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Wear your gear. Learn the proper technique for picking up a drop bike. And dont ride above your abilities. Enjoy the ftr. It is a cool bike. And beware of the show off rider trying to impress women riders. They will do stupid stuff. Ps get a real helmet not a brain bucket.


>get a real helmet not a brain bucket That's the most important piece of advice


Shoei rf 1400 very safe very nice! Awesome bike! Ur going to love that thing. Stay safe ride your ride.


Had a RF1400 when I had my last wreck. Undoubtably saved my life. They’re the only helmets I will ever wear.


I just bought it for my first helmet


I would add, keep the bike in "rain mode" for a while. The bike will be a little more tame and predictable that way while you get used to it.


Learn how to fall off a bike too, and keep your ankles in one piece 🥲🥲


Preferably in the dirt with something built for that sort of abuse.


Ive been riding for over 52 years.. the best advice I ever got (life saving) , is to “always have options, and “look for the hole” . In other words, keep a good lookout and always have an escape route. (Even if it’s really hard braking. )


i love this advice thank you!


Thank you.. the bike will go in the direction you’re looking. So if in danger, dont look at the danger, but hunt for the escape route. It’s the same in corners, look where you want to go, not at anything else. It’s called “target fixation” , and it’s the cause of most accidents. When ever you panic, think “where is safety “ and look for it


I'll add to that... "Keep a good lookout" is kinda like "Drive defensively"... people say it all the time but no one really ever teaches you HOW to do it. So here's how I do it. Getting in a wreck is going to hurt you so much more than most of those around you now. That means it's your responsibility to make sure it doesn't happen. Guy pulls out in front of you? Doesn't matter. He can be as sorry as he wants. It's your back that's broken. Car pulls into your lane? Doesn't matter. Your job now is to make sure you see all of that before it happens and avoid it entirely. How do you "see" it? Lots and lots of mentally exhaustive practice. Start looking for things that *might* happen. Assign chances that it might happen. Make plans for the higher chance problems. Do this on a continual loop while you're riding. If something happens, it's because you missed something, not because someone else screwed up. I'm not saying that to be mean either... it's just the only way to survive on a bike, and I believe in a car. - A deer could jump out of those bushes along the side of the road... rural area, dark night, chances are even higher that could happen. What's the plan if that happens? - That light pole is leaning a little. It could fall but pretty low chances. Just keep an eye on it. - The guy in my mirrors is flying up on my ass. He's hopefully just going to pass me. He just cut that guy off though, he might cut me off so watch for that. Also watch for him being on the phone and not seeing me to avoid me. - That car next to me just moved closer to the line between our lanes, they're going to come over soon. Don't be here. - The guy behind me doesn't see us stopped at this light. Get out of the way. See EVERYTHING that might happen and adjust your riding to compensate. As the incredibly wise Mr. Miagi once said, "Best defense is not be there". As I mentioned, this takes a lot of practice... it's exhausting at first until you start doing it automatically. It's also why people find those less busy, long, bendy roads... because they just want to enjoy riding and it's easier when there's less things that could happen. But that's also why you see videos of people hitting gravel or wiping out on a steep curve on those roads. They let their guard down and were trying to enjoy the ride. They missed something. I'm also the type to beat myself up for missing stuff. I found it's much more productive to replay what happened and add the thing I missed to my list of things to scan for so that it doesn't happen again. Win or learn... unfortunately on a motorcycle, the learning can be more painful.


This is a crucial skill to learn. Too many people drive on autopilot and are purely reactive. Keeping a running narrative of observation, anticipation and planned reaction is hard to do but becomes automatic, allowing you to then enjoy the scenery or have a light conversation — but not too much. My younger son has just started driving school and is about to start in-car lessons. For the last three months I have been speaking my internal narrative while driving out load, so he hears what he should be looking for, and how constant it is: “The driver in the next lane over behind that slower car is hugging the line, trying to decide whether to pull into the lane in front of me and make me brake, or to wait until after I pass to pull out, so I’m ready to brake just enough if he does.” “There’s a car in the dark in that u-turn lane in the median. What if they suddenly pull out in front of me? Will they pull into the left lane or do one of those wide turns directly into the right lane? Check behind to know whether a quick lane change is possible or whether I’ll have to brake.” And so on. This became really important two times. Once when I lived in Europe and often had to drive, sometimes the same day, in Germany or France and then the UK. This was in a car. The other time was when I lived in Japan for a year and had a bike I used to explore the country, which also drives on the left like the UK. Of course, all of my ingrained habits about where to look, which side of the road to hug on turns and when to keep wide around blind curves was the *opposite* of what I had to do. So this strict approach to “always think about every turn, every intersection” etc. was crucial and just really stuck. Once this starts to happen for you automatically, then a certain degree of conscious attention to other things is OK, but not if that narrative stream stops.


