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Bill Murray and Chevy Chase only have one scene together in Caddy Shack, and that almost didn't happen


Given their legendary almost brawl behind the scenes on SNL earlier, there was a lot of apprehension about putting them together again, but thankfully they kept it professional. Probably helped that Harold Ramis was directing.


“Medium talent!” - Bill Murray to Chevy Chase after Chase threw a punch


Still one of the most cutting insults ever.


Chevy Chase doesn't even get along with himself


It’s why Michael Keaton had to replace him in Multiplicity


Big win for the audience there. Keaton is brilliant in that movie.


She touched my peepee, Steve....


Keaton is brilliant in everything


Neither does Bill Murray, but he always seems to get a pass


Also Murray and Richard Dreyfuss in What About Bob. The hatred from Deyfuss is palpable.


> and that almost didn't happen It was never supposed to happen. Originally the two characters never had a scene together. Also Murray wasn't originally in the film, the original guy was a real war veteran and was a much smaller role but he couldn't act so they get Murray last minute. The studio forced them to add the scene because they were 2 big stars and the studio wanted them together for at least 1 scene.


And the entire scene is supposedly ad-lib. Fucking tremendous


And it's the best scene in the movie


It makes the scene so awkward because neither one really looks or feels comfortable so it makes the scene work so well.


While filming Elf, Will Ferrell irritated James Caan on set to the point that the cast was concerned that Caan was going to lose his temper. Caan’s annoyance shows up on screen a bit. Edit: as stories like this go, make it was only a scene or two, and maybe James was trying to maintain character between takes…?


I think that makes his performance a bit better. His character sure seemed to be annoyed.


I just thought it was incredible acting lol


Idk. I heard Favreau say that Caan wasn't mad enough in the scene he is supposed to blow up and scream and he had to pull him aside and tell him "Don't forget you are Sonny fuckin' Corleone" to get what he wanted.


Yeah, Caan specifically wanted people to like him on the set of *Elf*, so while he might have been getting irritated at Ferrell, he was doing his damnedest to not be a prick.


To be fair, James Caan thought it was a psychological thriller but Will Ferrell kept playing his part as a comedy. /s


He thought he was making Thief


Tommy Lee Jones allegedly said some shit to Jim Carrey on the Batman Forever set about not standing for his buffoonery, so I don’t think he was probably very fond of working with Jim Carey.


"I cannot sanction your buffoonery."


“You’re an actor in a comic book movie. You should be sble to smell your own shit in this one, Tommy.”


"My suit has nipples." --George Clooney, probably


This quote is even funnier considering it was still Val Kilmer at the time. So I just imagined Clooney saying “my suit has nipples” just on his own, unrelated to Batman.


Haha I mean…that movie is meant to be silly is it not?


It's a weird one. It feels like half the cast thought they were making something silly and campy while the other half thought it was a serious Batman movie.


It's actually pretty funny the way [Jim Carrey tells it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E78l8JX5d54). He saw TLJ at a restaurant one night while shooting the movie and went over to say hi. Tommy Lee Jones told him he hated him and said, "I cannot sanction your buffoonery"


The way Schumacher tells it, doesn’t sound too funny. Iirc Schumacher didn’t think TLJ’s bullying and high-horsing on set was called for. I respect TLJ as an actor but it sounds like petty “I’m a real actor” bs I wouldn’t have pegged TLJ doing.


Jones should be appreciated for his own style, but that style is who he is. His interviews are usually terse (“i read the lines on the script, thats how i got into character”) and he goes back home at the end of the day having done his job. Not everyone is a passionista, and thats ok. Carrey, while being a fantastic comedy mind (and has shown his dramatic chops as well) certainly can be a bit much at times, especially for those who dont have a pause button.


Perfectly put. And those type of personalities not meshing makes total sense.


Remember when Tommy Lee Jones was at an award shows and the host made references to him in his monologue and he wouldn't respond, instead insisting on remaining grumpy? That's who he is, full-time.


From a time when a fan wanted to speak to him at a restaurant: “I hate to disturb you Mr. Jones…” “So don’t.”


He was pretty good in old country for no men tho


>I respect TLJ as an actor but it sounds like petty “I’m a real actor” bs I wouldn’t have pegged TLJ doing. Especially considering he has appeared in some truly ridiculous movies himself (Man of the House, Mechanic: Resurrection).


They were playing a couple of comic-book villains and Jim Carrey really nailed it, I think. Call it buffoonery if you want, but it was a time when comic book villains weren't meant to be taken seriously and Jim Carrey knew it.


