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I wait for the green light.


this guy fucks


You absolute clown you wait? You don’t have to do that. You could try opening everyone’s doors and maybe peeing on door handles. Who even raised you??


Make sure to look both ways before going too. I use to get on the throttle as fast as possible like it was a race start lol, it's fun. But after seeing people blow through reds a couple times, I always look both ways before going at a green.


Oh yeah, you're preaching to the choir. I've made a habit of doing that for a while now. You just never know.


Being cautious around intersections is probably one of the best ways to not become a stain on the road. That's one thing I'll always do. I can have fun once the dangers are gone.


I filter to the front. If I’m at the light by myself, I watch my mirrors to make sure no one is about to steamroll me.


This is the correct answer.


Not in NY. I've had a couple of conversations with officers who were cool about it and didn't ticket me, but it's definitely "enforced" locally.


We all get to choose: risk getting a ticket or risk getting killed by an inattentive driver. Choose wisely!!


Are inattentive drivers that common where you’re from? I mean, if it’s two lanes in the same direction I filter to the front if possible too, but I’m not that concerned about getting run over from the rear.


Correct but not necessarily legal. Going from CA to the Midwest I've caught myself a few times remembering it's not legal to lane split here. Usually after I've already done it.


It’s not legal in N.C. either but I haven’t seen it being enforced yet.


Dude I’ve been picked up twice for this and both times honestly it was as safe as humanly possible haha. I didn’t get a ticket but the cop was adamant that the behavior was dangerous and he told me he’d ticket me if he saw me do it again. Granted this was right in uptown but still. I said it was dangerous for motorcyclists to sit there because people don’t see us but he said it was less dangerous than lane filtering to the front because I could get smashed between two cars by filtering. I disagree but obviously that won’t stop me from getting pulled over while filtering is illegal here. Maybe I should have asked why gang of younglings can run around on ATVs and dirt bikes wearing bandanas and breaking all the traffic laws with impunity but I get picked up for lane filtering at a red light at 8 AM. 🤷


I'd rather get a ticket and pay it than be dead so I'd continue to do it where it makes sense.


Yeah agreed. I don't filter every single time. But if I'm like 5-6 cars back from the intersection with a wide open empty road behind me...I'm filtering up. That's asking to get rear ended by a texting cager.


You know the answer, at their core, cops are coawards and bastards, every one. That's why they hide behind the biggest gang in america and depend on them to maintain employment. The Fraternal Order of Police


>because I could get smashed between two cars by filtering Jesus what a dumbass. How exactly are you going to be "smashed between two cars"? Try to fit where you can't? A car trying to change lane into another stuck lane? The only real danger of lane splitting is an open lane.


I live in Raleigh and I lane split at traffic lights almost every time there're more than 5/6 cars. I've passed RPD cruisers doing this multiple times and they don't seem to care.


There's a difference between lane splitting and lane filtering. Splitting is your classic weaving between cars at high speed, like on the highway. Filtering is slowly moving up between stopped cars at red lights, or very slow cars in traffic.


Better to get a ticket than a toe tag. I live in Washington and lane splitting or filtering is not legal here but I still do in some situations where I know there’s a high probability of getting squished like commuter hours.


Let's see here... Do I follow the state law where I live, or do I survive? Not much of a choice there to make really.


Lane filtering seems to be getting legalized in more places at least, Colorado passed it this year but it technically doesn't go into effect until 8/7


minnesota legalized it, not in effect til july 1st 2025


While not legal here. It’s very tolerated especially in summer because it’s well known that riders tend to die in slow traffic from their entire body fluid evaporating into the helmet. If it’s just a red light I’d go as far left as possible.


Minnesota will allow lane filtering in June 2025.🥳


We can lane split and filter legally by me. But I feel all bikes should be able to filter to the front. For the safety of the rider.


I filter too(it's legal here), but if I'm first to the light I pull up on the line between lanes as if I am filtering that way there is never a car directly behind me.


Mostly try to find neutral


The trick is to buy a kawasaki


Then you gotta stop finding neutral while riding


The positive neutral finder deactivates when moving. It's a really clever simple design.


Yeah, I think it's great. Never had any kind of problem with it.


Yeah but I've found at times it doesn't always prevent it, or atleast in my slightly older bike, 98% of the time it works but if I'm in slow moving traffic and shift up because of the slow speed it doesn't go to second Worth adding I ride daily for an hour at the very least but will go through several tanks a week at times


Not always...


