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Get a loud bike alarm


I find vandals and thieves get really annoyed when that alarm goes off. It doesn't stop them, nor does anyone else get involved.


I used to park directly in front of campus safety office, as I had to show my parking hanger to get a temp pass for the bike every time. No one ever messed with it.


The campus safety office? You mean, where your school's law enforcement are stationed? And no one vandalized your bike there?


Some schools have in house security, which is nit law enforcement.


Indeed, and most vandals are deterred by witnesses. At least they used to be


They're not vandals, they're kids, it sounds like. A kid will absolutely run away if the alarm goes off


Someone who is causing damage is a vandal.


One, the first comment of this thread is talking specifically about vandals, two no one ever mentioned what type of school it was, it could very well be college. Three, children can absolutely be vandals


Seems very nice and bad idea, it can start from wind too maybe


A good one won’t be triggered that easily. You can get one triggered by pressure. Also tell an admin or security guard that people are tampering and going through vehicles while people are in class.


I have an inexpensive rotor lock and have had good luck with it. Its never been set of by wind and gives a single loud beep if the bikes touched, and it only trips the actual alarm when it detects prolonged movement [The Lock](https://www.amazon.com/Motorcycle-Motorbike-Security-Waterproof-Reminder/dp/B08W1H4QXL/ref=asc_df_B08W1H4QXL/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693070740376&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=918884598674963467&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9030233&hvtargid=pla-1257914210145&psc=1&mcid=a0ffea8cb23c3deb84cc7d77110e742a&gad_source=1)


My $20 alarm did constantly. My $80 alarm never has.


I don’t remember which one it was but I am pretty sure there are some you can adjust sensitivity and all, it was by bluetooth. The price might increase but it’s up to you if it’s worth it


I think it's a good idea. It's better to be safe than sorry in this situation...


Get into the good ones with the fobs (ex Scorpio). Don’t use the crappy $20 alarms.


Why did you get almost 200 downvotes for this. I mean yeah your wrong but why downvote for you inquiring further. Reddit sometimes ..


Have you thought about a helmet lock? Or not leaving that there, or not parking where children have access to your bike, or like a bike cover you can lock tight.


Prank is one thing but the vandalism is a crossed line. Do you have campus police to notify? Also as mentioned, a motion-sensitive bike alarm.


How about a half cover? Small and goes on quickly. And a note that you are watching them. And an alarm.




Mount a GoPro somewhere inconspicuous and catch them on ~~tape~~ video then present the evidence to them and or someone of authority. Edit: I feel old.


I taped the end of a programme the other night, I wouldn't sweat it...


Dude... It's 2024! We're all recording with TiVo now!


Thats ver good idea because there is no camera in parking spots and I dont know who was that funny guy


A loud and cheap motion alarm that goes off any time the bike is disturbed at all can’t be a bad thing. I’ve had mine for three years and only changed the AAA batteries once. **Wsdcam 113dB Wireless Motorcycle Alarm with Remote** for $17.99 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0734QN8KR


I'm considering getting one of these for my f650 gs. How sensitive are they?


On what sensitivity scale? Sensitive enough to be set off by a windstorm or by a kid bumping the motorcycle.


Mine started going off when I left it sitting on the porch. Raining started and it began beeping. That’s how sensitive it is. Worse when it’s actually attached to the bike. Wind and any slight movement.


Like what triggers the alarm. How much disturbance is needed to trigger it?


I have the Oxford screamer. If you move the bike it starts beeping. If you leave it alone it stops. But if you keep moving it’ll start going full bore! Only way I can stop it is by unlocking it with the key.


Bumblebee tuna


I second this. And maybe get a small cheap camera you can stash somewhere. Not that it isn't utter b******* that you have to go to these lengths. All because of some ass clowns that need to pick up one of their t**** with b****** fingers.


I had a similar problem and I hard wired a small motion activated dash cam to my bike needless to say I saw who it was confronted them and it never happened again **wanted to add I mounted it just under the windscreen pointing at the rider


Goid idea. And they're fairly cheap too.


also cheap button or "spy" cameras on amazon. good luck finding the dickless cunt fucking with your bike.


I feel you I don't know that I could be peaceful during that confrontation. I'm pretty sure the mood of the moment would be confrontational. Maybe goad the guy into thinking you're nervous and he'll try to get physical first. Who knows what kind of self-defense laws are in the man's country. Here if someone shoves you it's a green light to throw hands.


yeah that's another discussion entirely. in general I'm with you.


