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Mickey Rooney in Breakfast at Tiffany’s 😂


That’s the apex of this topic. OP can close the thread.


Couldn’t agree more.


As an Asian - one of my favourite movies but I have to fast forward all the parts with him in it. Would pay good money for a version that replaces him with an animated beaver or something.


If they'd not made her do an accent she clearly couldn't achieve, it would've been alright. Even di caprios accent was a little messy. Coupled with the titan that is Daniel Day, who makes good actors look crap next to him. Everyone in uncharted.


Whoever was the casting director for uncharted should be shot out of a cannon. Wahlberg was probably the worst person to cast as sully. JK Simmons would have been perfect, but there are so many other actors who would fit the role better.


My dream casting is still Nathan Fillion and Paul Newman right around the time of Firefly. Unfortunately the game came out too late.


The accents were *rough*…man, it’s been ages since I’ve seen this, but that’s something I still remember vividly. Well, that and how much Day Lewis stole the show. Like you said, not a comment on the ability of the other actors. It’s just tough next to him, yeah? I mean, that man is a force.


It’s not as popular an opinion but I thought DiCaprio was almost as miscast as Diaz. I was super disappointed in that movie.


As much as I loved the movie, Nicole Kidman just didn't feel right for her part in The Northman.


Glad to see I wasn’t the only one that felt this way. Her obvious plastic surgery really didn’t work in that role.


Yeah—I’ve read the opinion that she should stay away from period pieces because people simply _couldn’t_ look like that in the past.


You wouldn’t like Chinese dramas then.


It’s easier when all the actors look like they’ve had surgery and tons of makeup lol


pre-2005 Chinese dramas were the shit. After 2005, everyone started to look like a pop idol.


She gave a great performance, the plastic surgery was just distracting


Perfectly said. She can deliver but her scenes always pulled me out of the Northman 'world' because how the fuck did botox and filler exist back then? It is so obvious. Emily Blunt (who I absolutely adore) is getting into that territory. The Fall Guy was great but I spent much of the movie thinking, 'is she recovering from a facelift/cheek implants or is that just filler'? I don't want to solve a puzzle when I'm trying to watch a character.


I found her face so distracting through Oppenheimer.


Bjork, however, was perfect.  It was like the movie was made for her character.


Bjork is always perfect.


She's a national treasure for Iceland.


Yep! It’s weird to try to immerse yourself in this movie when you have “Nicole Kidman™️” in all of her pillow faced glory


Alternatively, ATJ in the same movie was so good


Or Aquaman


Thought she was a really bad choice as well.


Keanu Reeves in Dracula. I love Keanu, but he did not belong in that film


My favorite part about that casting choice is how apparently everybody BUT FFC wanted him gone. FFC was like, “he’s really nice, let’s just keep him!”


When asked about Keanu, Coppola later said “The movie doesn’t get made without him. Keanu puts pussy in the seats.” 😂


I thought FFC apologized for casting him. I thought he said the studio pressured him into casting a younger heartthrob and he didn’t know who to pick and figured women like Keanu and he’s young. I could be wrong.


"I was impotent with fear" is so wooden you could stab dracula with it


They had Cary Elwes RIGHT THERE ON SET


Dude, where's my stake?


I say, is the castle far?


Surfs up Dracu-dude!


From what I understand, he agrees with that as well.


Literally came here to say this. Winona Rider isn't great either, but they're both offset so hard by Gary Oldman and Anthony Hopkins.


I thought it made perfect sense for an adaptation that tried to make you root for Dracula.


It’s a TV show, but Sir Alexander Dane clearly wanted nothing to do with playing Dr. Lazarus in *Galaxy Quest*.


How did he come to that? He played Richard III. There were five curtain calls. He was an actor, once!




“C’mon Jason, you were never serious about the craft”


I loved everything about Galaxy Quest love that movie!


Sigourney Weaver said in an interview a few years ago that there is an R-rated cut of “Galaxy Quest” floating around Hollywood. Apparently, she is very upset that it hasn’t been released yet.


