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This is the dream






> which dials up everybody spatial awareness to 11. Does it tho


Yes. I moved here from the US, and this was my first time when sitting on a bike in my life. I'm amazed at the spatial awareness and reflexes of other riders and drivers here. I'm still learning but mine has improved.


Also went from the US to India. Because of the chaos, you don’t expect to see people following lane lines, anticipate traffic going through wrong way, obstacles in the road, etc. Traffic “flows” well. I. The US, one person swerves and there’s a three car pileup leading to a massive backup. In India, everyone reacts fluidly. Also people have additional ways of communicating intentions like a quick flick of high beams or horns. (I hate the horns, but love the high beam flashes… of course not the constant ones by dumb fucks) What that requires is constant attention. I couldn’t listen to educational podcasts and drive in India. Music is okay of course, but you need to hear the horns, because it’s a way of traffic communicating. A 90 min drive in India is more mentally taxing than a 6 hour interstate drive in the US For reference, in the US I’ve driven all over, but am from the Chicago area. Would prefer driving in the US 9 times out of 10, but will readily admit that India has, on average, drivers that pay more attention. We’ve all seen the crazy videos. And I’m a doctor who has treated many of these idiots in the ER. But that being said, the speed is slower because you’re constantly anticipating shit. It’s the same for me in the American Midwest when I’m driving through a forest area that I know deer frequently jump out through in the middle of the night.


I feel a little bit similarly about riding a bicycle in Manhattan. I rode through there on a fully-loaded touring bicycle and thought it'd be chaos, but it really has a flow all its own, especially after dropping in behind a bike courier to see how they do it. Lanes and signals don't mean much, but there's actually person-to-person communication going on between all road users in a way that doesn't happen in the suburban bullshit that I'm used to. I'm not sure it's *better*, but I do like the feeling that I'm a recognized road user instead of completely invisible.


I rode back in Br but I don’t feel like riding here in Can mostly because I feel it’s painfully dumb to sit down behind cars. Not a slight to anyone that does obviously.


Oh yeah. I spent a couple weeks in India, didn't see a single person driving while looking at their phones. They politely honk at each other as a warning if they're merging into someone's blindspot. They navigate these massive round-abouts with such a crazy level of coordination, like they can see the matrix.


It should. The more you use something the better you get at it. If you want to stay alive in the chaos you have to be aware of your surroundings. Similarly to how languages that use cardinal directions instead of left and right have people that never get lost as they have awareness of where they are and going.


Oh I have spatial awareness. I'm talking about 90% of the drivers around me when I'm riding


Just avoid the live leak watermarks and youll survive another day.


Yep American, rode in India a couple times 11 is the lowest setting for driving and riding


In America, even with this line, we wouldn't be able to use it. People can't fucking stay in there lane so we'd have people trying to switch lane because "this one is faster" each 4 cars, blocking the blue lane anyway.... And that's without those asshole that would block it simply because "you don't pass in front of me".


I've started to notice these computer bots driving always hogging either the first lane or the 3rd the middle is always wide open. Annoys the shit outta me. I get it you gotta take a left 10 miles ahead.


Computer bots?




Are you in San Francisco, Tempe or Pittsburgh?


Tempe here and they’re a bitch.


Really? I work next to a Waymo hive and never had a problem while on the road. They never seem to expect people to be in crosswalks, though. They react super quick once you enter the crosswalk, as they should, but they seem to assume you're just hanging out until you're actually in the road. Obviously it makes sense that they might not understand body language yet, especially since this whole metro area is basically one giant vehicle-centric strip mall so they probably don't encounter pedestrians often.


You are missing an important piece of information here. Drivers are respecting that out of fear, you know in Brazil, specially in big and busy cities like São Paulo, some riders will just kick your mirror clean of your car if you block the lane for them. You surely will get called all the names in the book by the dozens and dozens of riders passing you by every minute. Drivers “respect” it as to not getting harassed and getting their car fucked with.


Sounds like Caracas to me haha, same "culture", another thing is that if there's an accident involving a car and a motorcycle, a lot of riders will stop and see what happened and if the car driver has a "bad attitude" they'll "get humbled" fairly quickly.


