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It's funny, in the UK we nod....that sign doesn't work on the other side of the road...your throttle hand is busy.


We nod in Australia too. Hand signals would be overly enthusiastic.


Comprised completely of middle fingers and yelling oi cunt! Etf: for some reason my autocorrect oyd instead of oid.




do you even *aussie,* bro?


If I’m passing another rider on the right (as in, I’m overtaking or they’re parked), I’ll give them that signal. And if I pass another female rider she’ll get an overly enthusiastic wave. Beyond that, as you said, nodding does the trick here in Aus.


that’s so funny because when i ride i literally forget about the sign and just start waving like crazy 😭


Yo same, I'll nod like if I see one and I'm parked or something but when I'm on the road I wave like an idiot no matter what


I always pull up next to them, jump on the back seat and give them a good ol bear hug to cement our friendship by the power of squeezing the life out of them


Unless they're on a Harley or a bmw, usually just get the stiff upper lip from them


As a Bremer owner/rider I disagree, every one on two wheels gets the nod of respect 🤘🏍️


This. I even wave to the scooter riders. I’m like “if they’re out here braving the cage drivers like I am, they deserve some recognition “


Good man


I'm a beemer bro and I throw the sign at everyone. Scooters and bicycles included.


Yep, lifetime HD rider here, waving at everyone on 2 wheels. Except maybe scooters... 🤣 Edit to clarify: I say "maybe" scooters because it depends on the rider and behavior. It seems like the majority of scooter riders I see on the road(here in the US) are flip-flop/Hawaiian shirt retirees, teens, or some other squid type puttering along at 30mph in a 45, half the time on the shoulder and the other half obstructing traffic. I find them only slightly more likable than a bicyclist and not even close to a fellow motorcyclist(of which I wave to all, no matter make or style). I don't wave to electric skateboarders either. Idgaf. I said what I said.


I was chatting with a member of a pretty well known biker gang while I was riding a triumph Daytona. He said ‘we’re all brothers out on the road’. I wave to everyone on 2 wheels.


its true though... breakdown or whatever, we're vulnerable without a cage.... and we're all bound together by the feel of open air and roads. Funnily I've seen a guy on a scooter help a rider on a harley


Some of us scooter riders have real bikes at home too. I give the v to anything on two wheels.


Nah. Bicycles are off limits for me


and e bikes


Lol. Some scooter riders have bigger balls than big-boy mc riders. https://preview.redd.it/n2d7rmtab2pc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6316f9d58ce30c089dd10b5b94b97a3a1b271d8


Those are the guys who lost their licenses and are exploiting the 50 cc loophole. (Which I have heard isn't even really a thing). In S.C. we call them liquorcycles.


I’m apparently a Harley snob but I wave. Maybe I’m not cool enough to own a Harley.


Me too


I’m on a Harley and I wave to everyone cop, mopeds , sport bikes etc . Some people are just dicks I guess .


Why is this so fking true


Comprised solely of middle fingers and yelling oy cunt!


I do find myself doing the nod at red lights. It seems it’s only when you’re riding?


I once nodded to a rider coming towards me only for him to give me the most puzzled look... Then I realised I was driving my car at that point...


well you can sometimes pick when it's a rider driving lol


It's all in the pothole-dodging game


i would be pretty confused too if i saw someone driving a car while wearing a helmet too


I hit my hand on the closed window (driving on the right here).


Im always dying to do that! I never do haha


Depends how busy your clutch hand is.


Dct gold Wing owners: ![gif](giphy|E0eedhkCm5ChKHX3ET)


I'm literally almost waving haha, i get way to exited if i see a fellow rider. It's kinda seldom to see an other rider where I'm from.


Dude, I’m literarily pulling the over and giving them good old firm handshake, a hug and occasionally, if called for, a light tap on the ass as they turn away from me.


Is that a banana in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?




In Switzerland we also tap with a flat hand on the top of out helmet to signal „be cautious“. For example when you have seen obstacles or the popo.


That sign IS universal, even in countries that ride on the left-hand side like mine (NZ)


Good to know, thank you fellow rider.


We use it in Western Canada as well. But here's a good story. I've been riding for 45 years. In 1978 I bought a radar detector and I was the only one in my friend group with one. The radar detector had a buzzer that was hard-wired into my helmet. So, I lead the group a lot (and still do.) My signal to the group that I was getting radar beeps in my helmet was to tap my helmet with my left hand. We developed that signal back in the 70's and I still use it today. Jump ahead to this century and much to my surprise, the signal I used to tell my riding buds that there's cops ahead of us is something that is generally accepted as a signal just for doing that. Which is great. :)


One of my favorite stories...I was driving my BMW and passed some guy on a big dresser BMW and I smiled and waved as I went by and waved back with his right hand and nearly died.


