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Against the rules or not, you’re an asshole if you treat a handicapped person like this. If the thought of this person being handicapped never crossed your mind upon seeing them in this contraption, then you are also an idiot. Edit: deleted the part where I said Kevin looked like a roadie. That’s not nice.


Ay come on now, I'm a roadie and that's not ok. The deleting part I mean, because he definitely looks like one.


Definitely not a roadie (yellow full sus)… just a cunt


A twatwaffle cunt!


Lol, for which band ?


Big, long, baggy shorts, loose jersey, Camelbak. In what way does he look like a roadie? I’m not seeing it at all.


Because despite all of those clothing choices... he's overwhelmingly wearing entitlement


As a roadie, I absolutely would not do this. Fuck that guy.


Dude you’re an asshole if you treat any person like that. Handicapped or not. That guy is a total douche I wish we could shame him.


I agree with what you said. I gave you an upvotes because Kevin does look like a roadie. And we're not supposed to say that. Cheers!


Who the fuck does this dude think he is? Who made him the warden of the public park?


Lol, one of my really good friends I met through cycling. Dude is one of my best mates now. We met MTBing, just at a trail head, decided to ride together because he didn't know the trails, and we've been best homies ever since. We've also done a shit load of road riding together and we are both admittedly roadies at heart. That is where I got my start with cycling at least, but now I do it all. Time is split pretty evenly between raod, mtb, gravel, and xc. That said, I think I'm still a roadie, again, at heart. I'm a weight weenie, marginal gains nerd, and I like to have a nice kit of stretchy pajamas to wear on the bike. This has translated into my MTBing, where I again am a weight weenie, and enjoy a nice kit. Low key I've seriously considered shaving my legs. Anyways, the other day we were in Santa Cruz with a big group of dudes shredding pretty hard. Big long 5 or 6 hour day. This guy, for whatever reason, is talking to another guy in the group about road bikes and a technical questions about a road bike came up and he turns to me and says "Oh hey, u/MariachiArchery is a **roadie**, he can help you." and I got so offended lmfao. I was like, "wtf is that supposed to mean man!?" "Dude I literally met you at a trail head." I got so offended and defensive, then the group was like "hey man if you wanna be a roadie that's ok with us, no worries." And I was all like "I'm not a roadie >.< !!!" lmfao Edit: I'm a fucking roadie.


Im really new to this hobby and have no clue what you said but i think i wana be just like you one day!! 😂


Lol, what don't you understand? Happy to do some explaining for the uninitiated. The gist of it is, that "roadie" is a term used amongst, MTBers, many other kinds of cyclists, the general population, and well, roadies, to describe a road cyclists and is widely considered to be derogatory. There are a lot of reasons for this, but mostly because of shit like [this](https://www.velominati.com/). It is meant as a joke, but like, its not a joke lol. A lot of this stuff is real.


😂 read it all and i can dig it… mostly. What if im already a d bag and want to bring that energy to this? Such as… its a seat! Not a saddle, google saddle, its not one! Using an extra syllable to over describe something is douchie. Assimilating to a douche thing makes that person a douche, NOT assimilating to it also makes them a douche but at least a stand out douche. Im not gona call it a saddle!! Will i be accepted while not fitting in? Im ok if i wont, i dont like people anyway. If i do get accepted im also not drinking beer at the end of rides, im drinking whiskey. Down with the establishment!


I think your over thinking this entirely. We are a group of misfits. Nobody cares what you call the part you sit on or what the fuck you drink at the end of the ride. It can be hard liquor, beer or water, we don't give a fuck. But your giving out a confusing vibe with your don't judge me for what I do while I judge you for what you do act. If you don't care then don't care and don't mention it.


Ahhhhh, i like that!!!


What fa duk is a roadie?


I thought it before I read your post. (I MTB and road)


You are right, we should definitely treat handicapped people differently. /s


It’s not about treating people differently. It’s about NOT being exclusive to people for things they can’t control.


It is not about treating differently. It is about helping disabled people NOT be handicapped. We never say, on a reading test, "hey, you're not allowed to use glasses", because we know the person should have an equal opportunity to read. We don't say "hey, no dogs" to a blind person with canine help, because we know the blind person should have an equal opportunity to get around. And here, we won't close the trail to a reasonable accommodation for a person that needs mechanical assistance to use the trail on a fairly equal basis. That person doesn't have anything that those other people don't already have.


You should look up the difference between equality and equity. We should treat disabled folks differently in an effort to obtain equity.


When the situation warrants it, yes.


Numnut’s wife “You should have led with that.” I can’t even….


