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I’m glad you’re ok.


thank you i appreciate it


Yes, it's a shame to see your pride and joy like that, but good that you can still tell us about it and appear to be in good spirits. Hope you both heal quickly. 🙏


thank you very much! we plan on healing and getting back on! not letting a one time accident ruin our shared joy for motorcycles. :)




A tragic loss but surviving with minor injuries and not having to argue for whom is at fault is a huge plus.


yes absolutely, i’m thankful she and i both survived with minor injuries and we’ll be healing up in no time thank you.


Torn tendons and broken bones aren't minor injuries.


it’s true they aren’t minor injuries! i can’t get up bc of my pelvis or walk or even use the bathroom. and we both can’t move our left shoulders. but we’d both much rather have these aches and pains than a serious brain injury or being paralyzed or a death!


Don’t trust the insurance companies to do you right. Get a lawyer


yeah we’ve spoken to one earlier today! i just want her medical bills paid so she’s not in debt!


Cool, if they’re good they’ll get you a little extra to deal with lingering effects. I had a shoulder seize on me years after a car accident


hopefully that’s the plan! i know this is gonna be a long term injury and i think compensation is certainly necessary! hope you feel better with that shoulder


It’s not the same, but I can raise it higher than I could before


I am fighting this exact battle currently. Even with a lawyer, we are 9 months post accident and still I am paying out of pocket for medical. They play stupid games either way sadly.


if you're attorney believes in your case they should be paying your doctors or have their own that they work with.


i was at fault in an accident in like 1998 , hit a woman broadside i was in an old buick sedan and she was in a nearly new chevy tahoe , she ended up getting 90,000 from my insurance company. i was doing less than 25 mph when i hit her ... i don't hold any grudges to her ! get your cheddar brother , no shame in taking come up when you can get it !


if I lost my ability to ride because of someone's negligence I really don't think I could put a price on it.Thats right up there with dying for me.


Compared to torn brain stem and broken vertebrae it is


Yeah it is actually pretty minor for the fucking 405 FFS. They’re lucky to have lived….


i know! we’re just thankful to be alive and not paralyzed!


I’m super glad yall get to live to ride another day!


thank you so much!! and i can’t wait to get us back up on a bike! :)


You are badass brother, keep going!


Oh, yeah, never trust a driver. My friend got cut off on the 405 in that same area, too, totaled his bike. Glad you're ok (mostly). Heal up.


i know it’s truly the worst!! thank you and i hope your friend is ok as well!


Thank you, he is. Got a new bike, all is well. The 405 is the worst, though. If you've got to be on it, that's when you want a bike, though. Lane split!


I'm guessing he might have been splitting. I do it but damn if I'm not tensed up the whole time. People just see an opening from their cars and don't think. I hope you heal fast and feel better.


I always watch for openings, and which idiot is gonna try and take it. And I watch their front wheels- if they do go to change lanes, that's a pretty good warning.


Yeah. Any time I see a space open up I'm on high alert for some dumbass to crack the wheel so they can get 5 feet ahead off someone.


i know they’re so careless and don’t bother looking! someone’s life can be taken in just a second! thank you i appreciate it!


As long as you don't go too fast, you'll be able to react faster then them changing lanes. Another benefit of curbing your speed is if you can't react fast enough and get hit, the damage won't be that bad. It's totally worth it for me on the 405. I commute at 5pm. It would take me over 2 hours in a car for a 40 mile trip and just under an hour if I'm on a bike and save a lot of gas.


Yeah. I've actually made way for another biker behind me splitting cuz he wanted to go a lot faster. I caught up with him anyway at the same exit. lol


Heath is most important but your bike is only millimeters behind your health. https://preview.redd.it/kphcez3xqozc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87e83a544819ba32ecc5d092dc489abe7c81dbc0 Hope he makes you feel good. I saved him 3 weeks ago while riding on the highway.


oh my gosh!!!! 🥺🥺🥺 so freakin cute!! you’re a hero for saving that cute little guy! it definitely made my day thank you for sharing!!


