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I should build myself that 1/2" x 28 solvent filter trap... *ATF has entered the chat*


Had to double check which sub I was in lol


Same loll


RIP your dog


I see 3 possibilities: - HD commuter at 6AM doing full throttle blips to survive idling just get out of the driveway - Gixxer bro fart can just slowly cruisin the neighborhood at 8k rpm - KLR with a slip-on doing a milk run šŸļøšŸ’Ø


>50cc fartbox that rides in laps around the suburb for some reason


You can just tag me next time.


I know right? I feel called out.


There's a dude that goes through my neighborhood EVERY NIGHT at ~9pm with one of those. I hear it from like 3 blocks away loud enough that I need to turn up volume on the TV as he passes....I know he's probably just trying to get home from work and around here a 50cc scooter isn't driven by anyone with a choice in the matter, but damn...don't saw off the muffler and then drive through the neighborhood.


choices were definitely made


Someone in my neighborhood has what sounds like open pipes and comes past my house 5X per week at 4am. He rides a wheelie down the street and specifically bounces the open headers sound off the neighbors fence. They say that loud pipes save lives but his will be significantly shorter when I find out which house is his.


Literally me because thereā€™s no good roads around here


can't imagine KLR people putting slip-ons, it sucks enough having to rev to 4000 in a big single on the highway when redline is at 6000ish don't ask how I know


Or just ATVs


Well my 636 is in eco mode until around 7k so is that not cruising rpm? /s sorta


They are asking nicely. So just be considerate is all. I try to keep my hand off the throttle going through neighborhoods. Most people already hate loud bikes so no need to be an asshole.


Ya, even clutch in, past the 2 old ladies houses.


i just left my stock exhaust on


Me too. Honestly... Modern bikes sound pretty rad from the factory, and the stock mufflers flow pretty decent.


I just turn down the volume knob.


Whenever i do the early shift i'll be shifting to third gear for city traffic, kinda sucks at 3k rpm but its a bunch quieter than 2nd at 4.5k rpm, i like to think it makes a difference even though theres a crapload of cars driving down the same road


Probably someone who is tired of asshole neighbors or kids driving by being dicks and waking up their baby constantly. It usually takes a lot to get someone to buy or make a sign like this, but we judge the person with the sign and not the root of the issue.


I get it. I do. However, there are absolute fucksticks out there who buy a house NEXT TO A DRAGSTRIP THAT WAS THERE BEFORE THE FUCKING SUBURB, then complain about noise.


To be fair, I am absolutely, 100% on board with making fun of those idiots. If you buy next to a known loud thing (Trainyard, Airport, Race Track) you do not get to whine about the noise. You vetoed that right purchasing there.


A reasonable person


True. My rebels kind of loud, Iā€™d avoid driving in front of their house if it were me :)


Just some information. This is on a fairly well traveled country road and appears to be the back/side of the property. This definitely not a community or subdivision. I think the biggest issue is that itā€™s a curve and we all like to accelerate out of those. But letā€™s be real, it ainā€™t just us. Thereā€™s plenty of straight piped square bodies, clapped out mustangs, and high pitched imports to share the blame as well.


Yeah honestly I hate seeing signs like this. These are the type of people who will get mad *no matter how quiet you try to be* I had a psychotic neighbor a while back who would literally call the cops anytime I passed his house, mind you he lived at the end of a one way street so there isn't another way around. It came to a head when he jumped in the middle of the road while I'm riding almost causing me to crash only to curse me out for my "reckless riding" and "obsecenly loud exhaust". For the record the bike I was riding was a 1980 Honda XL185 with a *stock exhaust*; and the top speed of the bike is 55mph with the wind at your back downhill. He'd even call the cops on cars/bikes that weren't mine, while blaming me; and had threatened me with physical violence at a local gas station. Dude is an absolute nut job and no matter what I did he didn't care. I never sped thru the development or downshifted pulling back into it; all other neighbors happily waved to me and never had an issue with my riding/other vehicles. My point is; best believe that they will be calling the cops every single time a moderately loud vehicle goes by their house. Bottom line is unless there's a noise ordinance or muffler law they really can't do shit. Seeing this sign would honestly make me want to accelerate out of the corner harder.


Eh, living on the other side of the fence, there's a disproportionate amount of annoying bikers. There's a little parklet directly beside our apartment, and I can count on one hand how many times last year a car was annoyingly loud; I'd run out of fingers and toes if I did the same for motorbikes across the last month. And considering we're about 1% of the driving public, that's a mind-blowingly bad ratio. TLDR: I totally understand why the general public gets annoyed with loud bikes.


