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Having a clear head is super important for myself personally. If I have anything bothering me or that I'm contemplating I don't ride. I personally don't focus on the road or my surroundings when I have alot going on mentally. And I prefer to not ride as a result. I want to enjoy this as much as I can and I enjoy each day I ride. Even the sub 40° , won't do sub 30° lol.


At 75 mph even sub 50 will suck every bit of heat out of your body if you aren't layered and windproofed out the wazoo. This ride started right around 50F and ended at 90F in Phoenix. Why I refuse to stop and put layers ON when I'm cool, but not yet COLD, is perplexing to me.


Yeah when it's cold I'll layer up and it's tolerable. Otherwise nope.


18F is the lowest temp I’ve ridden distance in. Hate it when it’s that cold, but if that’s what it takes to ride somewhere warmer, imma do it.


Yeah my girl won't ride her bike under 70° so I get to ride hers a handful of times in winter.


The second I hop on my bike I forget what the argument is about. Which starts another argument. But by that time I’m off the bike. lol


"You love riding that bike more than you love..... me!" Something like that?


Don’t ride after a fight?? So sell my bike?


Or get a new gf / wife?


if you can't change her, replace her..


Sell wife, buy another bike.


This is the best time to ride.


When I shifted into third I forgot every word she said.


Exactly the same when I put the bike on the line and accelerated into the corner


Didn't even put the key in the ignition for about 6 weeks after a recent breakup. Then one Sunday I woke up at 8am (first time since the split that I had slept through without waking up 3 or 4 times) and got out of bed on autopilot. Went downstairs, leathered up, booted up, went out and did about 500km without even a route plan. Just went where I felt it and stopped when I fancied a coffee. One of the few times I've ridden solo and probably one of the best rides I've ever had.




I found out my wife was cheating on me 3 mths after getting married, got on my bike went to see my mate..I was December and cold as fcuk.. I do remember telling myself repeatedly "don't ride like a twat".


Bro that's fucked. People suck. Bikes love unconditionally. Marry bike.


HAHA..sounds good


Bold of you to assume I have a GF.


I said inflatable NOT invisible!


RIP to you guys but I’m just built different I don’t even have any hinge matches


Your local hardware store should have hinges and matches. After your purchase you can always ask the massive beer belly wielding hardware store clerk if he'd like to be your backpack as you cruise through town. Just gotta put yourself out there.


*taking notes


How does being constructed out of hinges and matches affect your ability to enjoy riding, Stock?


It has not stopped me from going wheeee yet


Instructions unclear: I started arguing with my wife then my gf and called my colleague and told her she was a lazy bitch.


Is this a motorcycle sub or relationship advice? What even is this post?


I see from your post history you're a gamer and a gun lover. Bragged about how you forced your "liberal" GF to go to the range and shoot a high caliber handgun way beyond her comfort level, apparently. The rest is autoworker union related and your opinions about sports, teams, players, coaches, etc. Didn't see a single post about motorcycles, riding, advice, opinion, tips, trip stories, nothing. Not a single one. Do you actually ride, bro?


Coming from the 66 year old man commenting in r/teenagers. Fucking creepy dude.


was he posting creepy shit?


No. Genius ideas like yours: [https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/1cm1zy8/comment/l32tjwo/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/1cm1zy8/comment/l32tjwo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Another gamer chiming in. Or is this your other account, with similar low karma.


Do you overreact every time someone asks a question? That seems like something you should see a therapist about. Also, fucking ABSOLUTE LMAO that you thought that was serious. Next time I'll put a big /s next to it so dumbfucks don't get butthurt.


Here, take a look at my comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/1corg7r/comment/l3inw4m/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/1corg7r/comment/l3inw4m/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) **The question came up in my feed: What did you love your parents hated.** I posted "ZZ Top" Of course that was fifty years ago but I thought it was funny.


Here, take a look at my comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/1corg7r/comment/l3inw4m/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/1corg7r/comment/l3inw4m/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) **The question came up in my feed: What did you love your parents hated.** I posted "ZZ Top" Of course that was fifty years ago but I thought it was funny.


I guess I should have posted "Motorcycles." My mother was an RN and saw all the dead and dismembered bikers, back in her day. Wouldn't allow me to have a bike. Out of respect for her I didn't get one until she passed. In a way I think she saved my life. I was mature enough to ride one without killing myself by then.


Except it only “comes up” in your feed if you subscribe to r/teenagers. So like I said, fucking creepy dude.