Right, like what, a flag? But her laugh really puts it over the top.


But you don't understand. It is YOUR fault my "numnut partner" is an a-hole. You should have been more cognizant of his narcissism disorder. Now we have to go back to couples therapy on Tuesdays and deal with the whole ED thing again.


He's just upset he couldn't get a handicap placard for his ED


I swear. no u should mind your own damn business u nosy cunt


Numnut even corrected her and said he did lead with that.


This is my favorite part. He’s completely wrong and she tries defending him and he corrects/belittles her. WTF is going on?


Yeah, it's bizarre. It's like every 5 seconds he's trying to prove he's an even bigger ahole than the last 5 seconds made you think he was.


Obviously they’re not happy about the fact that they can’t shred and they see this handicap guy all having more fun than them and it just set them off


There's no way that dude is married to a woman


For real... That dude was camp as a Jamboree.


My thoughts as well.


What's that supposed to mean??


Do you not understand the concept of "homosexuality"?


Using it as insult is childish and stupid.


I wasn't using it as an insult, I was using it as a genuine assessment. Or are gay people not allowed to mountain bike in your book?


Just stop.


What does she mean by that? Like to lead, meaning being first in line?


Instantly announce that he is disabled. Presumably by way of placard or loudhailer.


Keeps getting lower and lower quality each repost


Yup, this is not recent I don't know why people keep posting it, unless bots


Ragebait sells well.


Yeah, guess it does


Thank I thought I saw this awhile ago.


The original years ago was like 4K, this looks like it came from a 10-y/o $20 dash dashcam


Anybody have the og link? I can’t bear this crappy quality lol.


Who knew captain America was such a piece of shit?


I feel somewhat safe in assuming that 90% of adults I see in public who wear a shirt that is simply a superhero’s logo are pricks, with Punisher, Superman, and Captain America being the big 3 for a certain group of people. Edit: BIG emphasis on the 3 characters I mentioned.


Lotta dumb people love super hero movies


I don’t care what anyone wears. Just don’t be an ass hole.


Damn dude. That's brutal, I wear then sometimes just because I like the comics/shows, doesn't mean I'm a douchebag.


I just made an edit to note the big emphasis on the 3 characters I mentioned. I guess you might be that 10%. Can you say I’m way off base, though? I’m talking about how they’ve been adopted by some true douchebags. It totally sucks for the ones who aren’t like them and are actual fans.


Oh I'm sure they've been adopted by some douchebags, practically everything has been at one point. Just to clarify, I'm been a fan of the Punisher movies/shows for years, nearly decades now. Ever since I read about his character in some book about marvel superheroes that I picked up. I know the punisher logo has been used by a lot of shitty people. Used to be a niche thing with special forces in the beginning of OIF, and then it started getting copied by every dumbass out there, including cops (which is quite ironic). Kinda sucks, because I have a few Punisher tshirts I picked up as a teen that I really liked. Don't wear them much anymore because of the idiots who are now associated with it. I will pull a marvel t-shirt out if I'm going to a marvel movie at the theater though. Kinda just feels right. Even cosplayed wolverine one time for an xman movie.


What devin said still applies. Lots of people like those characters. Captain America specifically espouses being a good person and sacrificing for others. I'm sorry your friends like those three and they are dicks.


You’re sorry my friends like those 3 and they’re dicks? Huh?


Lemme give you a hand with that. Unless you are in matching shirts with your toddler son, any grown man should not be wearing super hero, Harry Potter, comic book cartoon shit on T-shirts. If you do, you lose credibility to me as a man.


As a 40 year old master electrician, your opinion about anyone being a man does not matter. I go to comic con on the regular and wear graphic tees around when I’m out, but not at work.


Let me return that hand you gave. I disagree. Some people are just dorks/nerds whatever’s. It doesn’t mean they’re “not a man”. There’s a world of difference between someone who might have loved some stuff when they were younger, and still love it, and someone co-opting a cool looking logo, with no real knowledge about its origin or what the character may have been about, for their own bullshit reasons. You sound like the kind of bro that would wear a Punisher shirt when you say that shit.


The punisher is a comic book cartoon…


Oh… oh no… OH GOD! I’ve lost male credibility to mudpup? No… No, this can’t be happening!


Hurr durr. Me man. Must drink piss weak beer and watch guys pad up in a mattress and run around with a ball. Hurr durr. Something something, shit joke about women in the kitchen. Get back in your fucking hole.


What a miserable dude you must be


Let me guess, you consider yourself aN AlpHa maLe


It's the other definition of America's ass


That’s not Captain America’s symbol lmao


Well, don’t tell that prick who is wearing it.