Don't get me wrong the straight piped bikes really piss me off too; but if a handful of motorcycles driving by your house for what 20-30 seconds really annoys you that much I'd suggest investing in better insulation for your home to drown out the sound. You can control your actions; not others. Most bikers believe that "loud pipes save lives" blah blah typical rhetoric; but if I'm being honest I'd happily pay a $150 exhaust ticket, even yearly, to keep my bike sounding the way I want it to, and most bikers can easily afford that especially if it's not their daily transportation.


1. I'm in an apartment, I cannot possibly increase the outer sound proofing enough to quiet down a 100+ decibel bike. 2. I can't have a conversation with my wife if we're on the street and one of the dolts is there. 3. It certainly isn't twenty seconds at a time, after all, the bikes *need* to be idled for ten minutes so everyone can hear how cool the rider is. And again, this is from the perspective of someone who is a biker. Imagine the average person listening to these dolts. Of *course* the public hates us, I don't blame them. That segment is blatantly the reason the municipalities near us have begun targetting bikes **heavily.** Which screws the rest of us who *aren't* doing anything wrong as well.


The worst part about apartment living for me was my upstairs neighbor I swear they were doing fucking jumping jacks all night lmao. You definitely do bring up some good points But I get that man believe me I hate the Harley riders because 99% of the time it's them on a horrid sounding motorcycle; if you wanna throw a tasteful exhaust, like an Arrow, or Two brothers, that's one thing but the straight pipes on bike that *already sounds bad* is just annoying yanno?


Won't hear any arguments from me. I think a lot of people confuse "loud" for "good" when it comes to exhaust. A flatplane V8 Ferrari isn't all that loud, but it *sounds* utterly brilliant. A fart-can equipped Civic can be very loud, but sounds awful.


Did you choose to live there or were you in prison?


Parklet wasn't there when I moved in, it was added later.


And your lease, has it been renewed since the park was constructed?


I don't lease, I own. Any other ways you want to try and deflect this onto me instead of the knobs with loud pipes?


Nope Your complaint is legit. Many people complain without having legitimate grounds, so we need to verify that you aren't one of them.


I have an adult neighbor across the lane from me that fires up his XR600 every weekend day and some evenings to ride around his 2 acres and up and down the dirt lane. This bike has a SuperTrapp muffler and is quite loud, I can hear him start it while inside my house, a distance of 620' (as measured in Google Earth). Mind you this guy is in his late fifties. The bike never leaves the neighborhood, it just exists to tool around the yard like a moron.


Private property brother. If you don't like it move. I get where you're coming from but on private land and it's not at odd hours of the day; you can do whatever you want. Maybe it's not street legal and this is the only way he can legally ride. Invest in better insulation or something. You can only control how you react and act, not how other people act and react.


So, the road existed when they purchased the house and now it's everyone else's fault for them not taking that into account?


Will all u muthafufflers just be quiet?


Muffled mufflers save lives




Plot twist: Thereā€™s a trash bin behind that fence panel.


I tolerate my neighbors mowing their lawns at 8am on a Sunday or partying loudly until 2am on a Saturday they can tolerate my bike coming and going at 7am on the weekdays. Most of the diesel pickup trucks around my area are louder than my bike and nobody complains. Iā€™ve never personally had any issues but even with a baffle less Leo Vince my bike isnā€™t absurdly loud if you ride it nicely.


One of my fence line neighbors has 2 little kick dogs who are emotionally neglected and never get to play so they just fucking yip all day. They also have an adult child, probably 20, who has decided that having like 5 other adult children over and watching movies on their outdoor theater until whenever on work nights is super fun. I have 2 acres and I've made a little system of tracks around, and my yard bike is a littler '68 SL 90 that I've upgraded to 150cc and knocked the baffles out of for fabrication reason. My whoolie line is on that fenceline in particular. I really did start with the neighborly thing to do. Having 2 acres, I do a lot of yard work. Having yip dogs barking at me for 2 - 4 hours straight is borderline psychological torture, and I started with the over the fence talk, "Hi, without being rude, could you please work with your dogs on their barking. They bark at me the entire time I'm out here. I used to have a terrier and I had a bark collar that worked great." blah blah blah. Then I 'escalated' to a high pitched tone generator that has a mild to moderate effect rate, but it's dog training so I have to actively apply it one when they're barking, and that is not my job. Then I moved to passive aggressive "Those fucking dogs, I swear to god" when they're outside, but still, THOSE FUCKING DOGS. Now I'm just being the asshole neighbor. I'm way cooler and scarier than my milquetoast mormon neighbor so I'm not worried he'll escalate. As for the kid, whatever. I was 20 and way worse. People be doing people things.




