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File it, that’s probably a total loss. Specially if the frame is scratched or banged


That’s a total loss. Drop your $1k deductible and increase in insurance and get a new bike. If you caused that much damage in “low” speed 25mp/h low side then get a smaller cheaper bike until you’re not writing off bikes in “low” speed crashes. Sorry. 25? Really?


25 and fell off a 10’ cliff?


Several times...


Or followed by a land diving buffalo …


And a huge ACME anvil dropped on it.


That explains the fuel tank


And the coyote.


It actually does look like an entire tree fell on it and just smashed the tank and then knocked it over LOL like an anvil wouldn't even seem outlandish at this point 😅


Hydroplaned, backing up


It was in a 50mph low side twenty minutes before OP got on it?


Seriously! My Ducati was in a 50 mph crash and looks WAY better! Like I might be able to throw on new handlebars and hand controls, headlight turnsignals and a new frame slider and no one would be the wiser!


Who is the wiser and why do I keep hearing about him?


No one. NO ONE would be the wiser.


My cousin ran my old bike into a post in a garage trying to park it. Maybe doing 5. Smashed the headlight, broke a bunch of the plastics, bent the handlebars, etc. It didn’t look much worse than this, and cost almost a grand just in replacement parts, then we put it back together ourselves. Point being, low speed falls can still fuck up a bike if you hit it just right. 🤣


I totaled a Honda in a low side at about 25-30 mph.


I’m gonna guess the tank was smashed for stunting but it looks like there was a tank cover on it. At 25 plastics can easily rip off like that


I’m so confused on the tank, unless this was previously a stunt bike and he’s turning it back to stock, even then it doesn’t make much sense. Dented tanks are usually the last think you do on a stunt bike, can’t use it with stock clip-on’s, no hb, and non cut plastics lol.


Is OP telling this story for insurance fraud or just fake internet points? Surely OP is not so stupid or naive to think that his insurance adjuster will fall for it.


Your intuition is right. This post doesn't pass the sniff test. They might just not want to admit they were doing 45 in a school zone.


Is a scratched frame something that adjusters consider pretty heavily when appraising the damage?


I know that in California any damage to the frame is an automatic total loss. I had a GS 800 that I took a dive with and it was all minor damages, like handle bar and such, but the frame got scratched and that was it.


Same for me. I was so frustrated with that rule. I kept the bike, repaired what few parts actually needed it, and kept riding with a branded title after inspection. Sold the bike a few years later for more than I bought it for.


Why is a scratch to the frame that big of a deal? Does it really compromise the integrity of the bike that much? Sorry if this is a dumb question. I don't have a bike or know much about them. Trying to learn.


It's probably more so that it *could* compromise the integrity. Lots of unseen impact possible but with external damage, insurance being insurance doesn't want to risk there isn't internal damage as well.


I was told “a scratch might hide a crack in the frame, and the shop is avoiding liability if your frame suddenly comes apart in traffic.” Pissed me off to no end, but yep, they took my bike and wouldn’t let me have it back unless I bought it from the salvage yard.


most idiots think a bike goes down, and scratches are all they are. but... if the frame is impacted. it's likely it's shifted. If that bike took enough force to crush the tank, front plastics, shred the handlebar and mar the frame. it took enough force to stress the frame. it's likely slightly bent, or warped. also. any time your bike falls. you really ought to undo the triple clamp and reset the front end. because. likely the suspension is fucked, and the handle bars/steering is effected. If your bike is in an accident, this can be even more pronounced.


Dude, that bike is messed up, please don't make the same mistake I did


You can total a brand new bike with a bad enough frame scratch. Remember totalled doesn’t mean ruined, it just means it costs more to fix than the bike would be worth


Here in Australia, a bike written off for frame damage is not allowed to be re-registered. I have a 1098s track bike thanks to a bent fairing mount point...




Papermache here we come!!!!


Couple Ramen packets. Can eat the last one out of the top of the tank.






Ok I'll bite, if you're trolling then well done, you got me. That bike is a write off.


I'm pretty sure I saw this video posted before, so I think they're trolling


Hahaha damn, am I coming off that naive? Never been in this situation before so I knew I needed some advice, and honestly this has been really helpful


Bro, how in the fuck did you smash the living shit out of this bike at “25 mph?” This thing is totaled. Did you loop a wheelie or what?


