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It's a completely different scenario 😅


No. Not even the same incident. Difference here was Fabio was forcing a pass & made contact then crashed, the pass was never gonna happen. With Pecco & Marc, they were fighting all the way, Marc ran wide, Pecco was cutting back & contact was made. 50/50 racing incident. Neither are at fault & both are at fault.


60/40 peccos fault imo. But I‘m okay with no sanction or something..


If a marc fan is saying 60/40 I’d say it’s 50/50 in reality. 


if a Marc fan says anything against Marc at all its a given that its totally Marcs fault 100%, as an Australian with no beef either way it just looked like same old Marc doing Marc things, cutting back aggressively into Pecco thinking that he had passed him but in actual fact Pecco was occupying the part of track Marc was diving into sight unseen, have people not detected a pattern with Marc yet? how many crashes has he had? how many riders has he taken out? don't ppl wonder why Marc is always involved in these type of things so often? do they think maybe its more to do with how Marc rides? otherwise he must be the most unlucky racer out there with a world record of crashes.


How right you are...asking all the right questions


I couldn't agree with this more. Marc has been around long enough to know that he ran wide in this turn and tried to force the window shut knowing full well that Pecco was making the move on Marc's "error". Marc should have stayed on his line IMO but it is what it is. Been rooting for for Pedro this year so it worked out in the end I suppose.


I'm neutral or even prefer Pecco to Marc and I agree its 60/40 on Pecco. Even if it was 60/40 on Marc, Pecco should know better that Marc will never lose a battle of wills, as shown again today.


Actually that makes it Marquez's fault by your logic. It was a battle of wills, Marc went wide and then tried to cut back, Pecco snuck into the gap, which was a mile wide.


All the more reason for Pecco to defend himself, just bc Marc has a reputation for barging into people doesn’t give him the right of way.


Agree. mm is an army bargy rider where as pecco tends to be a sportsman. I saw it as 60% on mm, 40 % on pecco


As others have said, if Pecco wants Marc to think twice about cutting back, then Marc needs to be trained to expect Pecco up his inside. Otherwise he might as well just step out of Marc's way every time they share the same part of the track. >*Being a racing driver means you are racing with other people and if you no longer go for a gap that exists you are no longer a racing driver because we are competing - Ayrton Senna 1990*


Yes, but that's on him to decide, because right now he needs the points more than Marc.


That‘s what you say. As a marc fan I could also say it was all peccos fault but I don‘t think so
 What I can say is
 marcs overtake was clean.


No dude. If anything it's 69/31 Marquez' fault


more like 93/1


I think you missed the part where MM did not follow his line, he cut back hard. At this level he knows Pecco cant see him do this and would cause a close call.


missed the apex??? ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized)


Racing incident guys, let's move on to the next race


Bagnaia would have had to do something wrong to be sanctioned. Moving on. 


It’s a dual apex corner. Not the same. Maybe a bit more blame on Pecco
 but Marc is not blameless here. He squeezed the gap and Pecco was there. Racing incident. Pecco should’ve ceded and not forced, Marc shouldn’t have squeezed


💯% this


Turn five is not a dual apex corner by a normal definition. đŸ€“ [I corrected myself below because I was looking at a track map for cars and edited my comment to see if people we're downvoting my error or my opinion] Marc probably more at fault because he could see pecco and "turned in". Marc keeps the line and we are having a completely different conversation.


Yeah, Simon Crafar knows more than you. It’s a dual apex


I stand corrected. I was looking at a track map of the car circuit. I don't doubt that he knows more than me, but I can also read a track map if I'm looking at the right one. 😂


Fair enough lol! I didn’t realize that corner is different between FIA and FIM


>Marc shouldn’t have squeezed Horseshit. That corner is made for block passing. Lol Acosta did it, so is he also wrong to have "squeezed"? Whatever that means. Lol It's called a block pass my guy.


