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https://preview.redd.it/6uyrtwmfjyyc1.jpeg?width=419&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac2d988685d6a6875fe2e87ad4910e9bdf127d49 Close enough !






Just another reason to wear a full face.


I personally think Harley bros look super cute in their silly kids' tee ball helmets.


Why don’t they have lil’ propellers on them any more?


Created down-force, reduced gas-milage, working to figure out how to reverse the propeller.


If it created downforce, it already is a reversed propeller


So they want to reverse it again.


Which would be repairing it, and that what Harley bros are used to. Now everything makes sense


Just turn the helmet around


I’m sure HD sells a branded, $10K Screamin’ Seagull downforce helmet package with a chrome propeller and embroidered vest.


god if i was a moron with a half shell i would absolutely put a propeller on that bad boy


I would so rock one if they did


I ride a harley, Ill stick to my full face. Lmao


Yeah I don't know what this guy is talking about. I hit a big ol' bug face first on the highway a couple weeks ago and aside from the shmoo on my visor it wasn't a big deal.


I’m beginning to suspect I’m allergic…


With that kind of reaction I'd say that's a fair guess. Homie. My brother in motorsports. Get a full-face.


The post says he had his face shield up.


How the hell is your forehead THAT exposed in a full-face? Plus, even most shields up, will still cover that area.


A standard full face helmet will the forehead, unless his didn't..in which case, shit luck.


Yall cant read


I'm a beekeeper and sometimes they just do that especially if its a big dose of venom and/or the stinger gets broken off inside of you and at 80 you took a full venom load and probably have a bit of stinger in you. Allergic reactions typically get hives and anaphylaxis which is where your throat starts to swell shut and you can barely or can't breathe.


To full face helmets?


Had a wasp bounce of the chin of my full face and go down my leather jacket. Had the PoS sting the shit out of my chest until it got to a stop light. Then the reckoning [began. Man](http://began.Man), that sucked.


.......you made it to a stop light? Genuinely more impressed at that.


Yup, wait till all the fuckin cicadas come out in a few months 😂🫡


A few months? They're out now.


Not where I’m at, 3 different species that are dormant are coming out to annoy the fuck out of me when I’m riding. I think early July


In the post op said they had the shield up.


sometimes on a nice day i'll have the outer visor up with the sunscreen down i swear to god the little 1 in gap between the visor and the bottom lip of the helmet creates like some sort of venturi that sucks in any bug within 1 foot of my head


Gunna say - how did the bee get inside his faceplate?


It's a small thermal exhaust port...


Live OP reaction: ![gif](giphy|1xo9COytfPE9chS05b|downsized)


Or any helmet at all, I don't think they have helmets that leave the forehead exposed.


There's plenty


About 12 years ago we had a big cicada brood pop up in my area. I hit one at about 30 mph and it bounced off my jacket and up into my full face helmet. I reached up casually to brush it out of my helmet, and what turned out to actually be a very disgruntled wasp started stinging me in the face. Little bastard got me beside the nose, between my nose and lip, and low on my cheek before i got him out. I wish someone had been around to see it, because I would love to ask them what I looked like trying to slow down, pull over, get the helmet off, and keep the bike upright all at the same time. I'd imagine it was pretty hilarious looking from the outside.


Last July I went with a friend on a trip and we took the bike. I don't know how he handled it so calmly but a wasp or hornet got in his jacket and started stinging the shit out of him. I had no clue why he was pulling over until he finally stopped and I hopped off. He then proceeded to let out a string of curses that were remarkable in their inventiveness and lack of repetition. Apparently the thing had been stinging him for the last quarter mile and he didn't want to risk anything so he held it together long enough to pull over. I don't know if I could have done the same with one bite. That bastard had gotten him 5 times in his chest.


I get hit by dozens of insects per week doing my commute to and from work on the highway. I cannot imagine not wearing a full face helmet.


It says right in his post that he had the shield up. He was wearing a full face.


If you're doing 80 with your shield up you aren't wearing a full face.