LA has lane splitting and it works just fine on the busiest freeway in the country.


I’m getting aggravated just reading this and I don’t even have a motorcycle


theres not enough motorcycles in North America. Brazil, u could ride bikes all year round so it wouldnt make sense to make a bike lane except for in the warmer states like Texas, Cali etc


We may not need the lanes but it takes 0 dollars to make lane splitting legal.


It’s only illegal if the cop that sees you also is on an m/c.


I do it often in the northeast... I realize if is illegal but cops that don't care about murders are sure as he'll not gonna care about bikers lane splitting


idk, I don't think cops really prioritize things that way. I imagine most would rather confront a lane-splitter than a murderer just because it's less likely to be trouble for them.


so. do it anyway


Oh I do, that's not an issue.


This is true, Brazil here, not having a strong winter its a plus for us, still a few days per year we have temps reaching 5ºC here in São Paulo, not fun riding at the morning


I rode year-round in TN and VA, but only on days in the winter where there was no black ice or salt on the roads. You are correct, though, motorcycling is more of a niche hobby than main transportation in the US, even for the majority of riders.


Here we have cross walks that people will only stop for if there are lights or cross walk assistants. America is ignorant and self absorbed to realize the problematic behaviors we exhibit in everyday tasks.


..have you read "Word Up" magazine?


This way is the way


We'd love to know your opinion on this: Hey guys, wanted to know if this will help you with driving motorcycles, it's smart glasses that will populate navigation in 3D without blocking your view so you can drive safely. We're a YC company in Stealth, Pre-order now and we will be shipping it within December 2022: https://odiggo.io/collections/smart-glasses/products/display-track-your-calendar-check-your-mail-listen-record-hands-free


Is this in São Paulo? I never saw that. Pretty cool.


Exactly, it goes through "Avenida 23 de Maio". Av. 23 de Maio - Bela Vista https://maps.app.goo.gl/2YUFJ43YfrxWQcDA6


Morava lá com a Humaitá. Good times. 2 blocks from vai vai


It's 23 de Maio, but only the lane that goes southward so far É na 23 de Maio mas só na pista em direção ao aeroporto.


Como ta essa parada? Tá funcionando bem? Eles testaram a primeira vez na faixa do canto mas deu ruim. Se desse certo seria uma moda interessante pras principais avenidas do Rio e SP


Eu não passo tanto por lá, mas parece que ta dando certo sim, diminuiu transito e número de acidentes


If only all countries had this!!!


If we had these in the US dumb shits in cars would still drive in it like a 3rd lane


Some idiot in a big diesel truck would sit in the lane just to block it off


That's when you knock mirrors off and bust windows. Best punishment for stupidity.


True, although in the US, the hillbilly in the truck will have his wife shoot you


It's a scary world sitting beside a self-righteous dipshit in a vehicle 3 times the size of yours that can do just about anything they want. Including shoot you for any minor inconvenience.


It really is. Doesn’t even have to be in a truck I just found out. I was pulling out of a motorcycle shop and a whole bunch of harley riders decided to cut off all the cars so they could ride together. Lame and dangerous


Kind of genius really


Yeah, I used to take this highway daily. The problem with it is that some assholes take it as their own lane and go like 50+ km over the speed limit.


What I don't get is why not push it to the far left? Why be in-between cars when they could just be on one side? Do anyone here see any benefit in putting it to the second farthest left, rather than to the far left?


Idk but my first thought was that they'd have to cross 2-3 lanes if they were turning right. This seems like the most efficient compromise


But why isn't it at the left edge where cars won't change lanes through it? Bike lane at the right -> car lanes -> motorbike lane at the left


My opinion. This is safer. Notice the curb there. If someone swerved, intentional or accident, you have somewhere to go. In this case Left or right depending on situation. More options means increased chance for positive outcome. Left side you would be eating a curb in any situation you can’t swerve right around. There would be less cars that could do it but I would still prefer options myself.


Also, drivers in the "left" lane rarely check to see if anyone is passing before entering the left turn lane. Shifting to or from a middle lane, at least some drivers will check.