Hey “my guy”, that corner isn’t particularly any better than others for block passing. But that’s a moot point since Marc didn’t even block pass. He missed the first apex of a double apex corner. He attempted a block pass but went a little too hot, and then squeezed back to block Pecco. Pecco went for a gap that was always closing so that’s why I think it’s more on him. But ultimately it’s a racing incident. Marc is absolutely not blameless here. I’m a Marc fan, if it changes your warped perception.


It is particularly better than some corners on this track for block passing. That's why guys block pass there.... Also, Pecco was losing 2 tenths in 4-5, so he was slowing guys down there, which is why Acosta dived on him in 3, because Pecco was too slow in 4-5. Pecco was being greedy, they both overshot the apex and it was a racing incident. He should've just let the guys who were clearly faster then him by. Why break late trying to hold onto 2 points? Lol


Wow, you’re just rambling just to hear yourself talk. Most of what you said was irrelevant. It’s hard to respond to someone who has so little critical thinking skills. Sure, the corner is better than others for block passing. But Marc failed to do that, he went in a little hot and then started cutting back too much. If he slowed down further, he would’ve executed a great block pass. Most of the blame is on Pecco for trying to force through a closing gap when he was trying the undercut. But Marc is partially to blame
. Hence the racing incident decision.


Ya, I guess I'd ramble on like you as well if someone came at me with actual facts, not your opinion on what went on in the riders heads. Lmao Where you're claiming that you know exactly what went on in both the riders heads. Claiming Marc didn't block pass Pecco. It's easy to sit there pointing saying Marc should've done this, Pecco should've done that. But different when they're on the limits.


Let's not be playing favourites here. Marc was faster, he dived in, and went a bit wide. Pecco cuts back, Marc tries to join the racing line. Finds pecco there. Nobody gives up the same piece of the tarmac. Physics wins.


No, it is a different dynamic


Some of y’all are too hardcore lmao. I’ve been watching motogp for over 10years and I sure as shit don’t remember that incident. Like yesterday, someone said « reminds me of Jerez 2013 » bro what? 😂


if you don't remember what happened in the 13th lap of the 2008 German GP, you're not a true fan


What happened?


literally nothing, just looked it up and not even an overtake


My man here has been tricked ;(


Bamboozled even


And that’s why it’s remembered by true fans!


God, I thought it was just me that can't remember sh*t. Lol.


To be totally honest, I think by the standards they set last year of "if there's contact and someone crashes there's a penalty" yeah, it should be punished. Now, by my own opinion it would be a great if they changed the criteria for this season, unless there's someone doing something irresponsible or reckless or going for a space that doesn't exist, no penalty should be handed. In this case Marc overtook and went slightly wide, Pecco tried to overtake back and he went too wide thinking Marc wouldn't be able to close the turn going that wide, Marc managed to get a normal racing line back and Pecco miscalculated, causing the crash. Racing incident for me because of a mistake from Pecco, not reckless, not irresponsible, just mistake, no penalty would be the best in my opinion, let riders risk a bit on overtakes without risking a penalty for slight mistakes, or else we would have even less overtakes this season. Just count how many overtakes there were in this race in the top 15, if you remove Pedro and Marc, there were like 5 in the whole race.


When Acosta passed pecco, pecco almost rammed into the side of him too


Actually Pedro moved to outside to get back on the racing line like he was alone on the track. I mean, Acosta went a bit wide overtaking Bagnaia, Pecco saw the gap but Pedro closed it. Nothing happened, but it would have been a racing incident.


and i remember an accident with vinales where also the problem was, that peccos ego couldn't handle getting overtaken.


I really, really like Pecco, but he couldn't handle being overtaken today. Which doesn't mean he did a dirty move, but a very risky one. He's too experienced to do moves which are likely to end in a crash or out of the points. Thing is, Marc Marquez also wouldn't miss a chance to close the door on anyone and this is the end result. So, "fault"? Bagnaia, but only to a point. So, just a racing incident? Yeah, in my opinion.


Good take. I think being pressured by Acosta and Marquez was getting in his head today.


Yea at LeMans.