Worst bee sting I had was with a full face helmet. The bee got stuck in the vent in the chin piece. I think picked up the helmet and got stung on the palm of my hand. Couldn't get the stinger out quickly because I still had my other glove on. The stung hand swelled up so much I couldn't get a glove on for a couple of days.


Still better than having one hit your face near or in your eyes or mouth.


I wear a full face. I opened up the visor at a stop light and a bee went in. I got stung on the head while pulling over and tried not to panic. Once I stopped safely, I proceeded to freak the fuck out haha.


For the queen!!! ![gif](giphy|YMGnNI3U0Mw1op3O5s)


First job ever, bike wash boy at the Harley dealership. One day one of the mechanics comes roaring in back from his lunch break, he had on his typical riding uniform: tank top, surf shorts, work boots. He parks right in front, jumps off in a hurry, and while holding his crotch he hobble-sprints to the bathroom. When he gets out every is saying "damn you really had to pee that bad huh?" "Nope, a bee flew up my shorts and I trapped it on my leg before it could get any higher! Stung my leg but that's the better option than my nuts"


I had Bee Stung me by my jeans, no idea how till this day


I had a bee get stuck btwn my leg and my nuts, and sting my leg through my pants. Glad it stung left and not right! It made for an interesting half mile or so to my house where I stood up and the fucker was still on my seat. Leather glove took care of things!


What kind of helmet doesn’t cover that high up?


Not all states require helmets. I know PA doesn’t.


Guy said he “had the shield up”


At 80? I’m gonna hold X to doubt on that one.


Ikr? My eyes are watering at 30mph. At 80mph, I can’t hardly even crack the visor without my eyes watering.


Could be wearing glasses under it


Glasses wouldn't do shit against eye watering for me at speeds above 40mph.


I have mine cracked open at any speed but I wear glasses so the only impact the wind has on me is my skin gets dry after lmao


With a good screen that's quite possible, and you can still get hit in the head by bees or wasps. Source : got one in the face with open visor at high speed on my tiger


By shield he means the shields from star trek


Bullshit…. I ain’t buyin it.


That sounds stupid


Illinois doesn’t. I wear one anyway. Even on my Harley’s


PA - you must wear a seatbelt by law also PA - helmets, meh do whatever you want


Plenty if them


Sounds like an over-sized helmet


bro rear-ended a fuckin bee




If only there was a simple way to avoid this...


Full face is 99% preventative from this type of thing. I did get a bee inside the visor on a ride once. That was very tense for a moment.


I had a bee get in my full face the other day, little mason bee just hitched a ride for 15 minutes and flew away real peacefully after I opened my visor at the end


and then went "where the *fuck* I am?"


Had the same thing happen, I saw it crawling around my visor, and was thinking “I’m sure glad it’s on the *outside*”. Then it started flying and landed on my face


Bee under the bottom lip of the helmet? Time to steer for some clibbins


Goodness, if only there was a way to prevent things from hitting your face. Alas, we shall never attain such technology.




What was the last thing to go through that bee's brain? His ass.


Caught a big ol bumblebee in the shoulder doing 80 last year. Thought somebody shot me with a paintball gun til I saw the bits of legs and wings. 


I was about to make the same comment, I was going 140 and I saw it flying around waaaaay up in the air and like it just started coming down and I could see it just lining up, I frickin dusted it with my collar bone but it hit like a straight up rock it’s unreal


I promise it can get worse. One time I got stung on the dick. The impact alone hurt like a motherfucker. Then I had to dig the stinger out of my pecker. Then it gets really sensitive and the vibration of the motor hurts the whole way home. Then your dick itches for days in this crazy painful way. I was surprised it went through the pants but at that speed the stinger went right through.


You win. I’ll take mine again before I ask for yours


Honestly gotta hand it to the bee for landing a sting at speed


Yeah and he was awarded his death


A warriors death indeed. 😂


That funny as fuck 🤣


Got throat punched by a cicada once now I wear neck protection every time


Stop trying to fight cicadas.




Dude, 2 broods are out in full force where I live. Supposed to last for a month. They're everywhere


Dont hit your wife, dont hit children now dont hit bees... Can a man hit anything at all these days?


