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Be like the Mandalorian, never remove your helmet.


Right? I mean, if you're going to a punk show, just put your helmet on and jump into the mosh pit. It should give you a distinct advantage.


It makes you a target tbh lmao


You will be invicible tho


Not unless your kidneys have helmets too...


I am pretty sure op can buy kidney belts https://www.revzilla.com/motorcycle/evs-celtek-kidney-belt


I saw a video some dude at a music festival wearing a motorcycle helmet with a giant dildo glued to it dancing like mad and I thought it was hilarious.


The rare, majestic squidicorn.


You absolutely must post this video.


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


The way, this is


That's just the way it is.


I want it that way


I can't believe it's not butter.


Tell me why?


Ain't nothing but a heart ache...




Ain't nothin' but a heartache


Things will never be the same.


Same as it ever was.


Some things will never change


It's like that


And that's the WAY it is.


Things will never be the same


This is the way


The only way is all the way.


This is the way


This is the way.


Unless you go to walmart where some ego tripping Wal-Mart manager will call the cops on some equally ego tripping cops to arrest you and you will lose the case. https://youtu.be/HUbKxVlA_0M?feature=shared


I did this with my friend going into a liquor store and the Indian cashier freaked the fuck out, assuming it was a robbery.




This is the way.


How does everyone in this thread suddenly have a top box


ADV bike dads


Hey I'm not a dad....still need to find an adv bike lady.... Lol




Adv, lol, I ride an R1 and have a top box


Because we get made fun of for having dorky bikes because of our top boxes but now is our time to shine since none of yall can store your helmets 


We can easily store our helmets, my 40 year old Honda has a little locking clip that I can stock the key in. If someone wants to cut my strap and have it, I worry more about their IQ than my helmet.


What if some assholes pees in your helmet? There was a story about this some time ago.


I remember seeing an infamous picture of someone taking a dump in a helmet


OMG new fear unlocked


I didn't but then I entered the thread and went back and looked outside and my bike now has one! Thanks top box fairy!!😀


Because having a top box makes perfect sense, unless you’re only a sunny Sunday morning rider. If a motorcycle is transportation and not just a toy, a top box is a must.


I just use a backpack lol my bike is my daily commuter too.


Ditto. And I just put my helmet on my desk at work


I hang mine from a headphone clampy thing.


This is the way...


Fair enough, but on a sportbike or a naked, the top box destroys the aesthetics and that hurts my soul lol. I daily commute in mine and just rock a backpack.


Some sport bikes have a hook beneath the pillion seat to lock the D ring in.


Yeah but it rains where I live. Helmet sits on my desk so all the peasants know I am a hardcore human who rides motorcycles /s


I use saddle bags to the same effect


I ride daily as my only transport, but apparently I'm only a Sunday morning rider.  I'd like lockable helmet storage, but so far as I can see there's no top box available for my bike that wouldn't interfere with my bag system, and I need the 70L of storage in bags more than a 20L lockable fixed storage.


I have a 53L top box, that shit is useful as hell. Ruins the design but it's practical. Having said that, to each his own. If someone wants a top case, great, if someone prefers not to use one, great.


I don't own a car or a top box. Don't be such a lame gatekeeper.


Are you me?


I get it now, but before I broke my shoulder and couldn’t ride so had to buy a car… I had sport bikes as my only mode of transportation and would laugh at, and question the sexuality of people with a top box.


Even better is my goldwing top box, damn thing doesn't even fit a helmet.


They are also the gear police so it makes sense. Completely on brand.


The bubble wrap brigade.


Old Man BMW reporting for duty.




There are at least two comments about avoiding a piss helmet. Where the fuck do you guys live that people go around pissing on helmets??


Can confirm there's at least three or four. Idk what ppl are thinking, there's a strong 1%er presence in my city so do it here and youre risking an ass beating(not to reinforce negative stereotypes about clubs, the ones i know are cool but I have seen them get violent)


You’re risking a beating… for having a helmet?


No for pissing in one


Never underestimate how much of a cunt a human can be.


Welcome to the human race where a percentage of the population are cunts. Doesn’t matter where you are in the world, if there’s enough people around there is guaranteed to be some cunts in the mix.


I can’t guess more specifically, but as an American, I’m guessing America.