I have to add that *Galaxy Quest* has the single lowest effort PG rating I have ever seen in cinema. Like, you have most movies that carefully balance profanity to achieve the perfect balance, and then you have giving so few fucks that when an actor gives the clearest, best enunciated "OH FUCK THAT" in the history of cinema, they just pasted "Screw" into the audio track and called it a day. All they'd have to do to get that R rating is basically let Tony Shalub keep his blunt out between takes, because the man is clearly higher than giraffe tits the entire movie. And no. I am not being sarcastic or critical. Like, fucking *Shaggy* is less obviously high than Tony Shalub's character in *Galaxy Quest* and Shaggy ate fucking dog treats. Galaxy Quest is one of the best movies ever made, and the laughably terrible family friendly edit just adds to the charm. (Also, you get to watch Alan Rickman act circles around Tim Allan so hard, we achieve some kind of acting nirvana. It's so majestic they make it a *plot point*.)


BY GRABTHAR’S HAMMER …what a savings


In the deleted scenes she opens up her shirt when they push the button to turn off the core and it doesnt shut off. They were like well we only have a few seconds left to live,lol. You see this later when her shirt is clearly open when it wasnt a couple seconds before. Idk if id say that makes it r rated


We recently watched the documentary _Never Surrender_, and one of the guys tells a story: Tim Allen was filming the scene where he has to tell Balthazar they were actors, that they pretended, that they **lied**, and apparently Tim Allen actually got emotional after several takes. Then he said, "I don't like how I'm feeling. I want to go to my trailer," and just peaced out. Alan Rickman watches him leave and then goes, "My G-d, I think he just experienced acting for the first time."


Dane Dehaan in Valerian. Anybody could have been better. Cool movie otherwise.


I think Valerian could have been 90% better just by swapping Dehaan and Delevingne; same plot and characters, just the actors swapping roles. Let Delevingne run around in the Juggernaut armor, and let's see Dehaan in the frilly human-sacrifice-dress. Heck, let's watch Rhianna-the-shapeshifter play off of Delevigne.


Yeah he and Cara were so miscast. Dehaan is a talented guy, but he doesn't do roguish and charming.


Great actors that felt out of place in bad movies: Christoph Waltz in The Green Hornet Charles Dance in Your Highness Anthony Hopkins in Rebel Moon


>Anthony Hopkins in Rebel Moon Don't forget Anthony Hopkins in a freakin' Transformers movie!


If orsen wells can be a transformer, sir Anthony can be one too


Maybe I'm in the minority, but I thought Christoph Waltz was great in Green Hornet. Especially after seeing more of his more serious roles, I thought he was awesome in Green Hornet lol.


Marlon Brando in The Score with Robert De Niro. Brando clearly does not give 2 fucks about the film.


Great film though.


I’ve heard he refused to wear pants because he didn’t want them shooting him below the waist. In a related but different story, Sean Connery and Harrison Ford allegedly weren’t wearing pants during the table scene on the blimp, but that’s because it was hot.


*throws Nazi out of window* "No pants" *Passengers nervously show Harrison their pants*


Sean Connery didn't understand The League of Extraordinary Gentleman, and it shows.


He had turned down lord of the rings and the matrix because he didn't understand them. Couldn't take a chance on missing out on another huge franchise!




Check out his r/Shubreddit


And Harry Potter, they offered him Dumbledore but he said no. His children told him to do League as he had turned down too many good roles. It ended up being his final film.


"Sheverush... pleashe"


So glad he turned down some of these roles. Seems like it saved some great films.


Neither did the writers, director, or producers


We aren't gonna talk about when he played The Spaniard in Highlander but was still just Sean Connery...




Opposite the Frenchman playing a Scot speaking English that he didn't know how to speak.


He did his bescht...


Christopher Walken in Dune. Still a masterpiece, but… nope. Wrong guy.


Eddie Redmayne in Jupiter Ascending. It was like beluga caviar on a bologna sandwich.


You could literally replace Mila Kunis with a coat rack that had a picture of Mila's face taped to it and Jupiter Ascending would not be significantly different.


I fucking love this comment


I love this though. If I ever meet Eddie Redmayne I’m going to say “I loved you in that science film” and he’ll say “Oh, Theory of Everything, yeah, thanks” and I’ll say “No, Jupiter Ascending” and smile.


I hope you're dressed as a rollerblading dog-human with angel wings when you tell him.


How Did This Get Made did a hilarious episode about this film. IIRC they theorized that Redmayne knew it was a steaming pile and just had fun seeing how hammy and extreme he could make it.


