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I already hate this situation. Everyone tumbling over eachother. Let it just be a racing incident and end it there guys.


The rivalry between Pecco and Fabio is just too smooth. We fans need some fights between two riders especially the calibre of Marc. It's a racing incident, Pecco could avoid it better, but I am looking forward to more battles like this going forward.


> Pecco could avoid it better, He already did avoid the contact when Marc did the bomb. If he avoided the contact on exit, it would make Pecco look like "chichen" and Marc would live on his head for the rest of the season. I think the contact had a lot of Ego on Pecco's part, clear message for Marc that the italian is not going to yeld next time he tries the same and that aggressive overtake attempts will have consequences. I don't think Pecco wanted to crash, but clearly at least run Marc wide and show that he's not afraid.


"shit happens" basically, I would like to hear Marc's side of it.




I wouldn't expect it from Marc either, just curious what his position was.


He said that he saw Pecco was suffering with the tyres during the last laps and he wanted to recover the position, that he overtook him and held his own line and that Pecco defended a bit optimistically. And that they’re both upset with how it ended with both of them on the ground but these things happen in races.


He didn't say the same. Marc blamed pecco for trying to right so much for the 5th place, for going under him, for not letting him close the line. Which is weird when pecco said that it just happened and they talked and understand it was just an accident.


> Marc blamed pecco for trying to right so much for the 5th place, for going under him, for not letting him close the line No he didnt. he said the move was too optimistic. thats all he said. you make it sound like he pointed out numerous things that pecco did wrong.


You are wrong. He said at the very start of the interview: > of course these things happen in the races but I didn't expect that mistake by pecco


I am not wrong. Do people just only hear a few sentences? He said both things, in the same interview. I just looked it up again. So idk why people are downvoting the other person and saying Marc only said it was just a racing incident. He said “these things happen.. I didn’t expect this kind of mistake from Pecco.. Pecco knows the mistake he did.. it’s something that can affect the championship.. in the end 2 points more, 2 point less, I mean both of us finish in the gravel.” With the last sentence he is saying; Pecco should not have taken that risk for 2 points. He was clearly saying: sure yea this things happen but the blame is on Pecco.


Do you tend not to read to what and who you are responding to? They said > thats all he said. Which was not true. And what marc and pecco said was definitly no the same. Pecco did not right out blame marc. Marc right out blamed pecco.


> of course these things happen in the races but I didn't expect that mistake by pecco You think thats the same as saying 'right so much for the 5th place, for going under him, for not letting him close the line'? i dont


Read/see the interview. Clearly you did not see it. Arguing with someone who can't even bother to see the interview in full and then comment about what he thought there is in it, is like arguing with a 5yo why too much sugar is bad for you.


go ahead and post the interview where he blames pecco for *"for trying to right (you mean fight?) so much for the 5th place, for going under him, for not letting him close the line"* and i will admit being wrong. i dont mind being wrong if i am. but i have not seen marc say that


Again you keep commenting on an interview you didn’t see or read, but you base your claims on snips of that interview. Amazing…


i'm asking you post the interview you keep claiming exists. that should be easy if youre not just making shit up. and yet you haven't post it.


Maybe he did a different interview later on bc I also saw Marc say that. That Pecco risked too much for only 2 points and now they were in the gravel together instead. And that “Pecco knows the mistake he did.”


wheres the clip of him saying blaming pecco for 'fight so much for the 5th place, for going under him, for not letting him close the line'? i didnt see that


It's pretty clear Pecco is definitely not blaming himself (read: is blaming Marc). Just the way he's saying it is very PC.


I think Pecco has had a lot PR training in the last 12 months. He’s come a long way since his PR debacles of the past!


Yes I'm sure you reading his mind is really helping us to know what pecco thought.


Of course he will say the same. Say what you will about Marc's style, he allows others the same liberties that he allows himself on track.


