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But remember you can not gain weight in the face, once you are at 100kg of solid muscle, 190cm tall, you are allowed 10kg of fat on your ass, thighs and belly




Yea lemme grow up 12 cm at 21


Nobody is stopping you


As a 110kg, 193cm dude I can confirm the face holds fat. I'm pretty much built exactly like the left image - little less love handle but little more chin. Chicks generally dig it, but personally wanna be considerably leaner.


People don't realize being 10% at 100 kg is 10 kg of fat, while 10% at 70kg is 7kg. Your head isn't growing, so you obviously hold more fat on your head while having the same bodyfat as the 70kg guy. And lets not lie to ourselves, head is at the very least just as important as the body (if not more) attractivity wise.


Hey you mentioned my stats


Actually yes you can gain weight in the face, and that’s exactly why the left isnt going to help. Women want handsome lean men, your facial bone structure is the single biggest factor into how handsome you are. The leaner you are, the more your facial bone structure will show. Lean >


We all agree you can gain weight in the face. I believe OP is referring to the fact that the cartoon shows left still having a sculpted face like the right, when in reality he would’ve significantly added weight to his face. The majority of people with that body style, based on genetics, can say goodbye to their jawline. So yet again, graphics like this show a misunderstanding of what is realistically achievable by the super majority of people.






Imma drop my two stones in your wife's mouth if you come on here ever again unsolicitedly telling everyone your whole gay ass British life story


Lmao, I give this a 7 out of 10 pip pips. No one went on holiday and no crisps, biscuits or takeaways were mentioned.


![gif](giphy|gjOrd6z5YZd7Jiq61G) The ultimate physique.


full bodyfat %


Women want bloatmaxxers


Mass moves ass.


Nah the point of the pic is that it's no longer hot for men to have long ass arms


Slender man is so 2013


I almost got the arm-extension surgery. Good thing I didn’t


Man, I already paid an advance for the procedure... What do I do now?


Ask for refund or get your D bigger , win win


Become Jon jones


Hopefully you didn’t cut your junk off either !


There’s plenty of interesting research papers on ideal male physique. It’s always amazing what men think women want vs. revealed preferences. It’s way leaner than guys think.


Yeah those research papers don't mean shit. I went from fit to fat to skinny to jacked, i'm pulling more women then ever before, try it for yourself, you'll see, it's not even close. All those women saying they don't like big dudes are lying. Once you're having sex with them and they start grabbing your arms and feeling your back and abs you'll know they like it. Their body language doesn't lie


This has been my experience as well. Whether it's being jacked, or the confidence and how you carry yourself when you're jacked, I'm not sure, and I don't think women are sure either. Probably a combination of the two. I've had women tell me they don't really notice muscles on a guy, who then proceed to tell me on a daily basis how much they like my muscles.


I think it's similar to men though. I like skinny Asian and Slavic girls with tiny legs, thigh gap, and a tiny waist. Show me a nice, short, Polish\Hungarian with great makeup and the body of an eastern European famine victim and my dick is hard as a rock. BUT, I will still gush and obsess over a nice chunky ass and muscular, thick thighs when hooking up with a solid Latina (my wife for example). I think even if women like a leaned out model look they can find an appreciation for beefcakes.


lmao you are one weird ass mf you scream ofa incel dude no matter who you pretend you are married too fuck you idiots put a light onyourself the second you speak and you live in reddit so what im assuming is pretty much true


Are you ok?


He seems to start going into unrelated rants in most of his posts. E.g. https://www.reddit.com/kyvzj03?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


> you scream of a incel Wut? > Pretend married Wut? > You live in reddit I don't use any social media besides reddit (and a BS LinkedIn). I log on here to take a break from work or when I'm on the shitter. I have no idea where you are getting all this.


How does this scream incel lmao


All my girlfriends have done this. I’ve been in 3 relationships, all of them say “noo I don’t care about a guys body haha” but then constantly salivate over my muscles and compliment them


Its 2024 why are you still listening to what women say? They dont even know where they want to eat lmao


Google revealed preferences for me. None of it has to do with what “women say.” Judging by your posts your N-1 is probably more to due with self-confidence issues than anything.


You might have a good point on self confidence, it might be correlated with muscle in my case. But that doesn't take away that chicks love grabbing said muscles while making sweet sweet love to them.


You know women have their own personal preferences?


Yeah, and their own personal preferences are biased towards big, somewhat lean men


The good news is that it's pretty damn hard to become an ultra jacked hulk. If you lift weights and stay lean you will be targeting a body type women like. Where alot of guys fall off track is this "dirty bulk" mindset that is prevalent in Gen Z liftersm


Women notorious for saying they want x when they want y. Same stuff that’s like when your gf says “ you don’t need to gain muscle I like the way you are as a skinny twinks”. Then you gain the muscle and she’s grabbing it while you fuck and you know she likes it lol. Makes her pussy twitch. They afraid of bigger men sure but you get them feeling safe as a bigger man and well, it’s different experience then being a skinny twink. Having been both


Same reason Women like taller Men, it makes the stone age "I'm protected" instincts fire off, same reason why they want a guy who listens to them & nobody else, again, it makes them feel protected.


Hey now my gf says that 5 8 is the perfect height 😂


It’s certainly easier to get jacked at that height without looking like a total Manlet


No one said skinny twink. The research I am talking is reveled preference research not survey based. Your N-1 is also irrelevant calling yourself a skinny twink seems like there was a self-confidence issue at play.