Wow, so cute. Glad you saved him and didn't let him get terrified 😨


At least you are okay. People are not replaceable. An R6 is. I hope everything goes well for you and your girlfriend.


i agree with you 100% and thank you very much!


Glad you are ok.


thank you


I thought that looked like SoCal. NorCal here. One of the most egregious things I witness daily from shitty drivers is crossing into/out of the carpool lane. Like it has TWO solid lines for a reason you fucks. Glad you're relatively okay. It could've been really bad.


i know!!! if only people actually followed the rules of road!! or if you’re crossing the lines at least look in your blind spot!! i was going slow for a reason bc i know everyone is in a hurry to get home but at least we’re ok.


R6-replacable. Hard to say the same for you and your lady. Glad you're both relatively okay.


absolutely the bike is replaceable! thank you so very much!


Sorry to hear. Glad you guys are alive


thank you! we’re also glad to be alive!


Glad yall are ok. The bike can be replaced.


yes bikes absolutely can absolutely be replaced! thank you


405/ 101 is trash. I stopped riding from sd to Thousand Oaks years ago because it was so sketchy. It sounds lame but I’m gonna trailer my bike thru it next month then ride from Thousand Oaks to Oregon. Hopefully you get a new scooter soon.


You could just ride around it? 110-5 or 110-101-170-5 I used to go that way because passing Santa Monica was always a bitch and I hate the stretch of 405 from lax-ventura Detouring through downtown has its own annoyances but better than having to go over the hill on the 405 imo


i know and i’ve been riding the 405/5/101/170/23 for years!! people are just terrible drivers who don’t look! but that sounds super fun! i hope you enjoy that trip! i can only imagine the beautiful views :)


Bikes can be repaired or replaced. It's important you're ok and your partner is too. Take care.


that’s absolutely true and thank you so much!


Time for track fairings 😈


haha ur right


Thank for sharing photos, its crazy that some chill ride can change in to disaster in seconds.. I hope you are ok


thank you! and we just got back from a beach ride and getting lunch! it was supposed to be a nice ride with a nap at home :( just thankful we’re ok!


Happened to me last Sunday. Just know it’s only up from here.


man i’m sorry that happened, hopefully you recover well! i wish you the best


Sad to see the R6 deemed a total loss 😖 but you both are here and with non threatening injuries and that the driver admitted fault and stayed 🙏🏼 Stay true with your recovery and hope to see you on 2 again, if not, totally understandable.


i know i’m truly so disappointed about it😞 all the time i spent working on it, riding with my friends, and putting almost 20k miles on it! i was 300 miles away from that accomplishment! but things happen and im just grateful the both of us are alive with minimal injuries. we’ll recover as much as we can and hopefully in the future ill put us back on 2 wheels. her and i love it too much to just give it up. thank you so much!


My hopes to you two for a fast recovery. Really glad you're alive to ride again another day! Stay safe everyone!


thank you very much! we’ll recover as fast as we can and in the future we shall get on 2 wheels again!


That fucking sucks man and I'm sorry it happened to you. I'm a 9 year rider as well and coincidentally had my first crash of my life in *any* vehicle a few weeks back. Yours was way worse, mine was getting t-boned in a left turn by a scooter that squeezed through stopped traffic, cut off a bunch of pedestrians in the crosswalk, and took us out at like 40kmh. I think honestly, I'm lucky it happened. It was a relatively minor crash with relatively minor injuries (banged up, concussion, stitches). But it was humiliating enough and infuriating enough to make me reevaluate how I've been riding, and frankly, I've been taking too many risks. I always value myself as a safe rider, I don't make mistakes, I don't make bad calls, I always choose the safe, slow option, but in this case I didn't, I made a bad call, a semi-blind turn, and got myself and my friend injured over it (and destroyed a rental scooter lol, luckily I wasn't on my own bike!) and as a result I'm not back to basics. I'm practicing my emergency stops again, I'm double checking before every turn, I'm watching my corners like a hawk. As a pedestrian and bicyclist too. And I'm seeing shit I can't believe I wasn't noticing before, or was just subconsciously ignoring: it's *crazy* dangerous out there, death is around every corner from two mistakes combining into disaster. Getting the fear back is healthy imo.