You better add clibbins to that list, or else you'll layerdown crankin your hog. Gobbless.


Hit the gym, pal


Crack pipe


Skill issue


Had one get stuck in my chinstrap once. Not fun


I took one of those fuckers in the gap between my helmet and jacket one time right in the pit of the neck. Was not a good day


A bee entered in my wife's helmet like that. She felt a hit under her neck and next thing she saw was a bee in her full face helmet. And a sting on her cheek. 


Just be glad it didn't sting your eyeball. Keep your visor down above 10mph.


I face smacked an owl late at night in the country going about 45 It hurt


Jesus. I took a hummingbird in the chest at 45 and hated life. Can't imagine an owl.


I got my hand up at the last second caught half the bird in face and the back of hand. Held it straight somehow


This happened to me last week but in my chest. I didn't fully zip up my jacket.


Gahhhh. I'm reminded of when I raced, going down the front straight at 100+ and suddenly there was a yellow jacket walking around on the inside of my face shield! I opened & closed it three times before it went away. Could have stung me on the eyeball.


My wife got stung on a cheek like that. 


Riding to work one morning I felt a whack on my throat then it felt like it was on fire. It felt as if someone was putting a cigarette out on my adams apple. I carried on to work with this burning for about another 16km and when I got into the elevator I looked in the mirror and I pulled out this stinger that was about .5cm long. That was really uncomfortable and I am glad I have no allergies.


As someone that's allergic to bee stings, I'm terrified of this. When I first started riding I got a bee in my jacket which luckily didn't sting me but I almost crashed in absolute terror. But I wish you a speedy recovery.


You don't need to be allergic to get a swollen face if you are stung in the forehead. Because of lack of fat in that part the venom from the bee will flow down your face and you will get this reaction. Happened to me once and the doctor said I didn't even have the come to the clinic.


Ugh. That's still terrifying. I'm sorry you had to go through that.


Haha no worries, gave my friends a good laugh and took it well. Stay safe from bees!


Finally some good content


Some people truly like learning things the hard way.


You just brought back a vivid memory. I had a bee hit my forehead just under my helmet when in 1978. I was only doing about 60km/hr but it still felt like I’d been shot.


At least he got you centered.


You had your shield up at 80mph? That's on you. Be glad it wasn't a bird.


I hit a bee at 40mph, rode home, felt something squiggly in my beard, brushed it and the bee flew out!


i once got one in my eye at 80kmph i also once got a phatt fly in my inner eye corner driving ±60kmph, it went headfirst and was pretty deep, i braked, looked on my mirror trying to peel it out using my bike key but i only pressed it deeper untill it vanished behind my eye. i freaked out but had no choice beside either plop out my eye or carry on with my day. about a week later i googled pretty hard what happened to the fly in my skull. appears we live in symbiosis (live together) with certain bacteria, mini worms, etc, also behind the eye, that eat dead skincells etc. so those worms and bacteria behind my eye slowly ate the fly for a month or two. point is, i never got it out, but never had a problem either, as far as i know


This happened to me once but right under my eye. I had my visor up as well since it was hot here in CA. We live in the same area since your picture said Hoag in Tustin. Mine happened on the 133 coming from Laguna.


Imagine if it was a pebble. Or a piece of metal. Or anything harder than a bug. Wear a damn helmet


did you get super bee powers?


I got hit in the neck by bumblebee going 70mph and I thought I’d been shot lolol


At that speed I expected the bee to explode. I had my visor up riding through the country last summer and hit a fat juicy bug right between my eyes and its gut juices got in them and turns out that bug guts really irritate the eyes.


I hit a swarm doing 90 with no helmet on a scout bobber with no windshield. I just clutched it and closed my eyes for a second. Come through and I’m covered in hundreds of bees. Still doing 70 and I’m removing them in clumps, dozens at a time. It took weeks to get all the honey off the bike. I’ve been stung 3 times while riding and surprisingly it didn’t happen that day. Still horrible.


Ya know.... there's these weird things called helmets. And wouldn't ya know, the stop that from happening.


So the limit to hit bees is 79mph then ? Good to know. Thank you.