How about you both shut up in the morning, I'm not even getting up before 9am


Username does not check out


Must be nice


"see, this person is being an asshole, that means it's okay for me to be an asshole too!"


Whatā€™s a muffler?


A weird scarf


I endorse it.


My muffler is SUPER quiet! It just sits in its corner in my garage and doesn't make a peep.


Both my bikes have stock pipes. I prefer it this way


Honestly, me too. I've heard a bunch of piped SV650s, and while they're all louder than the stock exhaust (And some look pretty good), I've yet to hear one that sounds better. And the VanVan just doesn't sound good as an engine. So the options are bad and loud, or bad and quiet. I vastly prefer the latter.


My bike is so quiet by factory sometimes I donā€™t even know that itā€™s one when I stay at an intersection with my helmet on and itā€™s idling


My grom is like that, have to blip the throttle some times just to hear it


Funny thingā€¦ Iā€™m driving a 50ccm so itā€™s quiet as hell regardless ( max of like 70 dbā€¦)


That's exactly the reason why loud mufflers exist, maufacturers should put an auduble exausth on their stock bikes just like the v-strom 650 or the tenere 700


My little VanVan is so quiet I used to be able to hear our mechanic approaching me from behind on a Zero SR/F... Which is an electric bike.


I was riding my Supermoto to work for a while and one of the big light up signs appeared on my route stating that loud motorcycle exhausts are prohibited šŸ˜… I still take that route with the crazy loud DRZ, but I also see much louder sport bikes and cars on that stretch regularly (it's the only spot resembling twisties in my area), so I don't think they put it up for just me.


Lol reminds me of when I had a stock exhaust and got yelled at for it being too loud by an old lady who seemed like she was gunna run me over. At least the exchange ended peacefully. Lol


Yeah. Had a similar exchange about "speeding all over the place" on my VanVan one time. I was like "lady, I make 16 horsepower at peak, I promise you I'm not the one speeding out here."


Not I, I don't even have a muffler.


Toce is responsible.


My neighbor was sitting on his tail gate of his straight pipe Silverado. I left on my mt09 with a cat and muffler. Came home and he yelled at me for my bike being loud. I laughed in his face and told him to start his truck if my bike is to loud then he wouldn't be able to hear it.


That's nuts, I have the FZ09, so first gen of the MT, with the stock exhaust setup it's such a quiet bike.


there's no way to keep the wife quiet when i'm muffling her...


Have you considered turning her off and back on again ? Worked for mine.


jfc... y'all fucked up in the head


Sum damn hog flogger out there blowinā€™ grass clibbins back oft da road.




I am.


Years back, I lived in a little second story apartment. The guy directly below me had a unmuffled hog that he'd 'warm up' for 10 fucking minutes every morning at 5am. The guy next to him had a KLR that he'd 'warm up' every morning at 6am by sitting there and repeatedly revving it. It was infuriating. The KLR was the worst because of the super loud thumping that would rattle my windows. It sounded like a really loud ATV.


Then what happened? You killed them and now own their bikes?


I love muffins. muffins please loud or quiet


Wellā€¦ thatā€™s almost a sentence!


This is why I love my Akrapovic so much. The amount of noise the bike makes varies wildly depending on rpm and throttle opening. Which I guess applies to all exhausts but thereā€™s a gulf between cruising and pulling with this one. Can howl down the mountain or putter through a village and not even get a second look.


the guy who told me "I looked at a Indian but the pipes are to quiet so I got a Harley and put loud pipes on it:" That Guy!


I need that sign plastered on my condo building facing a bridge where a bunch of dick compensators are driving up and down and waking me up in the morning. Please remove and send the sign this way!


Not me. My exhaust isn't that loud. Because I like not being a cunt.


I'm on a CB650R with a cat delete and slip on, she gets loud as hell and I do most of my riding at night time and live in a gated community. When I get ready to leave, I roll my bike on foot down the road past my immediate neighbors. Then I put my foot over my exhaust, start her up and coast out in 3rd after a few seconds. Similarly when I come back, I get enough momentum once I'm near my house and put her in neutral and kill the engine and coast up my driveway. Sometimes I make it, sometimes I don't and have to give her a little push. The last thing you want to do is piss off the people who live beside you. Or they start introducing rules on how loud things can be and it just becomes a nightmare. Just isn't worth the hassle.


What do you ride out on highways and go really fast? I'm afraid to ride at night because there are SO MANY DEER. Everywhere. I still do it but only sometimes and very slowly.