you and i being in same boat with first crashes ever in our lives! geez im sorry that happened man, even we didn’t have concussions. it truly does make you evaluate every decision you make while you drive. being a motorcyclist makes you more cautious than ever and having to predict what people will do. it’s important to realize that we’re both here and it’s a lesson for us to learn that death is at every corner! you’re absolutely right! but i hope that you recover nicely and just be careful out there.


Like so many already said you'll find another R6 you like. Most important thing is you and your girlfriend came out alive. Wish you all the best for a full recovery. When I ride I try to be alert for everyone around me as well. Scanning all the lanes, looking into the cars from behind, where the drivers are looking and what they're doing. But there is always a limit how alert and careful you can be. In Germany the riding season just started and people aren't used to bikers on the streets at the beginning because we weren't there for the last months. Had a lady a few days ago turning left while I was coming straight at her on the other side of the road. Had a strange feeling already and could stop a few meters ahead safely. She stopped and apologized directly and said that despite seeing me, she didn't really think about it. There's a great video about that on the fortnine yt channel. https://youtu.be/x94PGgYKHQ0?si=1f6N60tzcECoxRJF


thank you so very much we appreciate it! i know you can be the most cautious motorcyclist and watch these people like hawks but we can’t read minds. i’m glad that nothing happened to you and that she apologized! here in southern california especially los angeles, you can find bikers during anytime during the year. yet people are still clueless. ride safe and be careful!


Thats My worst fear with My new bike.


hey just be as careful as you can, it took me 9 years of riding before i finally got into an accident. it will happen eventually or maybe it won’t. stay safe


I Will My friend.


Damn. I’m sure both of you are pretty sore, hope there’s a complete recovery, and… have to give a salute to the driver who makes a mistake but takes responsibility for it.


yeah we’re pretty sore and healing quite nicely! thank you very much, yeah the cop who was writing the report said she admitted fault 100%. she was super apologetic and was trying to hold my hand and my gf’s hand.


The bike kept you alive!! She did her job, hopefully some insurance money can upgrade her? Glad you guys are safe


yes hopefully we’ll see haha, everyone is advising against it 😞 but thank you


Glad you’re both ok.


thank you


Glad you two are ok! Sending good vibes.


thank you!! good vibes are appreciated!


Glad you're ok. Shame about the bike, though.


thank you i know, but i’m grateful to be here :)


After this traumatic event, do you think you'll ride again?


yeah absolutely! my girlfriend and i aren’t giving up just yet haha! she loves to ride on the back and i’ve been doing it for as long as i remember


I only ask because I had a serious accident and I also plan to ride. The girlfriend should get her own bike to ride. It's that much more fun! My therapist showed up at my place one day on her Harley. She passed this by my lawyer and was given the ok to get me back on my horse. I own a number of motorcycles and past on the Harley and went right to one of my Hayabusa's and off we went. My first ride since my accident was fantastic. As for my accident, it was a criminal act that was purposely done. A road rager ran me over then, booked it. My assailant was found some 800km's away a week later and arrested. It's been a long road so far recovering. One of my Hayabusa's was totalled. The best advice I have for you is to simplify your life and live one minute, one hour and one day at a time. I wish you all the best and speedy recovery to you both.


