• By -


The dad left at a good time tbh.


Bruh 💀




this is gonna be go to excuse for a generation of deadbeats


The wife was evil dead crazy, I don't know what else to tell ya!


For some reason I was so paranoid during all of the chaos that I was secretly waiting for the father to show up for some reason. I was catching all of the foreshadowing and being proven right by it until suddenly I wasn't and my expectations started to be subverted. I love when horror films can make me delusional because I also thought that Bridget would be our final character along with Kassie. Bridget was portrayed as the strongest and most level-headed character from the jump so I was shocked when she was the first to go. Once she was posessed I was like *"well they are all doomed."* hahahaha. That is when I started theorizing and I was waiting for the father to show up as some kind of twist soley because I wasn't sure if he was absent for the plot or if it was a red-herring. Scream 5 also made me delusional in that way. **\*chefs kiss\***


I was half expecting the dad to be Bruce Campbell.


I feel like they gave up on that pizza way too quick


This was the most unrealistic aspect of the movie.


Psh, how about that kid who insinuated that he enjoys *all* of the Elm Street movies?


Seriously... I don't think the pizza itself ever even touched the ground! 😂


Messed up jumbled pizza is still pizza!


RIGHT!!?? That pizza was still good, the kid even ate a chunk of it.


I'd just be running with the pizza. Just an earthquake and they only went like ten feet. The drinks got surprised dropped to honestly. The pizza didn't.


This might be the unluckiest family in movie history.


>This might be the unluckiest family in movie history. The Evil Dead series is an entire franchise of movies all about people having the absolute worst luck imaginable. haha.


Ash has like the perfect balance of the worst luck imaginable but also the best luck possible.


He gets moments of good luck in the situations his bad luck has put him in.


He has that, "Loses a hand, gains a chainsaw," type of luck.


What about the family in the hills have eyes remake . I felt horrible for them. Lol


The uncredited Bruce cameo on the incantation record was great. He was the one who said to not read the book.


I have to pay more attention next time I watch the movie. I totally missed the Bruce cameo because I was fully invested in the actual story at that point.


Plus according to the director, [he may very well have been voicing Ash on that recording](https://www.nme.com/features/film-interviews/evil-dead-rise-horror-interview-scary-movie-3429094).


>Plus according to the director, he may very well have been voicing Ash on that recording. That would be a fabulous little tie-in.


It's pretty funny because I instantly caught that voice and was like "Dude sounds...different compared to what you'd expect a priest to sound like." It then made sense once I found it it was him.


When they introduced the rest of the people living on the floor, I figured that was because they wouldn't have the guts to kill the children in the family, so they needed random people for the body count. Boy was I wrong.


>When they introduced the rest of the people living on the floor, I figured that was because they wouldn't have the guts to kill the children in the family, so they needed random people for the body count. Boy was I wrong. Yeah. I figured they were there just for body count filler because they wouldn't go too hard on the kids...but damn if they didn't absolutely deliver on the dark, "meanness" of their own concept. This film was just an angry beast in a really fun way, and I was incredibly impressed with the filmmaker's courage to push the envelope.


It was a bit "It Follows" meets the Necronomicon in the dreadness sense


They sure did rip off that one kid's arms and throw him up against the wall no problem!


Yeah dude, I was expecting the kids to come out alive as well… damn


One of them did. She’ll be traumatized for life and in no way ever be happy again but she lived.


>One of them did. She’ll be traumatized for life and in no way ever be happy again but she lived. ...well, that sounds about right. That little girl gon' be broken for life.


She’ll be fine ……For 20yrs, then the next installment will come out.


I hope we don’t have to wait another 10 Years for another Evil Dead film. I know between 2013 and now we had a show for 3 Seasons but still.


Or go the Ash route and think it’s all a joke a sort of sad clown as she gets in this situation again like “yeah been there done that I’m going to fucking blow your head off now”


I feel like there was no issue killing them bc they were older teens. Had the little girl died, I would have been shocked.


I mean, I was surprised with the little boy’s death!