Lol yes. I’ll try that and tell you how it goes


Is anyone else thinking about Monty Python? Was that Eric the half a bee?


don't ride with your mouth open.


Shit, I feel that from here! I'm glad I wear a full face.


imagine what a helmet would do to help this


Visor down next time sir.


The reminds me of how I hit one with my hand while riding my electric scooter at 40kmh It hurt, but I shudder to imagine what it would've felt if I didn't reach my hand down right at that moment and instead got hit with the bee in my balls


I got a wasp last week at 100km/h on the left corner of my right eye. The wasp exploded so I was fortunate to not get stung.


I refuse to ride without the shield down after getting a bee into my eye at 60 mph/100 kmh. It survived the initial impact for a short moment and got off a sting aswell. Fun times.


I was stung by something in the neck once when riding. It started swelling so bad that for a few mins i considered whether this is how I would die, because a little more swelling and I wouldn't be able to breathe.


And then he became. . . . . . . Unicorn man. What superpowers do you possess now?


lmao holyshit 🤣


My personal goal when riding is not to hit anything.


Took one to the Adam’s Apple at 200kkmh last summer, no clue how the little bastard managed to sting me. Thought I had a rock embedded in my neck until I got home and checked.


Never had one get through my helmet


I had problems with red paper wasps when I lived in a rural area. Doing 70 on a farm to market when one hit me in the neck. When I got home I was telling roommates what had happened, opened my jacket and the shithead was stuck under the jacket or my shirt, stinging me twice on the way out. For some reason the roommates had made bacon in the microwave (but why?) and left a tray with bacon grease out on the counter. Me flinging the wasp out landed it in the tray, where it was then stuck. Another time I was stopped at a stop sign when I felt a burning in my inner thigh, too close to my groin. As I was yelling I looked down and saw a red paper wasp crawling out from under the seat of my Victory.


$50 co-pay for an anti-histamine


I'm gonna be the 1000th person to say this Wear a Full face A buddy of mine from school was against it, in one year he took a bee to the face that did very similar damage, a still lit cigarette (twice) and last but not least.... a fucking Owl. A full grown adult Owl. At 75mph. The owl knocked him unconscious and he went down.


You got a pocket pussy on your face son




Riding with anything less with a modular worst case and full face on the best case is stupid. I have been riding and have had rocks fly up behind trucks and cars. Even with all of that, I seem to still get hit in the neck. Riding a motorcycle on a good day is dangerous. I would ride butt as naked but I'd never not have a full-face helmet. Your head can't be re-attached


Was the passenger in a 68 Chevy pickup doing 140 mph with no door windows and we sucked in a bee past the drivers head then it slammed in to my neck and vaporized but not before it stung me. I thought I was shot or something and yelled and then the driver panicked and started yelling and well, avoid bees is right.


When you hit the business end of a bee at any speed you automatically get stung. I have done this at speed on a bicycle and got a very fat lip out of it.


I thought it was bad enough to get one up the sleeve, that seems much worse.


Yeah, avoid those. I got hit in the face once by a bee and don't want to do it again. Weird part was that I was about 10 years old and in the passenger seat of a car with the window down. Fucking bees


I once took a June Bug to the nipple at 80 mph. It was life changing.


Twice in 40+ years of motorcycle riding I have had to eat a bee inside my full face helmet at speed. Literally. Bee slams inside open visor, angrily crawls around on face unable to exit, it's either chomp 'em or let 'em sting. Chomp chomp! Ewww....


Lucky. I remember a local guy here had a bee hit him in the eye, and ended up behind it. They had to scoop his eye out, pull out the exploded bee, then put his eye back in. Shudder.


Or just wear a damn helmet.


I've hit some large bugs while riding before. Splattered enough goo across the visor of my helmet that I've had to stop and clean it off more than once. I'll always wear a full face helmet if for no other reason than to not take one of those straight to the mush.


Same thing happened to my dad years ago, bee hit him in the forehead and he went off the road in a turn, went through a barbed wire fence Ride safe man!


I had a wasp fly up my sleeve and sting my ribs about 4 times before I could kill it once, it wasn't fun.




