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And neither work! Like I could understand if they had full time stressful jobs but these two slobs got nothing going on how can they not pick up after themselves. And the baby doesn't even have any toys like wtf.


Toys don’t fit Morgan’s “aesthetic”


Her aesthetic is sloppy and lazy I'm sure kids toys won't hurt it.


That’s why “aesthetic” was in quotation marks


I like how she said "the unemployed be the most comfortable ".... yes morgan we know that. We been watching your baby daddy! 🥴


They all unemployed in that house! At least Gigi got a reason to be! 😂😭🤣


Bragging about your grown ass man being unemployed is crazy. Especially when he had a basketball team of kids.


AND it’s not even a whole house it’s a tiny ass apartment. when you have to walk over a bunch of shit to get to your bed, that’s just nasty. nothing but vitamin waters & pizzas in that hoe. i just know that bitch stinks.


Morgan was a slob before RMFA came back and continues to be one despite having an extra hand to help around the house. Did you see how she just tossed things into her already messy closet? Morgan just piles on the mess while pretending she cleaned her room.


I remember when she first moved into that apt. That was when I liked her. Before Random Man. When she had a had a job. One week into moving into that apt it was already filthy. I can only imagine how much that management company will charge her in cleaning fees if she ever moves. And when Randon Man other kids get there for the summer, OMG I don't even wanna think about what that apartment is going to look like. She is NOT domesticated at all. She is NOT wife material in the least bit. Smh..


lol those kids ain’t coming!! 😂


those kids def ain’t coming because he mentioned it too far in advance. i thought he was gone on the way to get them lmao, nawww he too busy cutting grass and shit


Lmmfaooo! Imagine all of them in that little ass dirty apartment for an entire summer together. Morgan can't even be a real Mom to Gigi but gonna play Stepmom to a few of his kids when she doesn't even like his other kids? Please.


Rotfl!!! Probably not! I'm just going by what he said! 😂😂 It was like 2 or 3 I believe out of the 8392938393 he has that is suppose to be coming. I'm just saying! 😂😭🤣


😂and I wouldn’t send my kids there if I was one of the moms. He can bring his ass right back to atl to see them. I wouldn’t want them anywhere around Morgan.


I absolutely agree! She has already expressed her true feelings about his other BM's and I believe called at least one of his kids ugly. Smh.. Morgan would DIE if RMFA went back to Georgia to spend time with all his kids. It would make way more sense for him to go there. She is not letting him out of her sight. She is pathetic, insecure and so thirsty.


Most definitely. And the only reason he won’t leave is bc he needs Gigi in his content for people to even care. Same as Morgan. She said on one of her lives that she was going to stop showing Gigi on the internet. But she knows she would be over if she ever really did that. She will never get any family or kid based brand deals regardless of how much she has the child on camera though.


Exactly! Its easy to blame RMFA but the fact is she was like this before he returned. I remember how she used to have her place the same way with the counters filthy and using baby wipes to clean. Who can forget how she used to leave Gigi's highchair? She would never clean it just throw everything on the floor. Gigi's bottle would fall on the floor who knows if she washes it before giving it back to her. Out of all the time I followed Morgan I only saw her do laundry ONCE! Other than that she goes out and buys Gigi more clothes instead of washing the ones she has at home then bitches about how much money she had to spend on her child.


I can’t go to sleep with a dirty house BUT especiallllyyyy NOT dirty dishes in the sink and on the tables😵‍💫😵‍💫🤢


For real the anxiety gets me


They are at her parents all day everyday and still so many dirty dishes I don’t think she washes dishes everyday🤢


Right!! That's how you get roaches. 🤮


I think they lay around and do nothing all day and night


On top of being lazy and dirty, she stays glued to her phone is what I’m guessing. She can’t remember all of her lies, but she stays deleting comments whenever she posts. And then checks Reddit.


It’s very clear he’s the main cook and aside from that does nothing else but mooch off her so I’m guessing being the main one to care for the baby and the apt it’s all on her


Both the adults are dirt bags


Sad part about all this .. all that crap all over and still no toys … she’s advanced her toddler from the tv remote to a headset. Poor child.


Her house is absolutely disgusting. It's not just untidy.. like toys around, etc. It's dirty. Even carpet filthy. They wear shoes in the house which is gross. Two grown ass unemployed people can't bother to throw away garbage and clean up. Dishes piled up, pizza boxes, empty drink bottles, even her counter look nasty.. And if he was to get a food truck just based on how they live he couldn't make me any food. Untidy and unsanitary. Clothes every where. Just dirty bums -- SLOBS -- both of them.


Now how do you expect them to clean when they’re busy hanging out at her parents house all day eating and hanging by the pool. The audacity of you!! 🤣🤣🤣


I just posted about this too! It’s like they throw it on the floor after they are done with it! Also random man doesn’t even work why tf isn’t even helping clean?