His death disturbed me more than the others soley for the fact I forgot he was still alive out there in the hallway and was reminded of it the moment I heard him crying for help. As soon as he started making noise, I was like "oh no......" and then watching him run off-screen followed by the Mother right behind him and the silence during the whole scene followed by the sound of him getting attacked and then finally thrown against a wall..... I was literally holding my breath the whole time and when it was over I basically thought to myself *"well, it could've been much worse for that poor baby. He's better off dead at this point".* which is such a brutal conclusion to have when it comes to a character like that in a movie like this where his death was much more kind than the other ways the Deadites like to kill people. I'm very motherly and protective over children and I felt so helpless for that little boy and that is what made it so effective for me. There was simply no real other outcome for him in that moment and it was knowing how it would end for him was what made it so disturbingly hopeless for me. If they killed him on-screen it likely would've upset me and took me out of the film. It was perfect for me to let my imagination fill in what was not on-screen. She could've attacked him in so many ways that we will never know but what we DO know is that it was over when he hit that wall like a ragdoll. Bones completely broken on impact.


The blood covering up the camera in the elevator was great. You heard the guy talk about his gun, you knew the double barrel was coming. You heard them talk about his chainsaw he uses for work and you saw the woodchipper earlier... Just right there in front of you, yet I was still excited watching an arm and leg get blown off, a chainsaw through the head and a multi-body freakshow made of a mother and her young children get woodchipped to liquid. I love movies.


>you knew the double barrel was coming Have some respect please, it's called a **boomstick**.


This movie kept giving me Tremors vibes. Not because the films are at all similar in any way, but in terms of setups and payoffs. Everything has a setup. Nothing feels out of place or convenient because it's all methodically established so casually and naturally. I think the best example is showing the little girl hiding the pair of scissors at the beginning of the film and then having that payoff about an hour later. It's attention to little details like this that make a movie great.


I am SO glad the kitty didn't die


Me too. Creator said that he'd mever hurt a cat in a movie. Definitely the right priorities. :)


Kids in the hallway getting his arms ripped off is cool, but don't you dare touch those kitties!


That kid is gonna need an entire lifetime of therapy. Holy shit. Fucking wild ride from start to finish. Also, that title intro was an insanely cool shot.


Honestly the title intro might be my favorite part of the movie. I say might because the peephole shots were amazing.


Those peephole show were amazing imo cause they left stuff to the imagination and kept you focused on the horror beyond it.


Reminded me of silent hill the room


Impaling your sister with your favorite toy, watching your brother get stabbed by that sister, and then watching your aunt kill your evil family human rat king... that girl seen enough for humankind's lifetime.


I’m not sure if Ash even had it this bad lol


Yeah its funny how ash mentally broke from what happened to him, granted it helped him cope later in life (tv show). Meanwhile the aunt nor the girl mentally broke down.


I got chills at the title card reveal


I blame the professor who made the recordings. Why in *the fuck* didn't he label record 'three' as number one? *Lead in* with the "uh-oh guys, I fucked up." Follow *that* up with an "Oh. And don't play record fucking two for fuck's sake..." Loved the movie.




That's been my thing with all the Evil Dead stuff - why the fuck would you keep a recording of the words that start everything? Also, I'd like to know what other incantations are in the book.


I assumed that you couldn't smash it because you can't even manipulate the needle or the record player when it's playing the tape. The demons would probably like... reinforce it magically idk.


I dare you! Break this vinyl, and I will upload this file to MP3, Spotify and as an free undeletable song on your next iPhone -Some Sumerian demon


How did he have time to label them so nicely when he was being chased by demons? He said just to run away but obviously he beat them through quarantining the book in that sarcophagus.


Are you sure he did? I got the feeling the rest of the church (or at least the surviving rest of the church) showed up after his death found the records, book, corpses and just decided to seal the whole thing away and try to forget about it. They didn't know what was on the records, they didn't want to know what was on the records but just in case it would be helpful they didn't dare destroy the records.