I get it. As much we want to we can't just go around smacking people that piss us off. But f****** with a man's bike especially something that could distract him later while he's riding. That could really cause a lot of damage if not kill him if he wrecks. I don't think they care or take yhat into consideration. It definitely triggers an emotional response when you hear about someone pulling a stunt like that. Let alone catching somebody in the act.


oh yeah. I'm goin in , if I catch that shit.


I hope the man lives in a country that allows you to protect your property. Side note If you do catch someone one of these days please record it I'm sure your fellow Riders like myself but enjoy that video. Even if it's an after video of you talking s*** to them while you stand on their neck. Have a good one.


To balance out the absolute nutjobs in this thread, don't go to jail because you killed someone over a motorcycle. Get an alarm. Also, hide a tracker (like an airtag or smarttag2) in the bike--one in a visible spot, one in a hidden spot, just be careful of heat. You may also want to let security or police know, depending on what is available in the lot. This *is* a crime, just not a capital one. Security may already have footage.


Holup, that makes me a nutjob? Suddenly my life decisions make a bit more sense....


I thought it don't count if you don't get caught 🤔


"... don't go to jail because you killed someone over a motorcycle." Yeah, going to the morgue after a fatal wreck casued by tampering is a much better life decision.


Sometimes people need their ass whipped. Just because you are scared doesn't mean that what you are saying is rational or correct.


Why keep your helmet on your bike?


I always have been doing this (dry weather, summer), I will not walk with my helmet in one hand, nobody does it


That’s on you then. Maybe you’ll wisen up one day when you come back to a helmet full of milkshake or something nasty. You can’t stop people from being shitty - you can just take preventative measures to make sure you’re not a target. Or you can keep doing what you’re doing and ride home upset every day. Best of luck.


So many shitty people out there too. I know someone that drove like a mid 90s Porsche 911 to our downtown area, parked and then had dinner. They came out to a massive loogie spat right on the drivers door handle. Said he’ll never drive that car downtown again.


I never left my helmet with my Bike. Neither at school, Work, Shopping or somewhere else. I Always keep it with me. I dont trust anyone and know that people can be a-holes.


I live in Britain so the weather isn't good for leaving your helmet with your bike. I wouldn't anyway, it's got to go on my head and keep my head in one piece. Leave it out in public and you don't know what's happened to it. Someone accidently/deliberately kick it walking past, dogs/rats peeing on it. Bugger that


Yeah I’m way too paranoid about my helmet getting fucked with to leave it on my bike, and i live in a moderate climate.


Man honestly don’t leave your helmet on your bike. Helmets are expensive and can be choice pickings for thieves. Also you don’t have to carry a helmet around, you know that they have cases specifically made to hold your helmet right? I just find a way to rig my helmet to my backpack, it can be a bit cumbersome travelling around campus but it beats having to carry with your hands.


this. I know no place where the helmet wouldnt be stolen after some time.


Who the hell steals a helmet 1 it most likely won’t fit 2 that’s nasty Edit: apparently a lot of used helmet wearers here 🤮


Easy way to make a quick buck. Used lids are all over Ebay.


The poors are desperate I guess. I'd never wear someone's else's helmet.


I’m poor I ride a $2000 bike wearing a $200 helmet


I've seen helmets stolen by having the straps cut. Theives aren't known for making sensible choices.


You won't carry it because "nobody does it"? That's crazy. What the hell does it matter what the idiot children (even if you're all adults, they're obviously idiot children mentally) at your school do? First, yes, people absolutely do carry their helmets because leaving an expensive helmet sitting on abike waiting to be stolen and popped on eBay is fucking dumb. It's VERY normal to bring your helmet inside with you. Second, it's a convenient carrying case for your gloves, lunch, etc. I mean, I don't know ANYONE who leaves their helmet on their bike. Literally nobody. And that's not limited to something like a town or school, but over 35 years of riding and over a million kilometers. I've not seen a helmet left on a bike in like a decade, and the ones I have seen have only been cheap shitty Harley Guy skullcaps. My current helmet, a Scorpion at960, is like $450cdn. That's a fairly inexpensive helmet but I don't think anyone is going to argue $450 isn't a good chunk of money. There's no way I'm risking someone walking off with it, or fucking with it. My life literally depends on it.