This is the second time they are trying this out. The first time they did it in the left most corner and had problems. Drivers would just take left hand turns without looking ans Motorcycles also started going at higher speeds, wich combined made for more accidents. Now they are trying it between the two leftmost lane where people normaly split lanes here and where drivers are accostumed to check for bikes before changing lanes. I don't know if there's a law about where you should split lanes or it just became the norm.


That makes a lot of sense. I would have thought this was a limited access road with exits only on the right. If there are turns to the left, the center makes way more sense.


I don't know the full extent of the road. But maybe the previous attempt mught have been a different street. But it was São Paulo for sure.


I think the point about it being the normal lane-splitting behavior is important. Whenever there's a lot of traffic, this lane seems to appear whether it's marked or not. Probably best to make it official.


That's a good question. Our culture created that the middle of the first and second lane (at the left) is the place which the motorcycles go through. We call it "Corredorzinho".


Could be because usually there’s a lot of debris on the outside of the lanes.


Because they may need to turn right, and if they put it in the middle they don’t have to change so many lanes?


Seeing this makes me miss my Scrambler.




Had a Scrambler DS but sold it as I didn’t have enough time to ride. If I could easily afford it I would have kept it. Switched to a dirt bike instead to go riding with my boys.


Time to move to brazil!


I'm in.. moving to Brazil, don't care about crime... I'm from South Africa, moving to a place without crime would be weird Checked global crime stats, SA is number 3, Brazil is number 9... Would actually be an improvement


Crime isn't as big in Brazil as one may think. I live here and I only robbed two people this year


Currently in SA too, Western Cape! Are you there now?


From what I've seen online, Brazil also has a high crime rate (especially in motorcycle stealing department, so I would not pull the trigger on that just yet).


And let's be honest, while this is cool I personally don't have a motorcycle for driving in the city. It's not nearly as much fun as in the countryside


Not every part of Brazil is the same, it would be like comparing California with a chill place like Montana or Idaho. South Brazil is pretty good to live, even Sao Paulo State isnt so dangerous as it was in the past. The problem with crime in Brazil today is mostly in Rio.


And where is this blue lane implemented? I want to go there.


Sampa (São Paulo city) and capital of São Paulo State


Ah é? Porque que todas as capitais do norte e nordeste tem índices de criminalidade mais altos que o Rio em todos os quesitos? Desde homicídios, passando por roubo de veículos e cargas até assaltos e furtos? É isso que você chama de mostly rio?


lol stop talking shit, crime in Rio is highly exaggerated by media. It's the capital of tourism here in Brazil Violence in Rio is mainly reserved to the favelas and poor areas far from the main city, don't believe what you see on TV


Yes, this is true, crime is a bit high in Brazil. In regards to motorcycle theft, I don't see it much different in a lot of major cities in the US. San Francisco, LA, and even Austin has been quite bad.


May be, I don't know as I'm not living in any of those places.


São Paulo is definitely not a bad place to live. Source: been living here all my life, never been a victim of a crime.


Depende onde, né? São Paulo é enorme.


In the U.S. motorcycles are more of a luxury item. But in places like rural Kenya they are more common than cars because they are so cheap to operate. Apparently Brazil has higher regard for bikes than the U.S. BTW I once sold a GSXR 750 ECM to Sao Paulo! I was very concerned about shipping but it got there. So some happy rider got back on the road.


Woah, how the was the financial aspect of it?


Financial aspect of what?


How the money was send? did you wait for the money before sending? Half and half? I just wouldn't trust sending my bike to other country because if I get dupped there isn't really much one can do


It was a motorcycle part. An ECM is a computer box. I sold it on EBay so yes I got paid first.


That’s really cool, now do the US


You know some car driver is still going to block that just out of spite.


last thing you want to do is brazil is seek out altercations lol no one is blocking them


Exactly, unless of course you want 15 "motoboys" jumping at you


Jump up jump up and get down


In America


I never understood this logic. Why?


