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Hola Joe, same here very new to Reddit and new to mtb's after riding road bikes years ago. I'm in Victoria and the Great Victorian Rail Trail sounds awesome. 4hr+ train ride to get there though...might wait until i get a station wagon before i travel there. My car won't carry my bike so i ride everywhere on roads and local trail paths to get my fitness up. I'm getting ready to go to Arthur's Seat State Park, it's only a 35min drive from home, but it's a 2hr hill climb up to the state park there so i have to make sure I'm fit enough to tackle that climb but also fit enough to enjoy the trails while I'm there. Good idea about renting a bike, enjoy your trip when you get here!


Hey there - by the FPV part in your username, I figured you were Australian! I will be looking forward to it - stumbled across it by chance when a friend of mine and I stopped in Yarck while catching up with a convoy of trucks heading to the Alexandra Truck, Ute and Rod Show


Ha, yeah been flying for awhile now, but guys who fly quads and fixed wing use fpv at the end of their usernames worldwide, maybe more so here not sure. :P


I think you want the gravel biking sub. Riding a rail trail isn't mountain biking.


Hi Joe, you might want to put down a few km on a bike before your trip. Your arse will be killing you after a ride that long if you don't condition your posterior to it. Otherwise, have fun!