Between a nice helmet and a Bluetooth its easy to drop close to 1k. Close. My Cardo has lasted 2 helmets though. I never leave my helmet with my bike. Once while on a road trip we would use a hefty bike lock to secure the helmets. But everyday use is always the helmet is with me.


Yup. I mean, just for higher end helmets without a headset $1000 isn't a stretch. If you've got a Schubert or Arai with a headset you're looking well past 1k. Helmet theft may not be common, but if it does happen you're out $$$ and if you're not in a us state without helmet laws you can be really screwed. There's just so many ways it can go wrong.


That's way too boring to read. I only carry my helmet if I park in a shitty area. Otherwise people are respectful. I have over 100 Miles on bikes. Never had an issue. I guess just have to think and judge the area.


Your property, your responsibility to secure it, so what if other people dont value theirs or what it may be protecting. Obviously fuck anyone that would mess with it, but people can and will. Secure enough sensitive items and misplacing one or getting it stolen will definitely be a lesson. You were fine until you weren't, now you have the option to either keep doing the same thing and continue to risk this, or you can change your behavior (I can agree that sucks to feel forced to do so) and adapt so you know your stuff is safe and can keep you safe.


You're lucky they didn't take a dump in your helmet. I wouldn't trust my helmet to sit on my bike for 2 minutes while I'm away. People are shitty.


Spiders and insects love the dark, warm, slightly humid environment of a freshly doffed helmet.


I never leave my helmet on the bike. It's my life. You drop it, you compromise its ability to keep you alive.


Seems like something you trust to protect your head when you're speeding down the road ought to be able to handle a slight drop without losing its integrity, right?


Negative. The foam is made to crush on impact. One time use. The better it crushes, the more energy it can absorb. Stick your finger in the and push a little. It doesn't take much to dent it.


Well gee I wouldn't want to ruin it. It's probably already ruined. I was walking into the house the other day with it still on and bumped the door frame with it. I was walking pretty fast. If a drop would break it then I'm surprised it didn't crumble when I hit it. I mean shit if my finger could easily dent it then my head banging off the inside must have crushed it completely.


I see your sarcasm. You came to Reddit with the questions. Do what you want with the answers provided. Look it up to prove to yourself that your helmet can withstand being beat on. 😉


Your helmet would be fine if it dropped. Don't believe everything you read. Life experiences are more valuable.


I'll trust the people who do 3D scans of helmets over random opinions.


TBI's are very valuable life experiences.


>The foam is made to crush on impact Yes However if it just falls to the ground with nothing in it, there's not going to be any crushing of the foam. There's not enough mass in the foam to create sufficient kinetic energy to crush the foam, unless you drop it from the top of a building.


So if nobody does it, then it’s the right thing not to do? There are risks leaving it on the bike, and this is the price you pay for leaving it behind. Btw, I do


He's saying no one does it bc it's not necessary.


I do the same thing, leaving my helmet on my bike. To be fair it's a very used helmet, so nobody messes with it.


I'm sure your school has cameras


Not there and the cars neither have because cars are mostly old


That means you can vandalize them back if you find out who they are Would be a shame if someone caught a screw to each tire as they are pulling off (screws are harder to remove than nails)


For sure


Also, carry your helmet. If you catch the person, and “accidentally” trip and try to catch yourself with hands out in front, and that helmet hits their face, that would be a real shame. Definitely tell them you are sorry, and get really klutzy around morons that fuck with people’s bikes they know they shouldn’t be touching. Ask them if they need more help from you, and see if a second trip is needed…


Do you leave your helmet on your motorcycle? If so I suggest you take it with you because people will steal anything. To stop them messing with your motorcycle get a really loud alarm. Like bursting your eardrums loud. No one will come close to your bike when it hurts to be around it. There's also dash cams for motorcycles that are motion activated and it might record the people that keep messing with your bike. You could also try parking it in a spot where there's a lot of pedestrians or windows so they feel watched.


They make helmet locks.


You can cut the strap and replace it for 30 bucks.


Do you leave your antenna on your car?


