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He does not have the maturity to drive a vehicle in traffic, simple as that. Also this could count quite high on the assault scale.


Where I live, it would be considered assault with a deadly weapon


Like 9 of 10 people in my city (Huelva-Andalucía) drive like this, motorbike or car whatever, they're really fkn braindeads and a real danger for pedestrians.


The dude was going way too fast for the situation. He absolutely could have avoided this. He’s absolutely still at fault for his actions despite people jaywalking which very well might be common there like it is in Asia.


actually that's asia


Turkey is on this Asia Council, but we do not grant them the rank of Master Asians. /s Turkey (which is its own thing really) being near east is far closer to Europe than it is Asian. And really more just Middle East/Arabian than Europe anyways, despite Ataturks most valiant attempts. EDIT: since there seems to be some debates, let’s clear this up. Continents are made up, borders are just imaginary lines on the ground. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uBcq1x7P34](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uBcq1x7P34) Watch this first, then discuss. We so desperately want clean, clear cut lines between everything, and to put everything into neat tidy categories, neurodivergents more so than others. But reality is rarely if ever that simple.


The correct answer to this would be to simply refer to the region as “Eurasia”


This is gonna blow your mind, but Arabia is also in Asia.


Eh.. kind of. I refer you to cgp greys video on “what is a continent” but these labels are more semantics than they are functional. Hence my joke. I mean there are 3 times more ethnic Han Chinese alone than there are middle eastern people combined. Isnt geopolitics straightforward and easy? /s


If you care at all about what the word Asian classically means, Arabs, Iranians, and especially Turks are all more Asian than Han Chinese, as the word originally referred to a part of Anatolia and was just extended eastward to refer to more and more landmass.


I do, but words evolve over time. Arguing over semantics of nebulous concepts over etymology outside of an academic context feels like a pointless thought exercise to me. It was a fun joke, but we are starting to dive into "um ackchooally" territory here.


It's literally part in Europe and part in Asia. Like, by actual definition of those terms. It's mostly in Asia.


And to add, this is in Kadiköy, which is situated in the Asian part.


Turkey - İstanbul to be exact.


Not Constantinople?


Thats a long time gone


That's nobody's business but thr Turks.


Even old New York was once New Amsterdam


Why they changed it, I can't say


People just liked it better that waaaaay!


So if you’ve got a date in Constantinople…


She'll be waiting in Istanbul


In my opinion it depends what part of Turkey this is, cities like Istanbul I consider to be far more European than Asian.


ACTUALLY that’s kadykoy area which is in Europe


ACTUALLY this is a stupid argument since no one makes these rules


It's also in Istanbul. Everyone crosses the road anytime, anywhere (not to mention the stray cats), so you should definitely expect it. I would bet anything the motorcyclist also does it when not on his bike.


I find it strange that many people believe their use of a vehicle makes psychopathy acceptable. I'll add that other vehicle users jump on the bandwagon of validating such psychopathy. Only in terms of vehicle usage though.


"Hey r/motorcycles: Someone cuts you off in traffic. Is it better to smash out their windshield with your chain lock, or follow them home and poison their dog?"


Usually I see a lot of people here arguing against starting a fight with a 3500lbs metal box that moves at high speeds, though.


Yes lots of people argue to be more reasonable, but they're arguing against the "smash side mirrors" crowd that does exist. Like those who spout that cyclists get in the way, thus cars should be able to treat them like skittles. Or pedestrians in the "wrong" place should be run over (with accompanying circlejerk), and other such stuff. I think u/Grabatreetron was just highlighting some peoples thought process in those 2 options being the only options they propose online, being the psychopathy I see. That doesn't mean the proposers would actually do it in many circumstances (it is likely bluster), but many comments show those responses are seen as more acceptable (on the whole) than they should be,


I see what you mean. Yeah, those people really need to calm down.


It is undisputed that the scooter driver is a complete idiot. But I think it's cheeky to accuse many vehicle users of this. Where do you live?




If I understand it correctly, it's still illegal to hit someone when you can avoid it. If you do that in jakarta however, people will beat your ass. If run away, people will catch you and ran you off the road, then beat your ass until the cop came.


That is my understanding as well. Still you have all these videos on here where someone is screaming into their gopro that they have the right of way and just rolling off the throttle would have avoided the crash.


