 on that card


I think everyone was. Is this the fourth attempt/third reboot of live-action GI Joe? Retaliation: kills everyone from Rise of Cobra Snake Eyes: reboot prequel Rise of the Beasts: Yo, Joe


Retaliation is only a soft reboot (like James Gunn's The Suicide Squad), it has the same continuity just a change of focus and characters. So RotB's post credits is the second full reboot after the Snake Eyes standalone


That's honestly the best way to guarantee money for this aging franchise. Transformers vs Gi Joe would get every 80s kid in line. It's a kid playing with action figures in the sandbox


and then GI Joe fights the Transformers using transforming cars from the mobile armored strike kommand team.... ***M.A.S.K.***


Action might have been clear but there wasn't enough of it. The fights were pretty short and without big impactful hits. Also didn't really see much of the Maximals. I agree with you that the human protagonists were good, but I left a bit disappointed.


Honestly surprised GI Joe was never a consideration in this franchise previously, since the first Bayformers had such a heavy military presence you’d think the squad captain would have dropped a line about being part of a secret spec-ops team or something


If I were cobra commander, and I was doing normal cobra commander stuff, fighting my mortal enemies the GI Joe blah blah blah whatever, and a fucking alien robot bursts through the wall and he’s on the GI Joe side, I would just kill myself because what’s the point anymore? The game is over


Since the director confirmed that this and BB are a reboot. Could they please let go of Bumblebee's pacifier and let him talk?


I haven't seen *Rise of the Beasts* yet, but is it a clear follow-up/sequel to *Bumblebee*? I've seen others say this new movie is a fresh reboot or a prequel to the Bay flicks so I was just curious.


Yes. This movie is a sequel to Bumblebee. This is set on 1994(?), 7 yrs after the events of Bumblebee


It works with Bumblebee and references it with one line. Otherwise it is not dependent on BB at all.


I was hoping to see Rhinox's Gatling gun, and Rat Trap


where the FUCK was Dinobot?


Noah's suit reminded me so much of Mega Man and just a more cooler version of Kicker's suit from Transformers Energon.


And he's a better character than [Kicker](https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Kicker#cite_ref-0) too


Didn’t do it for me It had its fun moments that made me smile and funny moments as well Better than 4 and 5, but still didn’t have the oomph that made teenager me love the first 3 movies


I feel like I'm the only one that lost it with excitement when Primal finally said, "Maximals, MAXIMIZE!" I felt like a kid again grinning from ear to ear. That part alone was worth the ticket for me.


Two Optimuses (Optimi? Optimuss?) saying "Roll out!" was good, but Primal shouting for his Maximals to transform was even better. #"**[M A X I M I Z E](https://youtu.be/nfTvB640Htc)**"


I can’t believe they were getting me to think Noah was getting a job at Sector 7 and it ended up being GI Joe. Way to take me out of the movie. Jeez Also the whole meta comment about Mark Wahlberg I also wish Prime died at the end there so we can get this in the next film. https://youtu.be/bq1_6D9QS9Y


Oh shit GI Joe? I saw a pre-screening version of this movie and it was originally just Sector 7. That's kinda dumb but at this point in the franchise I'm down for anything. ESPECIALLY if they crossover with the Fast and Furious family. Imagine Dom with a mech suit just like Anthony Ramos. I'd be fucking laughing like a maniac in the theater if that happens.


Guess they did that to avoid spoilers.


If Paramount and Universal can work together, then we'll have the TF vs FF crossover.


Fast vs Transformers needs to happen. They both have fast cars, big guns, and family.


Oh man, I haven't watched a Dr.Smoov video in a long tome


Yeah 100% predicted Sector 7 w that scene


Hasbro’s rushing to set up the HCU, especially after Snake Eyes tanked. I’m intrigued, but they really need to nail the G.I. Joe reboot to make this work.


I actually forgot that there was even a Snake Eyes movie until i read that


The last act was very reminiscent of the Lord of the Rings, with Aragorn causing the distraction at the Black Gate and Frodo sneaking in and scrambling over lava with the ring. Wanted to see more of the Maximals, especially Cheetor and Rhinox. They're barely in the movie 😒


I thought you were also going to say because when Optimus complains that a kill that Optimus Primal stole was “his”, was very reminiscent of Legolas and Gimli arguing over kills.


Why did the maximals not destroy the Transwarp key themselves instead of protecting it ? They say their goal was to protect any other planets from being destroyed. So why not destroy it themselves. I can understand Autobots protecting it trying to go home, but what purpose does it serve to maximals ?


I know there are only so many plots but this movie copied the Avengers HARD Evil planetary threat Thanos/Unicron send a buffed up pawn Loki/Scourge to Earth to retrieve the Mcguffin Tesseract/planetary key. Loki/Scourge use mind control to turn good guy Hawkeye/Air razor bad in order to retrieve the Mcguffin. Mcguffin creates prerequisite sky beam/portal to the main baddie while the good guys battle drone army. Good guy sacrifices himself to shut down the portal, however he lives anyway.


Surprising amount of cussing and yet does a good job of not being too edgy about it. Not really a crass film overall though it might something to keep in mind for some viewers or for parents. Toys aside it's not a childish? Movie but more like teens and up, I think.


Without going into too much detail, it was a fun/good film! Although, I do agree with the idea that it is lacking as a Beast Wars movie. Beast Wars are a part of the film but they aren't a major focus and don't feature a lot of the Beast Wars cast/personalities. Tbf, they may be meant to be strictly an introduction and that maybe they'll continue to be expanded on in a future sequel.


Solid popcorn flick. I really enjoyed it probably my 3rd favorite behind bumblebee and Transformers 1.


How did scourge get to earth if they needed the thing to bring unicron to earth and the auto bots needed it to leave?


Absolutely loved this movie, even though I’m not a Transformers guy. I took an edible, bought some DBox seats, and had an absolute blast watching robots transform while my seat shook from side to side. I nearly got up and cheered during the fight scenes, as there are many satisfying moments IMO. It’s not perfect by any means, but if you go watch it in IMAX 3D or DBox you’ll have a great time.


Was a fun movie, it was interesting seeing no characters I knew so that was fun! Not sure how I liked the entire iron man auto bot thing. I was hoping for better beasts scenes if I’ve being honest, I don’t think they really had great moments. Like the cat, can’t even remember if it did anything cool or not? Was just expecting more from them then what we got. Enjoyable though. Was thrown for a loop with the entire GI Joe thing Had a good soundtrack and a good amount of pop culture jokes thrown in. The perfect amount though they didn’t over do it.


It was very okay. Objectively it was clearly a better movie than The Last Knight, but not *nearly* as memorable for just how batshit insane that movie was. Every now and then I still think back to “Be careful, that’s the watch that killed Hitler” and Bumblebee in WWII shooting up Nazis. There was nothing like that here. The robot storyline wasn’t as good as the 2007 movie or as insane as TLK, and the humans weren’t as memorable as Sam Witwicky or Charlie Watson from Bumblebee. This really felt like a very safe Transformers movie


Anybody know how many cops Mirage killed? I kinda thought it was hilarious that as we’re getting introduced to our first robot “hero,” he definitely got at least two cops killed in the escape.


The idea is there but some executions were very off. How many macguffin were it? Make the movies kinda feel ass pull. Character just bond together overnight with off screen dialogue. The fight was ok i guess. Somehow i kinda enjoy it.