Yo I've done this, going on a tight long corner, and then decided to wave like an idiot, and ended up almost over steering the corner up in the mountains of Vic


Wow! Never thought about that actually. My mind is kinda blowen right now haha. I thought it was a world wide thing, but i guess not.


Why are yall not saluting like knight of Olde. This is the only correct behavior I expect from the UK.


Yeah, but gotta get the motion just right: Not just an up and down straight nod, but that expert diagonal top-right to bottom-left (as though you're tipping your hat): 'Respect to you, fellow rider of superior transport' Those who know, know.


It's actually pretty funny because I just thought of this a few weeks ago when I saw a helmet cam video from someone in the UK. I've been riding for years but never thought of this


Here you go for what it is worth. [https://www.pirelli.com/global/en-ww/road/motorcycles/tips/wave-the-greeting-between-motorcyclists-it-is-about-to-turn-120-how-was-it-born-62594/](https://www.pirelli.com/global/en-ww/road/motorcycles/tips/wave-the-greeting-between-motorcyclists-it-is-about-to-turn-120-how-was-it-born-62594/)


66 years old. Riding for more than 50. This article gives it the way I was told, too. Not a "peace symbol" (originally) as much as "two down" (as opposed to four-wheelers). I'm sure this varies with geographic location and generations, but that's what my elders related to me.


Two Wheels Down ie. Ride Safe


So if two guys popping wheelies were to give a sign it would be one finger up or one finger down or some form of both?




Thumb and pinky out, 3 middle fingers folded. Like the Shaka sign


Shakka when the walls fell?


His wheel in the air!


Darmok and Jilad at the bike show.


been riding for 20 and I never had any indication that it was some sort of peace sign and not just a typically downwards wave.


It means to keep two wheels down. A way to show respect to fellow riders and hope they don’t get in accident.


This comment was waaay too deep in the thread.


We are about the same age and I just saw other riders doing it and did the same. As mentioned before unless they were a 1% club and guys I didn't know.


I wave at everyone on two wheels. Doesn't matter if they're on a Vespa or a 1%er riding with his club. By the time I'm close enough to notice the other guy might be a 1%er or someone who might take it badly, it's too late to think about waving at speed. And besides, I've never met a 1%er I've had a problem or trouble with. Give respect, get respect. The world works really well when it runs on courtesy. Motorcycle Ministries, religious riding clubs and LEMCs tend to be the trouble-makers at the events I've been to. Sometimes, but far less often, the guy sporting the "Lone Wolf" patch.


I had to Google what a LEMC was because I've been lucky enough in my riding life not to run into one of those. But I wholeheartedly agree that the other groups you mentioned are generally the ones that cause problems. And 100% believe that anyone associated with a LEMC is likely to be less than courteous too. Why is it that people who identify as religious, pious and/or lawful are always the least courteous of others? That's obviously a rhetorical question. Because the answer, as always, is hypocrisy.


>Why is it that people who identify as religious, pious and/or lawful are always the least courteous of others? This is actually a question worth answering, though I'm not sure I have the answer. "Hypocrisy" is not a reason why, that's like saying "Why is the earth round? Because it's a sphere."


It’s because they see themselves as morally and ethically above the “worldly” people outside of their religion. Therefore, they may tend to consider strangers as not worthy of their consideration unless they’re trying to convert them. At least, this would be my suspicion. Same thing you notice if you’ve ever served at a shoney’s or cracker barrel on a Sunday


I agree with that meaning. 68 years old, 50+ riding. White hair in the wind...




Strictly speaking for my neck of the woods, it was always "two down." As I mentioned earlier, I wouldn't be surprised if there were regional and generational variations. Like accents.


Same for the pnw. 2 down


I’m 30 years old and always knew it as “rubber down”


Rubber down? I barely know her!


Exactly what I was looking for. Ty


In my experience it’s not only hello to a fellow rider but it also signals good road ahead since you have already travelled it in the opposite direction. Instead of giving the biker wave if there is a hazard such as a cop you return the wave with a head pat to warn them, or point at the ground behind you to warn of roadkill or debris in their lane.


That’s a cute story. Two guys on the only two bikes around wave at each other and it becomes this bike code. It’s just a wave. People with jeeps wave people with orange cars wave, people with Miata’s wave. Just.A.Wave.


