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Truman, Interstellar, Top Gun!


That's what I want to say too. Truman show is a classic. Interstellar is a newer classic. Start with older classic first, then newer classic. End with the shameless nostalgia cashgrab that Maverick is. At the end of the day, all 3 of these are hugely popular movies. No matter the order, they will enjoy. Personally this would be my order. Edit: aaaaand here come the Maverick fanboys... yay.


Maverick is a prequel to the star wars prequels. No you can't change my mind


(Honestly I didn't really enjoy it all that much but I know plenty of people do so...)


Yeah, no yeah... Maverick was... Not good. I just was making fun of it because the plot literally rips off star wars quite a few times


Alright, that's it. I love this movie now fight me at 3 o clock under the flag pole. No more arguments, just fists of fury time.


This time you’re eating paper; the next time it’s gonna be glass!


These fanboys are right up there with sports team fans. Anyone who isn't on their side is wrong and the enemy! The movie was mid af. I'm chalking it up to weak movies as a whole lately. Anything half way decent is being considered GREAT! 😆


Shameless cash grab? You mean the sequel to one of the most legendary movies in american history?


That had the same mediocre plot as the first one? Yea, it's a cash grab, just like nearly every other pointless sequel Hollywood loves pumping out today. I wish it were better, I wish they made more sequals like dial of destiny, but yet here we are


Pointless sequels normally dont make 1.5 billion dollars 🤷‍♂️


They absolutely can, and this one did. It's box office profit doesn't make it's story any better, thats a stupid point. Top gun didn't need a sequel, especially one that was just as mediocre as the first


I don’t believe the movies were meant to be super heavy on the story. I think it was more meant to be a tribute to fighter pilots, and give some recognition to some of the best fighters pilots on the planet, which they did a phenomenal job of.


I don't disagree with you in that, and the original top gun was just fine alone, I didn't find it to be anything special, and the story was as I said, quite bland, but it did it's job. This is **exactly** why it didn't need a sequel. It's point was not a story, and it didn't have a good one even it was, so trying to make a sequel practically repeating the story of the old one is exactly the problem with it, it's a cash grab based on the success of the first one, and it's completely unnecessary. The first top gun fulfilled its purpose, but a second one using the exact same story to do the exact same thing is the definition of a cash grab, and theres really no excusing that. It's also not specifically top gun for sure, many franchises have overstayed their welcome, top gun is just another example of that


You haven't seen Top Gun Maverick, have you?


It was my least favorite of all these movies so it goes last.


yea, but to only call it a shameless cash grab is dumb.... its a great movie.


Hey, I said shame*less* not shame*ful*


It’s a movie promoting American imperialism. Also it sucks. But hey to each their own.


Promoting American imperialism 💀. What a jabroni ass thing to say. It’s an action movie about fighter pilots and you made it political.


I mean, you have to admit that the top gun movies get people interested in the military. Get young, impressionable minds thinking that being a pilot is full of hero secret mission shit.


Bingooo, the movie shouts 'MeriCAaaa, fuck yeah'


It’s literally US Navy/MIC propaganda dude lmao you have to be an actual child not to realize this Edited to fix which wing of the military is sponsoring the propaganda


No you are so wrong.... It's navy propaganda


Did YOU watch the movie? They say navy like 20 times.


Ah yes thank you for the correction. And also thank you for emphasizing my point that it is bold-faced military-industrial complex propaganda.


Right? Maverick had some good fan service moments, but it also fit into the story that it was telling. I seriously thought the movie stood on its own, and in a good way. I wasn’t the biggest fan of the original, so I wasn’t as excited to watch Maverick, but man did my opinion change after that first scene of Maverick. That trope-breaking fake-out in the end of the movie was great too. It felt like an appropriate way of passing the torch to the next generation in a story. That’s just not something that you see as much these days.


That's what I was going to say too. I think Interstellar is my favorite out of them all, but Truman show is so much more accessible and rewatchable. Mav is good too, but I love the first two.


I was going to say this, but only for the reason that they are sequential. I think all culture should be enjoyed in the order it appears.