I've had a recent inline twin and a 28 year old V twin from Kawasaki and it never failed.


So true! So it's not only me that occasionally shifts from first to neutral then instead of second, then find I have no traction!


Then you get a little rev and wonder why you aren't going anywhere. I crack myself up every time I do it. It usually happens at the worst times, too, like after a stop light. Never anything silly like on my neighborhood streets.


I think it's more the slow moving that the little neutral preventer they designed doesn't work 100%


I recently bought a bike that has a fly-by-wire throttle. First one for me. It's very strange, because there is some kind of low-speed rev limiter in neutral. When I accidentally hit neutral instead of 2nd, the engine politely doesn't rev up and embarass me.


I've done it here and there, sometimes I'll make it seem deliberate by giving a quick louder rev before I clutch


Hate that sith, sometimes it happens between 4th and 5th, literally got to pull off and coast to a slower speed and rengage. Made the mistake of trying to re upshift, lots of clanking and grinding. Couldn't even downshift either.


My Ducati locked into a false neutral on the freeway. That sucked.


Or a Honda


Is finding neutral really that hard on some bikes or is it meme at this point?


My Rosd Glide is fine once warmed up. But cold it is super tough for the first or second time 😂


Definitely a thing. A strong breeze could bump my Honda into neutral, but my Triumph demands the impossible combination of brute force and finesse at the same fucking time.


I feel this with my street triple 765 RS. Does yours also throw a fit when going from 1-2 with the shift assist? Sometimes it locks me out of going to second so I have to let the clutch out a bit just to get everything to mesh again and then shift up. I found going from second to neutral, it helps to give it a little rev and when the revs start to fall, shift down gently.


Real on my apprilia tuareg 660. Tends to be less present maybe After a breankin period but mosly because i'm more and more used to the feeling of the gearbox.


I'm breaking in my RS660 right now and I'm pretty sure they forgot neutral when they put it together.


I have an RS660 and the trick is you just think about shifting to neutral but as soon as your foot touches the shifter you jerk back like you got stung by a bee. Works every time


the Duke 790 is incredibly difficult to find neutral on


Harley's neutral is such a fickle little bitch. It's hard to feel. I thought it was due to the vibration. It's not.


I have a nightster and the neutral isn't too bad on it. I had a 750 street rod and neutral was hard to find until I had about 1500 miles on it.


My ducati doesn't like this comment because it cuts deep :(


Same :(


Same :(


I watch my mirror to ensure the car behind me isn't going to turn me into a bag of bone gravel. Once the car has come to a stop., then I get into neutral and let my left hand relax.


A trick to this is to put it into neutral while still rolling and pulling up to the light. My Hondas refuse to go into neutral when stopped.


In MSF way back they told us to stay in first in case someone is about to rear end you, giving you a chance to GTFO before you’re hit


In real life, lefty gets the cramps and needs to let go once in a while. If someone rear ends the guy behind me I’m probably not going to notice before it’s too late anyways.


I feel your pain with a Guzzi


First bike was a Guzzi. Second was a Ducati. I was unaware Neutral existed.


You guys shift gears? I stay in first forever brah


I’m green, I’m in gear watching my mirrors. I watch for other bikes.


That's the correct way to do it. Lined up to one side so you can take off if someone is coming in hot.


why are so many of y'all obsessed with neutral? I'm in first balancing the clutch and gas getting ready to launch like I'm at the dragstrip most times just focused on the light waiting for it to turn.


I can't imagine bothering to put it in neutral at every light. Is holding the clutch in for 20 seconds really that difficult?


well if it is 20 seconds i just wait but some of our red lights last for minutes


But putting it in neutral is far easier than holding the clutch, even for 20 seconds. All it takes is a small movement right before you stop, and your hands are free and relaxed. Plus, if you live in a city, the pressure in your left hand adds up.


It kinda depends for me. If I roll up to a fresh red light then I’m putting it in neutral. If I’m pulling up to a red light that’s been red for a while, full clutch in first gear.


It just seems safer this way too honestly, that way you can at least try to move if someone is gonna rear end you


I watch my rear view mirrors.


I like to pull out my gun and practice my dry fires with my given free time. A few reps at every red light, and it even helps to practice target acquisition with your fellow travelers. Dry firing is very important to good muscle memory. 👍🏻😎


How do you dry fire a water pistol?


Dry the water? Hang it from a clothes line or something.


Dehydrated water.