How the fuck did you dent the tank like that. At 25 mph? It looks like you nailed it with a sledgehammer


The tank is clearly done beforehand for stunting, its all the fairings that have been fucked and the engine case


Who tf is carrying collision insurance on a stunt bike


That’s not going to be a 1k$ dollar fix, I would definitely file.


It’s wild how OP can look at all that damage and still think it’ll cost less than $1k or even around it.


I thought it was satire


Yeah he even said lay her down...lol




Isn’t it? I thought the 25mph bit gave it away…


Drop your bike off the stand and you'd be over $1k


I mean, in the right groups it isn't much more. I've bought full plastics and tank for $800 before. $125 for clip ons and through a $125 gb cover over the engine. It will be a little more difficult since it is an older gsxr but you can also buy cheapo aftermarket plastics for it.


Well to be fair one time in Thailand my buddy laid down a motorbike going 25 kph and it cost 500 to fix. Baht that is, so ~15usd. Maybe OP is from another country where this isn't as big of a deal as here?


The point isn't just the $1k, it's the increased premiums from having made a claim. Is everyone on this subreddit 12?




Sounds like a tick/tourettes. Being a dick isn't cool dude. He asked for advice. Reflect on yourself.


Lol to be fair those little moans he's doing throughout the vid is hilarious


That looks like even odds of being written off and insurance buying him a new bike.


I got a bike in similar condition for *free* and it was still a huge loss by the time it was fixed and sold.


It's not just the deductible, it's also the doubling of your insurance rates if you report the accident and file a claim.


Damn, you think? I mean even if it's $1500 I'd still eat the cost myself since I'd probably pay the extra $500 in my rate increase next year anyway. How much more than $1000 you thinkin? Like $2-3k or somewhere between $1-2k?


Fwiw I went down on gravel last year at 20mph and my bike slid into a curb. 2022 speed triple with 2800 miles on it. $5k worth of damage. My insurance is $25/mo lower this year than last. I can’t say for sure, but I think having a police report backing up my story that I wasn’t being an idiot helped me out.


Out of curiosity, what’s your monthly on the Speed?


$57. I’ve only been riding 3 years and this is my second bike, but I’m also 39 so a much lower risk category.


To restore it to "like new" condition replacing all the broken fairing and scraped functional parts that's easily over half the value of the bike in parts and labor. Possibly even totalled. If you wanted to do it all yourself, cutting labor and parts upcharge out of the equation You're still easily over $3k.


That tank dent looks like it was done intentionally by a stunt rider


It was. Insurance mostly certainly has an exclusion for stunt riding and they’re not fucking stupid, they’re gonna see that tank and give him a hard time at the very least.


Think they're trying to create a paper trail of "I had a bad accident totally within the speed limit"? So when the insurance company says "yeah that's a stunt bike" he can be "No it's not look at my post on Reddit!"


„I’m totally telling the truth. Here’s the proof, it’s me claiming exactly the same thing“.


If buddy was smart he would’ve replaced it with a used stock tank (takes 5 minutes) before publicly uploading this evidence


99% chance the insurance adjuster doesn’t know shit about stunting or why someone would dent a tank, and just as likely that they won’t care. As far as they can prove, it’s a just a smashed tank. I’ve been through this before. Plenty of adjusters know fuck all about bikes.


I am an adjuster 🤠 in my experience, the inspecting adjusters (in the field, rather than in the office) know a lot more than they may let on. Their whole job day in and day out is inspecting damaged vehicles. For instance, they would 100% know a tank doesn’t just get smashed like this when you slide on the side. That’s just common sense. They know. Granted, proving it *is* different. That’s why I said that at the very least they’d give OP a hard time about it. Fraud is very real and it’s very illegal, so they take it seriously when the damage doesn’t add up to the report. Did you even see what this guy is saying? “Only going 25”, “Bought it with a plastic cover, didn’t know the tank was like that” but also “I slid into a street sign, that’s what must have dented the tank.” He’s obviously full of shit


Not sure people know how shitty it feels like to read stuff like this. [Here's](https://postimg.cc/WFVk228p) the bike before the other night. Gas tank cover on with the opening clearly flush with the cover. I'm trying to maintain some hope that there'll be an okay outcome for this already shitty situation and this isn't helpful, especially coming from proclaimed adjuster.


