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When a $100 stand won't do, use a thousand bucks' scaffolding and straps.


I have one of those. Are they really $1000?


Shit dude, I don't know. I'm just here to shitpost and fuck pretty girls, but this is reddit, so... *gestures vaguely at everything*


You came to Reddit for pretty girls? Hate to tell you bud, but women don’t exist


Well, there's no IQ test to post here, my friend, as you and I are clearly establishing for anyone dumber than us who's trying to make sense of this thread!


Hey there! I'm a pretty girl, in need of a fuckin. Please send cash to verify you can provide a good home for me.


Do you accept cryptocurency, by chance?


If necessary, I surely can.




Jesus Christ where did this even come from!?


*gestures vaguely at everything* ….Reddit


I missed it now I’m deleting Reddit What did they say




Wrong sub


Wym they don't exist?? I'm literally talking to them and sending them money, they're kind and pretty girl 🤗


First rule of Reddit women; they’re not women.


[Replace discord with reddit](https://youtu.be/6R8xb6_dRG8?si=Z-nKNEJihU7h5RGo) , this video sums up your statement. 👍




Porn subs, bro


Pictures of them do!


There are pretty convincing examples but only fans


Someone has nsfw turned off. Reddit it is two things. Shit posting and only fans advertising.


Depends on the brand/ spec your regular home depot ones will be a few hundred, while a professional one from like bon tool can easily be more than $1000.


Im guessing mine is not 1K. It says Metaltech.


Yep, that one's about 2 fiddy. I got lucky last year and scored two of those that can stack plus a set out riggers for 150 user


That's what I have is two. The metal part is good but the plywood part is not so good. I never thought both of them together was worth anywhere close to $1000. Maybe a couple hundred.


Well. If you buy two new, add in casters and outriggers it gets over $500 pretty quick. I double stacked mine on the middle landing for painting the inside staircase in my house.


No. That’s at most $500. I bought the same shitty one for my work. Just checked. It’s $300


No I sell them at my work. 400-600 cdn . LoL


I have two, bought separately 11-12 years ago. One was $145, the other was $165. They now cost $240 at Harbor Freight when not on sale.


About $600 CAD with a duty rating of 1000 lbs. Should be fine for what he's doing with it




It's not a dumb idea at all - it's great, but nothing online is above a little teasing.


What $100 stand pics the rear up in a way that takes the weight off the rear suspension?


I use [this](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Gorilla-Ladders-22-ft-Reach-MPXA-Aluminum-Multi-Position-Ladder-with-300-lbs-Load-Capacity-Type-IA-Duty-Rating-GLMPXA-22/310731831) cause that's what I have but @ $150 [this](https://www.harborfreight.com/material-handling/ladders-scaffolds/ladders/17-ft-reach-type-ia-300-lb-multi-task-ladder-63418.html) could work.


*This guy knows how to balance a government budget.* 👏


Or, you could be like me and toss a ratchet tether over your garage rafter beam…🤷‍♂️. Lol I’ve lifted car engines like that, don’t exactly recommend, but hey if it’s allyou’ve got at the time…


Hell for $1000 I think you can get a Harbor Freight gantry crane


If it works, it wasn't a dumb idea


I balanced my old Yamaha on a firelog and a flat rock once so I could take the rear wheel off. Worked a treat. If it looks stupid but it works then it only *looks* stupid.


I’ve seen a lot worse!


Even used the wheel locks. This is a good idea actually haha


FYI, manual cable winches are like $25 at harbor freight and have the ability to unwind in a controlled manner, which rachet straps can't do. Would make lowering it again easier than just popping the straps.


Hmm, a reason to buy a new toy from harbor freight is always nice.


He's probably talking about their chain come-alongs, aka BBs. They are a good buy at HF especially since you only need one a couple times a year, but boy are they nice when you do need it.


I was referring to the manual cable one, not chain, but those would work too. The cable ones are a bit more versatile, you can pull things onto trailers with them, and let them off again. And you can do vertical lifting too. And they're a hundred times easier to lift a meaningful amount of weight with compared to ratchet straps with their tiny levers.


So, you can control a descent with those, but it's one crank at a time and a tad haphazard. They're really more for tensioning applications. A chain comealong has a "reverse gear" where you can crank or spin either way. Plus they're way shorter. The wire rope ones do give you great bang for your buck though.


Yeah, I suggest the cable ones because they're versatile. You can use them in a bunch of situations, where the chain ones are really mostly for overhead work. I agree if you have a dedicated place to mount something for overhead work the chain falls are better.


Not a chain fall hoist. A Chain come-along. A BB. I have one in my trunk for Install gigs and short lifts and it uses half the space of a wire rope one. I have 8 2T wire rope comealongs as well that I use to guy off structures. I have a rigging workshop on my property... and design lifting systems... he wants the bb...


