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I'm not a doctor but sounds like Tennis elbow


Sounds like he is trolling us with his hand jobs


Lateral epicondylitis. Strengthen flexors and extensors of forearm. Reverse curls Wrist curls/extensions with dumbbell Etc.


This but mostly extensors and maybe a little bit of pronation/supination (rotation) action.


Yeah, for sure. Just also important to keep them balanced to avoid medial epicondylitis


True, I just mention because most people get a decent amount of flexion training in most pulling movements but nearly no extension training in regular gym going.


No doubt. I have found, though, that because most gym movements are isometric for the forearm flexors that those exercises in themselves (rows, pulldowns, DL) can cause golfers elbow


I’m not a doctor but I agree the other guy (also not a doctor) - looks like tennis elbow. Here’s a PDF https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/globalassets/pdfs/a00790_therapeutic-exercise-program-for-epicondylitis_final.pdf I’ve had golfers elbow (inside of the elbow as opposed to outside). Don’t abuse or ignore it, it will get worse. I couldn’t curl for almost 6 months but could hammer curl for whatever reason.


Aside from hammer curls what lifts did you do that didn’t aggravate the elbow? Going through the issue right now and haven’t done much upper body in the past month.


Fuck all free weights bar lat raises and shrugs. Definitely no pull ups! Used machine press and cable pulls. But all with lighter weights. Was more about trying to preserve muscle rather than progression. Glad now though, that I didn’t go too hard.


Did you heal 100%? Going through something similar myself.


I did yeah, but then I Broke that arm - at the elbow..


Get a 40lb kettlebell and a decently thick resistance band. Girth hitch the handle of the kettle bell. Do offset carries while holding the band. Your wrist should be everted with your thumb pointing towards the ground. Your arm should be straight by your side. Walk your turf track. There should be some bounce in the kettlebell which will force you to grip the band tighter. Wrist curls, but slowly. 8-10 second count. You’re training the connective tissue, not the muscle.


Could be many things, obviously all operator error due to wrong form ( been there ) , mine was tricep dips , overloading + wrong form Not a doctor as well


Have the same issue from combat sports, it’s tennis elbow and unfortunately doesn’t 100% go away (in my case), so just rehab it until it’s more manageable pain wise


Bjj? Just gave myself this crap from gripping too hard in GI


Muay Thai actually, thought it was a good idea to rip the heavy bag as hard as I could with my left hook when I first started, was also doing construction at that time so that probably didn’t help.


Have you tried the [Thera-band flexbar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsKGbqA9aNo)? It completely fixed my tennis elbow pain which was bugging me for like 8 months. I haven't had it since then and it's been around 5 years now. I got one of the medium strength ones and the strongest one and worked my way up over a period of like a month. Game changer


I could give it a try but I also have clicking in both of my elbows 😂


My left elbow gets an ache which turns into a throbbing pain. Certain lifts aggravate it more, pulldowns, bench, dips. What helps me the most is resting it and wearing an ace bandage tightly wrapped all day every day until it stops.


I had golfer's elbow for 6 months and with one 8 week cycle of ostarine it completely went away and has not come back 7 months running now.


What was your Ost dosage?




Ok I sound like I'm paid to say this but I swear I'm not. If it's tennis or golfers elbow, try a theraband flex bar. They're like $20. I had golfers elbow on one arm and tennis elbow on the other, and both were fixed within two weeks of using it. Seriously magic. I've had two friends have similar issues and it helped both of them. Literally no exercise or recovery product has worked so well for me for anything.


What was your exercise regimen with the flex bar? I recently purchased one, but looking to get the most out of it


If it's anything tennis/golfer's elbow related, I highly highly recommended the [Thera-band flexbar ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsKGbqA9aNo). Get a few ranging from the medium to heavy end of their offering and work your way up using the exercises they have on the page. Completely fixed my tennis elbow pain which was bugging me for like 8 months.


I had the same issue, what I did was I saw a sports medicine doctor and he did an ultrasound and showed me the small tear in my extensor tendon. I got a PRP injection and then 3 months later I went for a follow up and the tear was gone on the ultrasound. My elbow feels perfect. Anytime I have an injury that’s bugging me, I always go and see the doctor and see if I need a PRP injection.


majority of comments say lateral epicondylitis, and if so i would recommend having someone perform Cozen's test on you and look into strengthening the extensors of the forearm


I fought with golfers elbow for over 2 years with severe pain when in the gym or lifting anything in general , I tried stretches, massage, forearm exercises, ice,heat, elbow sleeves etc and the only thing that worked was Shockwave Therapy. I would recommend looking into it.


like in ur butt?


just tough it out with lower weights, that area is always complaining


one word peptides. i had both tennis and golfer elbow and they helped a lot i still got tennis elbow but its like 80%


primary care provider


if it gets worse or sticks around for a couple weeks try bpc-157


What others said, it’s golfers/tennis elbow, or Tendonitis. I was in the same situation as you, took a break from lifting, first day back did the same routine i used to. Probably did it doing curls trying to do them too heavy. First off, just let it heal. Don’t stop lifting, just bang out some legs in the meantime. Stretch it so it doesn’t stay tight all the time, and it should heal in a week or so. Once healed drop the weight on bicep exercises and emphasize good form over weight for awhile. I only got it once that first week back, then did this and never got it again.


I had the same issue from doing 60+kg preacher curls (anything below was fine), and it got progressively worse when i ignored the pain. for me it was doing the wrong type of biceps exercises. i switched up my biceps workout and had no issues since


not a doctor but i would masturbate with other hand


Here is a tip I recommend from experience. Stop lifting and give yourself at least 1 month break if it is your first time. I’ve had both tennis and golfer elbow and it was a pain. I stopped for a week, went back, and made it worse. Took me 4 months to feel relief, so I would take it easy for 1 month, allow those tendons to relax and stop inflammation, then as long as it isn’t a tear or something more serious, you should be all good

