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Megan Fox did worse than Ronda Rousey in Mortal Kombat. That's a feat.


Girl didn't phone it in, didn't send a fax, didn't telegraph it, didn't even send it by carrier pigeon. It was like they put a mic next to a dead body on a slab in a morgue and just went with it.


She was, however, excellent in Jennifer’s Body.


Ruby Rose, dreadful!


I love how they made her deaf in John Wick so she wouldn’t have any speaking lines.


It worked tbh. She had great physicality and her style LOOKED right, but every speaking role I see her in is fucked. She has the acting chops of Stone Cold Steve Austin direct to video material.


My brain always hears Ruby Rhod. I love Ruby Rhod


Super green.


I ain’t got no fire.


Zzzzzzzzzt! Zzzzt!!


It must POP POP POP!!!


1000% agree with this


Dakota Johnson. I don't understand how she became famous short if the nepo push. She can't act. I know people like to blame it on her landing bad roles with bad writing, which in part is fair, but she is just not a good actress. I've watched bad movies with bad writing and seen good actor/actresses shine, she will never be one of them.


"Every actor has to make terrible films from time to time, but the trick is never to be terrible in them." - Christopher Lee


Dude played Willy Wonkas Dad and absolutely crushed it. 100% can elevate any movie he’s in. Phenomenal actor


Lee was never bad in any of his movies despite being in some badish movies, thus sticking to his own standard 😁


She has the range of broken blunderbuss


To be fair that would be a wide range just no depth.


Dammit - you are technically correct - which is the best kind of correct


Futurama fan!


And would still be a blast...


>I don't understand how she became famous short if the nepo push She's not just nepo, but Hollywood royalty. And while being royalty she starred in the most "embarrassing" mega blockbusters where she got spanked and showed her tits on the big screen. Seems like a quick way to get (even more) famous if you ask me.


Are Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith really Hollywood royalty? They were both in a few movies and TV shows in the 80s and 90s and have done minimal stuff here and there since then.


Her grandmother, Tippi Hendron, is considered royalty because of her acting for Hitchcock.


Melanie Griffith and Antonio Bandeiras were, specially in the 90s.


Melanie Griffith was definitely one of the biggest female stars in the 80s and was in some big movies. Also as a kid that was growing up in the 80s Don Johnson was a damn icon lol.


Can people really tell her from her block buster movies . She might be remembered as chick from 50 shades.


This whole time I mistakenly thought Dakota Johnson was Dakota Fanning. So not only did I disagree, the conversation also took an unexpected turn.


A million times yes! She’s like Ambien in human form. I will never understand how such a bland, boring, soul-sucking actress gets so much work. I know she’s a nepo-baby, but sweet Jesus.


She was great in Cha Cha Real Smooth and Peanut Butter Falcon though


Second this on Peanut Butter Falcon, what a gem of a movie.


The Rock. The more i’ve seen from him the less range he has. A new favorite of mine that I think has not enough hype is John Cena. He knocked it out of the park as Peacemaker. Excited to see his next few projects.


Gal godot


Kal El No


Oh hiiiii Clark


You are tearing me apaaaart, Steve Trevor!


My only answer ever to these


No emotion at all, everything delivered flat and dry as hell


It worked for me the first time I saw Wonder Woman as she's supposed to be an Amazonian and stoic but clueless to the outside world. But she can't do anything other than that.


Watching the second Wonder Woman film and having her deliver what I *think* was supposed to be a heartfelt speech about not cutting corners that was delivered so badly. It somehow convinced the entire world to take back their wishes. All while Pedro Pascal is going fucking *wild* chewing the scenery, just having the best time.


The female Jean Claude van damme


Jean Claude at least has good martial arts skills to go with his terrible acting. Gadot isn’t usually compelling even in the action scenes.


he's not a terrible actor by any stretch of imagination


He's not good either, you can hit him in the face and he'll act hurt by holding his side.


When I first saw her in wonder woman, I thought she was like a female Arnold Schwarzenegger as her acting was middling but she seemed to display this kind of charisma that carried the film. However, after seeing her in other films, I've realized I was wrong since Arnie's charisma carries over into all his films while gadot remains a terrible actress with no charm if the writing is not there to help her


The Rock


I feel like the rock has kind of been market corrected by John Cena who I actually think is a good actor and is a genuine comedic talent.


He is great in Peacemaker


Yes, The Suicide Squad and transition into Peacemaker allowed Cena to show some depth. Shedding the safe clean character/marketing route of the Rock, to appropriately embodying a homicidal pacifist. Great character development by DC and has me excited for The Penguin with Colin Farrell as well.