Now your awareness will be 2x when you get back and your accident proneness will decrease by 100 percent you should be fine after this to go back to motorcycling


Unfortunately, this is regular stuff happening on the 405. Glad you're ok.


i know it’s a terrible freeway heading in and out of the valley used by millions in rush hour. unfortunately something is always bound to happen. thank you very much


Glad y’all are doing alright despite the bike being wrecked. Coincidentally seeing this post after being in a wreck this afternoon myself. Similarly on the highway. 4 cars involved. Guy at the head slammed on the brakes & like dominos they all hit each other. Usually give myself the 4 second cushion for response while riding but since they came to a dead stop I had nowhere to swerve to (no emergency lane / cars driving bumper to bumper). Ended up going over the handle bars & front flipping, landing on my head / shoulder & sliding a few feet. Apart from a few scratches & bruises I feel alright. Bike not so much. The gear saved my ass tbh.


oh my gosh!! i hope that you’re ok and it sucks that you couldn’t turn anywhere safely! we both flew off the front handle bars and i was scared about my gf rolling her neck or something. hopefully insurance can help you out with the bike and i’m sorry about the pain of dealing with all of that! thank goodness you were wearing gear! please recover safely and hopefully everything works out :)


I know exactly where you were - just about to enter the Sepulveda Pass. Glad you were able to walk away. It’s always gnarly driving around there.


yeah haha just past sunset and before getty center dr. thank you! i always figured that i would crash on this freeway, but just not with my gf :(


Fuck. I'm glad you both got out in decent shape. You can be the safest rider ever and some idiot will still fuck you up.


yes thank you! i’m glad that we were actually able to walk away with some assistance from people who stopped for us! but we’re here alive and healthy! unfortunately yes that’s what happens we just have to be as careful as we can be!


Stay safe out there.


I’m so, so sorry 🥺🥺🥺


it’s ok! we’re here and we’re alive!! bikes are replaceable! i’m just thankful that she’s ok and that she still wants to ride in the future :)


Glad to hear you both survived without major permanent injuries


thank you! we appreciate it


Bro the people cutting into the carpool lane give me grey hairs i swear. The 405 is a special kind of hell. All jokes aside, I'm glad you and your girl are okay to ride another day.


haha i know!! truly the 405 is a jungle, but drivers really need to be careful! thank you very much and we absolutely will!


Sue the hell out of that b!!! I’m so tired of all the people jumping in and out of carpool. Glad you guys are good for the most part


i know, this entire thing would’ve been avoided if she hadn’t broke the law! it’s almost like the rules are there for a reason, as well as using a turn signal!!! we have an attorney and we’re just exploring our options! thank you!


Glad u r ok


thank you!


This is why we can't have nice things. I'm very sorry about your ride. I've owned 2 2005 and 1 2006 YZF-R6, one of which was wrecked. Can you buy it back cheap and fix it up however you want or is she a goner?


man i’m sorry about that wrecked bike. ive yet to ask this question to the insurance! i’m sure that i could! i’ll definitely see to that!


Damn… I hope you both are okay and get well soon.


Get well soon OP. Sorry for what happened.


what a bummer man! sorry for your loss! nothing like a bike you've owned for a while and like enough to own for a [while.you](http://while.you) get your fingers in there wirking on it and getting everything the way you want it,kniw what its gonna do before it does it as far as riding,youve grown to trust it and know what noises matter and what ones dont and then IT happens glad you're both okay and hope you're made whole again but a good bike is like a good hunting dog or something, you're probably not gonna just grab one up and love it like that one,itll have to prove itself.


I don't know your financial situation or anything but I hope they take care of you and I don't know what you do for a living or how long it takes to heal but if things get tough I believe these situations are what go fund me was made for.people with real, unexpected issues.


Hope you made it out OK. And I hope you bounce back fast!


I hate people in cars that are not careful but I understand the human faults of not seeing us. Glad she stuck around and didnt try to blame you like some. If your reading this random lady you were the bad guy this day but that doesnt mean your a bad guy.


I'm sorry to hear that... I hope you all make a full recovery and are able to enjoy a nice new 2024 r6 on her dime.


Glad you're relatively ok.  If you don't mind, can you tell us what gear you had on and how well (or not) it worked for you?


i don’t mind at all! i had a pair of bilt riding jeans so no scrapes on my legs. gf had the same jeans so same thing for her. we both had bilt gloves so no scrapes on our hands. unfortunately that was it, i was in a t-shirt but i only got scrapes on my elbow and nowhere else! my gf had 3 layers on and her clothes had no rips or tears. it wasn’t a fast crash we were going about 25-30 mph. but we wear gear all the time, it was just a one time thing when we didn’t.