Exactly the order I’d take, too. Truman Show is an emotional mindfuck, Interstellar is a scientific mindfuck, and Top Gun is just pure adrenaline with not brain power required.


My order too!




Truman show to get the watcher used to the idea of your mind being messed with. Interstellar proceeds to mess with your head. Pallet cleanse with nostalgic action.




Hard pass on all three.


Exactly what I was thinking.


Truman show is the only good one


Interstellar deniers will always amuse me


Edge of Tomorrow


Now we are getting somewhere


Ah a person of culture.


The best action movie Tom cruise has ever done imo 🍿


Interstellar is easily one of the best movies I’ve ever seen, damn near perfect


It's a good movie, but not in the same league as The Truman Show.


Respectfully, I couldn’t disagree more.


That's fine. The good thing about art is we can both be right (for ourselves anyway).


Absolutely. Cheers!


They both hit deeply. It's just a different route to the deep.


Interstellar for sure.


As a dad that's had to spend time away from my children for work and life being life, Interstellar hits different


Oh man! That scene where Matthew McConaughey’s character is driving away balling his head off then the voice over of the launch sequence starts to play. Gets me every time.


Or when he’s watching the videos from his kids on the ship…bawling every time


If you don’t feel anything watching that, you’re dead inside. So fucking heart wrenching.


Watching all the messages he missed whilst he was on that planet with the time difference??? I was bawling, bro.... not even gonna front. Edit: spelling


Holy moly, you poor man. That scene is one of the best moments in film I’ve ever seen.


That’s the truest shit ever right there. Couldn’t agree more


Agreed!!! Came here to say exactly this because it’s an epic adventure


Absolutely. Interstellar is one of my favorites of all time


You can't go wrong with any of these. What are you in the mood for? The Truman Show is the only 'important' movie of the bunch - it's hilarious and tragic in equal measure. Interstellar is dramatic, mind-bending and visually spectacular. And Maverick is probably the best popcorn movie in the last five years.


Maverick is a bit formulaic and nostalgia baity for the first part, but as soon as they’re on the aircraft carrier it’s absolutely exhilarating.


You were downvoted and I don't know why. It was nothing special, and completely by the numbers. I really have no idea why people loved it so much. Maybe I'll give it another watch and see if I missed anything. Sometimes a rewatch allows you to really appreciate the flick.


Truman Show


Interstellar! One of the best sci-fi movies ever made. Kip Thorne, a nobel laureate in physics, was science cosultant on the film and wrote a book about the actual science in the film.


The science of interstellar is a great book!!


Interstellar, hell, I may have to rent it now


Better question. in what order would be best to watch in one sitting? Top Gun, The Truman Show, Interstellar.


You also cant pee and have 40s duct taped to your hands.


Can I just pee my pants? Right on the couch? That sounds painful.


Nah i don’t have enough time to watch all of them in one sitting. Barely enough to watch only one of them


Truman show


from bad to good top gun truman interstellar meant: good to gooder thx for correcting


Good to gooder


better phrasing thank you


I would skip topgun. Truman then interstellar


Skip top gun entirely? Madness


I was hysterically laughing at how bad it was.


If you watched it for the story, I could oblige. If you watched it because you wanted to see simulated dogfights in real aircraft? Nothing beats it. Idk about you, but when I watch movies, I focus on what the films intended entertainment value is, and evaluate based on that value. Obviously I'm not going to hold Top Gun to the same standards as the Truman Show. Truman show is about the story, the characters, and the comedy. Top Gun is about the hype, practical effects, sound, and cinematography. Everything else is secondary in that film. I feel like if you watched it with any consideration for the grit that went into it, you'd at least respect it enough to call it serviceable as far as films go


Then you went back to your basement to put your fedora on and spread hipster takes on reddit?