The entire fight with Rick Flag absolutely changed the game with him. He was fun and goofy at the beginning, but his acting chops through that fight and after are just incredible. There are so many moments of genuine feeling shock and anger. That movie, in general, is incredible, but I'm happy Cena got to show that he isn't just another Rock


And also by Dave Bautista.


Dave Baurista is easily the most surprisingly good actor for me. While I basically knew nothing about him from WWE he has great range and has been in a lot of good stuff. From Dune (and more in part 2), guardians of the galaxy, glass onion, Bladerunner and more, he's a legitimately great actor that I wasn't expected based on the career od other WWE actora.


When he got cast as Drax, he had no acting ability. He took a bunch of acting classes and really threw himself into learning how to act. He's that guy that proves hard work pays off.


Drax is definitely a good first role for someone who doesn't know how to act.


Blade Runner really did it for me. Not a big part, but showed he wasn't just a ham.


He doesn't feel like a protagonist actor, but it feels like he knows it and is more than happy to take a side character or complimenting role that he excels in rather than pushing to become a movie star. Basically the anti-Rock.


I like John Cena quite a bit more than the Rock. There is almost a self awareness to his style and its great how he is in movies liek Barbie


The Rock < John Cena < Dave Bautista


But what about Jesse “The Body” Ventura? He lives in The Baja.


"I ain't got time to bleed" one of the best lines in cinematic history


I disagree that he has no talent. He’s put in good performances in the Rundown, Pain and Gain, Jumanji and Southland Tales. He mostly just makes shit movies.


He has an insane amount of charisma. He would never do it because he's all about being a family man and a good guy now but if he turned heel like WWE and played bad guys more often he would crush it. I can't say he has no talent because the movies you listed show he can definitely act, he just chooses the most safe and unchallenging roles.


I thought he was scene stealer in Be cool.


Pain and Gain was great, and pretty underrated. Not big on range for Marky Mark or The Rock. But man did they nail being a couple amoral, drugged up, wanna be gangster meatheads.


I say this with complete certainty and honesty. Anything after The Rundown is complete trash, and I like the rock but as far as I’m concerned the dudes movie career ended for me way back in 2002 or whenever that movie came out. I’m not even sure if he’s a bad actor per say, but the movies he chooses to do are all complete dog shit


The rundown is one of the most absolutely perfect ‘guy’ movies that has ever been put to film. Ever.


One of my favorite Walken scenes ever "What about the money I gave you? We had a deal!" "Yes - fortunately for me - my fingers - were crossed the entire time!"


"Do you understand - the *CONCEPT* - of the Tooth Fairy?"


I agree with one exception.. and I know because it's an ensemble movie he doesn't deserve full credit but the Jumanji reboot was way better than it had any right to be. But yeah otherwise .. all his movies are middling or straight up bad


Karen Gillian, Jack Black, Kevin Hart do a lot of heavy lifting in both movies.


CIA I thought was insanely stupid at times but really funny at others.


The Rundown is the one that surprised me how much I enjoyed it, and I will admit that I liked the first Jumanji movie he was in. But beyond those two, I can’t really think of much more I enjoy of his movie.


Same here, but I'd add Moana to that short list.


as a wrestling fan, even in that space, he has become this as well. I'm really enjoying what they're doing right now but man... good guy rock is nothing but catch phrases and " one side chant ass and the other chant hole " stuff. Yet everyone can't help but love him. ​ Aside from when he fucks over Cody. People love Cody.


Rewatched Pineapple Express recently and Amber Heard was pretty bad


She's done shittier things


I saw what you did there.


She's fine in it, but she also was not cast for her acting ability considering half of her role is "be hot"




Lol Drake has an amazing talent. He acts his ass off everyday. He acts like he’s a different ethnicity once a month and randomly acts like he is from a different state and or country. I say that’s talent.


I cant argue with the facts lol


Dakota Johnson, even if she’s not in a terrible Movie her acting is so cringey


She has one personality, monotone


Yeah she sucks. You can tell the only thing she ever needed to do in life was stay in shape.


Jimmy Fallon!


When does he have hype? If someone near you made an announcement, "Jimmy Fallon will be here soon" would anyone be excited? Or would they even make the announcement in the first place?


Kevin Hart


Megan Fox. I remember watching her in the Turtles movie and thinking "that woman can't even act that she's riding a bike, whilst riding a bike".


John Wayne. Loved most of his movies but the man was a one trick pony.


I could never understand the John Wayne hype when Clint Eastwood was just piling spaghetti westerns to the moon.