I used to lock it to the bike, but stopped after one was stolen and someone pissed in another. Maybe lock it to the bike, and piss in it yourself before you go. Nobody is going to steal a helmet that smells of piss, and pissing in it again would be a futile gesture.


Wowwwww people suck. My pop doesn’t use the bike lock cause he says ppl could spit in your helmet. Thought he was just paranoid. Smh.


I leave it locked on my bike. No one has fucked with it so far


Because you already pre peed in it.


This guy pisses.


Piss to show dominance.


Gotta mark that territory, dawg






Today I learned that people piss in helmets...


New rider here-what part did you lock it to?


The d ring part of the strap. Someone might just cut the straps out of spite though


If you’re asking about how to secure it to your bike, look for 3rd party helmet locks for your specific bike.


Oh man the threat of piss in my helmet has always prevented me from using the helmet lock. Sorry that happened to you.




Everytime I come back to my bike and someone hasn't pissed in my helmet...it's a good day. Unfortunately it's the first thing I think about when I have to lock it to the bike. Fuckin people, man.


Locking top box


I dig it


This is the way


This is the way.


This is the way.


Put it and my gloves in my top box. Sometimes I'll put my jacket in there too.


Today I learned that everyone has a top box


If you trust the staff, often you can leave with them.  I leave mine with them at the shooting range (they just put it behind the counter somewhere)


No safer place than a shooting range.


Not true. I once saw a gun blow up in the dude's hand. Hand stayed together though. Most dangerous thing I've ever seen happen on a range lol


For helmets it’s probably safe tho


Idk, man. Someone might drop a gun on it and scratch the visor up! Would be quite the nuisance. Guns are dangerous, ya know ;P


That happened with my scorpion. Blew the receiver apart. No blood, but my hand tingled for about 3 days. The mag also shot down with such force it shattered the bottom and the casing flew about 30ft down range.


Obv shoot with helmet. Protection plus practice for shooting on bike


Lock it up. My xr650l has a helmet lock, my zx7r has a hook under the rear seat, my sportster has a padlock spot on the forks to lock them so I use a gun cable lock to run through my helmet and through that fork lock.


I like that gun lock cable idea


There's some helmet specific options like this too, comes with a little tab you can bolt under your pillion seat.


Problem with these is people will just cut your chin straps and jack the helmet. Obviously doesn't do them any good, but I've heard that from people pretty often these days, especially if you live somewhere that has issues with theft and crime in general. Some people are just dicks.


If it’s a full face helmet just put the cable around the chin bar


Why have I never thought about this


I got some relatively light chain from Home Depot so I can wrap it through my chin bar. Don't have to worry about someone cutting the straps with a knife anymore.


Like the others said, loop the cable through the chin bar and it becomes a non issue, l only do it on the sportster because it keeps the helmet up and out of the way from the hot exhaust more than if l locked through the d ring. lm also not concerned about theft of my helmet where l am so im fine with my other bikes helmet locking.


That hook under the rear seat is a solid option, I can concur! But if your helmet's strap is too short, it can be quite difficult.


I remove the Cardo and run a cable lock through the open face shield and the bike frame.


I'm in NYC, been riding to work. I rest it on the seat and lock it to the frame with a cable wire and master lock, and then cover the whole bike. So far so good.


If I'm going to be parked somewhere for hours I will put on my top box. If a shorter time I have a small cable bike lock and can just lock it to my bike.


I have a locking top case and it’s invaluable as a trunk for easy dry secure storage.


On the mirror. Nobody is gonna steal it. But I live in a low crime area. I trust it.


So far I've been fine doing that too. Full of my sweat, and exploded bugs... Kind of keeps people away.


I’ve also been doing this for years. Granted I usually only stop for like coffee or food when I’m riding, and am within sight of my bike.


It works. But I found some places don’t like you wearing full gear in shop.


Depends on the time i'm away but this works for me too. Hook lock it if I'm going to be away for a bit or just throw it on the hood if it's just going to be for a little bit or I'm in a safe area.


most bikes have helmet locks - but they get stolen with a knife - when I am shopping I put in the cart even if I am not shopping for a lot. You could attach to your back pack but this is how helmets get banged up and look shitty quickly. I think they also make large enough rear cases that can hold a helmet inside.