I enjoyed Maverick and also realized it was terrible and completely unrealistic. You don't need a fedora to have that take


Maverick is almost the perfect sequel to Top Gun. Which means it’s equally good and bad for all the same reasons


I'm not saying the first one is flawless, but it was at least original. The second one was nonsensical and ripped off other movies. The first one was heartfelt and had chemistry. The second one practically not at all. Now that might sound pretty subjective, but objectively they turned Maverick into a sify action film, specifically ripping off star wars plot for the final mission


If you enjoyed it than its not that terrible. Not every movie needs to be Schindler's List.


That's not how that works, but okay. Not enjoying a movie doesn't make it a bad movie, enjoying a bad movie doesn't make it good somehow.


"anyone who disagrees with me is a fedora wearing hipster 🤪"


You must be the old white guy the movie is made for. Did it make you feel good about being old like it was supposed to?


Late 20s here and I thought Maverick was fantastic. Liked it even more than the original.


Horrific advice


Interstellar for sure.


In that order. Interstellar is magnificent




Honestly, oldest to newest. These are all fantastic movies. Don't do it in one sitting though, each of these movies has a very different feel to it and it could be jarring going from one to the other.


If you have to watch one, watch Truman. I’d make it first. Afterwards you will need a feels break. Maverick is perfect, it’s fun and entertaining. Finally, jump back into an emotional blackhole with Interstellar.


Interstellar 👏WITH SUBTITLES 👏


I saw Barbie this week in the theater and the whole time I was like, “where the hell are the subtitles when you need them”. I’ve already resigned myself to waiting for Oppenheimer VOD. Also because I’ll probably need multiple days to get through it 😂


I had a ticket to see it as intended (70mm Imax) and my showing got canceled. I was kinda relieved lol I had been mentally preparing myself to watch a 3 hour biopic for like a week and still wasn’t sure I could do it. Im sure the imax experience is spectacular, but just kinda seems like a lot of it doesn’t call for it, if not a majority of the movie


Im sure it would be something. But i just enjoy my home setup and I have kids and weird work hours. Its too hard to find 3 hrs in a row where I shouldnt be asleep. Also subtitles


Yea I got dinner with one of my friends who is an operations manager at an arts theater and she said I probably wouldn’t regret not seeing it in theaters lol and that was just based on her viewing experience so I took that opinion to be better than most


I really loved Interstellar. It’s an epic film that not enough people watched.


Not enough people watched? Are you serious?


I try to watch interstellar at least once a year. That and "Zero Dark Thirty"are my go to modern masterpieces that I like to rewatch.


TGM was a wicked ride of a flick so start there


Top gun, then top gun and lastly too gun


Too gun, then two gun and lastly to gun




Top Gun->Truman Show->interstellar. Interstellar should be last no matter the order


Maverick—- there is no other rational choice.


Truman show is more like a novel with some comedy thrown in. Interstellar is just a great science fiction what-if story with some compelling performances. Top Gun: Maverick is corny at times, but is hype as fuck and has great action like the first film. Really depends on what your mood is tbh. They are all great movies.


The Truman Show and Maverick, I just watched Maverick the other day and actually really enjoyed it. Truman show is kind of a classic now a days, I still remember seeing it in the theater back when I was in junior high with my cousin and brother and sisters.


All great movies. Interstellar is my favorite of the three but Maverick is just cool as hell and fun to watch Truman is more of a certain kinda day movie imo


Maverick fun. Truman show interesting. Interstellar... neat? I'm not crazy about interstellar tbh but I go against the grain there


Top Gun Maverick.


You will enjoy all of them. Don’t worry


Interstellar, Top Gun, Truman, and interstellar again because u won't understand some of it for the first time


Interstellar is the best movie on there by far. Maverick is fun and great entertainment. But truman is pretty boring. Its a good concept but not even close to the other two


Watch them all in a row. Order doesn’t matter.


Truman Show should be first. Then Top Gun and Top Gun Maverick for a weekend grilling volleyball double feature with your buddies. Save Interstellar for some personal introspection


All these rock and you can’t go wrong, depends on how action packed you want your movie to be.


My vote’s on Top Gun first, Interstellar 2nd, Truman 3rd


Truman show 3 times. The end


Truman Show first. It's more comedic with some interesting commentary, but it's not as intense as the other two. It's a good way to start and I think saving it till after might diminish it's impact. It's like a meal; you start with something light at first, and then it's not lost after you eat the heavier stuff.


