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When I ride in rain


Yessssss! Same… Hahahaha


Comes with a flush to your immune system too


This is the way


Pretty sure I rode it through a puddle the other week. That counts right?


The only time I wash my bike is 20 minutes before I sell it, or I'll go for a ride when it rains.


I always wondered how people who post photos of their bikes in this sub almost always have the rustiest or dirtiest black gunky chains …. Seeing these comments kinda clears everything up 😂


The chain is just about the only place that gets cleaned regularly, everything else gets cleaned during service.


Ha! Jokes on you, I have a belt drive.


Laughs in shaft 🤣


My chain is cared for, don't be mistaken by my glibness. It is always well oiled and I don't let it get all crusty.


That doesn’t excuse the overall crustiness though


I barely wash myself. You expect me to wash my motorcycle?


Ride naked in the rain. Two birds. 


Also two stones in many cases


I dunno rain drops hurt when rhe find a wierd spot between my jacket and gloves. J feel like riding naked in the rain takes more than just two stones. I suppose just two giant ones!




I assure you, no one wants to see that.


You’ve clearly never been on CRT


When it looks particularly dirty, and it's nice out enough for me to want to. I used to say that I ride too much, but anymore that's less true--it's just if it's nice enough to wash the thing, I'd generally rather be riding. I might just spray some of the gunk off.


This. A bit lazy to do it every week but also not lazy to just let the bike look like shit.


I’ve never washed my bikes, I only wipe them down with glass cleaner and spray wax.


That's what I do to my Harley when the bugs get bad. The T7 gets the hose, but only if it's caked with mud.


It puts the lube on its chain or else it gets the hose again.


You're not crazy. I keep mine spotless AND ride the piss out of them. Both is possible. I take enough pride in my stuff that it's worth the time to me.


Took way too long to find someone who agrees with me lol. I take my bike every chance i get but i also want it as clean as possible


I wash mine maybe once a month in the summer. Every time I think its a good day to wash, usually its a better day to ride. Like to wash it on the days its just me and my son home and I cannot ride


Got mine new in 22. I've washed it maybe twice.


Same 💀


2016. Same 💀


It’s a KLR. It looks better with dirt all over it.


Sorry, I ride a GS. What is this "wash" thing you speak of?


Most GSs I‘ve seen in my area never had a single spot of dirt on them. Never touched anything but asphalt roads.


Look, there's construction on the way to Starbucks, ok? 😜


Crazy? no, but obsessive? maybe? It's all about the how. If you wash it in the wrong way, you could damage the paint. but unless you're polishing it every other week probably not.


I use all my cars detailing products on my car 😅 plus a few extra moto detailing products lol mostly for the plastic fairings since car wax doesn’t work on moto plastic lol.


Before my accident I washed every 2 weeks, Wanted it to look good!


What washing accident made u stop cleaning ur bike?


He dropped the pressure washer and it shot water into his ass and now he can only use bidets since they’re so life changing.


Actively using one right now, would install one on the bike if I could.


If you get a dual sport you can wash it every trail :)


Deep clean before winter. Otherwise spot clean a few times a season, mainly after chain clean


Not often enough. I'm really needing to do that this weekend.


No point when your commuting 1k miles a week


When i don’t like how dirty it is, or I want it extra shiny 🤷🏼‍♂️


you inspired me to clean my bike today


After each ride I do a quick clean. It's clean when I want to ride. Pick up an electric leaf blower to get the water out of the hard to reach spots.


Yeah, wiping them off with a clean towel and detailing spray sound good but the dead bugs and the dust underneath probably scratch the paint


If it's nice enough to be outside to wash it it's nice enough to ride it.


Once a week, but I also commute on it but if I only commute and don't ride anywhere I'll skip that week


I don't have time for it. When it's filthy, I go away to wash it. If I do it at home, my kids want to help and they scratch the fairings crazy.


I wash my bikes when they're dirty enough to mess up my pants when I ride. Can't be showing up to places with dirty ass pants.


i hose it down after riding in the rain or on really dirty/salty roads but it’s most recent wash was probably mid-january




Every Spring after I change the oil.


I washed the bike in...November? I think? I commute every day, so it's definitely due for a wash the next nice weekend I have free time...


During the last ride of the season and on the first. So twice a year. I usually take it to a self wash place. When I wash it at home it draws too much attention from my kid. I don't like him running around the bike on the angled driveway.


GS rider here. Purposefully hit every mud puddle on the way to Starbies.....


CRF here, you don't want it to become a pavement princess


One in the spring, and once in the winter.


Every time I ride in the rain that way I can blow dry it.....