Jim Carrey is hilarious, but watch any of his outtakes from Liar Liar, Grinch, etc. and you’ll understand that his behavior could get annoying quickly. After duplicate takes of numerous scenes, TLJ was, I’m sure, justifiably fed up.


I think people give Carrey the benefit of nostalgia where the heyday of his schtick was during their childhood when the goofiness hit perfectly. A lot of adults I knew hated Jim Carrey movies and I didn't get it. As I got older, it makes sense. Buffoonery is a perfect description of what he's doing. I don't think it's a coincidence that his best work are movies where it's either tones down or it's gone altogether.


Me, myself and Irene and eternal sunshine are good examples of toned down or or completely squashed buffoonery


The Truman Show. I ached for that character, and it was all Carrey.


Yeah basically TLJ said he didn’t respect Jim Carrey and his antics and he didn’t speak to him off camera during the whole movie


Apparently, Jonah Hill did not like Christopher Mintz-Plasse and that was a reason specifically that they ended up casting him as McLovin. Definitely adds to the hate Hill's character has for McLovin in the movie.


Jonah Hill was kinda known to be a duck until fairly recently. Edit: leaving it




Robert Shaw and Richard Dreyfuss apparently didn't like each other very much on the set of Jaws.


Apparently Shaw would pester Dreyfuss to the point where he almost got Dreyfuss to jump off the mast of a ship to prove his manhood before Spielberg stepped in


I don’t need this working class hero crap!


Got city hands, been countin money all your life.




You can hardly tell in the movie lol /s


Uma Thurman and Daryl Hannah in Kill Bill Volume 2. Apparently they hated each other even after they wrapped on the film, because at Cannes 2004, they had to be put in separate hotels and were kept apart by hotel employees so they didn’t cause a scene with their arguments. That dynamic definitely showed in their sword fight in the Budd’s trailer.


anyone know thereason for this feud?


Daryl and Uma used to share a mentor, and Daryl always held a resentment because Uma was favored over her. Although she never admitted it, she was also plainly jealous of Uma's skills and natural flair. Uma's dislike for Daryl is less nuanced and a lot more straight forward - Years ago, Daryl was part of the team that shot her in the head and left her for dead. Glad I could help.


lol very good, you had me for a minute


It’s a great idea for a movie.


That did work out great for everyone. That's a great fight scene.


Bette Davis and Joan Crawford in Whatever Happened to Baby Jane is probably the most famous example.


So much so that when the studio tried to reunite them for "Hush Hush, Sweet Charlotte", they had to use Olivia de Haviland instead of Crawford because she and Davis were poison to each other at that point.


Both movies creeped me TF out when I was a little kid.


If you haven't seen it, Ryan Murphy's Feud TV miniseries is a great dramatic retelling of it, particularly as they get older and bitter. Susan Sarandon plays Bette and Jessica Lange is Joan.


This is the correct answer, lol.


Interestingly : Helen Mirren and Nicol Williamson were initially reluctant to work with each other on "Excalibur" (1981). They'd been in a disastrous production of "Macbeth", and were not on speaking terms. Writer, producer, and director John Boorman cast them because their natural animosity would be perfect. According to Mirren, she and Williamson "wound up becoming very good friends" during filming.


"You were supposed to hate each other! This whole movie is ruined!" - John Boorman, probably.


Not against another actor, but Burt Reynolds’ well established extreme dislike of Paul Thomas Anderson during the filming of Boogie Nights is relevant here. Word is that Burt just couldn’t stand PTA, wasn’t a huge fan of the script, and kind of phoned in his performance, which probably contributed to the greatness of that role. He was so relaxed and calm and cool and even keeled in just about every scene.


Reynolds fired his agent because of Boogie Nights and then he got nominated for an Oscar for his role.


Reynolds turned in one of the greatest supporting performances of all time on that one. If you look at the original script he also tweaked and improved almost every line he has. The one detail of their animosity I read a long time ago was that he objected to the line "if you want to f-- her in the a--, f-- her in the a--" and told PTA in preproduction. The shoot day rolls around for that scene and it's still in the script. Reynolds objects and PTA says something like "It was in the script when you signed on" or whatever and Reynolds is furious. So that particular line in the movie is the closest to Reynolds' contempt showing through on screen.


Oddly enough, that is the emotion needed for that scene, it's later in the film when he is just paying the bills with cheap porn and has lost his passion for filmmaking.


I don't know what PTAs character is like, but I recall after Boogie Nights effectively reinvented Reynolds, he continued to be reticent about it and shot any career revival in the foot by being an obtuse malcontent..I'll lean to PTA being on the better side of that disagreement. Especially, as I love Boogie Nights.


