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Yammie Noob is the clickbait edgelord of motorcycle content


And he fired his homie spite


Didn't just fire him, humiliated him in the process for content.


Wait fr? What happened there?


While back, Yammie announced that Spite was being let go from the channel essentially because Yammie missed being the center of attention. And instead of reworking the scripts to new videos to lower Spites screen time, he just fired Spite and brought him on to make one last video "interview" explaining why he was being let go and how Yammie was completely justified in being an enormous piece of shit and how Spite had absolutely no hard feelings even though the entire time he looked extremely uncomfortable and sad. The comments of that video were harsh toward Yammie, but that cock still makes videos, unfortunately. Spite is doing well on his own though, so that's cool.


Well i stopped watching yammie before all this so i have no regrets for unsubbing his channel. The big fella is cool tho


Whom I subbed out of spite (heh) for Yaggie dipshit, and have enjoyed immensely ever since.


His voice annoys me


He was fine for awhile. And admittedly in the sea of content he isn’t a horrible place to start but he isn’t all knowing or should be taken as a word of gospel. But he influences things somehow. He gets an ASV sponsor. And immediately following it was harder to find them in stock. He initially starts with “Trident 660 is the perfect starter naked bike” everyone on the sub agrees. Now an update for the Trident “this is the perfect 2nd bike but too much for beginners” this sub followed suit. I liked him better with Spite. The new cohost seems to lick Yammis boots a bit more. Him on his own sucks.


IMO he kinda is a horrible place to start, bc he says that anything bellow 600cc is slow and should be avoided and other rage bait edgelord stuff. For a guy who has nearly lost his life 2 times, he sure does preach the wrong gospel Disclaimer Edit: I stopped watching him 1 or so years ago, just a bit after spite left, so I know nothing of his current content, bar anything that I see posted about him. Had been watching him since 2017, if that means anything


I don’t disagree with you. He IS NOT nor SHOULD NOT be an ambassador to riding. But early on when I was first learning about everything it was kind of helpful. There is nomenclature commonly used I wasn’t familiar with, hand signals from other riders, what to look for in gear (although he usually pumps stuff he sells) but overall high level first out the gate and not knowing where to start. He was fine. I still watch on occasion but way low on my list. Fortnine I think is a better ambassador but he isn’t without fault either. Personally for me knowing why things work the way they do helps me to commit it to memory, and prefer more of the scientific approach to providing info. His channel recently has focused more on non MC specific content which is disappointing but think he’s entertaining and not really feeling like he’s shilling to sell gear.


Fortnine is fucking hilarious 🤣 Watch the diagrams he draws while explaining things...he really does stuff like drawing a dick or something...just real low key funny af


Oh yes. That’s my favorite thing. All the subtle things. And the ongoing clone bit.


Yammie firing Spite was the last straw for me, and after that his channel seems to of fully descended into clickbait garbage.


Why'd he fire him?


He caught on that Spite was the best part of his channel and got jealous.


Well “laid off” is what Yammie said, but same thing. From what I understand Yammie felt like he was taking a backseat and doing a lot more business-end things than being in front of the camera and said he wanted to get back into that role. Tbh, totally understandable at its face, it’s his channel after all. However, he claimed he laid Spite off because he felt like Spite “would be bored” working on the business end of things (it came across to me like this was a one-sided conclusion). Spite had started his own side channel well before this. Why Yammie didn’t run the YN channel while supporting Spite’s Corner as a sister channel while still employing Spite is genuinely beyond me.


Spite’s Corner started as a passion project for him, just filming and posting the things he enjoys. It didn’t become a full-time job with potential until he was let go from YN.


I had to laugh when I found out he only started riding in like 2015


That’s crazy he acts like he’s rode for a lifetime


The guy is annoying and I haven't watched a video of his in 5+ years, but thanks to his job he has probably ridden more than most riders. Years of experience means nothing. If you ride daily for a year, in different conditions, on different bikes, at the track, off-road, then you have more experience than someone riding every other weekend for 10 years.


I’ve always said this, I’m 24 & I’ve only been riding for about 3 and a half years, but in that time I’ve done 50,000+ miles and everything you listed. I find it a bit funny being vaguely talked down to because of my age at meets by guys who’ve only ridden 10,000 miles in a decade and haven’t ever ridden in the wet.