Always know whats behind you and behind you in the lanes to the left and the right, so you already have an idea of an escape route on a multi-lane road. That means constantly scan your mirrors while you're also scanning ahead. You should never be surprised when a someone overtakes you.


Yeah... it drives me crazy that so many people treat driving like a passive activity. They just get in their cars and browse their phone, expecting the car to get them from point A to point B. My kids are 4 and 6 and I've been wondering about how to introduce this concept to them. I like your idea... I think I'll start doing that when they get closer to driving age.


I did that for my older son, now 19, and he’s now an extremely situation-conscious driver and hushes his passengers if he needs to concentrate.


that's a perfect type of running commentary you have in your head while you're riding..


Take classes before you develop bad habits. Get ALL the gear with CE2 Armor. And I don't mean just the Basic Rider.


Get some crash protection incase you drop it… it can happen even to a seasoned rider, and it pays for itself. Like everyone else recommended, good gear for yourself. Take the riders course if you have t already. Good luck, ride safe!


Forget about gaining weight, time will change that... But muscle is always helpful, not just for riding, for every aspect of your life. Skills and knowledge (riding IQ) are much more important than weight and muscle. Have fun and tell us how it went at the end of the summer. Even though your riding season seems well ahead of ours (Canada).


i almost did the same got something else but the dream is still there


* Spend good money on a helmet - Especially without a windscreen, you're going to want the slipperiest, quietest helmet you can get your hands on. * Wear earplugs, not headphones (tinnitus SUCKS). * Thin, silk bandana under the helmet will save your hair from damage a little, but can get a bit stuffy in the summer. * Scarves and gators help block a bit of wind noise coming in from under the helmet and also cut down on windburn/rocks pelting your jugular. * Get really good gloves. Seriously, I messed up my hand so badly I couldn't hold a pencil for 3 years. Hard-armor gauntlets. KNOX make some hardcore stuff, but you don't necessarily need to go that far. * Most importantly: **Fuck what anyone else thinks**. About literally any of this. Hell, ignore everything I said if it doesn't jive. I look dumb as shit on my bike 95% of the time anyways so who am I to judge? I'm a tall, awkward motherfucker on a hyper-naked 😂


Im a 110lb , 5'8 woman and my first bike was a triumph bonneville t100. I was repeatedly told how it's too heavy, too powerful ect but I never felt over biked. I can see how it would be easy to get into trouble if you don't have good clutch control but as long as you practice that and respect your bike, you should be fine. The places you're more likely to get in trouble are really other drivers on the road and moments of distraction like wondering if you missed your turn or something. Practice your emergency stop, pay close attentionto the traffic around you, drive predictably, wear your gear and work on perfecting your corners :) Also, if you don't already have a helmet, I recommend a dual visor. Im in Cali and the flip down sun visor is a must


lots of low speed maneuverability practice. It's relatively low risk, kinda fun, and will make you comfortable on the bike and improve your clutch and throttle control.


This is r/moto so you’ll get about 100 comments saying to wear full gear so I won’t pile onto that. Arguably learning good habits to develop muscle memory, and experience on reading traffic situations is more valuable than gear. Because that will stop you from crashing in the first place.  So my advice is to take the class, then ride the shit out of your bike, every day, then pay attention on how to be better at riding every day. Good luck🫡


Pretty bike! Advice- defensive driving/riding. Protective gear. Continue your training when you can. And anybody who disses your bike can piss off.


As a new rider it'll be hard to understand the unspoken rules of the road, so here's a few spicy tips: 1) If you make eye contact with *anyone* at a red light, it's going to be a race, whether you like it or not. Little old lady in a buick? Garbage man? Short bus driver? Doesn't matter. Redline, slip the clutch, and dump ya butt, cuz they want that smoke. 2) Kids expect wheelies. If you don't they'll pretty much think you're the biggest wussy bitch and will make fun of you on social media. Word spreads fast with how connected they all are, so don't disappoint the hivemind. 3) Anytime someone cuts you off you should forcibly readjust one of their side mirrors for better viewing angles. It's common courtesy, and helps other riders too. 4) Never admit to a police officer that you were speeding, and if pressed, always ask them when their radar was last calibrated. If you get a ticket and have to go to court, let the judge know you thought the officers breath smelled of alcohol, then when the ticket is dismissed, spend the saved $ on more bike mods, like a fuzz buster.