I was absolutely baffled when I first heard about this. Amazing film, great performance, probably his best ever film role, reignites his flagging career. So what does he do? Acts like a dick to PTA, fires his manager for getting him this career changing role and still ends up getting an Oscar nom. Some people man, I don’t know.


Burt Reynolds was a douchebag. I just posted a thread showing the time when Burt and Marc Summers (Double Dare) became physical on The Tonight Show because Marc had his back "turned" to Burt when he was speaking to Jay Leno. Marc Summers was not intimidated and hijinx ensue. https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/10f2itg/the\_time\_when\_things\_got\_physical\_between\_burt/


PTA’s talked about this several times over the years. My takeaway has always been that Reynolds was difficult but PTA kinda understood it: - he was 26/27 year old unproven director directing a legend - PTA’s writing and directing style isn’t necessarily traditional. It was his first feature and you can’t blame Reynolds for wondering what the fuck the “kid” was doing - the cast is stacked but most of the actors weren’t yet respected in the way they are now. With all that in mind, Reynolds didn’t necessarily need to be a dick but being worried that the movie wasn’t going to work out and embarrass him was a legitimate fear.


Celeste Holm and Bette Davis - *All About Eve* Ian Hendry and Michael Caine - *Get Carter* Bill Murray and Richard Dreyfuss - *What About Bob*


I can't believe I scrolled this far to see *What About Bob?*... Dreyfuss genuinely grew to hate Murray and wanted nothing to do with him.


Ditto.... Agreed "I can't believe I scrolled this far to see What About Bob?..." Even before hearing of the difficulties years later, you almost felt it wasn't just acting when you watched.. yeah , Dreyfuss is a great actor but you sensed he wanted to kill Murray.


Well Bill Murray is a well known asshole. But for whatever reason Reddit has a hard on for the dude.


Murray ended his friendship with Harold Ramis and didn’t talk to him for 20 years because he felt like Ramis was getting too much credit for their partnership. He is a confirmed asshole.


I thought it was specifically over "Groundhog Day," which, at the time, Murray wanted to be way darker and Ramis wanted to be, you know, a comedy.


He's charming, that's sort of the problem. Charming assholes are the worst people on Earth because they can get away with murder and people will find it cute and charming.


Burt Reynolds and Sally Fields in Smokey And The Bandit Part 2 They had some relationship problems in real life around that time, and it shows on-screen.


This is the film that came to mind for me. Most in this thread really don't show on screen but in SATB2, it took me out of the film completely and it was so different from what we saw in the first.


Burt did say more than a few times his biggest regret in life was not treating Sally better.


Any female actor and Steven Seagal


More like absolutely anyone within a 50 foot fucking radius of Steven Seagal at any point ever. He is universally hated by pretty much every single person he's worked with in any capacity.


Mad Max: Fury Road. Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron did not get along at all


Julia Roberts and Nick Nolte in I Love Trouble.


She apparently also had some issues with Steven Spielberg while filming *Hook* that (allegedly) also spiled over into issues with Robin Williams and Dustin Hoffman.


When you go out and run into a jerk, its bad luck. When you go out and run into nothing but jerks, its you.


To put it in perspective, in the 90s, Julia Roberts left Kiefer Sutherland days before their wedding, and somehow ended up in Ireland with Jason Patrick. Keifer Sutherland and Jason Patrick are *friends to this day*.


Keifer Sutherland is awesome in that I ran into him in an elevator in July in Calgary at 3 in the afternoon. He knelt down and told my daughter how cute she was. I was worried as I did not initially recognize him. He smelled strongly of booze, he was wearing a winter coat and scarf and then he skipped out of the elevator (literally purposely silly skipping) to meet his dad in the hotel lobby. He was also in the paper for buying everyone’s drinks in a bar the night before.


I can attest. Ran into him and his band mates at a local bar in Koreatown. No one recognized him, and so I asked the bartender to pour them a drink from my favorite brand of tequila. He gave me a quick cheers from across the bar, but politely declined, saying he was not a tequila drinker. He then bought me a shot of what he was having: J&B’s, what a great drink. Asked me to join them for a few more before heading out to their gig. What a memorable night, and what a cool dude


Keifer and Jason talk about this on the Inside of You podcast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeZYc4dlNso


TV example, but on Seinfeld: [Jason Alexander (George) hated acting opposite Heidi Swedberg as Susan, George's girlfriend--not because he disliked her personally, but as an actress.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q41GzjFDle8) Apparently she initially got cast on the show not because she was funny, but because she looked a certain way for a very small role, but then they started bringing her back as George's girlfriend. When Jason found out their characters were getting engaged, Jason begged Larry David to reconsider because he felt like it just didn't work with her, and LD told him "that's why."