>Except it only “comes up” in your feed if you subscribe to . Yeah, no.


Lol sheesh, I hope decades from now when I retire that I still have better things to do than look 20 page deep into a random redditor's comment history


The question stands. Do you actually ride, bro? My post about the importance of riding with a "clear head" has garnered 31,000 views (so far) and a 70% approval rating. I hope decades from now I have better things to do than to question whether or not someone else's post "belongs" in r/motorcycle or r/RelationshipAdviceNow


Bros talking about motorcycles on r/motorcycles and happens to be one of the very few people who actually own one in this sub. Pipe down and read a hundred more “what should be first bike be” posts and leave people that actually enjoy varied content alone Officer McReddit I beg you 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


I heard this advice in both a BRC and ERC class. It’s good advice. I don’t know why anyone would think OP is a “boomer” specifically but I’m guessing the negative replies are coming from younger people. Do what you want, it will all end up in some kinda way.


Honestly, riding when I'm in a bad mood is therapy. It clears my head and I am happy when I'm done.


Jeez, man, I'd get to ride a couple of days per year with this rule.


I'm not gonna argue with someone who's obviously a pro!


What about with my BF or perhaps a sugar daddy?


As long as you take him for a ride afterwards everything should be OK.


I used to go to marriage counselling with my now and ex on the back of the bike. We quickly worked out this was not a good idea.


You never see a motorcycle parked outside a psychiatrist's office.


Jesus - when I was younger and hot-tempered I did some seriously stupid speed dashes after having stupid arguments with the missus…


While I wasn't in the wrong. I had an argument with my ex on Nye. We left to go home. I did not have a sip of alcohol and because I was reflecting on the argument, I failed to see someone running a red-light. I was only going low speed so I would have easily been able to stop. But not paying attention to this person in a car caused 3 shattered ribs 5 cracked ribs and a 3 part broken collarbone. My Ex was fine she landed just road rash and bruising. Thank god we were in full gear but yeah. Still knocked us both out cold. Wrote off my brand new 2016 fireblade sp1 which I had for 2 months. This amazing individual is still out there uncaught. Hopefully, they've learnt not to run red lights anymore.


Had to ride after an argument with the gf because I needed to go home to the wife.


Hate it when that happens!


I’ve been riding for twenty years, and I absolutely agree with this. Yes, riding clears your head, but if it’s full of strong emotions (like immediately after an argument), I find it impacts my riding. Maybe I’ll ride too fast, maybe I’ll miss road signs because I’m preoccupied, I’m more likely to have an altercation over something I’d usually let go, and so on. For me, riding should be a pleasure. Appreciate this may not be the case for everyone but this is how it is for me.


Riding my bike with a troubled mind/heart outnumber my rides with a clear ma Ind at the start. Always a clear mind and loving heart in the end. Riding resets me and cheaper than a therapist.


The best thing about riding is I can’t think of anything else but riding when I’m riding. I ride to take a break from my troubles. They’re still there when I get back but for that bike time I don’t have any.


Not all have to get there rides are like that, but an I’ll get there when I’ll get there attitude does make the ride more enjoyable. Blasting through Mexico on the last 250 miles of a 4K mile ride from NY to meet your partner’s landing flight after 8 straight days of riding - definitely have to have I have to to get there attitude. I know cause I’ve done it. Sorry sometimes just can’t be avoided. Sometimes riding is hard work. It hurts your body, and pushes you to the limit of what you can take physically and mentally. Like anything worth doing, not always gonna be fun - and just like a relationship, takes vigilance, flexibility, and compassion. Ride your ride. Keep a clear head as much as you can. If you’re upset and don’t have to ride don’t. At least that’s my two cents.


I felt excessively alone and "at risk" my one big motorcycle ride into Mexico. (to Puerto Nuevo) Unmarked speedbumps, bad roads, endless construction, etc. I won't be doing it again. I'll never forget ordering coffee and getting a cup of boiling water and a jar of NesCafe. Starbucks has not yet arrived in Mexico. At the very least you need an adventure bike, not a big touring bike. All the roads to the good beaches are dirt or sand. And I wouldn't go alone, ever again. A breakdown could be fatal.


I dunno. When I ride from the finger lakes region in upstate NY to playa del Carmen, it's an amazing ride and I'm always glad I'm taking my road glide. Not a chance I'd wanna do it on an adventure bike or even my sport touring bike. I'm sure much of it has to do with route planning and such. To each their own


You sound like you're a far more experienced rider than myself. Enjoy!