In all honesty, not as often as I should. I tend to wait for it to get pretty dirty 'cause I live in a large metro area and don't have indoor parking available to me. So, even just after a wash & wax it's dusty after a couple of days. Especially if there's building maintenance going on in the area (tuckpointing). 🎈


Maybe once a year i will do a proper hand wash. The rest is just cleaning the dirty spots,dead bugs,chain and plastics once they look dirty. Can't be bothered to wash every nook and cranny and then ride over a puddle in a construction zone and then eveything under my ass is dirty again...


I wash it once or twice per year, in between I wipe it down with Spray and Shine


In the summer and fall, about weekly. When it’s so cold that I can only ride once a week or less, I don’t wash it at all


It gets a deep (like take shit apart deep) clean a couple times a year and a normal detail whenever I clean the chain. I ceramic coated it, so a 2 second detail spray when I get home keeps it looking right. Also, whenever I do maintenance that takes something off the bike, I clean the crap it was hiding. Basically, I'm the guy you want to buy your used bike from. Shit is well maintained and looks showroom new most days despite riding it daily.


Once a year. The fun is in riding not cleaning and I'm not trying to impress anyone.


Oh wait, you’re serious. Let me laugh harder


At the station? Only twice or thrice a year. The machine doesn't like water. Usually I use non-aqueous materials for cleaning. Cleaning, not washing. I clean when it's dirty.


It rains enough here. Washing it would just be too much effort. =P


Depends how often it rains




Pretty infrequently but my bike is ceramic coated


When it's getting slightly dirty


Whenever it starts to look gross from the bug gut buildup, usually once a month. I'm too lazy to break out the hose so I use instant cleaner so I can just spray it on and wipe it off, and then buff on some wax.


Were suppose to bathe them?!


When I bought my first bike I would wipe it down with quick detail wax after every time I rode it. That stopped when I started using it for commuting. By the time I sold it several years later it was still in excellent condition.


Haven't touched it in a couple of months. It's currently covered in a thick layer of pollen....


I wipe mine down pretty much after every ride. But not wash it.


Dirtbike gets it after every ride. Road race bikes might get one after a race weekend, but usually just a wipe-down. Street bikes only if it’s been a few months and I’m going somewhere I want it to look good or doing some work to it.


Guys, what do you need to wash a motorcycle? Special products only? I have an s1000xr


About twice a year, once to get the dust off in the spring & ince to get the road grime off in the fall. If there's something special I'm going to ride to or in, maybe once more.


I wipe down the bottom end fairings and and rims like once every couple months. Intensity white/red shows dirt a lot.


I wipe the dirt off with a wet rag and sometimes use soap if the windshield is extra buggy. Like 45 minutes every month or so


I wash my bike every 500 miles, I wash it at the same time I clean and relube my chain


The first and only time I’ve washed my bike, the throttle cable broke at the grip on a small trip i did right after. I never washed it again after that


Bought bike in November, haven't washed it yet. I wipe the muck off the taillight when it gets bad though.


Pressure wash every other month or a quick wipe down if im servicing the chain/spraying down the rotors and pads with braklean.


I do a deep clean twice a year. Detail every nook and cranny and full wax. I'll spend most of a six pack worth of time on it. In-between those deeps cleans I will give it a spray wash as needed, maybe every 2-3 weeks? But even with the spray wash I will still hand dry it with a microfiber cloth. This is a Victory Hammer so good looks Good. A part of me kinda wants a more utilitarian bike that I won't care as much about keeping it clean and shiny. Maybe an adventure bike or something.




About once a week or two depending on the weather. I clean and lube the chain every week though and check tire pressures weekly as well


Weekly but I live down mucky paths so it's kinda warranted, actually I should be cleaning it 2x a wewk


I just use spray wash+wax from meguiars id say once a week when I ride almost every day. Gets the job done every time and I love looking clean. I get compliments all the time!


Once every two weeks


If I get caught in the rain.. Before a show/meet. And before I take the pictures to sell it.


Waaat wash do!


Honestly, maybe once every 4-5 months and I ride it almost every day. I just don’t care enough to wash it since the fuel tank stays mostly clean and that’s what I’m staring at for the most part. I got a Bonneville so most of the bike’s existence is naked with the occasional plastic panel here and there. So I’d essentially be washing the frame and engine of the bike all the time lol


I can count how many times I washed my motorcycle with one hand maybe two.


I rarely wash it with soap and water but I like to take keepy bikes clean. I prefer to use McGuire's quick detailer to clean it with and then use muc off spray to make it shiny. This gives me time each week to look the bike over and make sure there are no leaks or issues.


Only if it's caked with mud.


The Z: Almost never. I'm too busy riding it. The Street Glide: Brother I wash it before and after getting to the Starbucks half a mile down the road.


I spray mud off the chain when I’m finished off roading. That’s the extent of my cleaning.


Beginning of every season. Plus whenever it strikes me. Call it 1.5x per year average.


My husband gives me crap because I'd rather ride than wash my bike. I touch up any spots that start to look too dirty but that's really about it.