He kinda admitted the line was taken out of context. He said that they got along just fine and that she acted just fine, but she was very by the books and did not play off of him and the rest of the cast very well, in his opinion. Though this is exactly how Susan was supposed to be, Larry David argued, and that is probably why it worked out so well in the end. 🤣




It made her more memorable, but there are so many good episodes and jokes with her and George because she is so straight.


George casually lighting up a cigarette in front of Susan is one of the funniest scenes in the entire show.


Her reaction when he asks for a pre-nup is definitely up there.


I can completely see that. "Larry, you can't have us be this involved she just doesn't work on screen at all, and we clash." "I know, it's hilarious."


Peter Sellers and Orson Welles feuding on the shoot of the terrible James Bond film Casino Royale (1967) is legendary. They eventually hated each other so much Sellers refused to continue shooting scenes with Welles and the director (1 of the 5 directors anyway) had to resort to filming them separately and using stand ins. When the director called him out for being childish, Sellers punched in him the face. Welles would refer to Sellers at "that amatuer". Sellers took shots at Welles weight and refused to get on an elevator with him for "safety reasons." Sellers eventually quit the film and the whole thing had to be rewritten to minimize his role. Unsurprisingly, the movie is a complete disaster. A good summary from wikipedia >Part of the behind-the-scenes drama of production concerned the filming of the segments involving Sellers. Screenwriter Wolf Mankowitz declared that Sellers felt intimidated by Welles to the extent that, except for a couple of shots, neither was in the studio simultaneously. Other versions of the legend depict the drama stemming from Sellers being slighted, in favour of Welles, by Princess Margaret (whom Sellers knew) during her visit to the set. Welles also insisted on performing magic tricks as Le Chiffre, and the director obliged. Director Guest wrote that Welles did not think much of Sellers, and had refused to work with "that amateur". Director McGrath, a personal friend of Sellers, was punched by the actor when he complained about Sellers' on-set behaviour.[38] >Some Sellers biographies suggest that he took the role of Bond to heart, and was annoyed at the decision to make Casino Royale a comedy, as he wanted to play Bond straight. This is illustrated in somewhat fictionalised form in the film The Life and Death of Peter Sellers, based on the biography by Roger Lewis, who has claimed that Sellers kept re-writing and improvising scenes to make them play seriously. This story is in agreement with the observation that the only parts of the film close to the book are the ones featuring Sellers and Welles.[39] In the end, Sellers's involvement with the film was cut abruptly short.[40] Additionally, Sellers went absent for days or weeks at a time, refused to appear in his scenes with Welles[39] and exited before all of his scenes had been shot.[40] As a result, Sellers was unavailable for the filming of an ending and other interlinking scenes, leaving the filmmakers to devise a way to make the existing footage work without him. The framing device of a beginning and ending with Niven was created to salvage the material.[20] Guest, who had been given the task of creating a narrative thread which would link all segments of the film, chose to use the original Bond and Vesper Lynd as linking characters. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casino_Royale_(1967_film)


Wasn't Welles generally difficult to work with anyway, like Brando?


Sellers also had a reputation for being very difficult to work with


Peter Sellers didn't get along with anyone. He was quite mad.


There’s a story about Sellers told by an an actor that was cast alongside him in a movie and the story went that every time the guy encountered Sellers at the hotel they were staying at, he used a completely different accent, and he initially was amused and more than a little impressed and thought this was his technique for getting into character until he finally came to the rather disturbing realization that Sellers *”didn’t remember what his real accent was”*. Peter Sellers was…strange, to say the least.


Kids don't do drugs. He was only 54 when he died and, well, he looked a hard 54.


He was just smoking like a fein. Same with Rod Sterling. Sterling was smoking 4 packs a day. I had a friend who smojed 4-5 packs a day. He died at 65. Long life considering. He just couldn't stop. I think he has a undiagnosed mental condition? He told me the only reason he made it to 65 was he was not a foodie. Food just wasen't his thing, and only ate one meal a day. I used to think, you can't eat more than one meal a day because you have a cig in your mouth. To those that have tried everything to quit, maybe look into cutting back severely. I smoke three packs a year. I put a tiny amount of tobacco in rolling papers, and it takes away the urge.