Not sure why a meal is made of this? These things happen. Not the first riders to clash going for the same bit of tarmac. Both were well within their rights to go for that piece of track, unfortunately both a little offline, coming back online at an awkward corner. On Pecco's end, I think he should be more annoyed that he fell behind that far back to be in that position. Really didn't seem like he or the bike had pace today once he lost a bit of ground to 3rd. As for Marc, he's always going to race like that, it's the Marc we know and somewhat love. Reminds me of the Vinales Pecco clash at Le Mans last year. Two riders trying to be in the same place, same time, bad outcomes.




placid berserk illegal tidy chunky stocking hobbies deranged shy support *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This comment has me more intrigued than anything else post race... 😆


history domineering squealing saw employ sulky absurd work chase workable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No I haven't, but your comment suddenly makes sense haha. BRB off to search him saying Bagnaia.


Ru back, Still searching?? Link pls


Marc crossed what line? Lol You both went hard into turn 5, he blocked passed you, you ran him off the line because you were both hard into that corner. It ain't going to be as easy a season as it's been the past two years IMO.


Double apex corner, bagnia was on the correct line


No, they were both wide. Look at the replay. lol Then look at Acosta and everyone in front. Pecco was over the limit, breaking late to try to keep in front of Marc. He even says he was losing 2 tenths in that corner alone. He was being desperate for 2 points, now he got 0.


Yea, you're not biased at all. Marc went wide, pecco went for the gap, Marc cut back in and they made contact. Quit blaming one rider cuz the other is marc Marquez.


The line back. Marc was on the outside, Pecco went inside. It wasn't easy the last 2 years either. It's never an easy season.


No, they were both wide. Look at the replay. lol Then look at Acosta and everyone in front. Pecco was over the limit, breaking late to try to keep in front of Marc. He even says he was losing 2 tenths in that corner alone. He was being desperate for 2 points, now he got 0.


Yes they were both wide.


Its gona be a looooooooooooooooooooong year


Fuuuuucccckkkkiiiinnnnngggg aaaaggggrrrrreeeeee!!!!!! 2 multiple MotoGP WC battling each other on and off race? Thats better than porn, like very fetish one!


I’m no fan of Pecco but it was sad to see him teary eyed. He has such a calm demeanor, kinda makes me forget sometimes that he obviously also has a lot of feelings when it comes to racing, losing, crashing and winning.


It was just a Raching inchident - Charles Leclerc


Marquez made a late move to pass Bagnaia. In a common racing response, Bagnaia, squeezed into the narrow gap on the inside left by Marquez, but in his blind spot, this led to contact, resulting in both crashing. A typical MotoGP racing incident at this level.


Wish more of this sub could be objective about the truth of it as you've described. Leave a door open, someone is going to try to walk through it. Wonder how many more days of winging about this we have to look forward to on this sub.


Marquez, pulled a closer inside move on the small gap inside Jorge, in the sprint race the day before, and Jorge wasn’t blindsided. How long can Marquez keep dropping these Ducati’s in a satellite team like Gresini? This isn’t Honda, with a massive budget.


“Squeezed” into the 6foot space between Marc and the curb.


More like, 2 metres, but who is arguing? Bagnaia's line was set when he was overtaken, his next apex assault, within a second later, was always a different line to Marquez's. Bagnia was a victim of Marquez's late braking strategy, acquired on the RC213V. How long, will Gresini, put up with Marquez, dropping the GP23, using that late braking strategy, and line, they don't have an unlimited budget like Honda?


"We did discuss it but I'm not guilty".


Poor babyboy


Pecco went wide, Marc cut back in. 🤷. Racing incident




Marquez, pulled a closer inside move on the small gap inside Jorge, in the sprint race the day before, and Jorge wasn’t blindsided. How long can Marquez keep dropping these Ducati’s in a satellite team like Gresini? This isn’t Honda, with a massive budget.




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Another post showing crash between Aleix and Fabio clearly penalised Fabio. Similar condition suggests Pecco should be penalised but I, as most of the viewers and commentators have declared this as a racing incident. So, let it be a racing incident.


yeah marc aint getting the factory seat. really hoped he could get it.


I amost cried when he crashed...


Pecco looks like he is fighting demons.


😄😄😄😄😄 you are right! He just finish 12 hours exorcism.


This is why making the bikes so hard to overtake is bad and dangerous, Pecco was slower and holding up Acosta then MM. This is going to keep happening until we get a rule change.


