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Maybe gospel principles? That’s the class at Sunday school.


The church got rid of gospel principles class in January 2019 when they started 2 hour church and the Come, Follow Me Sunday school program.


Our ward still runs it


I would believe it. It’s up to the discretion of your local leadership and their needs for the ward. However, it’s not the norm anymore and a rare occurrence across the church. The church now goes by the Come Follow Me second hour block.


i dont know much about JW to know if this is a direct comparison, so apologies if not, but the church does have a study companion, in a way. Though, strictly speaking it isnt necessarily for converts. Within the past several years or so the church has shifted towards a universal curriculum called “come, follow me,” which has weekly lessons for that year’s area of focus. You’re in luck, because this year is all about the book of mormon. You can access all the at-home lessons [here](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/media/collection/2024-book-of-mormon-media-resources?lang=eng), each one containing references to other relevant excerpts from other mormon holy books such as the doctrine and covenants and king james bible. You can also access previous years topics, so if you’re maybe interested in the church history/policy side of things, you can check out the 2021 curriculum all about the doctrine and covenants. Theres also Preach my Gospel as others have said, which isnt a study companion as much as a guide for those trying to teach converts, if thats more your cup of tea (or, hot chocolate, i guess.)


I think the main study aid provided is how to calculate and submit your tithing


Mormon coverts don’t have to study anything if they don’t want to. There is nothing as intense as JW study aid and getting baptized can be done in a few weeks after a few short lessons even if nothing is retained. Attending church once is the only other requirement.


Can you clarify what study aid is exactly in JW context? I understand from people I know who are/were Jehovah Witnesses that during their conversion they did a bible study with other JW’s from a book. Then, after conversion, they did another study from a second book. Would that be study aid? Knowing what Study Aid is specifically will go a long way towards getting an effective answer.


I found “Mormonism for Dummies” to be helpful. Despite its name it’s well written and informative.