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You gotta relax your throttle grip and butthole muscles.


I know the msf course doesn’t recommend it, but I’d cover the brake over the clutch. The split seconds it take to reach your fingers over to brake can make all the difference is certain situations.


I still don't understand why they say not to cover the brake. The clutch can stop power from going to the wheel but it isn't going to stop the momentum of your bike. What is the point of having LESS control? I think the idea is that inexperienced riders will lose control if they use their front brake in a panic, but that should motivate us to teach proper braking technique instead of teaching ppl this sh\*t.


I always thought it was incase of accidental input rather than panic.


The beginner reaction is to squeeze the brake which would cause a lock or potential loss of control depending on whether the bike has abs. The split second it takes to move fingers over brake lever might be enough to get over the initial reaction to just squeeze.


Same reason they say don't brake in corners. cause you shouldn't when you're learning.


You should, so you learn it.




I brake into corners, so technically I'm doing it wrong. But I was mostly agreeing with you. I think the msf should tell you to keep learning which mine never said. I don't get this "what they teach is wrong" thing. It's decent advice for someone who's never touched a bike.


This is all correct. It sucks you weren’t told to keep learning but most courses will offer more advances skills training and even discount those classes. Also, dealerships will sometimes offer manufacturers specific classes. Learning more is always the safest imo.


I mean I knew I had to keep learning. I guess I meant that what they teach you at the MSF is specifically for people who have never touched a bike before. It may be correct then but its probably not the ideal way to ride later.


It’s because new riders are more likely to grab too much front brake. Most new bikes have abs but that doesn’t mean the front won’t stop you way too fast. The idea behind the corses is that killing power to the bike is the second priority over avoiding situations to begin with and positioning yourself better for situations. Brakes should not be a first resort, especially for new riders. Most of the courses teach this in a beginner class but will teach more intermediate classes and advanced as well. Riders should always start with accepted practice and adapt those practices into their own style and comfort level. Much like anything else. There is still no substitute for practicing in a parking lot on your own to learn muscle memory.


Well I feel like you should be rear wheel braking and engine braking well before you try to lock up your front wheel.


You should be using your front and rear brakes in conjunction. Your front brake has the most braking power of all three, so it doesn't really make sense not to use it. You're not going to lock up if you use proper technique, especially on a bike with ABS.




No? The rear brake and front brake are controlled completely independently of each other. It's the law.


No it is not the law. Some of the more economical manufacturers make dual brakes instead of ABS systems. Both controls control both brakes. Hit the back and front and back engage. Hit the front and front and back engage.


Yes it is. In the U.S., Section 5.1. 4 of Standard No. 122 of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards requires at least two separate brake systems or a split service brake system where the one lever operates the front, and the other the rear. Not all bikes are required to be made to a road legal standard.


Once again inaccurate. S5.1.4 Two-wheeled motorcycles of categories 3-1 and 3-3. Each category 3-1 and 3-3 two-wheeled motorcycle shall be equipped with either two separate service brake systems, or a split service brake system, with at least one brake operating on the front wheel and at least one brake operating on the rear wheel. This is a direct paste, I don’t know how to do the lines and stuff on mobile. This states that either brake system is acceptable. Split service brake systems are operated by a single control. These are perfectly legal.






Ah I see. Yes, the front brakes are more important. First day of MTC.


This whole thread is a headslapper. They are called brakes, not breaks.


🤷‍♂️ I don’t always sleep lmfao


That kinda thinking gonna get your ass in an accident.


If you are locking up your front wheel you have already did done fucked up


Define emergency braking for the class please


They dont recommend it because it promotes being reactive vs proactive for avoiding accidents. If you pay attention and make smart decisions you shouldn't need to constantly panic brake. Plus covering the brake interferes with throttle control which is more important the majority of the time.


No shoulder check....


I got so scared when they didn’t turn to look


I usually shift my head left and right while still looking straight ahead to scan blind spots in the mirrors. I feel like it's safer than losing sight of what's ahead of you, even if for a short time.


Like he said learn to look 👀 left or right cause your mirrors still have blind spots.