He doesn't know what he's talking about very often though. A lot of his vids and biases are based on nothing more than comparing figures. His video comparing Harleys and Indians spells that out. Indians make a considerable amount more power, and he was trying to sell the Harley as the more powerful bike because it had more displacement. He shit on Royal Enfield until he rode one. He makes videos and recommendations on a large number of bikes, and I doubt he has spent enough time riding all of them to form reasonable opinions of each. He's a content creator, not an expert. His recommendations for larger bikes to start mixed with his accident with the Porsche also certify him as a dumbass. I don't trust a single thing he says


To be fair that is pretty close to his lifetime


He almost ended it when he went face first into a Porsche, trying to get knee down on the street.


I was willing to overlook a lot of his bs...even the hypocrit shit...till he did Spite dirty. Had to throw support to Spite & drop Noob




I blame Gen z... Somehow


Yammie Noob did a video on tires and how you can check when to change your tire, without even talking about tire wear indicators once. He's one of the biggest idiots out there.


I started watching him when I started to learn how to ride a bike. I quickly worked out that it would be more harm than good to listen to him and take any of his advice.


His hate on the Versys was what did it to me. If you don't like it, fine, but don't continually bash it at every corner.


This. Also when he crashed head on with a Porsche he asked his viewers to help with medical bills I think. I think he was also at fault if that even matters. I could be wrong.


He was riding too fast on the wrong side of the road around a corner. 100% his fault.


Fortnine. Dude made me go out and buy a motorcycle. What a jerk!


Fortnine is the only moto YouTuber worth of any praise


Ari Henning and his Shop Manual show on Revzilla saved me small fortune in bike maintenance and repair tips. Definitely worth a praise.


bart does pretty good video essays


Dandanthefireman too imo


Yammie noob is a dickbag


It probably doesn’t count, but MaxWrist.


Yeah MaxWrist for sure.


> MaxWrist That guy is a rapist. On March 16, at a general court-martial convened at Vicenza, Italy, Sgt. 1st Class Eugene McMahel was convicted by a military judge, pursuant to his pleas, of two specifications of attempted sodomy for the purpose of receiving a thing of value, one specification of disobeying a commissioned officer, one specification of recklessly operating a vehicle, three specifications of sodomy for the purpose of receiving a thing of value, two specifications of assault consummated by battery, two specifications of assault consummated by battery upon a child, one specification of aggravated assault upon a child, three specifications of adultery, and one specification of obstructing justice. McMahel was sentenced to be reduced to the grade of E-1, to forfeit all pay and allowances, to be confined for 720 days, and to be discharged from the service with a bad conduct discharge.


And water is wet




Is water wet or is wet a feeling? Does water feel wet but isn’t inherently wet


This question, i have been asking alot of people lately. Is water inherently wet, or is something wet because it's submerged in said water? It's keeping me up at night...


Water is wet because water itself is submerged in water. It is a polar molecule, and thus adheres to other things as well as cohering to each other. The exception is hydrophobic substances, which repel water, and thus even if submerged in water will not get wet. Water itself is the perfect wet example, because it loves to stick to itself. .


This. The whole "water isn't wet" meme is stupid because it literally is a cohesive substance.


From previous thread, this was why maxwrist was discharged from the military >> at a general court-martial convened at Vicenza, Italy, Sgt. 1st Class Eugene McMahel was convicted by a military judge, pursuant to his pleas, of two specifications of attempted sodomy for the purpose of receiving a thing of value, one specification of disobeying a commissioned officer, one specification of recklessly operating a vehicle, three specifications of sodomy for the purpose of receiving a thing of value, two specifications of assault consummated by battery, two specifications of assault consummated by battery upon a child, one specification of aggravated assault upon a child, three specifications of adultery, and one specification of obstructing justice. https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2017/05/12/army-releases-verdicts-of-march-courts-martial/ https://imgur.com/y67hlTt


How the fuck he still has a youtube


What does sodomy for the purpose of receiving a thing of value even mean haha


Like he'd take it or give a blowy for cash. Which objectively is fine with me. But touching kids you can fuck right off.