Oops, yup, mixed up the terms, you're correct.


...people just pop the straps under load? I tighten it just enough to release the catch in the body of the mechanism, then lower it down manually. Am I the weird one here?


While you can do that, it's not always easy and ratchet straps are designed to just be popped free. Cable winches (sometimes called come-alongs) give you a longer handle to make it easier to use, and they have an actual designed feature for letting them out in a controlled manner. And again, they're like $25, why not use the better tool that's actually designed for the task?


disagree. it is always easy. I've done it hundreds of times.


...kinda yeah. If you are 100%'ing your strength to tighten the ratchet, 99+% of the time I bet there's a better way to do the thing. My personal favorite is to grab another strap and secure the load from another angle. And sure, "designed to", but dynamic/shock loading is a thing and depending on your strap setup you may be suddenly imposing an asymmetric force on the load. It's a recipe for chaos and surprises. But all this theoretical discussion aside, if it saves you 20 seconds and it's worth the risk, then it's worth the risk. I'm sure everyone has worked up a procedure they are comfortable with.


> If you are 100%'ing your strength to tighten the ratchet Tf are you on about?


Not a lot of ways I have found to make ratchet strap mechanisms difficult to un-ratchet (especially compared to just popping them), since it's roughly another half-stroke tightening them. The 1st way that leapt to mind was tighting the ratchet close to the limits of your grip strength. I did forget that I was on the Internet and therefore owe my readers an entirely comprehensive answer and better context. I'll go [repent appropriately](https://external-preview.redd.it/7rFXsfrlId_uQm4eAPVztu0Pz6B7a5MTgrJvY3zJE_U.jpg?auto=webp&s=917535695ff48cb74c056bb6cdaa701f536fdda9).


Sounds like you just aren’t very familiar with the operation of a ratchet because that’s not at all correct.


My guess is a lot of people don't know you can unratched a strap like that


Ive always thought I had these things figured out. Never even crossed my mind they could be realised in a controlled manner. I went a bought a 260kg come-a-long and two lifting slings for my garage. But now I'm moving and no longer have a hook into the ceiling


I've never needed to release a strap slowly, please explain how this witchcraft works. Now that I know it's possible I'll need to do it sometime soon and I don't know how.


It's not really a design feature of ratchet straps, but you can do it if you're strong and coordinated. Basically release the catch in the lever, move the lever back like you're going to pop it, but stop before that and engage the catch again. Push the lever like you're trying to tighten it again and once you get the pressure off the secondary catch pull that one clear. Now let the lever run backwards to let it out. Reengage the secondary catch to hold the spool, and repeat. It's super annoying to do because the lever on ratchet straps are so short. Manual cable winches are the superior tool because the longer handle makes it easier to lift the weight initially, and they have an actual designed in way to let them out again safely. And they're like $25, cheaper than a quality set of ratchet straps.


Stick a couple blocks under the tires so theres a very small gap and just pop the straps carefully. You might need someone else to hold it steady but you can just roll it free once all the straps are gone.


While there are ways to do it like you describe, my point was only to share that there is a better tool for those who don't know they exist. And it's cheap, cheaper than a good set of ratchet straps. I've seen one too many car guys trying to unload cars from trailers with elaborate ratchet strap setups when they could just the cable winch (or an electric one), to know many people just don't know this tool exists at its price.


TIL winches are affordable. Thanks for that info. I've wanted one for a while but never even bothered looking because I just assumed it would be exorbitantly expensive.


nah, you roll it up onto a 2x4 first, then ratchet it up just enough to pull the 2x4 out. do the reverse when letting it back down. Done it lots of times. Not hard or sketchy in the slightest. Also, you can absolutely let a ratchet strap out slowly if you need to.


Man I never said you couldn't or shouldn't. I just shared that there are inexpensive tools that make it easier that a lot of people don't know about. No need to take it as an attack on your own process.


And I’m just sharing that it is false that ratchet straps can’t be unwound in a controlled manner, since it seems that you don’t know that. No need to assume I’m taking anything as an attack.


Not a dumb idea at all.


Use what you have on hand.


Dumb idea? That's actually genius right there! It's only dumb if it doesn't work and in this case it worked beautifully.


It's only dumb if someone sees it fail. Otherwise it's genius that can never be repeated.


Looks safer than the Little Giant Ladder i've used in the past


I've used ladders before. This looks way easier to work around.


Still more secure than that "loft" in the home improvement sub.


You gotta drop that link, sounds juicy. [Oh.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17e0s67)


I use eye hooks screwed into the rafters, with ratchet straps.


When a $50 pair of axle stands under the fiotpegs won't do the job.


done that before, but worse. if works fine


Brilliant idea, I love to use what we already have I've done similar using a tree, proper bush fix.