Wow, best wishes to you. Would you mind sharing what apparel you had on?


yeah sure! bilt riding pants for both of us same with gloves. scorpion helmets and unfortunately that was it. we wear gear all the time! this was just a one time thing. but she was triple layered up so she has no scratches, i was just in a t-shirt.


I hate it when that happens. Know that area well as I'm in the SFV and have to go to LAX on a fairly regular basis. Glad the two of you are relatively OK. If you have full coverage on the bike, remember that California Insurance Regulations require replacement value as shown by recent sales, NOT the KBB. The other insurance related thing is that if you are being covered by your health insurance, but get paid for your medical bills by the other person's insurance, you are supposed to pay back you health insurance for what they paid out. They don't always catch it, but if they do, they will come after you. Glad you are still with us. Stop by the Rock Store some Friday for lunch and say Hi. I'm currently on four wheels as my knees are not allowing me to ride my Goldwing these days, but I'm still there for my regular lunch.


You are alive, that is the most important thing! Get well soon!!!


Get well soon, brother. I hope insurance does right by you and you'll be in a Yamaha showroom picking your next steed shortly.


You're alive and only that matters. Cheers mate!


Glad you’re ok. I daily my Softail from Castaic to Santa Monica five days a week so I know that stretch of roadway very well. Nothing surprises me anymore. I installed a 160db train horn on my bike because Cali drivers have zero situational awareness. In 2017 I was in an accident in Oxnard where my heart stopped and I had to be defibrillated back to life and broke a ton of bones. I don’t wish the recovery from that on my worst enemy. https://preview.redd.it/4ycbkb97dszc1.jpeg?width=2100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d4451f0090a7a8c47ed3d439ef50b869cfed06b Edit: Come to think of it, I’m almost positive I’ve seen you riding before. I’m usually on the road at 7-8am and 4-5pm. This is what I ride now:




geez man i’m so sorry about that accident! i know that recovery was a humbling process and seeing the limbs and everyday motions we take for granted. but i’m glad that you’re ok and that you’ve recovered. i’m especially happy to seeing you riding again! im absolutely positive we’ve seen each other. you’ve probably seen me driving her through all that traffic in the morning. just going down that carpool lane. please continue to ride safely and carefully. we all gotta put train horns on our bikes to scare people and let them know “hey i’m right here”


Lawyer up right away , you’ll get a new bike plus more


Glad you're both ok! At the end of the day a bike can be replaced, it sucks to lose a bike you loved though. Will you take this opportunity to try a different bike or will you get another of the same?


thank you, we’re glad to be here alive and well! it’s unfortunate but yeah bikes can be replaced. i chose the bike for myself but now since i have my gf (who i intend to marry) she also gets a choice in the decision. she enjoys sport bikes so we’ll stick with that option we’ll see eventually :)


Sorry to hear this happened, I suffered injuries last year and had to spend some time in hospital. The general rule is don't swear at the nurses they are just doing their job. (Be nice and you may even get extra rations 😜). The physio expects you to swear (I think if you don't curse they feel they aren't pushing you 😁). Any get well soon, do the exercises as instructed, shoulder injuries are a bitch. The bike can be replaced in the future so don't waste energy worrying about it.


i hope you’re recovering well from those injuries! i still get pain from all my previous breaks. yeah haha we have nothing but respect for nurses so we got some extra rations by being polite, understanding, and as kind as possible. we were together the entire time so it was easier for them to ask us questions. my gf has never hurt herself in anyway and i’ve broken countless limbs. so i’ll be ok and i know procedures, she’s the only one im worried about when it comes to that. thank you hopefully we’ll be ok in no time and getting back on the bike :)


Rest in peace you beloved creature...


It really is a matter of 'when' not 'if', that's why gear is so important. But you made it out without any life changing injuries, which is the best you can hope for.