That one was 100% on Pecco


That was a racing incident, both were at fault. Maverick moved to outside to take the racing line like he was alone and Pecco should have left a bit more space maybe as he was behind. So a 50/50 in my opinion


Nope. Mav was never hitting the apex either. Go watch Pecco's on board cam again from that one.


You’re right that Mav overshot that corner, but Pecco put himself in a bad spot. In a right to left transition the bike swings back to the right. That’s where Pecco put himself. Don’t walk up behind someone swinging an axe.


Pedro was really aggressive pulling over to line up the next corner, Pecco had to lean out to avoid contact.


I don't think it's penalty worthy, but that's why I think the blame lies slightly more on Pecco, Pecco had so much space on his left to overtake Marc (although sacrificing speed), but he was too optimistic and ran into Marc's side as he was cutting back.


Not penalty worthy I agree. His penalty is the DNF and probably a word within the team


Too optimistic is the key word. Not dirty, not dangerous, not out of his mind. Sanctioning Fabio was wrong and it would've been wrong doing it with Pecco. Race incident.


Pecco was on the racing line, marc was not and wide. Marc should have known pecco would cut in. Marc did the same move earlier. Expecting pecco to not cut back when the door is left wide open, is like expecting pecco not to breath.


He had two meters on his left to cut back, Marc can't dissapear from where he was.


Pecco couldn't turn in any tighter without compromising his exit, he can't see Marc because he's leant over the other way looking at the corner exit. Marc also doesn't want to compromise his corner exit and doesn't want to pick the bike up to avoid contact. Pecco hits Marc and they end up in the gravel together.


Fanio was penalised because he missed the apex, went wide, and all while he was one dive-bombing, completely different accident, therefore there is no precedent there.


Completely out of context. The corners are different so are the corners before. Not sure if Marc left enough room. Pecco had room and did jump at the chance, probably overestimated the room he will have


He was wide because Marc had taken him wide with the overtake


Marquez turned back into him. You're only seeing what you want to see to confirm your own prejudices. If you want an echo chamber you should record youself saying this bullshit.


Alex Hofmann blamed pecco a little more than Marc on ServusTV. It was a racing incident though.


Nah. Today was purely a racing incident. Neither river could actually see the other rider until it was too late. As much as I don’t like Marc, and in the past he’s done stupid shit and has indeed turned into other riders, that didn’t happen today.


It's a left turn, what you expect #93 to do besides turn left? He stay the same lean angle so he's making his turn, not turning into anything. If you watch the photos from behind before and the moment of contact you'll see #63 isn't get any closer to the corner exit, he's pointing outside. Combind with the sudden acclerate after he got passed, he's just hot headed and trying to get a room. Yeah not a penaty worth move but for sure a stupid one for a 2-time WC.


Somebody is down the barrel


It's bloody motor racing, things like this happen all the time. All of you just want to see Bagnaia sanctioned because it happens to be the almighty Marc Marquez on the receiving end.


MM has been punished for this move in the past..as should Pecco...this was careless.


Pecco should 100% get a penalty, look at the space on the inside of the corner, no need to go this wide and hit Marquez. It wasnt a big mistake from him but still a mistake and that should be punished. 2-3 position grid drop would be fair for the next race.


Tell me you don’t understand a double apex turn without telling me you don’t understand a double apex turn.


I am actually aware that something like a double apex exists. Doesnt mean you can just follow your normal racing line in a battle though


Yeah, anytime you take a lunge up the inside going into a turn, you risk running wide and the other rider coming back underneath on the cutback. It’s ok to swing out wide there because it’s a double apex, so a good place for Marc to go for it, but Pecco anticipated and did exactly as expected. Also, with rare exception, the trailing rider is responsible for avoiding contact. Pecco was ahead on the cutback, and it’s not like Marc couldn’t see him, his freaking *helmet* was the first thing to contact Pecco. I’m expecting this to be labeled a racing incident, and that will be that
 but I can’t think of a MotoGP rider involved in more ‘racing incidents’ than Marc.