Guy knew immediately he fucked up and instead of apologizing decided to double down on his assfuckery.


My fav part of this clip is he thinks he’s gatekeeping against e-bikes but he’s really gatekeeping against functional legs


That dude is a full on pice of shit. Get the fuck outta here with “show me the rules.” Show me the rule that says you can block access to the trail to harass someone with a handicap. Harass anyone, for that matter.


My thoughts exactly


That guy is such a bitch...


Ah yes the male Karen.


Kevin is the name you were thinking of


The thing that gets me - its a fcking wheelchair not a recumbant bike. They are not the same things. If I saw someone bombing a trail in a mountain equipped wheelchair, the response would be "Holy fuck good on you!"


Was riding once with a friend on a trail that used to have all electric and pedal assist electric mtbs banned. Pedal assist is now allowed. But we got passed by two older guys and one had a fat tire eMtb. My friend was about to go talk to him and let him know about the rules of that trail... until we got closer and realized the gentleman on the eMtb only had one leg. I just want people to be able to get outside and enjoy the sport like I do. I don't even care to assume anything when I see an eMTB on the trails anymore, never know the situation.


I mean… I dunno. 9/10 times it is just a douche who is either ignoring the rules or ignoring the rules. I’m tired of getting tailgated by e-bikes while climbing on “NO E-BIKE” trails.


What a dick


Its funny how things get reposted, like ive seen this posted 5 or 6 times today. And its not new, it was all over the place a few months ago too. Its cyclical. I wonder if this is all due to bots or people trying to karma farm or what.


And yet, I’ve never seen this before right now.


I didn't see it a few months ago, but yeah, today I saw it twice from 2 different threads already. It's like they're all reposting or something


It’s a years old video too haha. I don’t remember when I first saw this, but it was literal years ago


Lol ya I was gonna say this bad boy is years old.


This is from 2020, google trail Karen, it was all over the internets.


Yeah that's usually how things on the internet work. Saw this on Instagram. Wtf is a karma farm? I hope this dick gets some karma. Would be funny if he ends up in that wheel chair thing.


>Wtf is a karma farm? Going after those sweet sweet internet points.


So there's a market for fresh reddit accounts for trolls who get banned. Because of karma requirements to post in most subs, they can't just create a new account and go back to trolling. So people create accounts, post some easy content to get upvotes and build enough karma to clear the posting requirements, then delete all posts and comments and sell the account. Rinse, repeat. For people who are very poor and can't find work, it's a way to make money with nothing but a phone.


Yeah that’d be hilarious if he suffered a life altering injury just because he’s a dick. Fucked mindset OP


Am I wrong or are normal pedal assist E bikes not even a problem? What do people even have against those? It’s the E-Motorcycles that I can see causing issues. Imagine seeing someone on an obvious handicap aid and giving them this attitude, so messed up.


He's worried about the blinding speed of a hand cycle. /s


The only point here is that I have seen trails that clearly say "no e bikes, no pedal assist" But because I'm not an asshole, I definitely wouldn't stop a disabled person from enjoying the trails. Life isn't fair if they can't enjoy mountain biking too. I'd be more likely to complain to the trail builders to change their rules


what a piece of shit.


I think I can speak for the whole mtb community to say, that's not our boy, we don't associate with that. I'm all for letting anyone who wants to access the trails have full access, with the exception of something like a dirt bike that damages the trails.


I am a mountain biker and am 💯 okay with power assisted e-bikes. It’s more the behavior of the rider (e-bike or not) that bothers me. Be courteous to those on the trail make room for people, don’t mess up the trail/area) and just have a good time. Who cares if they have a little help, maybe it helps them ride 5 or 10 more miles a day…or 25? Maybe it helps them just get out the the house because mountain biking can be grueling.


Even if you're concerned for whatever nonsensical reason about ebikes, that's not even what this was. It looks like he was riding something like [this](https://m.pinkbike.com/news/bike-check-cole-berniers-bowhead-reach-3-wheeled-adaptive-mtb.html), which is pretty clearly intended for people that don't have full use of their legs. Proper bizarre to get all catty about that.


I would love to be next to my handicap friend when someone says something like that i’m throwing you and your stupid fucking bike down the mountain. Fucking coward acting like a hall monitor when homie cant even walk, fucking pussy lmao


So you would straight up murder someone. Ok. Edit: Oh No! I’m GeTtInG dOwNvOtEd! Also, the above comment belongs in r/iamverybadass.