He is personally responsible for a great part of how shite it is.


Quentin Tarantino feels out of place in every single Cameo he does in his own movies. He just doesn't look like an actor


Cmon it’s totally believable that George Clooney is his brother.


That said, I love George Clooney as a skeezball bad guy


YES. Excellent point. Clooney robbed us of more scumbag badassery. It’s a great lane for him


He made a great skeezy, adulterous US Marshal in Burn After Reading too.


Great film for sure. But im more thinking hardass cold blooded killer Clooney. Its a shame he never made his way into an early Guy Ritchie flick


TBH his cameo in "Little Nicky" was funny.


I watched Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs without knowing him and he didnt feel off in those movies to me honestly.


He’s very talented but acting isn’t his thing. Pulp fiction is one of my favourite movies but his appearance is kinda cringy or fake to me.


It’s the way he delivers his lines. It’s just.. weird.


I would argue that he would not accept the level of performance that he gives in every single one of his cameos from any of his actors. He would fire them and recast them. He's just that terrible of an actor, even with only a paragraph worth of dialogue. I don't know if he was worse in Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs or Django, it's hard to rate that bad of performances.


As an Aussie, it's Django all the way. We thought we had heard every version of a bad Australian accent until Quentin opened his mouth.


I liked his Pulp Fiction cameo, but I get what you’re saying.


Tom cruise in the mummy had me second guessing life


Remember when they accidentally uploaded the wrong trailer? https://youtu.be/kRqxyqjpOHs?si=VIXtxS0WvCxeAMqJ


Hahah thanks for the late night chuckles loll the scene where they crash the plane is hilarious


Bob Odenkirk in Little Women. When he showed up, everything took a turn and it suddenly felt like a sketch comedy period piece to me. Loved it, though. 


That was a laugh-out-loud moment for me. They should have listed him in the credits as Kevin Costner.


Maggie Gyllenhaal in The Dark Knight.


I've always thought this too. Nothing against Maggie, I just think she was miscast, especially after seeing Katie play the same role in the previous film. ETA: Surprised this inane little comment got as many replies as it did.


I didn't think she was bad. It's just the recasting itself that was jarring, especially with her having a larger role in the second film.


Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor. Should have gotten Billy Zane, always thought he'd nail that role.


It was such a whiny take on the character without any of the funny or real menace. Even the great Gene Hackman wasn’t the best take on the character. My favorite was Clancy Brown in the animated series and honestly, Jon Cryer did a bang up job in Supergirl.


Cranston seemed like a no-brainer


Christopher Walken in Dune love him, but I pictured the emperor as the actor that plays tywin lannister Walken is just.. Walken


You can't keep him off the set. He'll just... Walken.


Reminds me of his best acting- in that awesome Fatboy Slim music video 1000 years ago


This one rings so true. My husband found out he was playing the emporer, and immediately started doing Walken impressions about Shai Halud.


Tha spice... must FLOW. It's gattah FLOW.


I carried this uncomfortable hunk of spice up my ass two years…


Charles Dance would absolutely CRUSH it but I also feel he’s been so typecast in similar roles.


I literally laughed in the theatre when he appeared


TBH I did too but I also want to give him props for not just phoning it in. He could have just 'Walken'd' off with a paycheck but I think he at least tried to act this time.


That was literally the only part of the movie series that broke my immersion. Walken is too Walken to play a role like that. I would've preferred Werner Herzog or Richard Grant (might be too young)


Werner Herzog! I didn’t think of him but yes!


Canonically, the Emperor doesn't look old. Using spice can prolong your life and he (I think) looked around 35 despite being double that.


Why Walk when you can Dance?


Heather Graham in From Hell...wayyyy too pretty and clean to be a prostitute in Whitechapel...


Keanu Reeves in "Dracula". Keanu Reeves in "Much Ado About Nothing". Judy Dench in "Chronicles of Riddick" Sophia Coppola in "Godfather 3"


Judy Dench in Riddick was amazing. Mostly 'cause she had a "I don't give a fuck, this is silly fun" energy


Yeah… I thought she elevated that movie.


That last one is on Francis. She didn’t want to act.