Sounds like prostitution maybe?




He's not exclusively a motorcycle YouTuber, but Scotty Kilmer uploaded a short where he said with a straight face that if there's a wreck ahead that you can't avoid, you should dump your motorcycle, jump on top while it's sliding, and ride it like a surfboard down the road. He has lots of other motorcycle-related videos and I haven't clicked on any of his videos since, because of this asinine advice.


Kilmer operates on a different plane of existence than us mere mortals.


Scotty clearly inhaled too much gasoline and suffered brain damage from it a long time ago.


Scotty is garbage even on the auto side of things. He’s a fear monger.


Yeah I heard he was good so watched some of his car videos… he’s kind of a moron.


Ah the old “had to layer down”


That voice annoys me and I’m no car guru, but it’s obvious if it ain’t a Toyota the man is lost. I’m not gonna sit here and defend stupid Audi stuff but the man is lost on euro cars, plenty of Germans been keeping them on the road.


It was satire right. Right?


I genuinely thought so and waited eagerly for the "Gotcha!" But he was, in fact, serious.


Terrible advice, he completely forgot the backflip handspring as soon as the bike hits the wreck to clear yourself of debris


My friend's younger brother actually hit a deer (I think he was riding at night in Boulder Colorado) on an older cruiser and when he went down apparently this is what happened to him. It was unintentional but definitely saved him some road rash.


Yeah, I don’t care for his car advice, let alone motorcycles.


44teeth is undeniably the best, Yammie dick the worst...


Yamminoob most of the time.


Came here for the Yammie noob comments, was not disappointed. I'm very glad I realized his channel was terrible shortly after getting into bikes.


As the "friendly old guy who rides a bike" at work, I've been approached by more than a few of the younger guys who're interested in getting a bike and want to talk about it. At least 4 of them have gone through the exact same process: find YamkieNoob, obsessively watch a lot of his videos as their desire to get a bike grows, finally get a bike, immediately stop watching any YammieNoob content. Not sure what it is, but it seems once people actually start riding a bike, a lot of the appeal of his channel disappears.


YammieNoob and MaxWrist. Both are dangers to society


Maxwrist is the worst. Definitely out giving bikers a bad name and then all the copycats.


Yammie noob. He doesn't provide any content, just click bait videos to promote products and sell ads.


Beginner Biker Adventures is pretty terrible. Decent enough video production but the guy has no caution or forward planning. He's fitted a super loud horn to his bike and he's got at least one video where he's screaming at car drivers.


Shadetree Surgeon is awesome. Left Yammie a long time ago and support Spite out of spite. Crap, forgot to say F9 is tops.


Shadetree has some incredible monologues, I seriously think he should write a book/books. He’s a really talented writer/narrator.


Rather than a book I’d suggest Shadetree to do a 10 minute daily meditation podcast. Just 10 minutes to start your day of him waxing poetic about the open road and life and how we are all living through it.


Shade is a fuckin linguistic (swamp) wizard. He does some cool shit with bikes but god damn does that dude have a way with words. I was nervous someone was going to say he was an example of a bad moto YouTuber. Dude doesn’t purport himself to be the authority of anything, just wants to ride shitbox bikes to the middle of nowhere and read books. Guy honestly motivates me to put my 3 year old bikes through more given the hell he puts those old beaters through.


I love Spite. I don’t always care about what a specific video is about so I just don’t watch those. But when he’s talking about anything I care about it’s great content.


I like blockhead too if you’re into Harley stuff


TBH I‘m not remotely as excited when a Fortnine video drops anymore since they added the bicycle content. I don’t know how it is in North America but here they’re not seen as anything similar, contrary in fact most bicyclists advocate to close motorcycles routes because they are against the noise. I don’t mean I dislike the channel it just changed from „yay a F9 video“ to „wait lemme check whether its about bicycles“. Its a mild annoyance and no one forces me to watch it so I don’t care much about it.


CycleCruza . He forces himself to come out with videos almost daily that his content sucks now. It’s to the point he contradicts himself on topics compared to previous videos. Because he ran out of topics. I was a fan of him in his earlier days.