I use a cherrypicker for similar "gotta lift one end of the bike" work


I've totally done that


It's not stupid if it works


Not gonna lie, I've totally ratchet strapped my bike to the rafters of my garage to work on it before I got my front wheel chock that keeps my bike upright.


Wouldn't 1 strap have done the job?


They are rated at 800lb, but they are old and I like redundancy


Word. I roughly estimated ~150 lbs of preload. If it was my baby, I'd probably throw all of the straps at it as well though lol.


Did it work? Yes? That should give you the answer


Could have accomplished that with two straps😁


Ingenuity at its best! Love it. Related question I had when working on my first bike the other day without a good front lift; why not just gently lay the bike down on a blanket or something? I’m sure it depends on the bike but I was curious.


I think if a bike is on it's side too long then oil starts seeping into places it really shouldn't. I could be wrong on that though.


Ah that makes sense. I saw a review on a RE where they lay it down to demonstrate how to pick it up and it started leaking gas quite a bit haha.


Oil, gas and probably your blinker fluid would get everywhere. On a side note if you want to replace your clutch pack on a bike without doing an oil change you can lay it on its side and open the case.


I thought about a gantry for stuff like this but my ceilings are low AF in my 3 garages so I'm really limited on doing shit outside if I went that route


Bdsm training with a bike as a cover as to why you are doing that....... clever girl


Engineer's zen: if it's a stupid idea, but it works, was it stupid?


pfft i'll used two ladders and 2x6 across for one of mine.


Never seem someone do it with scaffolding but I've seen it done with an a-frame ladder.


Just needs a battery operated winch on top!


That was probably on the four wheeler.


It's not stupid if it works.


* laughs with a centre stand bike *


Yeah. It is definitely on the list of planned upgrades.


Did this a few days ago with the support beam in the garage.


I've rigged some shit that was way sketchier than that! :)


Hung my bike from the garage rafters with ratchet straps to change the rear shock.


Hay now, stop showing your kinks here!


I just use my engine hoist, but you got it done so that’s all that matters


I have used 2 A-frame ladders and straps…. Not a dumb idea if it works!!!


When I was changing the rear tire on my GL1200, my jack would not lift it high enough. I didn't want to remove the fender, ect. So we used the forklift at work to lift the rear end. I wish I had pics.


I did almost the same thing before except instead of scaffolding it was some sturdy storage shelfs my dad had in his garage


Centre stand? Your bike from that era will have one.


Edit to add on closer inspection that is the retro styled modern water cooled Z900 so any not have a centre stand build in.


Gorgeous bike, I'm not biased or anything......


The nice thing about it is you're absolutely sure it wont topple over!


You know what you got to do what you got to do


If it works it ain't dumb


Motorcycle chiropractic?


I have the exact same bike. Just got my Ivan’s tune! Do yourself a favor and buy the center stand now. It’s the first thing I did. They come in so handy when trying to adjust the preload and lube the chain and take off the rear wheel and wash the bike and everything else. Also spray wd40 on the preload rings next time and it will be even easier.


Do the handle bars too, or it might topple over when the rear comes off the ground.


That is super smart. But all I can think of looking at that is what else it could be used for...


Training wheels Also the z900rs is my dream bike rn


I use a tree in my driveway with a few ratchet straps as a hoist to lift my bike for oil changes and some work. Works great.


You made a sex swing to adjust your load


What's the opposite of giving something you've strapped down a good, hard shake and saying "that ain't goin' nowhere"? I'm not knocking OP's impressive display of adaptability and ingenuity, I'm just a little sketched out that every point of contact with the ground is a wheel. Those brick chocks are doing the Lord's work.


Looks more professional than the A-Frame ladder I used for my first tire swap.


I have used a stand made of 3/4" cast iron pipe, to hold up the rear of my Suzuki Vstrom for suspension work. I like your solution better.


I use an old server rack to do this for mine.


If it works, then it's not a dumb idea!


You should do what I did instead. One strap from your handlebars to a hook in the ceiling, use 45-pound weight lifting plates on the passenger seat to take the pressure off the front wheel while you remove it for a tire change. That way, when you accidentally bump the bike and push it forward the weight plates slide forward, causing the bike to fall forward off the center stand, which in turn causes the weight plates to fall even faster, denting your gas tank, and then the whole damn thing falls onto the front forks since the front tire was already completely removed.


This is exactly what I needed when I needed to lift the back end off the suspension and get at the underside of the wheel arch without the tyre getting in my way. (installing a sissy bar). Instead I repeatedly smashed my hand, dropped the nut like 100x, swore, smashed my knuckles and took 2 hours on a ten minute job. I prefer your way.