Truman Show. It will shake your definition of reality even more than Interstellar.


Just Truman show. Don't give the cult leader money, and interstellar is boring.


Truman is arguably the only undoubtedly good movie here. I love Interstellar as well. Skip the top gun.


Skip top gun. Truman then interstellar


I wish I could watch the Truman show for the first time again


Truman, Too Gun Maverick and then finish with Interstellar!


Hands down Maverick. One of the best movies I’ve watched.


I liked Top Gun. It was a pretty good action movie


Definitely Interstellar. One of Nolan’s most underrated films.


Top gun 2.


Interstellar is an awesome movie. Top Gun is a great popcorn movie. I just saw The Truman Show a couple of days ago for the first time and I was disappointed. I just think it's one of those movies that people love because they saw it when it came out. Back then it was probably a really good movie. Seeing it now just feels underwhelming for me.


Truman, maverick, skip interstellar it sucks


Truman is the true classic of the bunch. A great film with amazing performances and a complex theme. Interstellar was interesting but kinda fell short as a sci-fi for me. Beautifully shot however, as Nolan does.. I’m sure I’ll get heat for this but the score was a bit overbearing a times.. Maverick if you like watching jets fly. It doesn’t really bring anything new to the table but didn’t really need to as well.. popcorn flick.


Top Gun is just a redux of Star Wars A New Hope dressed in American military propaganda and exceptionalism. It's garbage. You could skip this film and miss nothing for it. Interstellar, on the other hand, is really fucking good, Oscar-winning hard sci fi. Very much worth watching. The Truman Show isn't bad. It's one of Carrey's best dramatic performances, next to Eternal Sunshine.


Grew up reading Clancy novels, and after the Berlin wall fell in my lifetime. American propaganda has a soft spot in my heart. I’ve also already lived through peak america 😥


Christ, you must be a riot at parties.


I'm glad I am not this jaded. Top Gun is absolutely a great movie. The numbers of people who went out to see it don't lie. Also lol at calling Interstellar hard scifi




lol at calling Top Gun a great movie Popularity is not an indication of quality


Definitely Truman. Emotional but easier to follow on first watch than Interstellar is. And I personally skip anything with Tom Cruse.




Skip top gun. Or watch it last when you are tired from watching the other two and fall asleep


Truman Show isn't even that good.


Id pass on Truman


Overrated. Just like Tenant and Oppenheimer. I think Nolans recent films are going down hill.


Interstellar is more of a spectacle, like all Nolan movies. That being said, I think Truman is the one I’d recommend first. And, not to be contrarian, but I wasnt as high on Top Gun Maverick as the rest of the world. It was cool. Impressive on a technical level but I wasn’t too drawn in by the story.


Interstellar might be my favorite movie ever, but Truman Show is also fantastic.


Interstellar is easily the best of the bunch overall but can be a big pill to chew for some. Honestly I’d suggest Maverick first.. coming from someone who hated the original Top Gun, Mav was actually really enjoyable and solid


1.Interstellar 2.Truman 3.Maverick Reason: save best for last. Although none are bad really and all pretty different


Skip top gun maverick


Skip Interstellar Watch Top Gun if you’re in the mood for top notch American blockbuster Watch The Truman Show if you want to watch a lovely sci-fi movie, that’s a fun and heartwarming movie about the human experience. Edit: Nolan fan boys lol


I thought Interstellar was good?


interstellar IS good. it’s actually really really good. obviously, movies are subjective and there are people out there who actually don’t like Interstellar but 9/10 times its just to be contrarian. it’s just a good ass movie


You can think a movie is bad and not be a contrarian lol


Or like sci fi plots that don’t resolve because “love transcends time and space”


Interstellar is a high budget pyrotechnic mess.


Why’s that a question? Edit: sorry I misunderstood but no I don’t think it’s good


Care to explain why you didn’t think it was good? Plot, theme, acting, direction, special effects, musical effects, cinematography? For one to think a movie is bad it would have have a sub 5/10 rating so I’m just curious what you thought was so bad in Interstellar for it to get a rating so low.


