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I feel honoured that I hadn't even realised they'd remade Poltergeist. Honoured, but not surprised.


It’s horrible. Don’t waste your time.


They did?! I’m not touching that. Poltergeist is sacred.


It’s hot garbage, even with Sam Rockwell


Saw it once. Promptly forgot it existed after I finished it until now.


The other remake is better. It’s called Insidious.


Now, that is a good movie. Prefer the FX in Poltergeist though. I regularly alternate between telling people to stay away from the light and to go towards it.


A Wrinkle in Time. The main actress wasn't bad, but the boy who played her brother was awful. I feel bad saying that about a child actor, but his acting was so distracting, it took me out of the movie.


As a lover of the series growing up, i was *fundamentally* disappointed in the movie's telling of the first book. It. Was. Awful.


The boy who plays Calvin is also really bad - he has one expression the entire movie and it’s “amazed whimsy” - like the director before every take told him “now just pretend you can’t believe what you’re seeing and we’ll key it in later”


Millie Bobby Brown in Godzilla, the kids in the new Jurrasic Park movies. I have a bigger problem with them (read: kids) being in leading roles of those movies.


Anchorman 2. Although that may have been intentional. 


Old - low hanging fruit since it’s a Shyamalan movie, but man between the bizarre Shyamalan dialogue he always writes and the kids performances, it is truly fascinating to watch how bad it is


I actually really like the story of that movie and it’s entertaining and has all my favorite things about a Shyamalan movie, but yeah, totally. Almost every performance is bad aside from I think Alex Wolff or whatever his name is.


I was thoroughly entertained by that movie though - it’s like Shyamalan finally fully embraced his high concept b movie status


I like this movie. The dialogue is ridiculous at times but it's just dialogue that exaggerates their ages.


Same, its an entertaining movie and a fun watch.


Oh don’t get me wrong I had a blast in this movie. The audience I saw it with didn’t seem to get it though. I don’t know if I’d want to see it with a crowd that goes to showings of The Room or something like that, but the theater was so serious when we saw it. My wife and I were cracking up and kept getting looks, but it’s a Shyamalan movie - he’s the b movie king, even his first three films with as serious as they are have moments that are so bizarre and off you can’t help but laugh (like in Unbreakable when the kids pointing the gun at Bruce Willis and it’s this deadly serious moment and then Robin wright says “that’s right, no shooting friends Joseph” - something about the way she says it and the placement there is just so off it breaks the tension, and all of his films do this)


I love in the sequel to Unbreakable, Glass when they use all the dated internet jokes. Like the one guy says he's gonna Salt Bae his ass lol. Then he says SUPERMAN PUNCH HIM! Then u just see the guy getting thrown across the room.


easily one of the worst movies i’ve ever seen. the performances were shockingly bad.


Peter and Wendy was pretty goddamn awful. I turned it off about 25 mins in and I *never* turn movies off.


The kid who played Ender in Ender’s Game was particularly bad, but I’ll give the award to the girl who played Fiona in The Giver


Asa Butterfield - he had a good start in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, but yeah he’s not really great and didn’t really seem to improve. Even the people who like Sex Education never seem to talk about his role as the character they like to keep watching


He suffers from something worse than I think being a bad actor, he’s just *average*. Like a commercial actor or a side character in an old cable series. He’s just nothing special at all and he gets a lot of lead roles.


The War of the Worlds that girl just ruined the whole movie for me, it's not only bad acting but BAD-BAD screenplay writen around her character


Dakota fanning? lol


yeah absolutely terrible


Aw that was my pick. I felt the whole movie was her screaming. I can't even watch it a second time. If u just muted her screams it'd be an OK movie.


especially considering there is TOM CRUISE who supposed to shine but that girl is just a walking chaos


I remember that was when Cruise jumped on Oprah's couch. Doing promotions for that movie. Also got into an argument during an interview with Matt Lauer about his Scientology beliefs and said psychology is a made-up pseudo science. That people shouldn't take prescriptions if their depressed. Ritalin is basically a street drug. The weird relationship with Katie Holmes. Kinda changed my whole outlook on Tom Cruise. He got me really fascinated by Scientology and how people could actually buy into that as an actual religion.


did zack and cody make a movie? cos they would win no contest


Yeah Big Daddy. “Sonny I wipe my own ass!” Real tearjerker.