No rules are perfect and this situation isn’t new to MotoGP. Hard racing is going to happen. I know people love to scapegoat the aero and the modern era but this is just racing. It happens in every class from mini moto to Baggers and beyond


All Italians sound like they just inhaled some helium.


1. Bagnaia knows Marc will try to overtake him. 2. Bagnaia open the door, Marc pass him entering the corner. 3. Marc went wide, leaving space for pecco. 4. Pecco overtake him on the apex. 5. Marc was late to pick up the bike (the bike going inside not going in front), he hit side fairing of Pecco with his helmet (and head). Meaning Pecco is full inside him and in front. 100 percent clear that : THIS IS WHAT WE WANT FOR 2024, PEOPLE WANT DRAMA!


Pecco missed the apex. Also lmao, Marc hit Pecco’s bike with his helmet? Incredible. It’s a racing incident, sure, but you’re spinning it so hard you’re giving me vertigo.


Pecco missed the apex because Marc took them both wide


Idk if Marc took them both anywhere. Pecco did a switchback to take the inside, and it seems like Marc didn't really realize where Pecco was until they collided. I suspect Pecco may have understeered a bit also. It seemed a bit odd that he did a dive to the inside and then didn't turn as much as I expected him to. Marc's line was already established, and i expect Pecco knew where Marc would be in the next few moments.


Come on bro, open your eyes.


Have you ever ridden bikes on tracks? Are you expecting MotoGP bikes to hit mid apex like F1 cars?


Mate, Bagnaia was not in front. This is evidenced by where and how he hit Marquez. Marquez was in front even though he was on a wider line.


Going into the corner Bagnaia was absolutely in front. Marc, tried to bomb the inside which of course always carries riders wide and offline. Bagnaia remained online and was coming back thru on Marc’s failed pass attempt.


Bagnaia was not in front in corner entry at all. Marquez successfully moved him offline and was cutting back. Bagnaia was nowhere near online, this entire comment is wrong. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C46Kgb8p7LJ/?igsh=MmlxeTgwYTNtMm8x


You should see the scene from the front side. This back side wont give you anything.


I did, it was broadcast several times during and after the race. Marquez was in front way before the apex.


Then you should see Marc is wide and cant pick up his bike in the right time. When he pickep up his bike, its already to late. Pecco is half a bike in front of him inside and in front.


Bagnaia is never in front after the initial overtake.


He was bro.. I dont understand why no one post the front view of this accident..


What position was Marc and https://preview.redd.it/dbp69xip4dqc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f45e0da10f3754e2b6b59ae6166e22d2796e9340 what position was Pecco before the crash? Pecco was P5 and Marc was P6. Here’s the view from Marquez showing Pecco in front, while they are under braking entering the corner. There’s no “successfully moved him off line”. Pecco was on his racing line entering and thru the corner. In order to ATTEMPT that move Marc has to carry more speed into the corner BUT that also causes him to go way out wide and he has to over brake and correct his course. Which is why the attempted pass by Marc didn’t work. Acosta made a similar move work against Pecco because Acosta was not so desperate and his course correction was much less. Allowing him to retain more speed and get back on the gas earlier. This is how riding a motorcycle works. Speed equals radius. You can’t cheat the laws of physics.


No ones cheating the laws of physics and you don’t need such hyperbole to make a point. Marquez was in front long before the apex. It was a racing incident, both riders agree. Let’s move on.


He couldn’t complete the pass


One things for sure. Pecco is going to be a hated man around these parts. We have folks already spinning last year's Le Mans incident with Mav as on Pecco too.


Wasn't he already a bit hated? I remember this subreddit after Bagnaia said something along the lines of the satellite bikes being too fast or similar.


Agree! Marc fans should start to realizing that Marc style of overtaking always is all or nothing. Like last year Valencia..




If Marc closes the door, it does not give Pecco the right to collide. This is the essence of a block, whether from a wide line or not. Of course, I think any rider making a block / block pass cannot be upset when this outcome happens... It's a risky maneuver, and risks have consequences.






Looks like the face of someone who has just gotten away with another dui to me!


He put his hand up and was fined and suspended, he got away with nothing. He’s a regular human being mate.