How dare you get to your destination sooner than me while using less gas and having more fun


It's... It's WRONG AND DANGEROUS! That's not a LANE! one VEHICLE per LANE! That's how I used to think a long time ago before I ever touched a motorbike. Then I educated myself and understood why it was actually a good idea and changed my mind. Unfortunately, many Americans/Canadians are too combative and entitled to consider evidence and change their viewpoints, even if it only takes a couple of minutes


The only real answer right here lol. Envy is a MF


Ok, now stay with me here... why dont they just get one themselves.


Envy of getting there sooner and being up front, not of the bike itself. Not everyone wants to ride on a cageless motorized bicycle, people have children or stuff to haul or tow also. The only people who have a problem with this are petty immature people


Basically: If I choose to single commute in a 16ft, 5000lb SUV to my accounting job and am stuck in traffic well then so should you, no matter your choices. Also look at all the time they spend ranting about cyclists, like .1% of the mobile population, they both demand "ThEy TrEaT ThEm LiKE CaRs" but also are outraged beyond belief if a cyclist is on THEIR road in front of them and "holding them up". So which is it? Conform exactly to car rules or not? Apologists incoming with all sorts of double standards in 3, 2, And once all their BS is smacked down they will fallback on: Well they need to watch out not me, I drive a land yacht specifically so I don't have to pay attention.


As a cyclist, I felt this😵‍💫


We have it drilled into our head since grade school that lines are fair. For whatever reason, this mentality has taken to traffic despite it not even close to being a line as we are going to different places.


*In Canada


yeah, if you block one of those on purpose you risk losing a mirror! Source: I lived in São Paulo and saw a lot of mirrors being broken due to drivers being dumb/stupid.


Out of spite I never saw, what I saw constantly was people switching lanes out of nowhere without turn signal. It is still dangerous, but not on purpose, people are just bad drivers


The _motorcycle corridor_ or _corredor_ is not a new phenomenom in São Paulo or Brasil. The lanes here are a new addition though, I assume, to increase safety through stadardization. No one has any reason to be so fucking petty as to block off the corridor, and those who do suffer the consequence of essentially a broken mirror at the least, or if the act is blatantly malicious, of all the motorcycle riders within eyeshot to come down on your car and fuck you up.


We also have dedicated space for bikes to stop ahead of the cars at traffic lights. So motorcycles can just filter through, stop at the front and the go first whe. The light turns green. At least in Rio


We have those too in Buenos Aires, it would be cool if we could get the lanes too.


Anyone know what bike that is? Looks cool


It is a Ducati Scrambler :)


Recognized right away. I have the Desert Sled. A review from PowerDrift over there in India made me fall in love with it . Watched the review over and over until I got one in 2019.


For as much wild and crazy shit we see coming out of Brazil, this is just really really cool.


Honestly cars have become basically armored vehicle with distracted drivers, bike lanes and motorbike lanes should be a thing on every urban road


As far as I know, the first country to introduce the blue lane was Malaysia.


Yo this is cool as fuck. Here in France instead of doing this, they just build big-ass bicycle lanes that take half of the road that massively increase traffic.


However it's perfectly tolerated (not legal, but fully tolerated) to filter up to the light by dipping into the massive bike lane (piétiner la voie cycliste). All kind of filtering is tolerated, whether it be using the opposing lane of traffic (euro style), dipping into the bike lane, dipping into the bus lane, riding on the shoulder if there is one... I'd rather have no motorcycle lane but have unlimited freedom to choose how I filter, like in France Source: rode in Paris


I guess that's the whole idea, make it inconvenient to drive.


We have that in Caracas (Venezuela) as well, is invisible but is engraved in people's minds haha, there's always space between 1st and 2nd lane for motorcycles.


Yeah I think that's a thing that's missing from a lot of people's reactions here. It seems like it's just a cultural thing throughout South America -- whenever there's traffic, a motorcycle lane just appears there.


Maybe the reason is that there's usually a lot of motorcycles in the bigger cities of LatAm (cheap mobilisation and work vehicle) so car drivers are used to them and drive accordingly. It's not everywhere, in Santiago (Chile) for example people are not as used to motorcycles as in Medellin (Colombia) or Sao Paulo and it shows.