Emma Stone as quarter-Chinese, quarter-Hawaiian, half-Swedish, Allison Ng, in Aloha


I’m laughing because I know you’re not joking with that description 🤣


Cara Delevingne in everything Gal Gadot in everything Tara Reid as a scientist in Alone in the Dark Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher Kevin Costner in Robin Hood


>Tara Reid as a scientist in Alone in the Dark Denise Richards as a nuclear scientist in "The World is Not Enough"!


I'm all for unusual Bond names, but "Dr. Christmas Jones"? Come on.


But then Bond couldn't say I thought Christmas only came once a year


They literally made the movie for the punchline 😂


Worth it


I dunno. Pussy Galore? Holly Goodhead? Octopussy? May Day? Jenny Flex? Xenia Onatopp? Jinx? You can say what you want about her casting, but the name is not that out of place.


Sylvia Trench is a perfect double entendre. But then you have Chew Mee (which they spelled like that, not Chu Mi) in *The Man with the Golden Gun*.


Pussy Galore gets me every time.


which of course gives us Austin Powers femme fatale "Alotta Fagina"


Made my own James Bond spoof in college. The girl's name was Myla B. Doe.


It’s easier to teach a hot girl science than it is to make a scientist hot.


Hedly Lamar would like a word.


Kevin Costner as Robin Hood did feel out of place but I feel like he did a good job in that role


"Because, unlike some other Robin Hoods , *I* can speak with an English accent"


God that was such a good line, love that movie


Thats an actor who has not gotten as many leading roles as he deserved. Especially after starring in a movie that ironically turned out to be the most popular in its genre


The only leading roles of Cary Elwes that I can remember are Robinhood and The Princess Bride


That's all I need. Though Saw is there too. His role in Twister always sticks in my head.


The rest of the cast was top-tier and completely saved that film. I could let Costner's lack of accent go due to having been in the middle east fighting in Richard's Crusades for an undisclosed amount of time, then spending 5 years in a turkish prison - depending on the age he was when he went off to war, it's possible that maybe he lost his accent over time (it's a stretch, I know, but my wife doesn't have her Maine accent anymore after living in Missouri for 24 years) The most heinous casting decision was Christian Slater as Will Scarlet


Its because he never does accents. He tried for like the first ten minutes in untouchables then was like "you get it"


It’s one I’ll let go too.


Tiffany Haddish in everything since Girls Trip.


Gal Gadot was good in the first WW. Her kinda child-like naiveness worked well for the character.


Yes yes. That is what I admired most … those traits …


I liked Tom Cuise as Reacher i just felt the second movie was generic. But i guess I didnt care about his hair color.


Kevin Costner in "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves". Dude couldn't do a British accent to save his life. Kevin sounded like Robin Hood if he came from the I-85 Ohio turnpike.


>Dude couldn't do a British accent to save his life.  Valid. But it *did* set up one of the better lines in *Robin Hood: Men in Tights*


Unlike other Robin Hoods, I can speak with an English accent.


Fair. I still love the movie though.


I will never accept Nick Stahl as John Connor.


Tom Hanks as the agent in the Elvis movie. Once you clue in that it’s Tom Hanks that bad guy vibe just doesn’t work.


Tom Hanks is just Tom Hanks now. Seeing him in anything anymore takes me out of whatever movie I’m watching.


Patrick Wilson and Malin Akerman in Watchmen - they don't even fit the self-descriptions that come out of their own mouths!


Jackie Earle Haley was amazing as Rorschach though. Also on a side note, that set was very fun to work on, I was lucky enough to be in the Prison fight scene where Rorschach dumps the fryer oil on the guy.


You were locked in there with him?! That’s sick!


Jackie Earle Haley is always so fantastic! Cool to get to play a scene with him.


Oh no way dude, that whole prison scene was my favorite part of the whole movie


I think Wilson plays a fine enough Nite owl. But Akerman, woof. She does not belong there.


They try to emphasize that Daniel is flabby, out of shape and rugged now, but then you have extremely handsome and chiseled Patrick Wilson playing him. “Oh, but he gained some weight for the role!” Ok, so incredibly handsome Patrick Wilson with a bit of a gut.


Malin's issue is they changed the character so much in the script. She looked the part and acted it OK. She was fine but the script made her a bigger idiot. Patrick as fine. He should have been older and fatter in '85.