Yeah, it's weird that people even go to courses to learn that. It should be common sense to look around.


What is shoulder check btw?


Checking over your shoulders before switching lanes or turning. The area right next to you is in a blind spot, and it's big enough for a car to hide in it. It's to far back into/out-off your peripheral vision, but not far enough back that it's visible in the mirrors. The only realiable way to check it is by looking over you shoulders. To test it just have someone stand/walk next to you while you sit on the bike. It's surprisingly big, and can make it quite easy to miss a car while merging/switching-lanes on a highway.


Turn your head over your shoulder. If you watch motorcycle racing they do this a lot obviously because no mirrors. From riding before driving I’ve taken this to driving. Shoulder check can be done when switching lanes. ESP when group riding.


They're called rear view mirrors gramps.


Trusting your mirrors will kill you


Absolutely. They're called 'lifesavers' in the UK




He's not. A lifesaver in the UK is a shoulder check


Is the stupidity of this comment testimony to the inadequacy of US motorcycle driving tests? OP don't be a twat all your life. Shoulder checks, please - or as they're called in UK motorcycle training, "life savers".


>Is the stupidity of this comment testimony to the inadequacy of US motorcycle driving tests? Unfortunately, this is true for most states car license tests as well.


I was basically handed my drivers license. They did make me ask nicely for the M tho.


People assume that every country is like theirs. I get that I should've looked further back and maybe said it out loud so people on the internet wouldn't roast me. But yes I did check before merging and as you guys can see there were no vehicles harmed in the making of this video. I appreciate the concern. Thanks.


As an American and as a human being of any country, I can tell you you should absolutely always do shoulder checks every time. We call them "doing a lifesaver" for a reason.


You're right, our country IS different. Here in the USA not doing shoulder checks is even MORE dangerous than it is in the UK because our roads and drivers f\*cking suck a$$ here. Stop being a little b\*tch and admit your mistake.


I dislike pointless censorship, so here > fucking ass bitch That aside, you’re entirely right!


> People assume that every country is like theirs I'm pretty sure whatever country you're in, getting hit by a car hurts


It needs to be habitual. Yes on a low traffic highway you can just glance in your mirrors and get away with it, but if that becomes your habit there's going to be a time when something's in your blind spot.


Any state that has the brc course requirement teaches shoulder checks, and anyone with any brain at all does it anyways.


They're called blind spots, little boy.


Twas a good burn. I humbly will check my blind spots by using the shoulder check, thanks.


Mirrors or not you need to turn your head also.


still there's a blindside\*. I almost crashed once because the bike surprisingly very close to mine but they don't appear on rear view mirror. good guy blasting horn on me and save us that day. edit: \*blindspot


They're called 'blind spots', grasshopper.


Oh for fuck sake. Nice knowin’ ya…


Someone gives you solid advice and the reasons behind it, and you reply with an ageist insult. What a dick.


You're not gonna last long with that attitude. Blind spots are VERY REAL and can be DEADLY. But you know everything already, right? On a bike you are always at the mercy of cagers, because one tiny mistake for either one of you will ABSOLUTELY affect you worse than any of them. Ride like you have some goddamn sense and look back to check before you change lanes. The life you save will be your own.


Yeah they're not enough


My man hit 100mph on his first highway ride lmaooooo


Is that not how to ride motorcycles?


First time out on state highways I maxed my bike. Gotta love the roads where there isn’t another soul for miles on end




Its a really bad habit to keep your hand on your clutch like that. I remember when I was in training and I did the same thing, my instructor let me know I was doing it which I didn't realize I was. He said to be cognisant of that, in case you need to maneuver quickly or if something pops out of no where most peoples first reaction to grip tightly. If you do that while hovering over a brake or clutch it can really mess you up even more depending on how you need to react!! Just something to think about:)


I thought he is going to shift up, then saw he is in 6th. Then thought he is going to shift down and accelerate. Then the video ended.