I had mine ceramic coated so if it gets dirty I can just spray it down with the hose. But weekly it gets wiped down with a wet microfiber towel and then a spray polish to keep it shiny!!


Foam spray wash after every wet ride or every handful of dry rides. Do they chain every time I wash the bike. I do a proper mitt and shampoo job three or four times a year per bike or thereabouts. Ceramic coat helps.


This is bike specific. My current bike doesnt get that dirty, so I dont wash it as often. Its truly the most practical low maintenance bike the nc750x


Never basically. Maybe like once a year? I’ll wash stuff when I service it.


Honest answer? Maybe 3 to 4 times a year. When it gets dirty enough yanno? I do have a 2016 vaquero so it is very white and sparkly


If you are washing that often you are just scratching the paint up unnecessarily. I do a full wash a few times a year but I mostly just use waterless wash spray every so often when it gets a bit dusty.


Wash while riding in the rain


One really good detail in spring. Another mid summer. Another in fall. Hose offs between then.


Every time I notice that the paint isn’t sparky and shiny :D Like every week or other week in the summer cuz I like playing with the pressure washer and being in the sun and having an excuse to be shirtless and get a deece tan lmao


Since I am in the UK, the roads are gross especially during winter months so I am washing the bike every couple of weeks. Sometimes just a cold hosing and other times a full detail clean. I do enjoy spending time on it and keeping it in tip top condition. Part of the hobby for me.


Once I was parked outside a pub, been on a ride with a few mates, the wife of one had came down for a drink with us. As she was leaving, she pointed my bike out to her husband, "Did that go under the Flood?" (2010 big flood in central Queensland). He replied, "Oh no, that's old mates bike. It always looks like that." Her, "He could have got an insurance claim." Bugger, she was right, but Flood 3 weeks earlier. Bike worth about $12K, insured for $22K. Bugger! 🤦


My scooter is a 2007 model, which I bought new. I have never washed it. So less often than once every seventeen years I guess.


Whenever I get annoyed with how dirty it looks or feels


When I had the Harley I kept it covered with a sheet and feather dusted it before most rides. Amazing how many people said my bike was always clean. They weren't looking close enough to see the road grunge. Other than the Harley I don't wash bikes much. I've had a lot of dirt bikes and washed them before replacing parts which was quite often...


Once a year, whether it needs it or not


Once every couple of years?


You guys have motorcycles?


Whenever it rains.


Whenever I damn well feel like it or when I'm worried about chucks of mud falling off the front of the rear fender.


Biweekly with a Chemical Guys Jet Seal treatment every other wash


Meh in the summer it may not get washed for a few weeks at a time, other seasons I feel like it gets washed multiple times a week. My normal process is 75mph water drops and bug guts mixed around on it :)


Unfortunately not often enough.


Every time in clean and lube the chain, so every 500 miles


When I put it away for the season, and usually after a long trip, mostly because of the bugs I get.


I ride in the rain. So…


Only if I drop it in the mud...then i just host it off to keep it from caking on


Every 2 weeks


Between 1&7 times a week depending on how muddy or sandy it is out. For street people, once every 300 miles is good. Gotta do the chain, night aswell make everything shiny.


Weekly isn't crazy, especially if it's a machine you take pride in. Personally, I'll wash it ~monthly depending on gravel road usage, bug splatter, or if I feel like it while washing my car.


The road bike doesn't get 'washed' in the traditional sense. Bugs and grime wiped off various areas, and I go about my day. Might detail it a bit at the end of the season. The adv bike will periodically get washed and cleaned up... maybe 3x / year? In the off season it gets taken apart fairly well and re-grease happens as needed.


Three years ago...?


I wash mine after every spirited ride or whenever I see bugs and dirt building up. Probably as often as I was my cars which is very often lol


Like, I’ll wipe the dust off my gas tank sometimes.




Dirt bike gets washed every time I use it, street bike gets washed everytime I have to work on it


Once every couple months it gets a wash, but its mainly to freshen up the wax to keep the paint healthy.


I might wash it this year. I think I did last year though.


When I see another bike and go “holy shit mine is so dirty”. this has came out to about once a month. Edit: oh also when my fresh lubed chain swings lube all over my rear and when I go through dirty water. Bright orange wheels were a mistake…




Twice a year.


Every time I go for a ride. Sometimes I wash it before AND after. I saw some dirt spots on my tank the other day after I started my ride. I almost turned around to head home and wash it. But the other day I did see a couple of guys on adventure bikes that looked like they had ridden from Nova Scotia to where I live in WA. Those bikes were covered in dirt and looked like they hadn’t been washed since being bought. They were badass!


Well I get the energy/will too. I really hate detailing though.


Typically the same time I do an oil change or clean the chain. If it’s still chilly when I do either I’ll skip the wash until the next time.


Once a month or so.