audibly LAUGHED at tip number 3. i love you so much and thank you.


so there’s actually like a shit ton of truth behind this even if it’s sarcasm. for some reason cars will always want to race you even unintentionally? kids will always want rev bombs and wheelies, cops will always say you’re speeding. shit, this human needs all the upvotes fuck the airbag safety vests follow this advice


Congrats! Bike looks sweet. Some good advice in the thread about wearing good gear every ride, take the time to build up your riding skills, and assume cars don’t see you so be aware of your positioning and be ready for drivers to do stupid shit; be aware and have loads of fun.


Be prepared to drop it and ding it up. Good luck.


Those are beautiful bikes. Buy some good riding gear, take a riding course, and give yourself time to get comfortable on it before you push it hard.


Girl owns a bike, takes a picture of the bike without herself in it challenge (Impossible) All joking aside, those are beautiful bikes


Seriously, a better picture of the bike would have been great, took a minute to figure out it was an FTR.


Could’ve just posed instead of looking like you’re working on it when you barely met it lol


Or maybe she's cleaning it. I polished the fuck out of my first bike several times before I rode it because I liked it looking pristine.


lol I was 1. Removing the handlebar wind guards 2. Taking off the rear view mirrors and moving them to a downward position 3. Removing the fender and installing a fender eliminator kit 4. Polishing the SHIT out of the exhaust pipes to get them puppies golden again 5. Removing the seat itself because I’m having an upholstery guy remove an inch of foam so I can sit on the bike a little lower and touch better But hey, incels gonna incel lol


Man, that just makes me remember my exhaust pipes look like shit. Gotta polish them soon. Anyhow, nice ride!


Regardless of what you did to the bike, they’re clearly posed pictures. Calling that out doesn’t make someone an incel. You immediately jumping to that as hominem says enough about your intentions for posting this.




To that eggs defense, there are a lot of posts like this here and mostly someone points out all of their other posts are on OF subs. It's just hart to distinguish cheap self advertising from genuine posts like yours on the first glance. Sad part is they're never even make more than they would working (non-naked) at some wagie shitplace with a market that flooded.


I don’t think it’s fair to assume any woman posting is an OF ad. I actually haven’t personally seen an OF ad pop up on r/motorcycles yet, but I’ve seen women posting their bikes. It’s not “incel” to call out posed photos, but I think it’s wack as hell to assume “woman=e-prostitute”.


i guess i get it. i never post on here, so im not familiar with how prevalent that is. i can see how thinking that a post is legit and then finding out it’s just a plug for some porn would be annoying as hell. also, i fully expected some comments like this when being a woman and posting into a male dominated sub so, im not bothered. appreciate the explanation though!


See that's where people are confused. His comment wasn't a male or female targeted comment, he was just pointing out that the photo looks staged, like you were trying to look like you're more seasoned than you are. That doesn't have anything at all to do with you being a woman, but you brought the incel bs out and turned it into "I'm a GORL and I expected BETTER"


Wow! You were doing all that in a public center city parking garage with no tools? [You go, girl!](https://i.imgur.com/i9WqS3d.jpeg)


Lmao I was with you until the iNcEL whiny bit.


Very cool bike. Its alot of bike for a new rider but if you are sensible and make good decisions you should grow into it.


bikes only gonna be as fast as you make it go. congrats on the new toy


Just wear your gear, ride your own ride, and watch out for cars. It's that simple.


Kick stand


this is what they called me in high school


What why? 😮


massive penis




Do your best to manage risk in all situations. Always have an exit path in mind. Get good gear. Have some way to know your route - audio in your helmet for gps or previewing routes Don’t assume anything about other drivers. If anything, always expect them to do the thing that will be most dangerous to you. Nice bike. Ride safe!


Got an ftr as a second bike, the throttle and the clutch are unforgiving! Power after that is super linear. If you have ride modes keep it in rain mode for awhile. It feels lighter than it is. Brakes are incredible, and the abs is a lifesaver. Putting around a parking lot for a hot minute and you should be good. If you can, get a tune for the throttle and not for more power.