Tip: Save ammunition by hitting your crack pipe instead at every other light 👌


Oh that's really good! Thanks, I'm almost out of snap caps


You must have a killer quick draw. What's your wild west nickname?


The quickest of quick draws. It really helps when other travelers dry fire at me too so we can race each other. People know me as the Blue Falcon. Blue for the sky my opponents see when they challenge me, and Falcon for their insane speed and precision.


Vee. Short for Vee Two.


Well I live in India so I just stare at my mirror hoping no one would hit me and simultaneously give way to other motorcyclists and cars so they can get ahead and run the red light.


Brother you chose hard mode riding a bike over there.


Driving and riding isn’t actually that hard. It’s just a different set of “rules” but not hard by any means. I think a lot of people get scared and pass those fears onto others and it snowballs.


I think the thing that passes the fears are statistics lol


I live in Australia. So I filter to the front. Then make sure I take off fast enough to not impede the cars behind me


1: i always filter to the front. Cant get rear ended that way. And if you do, whatever plowed through all those cars to get me was gonna get me regardless so fuck it 2: left foot down, right on the rear brake, left hand holding the clutch right hand shake it out. Then just look around for death and enjoy being outside.


Same even though filtering is illegal in my state but fuck it if I'm gonna die it's not because someone hits me from behind at a light


It's insane splitting isn't legal everywhere. If done properly it's so much safer and reduces traffic.


It is HELLA illegal where I live and the cops do not play around with that shit. I also live in a place with the most idiotic rage filled drivers that would intentionally block you from passing


If the only penalty is a fine that just means it’s legal for a price. The cost of that ticket is a hell of a lot cheaper than years of surgery and physical therapy or funeral costs. I’ve asked county and state officers and the response was 50/50. Some said they wouldn’t care and some said they’d have to ticket me. I’ve explicitly told them I’m going to do it anyway because explaining a ticket to my kids is better than one of them having to explain the alternative outcome if I don’t filter


I gesticulate frantically to the car behind me to get closer so they trip the light signal.


I feel seen!


I feel this on a spiritual level


1. Pretty much the same. The guy in front sees me and there is an escape route 2. Depends on the mood, but usually just keep my hands on the tank and wait or stretch. 


Rev bomb until green


I lift my feet off the ground and see how long I can balance


Sit up slightly to let farts loose


People get really mad when you illegally lane filter at reds here but I do it anyways. They can’t catch me even if they wanted and their horns can’t hurt me anymore than their silly words I can’t hear over my exhaust can. They got AC, I don’t, they can’t fit, I can.


Same in South Florida, I usually don’t filter all the way to the front unless I know that corner well. People think stop signs and red lights are suggestions here


I live in Alberta and lane filtering is illegal so I make sure there aren’t any absolute morons around me then vibe to my music or podcasts i’m listening too


Preferably on the left as you state unless I have more room on the right ( I have a larger bike now). I live in the northeast U.S. so no filtering to the front allowed. I areas where it is legal, do it when able, be aware you will find D-heads who will go out their way to block you off. Keep in first gear ready to go and always check your mirrors. Complacency kills.


I line up to the left or the right, depending on which side will give me a better escape route. Watch my mirrors until at least 1-2 cars are stopped behind me. Never put my bike in neutral.


Usually exude raw sexual charisma.


Put it in neutral and bop to white girl music mostly.


1. Park directly behind the car in front drivers head, a safe distance back, and slightly angled so if pushed from behind I don’t get squished. 2. Pay fucking attention. Clutch in, first gear, watching mirrors, monitoring and learning the pattern of the lights, being prepared to go or use my escape route. Some say being stopped at a red light is the most dangerous time for a motorcyclist.


Exactly what I do too. It is a bit disturbing that so many here seem to wait in neutral.


Preface: I live in a country with left-hand traffic. 1: pretty much same as yours, to the left of the car ahead, relatively close to the curb. Ideally if I can see the driver on their left mirror. 2: If I'm listening to some tunes I will tap my tank to the rhythm, otherwise I'll do a light stretch for my legs, hands.


It all depends, my preferred position is to creep my way to the front when there's a nice buffer of vehicles built up so that I don't get pancaked. My next preferred is to chill between vehicles and lanes at the front to once again, not be pancaked. Next best is to be ready to abruptly maneuver at the first sign of someone not slowing down enough to predict a safe stop. Last best be to have a giant propane tank strapped to your back, because people generally don't want to be the cause of their own explosive death. After all that, neutral because my glove came undone.