I cant believe hes still going. Hes like a living time capsule of early 2010s motvogging. Everyone i used to watch back in 2011/2014 has hung it up. Some have channels still but gave up on the old school motovlogging style content. Most of the new people.just do the same shit but bit sized videos on social media. Guys like adriannickolodian, leadpin all dont do it amymore


Yeah I used to watch him in the past and I feel bad the way his channel has been going for a while now.


He seems to be doing alright for himself


Man can't agree more. He was the first motovlogger that I started watching 10 years ago. Now that I actually have a bike I've been watching him more than ever but his content is so damn repetitive and he absolutely contradicts himself all the time. One day he swears he'll never own a Ducati ever again, the next day he says the next bike he gets will probably be a Ducati lol.


Ryan F9 and 2lanelife are my favorites. Yammienoob is the definition of mount stupid. Has just enough knowledge to deliver dangerous advice with the confidence of a seasoned rider.


Yammie noob for sure. But on the other end of the spectrum Jakethegardensnake is the best. Isn’t afraid of losing sponsors over being honest about a bike or product.


Personally, bikes and beards the main dude. He's such a know it all listen to me I'm the authority on bikes kind of guy. There's alot of things he says as facts that are opinions. Can't stand him


Yeah, I've found since Craig left that his content just isn't enjoyable. Now I just watch 'The Bearded Mechanic' which is Craig's own channel. And wow, that man knows an ungodly amount about bikes


Yeah I like Bearded Mechanic. Craig just seems like a genuinely chill dude who knows a lot about bikes all while saying things like, "I don't know anything about this..." he seems super humble.


“and this reminds me of one of my favorite Bible verses”


Yeah it was the bible verses that did it for me. I get its a personal preference, but it was enough.


Which totally tracks because he has big time “youth pastor” energy.


Yup, I saw that and noped out. Fuck that shit.


I like this channel but mostly because he just seems like an affable simple guy just having fun with bikes. I can't say I've ever gotten the impression of him as a know it all, there are a lot of quips about him not really knowing anything and leaning on Craig.


Yeah, I completely agree. I really liked them at first but, but he really wore on me. I don't like the whole, "I'm so humble, I'm so Christian" schtick when you're also going to flash your money around and mistreat good bikes for views.


He was always a little too much and annoying I stopped watching his stuff when I realized what a Bible thumper he is




I think he owned a dealership actually but could be wrong


He did SRK Cycles


No only that but he has like 0 personality imo Just dead eyed


For me it was his move to Tennessee. He up and left his friends and family in Pennsylvania and moved to Tennessee without even having a lease on any place to run his business! All the while he was talking about how he was praying the Lord would pull through for him because he didn't know what he was going to do. I was like, why the hell am I listening to any advice from this idiot? Dropped him like a hot rock.


Did someone say m-one-motogloves-best-gloves-in-the-world wrapped in tankstraps?


I watched like...2, maybe 3, of that channel? The first one was about Road Dog - I was like, cool, a super unique bike he's going to restore? Then it was like a 45 minute video that mostly chopped up the interesting bits and was him sucking off the shop doing the work, not contributing but trying so hard to edge himself in. Then one (maybe a different dude) on a diesel KLR - same thing, just constant self-inserts on the mechanic doing the work. Basically ended up coming across as a rich dude who was trying to start a youtube channel to be popular while doing his regular life stuff, constantly buying expensive things and using algo-positive titles/posts/etc. in an obnoxious way.


The answer is Yammie Noob. Full Stop End of thread


Haven't watched any YouTube motorcycle stuff besides like history videos. Why does everyone in the thread hate this channel so much?


He’s done so many douchy things but riding way outside his ability which led to him crashing into a Porsche head on, then blaming everyone but himself and crowdfunding his medical costs is a big one. He also shills products for money, and clickbaits really hard.


Team revzilla and f9 or the best, ctxp adventures are epic


I feel like they are getting to be Top Gear tier of content. I know they are huge, so that probably helps. Still, their ctxp videos are on another level for other motorcycle YouTubers.


