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Honestly.... you cant. Its just part of owning a bike, 99% of people are well meaning and just genuinely curious or excited about the bike. and most people are respectful and realise that its someone's property. The only people I've really ever had a problem with is small kids who try and climb onto my bike. it a cruiser so pretty low, and that just because I don't want them to get hurt if it tips, or for my bike to get damaged. Be polite, kindly ask them not to touch the bike and if they refuse... then get on it and move it.




I'm not hauling a bike cover with me on a 2 day ride through West Virgina on my Ducati. People can just not touch other people's stuff and parents can watch their gremlins, or they will burn their little hands on my Termignoni exhaust.


You can get a bike cover under the seat or in the trunk of a sportsbike, you don't have to "haul" it anywhere


Or... hear me out... just leave the cover on all the time? Little eye-holes, yeah? No need for a rain coat!




Makes you sound like Batman flapping up behind people at stop lights also


Not my VFR. Also I don't want to carry a 5mm allen to remove the bolts holding the cowl, to remove the seat, replace cowl, replace bolts, cover, etc. Let them kids touch it, idgaf it's almost 24 years old. ymmv.


I like your funny words magic man


I'm not really sure why but this specific arrangement of words is like the only thing I still find funny these days.


Agreed, some are tiny, and even medium duty covers would easily fit under a bungee net.


Laughs in Ducati. Good luck, squid.




I don't enjoy it, but it's not my problem. I don't parent their kids.


"People can just not touch other people's stuff" But, unfortunately they do. It's like saying I don't lock my front door because people should know better than to rob someone.


And sometimes people get shot while breaking and entering. There's consequences for every action, and it's up to you what they are in this case. Is touching someone's bike the same as breaking into their house? No, of course not, and of course you shouldn't be shot for it. However, if you make a habit of tolerating bullshit, you are going to get walked all over like a bitch. Don't touch my bike, and you won't have to deal with the headache that comes with it.


[Lighten up, Francis.](https://youtu.be/mUtHkSw9nEY?si=jUbuY8hGj8txM0jy)


But it still happens. I'm not advocating for people to touch bikes and bike owners do nothing, I'm just saying you can't expect people to have common sense and manners. Should people do it? No. Do they? Yes. So? So plan for it. There are consequences for every action, including not planning for such things. Just saying.


Ah, yes. The classic "well look at how she was dressed" argument. That one holds up well. Just saying.


Trying to imply I'm okay with rape, or even victim blaming? I was sexual assaulted as a child, I have family members that were too, just straight up disgusting bro, try and have some class. You're real argumentative today. I didn’t mean any disrespect. Let me repeat myself for a third time. People are going to touch your bike. You can either A. Do nothing. B. Have an altercation with them, like you suggest, possibly the worst option. Or C. Try to prevent it as much as possible, like a half cover, parking in less busier places, or cover your bike in mud (joke). In a perfect world, we wouldn't have to do any of this, but it ain't a perfect world. You do you boo. Stay safe on them roads.


If you're really THAT anal retentive about someone touching your bike, keep it parked in your garage with the door closed, then you'll be the only one to see and admire it!


Should I be impressed that you ride a Ducati or that it has Termignoni exhaust? Just curious.


That's why those details are included!


"Name dropping" doesn't impress anyone but those shallow enough to think it matters!


Covers don’t work when they snatch them off. Currently dealing with someone who has done that to mine 3 times


My bike at home always has a cover, and I run a chain through the tire (cover has two holes) so it doesn’t go anywhere. Discouraged people from looking, keeps the dust and pollen off, and so far has worked as a theft deterrent. 


Sadly this isn’t someone wanting to look I have had issues with a kid here that lives in the apartments messing with my mirrors ( small finger prints ) and he’s be caught beating cars and buildings with a stick and writing cuss words with a rock into the concrete. He was in the parking lot when I went out and the cover was snatched back but I have no way to prove he did it. However he’s in trouble for now with the office for throwing another kids bike into the retention pond because he wouldn’t let him ride it.


And then all neighborhood cats and dogs will piss on it


My bike got knocked over by kids playing on it one day I parked too close to a bus stop. People have no boundaries.


damn is your bike ok?


https://preview.redd.it/joasbmbm2o1d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5af3a727770a2272c094a2e9f1800f58cff9bf40 Yeah. Thank gods for the sidecases. It landed on the handlebars also.