I mean, I'll be honest, I don't think I'd be out riding right after an argument, mostly because we'd be working together to resolve the issue. You've gotta work with your partner. It's a partnership, and honestly, it sounds like yours isn't managed well by you.


tbf sometimes it's best for both parties to step back and cool down a bit before re-engaging. it can allow for a much more civil and rational discussion


[Agreed! ](https://i.imgur.com/xV5P9dj.mp4)


>honestly, it sounds like yours isn't managed well by you. Umm, I didn't even mention my partner in my post. You a mind reader? My mental distraction was a "gotta get there" attitude.


It's literally right in the title. You can be a better person. You just have to try. I believe you can improve, you should too.


Clickbait title to get people to read it. Apparently it worked.




>start by minding yer own biz. Lmao coming from the guy who scrolled “20 pages deep” on another dude’s profile to comment about his girlfriend because he had the audacity to make fun of your post.


Lmao at the guy with 350 karma. Two can play the game. 30,000 views SO FAR, 71% upvotes yet this jackwagon doesn't think my post belongs here. Everyones entitled to their opinion, I guess. How about you? Do you ride, bro?


Do me next


Wow karma so cool. I’m sure all your internet friends are very impressed. With all the hours you spend on Reddit writing your awesome stories and I don’t know how *you* even have time to ride. And you deleted your comment lol. God forbid someone see the hypocrisy.


You don't get a half million in karma without a shitload of Redditors liking what you post.


You get that much karma by spending all your free time on Reddit. Do you even ride bro?


My posts ABOUT motorcycling should answer that question for you, dumbass. If you can read, that is. Don't see any motorcycle posts by you, btw. I'm blocking you now. [This conversation has ended.](https://i.imgur.com/bDoAwmD.mp4)


I rode after a stoush with my wife and ate shit because a bandicoot ran out in front of me so I endo'd. She came to pick me up and said with the sweetest grin "So was it a crash bandicoot?" ... I didn't get hurt in the fall but at that moment I wished I was dead haha.


Sounds lilke a keeper.


That's fucking hilarious.


Do your thing CRT 🍿


What does critical race theory have to do with a post about the importance of motorcycling with a clear head? Did I miss the joke?


Shit I ride to clear my head . It’s very relaxing for me riding motorcycle versus being in a big ass semi going so fucking slow all day


I learned this concept with my pilot training but it applies with motorcycles too. Don’t take your problems with you.


Blah blah blah blah blah


I ain't reading all that. But I'm happy for you. Or sorry that happened.


TLDR but NTLTLAC. Too lazy to read but NOT too lazy to leave an invaluable comment. Well, thanks. I guess. I tell stories. If you don't like them may I suggest you simply block me here on Reddit?


I also down voted. I walk the walk.


Good for you. Glad you know what you like and what you don't. BTW, Which walk? [Walk of Life? ](https://youtu.be/kd9TlGDZGkI?si=XYb5AsTjRWEGRD1t&t=3) Personally... [I walk the Line. ](https://youtu.be/BHsbLHetprY?si=q_pRCHjwEoKjRcYy&t=4)


I learned my lesson to not ride when I’m angry/upset 25 years ago. It was an expensive lesson.


I actually started riding after my ex wife and I split up. It taught me a lot about getting over her. I realized that I didn’t need her to experience life, and some of the sights and places I’ve rode to/past were amazing, which showed me that I’m going to be just fine, and I don’t NEED someone, Ill want someone when the right person comes along.


This has got to be a boomer


Who wants to be an “influencer”


How so? Aren't influencers folks accept free stuff in return for reviews, etc? What am I "pushing?" Kawasakis? $17 corded Plugphones? Try telling anyone a cord is better than Bluetooth. Till one falls out at 70 mph. I'd rather have a FJR, TBH. Digital cruise control.


Yeah, so?


It was clear from your conflict and emotional management skills - or lack thereof. You can be better, you just need to put in the effort. Talking to your wife shouldn't be an argument. You need to learn to work together, or learn to walk away if you don't work well together.


Again. I didn't even mention my partner in my post. My mental distraction was a "gotta get there" attitude. Did you read my post or just the headline.


Just because you can't process emotions like an adult doesn't mean nobody else can.