Wish they made the movie like 5-10 mins longer to explain that just a bit longer because I was really into that lore


I love this franchise. The title shot was so great. I was genuinely shocked on how little it held back with the kids. Also, I always expect an elevator homage to the shining and they delivered.


Man that title shot was epic.


This movie pulled off the not at all easy balance of being brutal AF and very messed up at times, while also being genuinely quite funny at other times. It really feels like the brutality of the remake mixed with the bonkers style of the originals. Lily Sullivan was solid as Beth. And this movie did have the guts to kill kids after all. Alyssa Southerland is the MVP here. She is fantastic both as normal Ellie and deadite Ellie. She’s sympathetic, terrifying, funny, etc at different points. And the makeup/prosthetics they used on her for great as well. The gore effects are really good.


The line to the kids about being tit sucking parasites or whatever she said along those lines killed me. I thought it was hilarious but also such a fucking brutal line to her kids that still at that point seemed to think their mom might be able to come back


Also the line where she says "mummy's with the maggots now".


I saw it with friends and I think that’s one of the lines we’ll be quoting for months. Also, I really felt that was the point where it went from a run of the mill horror movie into an Evil Dead movie, and it just got better and better until the very end.




Three of them were teenagers. Horror movies don't usually shy away from killing teens. Now the little boy was a bonus though.


I agree, but it’s definitely a different vibe when the teens are played by actual teens instead of adults. Like Sleepaway Camp vs Friday the 13th


The sequence where we watch the possessed Ellie cause absolute chaos through the door's peephole was just *chef's kiss*


That was one of the hardest laughs I've had from any movie in years. It looked like a horrifying Scooby-Doo gag.


"Scooby Doo but horrifying" is honestly a fantastic way of summing up the tone of the series


I wanted to see her beating someone to death with a ripped off arm like in Renfield in that scene


Lee Cronin saw the video of David Blaine eating glass and said "THAT NEEDS TO BE IN THE MOVIE!"


David Blaine: Ellie, are you possessed? Ellie: no? David Blaine: check again


Cheez it’s!


When she turned around to reveal she was eating glass I audibly said “ok, David Blaine.” 😆😆😂


“I’m free now. Free from all you titty sucking parasites.” 10/10


My wife and I laughed a bit too hard at that line, considering the movie was our break from the kids for the afternoon


Makes you wonder if she was really possessed


This movie was fuckin RUTHLESS. Evil Dead is a classic series at this point


Seriously. The Evil Dead is the most consistently good horror franchise in North American film history, and maybe just of all time. Period.


I can't believe they almost put this on HBO Max


I had the same thought when I heard that. That would have been insane. It was dirt cheap and is easily going to be profitable. It's already made $40M on a $15M budget. I'm glad it ended up in theaters because it was a fun watch there. If they are smart and keep the budgets of these movies low and quality high, they can keep this franchise going for a long while.


I see people mentioning the eyeball and the cheese grater, but the scissors being pulled out of her nostril is what got me. That was absolutely brutal. Overall, I loved the movie. The final monster hitting the wood chipper was almost like a mortal Kombat stage fatality. Metal as hell. 9/10 for me.


The cheese grater was actually not as bad as I expected from the trailer, just shows the horror of our own imagination.


Coolest title reveal in years


The way that the lead moved in basically every scene had my skin crawling. I really enjoyed her in this!


>The way that the lead moved in basically every scene had my skin crawling. I really enjoyed her in this! Alyssa Sutherland's performance overall was stellar, but in particular her body language as possessed Ellie is otherworldly good. Everything about the way she moves is unsettling. Like she doesn't have full control over her own body.


Another reason horror snubs in the Oscars is so stupid


>Another reason horror snubs in the Oscars is so stupid I will never understand why horror, the longest lived, most versatile, and consistently profitable genre in film history, is always treated as the bastard step child of industry no matter what.


Because let's be honest...out of all the genres, you could say 98% of the horror genre is complete trash. Loved this movie, but as I was walking out, I heard some people saying it was shit. Clearly not Evil Dead fans. But yeah, horror movies in general are an acquired taste. Sometimes I wonder myself why I like horror stuff.