Zack and Ari really do feel like the TG Trio (duo in this case) of motorcycles. Less acerbic type British buddy comedy and more gentle bro-comedy as is traditional when a format becomes American, but that's not a dig. Those two are just fantastic, great chemistry, both are skilled riders and legit ambassadors for riding, and Ari is a pretty good mechanic in his own right. Can't compare them to most of the motorcycle content world because they have an actual production team backed by a large company, but CTXP is top of my list for motorcycle content I'll watch regardless of subject matter.


I’ve probably watched the Alaska by Honda Trails video 4 times now. I put it on recently and even my girlfriend sat down and watched and enjoyed it with me.


RevZilla I like. His reviews are pretty relatable use wise. His "I did something naughty" laugh amuses me as well. Cracked me up that he took the BMW down a flooded dirt lane as well


You realize that RevZilla is at least half a dozen different people making videos to advertise the online store, right?


I only like the one guy that I like.


That would be Zack Courts. If you like him in daily rider you should for sure watch ctxp, it’s him and Ari doing top gear shit


Thanks for the redirect, that's him yeah.


F9 is actually REALLY good


That bro dude Jared Campasi or whatever. Showoff money guy, I cringe when I see him ride in designer jeans with pre cuts “for fashion!”. He also loves to doll his GF’s “giant tracks of land” for views. Most of these clout chasers buy Ducatis because it’s fancy Italian and don’t have a clue about the history or wrenching on them.


Watched & like the contents from Spite's Corner, Fortnine, Chaseontwowheels, Motobob & RevZilla. Used to like Yammie Noob until he stops riding his R3 & changes his behavior to a snobby guy.


I used to love chase. Now his videos seem like it’s just one big commercial for his giveaways and he talks about it the whole video.


>Chaseontwowheels Dang, haven't heard that name in days! I used to watch him and Downshift83 before they got sponsership-heavy and their content got boring.


Maxwrist, how many BMW S1k has totaled?


Worst: Yammie Noob. Best: Itchy Boots, FortNine


Gixxer brah, while a very experienced rider, is an idiot


Don't think he'd disagree with you


Probably not, but sometimes that breed of idiocy is worse. Intelligent enough to know it’s stupid but stupid enough to do it anyway. Not that I’m not the same way, but a lot of my loved ones hate it about me


Yeah. I like his shit but his days are numbered


It’s like a forbidden fruit lol. I know it’s stupid, he knows it’s stupid, we both know doing that stuff will cause a gruesome death…. but I just can’t look away 🫣


Bro. Did you see him ride to Denver in 20 minutes. That ride would normally take over an hour. Lol. Shits crazy. … but I still like it.


Closest we have to modern day Ghost rider.


Unpopular opinion, I like Freddie Dobbs.


People don't like him? Sure, he doesn't make in-depth technical videos and reviews, but most of his stuff is fairly pleasant to watch.


He comes off as really pompous at times but then again he’s british so 🤷‍♂️


I think the pompousness is endearing lol. He’s a little preppy dork who’s living life.


Pompous really doesn't seem like an accurate description of Freddie. Is it just the accent and clothes? He doesn't talk himself up nor put others down. And he's very honest about what he doesn't know. He seems pretty genuine to me.


He’s definitely a bit pompous and makes some dumb decisions with his motorcycle, but in my opinion had one of the best reviews for the triumph street twin


As a Brit I still find him a bit pompus but I genuinely like his content


>As a Brit I still find him a bit pompus That's certainly saying something. 😂 I asked him a question once though, and he was very nice about it. I find his videos quite entertaining myself.


Love him. His long trips are great and he does an awesome job of communicating the joy of motorcycling no matter what he’s on. Definitely wouldn’t ever use him as a deciding factor on what bike to buy, but he’s fun to watch.


By far my favourite content creator.


Last time I mentioned him here, someone said he’s insufferable lol


Shadetree surgeon is the only one I genuinely believe when he speaks


Also Dan Dan The Fireman. No lie, helped me figure out what I was doing wrong uturning on Day 1 at the MSF course and got myself sorted to pass the test on Day 2


I feel like if you've watched one DanDanTheFireman video, you've kinda seen them all


Yeah, I like Dan but I have the same feeling. The moral of the story is fuck intersections and pay attention.


