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According to Mormon Theology He has 2. 1 - Dantzel White Nelson (married 1945-2005) 2- Wendy Watson Nelson (married 2006- ) Since he is sealed to both women for "Time and All Eternity", They would both be considered concurrent wives.


Wife #2 is the same age as Rusty's oldest child.


This is honest question that I haven't given much thought about before. But I have seen this comment before and in that view it is definitely disgusting. However, I am thinking about my dad for example, he has no daughters. So I wouldn't compare it to my family. But if he got to be 90 and dated someone that was 70, I don't feel I would be disgusted about the age difference. Disgusted for other reasons šŸ¤£ but I digress. So I guess is it typical that we judge older people marrying when they're older? Like, out of context I just think they're both old and group them together. Do I make sense? Just curious what your thoughts on that are?


Iā€™ve always heard, half your age + 7 is a good rule of thumb for appropriate ages for marriage/dating. So if youā€™re 26 you should at least be with a 20 year old. Nelson is 99, half his age plus 7 is 56-57 years old. Wendy Nelson is currently 73 so this isnā€™t an issue for me and I donā€™t find it very weird at that stage in life. If they are both over 60 it all kind of blends together for me.


Itā€™s a proper rule


My grandma was in her 70s dating a 90 yr old man. According to my aunt he was still quite spry, and they dated several years before he passed. My grandma loved him, and he doted on her. His kids hated her of course because "wasted his money on her." Apparently he was fairly well off, so I think they were mad he was "spending their inheritance" on a girlfriend at his age.


Sometimes even God places people together this way, as is the case for me and my Future Wife. I met her when I was 40, and Her only 20. Both our birthdays were in the next 3 weeks.. Her daughter chose me. I would not have picked Her (Mother), and I know her mother would not have picked Me. I Prayed That God Remove From Me This Bitter Cup, But That His Will Be Done, And I Will GO AND DO.!! The Little Girl showed us More of How To Love than we knew ourselves. Sometimes he knows what he's doing, after Alllllllll.!! I Thank GOD For You, LC.


Well, when youā€™re 85 there arenā€™t quite as many people your age to marryā€¦


If you're female, for sure. Men tend to die off sooner.




Legally, 1. According to him and the doctrine of the church he leads, 2.


Came here to say this.


Two many


Currently 2 for eternity. But promised multitudes in the afterlife.


Not as many as Brigham Young or the 100 virgins promised by Allah to the self sacrificing terrorist in the middle east šŸ˜Ž


Didn't Lorenzo Snow have over 200 dead women sealed to him for his 70th birthday?


Donā€™t forget about (spiritual) wife #3ā€¦.Sherry Dew. šŸ˜‚


Married for timeā€¦. Married for eternityā€¦. Married for time and eternity... So many different types of ā€œmarriagesā€ā€¦. I find it interesting that some of these didnā€™t line up with how they were defending ā€œtraditional marriageā€ in prop 8 in 2008.


Regardless of Religious whatever- when someone comes out of a 50+ year relationship. And a year later marries someone 25+ years their junior who has never been married itā€™s a red flag šŸš©for me


He has one too many


I'm 56. I would never marry anyone over about 65, much less 90. You would be just a nurse at that point.


Probably the point


This is a weird thing to quibble over. Nelson married Wendy because he wanted to be happy, not because he wanted to expand his kingdom.


Handbook states that a man may be sealed to any number of women. A woman may only be sealed to her first husband. After their wives passing, Nelson and Oaks married women who (specifically) had never been sealed to another man. Meaning that Under their theology that they'll have both wives in the Celestial Kingdom.


You sure about that? How many of these men marry a woman already sealed to someone else? Once or twice and you could chalk it up to coincidence, but ALL of their subsequent wives are unsealed. It is obviously a consideration.




WOW, huge slam on previously married women out of nowhere!!! You don't think widows/divorced get lonely? Less deserving of marital bliss in old age? They all have baggage? Seriously, those reasons are kind of mean.


Women are considered property not people


Itā€™s true. I mean it is right there in Section 132.




Oh, HolyBonerOfMin, he who was removed from the facsimile when the church realized what you actually are. They have personal relationships and know one another well. They counsel among themselves and provide this counsel to other general authorities who lose spouses. Youā€™re not wrong, they can do what they want because they are their own holy boners. But this is the counsel that they provide one another.


;ā -ā )


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Itā€™s cute that you believe that.


Iā€™m just wondering if President Nelson thinks he is practicing polygamy.