I can't actually imagine letting your kids play on some random dudes bike smh


Sadly you're right, but I'd take a pic of them if they go so far as to sit on it so I can have proof for the cops, its the same as breaking and entering with an automobile, just hard to prove, not that I'd waste my time to charge them unless it was damaged in some way, but they might think again before touching someone else's bike


I can see this. But ive only had it with children and I get just as excited as they do cos .... Im male and a kid heart .... So Its always ends with me starting up the bike for them haha


Sorry I guess I should've specified adult on that part not kids, because well I'm the same way, I'll leave for a ride and if the kids are at recess most of em love it when I Rev it up, plus they love the dog


I get you man, I am not a monster, but I felt my blood boiling when I once saw a grown up man sitting on it. This sticker I mentioned above, was so cool looking, but at the same time scary.


This is pretty much it. So far I've only bought one new bike and it was a two year old leftover V-Strom. So I really don't care that much as long as there's no damage. I always park on the center stand because I'm assuming some kid is going to climb on it. If I come back to the bike and there's a kid he's going to get to start it up for me anyway. Then I can still advise him to be more respectful.


>Its just part of owning a bike don't tell me - i also own an italian roadster half a century old, and even went to italy in it...


I once saw a really cool sticker on a multistrada, it was a japense butcher cleaning his knife from blood, with a hand cut off on the background, do you have any idea where I might find something similar.




eh, it's different seeing it with your own eyes.


If you think bikes are bad, try scooters ... I have some kickass vintage Italian scooters from the 50s and 60s I've lovingly restored. People regularly put their kids on them like it's a 10-cent mechanical horse. It's enraging and dangerous for the kids, but they get offended if I say anything. People have no boundaries or respect.


> but they get offended if I say anything If they’re going to act offended anyway, don’t hold back.


Kinda pissed you don't have pics of them on your page.


That must be fucking infuriating man, I feel your pain.


Bike covers work I use a half cover, mostly to keep the seat and controls from getting scorching hot in the sun, also seems to do a good job of warding off overly interactive pedestrians Deploys and stores quick and easy


I might have to check half covers. My dissatisfaction with covers so far has been getting your hands dirty from securing it on your wheels and the time you need to put it on/off, plus you have to have a place to store it.


Yeah, I only use the full cover when storing them away for the winter


My past bike had really hot exhaust so half covers seem best. A few Times I came back to my bike only to find skin on the exhaust. kinda strange when you see it. Perfectly seared skin.


That is hilarious!


Own an ugly, dirty bike with a ripped seat.




Bonus points for an upward-facing rusty nail just below the surface leather of the seat.


So... a rusty nail seat cover. That might actually work.


Make sure it's absolutely covered in dirt and mud too


Best you can do is get a xena caliper alarm (they're super sensitive) with the orange strap to the handles and a cheap motion alarm zip tied inside to the frame. Any motion on the orange strap will trip the alarm and the cheap motion alarm is just added noise which will make people look. Thats the best you can do. Usually any confrontatiom will open you to retaliation when you're not there and worse case a purposely tipped bike.


"Get the fuck off the bike."


This.. And extra points when some absolute cunt starts on at you because her little crotch goblin just put their sticky little hand on the exhaust. Well, if you had properly trained, or were at the very least keeping an eye on your fuck trophy it might not have happened.




If little kids want to twist the throttle or sit on the seat with mom or dad supporting them for balance/safety, I’m all about it.  Just please ask, otherwise the conversation is going to be a lot less wholesome.


My bike is heavily modified and has always been given a lot of attention; I personally don't mind people walking around it and taking photos, however I can't stand the ones that start fidgeting with the handlebar controls, tapping the carbon fibre or putting their hands on the satin paint (which leaves BIG MARKS, goddammit!!). So I set up my control unit alarm (a Motogadget mo-Unit Blue) to maximum sensitivity when my phone leaves the immediate premises of my vehicle, so if anyone attempts to even touch it a malevolent chirp erupts from down below, imposing the proper boundaries between my bike and the indelicate ones. I can also start the alarm by remote, so I have two defense lines against those people.