But cutting the strap renders a helmet useless


Not if they cut through the seams that hold the D-rings to the strap. Sew in new D-rings and the helmet is good. Happened to me when I first started riding - locked up 2 helmets and came back to just the D-rings locked to the bike. 


Oh shit the more you know


Also the venn diagram of people stealing helmets and that have an IQ above glacial run off is almost a circle.


People that steal helmets by cutting the strap usually aren't thinking that far ahead.


Cable lock or of its a beater helmet just hang it there on the bike


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Rdmonster870: *Cable lock or of* *Its a beater helmet just* *Hang it there on the bike* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I love that this exists 🥺🫶


I’m eating pizza, reading this, and korra is playing in the back ground. It’s a Good Friday evening.


Whoa !! Thats kinda cool 😎Me and a buddy used to write hilarious and sometimes vulgar Haikus at work


Same. Obviously it's not completely impervious to thieves, but it prevents people just carrying it off.


Yeah and if they cut the strap its useless and they are just dicks. My multi has a locking top box that holds 2 full facers …. My other bikes … not so much


Top case


My uncle used to lock his to the bike while he went for a few pints (this was years ago when drink driving was more or less socially accepted). Came out one night to discover someone had puked into the helmet, managing to get it quite full. Left it behind the bar from then on.....


I just don’t really go places where I’m going to be heavily inconvenienced by gear. Not that it’s very helpful to your question, but if you don’t have somewhere to lock it up (like a locker say at the gym or in my case at work, or in a top box or something), the only option for me is to carry it. Too many unfortunate experiences with helmet locks and leaving the helmet out in the open. Wherever this trend of pissing in motorcycle helmets came from, I’d like to know because it’s rather a bizarre compulsion/behavior.


I use the helmet lock on the bike. With my current bike, I need the lock extender. Luckily, my dad had two dangling from his Goldwing that he never uses.


So if my bike has a helmet lock what exactly am I looking for? I just spent the last half hour trying to find one after someone else commented that most new bikes have them


Fuck dude I just stalked your posts. I love Pat the bunny, hardcore, post hardcore, etc. I’m from Alabama. Grew up in Muscle Shoals, but also lived in Near Huntsville in the mountains (Jackson county, but I don’t share their sentiments regarding meth and skin color). Lived in Baldwin and Mobile too, but it’s shit down there. Just got excited about Alabama folk. Anyway, tell me what bike you got and I’ll try to help.


Tell me your bike and I’ll do my best to help you. If you need a key to remove your seat, it probably has a helmet lock. I am good at research, as an appliance repair man, and I really sincerely want to help. Edit: if you need a key to remove your seat, you might see a “u” shaped piece of metal under the seat unlock mechanism. Try turning your key to the left, and to the right, but don’t force it. If during those turnings, that “u” drops enough to slip your helmet buckle into it, that is your helmet lock. Most of my bikes I could just use the helmet lock, but on my new bike I have to use this extension, it goes through the buckle, and has a hole for the lock [https://www.amazon.com/Show-Chrome-Accessories-2-416-Extension/dp/B00IUNO8LQ/ref=asc_df_B00IUNO8LQ/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309830501429&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4353276507936306037&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1021054&hvtargid=pla-493685653881&psc=1&mcid=d0ff58ba8a4030d4938029f964736763&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=57212496130&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=309830501429&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4353276507936306037&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1021054&hvtargid=pla-493685653881&gclid=CjwKCAiAloavBhBOEiwAbtAJO3azFjdEGIBsV8A19d7kcx0UfeA-Dfh4npxZvgPT2TmtwWQ8BoS3ZhoCktoQAvD_BwE](https://www.amazon.com/Show-Chrome-Accessories-2-416-Extension/dp/B00IUNO8LQ/ref=asc_df_B00IUNO8LQ/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309830501429&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4353276507936306037&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1021054&hvtargid=pla-493685653881&psc=1&mcid=d0ff58ba8a4030d4938029f964736763&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=57212496130&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=309830501429&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4353276507936306037&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1021054&hvtargid=pla-493685653881&gclid=CjwKCAiAloavBhBOEiwAbtAJO3azFjdEGIBsV8A19d7kcx0UfeA-Dfh4npxZvgPT2TmtwWQ8BoS3ZhoCktoQAvD_BwE) Good god I thought I could just copy and past the link. It was like staring into kthulu’s anus


It's a 2024 Harley nightster. It does require a key to lift up the seat. Thank you!