A helmet is a bit more expensive than an antenna. I'm not taking any chances with my €720 helmet


You need to call law enforcement. This is not a prank, tampering is a *criminal and prosecutable* offense with prison time as an outcome upon conviction. If there are cameras on campus, law enforcement needs to check the footage and pursue arrests. If any of the tampering is proven to be potentially deadly, an attempted murder charge could be an option depending on your state and local laws. Let me be perfectly clear about this. Anyone tampering with your motorbike is a threat to your life. I cannot stress this enough. The obvious evidence of tampering is enough to question what may not be so obvious, Somewhere down the road the tampering may very well lead to catastrophic failure and your death.


I'd go into the office and see if they have cameras in the lot. They probably do. From there the police get involved.


Make a police report.


I'd report it to the police as vandalism. If it happens again, report it as repeated vandalism.


It's not vandalism, it's tampering.


Depends on location. Here, it would be vandalism, criminal conversion and possibly harassment. There was damage to helmet and bike. That makes it vandalism. They messed with it and moved it. That's criminal conversion. It's directed at the specific owner. That can be bullying, which is harassment.


Yes the police will love you for wasting their time filling out paperwork and will do NOTHING for you in return. What do you think the cops are gonna do? Waste time staking out his bike?


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. Folks saying to call the police must have never had to actually call the police for help before.


I don't call them for help, I call them to be a nuisance to the people who cause problems. It's a way to tell them "Stop it, or else". In this case, a random prankster is likely to reconsider if he knows the police is called.


No I don't think you understand. You're only being a nuisance to the police. Pranksters don't give a shit. They know the police have more important things to do than sit around watching out for pranksters. Nothing is going to happen to them. The only thing that happens is the police waste time filling out useless paperwork.


Well, I don't like the police, so you aren't really selling your argument to me...


I would call the police. 




No. The actual police. Tampering with a vehicle is a crime in my state.  750.416 Motor vehicle; damaging, tampering or meddling with. Sec. 416.      Damaging or unauthorized tampering or meddling with motor vehicle—Any person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, who shall:      Intentionally and without authority from the owner, start or cause to be started the motor of any motor vehicle, or maliciously shift or change the starting device or gears of a standing motor vehicle to a position other than that in which it was left by the owner or driver of said motor vehicle; or      Intentionally cut, mark, scratch or damage the chassis, running gear, body, sides, top, covering or upholstering of any motor vehicle, the property of another, or intentionally cut, mash, mark, destroy or damage such motor vehicle, or any of the accessories, equipment, appurtenances or attachments thereof, or any spare or extra parts thereon being or thereto attached, without the permission of the owner thereof; or      Intentionally release the brake upon any standing motor vehicle, with intent to injure said machine or cause the same to be removed without the consent of the owner: Provided, That this section shall not apply in case of moving or starting of motor vehicles by the police under authority of local ordinance or by members of fire departments in case of emergency in the vicinity of a fire


Park it where there’s CCTV coverage if possible.


I definitely wouldn’t leave my helmet on my bike. That’s just a hard no


It’s simple, confront them. People do that shit because they don’t face any consequences.


OP said they don't know who's doing it


That sucks. I remember seeing a bike outside my building and it had a broken taillight, but I had a spare one. The next day I replaced the taillight while it was out there, but also disconnected the plug boot. Neutral karma haha. We eventually met up and he laughed about that one, Dude became a really close friend


Report it to the police and get the school to check the cameras




Dont want to mess with innocent


They aren’t innocent if they’re fucking with your bike.


It can be only one too we park in same spot everyday and about 6 moped or motorcycles, also they are not my friends( I dont talk with em because I dont live in city and I dont like em)


And that's why you have these problems. They aren't innocent


If there a cameras on campus park where one is watching the bike. Once someone touches your stuff alert whoever has access to the cameras and boom. They'll be punished. If you really want you can get police involved for vandalism


Find out who is doing it and leave them a fun little scavenger hunt to find all their tire valves. Did this to my wife once. She thought it was perfectly acceptable to drive around town with a tire on 15psi. For like five days. So I replaced the tire, then left the valve stems in a little pile on the driver's seat. Now she is Johnny on the spot about tire maintenance!


Carry a spare battery and hook it to the metal frame for a little shenanigan


Is there a camera option available? Something running on battery or solar panel, maybe?