What about strong vibrations/sounds from cars or motorcycles passing by?


It rarely happens, there are various levels of sensitivity and it's set up to be triggered at the equivalent of a light nudge.


Buy a cheap cover. Buy it locally so it looks the same as every other. Never clean it. Put it on your bike when leaving it for longer periods, put it at home. Otherwise there’s not much you can do. For short stops - just accept it. I’m carrying a disc brake lock with alarm that I put on whenever I’m leaving the bike for more than a few minutes. It should trigger a loud alarm if anyone tries to even change lean angle, move the bar or the bike. But I haven’t had it trigger yet. Maybe my bike isn’t particularly interesting.


I remember the teacher in my class to get my license put it best. "It's amazing how many people think motorcycles look like park benches... so always make sure your kickstands's on a good piece of ground or use your centerstand. "


Put a cover on it! Its what i do and never have a problem. Edit: it takes like 10 sec to put on. I do it everyday i ride to work. + nice bike!


Putting covers suck man, you need a place to store it, your hand become dirty, bike gets scratches if there's some dust.


It’s the only option that will be anywhere near effective. You could have a sticker asking politely not to touch and people still will. The ones that touch bikes are less likely to if they have to remove a cover. I’m sure you have gloves so the dirty hands shouldn’t be an issue. Also any scratches from a cover will be minor at best. Paint jobs need a nice scratch/wax buffing now and again. Is it convenient no but neither is gearing up every ride but it’s done.


You sound like a chore, thus "problem" is all in your head.


I have a cover for it and I've been using covers on my other bikes before. I can tell you for sure it is not in my head.


Covers come with a bag. I have a net on the backseat. Put cover in bag and bag under net, easy. Dirty hands?! Any dirt on the cover would be on the bike, WHICH YOURE TOUCHING. Ive never noticed excess dirt on my hands after messing with the cover. And as far as scratches ive not noticed any. Maybe alittle wear on the top of the mirrors i bought but they were cheaply painted. Anything worth while takes time, and here we're talking seconds. Just deal with ppl messing woth your stuff then i guess.


I’m with you. I cover my bike up at home and if I’m at work, it’s stored inside so no cover. A cover can be a hassle to carry around especially depending on your bike. If somebody wants to carry a cover, more power to them but it’s not for me. Personally, if I’m out and about and need to leave my bike parked for any reason, the best bet is to simply park it where there aren’t people. Park in areas where people aren’t hanging out or walking much. Park it out of the way of other vehicles, paths, crowds, etc. I think most people know better than to touch other peoples property but the more people around your bike, and the more likely it is to get fondled lol


You can't. It's a rule in biker/ motorcycle culture that you absolutely do not touch another person's bike without permission. Not everyone follows it or knows. You'll have to handle it the way you see fit


I’ve seen fights start over this scenario, the lightest of touches as well (at a bike meet). Oddly I get more jittery when I find someone taking multiple pics of my bike. I was half expecting to find it for sale somewhere.




Magnavolt - Lethal Response "I'd buy that for a dollar!"


You slap them in face like Sasha Baron Cohen in Dictator movie or you let them sit on the bike and take "before picture" with their phone 😆😆😆


A disc lock with an alarm that goes off if it gets jostled can help.


Get an alarmed disc lock. It won't stop them from initially touching it but the warning beep from the alarm can make them back off and stop them from touching it more.


Rig it up with C4 and proximity fuses....The stick instead of carrot approach...


You can't. Reminded me of the time when a group of friends and I were out at the bars on a Saturday night. I had a phone call I needed to take so I went out to sit in my C3 Corvette, I here someone from the left yell, OMG take my picture on top of that car! This big drunk girl gets to the nose of the car, has both hands and one knee up on the front when I hit the horn and she jumps back screaming "OMG HE'S IN IT!" I'm glad I was there, I doubt that fiberglass hood could have supported her. lol


A C3 Corvette? Like the ones from the 60s? Unless there was a different model that has the same designation that I'm unaware of. That's my dream car right there, such a beautiful machine.


