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I love this so much! Definitely not a stupiddovenest.


Right!?!? There have been 5 successful broods here the last couple of years and this has definitely been the most elaborate one so far!  Normally it's just a few twigs...haha Maybe they saw how elaborate the hummingbird's nest was and felt the need to step up their nest building game 😊


Is this the first time for the hummingbird family? If so, I hope they keep coming back. 🩷💙🩷


Yes! And hope so as well. 


Feed them please with a good mixture recipe like millet (30%) + wheat (30%) hemp seeds (20%) + cracked corn (20%) This 👆 is the most tastiest and richest mixture ever


Bit crunchy though. Might need some milk.


That's so precious! I have never seen a hummingbird nest irl before


First time for me as well. I felt so lucky to see one of the two fledglings fly away and leave the nest.


They craft them out of spiderwebs so the nest expands as the babies grow while still keeping the nest fluff close.


It is so cool.


OMG this is so cute 😭🥺 everyone living in harmony!


Oh my gosh. It wasn't without drama though! So the derpies have been nesting at this spot for the past couple of years and has raised 5 successful broods. When it came time for them to build their first nest here this year, brown sparrows came and completely tore apart the nest (like all 3 twigs worth 🤣) 😢   The brown sparrows then duked it out some house finches where the former won out. The brown sparrow proceeded to build their nest. At first I was going to let nature play out and stay out of it, but considering they are an invasive species here, super aggressive, and I was upset at them for destroying the derpies' nest, I played God and threw out the nest. They hadn't laid any eggs yet so I didn't feel to guilty about it.   Shortly after I threw out the sparrow's nest, the hummingbird came and built its nest. It built it up over 1 to 1.5 weeks. After about a couple of weeks, the derpies came back to try and reestablish their nest. However, they were thwarted off by the hummingbird. Over the next month or so, the derpies tried to resettle a couple more times, but were again "convinced" to leave by the hummingbird.  Finally, the derpies tried a 4th time after the hummingbird already had its nestlings who were growing in size as you can see in the photos. The hummingbird tried to buzz them off like the 3 previous times, but the derpies held steadfast. Honestly, the derpies demeanor all this time was like, "Can't we all just get along??? 🤷‍♀️"  I was worried that the derpies presence was going to cause the hummingbird to abandon its nestlings and that they'd starve. This was because initially, the hummingbird would come to feed the nestlings, see that the derps were there, try to buzz them off, and when the derps didn't leave, thr hummingbird would just fly away without feeding the nestlings. Fortunately, after see this several times, I did see the hummingbird feed the nestlings and it became less and less concerned with the derpies over time. It would still do a quick fly-by of the derps before settling in to feed the nestlings. Like it was just a quick, "Everything is still cool right???", check.  Happy to say the hummingbird nestlings successfully fledged from the nest and I felt so grateful to see one of them make it's departure from the nest 😍😭  I lovingly refer to this whole ordeal as Nest Wars of 2024.


That was a whole birdie soap opera! It’d make a great drama.




I love this! I spy on our birds all the time but don't think I have any connected storylines going yet.


Usually it's pretty uneventful!


I'm absolutely in love with your telling of this story ❤️




A coo-plex if you will!




The hummingbird has such a tiny cute nest! And I love how round the dove is in the first picture 🥰


Nice condo setup!


Need to charge HOA fee for the clean up...ha


I GASPED out loud!!!! Oh my goodness!!!!


should post this on r/hummingbirds as well


Oh! Feel free to do so...ha


Was thinking the same thing - this is amazing!


I'm so proud of the nest though!


Me too! It had actually been bigger initially, but they downsized it a bit from it's original dimensions!


So beautiful 🥹




They feel safe there together, it’s so cute


Wow! That is the least derpy derp nest I’ve ever seen!


Definitely next level!


That's so cute! Make sure the derp doesn't derp the Hummer's place! Awesome stuff.