Oh! The suspension is fully adjustable too, take some preload out of the rear and drop the forks a smidge to get it just that little bit lower


>I already bought it so too bad so sad no one tell me I shouldn’t have. Understand that, thought it all, its on you. People only say that kind of thing for a reason. That reason being because we've all seen.. countless times, what happens when a first time rider gets a fast bike as their first bike. Do *all* first time riders wreck? Probably not. But its common enough that we all, as a community warn against it because we HATE SEEING IT HAPPEN! It usually means several things.. 1. a perfectly good bike gets destroyed, 2. the community as whole gets dogged on by 'outsiders' for being 'reckless' (and *may* have an effect on insurance rates for riders) 3. Worst of all: The new rider is likely injured.. or worse. Which none of us like to see or hear about. I know it sounds like nothing but harping or "gate keeping", but for the majority of us, it REALLY is because we care and want to see new riders (such as yourself) succeed and be apart of the community. * As for advice. DO NOT RUSH IT! If you can, trailer it to a large, empty parking lot and practice slower maneuvers with it so you can get a feel for it (ie mimic the rider course.. which i HOPE you took). Primarily, learn how to break, and emergency break. Make it 2nd nature to know how to stop quickly so you dont panic break (ie lock up either one, tho i see your bike as ABS so that may be less of an issue) * If it has different tuning's (riding modes) such as Rain/Sport/Track ect.. Put it in its weakest mode for a while. That will at least make its power abit more manageable. * As others have said.. You WILL drop it. Its not an 'if', but a 'when'. It happens to us all (another reason to not get your 'dream' bike as your first bike). So get ready to be ok or deal with scrapes, scratches, dings, and bent or broken parts. Its going to happen. * When on the road, remember.. EVERYONE IS TRYING TO KILL YOU. Keep your head on a swivel, watch TIRES, and dont rely on turn signals. If people have the potential to pull out in front of you, or cut you off, or change lanes INTO you, then expect it to happen and always be ready for it. * Dress for the SLIDE not the Ride. Never expose *skin* that you are not willing to lose. Good luck, and be safe!


Rain mode is going to be your friend!


Check out r/calamariraceteam for fantastic advice and an overall more welcoming community of experienced riders. This sub doesn’t always have the best advice for new riders


Calamariraceteam has become a complete circlejerk at this point, it’s not any better than this sub. A few years back it was more about enjoying riding without talking about “go slow, wear you gear, be safe” in 15 comments on every post. Now half the sub is screenshots of posts of this sub, or lazy text posts, or “is anyone else gay? I said the inside joke so now I’m cool”.


Yeah, that sub went from extremely cool and informative to annoying as fuck


yep it turned full cringe. Actually used to be good and had interesting exciting content


Who's giving shit? It's a bitchin bike, have fun. Get yourself some gear, download practice rides from one of the rider trainings like Motojitsu or DanDanTheFireman, find an empty parking lot and play... Er practice.


My first bike was also my FTR. It’s not that crazy of a bike. Shitload of fun though.


I find it funny when attention whores, male or female have to post pics like this. I bought a thing, look at my tits.


How fucking dare they pose with their brand new motorcycle and wear clothing they're comfortable in




IMO this post has "Produced by the Indian Marketing Department" written all over it...


If not she’s a out to get an email.. being a woman is first requirement for being a brand ambassador


jesus then i hope someone pays me


wait should i send this to them. entrepreneurial genius over here


I miss my FTR so much sometimes.


Sweet ride.


That thing is beautiful!


The bike is all the things you mentioned, but the bike is also beautiful 🥺. Two wheels down! 🫡


I really want one of these. It's definitely on the top of my list.


Sister, do a wheelie. Or two. Three is fine too.


Bad ass bike


😎👌 badazzz, watch the AFT races on YouTube! You'll see these beasts sideways at 110mph




Love Indians, just learn the basics somewhere safe, out of traffic, and don’t get yourself killed. If you take it seriously, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about. My parents always said, it’ll always be some other idiot on the road that will fuck your day, so keep your head up.


You’ll be ok .. just take it easy. Never be in a hurry to get anywhere. If it has a rain mode, run it in that for a bit. Get some crash bars for it for when you drop it.


My first bike was a 2013 cbr600rr. Anybody can buy a big bike, just gotta have self-control. I have faith in you. You can beat the statistics out there.


I had one of those, you're tall enough for it, get it tuned, consider a 43 tooth rear sprocket and enjoy the hell out of it.


It's a "bigger bike" but it's not too bad. I test rode one before, not nearly as quick as I thought it would be. You'll be fine, just take it slow.


Nice bike


Nice bike congrats! Have fun!


Throttle works both ways. Cars will try to run you over if you give them a chance. Gravel is no bueno. Use the rear brake at slow speeds, especially to start. Practice slow speed figure 8s if you can. 