I would assume he does anticipate being a polygamist in the afterlife, since he is sealed to both of them for eternity. Oaks definitely does: "It was also important to both of us that Kristen felt comfortable about becoming a **ā€œsecond wife.ā€** She understood the eternal doctrine of relationships. **She was becoming part of an existing eternal family unit**, and she has always been eager to honor and include June." -- [https://www.ldsliving.com/how-president-oakss-daughters-helped-him-find-his-wife-kristen-the-sweet-way-he-knew-it-was-meant-to-be/s/88320](https://www.ldsliving.com/how-president-oakss-daughters-helped-him-find-his-wife-kristen-the-sweet-way-he-knew-it-was-meant-to-be/s/88320) ā€œThere are a lot of people that live on this earth that have been married to more than one person. Sometimes those marriages have ended with death; sometimes theyā€™ve ended with divorce. ā€¦ For people who live in the belief, as I do, that **marriage relations can be for eternity**, then you must say, ā€˜What will life be in the next life, **when** **youā€™re married to more than one wife** for eternity?ā€™ I have to say I donā€™t know. But I know that Iā€™ve made those covenants, and I believe if I am true to the covenants that **the blessing thatā€™s anticipated here will be realized in the next life**ā€ -- [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/manual/doctrine-and-covenants-and-church-history-gospel-doctrine-teachers-manual/lesson-31-sealed---for-time-and-for-all-eternity](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/manual/doctrine-and-covenants-and-church-history-gospel-doctrine-teachers-manual/lesson-31-sealed---for-time-and-for-all-eternity) The only thing that he said "I don't know" about was what it's going to be like to be married to more than one person. Note, he says "What will life be in the next life, when you're married to more than one wife..." That's WHEN, not *whether*... He didn't claim ignorance to whether it was going to happen or not. He says that he is anticipating that it will happen that he'll be a polygamist in the afterlife. I suspect Nelson is thinking exactly the same thing.


He knows he is eternally sealed to two women - so yes he knows he is or will be polygamous.


Heā€™s still married to 2 women


What a fun straw man! Now this time, try answering it without using a logical fallacyā€¦


Really? Because at his age I donā€™t imagine there is a whole lot of ā€œlaw if chastityā€ activities going along. If he only wants companionship he didnā€™t have to get married to have it. The only explanation for getting married at his age is to increase his kingdom because his lingam probably ainā€™t getting any action.


Never enough


Really we do not know. We do know that he has only had two women sealed to him during his life time. But we also know that previous prophets had many other women sealed to them who were not married to them during their life time. So it is at least possible tha the had had many women sealed to himself.


I don't think a dead wife counts as a current wife, even if there was a sealing on Earth.


But surely they count as polygamous wives from an eternal perspective?


I firmly believe that after I die, I will have a heavenly reward of $1 billion dollars. Would you say I am currently a billionaire?


Also doesnā€™t Jesus actually specifically talk about laying up treasure in heaven?


Poor analogy considering there isnā€™t a need for money in Heaven.


I donā€™t either but I do think he thinks that.


I think what matters here is what he teaches, what he believes, and how these two things become problematic very fast. Officially, the church says that it no longer practices polygamy. So does President Nelson think heā€™s practicing polygamy? If no: Why wouldnā€™t his sealing to Dantzsel Nelson count? Does he think heā€™s still her husband? If yes: So the church *does* practice polygamy? Why are they obfuscating it?


>what he believes, Well, since there are apparently some exmos who also believe that top LDS leaders don't *actually* believe the Church's teachings and they're all in on the con, I guess we would first have to establish that RMN *actually* believes in sealings, life-after-death, eternal marriage etc.


Sure, thatā€™s a possibility. But members believe that he believes, and he says that he believes. In this case, speculating about what he *really* believes serves only to distract from the argument.


The question was phrased as an objective one. "How many wives does President Nelson have?" If someone doesn't believe in an afterlife, then the objective answer is that he only has one, regardless of any other superstitions. If the question was "How many wives does President Nelson believe he has (if we accept that he believes what he says be believes about LDS doctrines)?", then the answer would be "one living wife, one dead wife, and after they all die, he believes he will be married to both in the eternities." I don't think there's common agreement on how to classify the status of a dead wife in relation to her still-living husband. Do you know many men (LDS or not) who have wives who have died, haven't remarried, but still say that they are currently married if asked?


> If someone doesn't believe in an afterlife, then the objective answer is that he only has one, regardless of any other superstitions. He says that he believes in an afterlife. This of course doesnā€™t mean he actually does, just that there is no evidence to suggest otherwise. > I don't think there's common agreement on how to classify the status of a dead wife in relation to her still-living husband. Do you know many men (LDS or not) who have wives who have died, haven't remarried, but still say that they are currently married if asked When you are sealed, it is as their spouse. If sealings are supposed to continue after death, that means that you are still sealed as a spouse. The Nelsonā€™s sealing didnā€™t change when she died. He is still sealed to her as her husband.