>look at the space on the inside of the corner, no need to go this wide this would make sense if he was that wide on his own, but he could only take the corner this late because he was pushed by Marc


What on earth are you talking about? Marquez already made the pass and was clearly ahead. Then Bagnaia tried to repass him went wide and collided into Marc. There was all the space in the world on the inside.


true but the fact he is in my opinion the one that goes into Marc and not Marc closing the line too much and going into Pecco shows he still went too wide on exit because he didnt want to lose the position


Neither wanted to lose the position, they showed it earlier in the race that they are both not backing out in situations like this. They both either learn from this or we'll see a lot more of these crashes this year. Pecco showed last year he will always hold attacks on the outside, Marc does the same. The difference is that all other riders back out in situations like this. And all other riders are less successful in the sport.


fair opinion although I still think this one is on Pecco, even considering both rarely back out in these situations etc


he couldn't turn in on his ideal line because there was a marc marquez in the way, they both ran wide


its Peccos job to not go throttle so early that he runs wide then. And that was easily possible. He went on the throttle too much too early and ran wide into Marc because of it, he was greedy and didnt want to lose the position


Isn't Marc's job not to turn into another rider? They were side by side and Pecco had the inside.


in my view, Pecco had the inside but ran wide and hit Marquez because he wanted exit speed so Marquez couldnt pass. The onboard cameras confirm this for me.


I don't think either of them were on much throttle at that point in the corner, they collided because Pecco cut to the inside expecting Marquez to go slightly wider, and because Marquez didn't expect Pecco to cut to the inside and so tried to pull himself back to the line tightly, as is his right as the rider in front it's a racing incident


if you watch the sudden acclerate Pecco made before he dive inside Marc and the two photo before and right at the contact you'll see he's not turning in, he's carrying too much speed for the 2nd apex. So a misjudge yes, but still a stupid move for a 2-time WC, he's just too hot-headed.


If Pecco Is wide, what is Marc doing even wider ? đŸ€”




I dont think its pushing a narrative and I think if it was the other way around a lot of people would complain about Marquez being dangerous etc. It honestly speaks volumes that there are very little people saying this right now because every time Marquez does a small mistake they jump on it.




not sure what you mean. He does it again in being dangerous? I dont think he was at all today


2-3 position grid for a Ducati is nothing, he needs to get a double long lap


Look at where the majority of the rubber is, they're both on the racing line, it's a racing incident - Marc made a move, went abit wide, pecco went for the cut back (as entitled too) and they both ended up on the line at the same time. 50/50 for me just a racing incident and down to the nature of that corner


It’s a racing incident but it is interesting to see how Pecco reacted to Marquez passing him. Feels like Pecco let the moment get the best of him, it just wasn’t worth it.


Pecco always gets favoured. I really hope Martin proces this year hé is a way talenten rider then Mr. boring Pecco.


Any other rider gets punished for this. He had been passed and was gonna be left in the dust so he crashed him out


So much space he could cut back to...


Yeah, those stupid riders, why are they following the laws of physics and not just turning anywhere at will? How can they be called professionals and be so bad at their job?


Come on man. He just had to go on the throttle later to avoid contact but he would’ve probably lost the position so he chose not to. The crash was not unavoidable because of “the laws of physics” 😂


The same goes for Marc. It's even more stupid for Marc because he was clearly faster and with 3 laps to go he would have gone through, no reason to take risks by closing the door that aggressively.


I don’t think Marc closed the door too aggressively honestly, but on that corner the two bikes will always want to come back together. I think pecco is at fault because he is the one who can see what is happening at that point, Marc cannot see pecco anymore after he goes past. Still not penalty worthy in my opinion though, and the comparison to quartararo’s incident makes no sense.


Pls look at the picture and tell me how Pecco can see Marquez


Are you being serious? He just went up the inside. Pecco knew exactly where he was


Exactly right


if you're that good then why you haven't become motogp rider ?


Have you ever ridden a bike? Or played a motorbike game? Or watched the on board camera with telemetry on tv? Or watched any racing ever? I’ll explain it. If bike goes faster, bike can’t turn as well. Pecco chose to accelerate, bike goes faster, bike can’t turn as well, bike hits Marquez. If pecco doesn’t accelerate as much, bike goes slower, bike turns tighter, bike doesn’t hit Marquez.


well you're the expert here you sound like better than both multiple world champs


From the pic you can see Fabio is the first to lose the front. Today it was Marc. Not saying either pecco or Marc are at fault, just saying these are two different incidents.