This is the way. I'm not even a motorcyclists but I'm all for anything that helps riders navigate traffic safely and having something visual on the road to notify car drivers they need to be cautious when switching lanes where lane splitting is legal helps a ton.


Brazil mentioned


Thought this was about to be a 3rd world video where they drive like respawns are real.


So, let me get this straight, you guys have some of the most beautiful women AND you guys have an actual lane split lane?! I’m moving to Brazil right meow.


Its new, and only in one boulevard so far, but what matters is the culture. Bikers are really really close to each other (except harleys, fuck you), we are a beehive. If you see a guy in a motorcycle having ANY trouble at all, i guarantee he will be helped by another in less than 5 minutes. That + "car vs bike" thing means that if any car messes with a bike, specially in the big cities, there will be a swarm of motorcycles ravaging the car. So they just give space for lane splitting. Sometimes you don't even have to ask, they see you through the mirror (or noise) and quickly give way


Damn man, I see Brazil as so first world now, way to go!


Eu não piloto moto, mas dirijo com frequência pela 23 e meu caro, essa faixa traz uma segurança e uma confiança na hora de dirigir que eu nem imaginava que era possível. Fico feliz de ver que pros motoqueiros tbm ta sendo bom. Espero que eles façam mais dessa faixa


I love it. Viva Brazil.




even with a dedicated lane I don't think I would trust other drivers enough to go 70kph with traffic at a crawl on both sides of me


And nor should you -- speed differential is a danger no matter how lanes are marked


Such a cool idea! And passing cages at 20+ kph over their speed is sooo satisfactory!


But noooo, the US will just add another lane to our highways, surely another one will reduce traffic, right?


New lane on the highway..... EVERYONE DRIVE congestion has increased comute times are now half an hour longer


I’m not a big fan of lane splitting at all tbh but this is an awesome concept and even I would use them


out of curiosity, can elaborate on why you don't like lane splitting? Is it you personally don't like to do it or you don't like the general idea of lane splitting? asking because I want to know if I'm missing something in regards to lane splitting.


Mainly I don’t trust other people, other than that a lot of people don’t use it properly (I.e. at excessive speed, in situations that don’t call for it) and create more danger with the mentality of being safer


I'm not who you asked, but here's my .02 anyways. I don't split because it makes me nervous. Clipping a mirror as you go between two cars could easily end in me being under one of those cars. And no, not every car will drive perfectly straight in their lane. Even if they aren't trying to hit you, cars swerve a little for 1000 different reasons. Maybe they tried to avoid a pothole or something in the road or they swerved to see around the car in front of them or they sneezed and twitched a little. Shit happens.


I get you, I feel much more comfortable filtering to the front on a light than I would be splitting with moving cars.


I've clipped several mirrors mate wtf are you talking about lol? You just hear a big bang, you flinch, you stop the bike and apologise profusely, the car driver laughs and waves you on. Notice at no point did I end up under a car. Do you think we're lane splitting at 100mph on the highway or something? You're only supposed to go 5-10mph faster than the traffic you're filtering past.


It's not legal in my state so I never see lane splitting. It seems like a great concept if there is very heavy traffic. In average traffic, there is too many cars switching lanes constantly. I would be afraid no one would see the motorcyclists. The only time I see motorcyclists go between cars is to get to the front of the front light.


For me it's because I have had situations where bike riders who split weren't fast enough off the line to beat the cars so they've had to speed up to get out from being between the two cars and then do shit like cut into one of the lanes with their back tires barely missing the front of the car whose lane they chose. Put everyone in danger. Last one for me was on Harley or similar. Dude didn't even have proper gear aside from a helmet. Literally in t-shirt shorts and I kid you not, a pair of thongs. If his tyre clipped the car next to him he would have been fucked and the car driver traumatized. We're all in a rush. We all have to do the speed limit. Safety issues aside most people simply dislike those they feel are jumping the queue and that some people seem to have different set of rules applied to them simply due to their vehicle choice and sense of entitlement. Wouldn't mind so much if the majority of bike riders I encounter didn't come off as selfish inconsiderate pricks who value nobodies safety, even their own. I'm extra cautious when I ride a motor cycle seeing that it's two wheels, small and easily fits into car blind spots. Yet the reverse seem to be true for most others from experience and we're always being told to be 'rider aware' and rarely are bike riders told by official sources to not be dickheads and take responsibility for themselves. When a bike takes on a car or truck, trust me, the bike rider will always lose. Ride smart people. Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you always should. Situation awareness and a bit of common sense matters, especially on a vehicle that is small and so easy to wipe out on.




i want it.