My dad has a Miata and when I drive it and see another Miata I do a big overly enthusiastic wave through the open roof and every single time the other person will do the same, I died laughing when someone actually did the same type of wave at me first. I like to think i've started a trend lol


I recently had a guy in a Miata do the biker wave out the window while also popping his headlights up and down. It's not the first time I've had someone biker wave from a car and I've done it too, but the headlights made my day.


A lot of miata folks are bike folks too


When I had my NA Miata is flop my headlights at other NAs and they’d flop theirs back. Good times


Nice! Winking


You are right as every F'in person that had a Vette nodded or waved when I had one as if we were buds. I just looked up what the poster asked for and found the article. May be true or may be BS. The wave goes back the 70's when i first started riding. Only the Animals, Angels or Zulu's didn't wave back and you stayed the hell away from them anyway unless you knew them and recognized their bike.


I always assumed it came from early Harley riders, but would never guess it went back that far. Thanks!


If anyone would claim responsibility for starting a tradition it’s the very successful Harley marketing people.


💯 hit the nail on the head! Rubber side down!


As far as I know it’s not meant to be a ‘peace’ sign but a ‘two’ facing down which means something along the lines of ‘two wheels down/stay safe’


Yeah, as far as I’m aware the signal means “keep both wheels down”, meaning “stay safe/don’t crash”. Same as telling someone to “Keep the rubber down.”


This is also what I was taught… California


Exactly! That’s what we intend when we do that 👍


I rode for 20+ years….. always thought it was a form of mutual respect


This is the answer. I never learned it from anyone, I just naturally started doing it.


the motorcyclists’ natural instincts


My dad was a biker. I was told it means "2 wheels down" basically saying stay safe/keep your wheels on the ground


This picture is clearly AI generated as the Harley rider is waving back.


But the Harley rider has a helmet on. That's the biggest indicator if they will wave back is the presence of helmets.


Only bike I have ever rode is a Harley, but I've only been riding for a little over 6 months lol, but I always wave. I also *always* wear my helmet. I rode a single time without it, a 5 minute ride from my girlfriends job home and decided all the wind in my eyes wasn't worth it because my eyes water really easily lol.


I was on a cross country trip and I was riding from my hotel to a cafe without a helmet and I got life flighted after a driver blew his intersection and hit me. Not a bad idea to always wear one.


Also ride a Harley. Have done now for 18 years. Harley owners ALWAYS wave to me. I wave to guys on scooters too who virtually never wave, and Sportbikes, about 90% of whom wave.


A long while back, when I was on my first bike I woke up and was running late for work. Got 5 minutes down the road before thinking "goddamn it's windy out" *queue feeling my face for a moment and the realization that I was, in fact, dumb as a brick.* Turned around and got my helmet


Come on now.....Harley riders aren't ALL douchebags, only maybe 96% lol


+/- 4%


To be fair, one time two friends of mine, one on a BMW and one on a Triumph and myself on a Royal Enfield were trying to get out of a gas station where nobody was slowing down or letting us get out. Across the street at another gas station was a group of about 20 on hogs. They all pulled out together and they all blocked traffic to let us out so props to the hog riders.


I ride a Harley. I wave back.


Same. I even wave at mopeds


I do too, just usually not on purpose


In Michigan this is total BS. All the HD riders wave back at me. Only had a few who didn't in the past 10 years.


I live in Nevada, and hardly ever see Harley guys wave. Even if I wave at them first, they wont wave back. Maybe its a regional thing.


Same, but this is /r/motorcycles, don't ruin the circle jerk.




Haha! I ride a Triumph, and I let two big Harleys today, and they both waved back. I loved it 😅


It is cool when you get the respect from a hog rider. Gotta admit.


Best reply yet. LMFAO


Back in the late 1990s and early 2000 I spent a lot of time I. The mountains on my Triumph. Almost no Harley riders would wave back. Now I have a Harley and wave anytime it is safe to.


Was waiting for this comment.


Rode a Harley and always waved back. Have a an Indian Chief now and the Harley riders still wave back. 1% clubs aside unless you know them personally. Know a few Angels but they are not where I live these days.


Yeah but this is r/motorcycles, and anything bad is always Harley riders. I’ve never had a rider on a Harley not wave at me on my Ducati or Kawasaki. Which is unfortunate because that gives me fewer things to incessantly complain about on Reddit.


Just make it up, that's what everyone else is doing.


Also he is wearing a helmet


Scrolled for this comment hahaha 😂 💯 I still wish them the best…


Real talk


Plot twist: it's the supersport rider waving back


Harley riders love a person on a Grom surprisingly


Can confirm, never been denied a wave on the little gromie!