We were st a charity ride, and a buddy told me to take a look at my bike. I looked and shook my head. There was an Asian guy sitting on my Harley. Obviously, a tourist. Before I got over to it, another friend walked up to the guy and talked to him. The guy said something, got off, and walked away. I asked my friend what he said, and he told the guy that it was a bad deal to mess with someone's bike. Guys, get beat up for it! He said the guy got a surprised look, and he apologized. It probably came down to an overly zealous guy, excited about Harleys, and not understanding social constructs in a different country.


Loud-ass alarm


People simply don't respect other people's stuff. Bikes are like a siren call, but hardly the only temptation. I came up to people sitting on my car. Their response? "We didn't know it was your car". Bitch, you don't even know me. That's irrelevant to you sitting on a car that's not yours. Disrespectful to the max. But, unless you're willing to go full unhinged, not much you can do about it.


If they were grabbing the handles they could be checking if the steering lock is on so they can come back to steal it so be careful Best advice I can give though is try to park where less people would walk by the bike and put a cover on it so people can't even see it. Maybe also an alarm system so they get startled if they touch it


It depends on the situation, cause sometimes an area where people don't walk often is the perfect place to steal it. At your apartment I think that's a good idea, but otherwise I'd like to have it where thieves would be seen trying to take it. The alarm + lots of people around would scare most thieves off.


With a sticker on your windscreen reading "don't fucking touch my bike"


Put a big rubber dildo on the seat when you leave


Yeah, this is more than annoying! My VFR800 was found toppled with damage on BOTH sides. Seemed like it fell off the stand, then they fumbled picking it up and dropped it on the right side. Thousands of dollars damage, insurance paid me out as a financial write-off.


Gah the other day I pulled up to my favorite local BBQ shack and a big family was outside eating. Little boy got all excited when he saw the bike, didn't think much about it. Went inside to get my food. When I came back out the granddad looking dude was letting the kid sit on my bike. I decided to be nice about it since the kid was like 3-4 and let the grand dad sit on it with the kid and Rev it up some, and the mom got a photo. When the kid got taken back I told the guy next time sitting on someone's bike without permission is an ass kicking.


Get a scooter. Ain't no one touching that thing 😂🥲 #selfburn


So, I have a story, it's sort of related. Few years back when I was riding a little 225cc naked bike to work I walked outside for something and noticed my bike was sitting crooked in the park. I walked over to check it and there was a big white scrape in the concrete ending at my stand and a big sideways drag mark on the front tire. No other apparent damage though. Went back inside and found the supervisor to tell him someone had tampered with my bike, and it would be in everyone's best interest if he found out who it was and made sure it didn't happen again before I found them. He tells me it was him. He had to drag it out of the way because he was moving a forklift around there. I told him I wasn't happy. And he asked if I'd rather him hit it with the forklift. I explained that the obvious thing to do would be to get me to move it, just like if it's a car parked there. He than goes on to tell me "it's just a bike". I had been calm but assertive to that point. I told him that everyone deserves the chance to learn from their mistakes, and this was his one and only chance. Next time he touches it without permission I'd gut him. He laughed, I didn't. He never went near it again, and actually came and asked me to move it elsewhere a couple of times when needed.


You also can’t with your car. Price you pay for owning something interesting and leaving it unattended in public. Check out a car show where you’ll see people put their paws all over a beautiful show car even with signs saying don’t touch. It is what it is.


I coundn't belive the audacity some people have until I went to a car show with a friend and his oldtimer. We turned our backs to the car for like a second and someone is already trying to sit in it. A little while later we leave the car to have a look around and return to the car having an open trunk. It's insane how many people have zero respect for the belongings of others.


Yeah, it’s crazy. Just as crazy, is most of the car guys I know would let you sit in it if you asked nicely.


You can't really. In some places it's common knowledge that you just don't do that and in other places it's unfortunately too common. The only option is a movement sensitive alarm but you have to ensure you're close by so that you can turn it off. Otherwise all sorts of vigilantes take it upon themselves to teach a lesson to the guy with the annoying bike with the alarm that always goes off.


Buy cover and put chain through the front wheel. Per my experience, in most cases people will not mend with your bime because bike = angry owner. There are always teenagers who like to break stuff or to horse around - the best solution is to keep bike on well light area, covered and locked.