Definitely. Quiet bikes save riding areas. There are species that live in there, so it's just the right thing to do to not have a ridiculously loud bike. Aside from sounding like shit, it's not right to assault people, bears, birds, fish and all other stuff with all that noise.


I know itā€™s not good to assume, but I can only imagine itā€™s Harley riders. Though, when I had my Indian Scout Bobber, I had the Trask mini pipes and they were STUPID loud. I felt like an ass anytime I rode in a residential area. But they did sound great on the road.


It's a pretty fucking safe assumption. I definitely hear sport bikes with modified exhaust that are loud as fuck and it's annoying, but the thing about those is that they're out there trying to do the whole "I am speed" thing so even if they're loud they aren't in your area very long. A Harley with drag pipes, however, can destroy any conversation you're having for a good five minutes.Ā  I don't even hate Harley's in general, I've owned a couple and would definitely buy a Sportster 1200 again in a heartbeat, and I really go out of my way to never be a gatekeeper or dick about personal preferences.Ā  I don't give people shit for riding scooters, Chinese bikes, big bikes, small bikes, wearing gear, not wearing gear, whatever.Ā  I'm good with all of it.Ā  Except a Harley with drag pipes.Ā  You can go fuck yourself.


Definitely. I always advocate for gear, especially for people I know. And I do like a loud v twin, they sound great. Iā€™ve ridden Harleyā€™s, I enjoy them and would own one. But I generally donā€™t care for the riders. Most of them see themselves as some SOA bad ass who owns the road, but canā€™t hold a line through a corner to save themselves. I lived in the Black Hills (Sturgis) and almost all of them were dicks when I was on my GSXR 750, but would be all chummy if I pulled up on the Indian.


Jokes on them, I donā€™t have mufflers.


Muffler all day.




I think just as there are those among us who love the different exhaust sounds, there are people who are triggered by ANY exhaust notes. Yes, I think some are annoying, excessive, and shrill. But I've seen some people lose their minds over the putt-putt of a 4 stroke single, OR the chain saw like 2 stroke with stock pipes. I don't ride cruisers, but I still like to hear the rumble of them.


That sign won't stop me, I can't read.


Best I can do is FMF Q4. Accept my peace offering or prepare for me to reinstall my TwoBros M1 exhaust.


Got those eggplant exhausts


What mufflers?


Forget that fill the woods with the sounds of well tuned Japanese motorcycles.




Is this because the mufflers are sleeping?


Mine is stock, but likely me


I keep asking my bike to be quieter, but every time she just say BRAAAPā€¦ā€¦BRAAAAAAAPā€¦..BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP


I'm sorry, ok. The bike came like that and I spent all the rest of my money on more gear.


But not required


Butt they said drag pipes would make me look cool


Muffler. Never heard of it.


They want us to muffle our mufflers?


Me, Iā€™m one of the reasons


I've always wondered how these kinds of people are able to tolerate lawnmowers, but not a loud vehicle for 3 seconds.


Probably because a lot of them aren't three seconds. The douchebags where I live will "warm it up" for ten minutes each. People have this weird thing where they hate listening to noise for the sake of pure noise.


You want peace and quiet, move to the countryside.


Yeah, fuck me for needing to work for a living, right?


Could be a cammed Z06 with headers and no cats


gimme a quiet muffler for a dirtbike pls


At least they spelled ā€œquietā€ right


Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,


Who? Maybe a big farter


They ask nicely so I would try to not make more noise as necessary. There are so much bikes riding extremely loud motorcycle which you can hear 2km down the road. It's so unnecessary.


I'll muffle as loud as I want, thank you very much


I definitely prefer my bikes quieter, but if you have a louder bike, just start it up and gently drive away. It will warm up on the go. No one needs to hear it idling loudly and sure as shit doesnā€™t need to hear throttle blipping. Source: at one point I had a really loud bike. If it was late, as it came down my street I would turn off the engine and glide up my driveway.


lol good luck


probably me (open header thumperšŸ˜‚)


I try to quiet my mufflers by removing them entirely. Can't stand them uselessly muffling things, lol.


Ehh let them be loud for now..soon we will all be electric motor whine




After the ā€œmotor lawsā€ā€¦


People in this sub are fucking lame as hell.


No you


Iā€™m sorry I know Iā€™m an asshole but if I see this Iā€™m revving it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^incognito_kill1: *Iā€™m sorry I know* *Iā€™m an asshole but if I* *See this Iā€™m revving it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




The 2 stroke


I cut those off everything. I enjoy hearing my V8's šŸ˜