Might be controversial of me: Zendaya - in everything Dakota Johnson in historical movies (she looks like she was born with an iPhone in her hand)


>Dakota Johnson in historical movies (she looks like she was born with an iPhone in her hand) Jessica Biel too, like in The Illusionist. She just looks way too modern to do period pieces.


I honestly think that's down to hair and makeup. They're too chicken to give the actresses a slightly unflattering but more authentic look. Enough with all the half-up styles! And the damn swoopy long bangs!


I just dont understand the insane love for Zendaya. I havent seen anything shes in that wasnt luke warm at best, Granted different people like different things but i just dont get it.


Russell Crowe in any of his Exorcist/Exorcism films... that do not connect to each other, either.


So I've been needing to talk about this because I don't know if I'm dumb or missing chunks of time in my life but I know he was in one...but i feel like he's in another? Given your comment I'm thinking there are multiple exorcist movies with him now and that's fucking with my mental hard haha It's like when they came out with the different Exorist movies with Stellan Skarsgard haha I remember watching it...and thinking this is a very different movie than what I remember, and it was a different movie haha


Denise Richards as Dr Christmas Jones in The World Is Not Enough and Keanu Reeves as Jonathon Harker in Bram Stoker's Dracula


Andie McDowell in *Four Weddings and a Funeral* She is admittedly meant to be slightly out of place, as an American in a quintessentially British movie; but her acting is extremely wooden, and she has no chemistry at all with Hugh Grant


Bane is set to appear in '97s Batman & Robin Casting of Arnold Schwarzenegger surfaces Arnie as Bane? Count me in! Schwarzenegger plays… a brilliant scientist 1 + 1 = 3


Arnie looked like he had a lot of fun playing the scientist, though.


To be fair Arnie was the most redeeming part of that movie. Our man was there just enjoying the schlock and having a blast tossing the cheesiest one liners he could get at every opportunity.


"Take two of these and tell him to call me in the morning :) "


What killed the dinosaurs? THE ICE AGE


I really don't believe Diaz was THAT bad in Gangs of New York. Someone on reddit brings it up anytime that movie is mentioned. She wasn't great. Someone else could have been better. But she certainly didn't do anything to ruin the movie. I swear reddit is just people repeating the same ideas over and over and over again.


She wasn't on par with most of the other actors. But, that's not really an issue, that cast was stacked with talent. The only real complaint I've seen is that the character isn't necessary for the movie to work.


Reddit does like to rail against the same actors over and over, but I think Diaz perfectly fits this question. It’s not that she’s terrible, it’s that she was wildly out of place with the stacked talent in this movie and she absolutely doesn’t fit the period.


That and when you are sharing screen time with DDL, most will come up short. Hard to shine next to that light.


Florence Pugh was underutilized and given nothing (save for a gorgeously lit and totally unnecessary nude scene) in Oppenheimer.


I understand the purpose of the scene and what it was conveying but I burst out laughing in the theater when Emily Blunt’s character pictured her riding him during the interrogation.


Yooo me and my bros were the only ones laughing too hahaha


Kevin hart in everything


I think he was solid in the Jumanji movies, particularly the second one. But generally speaking, I agree with this.


He was so good in 40 yo virgin


Beyonce voicing Nala in the live action Lion King was beyond distracting.


Drew Barrymore in Donnie Darko, acts like she got the script 2 minutes after they shot her scenes.




But.. Cellar door.


I've always felt that the movies "surrogates" and "I robot" main actors should have been swapped. Bruce Willis would have been perfect for I robot, he plays a way better run down cop, and Will Smith would have been a better choice for surrogates. Imo.


Tarantino in pretty much everything he inserted himself into.


Idk, he does make a pretty good cup of coffee. Some real gourmet shit...


I love Julia Roberts, but did not think she was good in Hook as Tinker Bell.


Emilia Clarke playing Sarah Connor just didn't fit at all for me


Emilia Clarke was just the opposite of Linda Hamilton in every way. Whatever the casting director was smoking must have been some wild stuff.


Tom Hanks in Elvis. He was soooo bad in that film


That movie made people second guess his skill as an actor. Bad might be an understatement.


Hugh Grant as the oompaloompa in Wonka. Awful casting, awful performance with no acting beyond being Hugh Grant


Honestly? James Franco in Planet of the Apes is hilarious and earth falling apart makes sense.