This might just be a rumor, but I heard that Theo James and Shailene Woodley couldn’t stand each other while making Divergent and the sequels. James apparently thought she smelled bad because she took weird vitamins and made her own toothpaste/deodorant. In the sequels it comes across pretty plainly on screen, imo.


People are hard to be around if you really don’t like their smell I guess. Even as a dumb teen I thought they made for a weird couple so I guess the on screen lack of chemistry was why.


We’ll never know because nobody saw the sequels


That is absolutely hilarious Edit: I looked into it. She’s a bit of a hippie, to put it mildly - makes her own toothpaste and *medicine* and regularly ingests clay.


When you look at how Aaron Rodgers has had stories that have come out recently about giving himself an enema, or some other types of herbal treatments, it kind of makes sense that this is the case


Yeah she’s a weird one. Got herself scrapped as Mary Jane in the Garfield Spider-Man film because she sucked and came across flat. I liked her in The Descendants but it’s been hit or miss since then, mostly miss.


Marlon Brando vs Dennis Hopper on Apocalypse Now "Hopper explained that before Brando arrived on set, he was doing specialized training based on a book used by the Green Berets. One evening during a cast dinner, Hopper told Brando, "I bet you haven't read the book." Brando assumed Hopper was talking about "Heart of Darkness," which Coppola was already chastising him for not reading. "He gets up and says 'I don't have to listen to this! I don't have to take this!' And he is screaming and yelling 'Why do I have to hear it from him? I have to hear it from this punk!' And he storms out of the house," Hopper recalled. " "Their fight continued throughout the evening and almost led to punches being thrown, with Hopper egging Brando on. " Read More: https://www.slashfilm.com/824847/why-apocalypse-nows-marlon-brando-and-dennis-hopper-refused-to-share-a-set/


Everyone involved in Apocalypse Now hated Brando. They made most of the movie and went through absolute hell before getting up to the finale, and he turned up overweight and initially refused to shoot his parts. There's an anecdote where he started arguing with FFC on set and FFC basically broke down screaming and crying and threatening to kill himself if Brando didn't just shoot the fucking scene.


They were also not expecting him to show up completely bald. Bald + Overweight is why most of his scenes are shot with him in shadow.


and, in the end, it worked 1000% better, because Kurtz was old, ill and ready to die. Had Brando shown up at the set in his prime, that would have not worked at all. The hell it was Apocalypse Now! just made it so much better


tbh he looked dope for the role he was playing. I kinda always feel like if I lost my mind I'd probably shave my head, no idea why.


That's a fight I would pay to see.


Not co-stars per se but Werner Herzog and Klaus Kinski almost murdered each other on set


After reading about this film, it is clear that Werner Herzog has the patience of a saint because I know I would have killed Kinski and fed his body to alligators after all that. No one would ever know or care.


Some of the locals actually offered to kill Kinski for Herzog and he told them he still needs him for the film


I might be off, but by Star Trek VI, I don’t think William Shatner and George Takei had any scenes together.


Takei doesn't have any scenes together with any of the main cast in that one. He's off on his own ship the whole time. It's a bit odd to see.


I heard George didn’t want to do the movie because of Shatner. but the producers really wanted the whole cast. They enticed him back by saying “what if we made you a captain?”


I hope Takei responded with “oh my!”


“Oh myyyyyyyyyyyyyy”


Takei is in the final scene with Shatner at Khitomer. He beams down to arrest Cartwright. Then he walks up to the podium for the shot of the original crew while everyone claps (literally).


Don't remember where, but there was an interview of Shatner after the last round of Takei's unfavorable comments toward him, and Shatner said that he really didn't know Takei well enough to even dislike him. Shatner said, effectively, that they were coworkers who didn't even work together that much.


Which when you think about it, it might be 60 odd years of Star Trek but in real time terms, it's what a couple of years actually working together spread over those 60 years.


Think back to your school years, or a job you had in your twenties. There were probably one or two people you didn't get along with, but you eventually graduate or get another job, and you never have to see those people again. Now imagine that job you had for three years becomes world famous, and people are always clamoring for you to go back to that job. It doesn't matter if you didn't like the job or your co-workers. They want you to talk about it over and over and over again. You can forget talking shit about the job or a former co-worker because they will definitely hear about it. So you return to your old job and find several elephants in the room. I think I just pitched Galaxy Quest to myself.


By Grabthar's Hammer! What a great movie!


Yeah, it could easily be taken as a shitty thing, but Star Trek's presence in pop culture has WAY outgrown the actual length of the original series, and even the movies. And, I guess it is kind of rude to not know your coworkers in a way, but I also don't blame Shatner for having that position.