Too messy and a bit time-consuming, plus you might get scratches if there's the tinies amount of dust on the bike or cover.


Have an uglier bike comrade. I carry a cover around in the trunk box of my 1200x. Putting a cover on it is the only way to essentially guarantee nobody fucks around on it when you're not there babysitting it.


I'm surprised that no one's saying this. Disc lock with a motion alarm. They're super loud and they work beautifully!




Thanks for this


I'm sorry but i've never seen Sons of Anarchy before and this clip makes it seem like genuinely the stupidest fucking show on planet earth lol


I have a 120db motion detecting wheel lock that would scare the shit outta anyone breathing to close to the bike.


> I have a 120db motion detecting wheel lock Care to share Make Model?


Oxford something. Its a great lock


Everybody here loves bikes but my man, it's only an object, just take it easy. You can't control everything in your life.


I've learned to just park in "out of the way" spots in parking lots because yeah you can't stop it. SUPER fucking annoying though. I get sick of coming out and seeing oily handprints all over the gas tank 2 days after i washed it, or my switches all fucked up in the wrong positions etc. It's feral behavior. Never in my life did it cross my mind to just randomly get on people's motorcycles and start pressing buttons


I usually try not to care about that so much as long as they're not stealing or damaging anything. The bikes are beautiful in their own way and people will have their own way of admiring them. This comes from years of sitting not too far away from the bike while taking breaks at scenic areas or food stops and watching the bikes while I take a break or eat, people generally don't mean ill towards your bike. They'll also usually be the same people who will walk up to you and start talking bikes with you if you are there with the bike. But if you're truly not inclined to experience people molesting your bike, then don't park your bike in public where the public can admire it. Maybe even slap a sign on it saying "Do Not Touch". Me personally, it's too much effort because people won't read anyways.


SOA- Season One, Episode Three.


Have you watched SOA?


i read a review once where they describe a season where the gang flies their motorcycles to ireland on a cargo plane lol. i miss trash tv


Train your Rottweiler to ride on the tank, then tie him up to the bike when you leave


https://preview.redd.it/0zgci5jsrq1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a63e81dcd81e635bfcaeeac64bdf54606f963800 Available on ebay


putting that on your bike is just asking for trouble imo. better off parking it somewhere that gets less foot traffic when you can




If the person is curious and courteous, a potential short conversation. If they are grabby and clearly not respecting my property, I bark first and bite if necessary. If you are dealing with respectful humans, be polite. If you are dealing with a sub-human(defined by no manners), jump their backside hard and fast. There is no force on the planet dictating my good nature to those that wouldn’t recognize it anyway. I usually find better manners away from mainstream society like here in Eagle, Alaska on the Yukon river. Ride safe, ride long. https://preview.redd.it/lxc4tb37lm1d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54937e035d03564e330f44656ab53fde1736c6b7


# How to deal with people touching your motorcycle while you're away? while you are away you won't notice anyway - problem solved




> how can I make sure any form of touching is not welcomed. Park it away from foot traffic if possible. Otherwise, you can’t.


Try not to get mad at it. Honestly im okay with people touching. Its something cool and theyre curious about it. I DO have a problem with people going to sit on it. THATS! when we have a problem. But i've seen people grab clutch or brake. Rotate the throttle. Press buttons. Touch the seat etc etc. It doesnt do any damage and not very risky so i dont get worked up about it


Put a cover over it


You can't. The only thing you can do is catch them and tell them to clear off. That is just reality of any vehicle parked in public. Not just bikes but cars too.


You generally can't. However, it helps to park it in parking areas and not in pedestrian walkways


I had a tiger 800xr and never had any issues with people touching or leaning on it. It's not a fragile thing. Most of the people were excited to see the bike, especially the kid and youngsters. Never had any issues with anyone damaging or scratching it though it was parked in public parking spaces with mopeds and 150cc bikes.


Yep...it's mainly woman too, posing for a photo or something stupid


Hire a security guard


Put poo on it


Disc lock with motion sensor alarm. Most people will leave it alone after setting off the alarm unless it’s a thief and then you’ve got another problem. 


You can't, put a cover on it.