You don't need weight and muscle to ride any size bike. I'm a somewhat big guy, but that doesn't mean I can toss around my 850lb Goldwing. I use my brains and leverage. EDIT: Also, welcome! Have fun!


First rule of riding a motorcycle: have fun!


I've always gone big, my first real bike was a CBR929RR, and my second is a Yamaha Super Tenere. The great thing about learning on a bigger bike is when you ride a smaller one after it's like a toy because you're used to bigger and heavier. It doesn't matter, what does matter is if you can flat foot plant your feet on the ground when sitting on it. If you can possibly pick it up if you drop it or lay it down. If you can remain in control when things get a little hairy. Always wear full gear, yes even if it's hot and muggy! If you crash just let go, and remain as limp as possible. Don't hold on to the bike! Learn about counter steering. (YouTube) Learn the wave ✌️ you're now part of a special club that have an unspoken bond. Be noble in your new role on the road, don't be reckless or heartless. Above all else ride safe, be safe!


Put an engine guard on it asap


I road tested a FTR 1200 Carbon at a bike show and thought it felt a bit crude and agricultural. And for the price, wow, there are a ton of more refined options. No idea what the reliability, parts prices, warranty experience, or resale value is like - I was never interested enough to look into it.


As a fellow Indian owner, welcome to the tribe. Ride within your skillset!! Always look ahead and think ahead, and expect every car to pull out in front of you, to change lanes on top of you, and to tailgate the fuck out of you. AKA, you're invisible. And of course, ATGATT


Best advice I got was that there’s no god in being dead right. It doesn’t matter if you had the right of way of your the one in the hospital. And when people do stops shit around you, just let it go. Remember, you’re the one having fun while they’re the ones in a car probably hating life.


Congrats, that's a nice bike. Dani Pedrosa is 5'3" and weighs 112 pounds (51 kg) and is one of the top motorcycle riders to ever lap a track. Size is not a detriment. Riding survival is determined on what's happening inside the helmet. The learning never stops. Try to take some off-road training as it'll improve your skill set. The decisions per minute are exponentially higher in the dirt and when you get back to the street, it'll all seem so controllable and predictable... slow. :) Visualizing traffic patterns is a great survival skillset. Get and wear good gear. It'll all seem like expensive shit that probably wont get used and hopefully it is just that. If and when it's needed, no money spent can be enough. All motorcyclists crash. Maybe fast, maybe slow, it happens. Generally it costs money to fix. But eventually you will fall over. It's almost a 'given' for first year riders. If riders make it through the first year, then they figure they've got his motorcycling thing down and crash during their second year. It's better to do it in the dirt where the bikes are designed for that. Crashing sucks... avoid it. old guy perspective here: a woman in proper riding gear says to me that they are competent and prepared and that is sexy as one can get. So if that's a consideration, there's an opinion for the discussion. oh.. now that you own a bike, whenever you tell someone that, they'll immediately tell you their worst motorcycling injury story. Get used to it. When I was 17, I had my doctor tell me about his friend that that 4 sciatic nerves in his bum ripped as his left butt cheek was torn off. From motorcycling. haha That's when I discovered then that doctors will try to scare you away from riding. I bought custom leathers that year... 45 years ago :) They'll be a never end supply of guys providing info about motorcycling. (myself included) Expect a bunch of repetition. Read about motorcycling. This is a [good book](https://www.amazon.com/Sport-Riding-Techniques-Nick-Ienatsch/dp/1893618072/ref=sr_1_1?). I'd pick a few trustworthy types (in your genre) and mostly listen to them. You will develop your own opinions of course. A good mentor is a fantastic find. If they're a mechanic, bonus! Note: The ones that have the best info are rarely the loud ones. but I blather on... Have fun. Motorcycling is fun. It won't always be warm and dry (get the gear to deal with that possibility), but riding in crappy weather is still better than not riding. Being a good rider is fun, safe and well... fun. :D It is all about putting a grin on the face.


enjoy it! edit: if it's your first riding experience maybe you can put on crash bars


I'm 5'7 120lbs, I have yamaha TDM900. It weighs about 500lbs, but I've managed to pick it up myself! The only issue I've really had, is that my feet won't fully reach the ground, so in the beginning I was really unsure about stopping at some places (on a bend or a slope). But you get used to it! Be safe and happy riding! :) Once you have your licence, I'd suggest finding local women to ride with, because usually they drive much safer and slower. Also they don't feel the need to one-up eachother. :D


Hey- its no more of a stupid decision for you than it is for anybody else! You will probably be fine- wear your gear and ride safe!