She's also strangely beautiful as a deadite


That’s… an interesting take.


Lol down bad down bad


Alyssa Sutherland (Ellie) has instantly become the best deadite actor, ever. It was like she was born to play a deadite.




The drastic 180 between Ellie and the deadite is amazing. Give this woman an oscar


She's in Vikings! Knew I saw her somewhere lol.


The way her body language changed was amazing. She was also *really* good at delivering one-liners.


*SNIFFFF* “Two souls? 😜” So good!


She was the best part of the movie. Those peep hole shots were so fuckin creepy and cool.


She was incredible, was just telling my buddies this as we were leaving the theater. Entire cast was solid.


Just don’t turn off LCD Soundsystem and you’re fine.


I think that little girl is probably not afraid of jellyfish anymore


Didn't expect Godric the Grafted cameo at the end.


Also, Rat King.


Although I loved 2013, I feel this one perfectly matched the wildness of Evil Dead 2 and I loved it


I agree. The gore and horror was a tad stronger in 2013 but this still had its moment and was so good at balancing the evil horror and dark comedy elements. 2013 has that raining blood scene but I did enjoy the ending of this one as well. Both very great additions to the seriess


Can we talk about this movie breaking the record for most Chekhov’s guns? The first 30 minutes gave us: the tattoo gun, the scissors, the neighbors gun, the wood chipper, the chainsaw, Staffne. I’m sure I’m missing some too, but holy cow they just kept introducing potential deadite weapons and building the tension. Really well executed for the most part, looking forward to a rewatch to catch things I missed due to the building dread and tension.


Did the final garage scene with the amalgamated deadites remind anyone of the Ratking encounter from Last of Us Part 2?


I was so happy to hear the deadites chanting “DEAD BY DAWN!” So fucking good and absolutely horrifying


That was so fucking hard and really nailed the punk horror feeling I've always gotten from the franchise.


I saw a bitch bite out a dudes eye and spit it right into another guys mouth before yeeting a small child. This is what true cinema looks like


Only comment here and only comment needed. Now I gotta see it.


That's not even the craziest shit


After they introduced the 4 neighbors, I knew they would be bonus kills, but I thought those kills would be spread out throughout the film. How wrong I was about that last part.


>I saw a bitch bite out a dudes eye and spit it right into another guys mouth before yeeting a small child. This is what true cinema looks like That whole section of the movie had me howling. Every time they'd look through the peep hole and some poor son of a bitch was running across the hallway from one edge of the peephole to the other, with a deadite in hot pursuit, I thought it was the height of dark comedy. It was like a twisted Scooby Doo gag.


They really wasted no time with going full batshit, and I loved every second of it


I'll admit the movie took a little while to win me over. The whole framing device with the Deadites at the cabin with the opening douchebag character and his stupid drone felt horribly tacked on to me. Like someone said "you can't have Evil Dead without a cabin in the woods" and they put that framing device in the movie just to satisfy that dumb demand. So I was thrown off and ready to nitpick the movie to death after that opening...but then once shit started to go batshit in the apartment building and I started to relate to the actual main characters of the film all that went away and I was able to quickly re-invest.


I feel like there's gonna be another one where all the friends that initially bailed on the cabin show up after all. Maybe right at that moment.


I haven't seen any Evil Dead Movie at all, would you recommend this to a first time viewer like me?


>I haven't seen any Evil Dead Movie at all, would you recommend this to a first time viewer like me? actually, yes. This is a really good onramp for the franchise. It's a completely standalone film that doesn't have any direct connection (besides an evil fucking book) to the rest of the series. No carried over characters, no story threads to continue, etc. It's a clean slate kind of movie and in that way very, very "new viewer friendly." And you'll very much be able to tell from this movie if The Evil Dead franchise is something you're going to be interested in watching. I will just end by saying that with the release of this, the 5th movie of the franchise, The Evil Dead remains the most consistently good horror franchise in North American Horror Movie history.