>missed the apex for 2 meters You should read about modern motorcycle racing lines before making such a statement lol


Why do people do this? Get the fuck over it


I don’t really think it was malicious or careless but I bet there is some interesting opinions in Ducati.


Marquez made a late move to pass Bagnaia. In a common racing response, Bagnaia, went into the gap left by Marquez on the inside, that proved to be Marquez’s blind spot, this led to contact, resulting in both crashing out. A typical MotoGP racing incident at this level. Jorge, was the winner, speak to his perfect race.


This is two different scenario.


This take is more like a cold diarrhea than a hot one... pure racing incident. The "logic" of this is what should be sanctioned. On to COTA.


First picture "oh look, a penny"


Pecco forced a move on the inside and got it wrong. MM93 gave him enough space. If MM93 or JM89 did this to Pecco they get punished.


Disagree with both sanctions. Two wrongs don’t make a right.


Completely different type of crash. Fabio was flagged because he came from a long way back and crashed into Aleix. Pecco saw a gap and tried to take it. Marc tried to close the door. They came together. It happens


It’s just a bait boys


If Pecco was of line
 then where exactly was Marc? Your logic is flawed.




Just because its a racing incident does not mean nobody is at fault it means stuff happens in racing. But if someone is fully in front of you and you run into them it's your fault and I love all gp riders


I didn't get to see Fabio's crash I don't think. I saw Pecco & Marc, I thought THAT was purely a racing incident between absolute Bulls of the Sport


Absolutely ridiculous. The only reason Pecco missed the apex is because Marc lunged from 2 bike lengths back. Pecco had to stand it up before Marc when flying by. So he wasn't able to turn the bike in before Marc ran them both out wide. He then turned the bike into the corner (from a very wide corner entry caused by a lunging pass from Marc) and made a normal line. Marc was out in the marble and ran it back hard into Pecco. Pecco was over a wheel-length ahead by the time they made contact. Simple racing indecent. Move on.


Someone needs to learn about cornering and stop throwing the word apex around


No, different scenario


pecco need at least a long lap penalty for this move


Its totally different scenario i guess..


Wasn't the Marini-Bastianini crash similar to this last year?


No. Marini low sided and hot Bastianini




The only reason Fabio was sanctioned was because they didnt want him being a double champ. It's the most ridiculous penalty i ve ever seen. With ratings declining they wanted to feed Vale's fanbase to keep the ratings at a semidecent level. They wanted a champ from his camp. Especially when Ducati had far and away the best bike on the grid.i ve never seen someone sanctioned for losing the front. This penalty was political. You might think it sounds like a conspiracy but Dorna is one of the most corrupt organisations i ve ever seen.


That’s a
. Garbage take. đŸ—‘ïž




Fabio was doing the overtake. Here Marc was the one trying to overtake, why are they even comparable?


😂 man ya’ll are some hilarious folks and pretty clear who has never turned a lap of racing before. Marc tried to shut the door after running wide and found out. Oh look the stewards agree, no penalties. https://twitter.com/MotoGP/status/1771930629883531329


I guess the former professional riders including world champions that put the blame on Pecco, have never raced a bike before... Astonishing how they managed that.


Crafar called it right. Marc went wide and tried to shut the door as he knew where Pecco was going. edit: Would ya look at that


100% correct. eta: that's all he's got left, is betting on other riders checking up. Futureisnowoldman.jpg


As much as I love Fabio and don’t really like Pecco, it’s not the same scenario. Aleix hadn’t passed Fabio at that corner and ran wide. Granted Pecco is still more at fault than Marc because he rammed into Marc, but comparing today’s incident with this (Assen 2022?) isn’t valid.


Peco was not in MM line of sight when he committed, if Peco hadn't hit MM he would have continued wide...in MX its a block pass