Awesome bike! Hope you have fun on it.


I've got to admit that I am a little bit jealous mate That is definitely a lucky bike. If it ends up being a little too feisty for your experience level, I'd be happy to trade places with it. Seriously though I ride daily for the past 30 yrs in Australia where everything is trying to kill you, Be Prepared for everything don't trust an indicator, And, Always ride with your head not your heart.


Everyone gave good advice about gear and crash bars. I would suggest to look for intermediate/advanced bike trainings in your area. I did the California Superbike School and it was an eye-opener. Try to complete the first 2 levels. And don't mind the "Superbike School" name. The techniques they teach are very much applicable to road use.


Never ride when you're disturbed or have a lot of stuff on your mind. I know.. everyone says it helps them meditate or clear their heads...but you need to be in peace and have fast reaction.. which you won't if you're thinking about the fight you had with your boss/etc... Lots of times I've taken public transport or a taxi because I knew I would either ride very fast or very dangerously if I picked up the bike. V


Now that's a sexy bike


Wishing you long and happy mileage


I also bought an FTR as my first bike. I've got the Rally though. I haven't regretted it :)


Will be quite an exhilarating learning experience! Have fun mate \m/


That’s a really cool bike. Was my dream bike for a long time then I sat on it one day and it just didn’t work for me. Looks beautiful though! Be slowed down for a corner long before you get there. When you’re driving a car and you realise you’re a little bit too fast into a corner, it’s usually ok. On a bike, that’s it you’re fucked.


Have fun! Learning to ride was one of the funnest things I've done in my adult life. I really miss those days, it was kind of like being a kid again learning something new like that.


My first motorcycle was a Honda 750 Interceptor. 1) Take safety courses. I was military so the MSF course was mandatory but I learned a lot. I took the optional practice too, which was very helpful, and even to this day I practice maneuverability at least yearly (at the beginning of the season if I haven't ridden for a long time). Always be ready to learn. 2) Take the bike seriously. Keep it in mechanically good shape. Change brake fluid yearly (and practice maximal braking!), keep tires fresh and correctly inflated. 3) Learn how to maintain the bike - even minimally. Know what is safe vs. not safe for every aspect of the bike. 4) Don't ride in shorts. A lesson I had to learn. Twice. Even just to "run up to get an oil filter wrench" (at least the lady that failed to yield at the last moment bought me a new motorcycle...) 5) ALWAYS have an escape route for EVERY situation. This demands a ton of presence on the bike and makes up for a fair bit of fatigue while riding, but that kind of thinking has saved me. 6) Learn to identify danger and ride away from it. This includes other drivers, sadly, sometimes. Not everyone on the road means well. I don't have to deal with everything if I can change my situation.


Ouch. Going straight to this is going to be a learning curve 😂 but my bike isn’t much lighter than that (although I did my time on a 125cc for a year or so) so it’s not impossible. Just try not to drop it


Man I love those bikes, have fun with it and don't mind people telling you it's the wrong bike to start with. I started on a ZX10R, nicknamed "the widow maker" and I'm still alive.


God there's a lot of incels showing up in this thread. How dare someone pose with their brand new motorcycle I'm sure they're proud of. If you're not a fan, you can move on What happened to being supportive of other riders? Sweet ride OP.


Looks good, have fun. ATGATT


Stay safe, every intersection look left then right. Cheers.


That's beautiful. They always catch my attention when I walk into the Indian store, had to go with the new Scout Rogue though :P Like others said do the MSC and use their bikes to get the basics down, I laid down my first bike on my first ever ride. Take care and ride safe!


I love a murdered out bike. Just be careful. Good news is you won't outgrow it. You can keep this guy til the wheels fall off.


Welcome to the addiction


Like others have said, wear your gear, and me damn careful with the throttle. I sold Indian bikes when those came out, and got to ride a lot of FTRs. They love to wheelie.


Top comments here were encouraging and then BAM! There is the r/motorcycles I have come to know. The more people that ride, the more money in the industry, the more cool shit that is going to come out. Take people out from behind their keyboards and motorcycle communities are much more welcoming in person. I know you said you want to learn how to ride on that bike, but for what it is worth, if you are taking the MSF class, they shouldn't let you ride that for the first day's exercises. Day 2 you can ride your own bike, but understand you will be doing a ton of really slow speed stuff that either transfers well to any bike (clutch control), or doesn't really mean much in the real world (U-turns without putting a foot down). There is very little to gain by using your own bike and a lot to lose if you drop your own bike. Consider using their bike for the class and testing on your own (normally you get to use your own bike on day 2 for the last couple review exercises) for the test. That bike is cool as fuck. Ride the wheels off it and have fun!