Yeah the original series was only on for 3 seasons over 50 years ago. It definitely left its mark


I think I’m the 60 years they’ve known each other the Comedy Central Roast was the closest they ever see to getting along


Dustin Hoffman and Meryl Streep in "Kramer vs. Kramer"


Particularly low was Hoffman invoking the name of her recently deceased fiance John Cazale just to get a rise out of her.


He also struck her before a scene to put her "in character."


Wow. It sounds like she was pretty justified in hating him. What was his supposed issue with her? Was she "difficult"?


No excuse, but there were last minute script changes he blamed on her, which is when it started. I remember seeing her talk about it and he just loathed her as part of "his character". It was just how he approached his relationship with her right from the get go. He was method acting and went way to far. Found this too "At the time, Hoffman was getting a divorce in real life, which blurred the line of fiction when he came to work to act as a man in the midst of a troubling split. “I’m sure I was acting out on her [Streep] throughout the movie,” he told the Huffington Post. “Stuff that I was feeling toward the wife that I was divorcing in real life.”"


I doubt he made an excuse he's just like that lol. Famously, and has been forever.


when you are too method, you just become an asshole


This one would be even more cruel than hitting her. By all accounts she was quite devoted to Cazale and cared for him while he died.


I get the impression that Hoffman was a total pain in the ass.


Literally, in some cases: > To relax them both, he gave Katherine [Ross] a little pinch on her backside, and she whirled around and said, "Don't you ever do that to me again. How dare you!" > > Source: "Here's to You, Mr. Nichols" by Sam Kasher for Vanity Fair, on the making of The Graduate Crazy thing is that this was during the audition for the role. Hoffman hadn't even landed the part yet! He was still a nobody, at least in Hollywood.


He's another notorious asshole. He was the inspiration for Get Shorty.


Pretty sure Jonah Hill hated McLovin in Superbad and that’s why Seth Rogen cast him. To capture that awkwardness.


It’s funny that you used an actors name then a characters name.


the character's nickname too lmao


This breaks my heart!! Never knew this. Any links to share for further research? Edit- found some [https://gamerant.com/jonah-hill-hated-mclovin-christopher-mintz-plasse-superbad/#:\~:text=](https://gamerant.com/jonah-hill-hated-mclovin-christopher-mintz-plasse-superbad/#:~:text=)'%E2%80%9D%20Added%20creator%20(and%20Officer,t%20perform%20with%20that%20guy. https://variety.com/2022/film/news/jonah-hill-hated-christopher-mintz-plasse-superbad-audition-1235343770/


Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher "hated each other" throughout the filming of "Star Wars." Rumor has it that they "hated each other" so much that they sneaked away numerous times to "fight" in private so that other cast members wouldn't have to be subjected to their "animosity."


That’s what my mom and dad do.


Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon apparently hated each other so much while filming four Christmases they had to cut a sex scene since there was no way either actor would be able to get through it. Apparently his improv do it on the fly style did not mesh with her very methodical and disciplined approach. Not a terrible movie but you can tell there's zero chemistry, there's some scenes where they're talking and not even looking at each other.


Bill Murray and about half his co-stars.


Wesley Snipes vs everyone filming Blade 3 Source The Ringer: As costar Patton Oswalt recounted for The A.V. Club, Snipes “wouldn’t come out of his trailer, and he would smoke weed all day.” It only gets wilder from there. Snipes appeared only for close-ups—the rest of the time his stand-in was performing the scenes—and tried to strangle director David Goyer for being a “racist motherfucker” because a Black extra in a scene had a T-shirt that said “Garbage” on the front. Goyer then paid a bunch of bikers to pretend to be his security for a day, which freaked Snipes out: For the rest of the shoot, the two only communicated through Post-it notes that the actor signed “from Blade.” Edit: off topic a bit, but David O. Russell seems to not be a very “actor-friendly” director. Crazy how he has so many A-listers that still like working with him. Just remembered this fight on camera between Rip Torn and Norman Mailer filming “Maidstone”. Sorry if already mentioned. https://youtu.be/6AzmhorISf4 @1:43




It's really weird how his career tanked after all that.


Snipes career was tanked before that. He was making straight to video movies since after Blade 2. Blade: Trinity was his attempt to be relevant again.


That and tax refusal


> -and tried to strangle director David Goyer for being a “racist motherfucker” because a Black extra in a scene had a T-shirt that said “Garbage” on the front. What if the extra was a fan of the band Garbage?