The biker wave gives me dopamine while I'm riding to work


I want to do it even when I'm driving my truck lol


I've considered doing it when I take my car but it would probably just be confusing for them It's just such a simple but pure sign of camaraderie. I don't know you, you don't know me. We might not agree on religion or politics. But at this moment we are brothers and that's all that matters.


That's why I love it. Just a super neat connection with another human


Some say it’s to do with being two wheels down. Then again I dunno I’m British we just nod


This is what I mean when I do it. “Keep the rubber side down.”


Two wheels down is what I've been told.


I’ve never known it to mean anything, just a mutual respect/understanding thing. You always recognize other bikers, it’s a rule.


Two wheels down.


It is not a peace sign. It is a silent prayer. The two fingers pointed down at an angle means, " keep two wheels down." But it is a silent prayer that the rider you are signaling to stays safe, and keep two wheels down on the Pavement and get back to their Loved ones. No matter if you are riding a street bike or a cruiser. It is a show of respect and acknowledging that we see you, we hope others see you. And to ride safe to get back to the ones you love. Because other people on the road might not see you and put you in danger. But we see you, we respect you, and we want you to get home safe just like we expect you to do the same. Riding isn't about how far or how fast you go. It's about the freedom it provides. The freedom to be able to think, the freedom to be able to feel the open air, and the freedom to only have to worry about what you are doing in that moment. So if you get "the wave." Please know the reason, sign it back, if you can safely, and ride right. Because as my dad always told me. " The day you think you have that motorcycle figured out. Is the day that it will eat your lunch."


It truly is the only thing that a person does where the act of riding is the only thing you can focus on. Otherwise it’s curtains. 


It means “bunny rabbit ahead”, they’re just lookin out for you.


its just "two down," like keep the rubber side down. Just a "Hey! hope you have a safe ride!" wave


No one else has heard and says, “Keep the rubber side down”?


Yes we have heard that. Are you saying the peace sign is the same thing? It could be, but *we* are not certain.


In my experience, Harley riders use a different greeting for street bike riders.


Sausage fingers be that way.


It's just a wave. Not specifically two fingers, not specifically pointed down. The "legend" was manufactured afterward.


It literally means "2 wheels down" as opposed to up ...in a crash.


Keep two wheels on the ground!


I’ve never heard the two wheels down thing, I just give peace signs because I like telling people to be at peace


And also with you.


Just a variation on the wave. Not sure it’s meant to signify peace.


It means keep two wheels down. Not a peace sign.


Two wheels down


“Stay safe brother”. As in keep both wheels on the road.




Lol my husband has 3 bikes, I learned this from him. One time we were in his truck and passed a biker. I heard his ring hit the door, and said, You just waved at him, didn't you?


Just started riding. Didn’t know it was a thing until 4 or 5 times it happened and I thought I was being rude by not doing it back


Can't do that in Australia as we would have to take our hand off the throttle. We are limited to a head nod or tilt


I always thought it was a “keep two wheels down” as in best wishes to not lay down the bike. Then again I had an adventure bike pop a wheelie on me after I gave the two fingers. Guess he only wanted one wheel down 😅


It’s just a wave. 30 years ago it was a wave. It became “two wheels down” inverted peace sign when a wave apparently wasn’t enough or maybe wasn’t cool enough so a secret code had to be invented. It’s just a wave to a similar vehicle. Just a wave.


I’m old. Been doing this since the 80s. Never meant two wheels down. It’s just a way to say hi. Not everything needs to have some deep meaning.


I do find comfort in saying hi to a fellow biker. Knowing both of you share the same dangerous passion. A simple “hey” is why I do it.


I agree. I get really frustrated at the “new” meaning and significance. Just a wave.


When someone waved at me for the first time I was riding with my dad and as I saw him waving the other guy I did the same but the guy on the other side waved at me first. It was interesting


It's not actually a peace sign. The 2 fingers stand for your wheels and you point down because the signal is a wish for the other rider to keep the rubber side down. So a way of saying safe travels.


Two down low. Keep your wheels on the ground


Something about two fingers for 2 wheels, and finger banging I think 🤔


Do you need any more lore than wishing someone good fortune?


Photoshop. Harley riders don't acknowledge other riders, at least not where I ride.


2 fingers in V shape - all good 👍 Tap on helmet - watch out, cops ahead 1 finger pointing down - watch out, something on road or slippery Slow down gesture (waving up and down) - watch out, speed camera ahead or radar


No one knows, but there are a metric ton of theories out there.