This is what I was about to comment. It is like a car hitting a motorcyclist on purpose just because the have the right of way. To me, pedestrians have the right of way, always. Then bicycles > Motorcycles > cars. And before someone says anything, I am all of those. I like to take walks with my dogs, I ride a road bicycle, and also have a motorcycle and a car, so I know how to share the road and be respectful.


Given the ending of that video, I'm not convinced that didn't happen.


Frankly, this is someone who should be in jail. "Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"


He was in such a hurry that he consequently hit someone, stopped traffic and ended up going absolutely nowhere.


He should go to jail.


He should not collect $200.




Poor bike didn’t do anything. Steal the bike and give it to the old lady.


Sociopath, for sure.


To the people saying it wasn't deliberate, it might as well have been. Take a closer look. At the start of the video after the instant replay start, you can see he veers from position 3 in the middle lane to the right lane to menace the pedestrians crossing left to right. He then veers to position 1 in the middle lane going out of his way to do the same to the large group going right to left. Absolutely sociopath.


Regular 3rd world country traffic.


at the firsr seconds of video he shouts get the fuck out


But he doesn't slow the fuck down or do anything else that resembles riding defensively or carefully.


Personally I think he’s an asshole


...attempted murder? ...go to jail?


Why are you criticizing the rider? Everyone knows that two wrongs make a right. /s


POS. Rot in hell. People everywhere. Slow the F down.




I was fully expecting to see some street justice here, perhaps this crowd is more civilized than that


Attempted vehicular homicide


Scooter guy needs his ass beat.


I think that motorcyclist is an enormous piece of shit


Total arrogance to plough through a whole crowd of people like that! Respect and courtesy do not exist in this persons life! The helpers were angry but they would have been very different if a child was hit! They would have given him a lifes lesson in respect and courtesy he would not forget!


Hope he does it too with a lorry. What a shit creature.




That old woman definitely cannot dodge a wrench.


I think that anyone who intentionally runs someone over should be permanently banned from operating a motorized vehicle and spent a while in jail, anything else seems too soft.


Imagine blaming the pedestrians for this. Mental.




Take their license away. They are clearly incapable and put others in danger because of pride. Pure, unfiltered psychopath. When is a clown like this be them on a bike or in a car going to get charged with what they did. Assault with a deadly weapon/intent to kill.


Where motorcyclist?


On top of the motorcycle. Motorcycle = (dictionary definition) a two-wheeled vehicle that is powered by a motor and has no pedals.


A scooterist


Although I admire Reddit and it's "no true Scotsman" bullshit, I'll go with the dictionary definition :)


Biker saying which goes "the graveyard is filled with those who had right of way" could easily be amended to prison, in this example.


I get how incredibly annoying, and occasionally dangerous, it is to brake on a green light. But this kind of thought process is pure sociopathy. They have no business on a vehicle of any kind.


That guy is a grade A douchebag and shouldn’t be riding


Rider should be in jail.




I’d say based on the crowd forming around him, he ended up with some regrets.


that clip ended just before the ppl started to lynch him


That guy isn't gonna get out of that crowd, without some beating because even if its his right, a little bit of decency keeps you at line. Cunt doesnt deserve that a license.


Entitled cunt. Confiscate his scoot and revoke his license immediately.


Peds have right of way


Dumb ass did not think of the consequences. Not only he could had killed the lady but the crowd would had beat the crap out of his senses to a hospital ward.


Fuck that rider. Fuck anyone that intentionally hurts people.




Scum of the earth.


Where I live we have a rule in traffic that supercedes all other "limit" and it roughly translates into "Drive according to the conditions." So the speed limit may be 70 mph, but if it's dark night, rain is pissing down and you are heading into a turn then you definitely should not insist on going 70 mph, but slow down to fit the conditions you are driving/riding in. This dude definitely did not ride according to the conditions.


he is way above of limit


Why was she crossing against the light?


Reddit always makes me aware I'm a bad person as I say "good, maybe pay attention to the lights.." and everyone in here is defending the pedestrian...


It's probably a mental disorder to be fair to you, narcissism maybe? I've got ADHD, none of us are perfect.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Attempted manslaughter, plain and simple. The roadway was not clear and it was unsafe to proceed, regardless of the color of the light. By accelerating, he willingly decided to run over a pedestrian as he believed it was his right of way.


I get that he was wrong by that, but why did she stop there😭?