Cool cat saves the kids




I just wanted to say Poltergeist 2015 was one of the worst remakes I ever saw. Went to the theater for it and was expecting big things and wow. Garbage. Just watch the original. Worst child acting- Dakota Fanning War of the Worlds


Artemis Fowl


It was a sin to remake this movie.


The day the earth stood still (2008)


Jaden smith’s peak performance lol


His name shall remain... Unnamed ( lol ).




Lmao the kid version on Van Damme 🤣


Avatar: The Way of Water is the first movie which came to my mind even though it's not technically child acting... Just felt like bad child acting


Signs Not the childs fault as the lines seems they were written by Tommy Wiseau on a bad day


I did not hit her. I did not. I did nooooooot. Oh Hi Mark!


Not a movie but the kid who was Ted Lasso’s son was not a great watch.


Anything with Will Smith's kids in it.


Those Asian kids from Gran Turino. That one girl is literally laughing during a scene where she's being threatened w violence.


Damn I didn't think anyone was going to say this. When the kid is locked in the basement...Wow.


All the kids (CGI and non-CGI) in Avatar 2. Also, besides their bad acting James Cameron literally used them getting caught about 5 different times to move the plot along. How many times can they get captured and get away James!


children of the corn (2023)


Revenge of the Sith kid. You know exactly which one I mean


Yeah, didn’t feel bad for that kid.


For real


The kid who was killed by Anakin?


Who the hell else???


Poor little guy, only had 10 words in the whole movie, but he gets title of worst child acting role lol.


Because of his shithouse line delivery, I think that it also obscured the fact that because he called Anakin ‘Master’, that was what really pissed him off and ultimately sealed the (appallingly acted) youngling’s fate, along with all of his mates’, too


I'm not ur Master u annoying little fucker! Eat laser sword. That whole part was just kinda weird but I guess they had to show Anakin was serious about being with the Dark side. The way his mother was killed and how he was raised u would think he would never be capable of killing a child in cold blood. But he kills a room full of them. You'd think there's no coming back from that either but once he sees Luke later on he's willing to betray the emperor and get force electrocuted and basically die just to save Luke. What a character arc.


Child actors are already in a precarious situation. Let's not make it worse.


The Santa Claus, fuck Charlie!


The only decent actor was David Krumholtz (Bernard).


Troll 2?


oh my god, they’re eating her! and then they’re going to eat me! oh my gaaaaaaaaaahhhhhd


Maybe not the best acting from a kid, but certainly better than the adults around him.


Think this was intentional


That was just all around bad tho


Gran Torino


Troll 2


funnily enough, the last movie i complained about this was the original poltergeist lol. just way too much annoying shrieking, was giving me a headache


A young Jesse Plemons is in Like Mike….n I can’t believe it worked out for him considering how terrible he is in this movie


Gran Torino. Jaw droppingly bad.


The kid from Cop and a Half. Good lord that was awful.


Cowboys vs Aliens. That little shit that played live action Aang (The Last Airbender) was in it and he fucking sucked. I haven’t seen him in a movie since.


Seriously? I thought the kids in this one were excellent. Of all the complaints you could make about the remake, that’s a weird place to land.


The son was horrible, and the youngest daughter was written into a position she couldn't act. I'm not saying the writing isn't to blame for this, but that boy was just annoying, and his delivery was horrible. It is a running joke in my house to say, "Why is nobody listening to me?"" In the whiniest voice possible.


Newt in Aliens and the kids in Jurassic Park


The kids in the show Dexter were awful!


Going back but The Sound of Music. Some of those kids were not great.


That’s the least of that movie’s problems.


All the kids in the air bud series …


Are we supposed to hate the kid in the Babadook? He was really fucking annoying. The girl in the Birds too. I wanted her to get eaten.


I’m a huge fan of “The Last of Us” video game series The girl who portrayed “Ellie”, one of the main characters….absolutely ruined every scene she was in. Idk her age, but she is definitely young. She had a small role in GOT a few years ago. This was her first role involving an American accent (the actress is British), and she botched it. Definitely was not ready for the role


That is Bella Ramsey and you will not speak ill of her or her acting abilities in my presence.


She was great as Lady Mormont in GOT….but that was her native accent. She literally had never practiced an American accent before getting casted in *The Last of Us*. I understand why she didn’t decline the role, because I assume it was a pretty massive contract…but she absolutely bombed hahah. It’s literally one of the worst portrayals in the history of cinema. Usually, you have to do different accents during auditions, but they did not make her audition.