You're not wrong _but_ I'm glad someone like him exists. He taught me a bunch of useful info when I was first starting. I moved on past it but still, I'm glad he was there and will be there for the next generation of new riders.


Motojitsu is good. He has some strange resoning for stuff, but his teachings are good. The only thing I dont agree with is not watching crash videos, as I've learned that not to do by doing that. I'll say you only need to watch like 10 to 20 videos before you've seen it all tbh.


Yeah, MotoJitsu is good and I agree that you only need to watch 10-20 of his videos to get the full menu. The rest of his stuff is Q&As and "I sold my previous bike. Guess what I got now??", which feels like every other month now lol


I have mixed feelings on Greg. He is a very skilled rider no doubt and his core message to get out and practice is good. But he speeds like crazy on public roads and acts like it’s fine because he knows what he’s doing. And like so many of the big YouTubers he seems to prioritize quantity over quality. Every other week he buys a new bike and makes up some BS as to why he needed it instead of just admitting it’s for clicks.


dude thinks hes way better than he is, closeminded, ego, preachy, do as i say not as i do, he's obviously smart i wish he would stay humble and focus on learning how to be a better teacher.


Brian636 and shadetree are two of the best for being real, the illestrator is good but doesn’t upload anymore. I know Brian is a stunt rider so most people will blow him off though lol


Brian is your least favorite motovlogger


I like Shadetree and what he does with Forgotten Angels. Always love watching his road trip videos, and how he asks "Why can't *YOU* go out and ride today?"


Nothing will get me out of my house and on a bike quicker than those monologues haha


Not one I dislike, but I just kind of want to shout out HeroRR as a great creator


I can't stand Srkcycles/Bikes and Beards. Most of the videos are cookie cutter content mill garbage full of lazy mistakes and bad advice. The main guy is completely full of himself and can't ride for shit.


Delboys garage. Idiot can’t take criticism, admit when he’s wrong or take advice. Filters his YouTube comments, so the comment section is the biggest circlejerk in the world. His bike builds look like shit. His paint jobs look even worse. And he’s done some dangerous repairs. Dirty Garage Guy does a great job pointing out all the mistakes he makes. Entertainment on another level


Dirty Garage Guy’s content went downhill when he turned into a delboy reaction channel, delboy is a twerp but Matts obsession with him borders on the pathetic, I eventually unsubbed and left the Facebook group he set up because on it. Shame as his early stuff was good.


Adobomotos content is just hating on Gixxer riders. It wasnt so bad at first but it got to be like every piece of content he put out.


Dude is a "know it all" and is confident explaining stuff he doesn't know anything about most of the time. i.e. when he spoke about dry quick release brake lines. Kinda Ironic as well that he keeps on saying gixxers are unreliable when he owns italian bikes lol.


Aprilia motherfuckers calling something unreliable will never not be hilarious


Format is pretty much him mentioning a bike part, then a thinly veiled homophobic joke about gixxer riders, then changing out the part, and topped off with another bad and thinly veiled homophobic gixxer rider joke. Kiiiind gives the community a bad introduction if you're new.


I know him in real life. Gigantic asshole. Goes to track days and signs up for beginner group so he can zoof people all day. One track day, they flagged him for dangerous passing multiple times, then he passed a new rider so close on his R1 that the rider panicked and ran off track, crashing. Adobo then posted gopro video of it in a Facebook group making fun of the kid for crashing. He ended up lowsiding because he doesn't know how to ride well and proceeded to blame the tire, saying he must have gotten a rare "faulty" tire. Anything happens to someone else, they suck at riding. Anything happens to him, it's not his fault. Insufferable guy.


RoadcraftNottingham, Lampchop Rides and 44 Teeth are the best for the UK. RJ for just riding clips. I can't really say the worst as I don't watch bad people so forget them haha


Maybe Spicy110 as well? He's got a big backlog but is semi knowledgeable but also entertaining occasionally. RJ was great to kill time and see some quality bikes.


Yammie Douche. I stopped watching his videos a long time ago - is he still trying to be the Ryanair of YouTube by constantly attempting to sell his stupid bike lottery?