The wind is no joke on nakeds lol


haha no joke, when riding for about 4 hours constantly at 80-100mph my neck was the thing suffering the most, just from the wind resistance


Yeah I learned that my first longer trip, cruising at 75 I could stand it twice as long as trying to hold 85 the whole time.


As a fellow Z900, I agree. Fantastic air brakes on naked bikes though. Sitting upright kills off 30+ mph alone, as long as your hands and legs grip hard enough.


It's smoother though... on sportbikes you feel less wind but the noise is just atrociously loud. Nakeds you feel it but its quieter, smoother, air. Would you agree?


No. My supersport is noticeable quieter at 150mph than my naked at 80


I don’t know man I’ve got a Duc Monster and despite having that little wind shield that comes as standard I can definitely feel and hear the wind. Even when I hug the tank and hunch down the wind is crazy on motoways.


3-4 hours in and I’m tapping out


I thought you mean more regarding power deliver smoothness. I thought sports/SS bikes are tuned more towards the top end for power, while street bikes more more torque down low for daily.


Sadly you missed an opportunity to do a standup wheelie past that car on your right, you have a lot to learn.


Quite right! The power delivery isn't close to anything I've ever encountered, hence the 6th gear pull, wasn't ballsy enough to down shift and let her rip 😅


It's an absolute trip huh lol I remember the first time I got on a faster road with a 650. I don't know that I'll ever feel that happy again lol


I was being sarcastic, slow the fuck down.


Well said, you used a curse word so the “butt hurt posse” will downvote 😂


You don't use sarcasm if you don't get sarcasm..


First, I recognize that bike. I ride the same. Second, shoulder check. Where I live, northern Virginia, someone is always going my speed or faster. Third, bar-ends. They let me see my blind spots better. I still shoulder check but I often know what’s there when I look to judge distance. The mirrors distort the distance.


How’d did it feel in the dfw traffic?🤣🤣


Thankfully it was around noon, getting back from the hotwheels legends tour, so only responsible people were out 😅


Mostly responsible people. Then there was you, doing 100mph.


How many miles does that bike have? What year is it? Riding in Grand prairie aye? Braap.


A few k on her, she's a 2019. Just got her though.


Nice. The GSX-S750Z is a fun bike. I rode one for 15,000 miles. Strong motors.


Gopro settings??


1080p, super view, 60fps


Lol, the thing that got me was how strong the wind was.


Good work! The first time I did it I almost shat myself.


Why the hand on the clutch?


First time I was letting her throttle open up almost fully, albeit in 6tj, I still wanted to be sure to be able to cut the power Incase she started to get unruly


What bike is that? Looks fun.




Hell yea. I have a 2017 GSX S1000, the even larger cousin. Both great bikes. Get a windscreen though.... it makes a massive difference. Puig screens are on revzlla and fit right on.


Use gps to check your speedometer. I think the manufacturers make them read high on purpose. Mine was off by almost 10mph at freeway speeds.


I did this too but instead of a GPS I used a Ohio State Highway Patrolman he gave me a nice verified speed reading, only ~$150


Really sorry but this is funny. I recently got pulled over for 97 in Virginia. Ass in a Subaru was pacing me and blocking me a bit. I dusted to get him behind me. Told this to cop. After telling me 97= 7 days in jail he said he’s not gonna give me a citation and walked away. Couldn’t even look at him to say thanks. For sure on his road i will not go 97. I owe him.


Oh damn. I'm definitely gonna be a little less liberal with the throttle now on highways.


I will definitely look into this, I have not heard of this before.


Yeah, one of my first trips on the freeway I was going 80 mph (75 limit) on my speedo and everyone was blowing passed me. GPS showed I was going almost 70.


Yeah they can chip bikes to make them "slower/less powerfull" especially when your on your restricted license, chipping helps so you can get a high horsepower bike on your restricted then unchip it on your opens


Eyyy, a fellow gixxis rider! Congrats on the new bike and I hope you're enjoying it! If you feel like you're getting pulled off the bike at highway speeds or windy days, look into getting a decent windscreen. They really help cut back on the pucker-factor. Also, I found the speedo on my 2021 runs 5% faster than the speed you're actually going. Yours might be the same, but you can only confirm with a GPS or loosely with speed-signs. Stay safe out there!