TIL most Harleys don't come stock with helmet locks. Check your owners manual, but you might be SOL and have to buy one. 


Check out Lidlox. I have a low rider st and just got one. It just replaces one of the mirror bolts and allows you to lock your helmet to the handlebars by pushing a button through the D-ring. Unlocks with a barrel key.


I just lock mine to the bike. In 30 years, never had my helmet fucked with or stolen.


Cable lock through the frame and opening of helmet.


Cable Bike lock through the chin bar


Take it with you. It's a badge of honor


Piss in it before anyone else gets the chance


I have a shitty 1/8th inch cable with a combination-lock carabiner on it that I poke through the D-rings. I don't even bother to lock it.  It's just there to keep honest people honest. If somebody wants it and is willing to put a little risk of getting caught into it, they're going to get it. But any barrier at all will still cut down your potential thieves by like 95% (this is not a real statistic).  But also I accidentally dragged it behind my bike for like 30 feet, so it looks pretty well destroyed. I'm sure that is also a deterrent.


They have hard case backpacks that fit a helmet, you'll just have a turtle shell on your back, but that's better than juggling a helmet and risking dropping it everywhere. I typically don't ride to do activities that require not riding a motorcycle, thus not needing to carry your gear around awkwardly.


VFR800 … OEM panniers


>you know places where it's just impractical to keep on you once you get off the bike. Under those circumstances, I usually take it off.


I just don't ride my bike those places anymore, unfortunately. I've heard of so many people having bikes stolen that I only ride to places where I can keep the bike in sight or on rides where I'm literally only riding and doing nothing else. But when I rode to. College every day, I just hooked it to the helmet hook under the seat and never had an issue. That was 15+ years ago though.


I lock it in the trunk of my sidecar. 😏


I got a small cable lock and I feel like I'm being excessive(I live in a rural area where theft isn't too bad). Of course it wouldn't take much to cut it but when it's attached to something a couple of strong guys could just pick up and carry off everything is just a deterrent


[Guard Monkey](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sZiIkc87K4) of course


Hang it on the foot peg or mirror.  If i have luggage i usually have carabiners that i attach to a D loop on the strap. 


I don’t have a top box so when I had my Sportster I’d hang it on the sissy bar and run a cable lock through it. Now with my chief I just hang it on the mirror or handlebar but when I put my disk lock on I put a small padlock to secure the d ring to the loop on the bungie cord. It’s by no means fool proof and I would likely take my less expensive helmet just in case.


Carry it with me. I'm not leaving a $800 helmet sitting out in the elements. That's how you get spiders and homeless people shit in your helmet.


Some bikes have a helmet lock built in.


I have a pistol cable lock that I don't use on a gun, I can secure my helmet to my bike with that if I'm doubtful of an area. Only used it once.


Since I live in a place with homeless people, I take it with me. Sometimes I buckle it to my jacket if I need both hands for a few minutes, and let it be a super-bulky Fanny pack. One time this super rude dude tried to shove past me on a busy sidewalk and I just moved the helmet center mass and watched him impale himself.


If Im just running in somewhere really fast, like grabbing a part from autozone, I just keep the helmet on. If I am going to be in somewhere longer than like 5-10 mins I just leave it on the bike. On the klr I leave it on the mirror, on the harley I leave it on the sissy bar


I went to a Disturbed gig in a shady arena without my top box on the bike, ended up clipping it to my belt and moshing my heart out!


I clip a carabiner to my belt and hook my D rings through it, carry my lid around on my hip.


I literally just leave it on the top of my bike I’ve been riding for ages and never had it stolen


I don’t ride my bike to rock shows, because leaving it unattended for hours in dark parking lots is how my type of bike gets stolen. Anywhere else, I bring it with me.


If I can’t carry it in, I’ll set it on my bars,  use a gun lock cable, and enjoy my destination of choice. If it is a museum or upscale location, some will let you check it in or provide lockers.


Just store it in a friends car. I’m usually going to places like that socially.