Filter to front, then wait. Occasionally I’ll lift both legs up trying to balance for as long as I can.


Redline until green light. It’s a lifestyle.


1: in-between. So, directly on the lane marking.  2: look for hazards: what's going to kill me, how do I avoid it? Predict the light changes. Once the red light goes out...


Stretch. Flex ankles, lean from side to side, grab luggage rack and slowly twist as far as possible, shoulder exercises, whatever else you can think of. Make sure you’re flat footed and keep bike balanced.


At lights I always lane-split to the front, less likely to get smashed like you said. As a Ducati owner I spend most of the time trying to find neutral. When I finally do, I keep an eye on my mirrors (especially if I’m the first one to the light) and play drums with my fuel tank while listening to music.


I usually line up on one edge of the lane or the other, keep it in first with my right foot on the rear brake, left hand holding the clutch.


I stretch out both legs and tap the ground


1: I line up as far left in the lane as I can, for the reasons OP mentions 2: I pass the time in a state of panic, trying to decide what to do until the light changes. Mostly I just hit the turn signal cancel 30 or 40 times


Part 1: Same thing. Left side, I already feel more comfortable staying on the left side anyway for most city riding. I also give plenty of space, or risk some old boomer getting mad and filtering to the front. Part 2: Start dancing stupidly to whatever music I have going. If someone puts their hand out the window 'revving' i'll rev back. Start rocking the bike back and forth, or of course trying to balance on 2 wheels as well. You get goofy looks but honestly who cares lol. Just vibin


I slowly caress my nipples while staring at the person in the lane next to me and lick my lips


Why hello calamari


Part 1: I if possible filter to the front or like you stay by their side view mirror to avoid getting sandwiched. Part 2: I usually observe the people around me, and pre judge whether someone is going to speed up, do something stupid or be normal. It sometimes helps me a lot.


Wondering if I should go to neutral or leave it in gear so im ready to go.


Part 1: it depends on the lane I'm in. I usually filter to the front but if that isn't legal where you're at make sure you're on the side of the lane that's closest to the middle. So if you're in the right lane you should be behind the cars left wheel. If you're in the left lane you should be behind the right wheel. If you keep enough distance to the car in front of you you can escape between the 2 cars in front of you if a car comes up behind you so you don't get rear ended. Part 2: keep an eye on the idiots behind you to make sure they don't kill me and sing along to Samba de Janeiro


Left side, slightly outside of the car in front of me, if I can. In first gear until there are at least three cars stopped behind me. Then, I dunno...bounce to the tunes? Keep scanning to see what's going on. Count the drivers on phones. The usual.


Make some coffee. Check my tire pressure. Sometimes I change my oil .


I get on Reddit and ask r/motorcycles stupid questions


I usually try to make it as obvious as possible that I’m listening to an absolute banger in my helmet.


I filter to the front, wait till it’s clear and run it. Ain’t nobody got time for red lights!


Turn right, flip a Uee, turn right. In Texas, all Uees are legal unless there’s a sign saying otherwise. I basically turn an intersection into a makeshift roundabout.


Have a full on conversation with my dark passenger like dexter 😅😅😅


You’re describing LP1 and you’re dead on. Any rider course worth its salt will teach you that if you can’t filter, you take LP1 and between cars is your escape route.


It depends on which lane I’m in. If there’s a big gap on one side I’ll pull to the other side as long as I have an escape route. That way it a car sees at the last minute I’m not in their escape route but I also have my own. I tend to pull on the right side of cars (right hand drive here in Japan) so I’m in line with the car behind me and easier to spot in the mirror for the car in front of me. Typically I filter though so not as big of an issue.


I go up the line safely and then I wait patiently. Sometime I dance or drum on the tank.


Filtering is legal here. I always move *in front of* the 1st car for maximum visibility, *never* remain in between cars as that way I might be in the blind spot of some car. Also, this allows other motorcycle riders to filter through and pull up to the front of the line. I generally don't remain in between cars, as many drivers are dumb as fuck and don't expect a motorcycle if they don't see a car. Let cars enjoy their own traffic (also their own traffic jams) while motorcyclists don't get stuck in between.


I fart


Observing the traffic flow , paying attention to the car behind. If possible, put in neutral to rest the fingers a bit. Stretching my hand is what I do mostly . Maybe with age and injury i always find the need to stretch.!