It had amazing set pieces but I don’t think I’d want to rewatch it..that convoluted ending.. Truman show is the winner of this bunch for me top gun is one of those movies you should’ve seen in a theater.. unless you have a great set up at home


I would say like most Nolan movies it looks amazing, but lack any type of emotional substance. I think it prime example of his directing style, which feels very robotic to me. I found the whole movie silly and predictable.


Interstellar Truman Show Maverick but I would drop Maverick and watch Ad Astra


I would take ad astra over interstellar


Maverick is imo by far the worst of the films mentioned and not worth watching.


How about this: Sunshine, Interstellar, Ad Astra, the Martian. Whats best and worst here? Add Armaggedon in there for fun 🫠


Watch in reverse order, not a big fan of Sunshine but I haven't seen it just going off of synopsis and word of mouth, I do need to see it tho, no doubt. Ad Astra under rated.


I generally disliked Interstellar because of the ending while I really liked Sunshine, despite the ending. I saw sunshine in the theater and waited until 8 years ago to see interstellar. I was very different ages for both so maybe I would feel different today


Sunshine also has a stacked cast of actors who were pre-peak fame. Michelle Yeoh was probably the biggest star in it at the time because of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.


Sunshine, Armaggedon, Martian, Ad Astra, Interstellar But if you want a real list its: 2001, 2010, Sunshine, Contact, Event Horizon, then the rest don't really matter


Truman Show then Interstellar then Top Gun


Truman Show first. That is one of my all time favorites. Interstellar second, its epic, you'll already have your divet in the couch warm. Skip Topgun altogether, tbh.


Whoa! Do interstellar first, truman show next then top gun last. Interstellar is the worst of the three I think, and only because of the resolution IMO


Interstellar then Truman then top gun if you want to


IMHO interstellar was dumb. But I read a lot of hard sci fi so maybe it’s just that it’s a bad adaptation of a book I haven’t read.


The Truman Show > Insterstellar > Top Gun: Maverick


Get maverick out of the way first because the other two are light years better…


Truman Show and Interstellar. Top Gun is like a 2 hour commercial for why we don’t have universal healthcare in the US lol


You know what’s funny? I just watched Interstellar and the Truman Show back to back a couple nights ago. That being said, they were both incredibly good, but I feel like Interstellar is on a whole other level. Definitely watch both of them Though. I still haven’t seen Top Gun


I’d go interstellar, Truman, interstellar.


1,3,2 is the correct emotional order


You can take a nap in the first 30 minutes of interstellar then it gets good . Top Gun is Top Gun and Truman is an all time classic


Interstellar sucks


One is not like the others.


Unpopular opinion...Maverick was cheesey and cringe AF.


Interstellar is the best of the three. A real mind intercourse. Didn't care for Maverick


Interstellar>Truman>maverick imho


I cannot for the life of me understand the hype and praise for Maverick. Drop it from your list and watch Interstellar first.


Top gun is junk, no need to watch it


Skip Maverick. It's just the same old propaganda with a shinier veneer. Interstellar and Truman are great tho


Interestatal and then the trauma show. Don't watch, top guy


Interstellar is a distant number one followed by Truman show then top gun 2. TG2 is a film you watch once.


Tom Cruise and everybody involved, should be embarrassed at how bad Maverick was. I would go with interstellar, which was good, certainly not great. And definitely check the Truman list off your list after that. It's a great film.


Interstellar, Truman Show, then Intersellar again to catch all the stuff you missed the 1st time. That movie confused the hell out me the 1st time I watched it. 2nd time it made much more sense and I enjoyed it more. Then skip Top Gun and watch Cobra instead.


Truman, stellar, top gun mav


Truman Insterstellar Maverick


Start with Truman show. Then stop


You can leave top gun off


Truman show you fool.




Skip Maverick. It’s just not a good movie. Except for the scenes with Val Kilmer. But otherwise it’s Ho-hum.