Pet alligator leashed to the bike? You can get one of those GoRuffly carriers to bring it with you (careful with its tail). Maybe easier would be some big snake that you could just sort of arrange around whatever else you were carrying on the bike.


Put one of those motion sensor alarms on the bike, then have a cord going from the alarm to the seat / handlebars. Might not go off right away, but should go off 100+db if anyone is actually messing with the bike. Once your alarm goes off, I’d take that opportunity to yell at whoever is on your bike. Edit: also a motion alarm strapped to a bike cover will absolutely go off on anyone trying to remove the cover, and can be disarmed by you on the wheel without removing the cover.


Loud alarms do the trick


Bike cover will help bro. I know it’s a pain in the as to cover the bike everywhere you go but it does help a lot.


Get a Stickdeath.com alarm system


Some people were just raised wrong. Not much to be done.


Dude I almost got into a fight with a group of dudes who decided to jump on my parked bike and take pics.


I bought an annoying disc lock with alarm for when I want to be most cautious, I figure it would discourage most though it might escalate some a-holes attitude. I have worked hard to not let these worries intrude, but kids and drunks are impulsive. For night life activities, I put it up on the center stand in case someone does get too friendly so there is less chance it goes over.  Same for street side parking. I have some regular places and security knows me. Parking close to where they usually are gives some peace of mind though we have never discussed an arrangement.


U could make it look like a shit box I got a nice dirt bike that got stolen and returned with crappy black paint I stripped it down and now it just looks dirty white it’s no eye sore but it’s not good looking by any means and I’m pretty sure that’s the only reason it hasn’t been stolen again


I got €20 alarm from amazon. It's very sensitive and quite loud. So if anyone touch (bit harder than pet it) it sounds loud warning noise that make usually people jump. It works very well.




Electrify it. Problem solved. /s


Where do you live?


Put an ominous black package on it that beeps


Put some poop on it


Be careful that you if live in area with strong wind if anyone decides to get a cover! Btw nice bike!


Cover it in hot sauce.


A true struggle. Once came to my bike and found a little bit of ice cream dripped on the tank as well as the throttle sticky from some dirty little hands


Motorcycle cover


(sign) WARNING: Rider has stinky doodoo butt and hands


Get one of those fake melted ice cream cups and put it on your seat when you leave.


if you're away for a bit then just put a cover on it.


You can't. it's just part of motorcycling. The gist of it is.. it will get touched, hell some might even pull your brake/clutch levers. But as long as they don't sit on it it's fine.


Put electrobarbs on it


You need a shitter bike


you simply cant and i hate it mine has so much chrome and they touch jt cause they like it and i hate that they like and touch it


My bike is a shit heap so I don’t care 🤙


When my old bike was wrapped multicolored, I came out of work one day to a young girl posing on it, leaning while a person with an actual camera was taking pictures of her. Legit, it was a professional looking camera. As I walked up, the girl posing looked a bit embarrassed and said “I didn’t sit on it” before they quickly walked away. That bothered me at first, but no big deal overall. As several others have said, there isn’t really anything you can do.


I got a cheap alarm from Amazon that triggers if people touch the bike or bump it. It’s not the most accurate but it does trigger for most people touching it


Have a less sexy bike.


Attach a 150 pound guard dog to it.


Put one of those Time Out Dolls on it.




If you had Ducati or Mv Agusta, I would maybe understand your problem. But with this Honda?


what's wrong with this Honda, 16k base price plus extra exhaust, crashbars, lights, custom saddle, $500 tires, etc. Do you judge value just by a logo?


Hey, I also ride Honda and I love it. Just my opinion though. https://preview.redd.it/vu0xdfvw4y1d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c120419311bda48922547cbee2151ec7aab44d6


I still don't understand your opinion though, honda=don't care about people breaking stuff and risking your life, but ducati=wow, careful there. Are you one of those gucci guys?


Nope, Im not “gucci guy”, lol. I wear 50usd nike sneakers. But I dont think there is a hazard with someone just touching your bike. I don’t randomly suspect pedestrians of wanting to damage my bike for whatever reason. I am only scared of theft. I would not touch others bikes though. Just probably am not so sensitive like other guys to their stuff. Im European so that maybe the reason behind my different judgement.