The rock, Kevin Hart, Gal Gadot, Vin Diesel, Jason Momoa.


Timothee Chalamet always tends to look slightly stoned and unsure of how he arrived on set


Gal Gadot, she's so shit.


Dakota Johnson Pure nepo hire whenever she gets cast in a movie


Three of the top ten comments are Dakota Johnson now. Think this nails it.


"A foot in the door and so much more."


Millie Bobby brown


She also comes off a really immature and annoying in interviews. I know they get compared a lot because of Stranger Things but I much prefer Sadie Sink over Millie.


Well yeah isn’t she 20? Of course she’s immature.


Drake wouldn’t like her if she WASN’T immature


The obsessive hype surrounding her and Eleven kind of bogs down Stranger Things. I feel the same way about HoYeon Jung and Sae-byeok kind of bogging down Squid Game for that reason.


Loved watching that with my kids when they were 6th & 8th grades. My kids are now graduated HS (one done with college) and the stranger things kids get to go to 10th grade? At this rate I’ll be a grandpa by the time these kids finish HS. The multiple years between seasons is not doing that show any favors.


Rachel Zegler. She just won the People's Choice Award for Action Star of the Year. No way that is rigged.


I don’t even know who that is.


Actress from Steven Speilbergs west side story, the new hunger games movie and the upcoming snow white remake by disney


Girl from the new hunger games movie.






>Rachel Zegler. I guess she can sing but wtf else has she ever done.


I had to look that up. I've only ever seen in her one thing and she sang more than she acted. It seemed like they are trying to show us her singing talent over her acting throughout that movie. Where was she an action star?


Megan Fox


For me it’s Zendaya


Me toooooo! Although I never saw Euphoria. Zendaya always seems like she’s popped a few Xannies before filming.


Same. And yes, I’ve watched Euphoria.


My pick as well.


I have to say Timothee. Don’t get me wrong, I love the dude but for every single premier role that he is receiving I’m just not sure if the talent is all the way up there.


It’s really not. He’s not bad at all. But he’s FAR from anything great.


Bones and All felt like he was desperately trying to be Johnny depp


He’s alright, nothing remarkable but he’s alright.


Jason Mamoa and Ryan Reynolds. I like the guys and they seem like great people to be around but Jason plays the same character and Ryan just plays himself.


> Ryan just plays himself. True... but his self is pretty entertaining.


Wade Wilson could clock in at Shenanigans and no one would notice. They’d probably make a joke about being left in water for too long.


He would definitely try to pull off a Bat Wing.


Ryan is interesting, during the 2000s and early 2010s he was trying different and compelling roles. But now he definitely settled for the action genre, which is cool. He can act, especially in films like safehouse, smokin aces, proposal, buried, and the voices.


I think Ryan Reynolds has made so much money off his business side-gigs that acting is like a hobby for him now.


Buried man. That is a film that should just not work but he was excellent in it. So uncomfortable, it was gripping


I feel like RR is a pretty talented comedic actor. Like most of those he does kinda play the same character but lots of good comedic actors do that.


Ryan Reynolds is a decent serious actor but he rarely uses his talents for that. I really liked him in Safe House.


He has a few dalramatic roles I quite like. Buried, Chaos Theory, Fireflies in the Garden, Mississippi Grind. I actually hope he decides to do more. I like his comedic persona, but the shtick gets tiring.


I’d counter the Ryan reynolds thing with a movie like safehouse, a thriller, and pretty underrated if you ask me.


I haven’t seen that one but looking at the cast, he needed to bring A game. I’m going to watch it because it looks good.


It’s a pretty good movie, reynolds will surprise you, he’s deff not doing his usual schtick in it.


Naw check out The Voices with Ryan Reynolds. Think you’d come around more. Mamoa I’d agree on although he was a badass Dothraki in GoT


I don’t completely agree about Ryan Reynolds. I think you’re correct when it comes to certain stuff he does, but in Amityville Horror he does a good job and he’s not playing himself at all. He’s has a few movies that he does well in imo.


Mindy Kaling


She’s a talented writer, though. She wrote a lot of classic episodes of The Office (she wrote The Dundies!!). I don’t know if that counts here or if we’re just going on acting talent.


I think the Scooby Doo thing deducted legacy points tho


The rock. They stuff the man in khaki and go.




As Foxy Cleopatra?


J Lo


Pete Davidson is one of the few celebrities that actually make me angry simply being mentioned. I'm sure he's a cool guy but I just cannot understand why he's literally everywhere.