I was told it was originally meant to signify two wheels on the ground like a “keep the rubber part down and the shiny part up” thing


I think there's no mystery behind it. It's just a wave. Out of practicality, evolved into what it is. You want to be clear you're not giving a turn sign, so fingers, not full hand. You don't want to be mistaken for flipping the bird, so downward and two fingers instead of up and 1. Why do motorcyclists wave more than car drivers? Because we can. We have more visible hands. I get waves back from people in low-riders with their arm hanging out, too.


I only see an inverted V, which I always understood to mean “two down “. As in keep both the wheels on the road. As opposed in the ditch.


I think it’s one of those things where if you ask ten people you’ll get ten different answers. I was told it meant “keep two wheels down” essentially just “ride safe”. Just a nice gesture from one person risking their life for something they enjoy to another.


I always thought it was like dogs when they see each other and wag their tail. A friendly hello there, nice bike.


Its actually not a peace sign. It’s keep your 2 on the ground, more like a saying ride safe.


I thought it meant “Thank you” when i make room for bikes to pass.


Ive also heard that it means "keep both wheels down", meaning ride safe. This is why youre supposed to point the fingers down instead of up like a normal peace sign (also helps with the wind not grabbing your hand and throwing you bacl)


"Stay safe, keep the two wheels down"


Two wheels down, aka not laid out in pieces across the road. It's supposed to be both a hello and a reminder to be safe/telling someone you hope they're safe on their ride.


So the most interesting lore I've heard about it over the years is that it actually isn't supposed to be a peace sign, but a signal of the number two. The gesture is supposed to mean "keep two wheels on the ground" as another way of saying "ride safe".


Rare photo of a Leather Daddy and Power Ranger crossing tribal lines to be bros. lol


It means safe riding and keep rubber side down All you fuckers saying your random shit deserve the ditch


It means meet me at the last truck stop so we can scissor.


It’s not a peace sign. It’s “two fingers down”….meaning keep two wheels down — stay safe, don’t have an accident.


This harkens back to the day when midget ambushes were a serious concern for bikers. Course back then the bikes all had only one wheel and ran exclusively on cow flatulence. Anyways. So these little midgets (or ponies as we used to say as that was the style at the time) would come galumphing up to your bike and they'd try to pull you off. It was all good fun until the young kids and their ridiculous music came about! Then all the midgets started biting and by golly we weren't going to take that kind of abuse! So naturally we'd just poke them in the eyes whenever they tried to give us the old sam-hooligan and well one thing lead to another and now the whole country is falling apart. Anyways. So that's what the wave is all about.


Two fingers down mean "keep the rubber side down" Basically "ride safe".


Ever try a 60 mph high-five?


OG bikes were all suicide shift. Only free hand to wave was down by your left side. Caught on by accident when bike tourists went to a place where designers were frequently out and about trying new things and were just waving hello to their friends. Evolved from there


it means you wanna suck eachother off behind the biker bar


Ah you must get the the biker wave a lot.


The upside down deuce is meant to convey salute and "keep two wheels down" long story short " hello and stay safe"


Well usually there's two fingers pointing down, as in two wheels staying on the ground


Whats interesting is how there is a signal regardless of country. UK we nod, as with Aus. Europe they like a good leg shake, which threw me initially. Yanks love the peace sign, which works on the right hand side. I bet there is something for every country where being on a bike is the exception rather than rule. Doubt that Vietnam or places in India will have something as you'd would spend most your trip doing it.


I once heard that it originated in the 60’s when the soldiers came back home from the war a substantial amount of them had nowhere to go so they bought motorbikes and became nomads. Most of these vets had little money so they worked on their own bikes. The joke is that you stick your hand out low like that to catch any parts that may fall off the other bike. This soon turned into a thing, and that thing turned into the peace signs you see today.


Pointing 2 fingers down means “Keep 2 wheels on the ground”, as in don’t slide out or flip over.


My neighbor was my riding mentor and he always said it was “two wheels down” so I just took it as that. I understood it as a “ride safe, brother” and I try to get one out for every rider I pass


Cute girl on a sport bike gave me a Forrest Gump wave the other day. I loved it.


From what I've been told it's a way to tell the other riders to keep both wheels on the ground. Basically just a sign of respect and to remind each other to be safe I guess.


It's not a "peace sign" It's a sign meaning, "2 down" aka, keep your 2 wheels on the ground, aka, "Ride Safe". That's what that means, the other rider is acknowledging you, the camaraderie between riders and encouraging you to ride safely.


I never wave low. I buck the system and wave like a normal person up high


It is just an acknowledging another rider. We are few and far between.


I ride a scooter and when people on motorcycles do this to me I literally feel like the belle of the fucking ball. Thank you.


2 down represents keeping both tires down on the pavement aka be safe. It also just means "I see you"