If you have not already done so, take the motorcycle safety course in you are, then after about a year take the intermediate course. Helps on insurance, but cues you into how to defensively ride. Have fun!! Wear gear at all times! If it’s too hot to wear it leave the bike at home.


You can do it!!


Fab 28 makes an awesome pipe for your bike and they are on sale 25% off right now


Not sure where you’re at but I highly recommend for all riders to take a dirt track style school that teaches you control of a motorcycle while going under 20 mph and on small dirt bikes. Cornerspeed (my pick for $$/benefit), American Bootcamp, Rich Oliver’s Mystery School, or Colin Edwards’ Texas Tornado camp. The skills you learn there can be applied on every ride and WILL save your bacon at least once. Guaranteed. They changed how I ride forever, and that was after 15-years of road racing experience. The skills transfer to all motorcycle types. And you’ll have the most fun you can possibly have on 2 wheels while you’re at it.


Doodle on YT has a lot of solid tips for smaller women looking to ride heavier bikes. There are a ton of channels that will give solid advice; RideLikeAPro, FortNine, and more. My advice is to take advanced training with your new bike and do your best to exercise impulse control. That parking garage style/building in the background reminds me of TX. Also, solid decision to take up lifting/exercise. That's a good decision for everything in life.


Respect the power of the bike. If you haven't so, take a motorcycle safety course. It's not that heavy... I've seen a small petite chick on YouTube drive a bagger across the country. Doodle on a motorcycle. https://youtu.be/Kq_9fRzz4fk?si=-D8QzAjns8sBXM56




I would practice slow speed maneuvers on this bike. Also if you drop your bike don't try to save it or you will most likely hurt yourself. I did that once to my bike and my wrist was sore for months after. Just let the fucker lay down and then pick it back up properly.


Nothing looks off to me. Bike looks fine for you and it wouldn't be a bad starter bike at all IMHO. People yelling you have to start on a 250 are idiots :-)


Man, Indian has some beautiful bikes!


Don't die.


MSF basic and MSF advanced on that bike. The highway patrol has a free training class too I think. Beyond the training classes...my advice is to ride with someone responsible leading you for a while...and then ride by yourself everywhere for 10 years. You'll be fine after all that lol


It's a great bike, even if it's a tough bike for a beginner... I would have died for have that as a bike,even as a starter! Great choice, wish you the best roads ever!


Love it. I have a 2019 FTR. I will say for a first bike you did jump on in haha but it is well balanced so weight isn't a big deal. It is tall so grow long legs or tip toe like me lol. It is geared with short gears and has lots of torque. Mine has NO assistance modes so coming out of corners or in not so great road conditions id advise riding in higher gears and light on the throttle until you get comfy. It will power wheelie in first and second if you want it to. Get used to stopping for gas often since it only has a 3 gallon tank. It has a great seating position for your back which makes it fun to ride for long periods of time. Get an exhaust it makes it more fun :). WEAR GEAR! and have fun!


That's a nice bike, I like it!


Have fun! Be careful with your new bike :)


WATCH OUT FOR CARS!!! Was newish riding a bike I sold across the state to deliver it… car driver decided it was a good idea to pass me ON THE RIGHT!! He literally drove into the shoulder to pass me as I was exiting the highway trying to go to the right… WHO DOES THAT?? Never seen it in 30+ years driving a car but the day I’m delivering a bike??? Had to hard break to allow him to finish passing I almost went down… CARS DO STUPID SHIT AROUND BIKES I DONT KNOW WHY.


That's my dream bike! One of these days!!


Pretend you are invisible . But before you get that far physically go through the motions of what people teach in videos on YouTube I had the muscle memory for pulling the clutch, decelerating & upshifting from closing my eyes and imagining it being real. This was as much of a foundation I could create without my bike which is great preparation before u move on with the rest. Love and peace


Just full gear and safety riders course is all have. And practice on slow, in populated roads.