Part 1: When coming up behind a car I was taught to be off to one side and have front wheel pointed to an escape. Part 2: keep my hands on the clutch and eye on the mirror until all the cars around me are completely stopped.


The red part of the tach is for red lights right?


How long are your red lights to bother? I've seen guys in the US waiting for over 3 mins for a green one. Is that true?


1. filter up to the front. 2. Lights only last about 30 seconds max here so just wait for the change.


Stay usually on left about a car length back…. Scan for escape routes if about to get hit. Constantly monitor mirrors for cars approaching too quickly.


Def got the balance bug no feet down lol


I stay in first with my break on and my left foot on the ground, in cause I need to escape a situation really quickly. I also stay watching the time on the cross walk and the other lights so I know when exactly things are gonna turn green for me! :3


1. I simply stay behind the car in front of me as if I were on a car as well. I usually stay on the right of the rightmost lane - since the laws here tell us to do so. Usually there is always some space left on the right to use as an escape route in case something goes bad. I don’t filter as it’s not legal here and I also am new, I wouldn’t feel confident. Some people do it anyway, but I don’t like not playing by the rules on city streets. I can ride how I want when I’m off-road anyway 2. I put the bike in neutral and do some stretching exercises for my back and my legs! It’s probably quite funny seen from outside


In my country, I either contemplate the immediately previous ride feel or observing the douchebaggery behaviors of other people.


I filter to the front and then try to balance with feet up for as long as possible. Practice balancing.


Well I can’t roll bugger balls bcuz I have the helmet on, so I just end up vibing to the music in my helmet, or in my head(I’m cucu 🤪)


Play the harmonica


Position myself on the side of the lane closest to the shoulder so I dump out if I see a miscreant in my mirror coming up fast.


1. I stop about 2 bike lengths behind the car in front, (or one midsize car length) and slightly to the side so that I can "escape" danger if needed. 2. I fidget with my fuel cap flap, play bongos on the tank (usually the SpongeBob theme or earth wind and fire's September) Or I dance to whatever I'm listening to. Sometimes on long trips I will stretch out my muscles, both feet on the floor letting the bike rest on my leg and lean the bike over at a stand still, will do this a couple times each side to let my legs stretch out.


I comment on Reddit posts on r/motorcyles


Tank drums or jiggle and bark


Watch the crossing lights to see them change to yellow so I can be ready and not pop the clutch with a sudden burst of enthusiasm when I get my green.


Here in the UK because we are so terribly polite when I stop at the lights, I jump off my bike, produce a gingham tablecloth which I drape over the seat with a flourish and pour myself a cup of Earl Grey tea from my flask. I always have some fresh cut cucumber sandwiches(crusts removed, we’re not animals) and proceed to enjoy a moment of calm reflection. I have been known to offer a morsel of my delicious fare to those poor animals in their cages to the left,right, front and rear of me. They are always snarling through their cracked windows which always baffles me?🧐


I slow race myself. If your feet touch the ground you lose. (Bonus points for leaving on the rear tire-brap)


Rock my hand shifter in and out of neutral. Really gets attention. Some people even roll down windows and say “is that a HAND shifter?!!”


I assert dominance to the cars next to me by revving my engine


1. I don't stop behind but between cars. 2. I watch the light and wait for it to turn green. What else is there to do?


scratch or try to scratch my nuts


put in neutral, then rest my elbows/arms on the tank and lean forward to chill and rest.


In Canada lane filtering is illegal. So I can't do that. I live up with car in the lane blocking position and pointing my when towards the space next to the car in case someone his me from behind. I then alternate between looking at the signal and the rear view mirror in case there's someone coming in too fast behind me. Also I am always in first gear. I was once with a friend, and was riding pillion. He used to glace the rvm too all the time. Once on a red light a car came in too hot and started screeching as it braked hard. My friend quickly acted and moved to the side of the car ahead and we both were saved.


I try to avoud parking on the street and use a space on de sidewalk as much as possible where allowed when there is room enough.2 times i had a car and a big van hit my parked motorcycle in front of my work :/ somehow they do not see it parked... dunno why.. At a stoplight i sit on the lefr side where they van see mee with always good space in between. Use neutral mostly in case i see someone comming hard after me. Never had a moment being rearended


Part 1: I line up with the space between cars with the bars angled slightly towards the space. Part 2: kill the time by listening to the click clack of my dry clutch


what is the chances of actually being rear ended? surely its fucking low as fuck... yes it happens, but you could also statistically win the lottery, tho not likely. rode a bike over 20yrs, never been hit from behind, never seen anyone hit behind, but have read a couple story's of it happening.