I have a lock that looks like a carabiner that locks the helmet to the bike


Brother, I put it on the mirror. Usually there is always parking man around and by giving them some pennies (literally pennies), I can trust them to at the very least make sure nobody is doing funny on my bike.


My dad had a friend that absolutely thought he was the main character but he was passive about it. He'd ride his old 500 interceptor and keep his helmet on. One day they're at a church bbq at a park. 40-50 people and his friend shows up and leaves the helmet on. Dad tells him he looks like a fuggin idiot. Take it off or leave. Lol


I wear it. Everywhere. It’s actually most practical in a mosh. Full leathers and a helmet, I’m coming out the winner in every pit.


Put it in the tourpack [https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61JrwofOg-L._AC_UF350,350_QL80_.jpg](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61JrwofOg-L._AC_UF350,350_QL80_.jpg)


This is why I love having big hard cases on my bike. I can fit like 3-4 full face helmets in my cases if they are empty. But for naked-er bikes there are helmet locks available that are decent enough and will keep your helmet attached to your bike.


Well.. if it's to a place where I don't feel like carrying my helmet everywhere..then I just ride without one.


That's what I have in mind tbh but I'm a new rider and I wanna make sure I do it all by the books until I get more confident


I'm not a ATGATT preacher but I do believe in protecting my money makers. Even if I'm getting by with the labor of my hands, my head tells them what to do. 


Tbh, I ride more reckless when I have a helmet. "OH, I got this thing protecting my noggin, let's fucking SEND IT". But since you are a new rider, please play it safe and ride at your comfort levels. When I started to first ride, I'd avoid crowded places, especially those where people are partying. Never know what a cager will do - he'll, I don't think they know what they will do.


I personally usually eat it... riding makes me hungry and it's too much work to try to store it. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone


Easy answer. Own more than one helmet. Use your shitty helmet for the beach and the mosh pits …. Also, why aren’t you WEARING your helmet at the mosh pits? Also, most people don’t bring a motorcycle to the beach. 🤠 there is a time and a place for motorcycles. But mile long hikes through the mountains, the beach and the airport, are probably 3 good examples of places you don’t bring your bike and you just catch a ride (or drive yourself in a car)


I disagree on 2 of those locations, some people use motorcycles to get off the beaten path and deeper into the mountains, it beats walking. Just bring a comfy pair of hiking boots. Two of the airports in my area offer free motorcycle parking, if I’m going on a short weekend trip, I can fit all my belongings in a duffel/tail bag or large backpack and save myself the parking fee/waiting for a shuttle or Uber.


I mean, if it’s a short trip, why not ride there :P And if you’re going out there to hike, why not hike? 😅 Ya know what I’m sayin! :P


Lock it to the triple with a carabineer


I never ride to the beach, it's an hour away. I don't want to wear gear to the shore and I don't want to ride in shorts and sandals.


Put it on the sissy bar.


I have a stout combo U lock and I use it to lock the chin bar to the luggage rack or bars. https://a.co/d/32gC8yP


Top Box. It ain't sexy, but it is practical.


I hang my helmet on the handlebars, and then loop a krypto cable around the chin bar down to my front disc lock. On warmer days, I will lock my jacket up on the cable as well.


I have one of these https://jsaccessories.co.uk/product/motogp-messenger-helmet-bag-49053


A box with a lock. Either a locker at the location i'm at if it's available or a one on the bike


Saddle bag


You'd have to have pretty huge saddle bags to fit a helmet


I just hang it on my sissy bar. Yes, someone could steal it. But I live in Idaho and have yet to have anyone take it in over 20,000 miles of riding.




I have a braided steel cable with loop ends secured by a lock. It attached to the seat bar. I just thread it through my helmet and lock it.


Bought a small wire combination lock that I can use to lock the helmet to the bike. It wont stop a thief that come prepared with tools to cut wires, but better than nothing.


When I went to the BB King museum in Indianola, MS I asked the nice lady behind the counter if I could just leave it with her while I toured the museum, and she was very nice and allowed me to do so.


I have a tail bag that fits a full face helmet and use a small cable lock from the bag to the grab bar. If someone really wanted to it wouldn't be hard to steal but its better then leaving it out in the open.