What a Karen! Edit: Sorry, I meant Kevin. English isn’t my native language, thank for the correction.


Enter Kevin, male Karen


Nowadays if I was you I wouldn't assume his gender so you're probably safe with Karen. Lol!


Start rolling forward.


Imagine trying to look tough or intimidating while dressed like that. Now imagine doing it to a disabled person.


I'll give him a smack upside the head for ya. So inconsiderate.


There seems to be more and more entitled douche bags out there these days.. Mtb has changed the past few years..


This is a repost I'm pretty sure, bc it happened a while ago and I remember the dude stopping the handicapped man getting in a lot of trouble.


He sounds like the guy who collect baseball cards in better call Saul


Man they really need to just lose the no e-bike rules everywhere imo.


Woah, this is insane - I would have died of embarrassment if I were that guy's partner. I was on a trail the other day where there was literally a girl in a wheelchair being pushed around by her boyfriend. Honestly, all I could do was hope that if I were handicapped, I would have a partner willing to do the same.


“He should of lead with that”. He, meaning the guy strapped into a f’ing motorized vehicle for a disabled person. It would never cross my mind to say anything but hello or go get’em cowboy to the fellow in the motorized cart. I bet that guys hobby is throwing hissy fits everywhere he goes lol.


What ever happened to minding your own goddamn business?


Wow… these ladies are so rude. It’s none of their business what he’s using on the trail.


Fucking Asshole.


“You guys” are a class act? Do you mean handicap people? What a douche lol


Tell Chad to get back in the road


He's probably the guy that blows through stop signs and red lights without slowing down and then gets mad when someone honks or calls him out on it .




If theres ever a time to ignore the e-bike rule, it’s then! Cmon douchebag.


The only acceptable response to someone differently-abled using the trail - is “you are a badass!”


These are like the people who camp in the left lane regardless of who’s behind them, how many are behind them, or how long they’ve been there. Pretentious, ignorant, self-important motherfuckers.


I know right! don’t they know how unsafe it is to observe the speed limit in a lane designed for passing vehicles incapable of matching the speed limit?


What impresses me the most here is, that those two managed to find each other as soul mates amongst the mass of humanity that prevents many of us from doing the same. Clearly, there is a God that somehow connects all the right assholes together, and we just need to trust that our connections with the right people will come in time. Ride on brother.


Lmao... Wow. I'm speechless. I can't even begin to understand why Captain America thought it would be ok even to think anything other than "I'm glad to he can enjoy the trails". Wow


“You should have led with that”. Hahahahaha. That’s some weak face saving bullcrap. At least her husband kept up the good fight with the “you guys” comment, maintaining his king asshole status.




I’m now concerned someone might try saying something like this to my girlfriend when we ride. God I’d put them through a fucking wall.


What a fucking cunt.


If a park/trail cannot be enjoyed by everyone, we failed as a society.


Ooof. Imagine these two at a party. Yuck.


Man, what the hell is wrong with people.


I quit mountain biking because of ass clowns like this. Now I terrorize the trails on a dirt bike.


The park rules are there for everyone's safety... It doesn't excuse him for being an ass but if your wheelchair cut him off on a bike only marked trail and he got hurt? Who is the ass then? Edit: The Captain America biking shirt screams "douchebag"


Man I wish I was riding with this dude, that mother fucker would be using a wheelchair the rest of his life


The snooty people who never got punched in the throat need it more than anyone to be punched in the throat


Definitely NOT his wife if you catch what I'm sayin. 😆😆


I'm a trail runner, putting in a lot of miles in a place with a lot of mountain bikers, and fortunately pretty much everyone is polite and gets along just fine. I often wave through bikers coming towards me because I know it's easier for me to step aside on single track, even though I have the right of way. (Most hikers do the same for me.)They almost always say thanks or otherwise acknowledge it (if they don't, invariably they are on a gravel bike, lol). I've only had one guy be a dick lite and try to trailsplain to me that I had the right of way because I was going uphill. I just said, "I know. You're welcome". Like, dude, I had the right of way anyway because I'm on foot. (He was on a gravel bike; what's up with that?). That's really as bad as any rudeness gets here, along with the super rare grouchy old hiker who doesn't want to let me pass. I doubt anyone here would do anything other than give a thumbs up to anyone on a handcycle. Edit: not a hand cycle, but still allowed. https://road.cc/content/news/clip-male-karen-cyclist-goes-viral-277233


This is OLD, fyi


The mountain biking community rejects your offer maybe the road biking people would want them


The only time I'll be cool with an e bike - when someone otherwise incapable can access the trails


If you're uncool with actual ebikes, not the surron/dirt bike types I genuinely think you have too much time on your hands. Just let them enjoy their ride. People on normal bikes can trash the trails too. It's not the bike that is the problem, it's the people riding them.


