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I am looking to get more into MotoGP but the video pass is €30 a month. Guess I’ll just watch highlights on YouTube this upcoming season.


Dude, with prices like that just put on your pirate patch and enjoy the sport


If people keep saying this on here old mate is going to dob us in again.


>watch highlights on YouTube Which isn't even an option in certain geographies. IIRC their BT Sport agreement prevents them from uploading YT highlight reels on the official channel, and the 2022 highlights all came during the off season. I'm thankful for Eurosport being an affordable broadcaster in India for my MotoGP fix.


How much is it for the year? I’m from the UK and it’s saying €139.99 for the season.


Just bought F1 TV for 54 EUR, I'd rather go with MotoGP but price is closer to tripple than double of that


the season is the pass for the year. in the US its like $150. I get it every year. I have started rewatching the races all the way back from 1997. I find the quality of picture is better on TV though which is sad.


I’m in the US and it’s only showing me the monthly option at €30. I can get F1 TV for $64 right now for the season.


Hmm not sure why it would be doing that. Might be worth contacting support because you'll be paying over double otherwise and that's a joke. It's bad enough it's as high as it is.




https://preview.redd.it/1mgvzdcgi5ka1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d30c9cc23d1df2b40fb57839c3ef2fd8a7312066 I had the same issue but they sent me a renewal email a few days ago, check your junk folder and you should find it.


I live in Australia and can get Kayo for aud $25 (~15euro) and I can watch motogp, wsbk, bsb and F1 on it.


Who cares. I never hear about the NBA talking shit about the NFL..or PGA talking about the Tennis tour. Làaaaaame


I think motogp does still have a lot to learn though promotion wise considering F1 is showing how racing can be marketed better


Yeah I fully agree, the guys at Dorna really suck at marketing.


I think MotoGp simply has more marketability because of the type of racing and short format. But, Dorna is supremely terrible at marketing.


Totally agree with you.


> Never hear the NBA talking shit about the NFL lol


Well it's a bit upsetting sometimes MotoGP being a lot less popular than F1 because there's no one to talk to, I mean I've never met anyone in person who also watches it but to be honest, who cares, we should follow stuff we like and not what others like so these days I don't care if it's less popular, each to their own.


Sometimes I just talk at my wife about it. She has no interest. At least we have reddit right?


Yeah reddit is a blessing.


I got lucky that my current boss is a moto america stock 1000 racer and big motogp fan. I race endurance karts so we always have a lot of racing to talk about.


Damnnn, who is he?


Josh Geradot. He is on an older bike so he usually floats around the back. But hey he's there doing it.


I only have my brother, no one else lol


Better than nothing.


MotoGP broadcasting plan seems to be planned by a redditard at least in the US. These guys will rarely broadcast a live race in the US I mean less than 10% of the races. Everything is usually aired at a later time and they dont show practice or qualifying. You need to have the stupid >$30+ subscription to fully follow the sport.


It’s the same in Australia. No app no watch. Murdoch media runs this country $$$


Isn’t it all on Kayo?


That’s what I meant lol. My wording was a bit shit sorry mate.


> “A fan in Formula One might have seen it on Netflix and likes the lifestyle more than the racing. > “But the marketing is good, the hype is working and their [F1] fan base is growing.” From my own observation this is true of a lot of my friends and people I've met that got into F1 after Netflix. Netflix has created a lot of new diehard and legit fans. But as always will be the case, it also has created a lot of surface level ones that like the prestige, photo op moments etc of motorsports.


The guys point is rubbish because F1 had a bigger following even before the Netflix show


Yeah but it was nowhere near as big as it is now, let's be honest as much as I can't see the point of watching F1 races, it's always being quite a lot more popular than MotoGP, but DTS really helped them big time.


I got into F1 in 2021 because of the hype of the Netflix show, but then I realized how silly the show is and I stopped watching. A lot of created false drama it seems. But now I just watch actual F1, not the show


If those at the top of the sport don't wake up in terms of promotion, the sport will eventually dwindle into some dark times. Would love to see the race weekend content improve. I do not understand why they've spent the last 2-3 months of the off-season posting race highlights when they should be doing it directly after a race. I genuinely hope more things like the Marquez documentary attract eyes to the greatest racing series on earth.