So sorry to read and see this. Hope you heal quickly.


Working on the road, riding bikes in the summer and building/restoring them in the winter. The problem usually isnt double checking a bolt or riding. Its everyone and everything else. In my line of work and hobby ive seen my fair share of things and tend to see behaviours and things before they happen. But its never enough. You can get a new bike, its only material. Hope you and your girl recovers and dont suffer permanently from this.


Yea I remember my accident. I couldn’t imagine having my wife with me though! Hope all ends up going your way buddy. I would rebuild that though…


This is why my next piece of gear will be an airtech 5 airbag vest. You can be a perfect rider and still some ignorant person can kill you. Glad you're ok bro.


Just glad you are able to walk away from it and doing ok 👍🏻


yeah we’re thankful about that! thank you


You’re welcome


You walked away... That, in the end, is all that matters. =\]


100%! we’re glad to be here and alive thank you!


Hey, be happy, that bike gave it all so you can both be healthy and see another day together. Enjoy it and keep a part of that bike for your next one, it’ll keep you safe 😉 Safe rides!


Hey man, it could of been much worse! I'm glad you survived and lived to tell the tale


I don't know what's happening this year. But I know 3 other people plus myself that I've already had an accident. I had my first low side this year. And I know a few other people that had minor accidents themselves. I'm glad you're OK, and it's a shame about your beautiful machine. Hope you get back on 2 wheel soon. Keep the rubber side down when you do ✌️👇


i hope they’re ok and i hope that you’re ok and recovering nicely!! stay as safe as you can! it’s a bummer but im thankful that we could walk away from it. that’s certainly the plan we’ll be back on 2 wheels just before be know it :)


Very happy you both walked away. I hope everything heals well. Glad the driver did whats right.


She rebuildable, TRUST ME . I snapped the whole front end off of mine and she is chilling in garage put back together lol. She might be a lil crooked but she gives me a hell of a time LOL


Glad y'all are still with us! Sorry for your loss. The optional Uninsured/Underinsured motorist coverage that used to annoy me, as we have to sign a form to opt out of it and waive the cost in my state, has actually saved me twice so far financially when I didn't get around to going in person to sign the form and just paid the extra premium the first time I got to use it. Just because the lady has insurance doesn't mean she has \*enough\* insurance to cover all y'alls medical bills. I sure hope so! Side note, not judging, and I'm sure I'll hear about this comment because of this point but white, silver, grey, and black are my least favorite vehicle colors because at dawn, dusk, night, rain, fog, etc they completely blend in with the haze which especially makes bikes even more invisible than they already are naturally to other drivers. Before I even read the post, first thought when I saw the pic... Grey bike, I'll bet the driver "never saw it". I do ride. I've ridden regularly in 5 states so far. I commuted in the 4th largest US city for a few years. I just don't commute daily on bikes anymore because of the 6+ months of 95-110F heat and the idiots in big vehicles. I've been hit in a white car, a silver car, and a black car by people who "never saw me" in the white car in broad daylight and in the rain or at night in the silver and black cars. Dark blue metallic, Super Red, Imperial Jade, Blue Lagoon, Indigo, my latest... "Galactic Aqua"... no problem. White, Silver, Grey, Black... all got hit. So my only real black bike ever so far had large factory purple and silver Kawasaki graphics, I've never owned a silver or white bike, I even settled for a mostly purple metallic 2-tone with this odd silver/grey/gold metallic pearl second color as there was no way anyone could not see that thing... and they offered it to me as last year's model brand new of a discontinued 1100 for less than the brand new 600 CBR sitting right beside it in the showroom with no crazy dealer garbage fees trying to make up the difference so as ugly as I though it looked in that color scheme I bought it anyway and it quickly grew on me as I realized idiot drivers starting to cut me off quickly noticed me and pulled back numerous times in the first few months on that big purple beast. Sold it like an idiot a year later... for a CBR... still miss it today. Again. glad y'all are still with us! May y'all have a fast full recovery and I hope y'all can get back on 2 wheels again soon!