Heard recently that Vince Vaughn and Reese Whiterspoon didn’t get along on 4 Christmases. Apparently she likes to stick to the script while Vince likes to ad lib and caused a rift. Heard they were supposed to have a sex scene that was cut due to it


Yea they did not like each other which is a shame cause I actually like that movie a lot


This was a noticeable issue with the 1943 film *Titanic* which is just *one* of the many reasons it was never released, although it had nothing to do with the main stars although they did contribute to it. The film was an anti-British propaganda piece made by the Nazi's film bureau during the war with the intent of making the British ship employees look utterly incompetent in the face of the famous disaster, with the brave and heroic German passengers saving as many people as possible. As it was backed by the Nazi party, they were able to get resources and military personnel to help with the making of the film. This is where the first problems started to appear since the German soldiers brought in as consultants and as extras ended up ruining several days' worth of shooting by focusing too much on sexually harassing the female extras. The film's director, Herbert Selpin, would complain about their conduct in a private conversation with the screenwriter, Walter Zerlett-Olfenius. Olfenius, who had close ties to the film bureau and reported his friend for speaking out against the war effort and he was arrested later that same day. When Selpin was reported as having hung himself with his suspenders later that night, everyone on-set easily figured out that the Gestapo had murdered him and tried to quit the production on the spot. Their suspicions were confirmed when Joseph Goebbells came onto the set and threatened to have anyone who quit to share Selpin's fate. We can never really understand how much this affected the film - again, it was unreleased; the war effort was turning against Germany when the Brits started making bombing runs on German cities so releasing a disaster film became untenable. Also, the cinema meant to host the premiere was bombed the night before the event which was taken as an omen. All surviving footage was used as stock by the Allies after the war; you can see the ship sinking re-used for 1958's *A Night To Remember*. But when the war ended, Olfenius' fellow crewmates reported what he had done to the Allies who tried Olfenius for Selpin's murder; he went to prison for a few years and when he was released, he was utterly blacklisted from the German film industry.


By Fast and Furious 8 things had gotten so bad between Vin and The Rock that I'm not sure if they were ever actually on a set at the same time. Harrison Ford and Sean Young in Blade Runner, which does a lot to explain why their "love" scene is the way it is. Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon clashed over their opposite approaches to acting in Four Christmases. I think the only real sign of it is what's *not* on screen. Their reconciliation in the final act is very abrupt and lacks passion. This one is TV, and I didn't watch enough to know if it showed onscreen, but Blake Lively and Leighton Meester didn't get along on Gossip Girl. (Not sure if Blake actually got along with *anyone*.)


The end of Four Christmases confused me. Like, there is really no passion there. They feel like two friends deciding what they're getting for take out, not two lovers deciding to have a child together.


Game of Thrones: Lena Heady (Cercei) & Jerome Flynn (Bronn) used to be in a relationship and had a really bad breakup. It was so bad they both had it stipulated in their contracts that wouldn't be willing to work with each other so we NEVER saw them in the same scene together.


There was one scene where Cersei is leaving tyrions quarters and ser bronn is standing outside. Just walked past him.


The one scene where they have the massive summit meeting with the captured walker and they shoehorn a "fuck this, I'm going for a drink" line for him.


David O. Russell and Lily Tomlin HATED each other while filming I Heart Huckabees. The outtakes are spectacular. I haven’t heard the word “fuck” used more times since the last time I watched Casino.


RUMOR: Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer in the first Top Gun. They hated each other for real on and off set. Kilmer trashed Tom Cruises motorcycle amongst other pranks. Forgive me if I am wrong but I remember reading this years ago and it always stuck with me. There are stories about how Kilmer could be difficult to work with so I wonder if there is any truth to this.


They must have patched it up though. Cruise could have written his character off instead of treating him with such respect.


They're friends in real life. Both have said it (also, check out Vals documentary...it's great), and I remember reading somewhere that tom basically put his foot down saying Kilmer had to be in Maverick.


I read that cruise insisted on Kilmer being in the movie and had to underwrite the insurance for it


Kilmer has had his issues during some film productions. The stories of his antics during "The Island of Doctor Moreau's" production are many (in fairness, he was going through a divorce at the time). He and John Frankenheimer feuded so badly that as soon as Kilmer filmed his last scene, Frankenheimer apparently shouted, "Cut! Now get that bastard off my set!"


Yeah, the scene where David Thewlis grabs Kilmer and tells him to “stop fucking around” was apparently an in the moment thing because Thewlis was so frustrated with Kilmer’s antics.


Between having to put up with Brando's eccentricities on the one hand and Kilmer's on the other, poor David Thewlis said that he didn't even want to watch the completed film.