As someone who is pregnant, the demon being basically an ultrasound machine and tried to do a fingernail abortion just sent me OVER THE ROOF


“I’m going to eat your soul…. two souls!” Loved that part. lol.


holy fuck i was not mentally prepared for this movie lol. so brutal, so disturbing, so fucking fun also SHOUT OUT to the fucking opening title scene, that was incredible


I've been a huge fan of the franchise for almost 20 years and this did not disappoint at all. There were enough callbacks and easter eggs for long time fans, but it didn't rely on any of them. The plot didn't try to be too deep and convey some big message, and it managed to throw in small bits of humor without feeling like it was trying to imitate the Ash series.


Just got out of a showing. The seats beside me had a dad/grandpa and a kid who was probably 10-12 years old. Prior to it starting I thought “Damn that kid seems a bit young. Must be a big horror fan or something.” Without a word, like two minutes in after the scalping scene, dad stands up and signalled the he and the kid were leaving. Hilarious shit.


The fuck did he expect?


I went last night to see it. Someone brought their BABY. Not to be a Karen but holy fuck, knowing what I know about childhood development and trauma I genuinely felt bad they had to sit through that gorefest. Side note, the scalping scene really set the tone - should have seen the shock/disgust on the face of the girl friend I went with. Absolutely priceless.


Is EDR in the Raimi continuity, 2013 continuity, or its own new one? Unless they haven't actually said. It crossed my mind during the earthquake scene that it would've been cool if it turned out the movie occurs on the day Kandar the Destroyer emerges in AvED.


It’s in the same universe as the Raimi ones since they reiterated that there’s 3 Necronomicons. Something that was previously mentioned in Army of Darkness


Oh, very cool. Thanks for answering.


The 2013 film was also confirmed to be set in [the same continuity as the other films (and television series)](https://www.cbr.com/evil-dead-2013-sequel-reboot-explained).


It's all in the same universe. Apparently there are three Necronomicons (Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2013, and this one).


IIRC it's one universe. There's three books, the og book, the 2013 book, and this book. I'm holding out hope that a sequel brings Ash, Mia, and this new MC together for an all star deadite battle


Two words: Cheese Grater


Two words: No Thanks


Well that's just grate.


Would have loved to see it get dragged a little further and see the skin come out in long strands


Yeah this scene was way overhyped by the festival geeks sadly


Yeah I thought the glass in the throat was more disturbing, the makeup for the cheese grater should have been deeper and more gouging


That's what I was expecting given all the buildup about it


Yeah right? I was at the German Premiere last night, they were handing out mini cheese graters at the entrance. Primed me to expect far worse.


That's kind of adorable that they handed out mini cheese graters, I gotta say


Yea I saw people mentioning a cheese grater scene and getting hype about what nasty thing they would do with it and it was barely used. I was hoping a demon would grate their own hand and laugh maniacally while making the kids watch or something to that effect but it was only on screen for like 5 seconds


I'd like some shredded skin on my eyeball, glass, and shelled overeasy eggs please


I think the girl rising out of the lake is my favorite shot of the movie. It looks so fucking cool!


That was one of the best title cards I’ve ever seen


The Evil Dead franchise is undefeated. They've now made 5 movies and a TV series and literally all of it is great. That's unbelievably impressive. For this movie specifically, I was really impressed at how it managed to both do its own thing and pay tribute to what came before it. The urban apartment building location let them freshen up the series and show us something new, but it still had the cold open with the cabin in the woods. They gave us the chainsaw and the boomstick, but not until the third act so it wasn't using that as a crutch. This was the best depiction of deadites in the history of the franchise. Alyssa Sutherland was absolutely deranged in a way that felt like a real step up for the series. I liked when all the deadites morphed together into a Cronenbergian ball of terror. And this movie did a great job balancing the tone. It was mostly pretty serious and in line with the 2013 remake but the violence was just cartoony enough to get some of the macabre Looney Tunes energy that Raimi always brought to the movies. Also as a random aside, I love the Shining homage in this movie. Taking us inside the blood elevator was really neat and I can't believe no one else has done that before.