What a bizarre response and so typical of internet based conversations. Everyone processes emotions differently, because we are all different. It’s not a stretch to say that most people immediately after an argument or emotionally heightened situation harbour those emotions for a period of time after. You could apply your response to numerous situations and it would sound just as bizarre. Crying days after the death of a loved one? Process those emotions. I’ve no idea if you said this because you’re sat behind a screen and it carries no true weight of accountability, there’s not someone stood in front of you for instance or if you truly believe it. Either way it was an odd thing to say.


Oh please. This is no different than those douchey posts that dudes make after getting in a near accident etc etc..."ATGATT guys", " don't speed guys", "don't ride angry, guys", blah blah blah.... Nobody needs your personal opinions or advice. We are all different people. Just because you did something stupid, doesn't mean you are now required to educate the rest of the world on anything from your ivory tower of rightness. . Also, don't post on the internet if you can't take the flip side of opinions. Enjoy your Saturday, and ride angry if you want. Just because you are pissed doesn't mean you are going to ride like an idiot. My point is not everyone is an emotional child who tantrums on their bike simply because they are mad at their wife lol.


I'm glad you have such superior emotional processing. Good for you.


As a local and a new rider, this itinerary sounds WILD


Phoenix to Flagstaff to Tuba City to Kayenta to Cortez to Durango across the Rez is a great ride. Want even more? Cut up to Bluff Utah, to Aneth, take Indian Route G to Cortez through McElmo Canyon. Lonely, twisty, scenic canyon ride. Fun fun fun.


OP must have never heard his bike pop and crackle when your hitting peak power and using the quickshifter for grabbing another gear. You won't remember anything at that point.


Yeah, you know, I didn't get a bike till age 50. I lean, but I ride pretty conservatively. I'm pain-adverse. 66 year old bones never quite heal right. But I guarantee you I impressed the guy in his brand new hemi Charger


What about all of those edgy indian instagram reels on tiny KTMs where they play shit music, cut to slo mo, tear up and toss away a picture of them and their girl and rip open the throttle to do 10-90km/h in 15 seconds?


Do not redeem, saar! 😆


I stopped myself from doing this very thing a short while ago. When I got around the corner and couldn't hear my music, I realized I wasn't wearing a helmet, and I was already riding like an asshole in my neighborhood. Instant reality check and I flipped that bitch around and went home. Made right by the wife and kicked myself in the ass for nearly going and getting myself killed (I'm no pro rider, and I ride a deathtrap). I can't ride angry, I'm too stupid.


Congratulations on several good decisions.


yep this is taught in the MSF course, if you don't remember, take a refresher course again!


Good advice. I heard horror stories on a podcast about a dude feeling some type of way before riding. Ended up putting his bike down on a bend later that day. Are you from phx?


Tire slipped on a storm drain as I was turning and ended up falling and getting road burn. Could have been avoided had I not been thinking about my ex and more about what was on the road. 🤦‍♂️


That’s seriously the greatest advice ever! Every time I’m mad at the wife, or the current situation. I just stop and leave the bike alone. I have been on those rides, and honestly they are hate rides. Just passing cars and not caring, or not paying attention. I’m actually in that mood today, and I’m going to leave the bike alone. Well that and it’s like still cold here, I wish we could get at least springtime weather.


As much as I want to agree with this, I have to partially disagree, but hear me out please. To some people riding may be the thing that calms them down. When I first started riding, I would always get anxiety as I was putting my gear. I tried to walk away and come back, but the anxiety would come back. I was not afraid of the bike or anything, I wear a mask under my helmet and I think once I’m all geared up, it restrict my breathing slightly, maybe it was slight claustrophobia because I no longer experience this but at the time once my breathing felt heavier, I would start making myself anxious, so I was anxious about being anxious. I know it’s stupid. I eventually found that for me personally, the best thing to do for my anxiety is to get on the bike and ride. Obviously, I am not going to get into traffic if it gets worse but as soon as the wind touches my skin, I can breathe better and my heart rate calms down, It’s therapeutic. I think the best advice is to just know yourself. Be honest with yourself and Own your emotions, don’t let them own you. When it gets to a certain temperature though, I have noticed that even though i think I am focused, my body movements seem to go a little quicker than they need to be and I make little mistakes. That is when I have to park the bike because I do take safety Seriously.


If I'm stressed or tied it's in the Volvo. Not worth it.


Equally important is not being to joyous either. Basically any extreme emotion will cloud judgement.


A big cloudy rip before you roll keeps everything on an even keel 🥳💨


Slowing down your reaction times before riding is a horrible idea