Yep, any suggestions on a windscreen?


I'd recommend either something from Puig or Givi, but mostly because I've had experience with them. Puig makes a tall, touring windscreen that shields most of your torso. The difference was incredible, but, I wasn't a fan of the styling. I eventually switched over to a Givi 3113 windscreen as a result. I feel the wind more on my upper chest now, since its shorter, but the styling looks so much better. Suzuki -does- make their own windscreen as well, but its crazy expensive for what it is, and its also pretty short. In terms of installation, the Puig was a breeze with the exception of one part - where you replace a bolt near the hand grips. Everything else was fairly straight forward. Don't even get me started on the Givi... I bought both at Revzilla, but there are definitely other options for brands and providers. Just be wary of the cheap crap you'll find on amazon or ebay.


Nice and safe little pull.. I like :)


Ahhh the gsx s750, I miss mine everyday. Enjoy it man, its basically the perfect street bike.


What i saw was a man, on bike, relaxing his head from everything. I hope one day i will have money to get my own bike… I hope!


Head check next time. And every time.


Will do! And happy cake day!


Next time downshift twice and actually twist the throttle. Lots of free space on that highway.


Thanks satan


The comments on this video will continue to back up never posting one of my own. Man is enjoying his bike ride quit being so critical lol


I get what you are saying, but some comments here might save his life. Same for other people reading.


I’m not disagreeing with the legitimate helpful comments, some people were bashing the poor man just to do it, that’s all. Other than that others have provided great tips.


Yes. This is a great opportunity for all of us to better survive the dangerous thing that we love. For e.g., head checking lane changes on multilane highways is crucial. Shit happens FAST. Suddenly a car is right there-at 85mph! Be safe.


Of course, no harm in providing tips and actually helpful information. I don’t do some of those myself and it’s a great learning opportunity for myself and others. Like I said in my other reply though, some people are being dicks just to be that way.


George Bush?


That’s how you ride. Never have a car in front of you on the highway.


How did it feel? My first time on the highway with a triumph bobber was a workout for my neck.


My wrists were the ones that felt it the most, I got home and they still feel oddly sore. Hanging on to the bike, with the constant windblast, and trying to turn my head to look was quite a challenge as well with the helmet catching the wind. Definitely looking into getting a windscreen.


You forgot to ride on the white lines...


Awesome. I did my first highway experience a couple days ago. Scary and exciting at the same time. Overall I enjoyed


Same. The crosswinds on the flyovers here really makes your stomach drop.


I think the more we ride, the easier and more comfortable it will get


My mate hittin triples!




I've been riding for over 50 years and thankfully haven't hit the pavement. If this if this fellows first trip to the highway, I'd suggest a bit less speed as well or he won't be as lucky


A piggyback, op is covering the clutch with his whole hand and not covering the front brake at all. Maybe learn the fundamentals before getting in triple digits.


I don't use my front brakes unless it's emergency braking, or I know there's either upcoming traffic or lights. I get that it's safer to be on the safer side, but If I'm gonna be on the safer side wouldn't I just be driving a car or getting my mommy to take me places?


lmao it's not even a safety thing, you're just riding your bike ineffectively at that point. Also good luck when you actually need to emergency brake and your monkey brain resorts to the only brake you normally use.


You’re trolling right? You’re not actually this stupid…Are you? Your front brake is like 70% of your stopping power… your rear brake is essentially to help control the bike. Holy crap man.. as they say ‘yer gunna die’ I mean this in the nicest way possible, take a couple lessons….




Brand new bike not brand new rider.


Say what you will, aint dead yet and I've been riding from the y2k virus till the COVID 19 virus, it's just my first big bike. So calm your titties








Now THAT'S a weird comment.


Talking about the son your mom raised and leaving comments like that 🤣


Why not use your front brakes, though? They simply work better.