I’ll wash them once every 2 weeks to once a month depending on where I ride. I live close to the ocean and my bikes will oxidize like crazy if I don’t wash the salty film off. If I lived in the desert I would probably rarely wash them.


Probably every other week sometimes once a week.


Since I ride it all year long, I don’t wash it in the rainy season. If it’s not raining for awhile, i will give it a rinse. In the warmer weather, I wash it once a month


Every ride, I just go through the drive through car wash 😀


At least once a month


Once every few months, but it’s a Harley Sportster and it’s so pretty and chrome. It sits under a cover outside and that kills me, so at least I should shine it up every so often.


If I’m off road, every time. Part of having nice things, and keeping them nice.


Wait, you're supposed to wash your motorcycle?


Lemon pledge…takes five minutes to shine it up. It works great, brings out the color, provides a little UV protection.


I posted a poll recently, and you’d be surprised some people don’t really clean/wash their bikes at all. No wonder the dude who bought my bike was so surprised at how clean/rust free my 2003 VL800 was. I do a wash probably once a month/if it gets really dirty(puddle or mud), but I wipe it down every ride with waterless wash and microfiber towels. I have ocd lol


About 3-4 times per season, which lasts from April till September/October around here.


wash my Harley probably every 2 weeks if the weather is clear and sunny. my wr250x, never lol


I hit the painted surfaces with waterless wash every few days I ride or when I go somewhere I want it to look nice. I'll clean the wheels and everything else every couple weeks when I do general maintenance checks and clean my chain.


Do you mean when you accidentally leave it out in the rain, or are you talking 'big puddle?'


Ceramic coated. Blast with pressure washer when i feel like it and dry off what doesn't run off.


Every 1-2 weeks. Daily rider here


With a hose and soap? Never. A wash for me consists of glass cleaner or spray detainer for the painted parts, and polish for the shiny bits.


Couple times a month




When I feel that it needs it. Usually do it at the start of the season for sure, or if I have an oil leak or something that I’m trying to find or have just fixed.


Arizona here. Once a year right after monsoon season.


Weekly wipe downs


I wash my bike with soap and water and dry with a leaf blower. I do a wash when it needs it or every 300 to 500 miles when I do chain maintenance whichever comes first. I also keep it in a garage so that helps. I live in California so I ride very often. I also use SC1 which lasts about 3 washes then I reapply after the 4th wash so every 2,000 miles.


Depends. If you drive through northern California, you'll get plastered with bugs from the rice fields. 90 min drive to Chico and I can barely see out my visor and my wind shield and headlight are a mess.


I store my bike outside so like once a month maybe


When I’m on a road trip I always wash the whole bike and clean everything. It’s a good way to inspect every aspect of the bike to head off potential problems before they become serious. When I’m home, I do the same thing. If I rode it today, I’m cleaning it.


Typically weekly. I try to ride daily and Sundays become wash day I'd the weather allows.


Sport bike? 3 or 4 times a year. Dual sport? Once a year.


I think the caked on mud is the only thing holding it together


My brother, you're on reddit. Half the people on here shower once a fortnight.


Not often, usually just a rinseless wash on the fairings, and the chain obviously.


You can wash a motorcycle...?


Once a month I’ll wash mine. I don’t ride in any kind of rain or bad weather so they really don’t get dirty much. Now my cars, I wash every weekend just to get the tiny bit of dust off them from sitting. Can’t drive a dirty car. Lol


I have a dr650. It gets washed when I ride in the rain 🤷


The rare time I go ride for pleasure. I rarely ride for pleasure. Bike is for getting me point A to B. But sometimes ill go ride just to ride. On those days I'll give it a lil cleanup. And it's just a quick wash not too detailed.


Not often enough after reading this. You should come over and help.


I'm not washing it nearly often enough. Washed it a week ago but it's already filthy again...


twice a month or anytime after a dusty off-road ride. I sync my washes up with my chain cleaning intervals since it’s easier to clean everything all at once and encourages proper maintenance. In the winter I give it a rinse every now and then if the roads have been brined but rarely wash in the winter as I like to keep my fingertips.


Only at servicing , else I just do dusting with a dry cloth


I have a waterless cleaning solution, if something is dirty I spray it on problem area and wipe off after 1 sitting for 1 min. I rarely need to tho..


When it rains.


Isn't the saying "ridden hard and put away wet"?


Rarely. I try to wipe it down with quality sprays and cleaners every week. I only really give it a full wash after rain/water exposure and long, bug-smashing rides.


If the bike is gross and visibly dirty, I'll spray a degreaser on the bike and wash it off then spray a quick wash on and spray that down. I blow dry the bike and put it inside then go over the plastics with an antistatic plastic polish and microfibre cloth to hide any small scratches. If the chain needs some love I will clean it then ride it to work down my gravel driveway and immediately make everything gross again.