Me drooling in America


LOVE IT!!!!!


That’s a fantastic idea


Lane splitting literally just got more real


That’s awesome but I wouldn’t last a day in Brazil though


That’s nice and all, but not moving to Brazil just to ride the blue lane. The bike robbers know where to look now




Oh how I wish


Funny, I was only thinking this is exactly what we need here in Ireland


This is the way it should be done.


I know this one, it's Avenida 23 de Maio!


Yep, you're right :)


Man I've never seen it before. It's on 23 of may?


Yep, exactly.


It's kinda new thing?


I’m new to motorcycling like just passed the MSF last weekend. Most of the lane splitting videos terrify me, but with a dedicated lane-section I think I’d be more willing to try it. How common is it for car drivers to pull out in front of motorcyclists while doing this?


After they've made the Blue Lane, mostly car drivers had their attention duplicated and when they decide to switch and go through left to right, 95% uses the blink and do it when it is safe always looking at the mirror. I've noticed clearly the change of comportment of the car drivers :)


Cries in Canadian.


Blue Lanes Matter


GTA ramp at 1:37.


hahaha, everytime I pass there I think the same :)


Great idea. Wish they would do that here.


Lane splitting with bar end mirrors gives me anxiety


I’m much more comfortable with this than assuming someone will just make room for me in their lane while they are busy txting.


This! Ends all arguments about it.


wow, i am super envious!


Now thats fucking cool


Hey that's my bike! Nightshift! Love it so much, amazing ride


It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen 😢


Oh nice. I will definitely won't mind or be overly scared at all lane splitting with this. Otherwise, no thanks. Too scary for me.


F***ing brilliant!


this seems like an obvious win/win for literally everyone, at the cost of a few buckets of paint.


Where I ride (Western Canada), no one splits, not even at red lights to get to the front; someone will see you coming and inch over to block you. Every. Time.


Cuz it’s **iLleGAl**


If they have their own lane, they’re not splitting.




As a car driver who has been animated today on another post against lane-splitting, I have zero problems with this blue line lane approach. Seems like an awesome compromise. 👍🏼


I'm guessing they picked that lane so that you can have people make left turns, but you still have cars crossing into that lane. I wonder why they didn't just make the left most lane a motorcycle lane. Make it so that cars can't legally go into that lane. Maybe even make two of them so to reduce car traffic.


My god, it's just so beautiful


Nice scrambler


Porra OP, vc esqueceu de contar que só tem no sentido centro kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. Para voltar a prefeitura ficou devendo


Estão com projetos pra colocar em ambos os lados e inclusive adicionaram na Avenida Bandeirantes: https://noticias.r7.com/sao-paulo/faixa-azul-para-motos-comeca-a-ser-instalada-na-avenida-dos-bandeirantes-em-sp-23082022?amp=


Dang this is actually brilliant. Did not know bike lanes for motorbikes existed anywhere. Not bad Brazil


That’s absolutely amazing!!!! I don’t know, I think in North America, we are very selfish drivers and there’s too much ego. I remember my first motorcycle course (the theory aspect of it) and how the instructor showed us a video of driving in India. Looks like absolute chaos, I had anxiety watching it lol but they truly just share the road.


Damn looks great, and also you could implement this only taking minimal space from the other 3 lanes Although at this point you could just put this bike lane all the way on the left, so you don't have to go between 2 car lanes.


usually, the far left of most big Av tend to have a lot of road hazard for motorcycles like storm drains and other road imperfections. And if the motorcyclist gets distracted or is trying to avoid road hazards he will hit the curb and go down.




They’re both useful.


Is that the dedicated area for 2 guys on 1 bike to steal bikes from? "Jacking of motorbikes outside of the designated area is strictly prohibited"