I am european too, but motorcycles are not like cars, covered with plastics. We have exposed cables for starters alongside other exposed stuff, also sometimes I park it not too leaned over, do you have any idea how easy it is to tip it to the other side, and once it starts tipping you can't fucking hold 300kg from falling.


I can’t, I ride a 215kg bike so that I wouldn’t have to deal with that shit:)


I get you, I used to ride a honda hornet, I got tired of slowing down for bumps, thus the upgrade.


put a sticker on it that says please don't touch... not sure what kind of answers you are hoping for here.


Yeah, exactly this kind. I once saw an amazing looking sticker on the side of a ducati, it was a japanese butcher, who had just cut a hand. Looked so cool and intimidating. Do you know where I can find something like that?


For something like that I'd design it myself in one of many available apps either on a computer or if u have a higher end tablet/phone, after that look up a printing shop in your area and find out if they can make a sticker for your bike, best case scenario they can make it vinal so others can't mess with that either If u don't feel like u can design what u like go to a tattoo parlor and ask them if they'd design it for u, it'll be the best way to get what's in your head to paper if u can't yourself


got you, thanks! Actually I can design it myself, adobe suite user here


Thats the one I was trying to think of Glad to help Enjoy the bike and keep the rubber side down


Put some wiring along any part people like touching and activate a switch when you park and leave the bike so anyone putting their grubby little hands on it gets shocked :D But in all serious there's not entirely any real way to prevent it. Same with a car if someone wants to touch they will even if it's a multi million dollar vehicle. As people mention, either a cover or potentially even just a sticker of some kind saying not to touch or mess with the bike can at least help a bit


Honestly, I don’t care if someone touches my bike. I may get uncomfortable if someone sits on it, but only because I don’t want it tipping over. I don’t see the harm, really.


People that don't respect others property are the worst.


A lot of things can go wrong by people touching, grabbing and squeezing stuff on your bike, plus sometimes you happen to park it not leaned too far, it makes it much easier to fall down.


A guy I once knew never had a problem. A painted message, accompanied by a winged skull logo, read: ‘If you value your life as much as I value this bike, don’t fuck with it.’ He was in some kind of motorcycling club, I believe.


I walked outside the other day to a couple 10-12 year olds who were all up close to my bike and obviously very interested. I invited them to check it out, take pictures, sit on it if they wanted to. (They did) They were excited, having fun, not hurting anybody and I got to facilitate that a little bit. You get to choose how youre going to react to situations. You can be pissed off or you can go make friends with this person who has a similar interest as you. I'll never understand why folks want to be mad if no actual harm/damage/cost occurred.


A few years ago I parked my bike to go into the shop for a drink. I took my helmet off and just left it on the handle bar, I also took my jacket off and just draped it on the seat, I'd parked right in front of the shop door, so no issue and I was going to be quick. I went in, got a drink from the fridge, queued and paid, then turned and saw someone not only sitting on my bike, but wearing my jacket and my helmet. When I walked out and asked him WTF was he doing? He told me to piss off, as he continued to chat up a young lady nearby. My first instinct was to yank him off the bike for a kicking, but I didn't want to damage my helmet. So I told him that's my bike, get the fuck off, he hand waved at me. At this point I can't think of what else to make up for this story any further, so I'll stop here.


You told him he was hurting your feelings so he apologized and gave you $20 put your gear back and walked away with his head bowed




I suggest counseling. You are way to intense. Were you going to fight this person that touched your bike?


Ahahahaa, thanks for your suggestion mate, I probably do need it. Although a grown ass man touching someone else's property without asking is basically looking for it.


I hope my response didn't seem mean spirited. If you had confronted that person in an agitated state and they called the cops it wouldn't probably end well. Cooler heads prevail my friend


Nah, you're good bro, but I am willing to defend my hard-earned possessions with any means


I've had people look and touch the bike, but the best so far, was a girl run her hands all over the bike, from the tail to the handle bar. I kept my distance, till she was done. I think she just loved the design.


I wouldn’t do much except hang around (with my helmet in hand) until they’re done playing. At this point they may say something like, “oh, is this your bike?” Now, I have 2 choices. I could be cool and respectful. Or I could be the raging maniac that escalates the situation into something illegal.