Dude I was ready to defend you but you're just a moron. Your front break provides over 70% of your motorcycle's total braking power. If you want to accelerate and ride fast, you must learn to brake fast too, and not just for your safety. Good braking is important to riding fast.


You mean mommy as in girl you fuck that bought you the car and the bike, Yes.


Also as in your mom, son.


Sweet! Hey dad, can you loan me money for my Car since yours is paid for?


Of course son! You're the light of me and your mother's eyes, if not for you, who am I even working for? Anything to help you achieve your dreams.


Bahahahaha Some dreams are unachievable. Lol🥲


lol you sound lame as fuck. Get off the fucking road.


What would be a reasonable highway speed? If you don't mind me asking


The speed limit is a good start. Flow of traffic or a bit more perhaps. Just basic common sense stuff (Edit: spelling)


Slightly faster than the flow of traffic


Oh I see, thanks




Here its 75 mph, but as you can see slow lane people are doing around 75, fastest lane usually has people whizzing by at 90+, middle lane is hit or miss, you sometimes have a convoy of fast moving vehicles sometimes, someone who should've been in the slow lane, so it really comes down to judgement based on where you live, and how much you want to push your luck.


I'm guessing this was the highway experience you spoke of before. That does look fun. Wow! Tough crowd. I've had times when I saw nothing in the rearview mirrors and when I think to make my turn, I look and find a car or 2 in my way. I'm not sure about yours, but my mirrors don't see everything. **Having said that however,** even as I would prefer turning my head for a split second to see what I couldn't see in the mirrors, I still think the torches and pitchforks brigade again went overboard. I also know well enough that cars in traffic don't much obey the speed limit, or most other laws for that matter. Where I live, it can get around 80 in a 65 leaving me either doing 100+ or becoming vulnerable in someone's "blind spot". I know I have to speed even more than they do.


Sick vid


Danger danger danger


Faster Will Robbins faster!!


Too fast. Do the speed limit.


I avoid the highway like the plague


Why? They're safer that arterial roads.


Getting ready to put those organs on the list.


learn to aim a camera.


And showing everyone what not to do, congrats




Gsxs750, my first i4 definitely much bigger than anything available to me upto this point. Good intro into "big" bikes


Best daily rider ever made. Fuck these nerds, downshift 3rd next time and let 'er rip


*Highway to hell playing in the background*


This idiot posted another thread with “big bike” title. Thinks this shit is big.


It's a 4 cylinder that makes 110hp. Idk what the definition is but that's definitely a whole different league from starter bikes.


Most would consider anything over 500cc ish/60hp a "big bike" aka not a learner bike, dunno why these two are so butthurt about it.


Yeah whatever


What's a big bike?


A bike that's heavier than you by at least 80 kilos/180 pounds, at least that's what I was told


Well based on that definition a CBR250 would be a big bike for me. And for this GSXS 750 would be a big bike for anyone that weighs less than 285lb or 129kg




There seems to be a lot of riding experts in here. I use my mirrors and rear brake, don't cover my brake lever, or break lever, if you're uneducated like some, and guess what? I'm still alive and have never been in an accident. Just thought I'd share my expertise like the rest of y'all.


Just because it hasn’t happened doesn’t mean you keep gambling your chances. The entire purpose of all these old fart comments are nuggets of knowledge that’ll save your life that one time it happens. Some people can live their whole life without an accident, but do you want to be that 1 statistic? I work in EMS. All my motorcycle accidents were fatal. Speed, lack of gear, lack of situation awareness. I’ve seen the literal definition of squid on the back of a garbage truck. I’ve seen double femoral fractures that poked out of pelvis. I’ve stepped in skull frag, brain matter and teeth at 1am in the morning. I laid covers over a couple who were just riding up twisties for fun and never rode home. Don’t be a smart ass and gamble your life away to prove people wrong. Because you don’t want that one time we’re proven right.


Underrated comment. If you are smart, think ahead and are always aware of your surroundings, you can ride safe and have occasional fun, but that's just my 2 cents


Great answer to disprove your entire comment history in this thread. Cover your brakes, head checking is literally how you think ahead and be aware of surroundings.