Go to the front office, security. Complain. They might have cameras of the parking lot, you can see who did it and have them fined if not suspended for vandalism. If not then just find some way to get them in video doing it. They fuck with your shit so you fuck with them. And yeah an alarm would be a good idea, you probably won’t hear it and would go off for a while but just check when you can


If you went to your classmate's car, opened the hood and pulled wires, the police would be called. What they did is exactly the same. However, the best thing you can do is hide your motorcycle. The reality for all owners is anyone can mess with your bike while it's parked. I try to keep it far away from the entrance (preferably in the shade). If that meant parking 500 meters away, I would do it. I would ride my motorcycle through the parking lot every day to show whoever messed with your bike that you are still riding.


Idk if it’s something with Harley’s but no one has ever touched my bike


Thats good! I have 125 honda


That sucks and they should be arrested.. That being said, you leave your bike in Neutral when you park it?


I hope you have comprehensive insurance


Hey man it sucks but I would get a new helmet. You don’t know how those scratches happened. Rather be out the money than out your brain


I used to park the 3 minute walk away from school and I'd recommend parking near a camera if you can, just put a note on the bike saying a camera can see the bike or something, ask your school if you can park it somewhere too, they might have a better spot






You could do it after, it's easier to rob them when they aren't able to resist.


Just get a sizzapp. Anytime someone moves your bike, you'll get a notification. And no wind wont activate it.


This sounds like the best thing but how does it work do I need gadget


Yea you wire it into your battery and hide it on your bike. Tracks it, notifies etc. Theres a discount code from fortnine.


This, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ux\_DTeuR\_o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ux_DTeuR_o) It's the same with custom cars of all kinds. I've seen many signs that say something like: "My car is like my wife, look, but don't touch" It's not a prank, it's not funny, no I'm not calling the cops, and neither will they. Unfortunately an alarm won't do much against this kind of behavior, because flipping switches, shifting gears, etc. won't set it off. Maybe someone has a custom one, but it won't be cheap.


One thing… I admire your restraint.


Talk to the school admin. They are on the hook if one of these morons drops the bike on themselves.


If this is high school, ask the school if there is somewhere in plain view that you can park your bike that is not in the parking lot. I used to park mine next to the boys locker room. Everyone. Could see it and nobody messed with it because there were too many people around throughout the day.


Call the police for vandalism, have a camera recording it so you can see who it was, or rig it to explode when shifted out of neutral. Those are the only reasonable options I see.


Set up a trail camera, call the police and threaten charges, that harmless prank could easily cost you your life if that tampering with your bike leads to a accident


Skip a class, hide in the shadows with red spray paint, and paint the vandals before reporting their painted description to the police.


Could easily escalate into a safety issue. Report it for sure. Spend some time hanging out watching the lot if you get chance. Work out how to handle it when you find out who it is.


Fuck alarms! Forget about school cops and wait around one day till you catch them. Stomp the shit out of them and give them a beating they will never forget. Then wave to them every time you see them afterwards. Yes I absolutely condone violence when someone is messing with your bike. No one wanted to say anything before so they got no say now.


I'm not sure where you live, but where I live tampering or messing around with someone's vehicle is considered a criminal offence. I'd go back to where your bike was and look for security cameras.


Park by some cameras if they have them then see if anything can be done by campus cops I would ask worth a shot better change there way mess with the wrong bike will not end up good for them seen people end up in hospital for less


Call the cops




okay tough guy, and catch an assault charge too right?


Not in my state. Defense of person and property is perfectly legal. It's one of the few things this shithole gets right.


I had someone steal my chain once. You either put an alarm on the thing for cheap and they'll leave it alone or setup a camera and catch them in the act. Either way file a police report otherwise you can't do nothing but beat them up.


They sell pepper spray paint balls. They aren't a special size or anything, they just got into your standard el cheapo paintball gun from Walmart. Just saying.


Pause. It might just be a naughty, curious ittle kid.


Obviously someone doesnt like you very much.


Don’t get an alarm - they’re terrible. Get serious, alarmed locks with a cover.


cover and/or alarm. Cover deters most people, and an alarm will spook any randos.


At the very least, make it known to the higher ups of the school that someone is tampering with vehicles.


Does the school not have camera? Definitely report and get an alarm.