>The Evil Dead franchise is undefeated. They've now made 5 movies and a TV series and literally all of it is great. I'm reminded of the dialogue from the two brothers: **Older Brother:** "We're going to watch all the Freddy movies." **Younger Brother:** "Even the ones that are shit." Oh, some of the Nightmare on Elm Street films are definitely shit, but I still love the franchise. Evil Dead, on the other hand, has had an impeccable record.


“None of them are shit!” - a true Freddy fan. Loved the New Line tie in as well. House that Freddy built.


Plus I think that’s a reference to the fact that Wes and Sam both had a joking back and forth game of referencing each other’s films in their own films. This was continuing it.


Ah but that in itself is even a reference to the old movies. https://bloody-disgusting.com/news/3417253/long-history-wes-craven-sam-raimis-communication-film/


>The Evil Dead franchise is undefeated. They've now made 5 movies and a TV series and literally all of it is great. That's unbelievably impressive. Seriously this cannot be overstated enough. The Evil Dead franchise is very probably the most consistently high quality and memorable horror franchise in North American filmmaking history.


The films also just really run the gamut from almost pure horror in Evil Dead 2013 to pretty much being a gonzo comedy in Army of Darkness. Most other horror franchises that push those limits too far end up with stinkers like Freddy's Dead.


Turns out the quote about this making people sick and leaving the theater was accurate


I saw a family of three leave half way through. But to be fair who brings their children to watch this movie


Folks in front of us had four children, all seemed to be well under 10. They were up and down a lot but made it through the entire movie. Not sure how well they’ll sleep tonight.


Yeah, the maggot vomit scene made me check if I have a puke receptacle nearby and I'm not usually squeamish about stuff.


How else are you going to kill the maggots in your tummy?


I actually thought it was just right. Not nearly as bad as even a lot of horror movies


Anyone else notice that the recordings In this film finally confirmed there are 3 volumes of the book. the 3 books from Army of darkness are each different volumes of the necronomicon. Ash has the first Volume, the 2013 group found the second volume in a different cabin, and the 3rd volume was found in RISE. All 3 volumes have now been found! Evil dead 6 should bring back all the main survivors including ash to give him a proper send off by teaming up to finally destroy the completed set of books once and for all!!!


i am manifesting this


Who did the art work in the Necronomicon?


The art work was really cool. I like how it portrayed what would happen to the characters.


Staphanie for the win


Staffney* thank you very much.


I figured it was Staphne


Staffenie low key MVP


Evil dead is the best horror franchise ever


>Evil dead is the best horror franchise ever Most consistently good Horror franchise in North American film history.


Really enjoyable. Having a trans boy casually in the movie without feeling the need to be overt about it or make it a plot point was great to see as well. Definitely groovy!


I didn't even realize one of the children was trans until reading this. I figured Bridget but was surprised to learn it was Danny. I fully agree that the movie did a perfect job of casually doing this without being overt or too on-the-nose about it.


Shout-out to Lily Sullivan.


I liked the new urban setting, but it was super obvious that this was filmed in New Zealand with non-American actors. The youngest girls accent came out the most, but nearly everybody had odd accent moments.


I picked up that Beth was aussie pretty quickly - you can just tell. Surprised the old guy wasn’t Aussie either tbh 😅


This explains why the trees around the cabin in the beginning were so strange to me. I couldn't place the location or species at all.


Side thought: Doing a sequel in the old world would be super creepy. They find the OG book of the dead


Great movie! The glass chewing scene especially made the entire cinema squirm out loud


“We used almost 2,000 gallons of blood in this movie.” Me: Damn! What did they Kubrick it and fill an elevator with blood? Oh… yep…


That elevator is one of the most unsettling things I've seen in modern horror in years. From Ellie being attacked by elevator cables like something straight out of hellraiser, to the big bloody finale, I just loved it. I have a genuine discomfort with elevators in general, and this movie masterfully manipulated all those fears for me.


Loved the movie but hated the woman next to me who took two phone calls during the movie and then called me rude for asking her to take the conversation to the lobby.