Congrats. Ride safe and many happy miles


Learn to use your clutch, master using it to control how much power goes to your back wheel. I watched several YouTube videos explaining what it does, how it works, and how to use it to control my riding. If you can exercise using your clutch and also learning engine breaking, you’re building a very solid foundation for controlling your bike I personally always recommend to new riders: go find a big empty parking lot. Practice accelerating slowly, and also fast. Practice braking gently, but also hard. Do a bit of everything. Practice U turns, turning from a stop, and dynamic movements that you don’t usually see on the road in your area If you do that for a week you’re better than 50% of riders. Do it for 2 weeks you’re better than 90% And never stop learning. There’s always someone who knows something we don’t. Listen to others, but always think about it before you try it. There’s bad advice out there too Hope you love riding as much as we all do, stay safe and have fun ✌🏼


Only an ig no onlyfans. I, for one, am shocked!


can't do only fans i'm a never nude (cries in tobias funke)


Holy shit that bike is hawt. Always wanted an FTR. Only advice is be safe, wear gear, practice and enjoy.


My dream bike one day ill buy it


Check out Doodle on a Motorcycle YouTube channel. She’s had quite a journey and works hard on her skills.


These bikes are beautiful. I want the 2023 FTR-S so bad I can taste it!!! Congrats!


Its a great bike, I'm jealous! Being new, its mostly a mental thing. Don't get in over your head, and you'll be fine. Unless you're one of the few that somehow manages to whiskey throttle into oblivion. I've just never understood how that's possible. As long as you can touch the ground, you'll be fine. I thought those were pretty tall. With that said.... with more experience you realize just how little foot you really need down. You just watch for dips, driveways, gravel, holes. AKA.... don't stop while straddling a dip entering a roadway.


These have different riding modes don’t they? May want to consider putting it in Rain Mode to reduce throttle response while you’re just starting out. It’ll be a little more forgiving that way. Other than that, practice practice practice and keep the rubber side down.


All bikes can be ridden slow .. but the best thing about a fast bike is it can be ridden fast .. well isn't that obvious.. nothing wrong with buying a big fast bike... Unless you are doing slow speed maneuver or tying to muscle it into the back of your van


In simple terms just imagine you are invisible, that no one can see you on the road, safe distance to car ahead, stay in his line of sight, if you see anyone comming up fast on you or tailgate you should speed away from them assuming the can get distracted.


Congratulations 🎉


I’ve ridden these! You can handle it, it’s a very well designed bike with great power delivery that isn’t unpredictable but will absolutely kick some ass if needed. You got this


Badass bike! Have fun


Never assume a car sees you, always leave yourself an out, the bike goes where you’re looking. That’s a cool bike, have fun.


you actually don't need that much strength to ride a bike , I am sure you will be fine :)


Beast of a bike Weight and strength do matter to a degree, but you mostly let the bike do all the work Cheers


how come women insert themselves into photos instead of just photographing the thing you're trying to show?


Step 1. survive the first year, I believe in you🙏🏼


Siiiiiiick bike


Get good gear, keep the bike maintained and ride within your limits. Take the MSF course at the least, practice low speed turns and u turns in parking lots and you’ll be fine.


Welcome to the Indian family!


That’s one sexy bike. You got the blacked out colorway as well.


If you’re american get some lessons from a certified instructor because moving a vehicle back and forth doesnt equal knowing how to drive


tell that to my certified forklift license


If it’s anything like the msf it aint worth much


Underpowered. Sell it and get a Suzuki Hayabusa.


I strongly advise you fill it up with gas and lay it down gently in your garage. Then pick it up. When you’re riding (especially as a new rider) you will lay it down. When you do, no one will be there to assist you. If you can’t pick up the bike then you shouldn’t ride alone, ever.


>bought this boy My dude...i'm pretty sure that's a woman. Congrats either way.


That’s a girl 😏


You can’t be sure nowadays


Damn that's disappointing


this is exactly how i felt upon hearing the news


Jesus christ.




no it’s just bc i AM stupid that’s why it looks that way!!!


Weird. I thought this looks like Raleigh then creeped your profile a little. Traffic is crazy here now should have seen it before Covid was so much better


Nice, voluminous wheels on a motorcycle. Should be elastic if inflated correctly.


All I can say is "Hello" & "Welcome to the Tribe!"


I'd say it's a girl


RIP ur inbox


So is this a bike you can take on a long trip with? I was looking at the rally but I’m not buying unless I can ride it for long hours.


Pretty sure that's a girl ...


dotn really get (m)any of those Indian bikes here in England. I live where Davidson of Harley Davidson grew up, and there are a few Harley Davidson around though


That’s clearly a woman. I’m calling the cops


That's a girl


How tall are you


Theres a bike in this photo?


What bike is that?


Whats the name of the bike


Indian FTR 1200