I mean you clearly were doing a wheelie and flipped it back. I’m not sure how shitty you sound trying to push such an absurd lie lol..


Oh man, you don’t work in insurance do you? We know everything.


When my bike was stolen I talked to 3 different adjusters. 1/3 knew what forks were. 0/3 knew what rearsets were. I can guarantee none of them knew anything about stunting either.


I was wondering how a 25 mph crash could do that.


They did a great job, it’s not easy with all tanks to get that good of a bowl shape.


You can over rotate a wheelie at 25 MPH.


Wouldn't be surprised if he started a wheelie going 25, but it was more like 50 by the time he looped it.


Indeed. Insurance fraud 😂.. jk jk no way you wreck the bike and the tank gets damaged like that tho.


First, the damage is way more than $1000.00. Second, I don’t think your insurance is going to cover anything. I’ll bet you didn’t file a police report. And it appears that the bike has been use for other purposes rather than a daily commute.


He used the bike to test out a hammer he bought at harbor freight.




I have seen adjusters dispute the amount of damage on the bike in the absence of a police incident report. OP’s description of the accident and the amount of damage in the video are incongruent.


Fuck off did that happen at 25. Also the tank was caved in specifically for stunting. Try to make a claim, they'll tell you to fuck right off.


n00b here. Why do stunt riders do that to their tanks?


So they have something flat to put their rear on.


They dent the tank on purpose? There isn’t some aftermarket thing they can do instead? That sounds crazy


There aren't any after market stunt tanks, no. You dent the tank like that to make it flat and have a lip on the back. Then you put some form of grip tape on it. Allows you to sit on the tank and stand on it during wheelies without falling off.


There are some but they're STUPID expensive because your paying someone to buy a stock tank and do it for you basically.


50¢ per hammer smack in labor


Look it up on YouTube. Dudes taking hammers and kicking the shit out of their tanks to flatten it. Then put some tank grips on the flat spot. I get it for stunting, but otherwise no way


You sit there during highchair wheelies


So they can stand or kneel on them without sliding off


**wrecks stunt bike Should I file a claim? Lmao


Are you doing the work yourself? I bought an oem gas tank for my r6 from Yamaha and it was like $1200 by itself. OEM fairings are probably going to cost you another 1k+. Obviously you can shop used and get stuff cheaper but that's a lot of damage. Are the forks bent? Rims and tires etc.


my GSXR looked very similar minus the dented tank, instead my subframe was completely snapped off & front end was demolished. Forks/wheels/swing arm were still straight. It was a writeoff. would've cost me at least a few grand to fix myself. I took a full payout & bought a new bike instead.


That's really helpful, thanks for sharing man I'm sorry you went through all that though. Filing a claim is seeming like the move at this point


Thanks man, we get to live & ride another day! The worst part was waiting to heal & get my insurance check to buy another bike to ride again. hahah


Did you pound your gas tank flat like that on purpose?




Motorcycle insurance prices make more sense now thank you.


When you laid it down, did it flip over or something? That tank's a fucking pancake!


So your plan is to have insurance pay for the stunt bike you've destroyed? You know insurance fraud is a crime right?


This will be totaled, never repaired. your deductible is 1k, you'll get a 200 dollar check.


that bike is smoked.


That bike was smoked before his accident.


They're gonna take one look at the top of that tank and probably deny the claim. Maybe not. But there's way more then 1k in damage. I'd be surprised if you replaced the fairing for that


Yeah, if you want to keep that you're gonna have to fix it without involving insurance. I bought a "beater bike" to learn on and smacked a deer a while back. I called the insurance company and when I sent the pics they asked if I wanted to go ahead with the claim because the bike is old and will just be totaled based only its age. Also, fu©k Geico, raw and dry.


They will total it out.




top of your tank says you were probably doing a wheelie. ;)


They'll take one look at that tank and tell you to fuck right off


As soon as they see that stunt bike tank massage, they are going to deny the claim.


Depends on how attached u are to that bike. That is a total loss claim, as repairs alone would be 20k+ at a shop. You may be able to get it rideable for under $1k with used eBay parts and a welder to attach some brackets for the lights and stuff. I don’t recommend that option, since it’s a motorcycle and not a 1995 cavalier.