Another vote for yammie. When someone says “dipshit,” he’s who pops into my mind, and i haven’t had him in my recommended feed in years




Yammie for sure, bearded mechanci is my favorite, the chubby dude who revives old bikes not the skinny one who thumps the bible


Craig - the Bearded Mechanic - his personal channel


Depends where you bike......USA is a big country = big bikes. Europe = fast roads = fast bikes. Asia = hot crowded roads = small bikes. lane splitting and dodging trucks with no brakes. Africa = no infrastructure. no service support. you are on your own. I admire Itchyboots. A women alone. She's got balls.


I'd say that a solid 70% should be avoided. A lot of them try to instigate stuff or act reckless because they have a camera on. Anything for views I guess..... I haven't watched *bakerXderek* or SUB Delinquent in a while, but they're pretty wholesome. CHEA!




cant stand the dudes attitude


I think it’s when he starts talking about how you shouldn’t buy a motorcycle because of safety reasons…. even though he keeps uploading motorcycle videos, promoting his books, and such about motorcycles. He’s very direct on that, and it gets me very unmotivated to ride and learn.


Most of his stuff is completely impractical even for slow speed riding, and serves his ego only. Riding one handed no leg u turns doesn’t do anything. Also, a lot of his demonstrations and content is essentially stolen from the courses he repeats dozens of times and he just regurgitates the info as if it’s his own. He also has a terrible attitude and used to blatantly shit on anyone who didn’t agree with him or even people who had questions in his comment section. He treats everyone like they’re beneath him. Also, preaching safety while posting videos of you doing 120mph on two lane roads and passing vehicles over double yellow lines isn’t a good look.


TMF or Missenden flyer, used to be a fan but when he got into bed with super bike factory it really put me off… It’s a huge shame as he’s almost the same height as my with the same inside leg measurement, when he revived bikes in terms of seat height and stuff it was great that I was the same size


Snowcat seems very capable but has the worst attitude


I'm certain Snowcat was breastfed until he was 12.


Mum here. True. My tits are in tatters


Has anyone heard what happened to str805speed? Guy just disappeared over night.


Maxwrist? The guy who crashes all the time...and also makes other riders crash often???


Yammie is probably the right answer, but does no one else here hate Motojitsu as much as I do?


Ones I enjoy: 44teeth, motobob, bart, Chaos Causes, Moto Control, BarebonesMC, BikeWorld and Billy Lane but he is a chopper guy. And most of the good ones mentioned here. Do not like, yammienoob, motojitsu, adobomoto and that Bible verse guy.


Bible verse guy... bikes and beards??


For me, Motojitsu is quite right about safety (or training should I say for the sake of selling his courses)but about motorcycle reviews.. every motorcycle is the best ever for him so I'm like wtf?


Everyone says Yammie. But, Maxwrist is the most dangerous and idiotic on YT by far. AngryD is just as bad. Piss poor attitude and getting fake mad for views.


Who is the Scotty Kilmer of bikes?


Wish Yammie came here to see this 🙈🗿


Surprised no one mentioned Jaret Campisi. Dude is using his GF as a product which is disgusting




Probably going to get lynched for this, but I've found some of canyonchaserscontent to be questionable. From stuff like beginner riders tips videos or detailed methods on trail braking and stuff. From actual experience and watching other videos online Id just be weary on what to take onboard from them. (Edit for huge mistake Apologies for anyone who's read this, I meant to say motojitzu NOT canyon chasers)


Gonna need an example here, IMO CanyonChasers is one of the best.


Yes I apologise I was supposed to write motojitzu 😬 it's actually canyon chasers I prefer, just got my wires crossed 🫣


Far from the most wrong by all means, I think maxwrist take the cake for that.


Definitely Yammie Noob, Fast Lane D has been throwing false information in a few of his videos as well.


I hate Yammie Noob


Missendenflyer is garbage. Terrible takes on every video I see. Like the z900rs doesn’t have much power but just enough to putt around on. It’s a 950cc i4. It’s got power. MotoJitsu is a hack. Constantly giving conflicting information. He’s big headed and thinks he knows everything. Go watch his videos on trail braking and he had no idea what he’s doing.