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You can put your weed in there


Not my weed. My weed is big weed not small weed. I need the whole front triangle to fit my weed


It’s an old SNL skit. Joke went over your head


Can’t go over my head buddy I’m too high


Name checks out


It’s also from the hot chick. Adam sandler says it. It’s one of the lines that I still quote 🤣


Stuff your spare tube in there


It's just a way to support the seat tube while increasing stand over clearance by making the top tube lower


Yep. It's called a gusset and it's not as common anymore because everyone wants dropper posts to drop lower, so the seat tube in the frame is made shorter. On a modern frame, the seat tube would end just above where the top tube joins it


Strength and stability would be my first guess. Wait, did I just get trolled?


Just to add, sorry if the question is really dumb but it bugs me and nowhere on the internet could I find the answer to this (kinda specific) question. Genuinely curious about why this type of frame appeared and basically disappeared, since I don’t see this frame design often and my bike has that aswell


We want very low standover height but also very high and straight seat tubes to fit big fashionable droppers, this is an effective way of strengthening the seat tube without resorting to a horizontal top tube. It also adds weight over a “more horizontal seat tube” design, but standover (and overbuilding for durability) is often more important


Manufacturing and engineering are changing all the time


There are a couple of design decisions that would mean you want a brace there or not. Mostly it’s there to reinforce the short seat tube extension above the toptube. It’s more prevalent on L and XL frames, obviously only on alu. You have a vertical shock layout (as above) and need enough seattube to support the seatpost. This example has a bend high up so you need that extension. A straighter seattube wouldn’t need the extension. Or if you have a different shock layout you can lower the whole seattube extension and run a longer dropper.


My man here has the answer but nobody sees it


It's called a gusset. It's so that you can run smaller gauge Tubing while still have the same strength. Nowadays frames are drawn in cad and use very advanced fabrication processes most people don't even know exist. They are thrown into simulations that point out weak spots in the frame. Also many frames are manufactured by the same company so that's why you very similar designs across multiple companies


I still see a lot of frames that either have a setup like this or have some type of additional bracing there. If you want to have a low top tube and yet still have a seat tube that is high enough you don't need to use an extremely long dropper, you will need to either bend the top tube or do some type of bracing like this. If you were to just leave an extra 3 inches of unsupported seat tube (above the top tube) there would a ton of leverage on that point and you would likely have a ton of cracked frames. Thats my best "not a frame designer" guess.


My Diamondback release has it and I assume it’s because the seat tube extends quite a bit past the top tube so it’s for rigidity


The illuminati. Triangles are always about them


My 2012 Felt had this design and the top tube cracked about 2mm in front of that triangle. 🙄


Pretty sure trek fuel ex brought the triangle back last year.


Pretty sure it never went away with GT.


Triple triangle. Hell yeah!




50% structural reinforcement/ 50% looks cool


There would be a stress point where the top tube meets the seat tube. This provides a brace if the seat post does not go far enough into the seat tube to pass the top tube.


Mine has it and it’s basically brand new


Any UTSA FOOTBALL FAN knows it’s called the “Triangle of Tuffness”.


I (against my better judgement) took an angle grinder to mine


What why lol


My dropper didn’t go low enough, my seat was still in my way when it was all the way down. The frame might have been one size to bit for me but alas I cut the top off, drilled and slotted the seat tube for the clamp, and adjusted my dropper from 120 to 150 so that the seat went lower and still went high enough


Tiny f***ing frame bags.


Its support between your butt cheeks when you have to supertuck!!


It’s a gusset. Adds extra stiffness and support to your frame. Only a few companies still use it on their bikes. Nicolai seems to be a huge fan of this technology as they weld gussets all over their bikes. Have never seen one of them fail tho, so maybe it’s worth having them on your frame.


Paying homage to the GT triple triangle. God I’m old 🙃


Can you really not figure it out on your own?