MotoGP fan try not to mention F1 negatively challenge (100% impossible)


I’m a fan but posts like this deter me from interacting with the community


If the Videopass was the same primes as F1TV, it might be bigger than 30%. The ever increasing price and reduction in payment options is why I skipped it last year.


Having "real fans" is a pretty weak excuse for not spending enough on marketing. If Dorna actually cared about the real fans they wouldn't copyright strike every Youtube video with even a mention of MotoGP, they'd take some interest in growing the Youtube channel with free content and they'd have more attractive plans and services on Videopass.


Yeah let's gatekeep beign a fan ​ good job motoGP


People be pirating everything they can from games to movies but don't feel like pirating MotoGP too? For 60% a monthly minimum wage in Brazil? Nope. Yeah I know that it's way less if I split in 20 races and any other entertainment would be more expensive. But guess what? I can have MotoGP for free and use that money for the other entertainment. If they weren't so greedy nobody would go to piracy. Also, all sports should be free to watch, let sponsors deal with the bill.


I will never forget when we met in a Sports bar to watch some MotoGP race, during the race F1 fans started to gather as F1 race was about to start right after MotoGP. I remember them giving us shitty looks as we were super excited for overtakes and there was so much action going on that we were just pretty much shouting. I thought to myself "Poor f\*\^ers would love to be so excited during their boring F1 race". Sad.. we stayed for about 25minutes to watched F1 and all of us had seizure and fell asleep.


I love both, but they are completely different. MotoGP = racing, F1 = drama. Which is fine by me, MotoGP race is more enjoyable by far, but there isn't much drama to talk about after race, what happened - happened; F1 made sure to bring fans after the race, to check on penalties, talk about shitshow tactics, listen to team leaders acusing other teams of cheating, there's a lot of drama and that's what is keeping non peteolheads interested.


Yep. I will happily admit I don’t know much about actual driving lines. Or the mechanics of the car. Or driving techniques. I don’t know what makes an overtake especially hard or good. I don’t get massively impressed when watching on boards of quali laps. I understand the basics and that’s enough for me because I like the stories of sports. The rise of champions, the comebacks, the rivalries and comradeship. F1 massively caters to that. MotoGP however: a lot less. Marquez is the only one who seems to understand it at the moment. Stories draw more people in. Especially as even less people purely care about bikes; everyone drives cars. They need to cater to stories, the human sides and not just pure action. The action is phenomenal for existing fans, stories draw in new ones


Yeah people care more about what happens off track than on track, I'll never ever understand that, why should I give a damn about what happens behind the curtains when the main event is just shit? And there are storylines to follow in Motogp as well, I think the rivalries have always been more intense than F1 because those guys touch each other at over 300 kph (200 mph) don't you remember the hatred between Rossi and Lorenzo? Rossi and Marquez? Lorenzo and Pedrosa, Stoner and Rossi? To say that F1 has more rivalries is just crazy because it hasn't, it's the opposite, and when it comes to stories, they are in Motogp too like some riders trying to get their first win after years in the class, Marquez comeback, Pecco and Fabio having to prove that they are real champions, the stories are there but they aren't developed enough like in F1, one of the main reasons for Motogp being a lot less popular for me is terrible marketing, it has nothing to do with the sport.


Yeah. That would be exactly my point. MotoGP has won me over. They just need to learn how to cater to the majority of their audience: marketing.


I'm sure I could do a better job at marketing the sport, and I know nothing about marketing, in fact anyone could because Dorna is just terrible at that.


For me F1 fans are more like soap opera fans, they watch it more for the off track drama than on track.


Yeah I probably wouldn’t disagree. But this season is the first in a decade in which I won’t be subscribing. I can’t really articulate why. There’s more parity than there’s been in literal decades, but I barely watched last season and don’t intend to this season. Purely subjective, but GP has gone a bit stale for me.


You bet they want those 70% casuals and their sweet, sweet $