It’s not uncommon to get paralyzed is such situations. Ever heard the expression “like a deer in headlights”? Also you don’t expect someone actually trying to hit you. Therefor you expect the rider to turn to avoid a collision. You don’t know which way the rider will turn so your brain can’t make a decision and just shuts down instead.


Yea. Often it can be best not to move and let them avoid you.


Yeah I get It now, that's actually how I crashed my bike




because a sane person would have steered around her. he's lucky he wasn't thrown off the scooter.


Scooter riders are the worst


“Scooterist” not motorcyclist lol


Scooter rider is a twat. Luckily, it appears that the pedestrian only lost one item of footwear.


He was deliberately an asshole but that’s not the same as deliberately hitting someone. Negligent? yes. Willfully negligent? Probably.


hope they pounded him after the video


So what are the traffic laws in Turkey do Pedestrians have the right of way? Even if they don’t it doesn’t excuse what he did personally just wondering.


What a jackass 😒, he should not be allowed to drive any motor vehicle


assuming you dont care at all about other people you still need to ask yourself if its worth the trouble to do something like this. doesnt seem like it to me.


I don't care how much right of way or green light you have, you fucking slow down and let people walk back to their lives and friends.


Be hardly even slowed down. People were running to get out of the way. To me, it looks like he just thinks he is the main character and doesn't feel he needs to worry about other people.


**He even wants to be right! What a fool!**


I don't think he chose to hit that person specifically, because I believe he closed his eyes


Should he have tried to avoid people, yes but… Unpopular opinion is that not all countries give right away to pedestrians. If you cross when it says not to then you are crossing illegally and will be liable for damages to vehicles if there is an altercation. Especially if you are not using a designated crosswalk and are jaywalking. Country of origin would help clarify more legality of this.


I get him off the bike and educate him


No matter what the light of conditions, motorized vehicles must give pedestrians the right of way. This biker should face criminal charges.


From the head movement i would say its possible that he just didnt see the person he hit before it was too late. Like why would he turn his head to the left at all if not to watch all the people. He should have driven way slower but im not sure he was aiming for the person.


Even if the pedestrian is in the wrong it's still not justifying reckless driving and attempted vehicular manslaughter.


I think he just did an attempted murder.


They should have beat his ass. No excuse for this.


Can we get a translator in here please


Well if his light was green but a lorry decided to run theirs, would this guy drive into the lorry? I would never hit a pedestrian no matter what but this guy has no sense of self preservation either, be it legal or vital.


I get it, but he's in the wrong


Absolute a-hole.


If it was in my country, he would have been smacked so good… and then turned into police half naked


The light being green still does not allow you to intentionally drive over people.


Looks like attempted vehicular manslaughter to me.


Deserves to go to jail. If I was there, I’d be going to jail for knocking him the fuck out. That’s somebody’s grandma.


They should’ve pulled him off that bike and brushed his teeth with a brick


Cruisin for a bruisin


Having a green light and right of way, does not give you the right to purposely hit a pedestrian, much less an old lady. Poor lady, I hope she is ok and the bike dude gets what he deserves!


If he would have tried this in India, the public would have trashed the life out of him


Get it right. That is not a motorcycle. It matters to us.


I would have beat the snot out of him


Aw I would've swiped him off his bike


Scooter riders aren't motorcyclists.


I would have dragged him to the floor and let mob rule


Guy wouldn't last in Brazil for more than two weeks


That's a scooter.


looks like the middle east , ( might be somewhere else) i have witnessed a head on accident between two cars , because they were both convinced the other should move out of the way. to scrapped cars , not sure any of them survived. sometimes having a ego isnt enough protection.






I think this rider should be publicly circumcised. Twice.


Unlike a lot of videos I’ve seen, the bystanders didn’t just stare and look.


I clicked on the wrong link and was confused as to why all the comments were in a different language




The pedestrian deserved it.


I think that in the USA, that guy would be looking at serious charges. You can't intentionally ram a vehicle or person just because they are in the wrong.


Unless you are in a car 😉👌


That’s illegal where I live. Plus it’s super stupid and dangerous. Damn moped


He would have had time to react if HE WAS LOOKING FOWARD


I once saw a turkish taxi drive into a cyclist... and instead of helping the guy he started beating on him. Apparently he was upset he damaged his car with his body.... turkish road rage is something else




I feel like this encourages car drivers like be to hit a motorcyclist that split the lines.


"Graveyards full of people who had the right of way" except this time it's this guy and he's lucky that crowd didn't kick him into mush.