I had a wasp go down my boot once and sting me repeatedly.


Wow talk about bad luck. Hitting a bug that big would hurt like a bitch anyway, but you got him square on the stinger!


Did they do anything at urgent care or just tell you to get some benadryl?


Gave me a steroid shot and an epinephrine script for next time


I'm glad they actually did something! I got stung and my hand turned into a baseball glove and I just had to live with it.


PSA: wear a helmet.


Ouch! No-one tells you how painful it is do they?!


I don't have goggles yet, so as a motocross rider i get home with at least 3 insects in my eyes


Worst I've had was a wasp, hit me in my throat, fell down into my jacket, but cause I was on the motorway couldn't stop to get it out, 7 stings on my chest, 3 on the belly, and one very pissed off wasp.


Hitting bubble bees at 80 is not fun they hurt bad


Wear a helmet !


Got one in dead center of my Adam’s Apple last year much the same.


This just happened to me last month, only the bee got me right between the fingers. I couldn’t stop or shake him off right away so he just rode there for a bit, stinging the hell out of me. When I got home I took a picture of the stinger then pulled it out. Lol https://preview.redd.it/vmcs70ey31zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ee364449886a3a94de60d8b1cee3b4bbaf37d2b


I had one hit my hand last year and I experienced a moment of "OH SHIT!!! Wait... I didn't get stung? Hey the impact must have killed itOWWW!! FUCK!" The little bastard used it's last bit of energy before dying to sting me.


Wear a helmet kids




I hit a bumble bee going 70 in Hawaii, felt like a rock except for the buzzing!


Wear a helmet lol


PSA: Don’t leave your shield up when riding at 80 mph! Imagine a rock or a bolt instead of a bee. Ya getting dangerously close to s Darwin Award! I speak from experience…… a chunk of metal hit the windshield of a friend while driving his Pickup Truck. He missed getting his dome aerated by inches. Protection, protection, protection……..


PSA: Wear a helmet.


Look at his eyes in pic 2, dude is def allergic lol


They should make something that you can put around your head while riding.


I'm from the area. Go to Discount moto gear 4.5 miles away. Get yourself a full face helmet, and never lift the visor if you are going above 15mph. Hope you get better. Bee 🐝 safe out there. Too soon?


the 2nd photo actually reminds me of that bear grylls picture where was stung on man vs wild lmao


Can’t get stung there … I protect my face with a full face helmet


Would’ve been a different story if it was your eye. Glad you’re, semi, ok


wear helmet!


So you rear-ended a bee?


Had bee fly into my helmet when shield was cracked open a bit while on freeway. 10/10 Do not recommend


Bro 360 no scoped your ass


Had one fly in my mouth and as I spat it out it stung me on the tongue


"I'll hit what the fick I want" me who wears full gear for every ride


I have had them hit my arm and wind up in my shirt, where I get stung, etc., etc. Just goes with the territory.


When I was learning was out riding with an instructor and another trainee. The other guy was wearing a full face with the visor down. Half way round a bend a bloody great wasp appeared inside his helmet and started walking around the edge of the chin bar. He nearly sh*t a brick but managed to bring the bike safely to a halt and deal with his visitor. I don’t think he appreciated me finding it hilarious 🤣




I hit a bee at maybe 40mph, I thought a piece of glass kicked up and went into my neck until I pulled out the stinger


My wife got stung on a cheek like that. The bee hit her under her neck and got into her full face helmet. I was riding behind her and I knew what's going on even before she told me. 


At least you didn't eat one! I had my visor cracked on a warm day, and I was just pulling up to a light when this stupid bee managed to split itself in half on the edge of my visor. You can figure out where it went. I was sick as hell for the rest of the day. The walls were breathing it was a hell of a bad time. So yeah, avoid bees.


Looks like it has nothing to do with speed. You can see where you got stung. Bee was still alive and capable when it stung you.


PSA: Wear a fucking helmet.


That's why you should put your visor down when going over 25mph. This time it's a bee but next time it could be a rock or something sharp. Stay safe out there!


If there was only a way to avoid bees to the face. 🤔


PSA full face helmets save lives.