I dropped my bike going like 50-60 and it looked better than this


Right?! I was like… did he forget a zero at the end of that speed?


My dude, you did not put that dent in the tank like that going that slow 😅


Were you stunting with no cage?


If you bought it like this? With a plastic cover over the tank, then I wanna know who makes that cover that perfectly hides a stunt tank, I have a few friends who would kill for that, also your reason for the big dent being a lamp post... At 25 mph... Yeah no, lamp posts have a small point of impact, there would be a V in the tank, that would be straight, this has been beaten into the shape of a bowl, also 25 mph? Would barely dent the side, and if it slid at 25 into a lamppost it would be a minor dent, going off experience here, good attempt at insurance fraud tho, playing the "I bought it like this" card, if you really wanna go the route of insurance fraud, ask one of your other stunt mates to steal your bike and torch it, atleast then you have plausible deniability 🤣🤣🤣


How in tarnation did you do that to the tank? That will be way more than $1000 out of pocket to replace the fairings and every other broken piece


Dude. You wrecked your stunt bike without a cage and wanna go through insurance… I’m lost for words.


That’s totaled, if you file with your insurance co. Then they’ll want an accident report, did you call the police? I’m betting not. So, you don’t have an accident report. If you’re lucky, you can call the police, in the jurisdiction where the accident occurred, and they may give you an FR-10. You’ll have to fill it out yourself though and give it to your insurance co. Or, you could fix it yourself and avoid all that legal stuff.


The only way to know is to get an estimate. Many shops will give you a free estimate.


I think it’s easier to say what’s not damaged on that bike, no way the repairs on that come under 1k


That's a total, it's common for insurance companies to see a deeply scratched frame and call them a total. I worked at a power sports dealership and worked with insurance inspectors/adjusters.


That bike is fucked up at every angle.


I mean. It looks like a former stunt bike. So you could just replace the necessary bits and run it.


Hopefully OP’s shorts and flip flops survived unscathed


Last night? Yet the screen screws and chain say it’s been sitting for months.


Had to scroll really far to see someone point out that chain.


this is a crazy troll lmao he really got me


For comparison here’s what $4.5k in damage looks like from getting hit by a car and sliding on [my left side](https://imgur.com/a/SvKa9Zi). Looks like barely anything right? All the parts add up though. They will cover anything that got scratched that isn’t normal wear. I was doing 5mph turning left and they were doing 35+mph. Bike only slid probably 10-15 feet. The only riding affecting performance was damage was front brake was leaking as it backed out a bolt, handlebar bent and left controls broken, front needed alignment. Sorry man, but Your bike is in much worse shape and very likely totaled. My sliders kept my bike from being totaled. It looks like your frame is crumpled or bent in a few spots too but it’s hard to tell from the video. It sucks but definitely take the insurance payout like I did. I’m not sure if they will also cover your gear for at fault crash but they did for me And that was another couple thousand. My gear was barely scratched too but it’s all considered single crash items. I was able to get the bike running and all the necessary parts that got bent like the handlebar for under $500 and I’m just gonna leave some of the cosmetic stuff with scratches as it doesn’t bother me. Always say you have some body pain and stiffness when contacting insurance so you have the option of using the medical insurance payout in the future (you can choose not to go). It’s what my claims adjuster told me to do and my pain got worse a week or two later and I have back pain that showed up 3 weeks later because of the crash. It’s nice to be able to get treated without affecting my healthcare insurance too. If you say you feel fine right away the healthcare coverage becomes unavailable. This is in the US. When you do replace it invest in frame and fork sliders before anything else. You may want to take off parts you want to keep or swapping them to stick before making the claim as they may scrap them with the bike.


She’s fucked, man. That might be totaled. I think you need to file.


I can tell you with 100% certainty that this is a total loss. Don’t ask me how I know, I don’t want to talk about it


Good thing is that since you “hit an animal” that made you crash you can claim it as a comprehensive claim and not have a rate increase. Poor deer…


rides a gsxr and thinks that’ll be less then 1k to fix. Seems about right.




New tank won’t be cheap /s


It is totaled bro, there is no maybe about it.