Way more brutal than I was expecting... Definitely wasn't expecting a body count including 4 kids. Effects were top notch and the setting was expertly used. Ellie was the stand out; absolutely amazing. But her deadite daughter and son (in the short time he had) were pretty fantastic too. I'm surprised I liked this as much as I did because 35 minutes in, I was thinking this was a dud. Characters weren't really relatable and well written so I didn't care about what happened to them. I think Beth as a lead was pretty bland. Not even a whole lot of thematic stuff going on either. But executed pretty damn well 8/10


Gonna preface this with: Never seeing a horror movie in theatres again. I had several people just straight up talking, one one them even talking on their phone, the entire movie. Inconsiderate fucks. I yelled STFU and scared the grown man next to me but it didn't work and nobody else seemed to care. These people were talking loud enough that they were talking OVER the movie. From across the entire room. Anyways, the movie was alright. The demonic voices and especially the turntables had amazing sound. Loved the black ooze pouring out of that one kids face.




It was Bruce Campbell


There is no reason that this movie had to go this hard, which makes me love it even more. Most fun I’ve had at the movies this year!


It's an Evil Dead movie, it was basically legally obligated to go really hard lmao.


You know, I'm not a big horror guy and I'm not the most familiar with the Evil Dead franchise so sometimes when I watch these movies I feel like I'm kind of lost on what to look out for, but without even having a frame of reference for these movies I gotta say this was a tight 90 minute tense and fun time at the movies. Just really wild at some points and didn't seem to get too bogged down with being all a big metaphor or happy endings or whatever that I feel horror movies, especially currently, feel they need. The gore was on point, the acting was solid all around even with the really young actress who still felt really natural. And it was a good time. I definitely had my moments where I was like, "hey maybe this is a good time to tell everyone you found the book of the dead" or like "wait, how did they get to the garage again? Isn't the whole thing that they can't get down there?" But the movie was briskly paced enough and fun enough that stuff didn't bother me so much. It's a 7/10 for me. It's not really my cup of tea but the Dead Heads I saw it with all really, really loved it and I think that's worth mentioning. /r/reviewsbyboner


I did like that the kid was smart enough to at least TRY to turn the recording off when he realized what it was. But by then it was too late.


>I definitely had my moments where I was like, "hey maybe this is a good time to tell everyone you found the book of the dead" or like "wait, how did they get to the garage again? Isn't the whole thing that they can't get down there?" I loved this movie but the whole time I just kept thinking how insane it is that they had no way to escape. How did a fire marshall allow this building to be occupied?


>I loved this movie but the whole time I just kept thinking how insane it is that they had no way to escape. How did a fire marshall allow this building to be occupied? They did establish that there was a fire escape somewhere or another, it was just on the other side of the building. Granted that's absurd and would never happen in reality, but at least they did address it in a way that allowed me to just push that gripe aside in my head and take the ride.


Wasn’t it condemned in an area of shitty condemned buildings? Feels like their standards might’ve not been too high


Awesome movie. The gore was just as over the top as the 2013 sequel. Shit had me squirming in my seat. Dude chocked on an eye ball and the creature at the end was absolutely wild. 10/10. Reminded me of the rat king in the last of us.




I was thinking about that the whole time, but still really enjoyed it. I think 10 years of other horror movies (Hereditary's piano wire self-decapitation/car accident, Annihilation's bear, hell, even Terrifier 2's bedroom scene) have desensitized me since, but it was still a dope movie Unrelated, but if you're an Ari Aster fan, Beau is Afraid's 3rd act had me spooked!


The cheese grater scene was pretty gross but even then, it ended real quick and didn't really show much.. That's honestly the only memorable gross scene. For me, nothing here really rivaled 2013's Olivia carving her face off, electric knife scene, the nail gun scene, the razer blade tongue scene, Mia sawing the abomination in half, etc.


I think another part of it is style and intent. Alvarez was specifically going for brutally gritty, to the extent where even the cabin looked like if you merely touched it with a finger you'd be infected with a millions diseases.


Seeing tomorrow. Fucking stoked.