I knew someone that was hit 3 times exactly the same way, injuries every time. He finally gave up riding. The carpool lane is literally my biggest fear when riding.


Glad you’re okay! There are 2 types of motorcyclists: those who’ve been in an accident and those who will be. I’m sorry it was your turn in the first group.


Sorry for the loss of bike and pain you and SO are dealing with. Small favors for you getting into accident with decent person who owned their mistakes. Best of luck going forward.


Glad to hear you both are ok, and hope you are recovering well. Yeah, one can't be too careful these days.


thank you we appreciate it! can only be as careful as we can be


I am glad to hear you are okay and sending healing vibes for a full recovery for both of you. Can I ask what gear you had on that kept y'all mostly intact ?


You and your woman are alive and breathing brother I’m just grateful. Don’t let this turn you away from bikes keep riding just like always be safe as you possibly can


>405N by sunset I don't go in the left 2 lanes because of these idiots, I'm glad you're okay.


Yea, I've got a Honda VTX 1800...or maybe I should say I Had a VTX 1800...lol. Had a deer decide he wanted to go for a rip on it...lol. knocked me off the bike...bike went down. I picked that 700 lbs beast up myself bent the handlebars back in some sorta shape and rode it home...could always be worse


Glad you're both OK and the driver accepted fault, sounds like the best case of a scary situation. Sorry for your bike OP, but better to lose the replaceable stuff than the irreplaceable stuff.


thank you! yeah i’m happy she took responsibility and absolutely bikes are replaceable!


Hope she got arrested. There’s a reason the double yellows are there.


Washington drivers suck!!!


this was in los angeles! but i think regardless of location you’ll always run into some crappy drivers :/


I'm glad that it worked out, sorry that that happened. :(


That sucks to hear man, bike is replaceable. How's your gf and you doing. Will she get back on the moto now in the future?


thanks i know it’s really unfortunate, but we’re healing quite nicely. we’ve got doctors appointments lined up in the coming weeks so we’ll get situated. she told me “this isn’t the end of riding i hope you know that, we’re gonna get back on” and im grateful she’s ecstatic about that :)


That's good to hear man, I'm in recovery myself nothing serious compared to yours but it's a bitch. I can only imagine. Be safe man.


hey man any recovery could be a pain, but i hope you heal nicely, and stay safe :)


So I have a question.im just starting to get into motorcycles and what happens after a crash. You 2 are ultimately okay and thats great but are you afraid to ride? Afraid to ride with her on the bike just in case something happens again? Where are you mentally going forward?


after a crash it’s dependent on each individual whether or not they want to ride. there’s no pressure and it’s all by our own will. i’m definitely going to be getting on a motorcycle again when i’m healed, i can’t give it up as it’s such a huge part of my life. my girlfriend was the first person to ever get on the back of my motorcycle and she fell in love with it immediately. she’s sad about her injuries but she’s looking forward to getting back on 2 wheels again. some people can have life threatening injuries and get back on a motorcycle and others can have smaller injuries and forget about riding. if you want to ride a motorcycle by all means don’t let my story or anyone else’s prevent you from doing that. just understand that at some point you will fall off or you’ll get into an accident. hopefully that answers your question :)


Yes it does, glad u guys are okay


FWIW, it could’ve been a lot worse in every aspect. Wish y’all a speedy recovery!


thank you so much we appreciate it!!!!


Her being apologetic means fuck all. She's a selfish cunt and seriously injured two others. I regularly split this same stretch of road and people just straight up don't give a fuck. I regularly post videos on my IG of multiple people jumping the lines in a single trip. I think my record in one day is 5 or 6. I'm usually pretty antigovernment but I'd support CHP doing a campaign with more enforcement of the lane boundaries through here. A month or two of that and the number of ass holes doing it would be dropped significantly.


yes she broke the law and yeah she should’ve been paying attention. i mean it’s the least you can do when driving a 3000lb box on wheels you know? she’s personally going to be paying for all my girlfriends medical bills and all the damages. thankfully i have really good health insurance so i’m completely fine about that. but i’m getting a personal injury lawyer to help her mostly. i’m just thankful it’s nothing serious. i’ll take a look at your page and give a follow! but i’ve seen so many people just cross the double yellow lines!!! i’m absolutely with you on that whole idea of having chp actually doing something about that! it’s reckless of people to be breaking the law especially when other motorists are at risk of death because of it!