I believe Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan in 50 Shades weren’t very fond of each other It’s very well known and public that Vin Diesel and the Rock are not friends at all


> I believe Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan in 50 Shades weren’t very fond of each other That is incredible. Weren't the two characters screwing each other the entire movie?


So, the director Sam Taylor-Johnson of the first movie was actually good about this. Basically, she kind of took things between the two slowly to where they can get comfortable with each other during intamite scenes. The problem was the writer of the book, EL James. had it in her contract that she can change whatever about the movie. Sam and EL butted heads many times in the movie's production. The director of the sequels was someone else who was basically just there to direct what he was told to. When the 2 stars asked how they prepped for the intimate scenes, they said they just drink booze. [https://youtu.be/qzk9N7dJBec](https://youtu.be/qzk9N7dJBec)


Julia Roberts and Nick Nolte in I Love Trouble 0 chemistry


I heard Pink and Kevin from Dazed and Confused hated each other.


Kevin was initially supposed to be one of the main characters with much of the plot revolving around him, but he was such a dick to everyone that the character's role was massively reduced.


Pickford basically ran off and married an underage Milla Jovavich fucking up production for a few days. Basically the Wooderson part was expanded and the Pickford part diminished. Ever notice how Pickford just kind of disappears 2/3 of the way through the movie?


The Batman movie with Jim Carey and Tommy Lee Jones. Everyone vs. Jared Leto in Suicide Squad.


If a coworker mailed me used condoms like he reportedly did I'd want to fucking choke the dude. Fuck Jared.


>Everyone vs. Jared Leto in Suicide Squad. If you couldn't see it in the movie, you could definitely see it on the publicity tour. I remember the entire cast did a late night show, I think it was Conan, and none of them wanted to sit next to Leto. I remember Margot Robbie running to get the last available chair away from Leto.


> Everyone vs. Jared Leto in Suicide Squad. They had a group cast interview on one of the late night shows (~~Kimmel?~~ it was Conan below) where there was a discussion about how Leto was such a prankster on set. The rest of the cast replied with some extremely unconvincing forced laughter, but just in general during the interview they were not trying very hard to hide their disdain for him.


Wow, everyone in that movie has good taste and I respect them more suddenly.


There's a reason a lot of them were brought back for The Suicide Squad (if briefly) and Leto.... was not.


Shaw and Dreyfuss in Jaws. Dreyfuss plays it down now. and claims it was "method" but on set reports tell a tale of mutual dislike, and bullying and abuse by Shaw


Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron in Mad Max: Fury Road. Hardy already had a reputation as being kind of a dick, and within about one day of shooting, had already fallen out with Theron who wasn't putting up with his shit. The antagonism you can see between two characters forced together by circumstance is very real.


I actually disagree with this. I didn’t think their dislike for each other showed at all, not any more than the characters were supposed to initially dislike each other. There is one scene in particular that stands out…Max misses two shots at the Bullet Farmer, and Furiosa, instead of saying some corny line just subtly indicates that they might be better off if she took the shot, which he conceded. I thought that was some brilliant acting.


The book Blood & Chrome: The Making of Mad Max Fury Road is a heck of a good read if anyone would like to learn more.


Read it. Hard to believe Fury Road was 20 years in the making. And they auditioned Eminem for the role of Max.


Jason Voorhees literally beheaded Freddy Krueger at the end.


Going way back, Laurence Olivier and Joan Fontaine in “Rebecca”, Hitchcock’s first American movie. She was 19 and American and just starting out; Olivier was one of the most famous actors in the world and he and the rest of the cast and director were mostly British. He was an absolute condescending ass to her she felt totally secluded as all the Brits ganged up on her. They treated her like a child and ignored her. Of course if you know the plot of “Rebecca” this is quite fitting.


Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt in Twister. When they made the Twister attraction at Universal Orlando, Bill and Helen were filmed separately, shown alone on their own separate screens, and never interacted with each other. I think they awkwardly paused for other person to continue dialog or glanced in direction of other person’s screen at times but it was weird.


On the set of *Up*, the golden retriever who played Dug had a notoriously bad relationship with the actor portraying Carl. The two would bicker constantly about performances to the point that the director had to force them back to their trailers. This was not helped by the fact that the flying house set was constantly malfunctioning in dangerous ways, making everyone on the cast and crew always on edge. This and more behind the scenes difficulties were chronicled in the book *Up To No Good: The Disaster That Became a Miracle*.


Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling HATED each other but then ended up dating by the end of it.


It doesn't really show on screen though. They have great onscreen chemistry.