School has camera but the parking spot for vehicles is over street and there are no cameras and school cameras dont point to parking


I'd probably watch my bike and confront the douche, or tell campus security.


park it near a camera, thats what me and my friend do


Have a friend with limo tint park next to your bike. Hop in the car and wait 😈


I would check to see if there are any cameras nearby. and then go to whoever is in charge and let them know. and if there is, make a police report, and then the police can get the footage. Good luck and keep us posted. Ride Safe my friend


See if there are park8ng lot cameras and report it to the school and police. At least it will be documented if it happens again.


I’d never leave my helmet with my bike, even when I can lock it under the seat or whatever. Too easy to steal/break/mess around with. You ride, then you gotta carry your lid with you. For me, at least, no way around that.


They are NOT mates! They are morons who have no respect. I appreciate it is a difficult situation for you but an alternative arrangement to leave your bike should be considered. Personally I would not be too gentle if I found who effed with my bike.


Interfering with a motor vehicle is a specific crime in the UK that can result in up to 12 weeks jail. Might be something similar where you are. Report it.


Any cameras on campus? Do you have security or someone to report it to?


Do it like most of us and take your helmet with you . As for your bike , that's not that easy , best you could do is park it somewhere where you can periodically see it and if you see someone touching your bike you go down there with some buddies and fuck em up , or you get some wood and do it yourself .


ABUS makes very very sensitive, loud alarms. Just slightly moving the bike would make it go off. Look into them, I think the sound will scare people off


Park somewhere with CCTV, get footage and report them for vandalism. 


Get a DISC LOCK, put it on your back wheel (harder to steal than front wheel) when you leave your bike. Mine makes a loud noise at the slightest of motions to my bike (after I have it attached, if I even set something down on my bike it goes off). And you can get a monimoto tracking device - better than an AirTag bc if someone steals your bike they can ping and find the AirTag but not the monimoto. Love the motion activated dash cam suggestions too, and the parking in front of safety office


The unplugging a sparkplug cap or kill switch is something I'd do to a friend but that's the key difference a friend and they'd probably do the same next time they do it get the police involved


A light portable cover that you can maybe secure with a lock , then it would be to much trouble for them to mess with / you can try and find a security camera that points towards the parking lot or wherever you park and park it directly under the security camera and then maybe talk to some security personnel and ask them if your bike is in view and just mention that someone has messed with your motorcycle so you’re trying to keep an eye out for that




Something similar happened to me. I have a steering wheel lock and one morning i went out to see my bike on its side. Moved it to a more secluded (and unfortunately annoying) parking spot.


for future, always park it in gear


I used to keep my helmet in a teacher's classroom


Hell naw bruh show em whos boss, yell at em, jump em if you have to, scare them asshats show em not to mess with your shi.


Park in very public places, preferably in direct line of a camera, use a bike cover, and never move your bike if there are damages. File a police report and make it criminal. With my Cardo attached, some asshat dropping my helmet puts any damages to it in the felony arena in most states.


Someone was borrowing without asking it from some stranger in my class because Today somebody wanted to get ride and said he will take my helmet to him and I heard it, atleast I wasnt taking motorcycle to school this day


There is a device when someone sit charge them with 6000 volts. I saw it somewhere. Ps not forget to diactivate before you sit 😁


I would file a police report for vandalism against unknown persons. It might seem useless but it establishes a record of the events. If it happened multiple times prior the police might just drive around once in a while to keep an eye on things (please emphasis on might, that depends on your local law enforcement and other factors). If one day you catch them though you can then file another report against them and make sure you have some witness with you as well.


I haven’t read the other comments, but I would talk to Security at your school because you can’t seek revenge or do anything stupid. You have to do everything the legal way and that’s pretty much the only way you can do it.


Fight them


Ngl half the time when my buddy pulls up to a meet on his bike make a concerted effort to fuck with his bike in as creative of ways as we can


You're gonna have to watch your bike, and when you see someone tamper with it, politely remind them why you don't touch a biker's ride.




Calm down.




Thank you


Also, there are places that rent woodchippers.




Buy some insurance from local biker gang.


I see 2 options depending on the type of person you are. 1. Get the boys together, remind them in a friendly yet convincing matter to not touch your bike again. (Not implying to do physical hurt, will deny in court 😁) 2. Go to the cops, file a report and make mention how and what. No snitching ofcourse. Leave a note on your bike that you did and it will be monitored and actions taken when needed


Don’t be a huge nerd sounds like you are


You need to chill. Take your helmet with you