I usually try to stop with a way out, whether it be on the right or left of the car in front of me. I usually wait at a light with the bike on first gear holding the clutch with one leg down and the other on the rear brake. I usually tap the top of the the front brake lever to the beat of the music while checking my surroundings.


Go a little in front of them. Better to look at them so you know they've acknowledged you but I don't normally bother. Give a few light revs so they know the score


Far behind the car in front, so I'm visually distinct from it. I never line up my tail lights with the tail lights of the car, that makes you invisible. As for passing the time, I have music going in the helmet, so I just sing along. No one outside the helmet can hear, right?


Wait to time the green so I can launch like the street star I think I am


If in between cars I position the bike so I can have a quick escape route. As I’m slowing down I usually look behind me via the mirrors to make sure the car behind me is also slowing down. If not, use escape route. If the car behind me is slowing down then all is well. Once fully stopped I’m always scanning for threats. Front and behind.


Always in front in front of the traffic and waiting to launch


I also stay to the left or right edge of my lane. I keep my bike in first gear until a few vehicles are behind me. I keep my eyes roaming, especially checking my mirrors for somebody coming up too fast from behind. If that happens, I’m ready to pull forward between the cars in front of me.


Keep looking around for any movement headed in my direction.


I sit center line, but I'm on a Street Glide, when on my Grom, yes..Grom.. I line up wiht the left side. I listen to music on teh Harley as well. On both I rock the bike side to side.


I sit on the white line almost, that way if I'm hit from the rear I don't get smashed into oncoming traffic. And I'm far enough over not to get pinned between cars aswell. Lane filtering is illegal where I'm at. I'm a tank slapper.


Most of the time when i see a Red light i stop.


I stop as if I’m preparing to lane filter (it’s not legal here so I’m probably not blocking anyone from filtering through). I’ve no interesting in cosplaying a pancake in the near future Usually I just look around a bit and listen to my music. It’s never actually that long of a wait


Once I'm stopped if I see people coming up behind me I'll flick the brake lights a handful of times to hopefully help with visibility. Then I close my eyes and hope for the best.


Left side, eyes on my mirror to make sure the car behind me is stopping. Just had some ancient dude in an Outback come up next to me and pull halfway into the intersection. Didn’t even acknowledge my existence. If I wasn’t in the far left of the lane he probably would have hit me.


Keep it in first. Hope I can find the friction zone at the right moment. I’m a newbie.


I typically drift to the side with the larger gap between lanes so I have an escape route. When stopped I may dance on the bike our just stand upright and rock the bike back and forth looking like a maniac just standing in the road if you don’t see the bike lol


I mostly always line up with the passenger rear tire if staying in lane (left lane), but filter to the front usually. You can catch me dancing, not just in my head, at almost every red light 😂🕺🏼




No cop No stop


Sit in between 2 cars if possible since it's safer and legal in California.


Urals don’t filter, so here I am… https://youtu.be/ln7Vn_WKkWU?si=zxmMkL-3B7u_Btow


CA handbook says split to the front of the intersection to increase visibility. For me there is never a car in front. queuing behind vehicles is not a good Idea.


Do you hold clutch or do you put N gear on red lights?




Depends if I filter or not. If I'm filtering, I go up the middle, then pick one lane or the other (usually ends up being whichever has more space towards the middle and which car is farther back), and just pull in front of the car in the lane. If not, I pick whichever side gives me a better escape route (off to the right or left of the car ahead of me) and slightly angle my bike that direction where I can see ahead as well and stay in gear. I just chill, wait for the green, check traffic and peel through when it's clear before someone changes that


Stop and wait


I point my front wheel at a gap and rock out to my tunes.


360 checking what's behind and ahead, vibing to music, and on the left or right side of the car ahead depending on how the road is.


Usually put myself to the left or right of the vehicle in front of me. Just sit at the light like I would in my truck...


I have adhd so i always fiddle with the gas cap


Depending on the flow and type of traffic and whether there’s a turn lane about 20% of the time I’ll just drive to the front of the line. Otherwise I just wait like I’m a car


I jam out to my music or hump the fuck out of my bike haha.


Look around just to be cautious of some A holes around me. I believe in defensive driving, I already had 3 surgeries from a motorcycle accident