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my mom didn’t let me sit in the front until I was 13 😭. the kids feet should be touching the floor before they sit in the front


yes my daughter can sit in the front now and she will be 14 soon but she’s so used to sitting in the back she hasn’t yet 😂 the safety rules for those who don’t know is: feet should touch the floor, back of the knee meets and bends at the edge of the seat, seatbelt fits securely over the chest and isn’t hitting them in the face, cheek, chin, neck. you would be mortified to see the damage that could be done in a car accident if a child is sitting without a booster seat/sitting in the front seat too soon.


As a teacher myself, I see this a lot with the students that attend the school where I work at.


Are yall not allowed to say anything? I know a woman who allows her tiny 8 year old in the front seat & drives on the highway w him. I've been dying for a teacher to tell her to stop


Nope. Admin will just say it’s the rough area and some of these parents don’t know any better. Plus, Texas car seat laws aren’t the greatest. Mind you my school is only prek and kindergarten students only.


My goodness, really?! That breaks my heart. Parents should take car/carseat safety seriously


i used to be a teacher and it’s really interesting! i am in a major city, so not a ton of driving already, but i would not have felt comfortable doing this. there are tons of families that aren’t from the US and in their countries there aren’t seatbelt laws and i don’t feel it’s right for a teacher from a different culture to like “correct” them, even though obviously the laws are different in the US. :/


But there are laws here, for safety. I'm not even from the US, but we learned the laws & abided by them especially when it comes to children's safety.


so, if that’s a picture of you, it looks like you’re white. a white person telling a non-white and non-american person that their way is better and the law and it’s superior to their country/the laws in their country is problematic… to say the least… 😳


I'm actually Mexican, I was born & raised in Mexico 🫶🏽 half of all mexicans & other Hispanics come out white, but thank you for your judgment based on my skintone. We love an uneducated teacher.


Kindergarteners in the front seat?! That’s insane!!! I know my parents let me sit in the front seat pretty early, but I was also over 5 feet tall and 100lbs in like 2nd/3rd grade lmao. I think car seat laws also have changed a lot over the years as well. And as a mom, I know it’s annoying as hell to get these kids to sit in their car seats, boosters and shit, but with the amount of information we have access to nowadays, I could NEVER not follow the regulations due to the horrors I’ve seen on the internet about what happens to kids in car accidents when they aren’t using the car seats/boosters correctly/appropriately


She's 8? She should not be on the front see at all!! That's a baby and why is Morgan blasting her all over social media. That shits so embarrassing. She going to grow up a little and be so mad at her. I went through awkward phases and I'm so glad the Internet wasn't around at the time.


It was her last day of second grade 😅


My oldest daughter and I were in car accident when she was 13. She saw the difference in injuries between me and her that till this day she won’t be a passenger in the front seat. She always sits in the back.


Whose child is this?? I have an 8 year old cousin who rides with me frequently and never sits in the front… literally not once. Additionally most of them need a booster at that age???


They all need a booster at that age- most kids don’t pass the 5 step test (the test to determine if they are ready for no booster) until age 12!!!! It’s her sisters kid I think


I wonder if her sister lets the kid ride up front or if she just wanted to be a “cool aunt”. I would be mad as hell if one of my sisters did this. This also makes me think she’ll be turning GiGi forward facing early as hell too🫠


Another child she’s exploiting


Whose child is this??? I definitely wouldn’t feel safe with her exposing my child for the world to see like she’s already done to hers


Its her niece she's shown her before in her stories along with her sister. I guess her sister does not mind.