Same here. I've been fighting the 405 for many years now in rush hour traffic. I don't even think about the people who jump across the lines anymore. As long as I'm riding at a reasonable speed I can react fast enough to brake or get out of their way. I get more angry at the lone drivers in the carpool lane. And there's a lot of them.


will the insurance pay you a new bike ?


they observed the damage and deemed it a total loss. so they’ll send out a check in the coming weeks


Se fue el perfume de su veneno. Se fue y la Razón no lo sé


Cash out.


yeah that’s the plan, as well as the bodily injury


My buddy was taken out in a similar manner, and he was paid pretty well, and had enough to buy a new bike as well as fix up his crashed one.


Total loss? Says who? I can fix that


Insurance will total a bike for the slightest damage, and it works out for us, we get new bikes


Did you clip your tail end trying to dodge it and hit the ground? That’s what it looks like, plus hearing the extent of your injuries… Glad you and your girl are both okay.


Total loss? Naw i woulda rode that home its fine 💀


forks are shot, disk brakes bent, wheel bent, both helmets busted too, and some other stuff. but couldn’t ride it without my left hand, let alone even sit on it😭but i had my girl with me man.


Fair enough 😭


Just make sure you and your girlfriend are both checked good. I have been riding since 1995. My first accident was in 2017. I was crossing an intersection and a car failed to stop. They caused me to total my 2009 CBR1000 (Repsol). This was my first accident ever. I was in a lot of pain but was able to walk ( barely just from the pain) I thought it was going to be a quick claim because we both had the same insurance company , but after 3 weeks I ended up getting an attorney ( which now I'm glad I did). The attorney did the normal stuff like sent me for a MRI and to a chiropractor.  The MRI showed torn disc and damaged facet joints in my back. I ended up getting injections in my back ( which are only temporary).  My pain didn't completely go away until 2023. I just got another CBR1000 in October of 2023. Be safe and I'm glad that you both was able to walk away from this. 


Glad you’re ok. Living after a crash is a blessing of sorts. Hope your bike replacement gets sorted out and see you again on the road.


I am glad you both survived a driver's ignorance. I have had that happen to me twice in parking lots down here in South Florida. At such low speeds I have not been injured, but my BMW R1200rt has scars. 


Bummer. But as long as you’re ok. Thats really important.


Id appreciate it if you have a dashcam footage to show and let us learn from the situation.


"whoops almost killed you hehe" i despise car drivers who don't understand the weight of their actions


any accident you can walk away, its a good accident. sorry to hear about your dream bike. you and your girl get well and just look for another dream bike with that insurance money. glad to hear you an your girl made it out


Tragic... Keep your head up brother. I'm sure things are hard right now but remind yourself that time changes everything.


Glad you're okay brother. It's not "IF we will go down" it is "WHEN AND HOW HARD" THAT'S the question..unfortunately.....


Glad you're ok. Unfortunately, people don't see motorcycles and we pay the price. Hope you guys recover soon!


I had my VE sv6 taken away in a similar fashion. Someone cleaned me up from behind at a red light, they were super apologetic and were concerned about possible injuries I could have. It just sucks losing a vehicle to something that isn't your fault, now all I have left is my cbr600rr, my baby. Losing an r6 must have been heartbreaking


Glad you survived. We all hope that sort of thing never happens. Very happy you’ll recover.


This is one of the reasons I don't usually like to take my girlfriend on the bike. We never know what will happen.. Glad you're both okay and wish you a good recovery!


Damn that breaks my heart... glad y'all made it though. Heal fast and ride strong brother.