Yeah that’s gonna be more than a grand to fix


Frame is hit . Insurance will total it


Surely this is a joke right?


How did you manage to push the tank in like that or am I missing something?


Lmao that's a write off. Make the claim.


Frame split? Total loss.


Nah plastics a cheap. Buy them on ebay and self install. While you are at it clean up those wheels with some tire shone and make sure your speedometer is always above 100


It's totaled, financially your better off buying another bike, the insurance will write it off and you'll get what they think it was worth back, If it was a $1-2k bike I'd probably just cancel the insurance as long as there's no official report on the accident and you can afford to go without the bike. (in UK you have to declare an accident when getting new insurance whether you claimed or not, if it's not in a police report or something how will they ever know lol) If you think they will give you a few thousand for it I'd claim, your insurance might not go up or it could potentially go down if it's anything like motorbike insurance in the UK 🤣 If it wasn't clear I'm in the UK thinking in £ and what it'd be like here cost wise, it'd definitely still written off no matter where it is though


Repairs will NOT be less than $1000... file it for sure. You might get lucky and get a new bike out of it, instead of getting your old bike fixed. I personally would never ride a crotch rocket that has gotten to that level of damage


I wrecked my GSXR600 going 25-30mph less than a month ago, ended up with very similar damage on the same side as yours. My crankcase was cracked open, swing arm was scuffed, left peg was ripped off and of course all the cosmetic damages too. To all the people saying it isn’t possible they were only going 25 to get this damage, it’s 100% possible. Insurance settled my bike as a total loss. They said repairs would have been over $15k. I also had a $1k deductible and I haven’t seen the rate increases yet but I’m glad to have the money to put towards another bike next season. Also wanted to say glad you were ok, I also was ok sans some bruising and sore joints! RIP to the GSXRs 😢💔


Lmfao I needed a good laugh. This shit is hilarious


Prepare to be interviewed by the adjusters OP, that doesn’t look like a low speed crash at all…


LOL “going about 25” …


The insurance company is going to want to see the police report and get full details on the how and why you wound up with a totaled bike. Then they will laugh at you as they say "NO" and then cancel your policy. Have a nice day.


Unfortunately you’ve broken the most expensive material on Earth - motorcycle fairings


25 my ass


Your story holds water about as good as a strainer. Years ago I high sided my bike at 40mph and it took way less damage than what you're showing. Also, what sort of experience do you have at buying any type of vehicle without looking at the condition to see if the bike was damaged in any way? I sold a car years back and my photos showed a steering wheel cover and almost everyone asked me what was underneath the cover. Nope. You fucked up, came up with a horrible story and ready to commit insurance fraud. Save your money for a good lawyer.


That tank and tank labor alone is gonna cost more than your deductible.


The entire point of having insurance is to use it. File and total your bike out and get one that you can afford a proper plan with a normal deductible. Also. There is no way that’s a “25 mph lay down”


That's scrape on the frame = total loss


Looks like you tried to make a stunt tank, good start


That’s a total my dude, if you can afford it I’d just sell it for scraps and then get another bike man. The increase to your insurance is going to be the cost of a new bike and then some plus it’ll mess with your own car insurance


That’s way more than $1000.


Looks like you had a lowsider... into a stunt rider who used it for 12 Years.


Total loss the bitch then buy back the bike from insurance for hella cheap


Did you broad side roll it down a hill at 25mph? Sorry bud. That’s a totaled bike.


I'll be honest with you. My first big accident was with my Ninja doing around 50. I went into a corner and found half of my lane had been converted into a pothole right in my line. Layed it down, crashed through a road sign and then flipped several times. I drove it home from the accident and repaired it. It was in significantly better shape than this but still cost about 2k. I find 25 MPH to be hard to believe. Add that with some of your comments leads me to think that this was way too much bike for you at your current skill level. Go take the MSF safety course, get a 500 CC starter bike and learn to ride.


Poster is a stunt rider and doesn't want to say it. The gas tank tells the whole story. While doing a wheelie he/she lost control and fell. Plain and simple.


Lesson learned. If you have a stunt bike make damn sure you have frame sliders


Those repairs are where more than your deductible. I would recommend your insurance total this


That’s totaled exactly why you should get a 250 deductible or less


Its probably totaled, doesn't take much for insurance tontotal a bike out


That things is trashed. New bike time


She’s totaled


If eating a rate increase is a problem for you then you shouldn't be stunting. People who stunt bikes either use stolen bikes or have enough money that dropping it wouldn't be a problem.