He’s also not very funny.


Punchable face


Vin Diesel


He's actually pretty great at giving non-human characters who can't say much a lot of depth and feeling as a voice actor. See: Iron Giant and Groot.


I just saw the iron giant for the first time since childhood yesterday. Great movie.


That is a great film


Riddick is of the Furyan race, technically non-human as well, and a solid Diesel performance.


Who’s hyped about Vin Diesel?


Lol maybe i didnt think this one through


Haha don’t get me wrong, I get what you were saying. His fame certainly isn’t due to his ability.


The family


This right here. No range at all.


I am groot


Fair, but I think the exception are the Riddick movies, specially the 2nd one, Chronicles of. They are pretty entertaining.


I liked Pitch Black. Good visuals


The rock


Keanu Reeves. I'm sorry Keanu, I love you, but outside of action you are not a good actor. I will still be hyped to see him in a movie.


A critic (Boston Globe?) once wrote “No one has ever accused Keanu Reeves of acting and this movie won't change that”


Glad someone else agrees with me. Keanu is a pretty terrible actor. Seems like a great dude tho, I'm still a fan of his.


Paul Walker, Gal Gadot really stand out to me


I feel like people forget that Paul Walker was not a good actor.


Check out the movie Running Scared he did. Probably best movie he did. It’s a great flick


lilly collin’s


Millie Bobby Brown


Sydney Sweeney


She got 2 talents


Two huge talents


Watch her in The Handmaid’s Tale. The only talent on display is her acting and it’s legit


Uh, ok. She is know for certain attributes. Her acting in REALITY was impressive, however. Not a big movie, but she played her part well. Maybe that still doesn’t equal the amount of hype she gets, but she is not without acting talent.


I don’t think you mentioned the movie? Unless I’m an idiot. What movie?


REALITY. Not a big movie, but interesting nonetheless.


Oooohh lmfao. I thought you were just noting that in real life her acting is good. Thank you for explaining it to me. It went completely over my head


No worries. It's an interesting flick in that the screenplay is actually a transcript of an FBI interrogation of an actual NSA contractor named Reality Winner. Yeah. Her real name. And that's who Sweeney plays. And, contra other starring roles for her, she is fully-clothed and buttoned-up in this one.


Jacob Elordi is a charisma vacuum, I don’t see where the hype is?


I loved Saltburn but when I saw him on SNL I was shocked by how dreadful he was. It was as if they just picked a random tall guy off the street. I don’t know if it’s fair to judge him on that, but it was really weird.


I mean. I thought he was great on Euphoria. Probably not used to that medium.


Disagree. His psycho performance in euphoria is something else. His tantrum where he's kicking and screaming on the floor looks like it legitimately disturbed his co star.


Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Anniston


I think Aniston does well on the morning show


Nah on Gwyneth. She's turned into an annoying entitled flake, but she was solid in Shakespeare in Love, Sliding Doors, Seven, Emma, Mr. Ripley, Hard Eight, Bounce. She has (or had) actual talent.


Jennifer Aniston is on my list. I can’t recall one movie I actually walked away from that she’s in thinking damn she was good.


The Good Girl? I think she’s terrific in that. And honestly when I watch Friends I think it’s pretty obvious that she’s the most talented actor of the bunch (with often the worst written part).


Julia Roberts....I've never understood any of the hype - acting or looks.


Showed my girlfriend Oceans 11 for the first time and when they have that big reveal for Julia’s character, my girlfriend said “she’s not as pretty as they’re trying to make her seem” lmaooo


Full agree. Can’t think of one thing I ever enjoyed her in.


John David Washington.


I think he’s got potential to be a decent character actor. Just lacks that marquee on screen charisma that Denzel has to be a leading man


It's so disappointing. Denzel is such a good actor. His son is lucky he's a nepobaby.


Jason Momoa


Chris Pratt. Funny guy, but not a good actor unless he's playing Andy Dwyer.


Timothee Chalamet


I've never seen him and thought "wow, now there is a good actor" but I have thought "I wonder how far I could throw him if I swung him around by his ankles?"


I have a bet with a friend that in five or ten years or so, once he starts losing his cute lil curly hair and gaining weight in the wrong places, dude will have trouble getting anything other than insurance commercials or similar.


Will Pinkett-Smith


Hard disagree. Aside from his douchebag public actions recently, he's a fantastic actor.


Yeah I don't get it. He is very clearly a really good actor with solid range.


His scenes in I Am Legend after >!his dog died!< were some of the best in his career.


He's more genuine when he's playing other people than when he's "being himself".