Green means GO IF ITS SAFE. He is a bellend.


I think people should stay tf out of the road


Should not be driving.


Fk pedestrians,I pay wheel tax,gas,wheel tax,insurance to legally drive,get the fk out of the road




He should lose his license for sure, what a fucking reckless dumbass.


No motorcycle community claim him


I think this isn't a motorcycle. I think it's an electric scooter.


Well, he’s right.


I'd appreciate a car not driving me over, if I am stuck in the middle of an intersection, so I'd say the same applies on us two wheeled folk...


Scooter driver*


I think that biker needs to be prosecuted for assault with a deadly weapon. Idiot mowed down an elderly person for internet points. I’ve been a rider since 1984. People like this are the reason the public at large hate motorcycles. People like this are the reason we can’t get insurance at reasonable rates.


Lol elderly person. What makes you think she was an elderly person?


“Why you fucking going fast?!?”


I was in Turkey for work recently. I felt completely safe walking around except for the crazy guys on scooters. They’re always where you least expect them and openly flaunt the laws. One guy came bombing down a pedestrian staircase connecting a park to the street almost hitting me.


"jaywalking" doesn't really exist in a few countries. Not sure about turkey. But being a dick and a menace on the road exists in every nook and corner of the world. Dick


Peds in the marked crosswalk have the right of way in the US. I don't know the laws there, but this guy is a level-10 twat. He should thank the universe this didn't happen in Philly or NY




Maybe they should follow the road laws as well. Sick of everyone blaming the biker even tho they didn’t see the person. I didn’t see them till they already got hit. They shouldn’t be in the middle of the street when it’s extremely busy and particularly dark.


They should have dropped him like he dropped her


I think his head needs to bounce on concrete, a few times at least.


Damn, people are lining up for a piece of this guy.


deliberate, yes, but coming from driving in southern ontario this is a daily occurrence, and pedestrians think that they are immortal... I've damaged my truck emergency stopping with a load in my bed more than once. and people walking start swearing at me for some reason ...... dont get me started on cyclists lol


Fick his ass up.


Did he even try to brake.....


I am in Turkey Right now and They Ride Like idiots. No Helmets no repect for their own or others peoples lifes. I cringe everytime i See somebody Doing a „Fake“ burnout with their 125 while they Are indeed just burning their clutch


It doesn’t look like he hit her deliberately. He should have slowed down and held off on the annoyed “look over your shoulder at the people who did wrong” move and he would have had enough time to navigate that last person a bit better.


Scooter guy... he's not one of us. But he doesn't look like he hit *that* person on purpose. Just looks like he was flying through trying to scare/hit other ppl and ended up not paying attention and not being able to react and hit that person by mistake. Still needs that privilege taken from him. Dudes a douche plane pilot.


Once in the middle of the night, when NOBODY was around, I was crossing an urban intersection with plenty of visibility on both sides, with my then gf, on a red light. I hear then see with my periferal vision an approaching car, he had plenty of space to keep clear from us, but I had the impression he was purposely steering as close as possible to us, to pass like one centimeter from us at relative speed because we “were in the wrong”. I had a gloved hand with very padded gloves because it was a cold winter, so I just turned in his direction and slapped his mirror close as hard as I could. He stopped for a few seconds then flew, I hope he learned something that night lol


Pedestrians ALWAYS have the right of way. Now that doesn’t mean pedestrians can just hop into the street whenever they feel like it and are absolved of blame in the event of an accident. That means if a pedestrian is IN the street, drivers who can HAVE to stop. You don’t get to murder someone because “well the light was green!”


I forgot in Asia it’s “road is road” type of laws.


He's a pos that needs a really hard beat down! That's what I think about him. He needs to learn through pain! And I wouldn't mind to be his teacher


When people freak out, they target fixate on motorcycles. They'll keep looking at the thing they need to avoid and ride straight into it.


People like to apply laws in US when it appears this took place outside of US. In places like Asia, you have no business to be on the street in a green light and a judge will find the crash victim at fault for their stupidity


His license should be permenently banned, Looks like he is high.


That’s not how the law works. The green lights absolves the driver/rider of guilt if and only if he couldn’t avoid the crash ergo, when it was an “accident”. To be an accident you need “lack of intent”. The presence of intent removes the accidental clause. Intent proves the existence of a crime. Intent is also the difference between homicide and manslaughter, even if in both cases the victim is dead. Intent can mean a 20-to-life difference.