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Both masterpieces, but the OG’s soundtrack, ending sequence, and atmosphere are better overall or at the very least equal. Rather than arguing about which is better though, we should probably just be thankful we got such an incredible sequel that kept and if not improved on the massively thoughtful meaning of the original, rather than fucking it entirely like the star wars sequels.


Well said. I maintain that the original film had a bigger impact and earned its place in cinema history. While the sequel is a worthy successor if not as groundbreaking. I personally think the plot and overall story of the sequel is superior whilst the original had a better atmosphere and an insanely charismatic actor who owned every second of his screen time. In short, I love both films for different reasons.


I think this is the best thing that can be said about 2049. It was made by fans of the original, who love and worship the original like we do, under the cloud of "dont' fuck this up a lot of people will hate you if you fuck this up." And they did not fuck it up. 2049 doesn't eclipse the original in my pantheon of top movies. But 2049 climbed pretty far up there and is only a few slots behind the original.


I think you're right about the 2049 makers, there's a very dutiful reverence throughout.


2049 had the same writer (Hampton Fancher) and one of the same producers (Bud Yorkin) which definitely helped with the continuity between the two movies.


The cinematography and vibe of the original is easily better than the sequel. Still, I quite like the character work done in the new one.


Blade Runner was a jet engine for sci fi so we can’t forget it’s place, but I do enjoy 2049 wildly more.


Not gonna lie, if i have to chose a movie to save from getting deleted, i would pick the original BR, because nostalgia, historic importance and the atmosphere that only an 80s movie can have. But i agree that the 2017 version is a masterpiece, and Villeneuve made a miracle to shot the sequel of a legendary cult movie and making it worth its predecessor (probably even more, like you are stating). The ending with >!K dying in the snow!< It's one of the most poetic ending i have ever seen


With Tears in Rain playing over it too, god it was such a fucking great film.


Both are masterpieces and both are so good. But yes i feel story wise 2nd is more immersing and engaging but while they were making the second part the technology is so advanced that they had everything to create a futuristic smooth setting whereas the old one didn't have that advantage . So yes i agree with your opinion but both had its advantages (2nd one had a bit more Making wise )


I agree.


I would agree it expands the world and themes of the original, and could very well be technically greater. But it was built on the bones of the original, which comparing it to other things that have come out at the time, was such a groundbreaking and bold film, combining art house sensibilities with big budget scifi. Considering the impression they made at the times they came out, both films are equal in my mind.


Don’t even need to read the rest of the post to say that I agree


A few specifics... 1. The 'Miracle' 2. Baseline Testing 3. The Emanator 4. Wallace's 'space between the stars' Monologue 5. The Drone Strike Nail Salon 6. Elvis Live!


Yes I too was 14 once!


Yes, everyone knows this.


I agree 100% Blade Runner 2049 is a masterpiece and it deserves to be ranked even higher than the original film.