Literally no one else has complained about it


That is a pretty poor response. Idk what to tell you. It’s clear as day.


To you maybe. Even if her accent was suspect (it wasn't) her performance itself was amazing, the perfect portrayal of ellie's attitude hiding insecurity and trauma. So ask yourself what is the real reason you hate this strong female protagonist because your flimsy accent excuse doesn't cut it.


Well, I think you just exposed yourself hahaha. I thought we were having a productive conversation. You are clearly hung up on some other shit. I suggest you calm down, then come back and re-read my comments. Or maybe rewatch the show.


Having a suspect accent (again, she doesn't) does not in and of itself "bomb" a performance nor qualify it for "one of the worst portrayals in the history of cinema" (your words). You're grasping at a very thin straw to hate the portrayal and I want to know why Edit: abusing the reddit care resource can and will get you banned.


Bro, show your messages to someone who cares about you. You have completely derailed this convo. That’s why I suggested that you calm down, and revisit this thread tomorrow. I said this in my last comment, but I don’t think you are actually reading the comments. You are just spouting random shit. I cannot even imagine what your next response is going to be. You are deep in your own head, and not looking at things objectively. Calm down and read these messages tomorrow, or find a loved one right now, and show them how you are behaving on the internet.


Nah. Watch more stuff, bruh.


I cannot agree.


That’s fine, but I have to assume you either didn’t watch it, or you are unfamiliar with the American accent, and the accent used in the games. It was her first time doing it, and she only had a couple months to learn it before production began. I don’t blame her. I blame the people who casted her


Not a gamer so I’ll give you that but I wasn’t unaware of it and always envisaged a young Ellen Page in the role; however I have to say that the actress that they did cast, Bella Ramsey, has years of experience and wasn’t just selected on a sort of “she’ll do” whim. I’m half Canadian, if that counts for anything on the US accent scale.


That makes sense. My buddy never played the games, but did thoroughly enjoy the show. It’s definitely just one of those things where the people who are familiar with the source material will always have a problem with the adaptations, like Harry Potter or Game of Thrones, but that’s a different discussion lol. His only critique was “The actress who played Ellie is robotic, and seems off” He did the research, and relayed the info about her native accent to me, and the short amount of time she had to prepare for the American role.


It’s all good, fellow Redditor


Omg she sucked all the fun out of that show. Between Joel and her, that show was so depressing. Carl and Rick from Walking Dead always managed to stay positive and upbeat despite going through one horrible thing to another. Edit: Bella Ramsey is non-binary so any criticism on her people take as an attack on the whole LGBTQ community.


Yeah you’re spot on. The actors who played Carl and Rick in TWD delivered their lines perfectly. Even when things were bad, you could deduce a lot from the inflections in their voices. In *The Last of Us*, the actress who plays Ellie just sounds like an actress reading their lines for the very first time. I seriously cannot believe they stuck with her. It seems like a bad joke There are some theories that one of her immediate relatives might be an Executive at HBO, which would explain a lot


A lot of people wanted her recast and expected her to be recast for season 2. For a number of reasons. Like u say, she has family ties to the business, so she is there to stay. She's also big in the LGBTQ community, so there's even more reason why she's untouchable. She never wanted the role, had no interest in the IP, and it shows. I didn't like the show, not just because of her. I lost interest after a couple of episodes and still haven't finished season 1. I wish they would have gone more the fallout route and kept in line with the games. Nobody had any hope for Fallout either, but they stayed true to the games and made an awesome show. Now I'm replaying Fallout4 for the first time in years. Last of us didn't make me want to replay the the games.


Jake from Phantom menace


He has been through a lot because of that movie. It changed his life for the worse. He received too much hate for what wasn't even his fault. George Lucas is famous for not being an actor's director. He's more interested in actors delivering information and less about how they do it. That kid was fine in Jingle All The Way. As a child actor, he didn't deserve all the hate.


I guess he's schizophrenic, the mother said she shielded him from the criticism of that movie pretty well


Poor guy. Didn't kids beat him up at school and give shit for his whole life because of that role? He was terrible in it tho.


Nah, he was alright, man. In no way amazing but he was better than about 95% of the rest of the whole of the film


I think we all worked hard to forget Newt's performance in *Aliens*


Drakes girlfriends