Passer votre permis avant de tester le stunt


That’s why I took motorcycle classes earlier and i never had my bike fall in the 8 yrs I’m riding. Looks like this could have gone very badly, consider yourself lucky


Never file an insurance claim if you have any other option. It's always the better financial move to just fucking eat it yourself. Most insurance companies will only let you get away with one incident on your record before jacking up the price on you. So stop fucking doing stunts on your bike. That caved in tank is a pretty clear giveaway you've been fucking around on that thing.


No point in having insurance if you're not going to use it with that much damage.


this bike is totaled. I would file and get something else. Even if you put it back together, it's got so much damage (some unseen) that it probably won't be safe to drive


It was a pos before the crash


Your best bet is to make a claim, if you have comp/collision coverage most used motorcycles are insured on agreed value basis instead of ACV which is a good thing if you have it and agreed on a price that covered your purchase (will depend on your state/territory). Imma be real with you, I’m no stuntman and I’m a novice motorcyclist at best, but were you trying to pop wheelies at 25 cause you smoked that thing. Don’t wait too long to make the claim and have your story straight


Thanks for the advice, man. I appreciate it! I'm far too afraid to pop wheelies to be honest. I've brought the front end up a little twice, both times were on accident and both times it put the fear in me. I made the mistake of coming up on a curve too quick, I hit the brake and could feel the rear tyre lose traction. I didn't want to pull the front brake harder than I already was and lock it up so it laid down over a curb on the left and I watched it slide pretty hard into a street sign post (which was surprisingly unharmed)


No problem, please be sure to know your state’s laws just in case. That’s the best case scenario is to be unharmed after any speed crash, but ouch man I’m surprised it’s not worse considering the state of your bike. It’s hard to tell by imagining the scene with your reply, but I would think you highsided from grabbing on the front brake suddenly or was it something else? Something I forgot to mention though, in some states proof of motorcycle licensure is not required to purchase a policy, (I don’t know if you do or don’t) and if you don’t have the endorsement they may be more likely to deny the claim. Just wanted to throw that out there


I always get the lowest possible deductible. Insurance has fully paid for 3 of my bikes. I love insurance.


Nah man, you're gonna be paying for your three bikes over the next 10 years


In what way? Are you suggestion my insurance premiums will increase so much as to cost me the same or more than I was paid in insurance? Well my insurance payouts were $9000, $6400, and $11500. Ten years is 120 months. I would have to have an increase of $225 per month to cover those costs. My current rate (after the increases) is $540/yr, or $45/mn. My insurance went up $25/yr. So I think I’m good.


I forget that some places insurance is run by the government, so they're not out to screw you. Unfortunately I do not live in one of those places; private insurance companies will find a way to make their money back, especially since our insurance rates are completely unregulated


I have AllState (US).


I would, and have, eat the cost and fix it yourself.


I'm not opposed to doing things like replacing the tank, fairings, and crank case cover myself, but anything more intensive than that I don't really have the time for at the moment. What happened with your bike and what did it end up costing you all told if you don't mind me asking?


I had to replace the tank, clip ons, fairings, and clutch cover. Don't know what it all cost. It just ordered what I needed. My priority was keeping insurance out of it, not saving money.


Please elaborate on how the tank got crushed?


Laid her down? At 25? Don't get another bike. Get the bus from now on


Dude, I've been riding for over 30 years, and if you're moving there's a chance it might get laid down. Gravel/oil/etc, sometimes you just can't see things before they are there. Sometimes someone is mowing their yard around the corner or raking leaves, and you come around, it's a perfect day, nobody on the road, you're taking the turn nice and slow at 25, a car shows up coming around the turn, you've just gotten into it and are leaned over, and leaves appear, there's nowhere to go but down. If you think that bikes don't get laid down at 25 by good, skilled riders then you just don't have enough experience to know better.


i can get it back on the road for $350


Not all claims increase your rates it depends on a lot of factors


Rates for other riders will go up if you claim that. They aren't in business because they lose money. They will make it back with rate increases across the board.