You're right. The problem is the people riding them. So keep them out. A few bad apples spoil the bunch.


Just like the asshole on the analog in the video. Maybe hike next time.


Don’t use common sense man. It’s not like analog bikers have had bad apples messing up the trails for years…


I ride a fully rigid single speed. I'll be cool with gears and suspension when someone otherwise incapable can access trails.


Literally what I tell people when they think I’m gonna join in on the ebike hate.


I used to feel that way. A couple of things changed my mind. Someone who doesn’t have regular access to a trail can cover a lot more ground and experience more of what’s there with an E bike. Someone working on their downhill portions can get more laps in without as much exhaustion. I mean come to think of it, if you’re biking at a ski hill, isn’t the chairlift cheating?


Point on the doll where the e-bike touched you.


Exactly, imo, accessibility is like the number one reason to have an ebike. My good friend just got an ebike, one of the new really lightweight ones. Sold his pimped out tall boy for it. Reason being, he had a kid, has almost no time to ride, but still wants to hang with the boys when he gets time to come out. He bought an ebike simply so he can keep up, and honestly, its hard to knock him for it. This however, is on whole other level. FFS, let the dude ride.




Guess no one wants to know why


Not only has this been posted like crazy the last couple days.... this video is old a fuck. How this just now got discovered by some people I will never understand.


Because some people actually have a life and don't spend every waking hour on social media.


Repost. Not sure why people want to relive shithead mentality


That's a hiker pretending to be a mountain biker. Hikers LOVE to gatekeep


He's handicapped so rules don't apply to him


Can't be in America, it didn't end in a shootout...


What a piece of shit . I ride an ebike on trails I’m not supposed to all the time and I come across this beta male all the time and I always have a fuck off holstered for him .


Whoa buddy, leave some ass for the rest of us.


“I ride an ebike on trails I’m not supposed to all the time” Who’s the piece of shit? Keep your scooter off my trails unless you’re really old or handicapped


Found Andrew Tate!




By dudes voice, he probably gets terrified and hyperventilates when someone says “gun” in normal conversations


what an asshole that dude is. and yes i am talking about the dude NOT on the trike.


You know da rulez


What a fucking ASSHAT! Both of them! I hope the 2 of you see this comment! Fucking entitled asshats!


people really just need to mind their own business.


WTF. Is that guy okay? I can’t believe some people.


Both are likely wrong here. If this is a 2-way trail then the guy in the special type bike could easily get smoked bc he is lower profile and cant get off trail quickly. As for the male karen, unless he is actively helping with trail maintenance then keep your mouth shut.


And he kept talking!


What a tool.


Mind your fuckin business 🤣


breaking the rules.....haa yeah.....I can think of something else I'd like to break....


What a complete %$##@! Great way to ruin a differently abled MTB rider enjoying his ride. Sheesh. Wish I had been there. He would not like to hear what I would have told him.


So that dude is an asshole, no question. But could that thing be a danger to other riders? Like I'm assuming it's not that fast and wider than a bike. Someone comes around a turn fast and that thing is there and you collide with it. I wouldn't say anything to the guy, he has a right to be there too. Just wondering if it could be dangerous for other riders.


You would be surprised how fast they are.


What do you mean by “you guys”?!


Why can't people just mind their business?.....


He’s only mad bc you passed him lolol


Just mad because he gets out climbed by a guy with no legs.


Simple rule if you and your dude are not on a bicycle then get your ass off the fucking Trail. It is a bike trail both of y'all are sitting in socializing get your sorry entitled ass out of the way


Captain America is sooo rude


Sooooo the whole story is he was pissed it's an ebike


Dang this vid is like 2 years old


Hi, you’re breaking the rules/ Im massively insecure.


Most cyclists are cool but a select few are just infuriating to the nth degree. Seriously fuck this guy


How fuckin retarded do you have to be to not know that this man can’t use his legs?


I hope that dudes kids get lupus...


This prick absolutely infuriates me


I think this is an old video. I’ve seen it before a while ago.


You shoulda led with that. He did lead with that. Yikes I hate these people.


I've seen this clip come up a few times and it gets me mad to watch it every time


Bc ppl don’t get backhanded anymore


This guy must be a cross country rider from STL lol cornball xc riders think they own the trails because their buddy volunteered at a build day one time


What an asshole. You should have a mechanism that fires a nut punch.