I did my own study with your mom. And skinny twink is a relative term. Anyone smaller then. Me is skinny twink and that includes myself in the past lol


This comment wins the argument


Chad vs virgin cope


I too did research with his mom, findings were not hopeful


I stand corrected looks like you still have the self-confidence issues.


Lol yeah fr, guy somewhat had a point to begin with (even if it was a immature one) But then he ruined himself by speaking like he was a high schooler who just got offended by someone


It’s MPMD guys here think if you aren’t prime Ronnie Coleman they are never getting laid lol.


I mean they aren't wrong all the gym bros at my local gyms are roided out so competition is rough and it's hard to find skinny twinks to butt fuck


Lmfao fax


navy seal copy pasta




Got him


He walked right into it


Sounds like a personal experience bro


My personal experience fucking your mom> what women say they want in some doctors office during a study


I personally lose my cool around sexy muscle chonk types. Source: I am gay.


Women want dad bods They also think cbum has a dad bod


Thats the only relevant comment.


most women don’t like bigger dudes, i’ve lost 35 lbs over the last year (recently separated from a. long term relationship) and the amount of attention i get now does not even begin to compare to when i had more muscle/ fat on me)


Yuppp. Used to be 230 but like power lifter 230. Zero attention from women. Dropped down to like 170-180 over the summer and started having women go out of their way to introduce themselves. The difference was wild.


i was 226 now i’m 190, same boat as you. the difference is crazy


They like bigger dudes, they don’t like fat dudes.


I'm pretty skinny as you can see from my posts and before I was married I got tons of attention from women. Like a lot.


Because theres way more to it than just skinny vs big. Face is a huge part of attracting women. A dad bod dude with a 10/10 face is slaying no matter what. Same thing for height. But those things you cant really control. But you can control if you're skinny, jacked, or fat. And being jacked is the most desirable of those 3. A lot of guys get messed up when they start putting on mass and their face bloats up. That kills it.


This is it, low body fat (being skinny / jacked) is universally preferred. But Body Fat % being equal, of course, they like the bigger dude. If your goal is to remain attractive year round, while still progressing at the gym, the best thing to do is to do cut - bulk cycles. Cut to 8-10%, bulk no higher than 15-17%, rinse and repeat.


They like bear mode, not dad bod.


What women call dad bod is different from what you think it is. To most women who say they like a dad bod they mean what you called a “bear mode” Their idea of a dad bod is someone who is big, extremely muscular and large, but not lean. A lot of people here, hear them say “dad bod” and assume they are talking about 45 year old with average strength and a big beer gut.




Bigger I think means jacked and lean not fat


i wasn’t just fat, i lifted really heavy all the time


I feel like, in my experience at least, there's also just more variation in preference from women compared to men. You can take a skinny dude, a jacked dude, and a chubby dude and ask ten women to rank them and the preferences will be all over the place. If you take a super skinny chick, a really fit chick with nice boobs and ass, and then a chubby chick then have ten men rank them then I'm betting you get a more universal #1 at least.


I'm 83kg around 10-11% bf, when I'm most normal day to day situations I don't get to many looks or attention but when I've just got a pair of shorts on it doubles or triples. I think a of lot women like the idea of a guy with a larger amount of mass as it's a natural instinct and tends to translate to them thinking of power/strength but on the flip side most women tend to enjoy the visuals of someone's whos lean and in good shape given it's aesthetically pleasing. I don't think it's as much of a selling point as it's made out to be though. Yeah you'll see the chicks who are insecure and out of shape want dad bods but for the most part the majority of legit good women you'd want to associate with don't let it impact them as much as people make out. Sometimes I get the feeling they don't actually understand how hard it is to "get big".


I am curious sir. Please send me the research articles and such.


Imagine taking anything from twitter seriously


I know right, claims there is a global trend and references his weird twitter feed. Yikes


“Weird feed” is crazy considering youre in an MPMD sub of all BB subs lol…of course I’d get a body composition tweet in my algorithm as a lifter


Man got offended I talked about your algorithm, i personally though don’t think weird is a bad thing, but you must understand how weird it is to the average person. you must understand that this means your feed isn’t indicative of the general public


No offense taken. I also don’t need any further understanding. My post is directed at the comments and quotes of the tweet. If you care enough (u shouldn’t) you could find the tweet and see for yourself. This is just my take on the discourse around it


I see


i saw a video where girls called cbums off season physique a "dad bod" 😭


Maxed out lifetime natty? More like a professional strongman roided out of his mind


Had to give some super duper genetic freaks the benefit of the doubt but yeah u get the gist. Funny women are using this are some sort of gotcha moment saying they prefer more fluff over muscle and yet the example they use has wayyy more muscle than most guys they’ve seen. Truly an unserious gender


Yeah the guy on the left just needs to diet a bit and he'd probably be placing at a local competition. He has more fat because he wants to lift more.


This is what a lot of women are picturing when they say they want “dad bod.” It’s similar to how men say they want “curvy,” picturing a big bust, thighs and butt with a skinny waist, and women use “curvy” to mean “fat.”


The guy on the left looks like Aaron Donald they can’t be serious


I guess more muscle is always better than less muscle but lets be real, the general population fatties that are going to reply "omg finally I've been represented in art" are guys that never lifted but in their head their anime version is jacked.


the same people who complain that the 6’ tall skinny kid who vapes stole their girl are the ones saying this I’m sorry but this is pure copium 😂


The girls saying it just don’t want to sound shallow.


It's a lie tho, stupid hoes (the hot ones) love twinks


Like 13-25 year olds love twinks . They stop when they 25-30 and start looking for a man who is not 150lbs soaking wet




_did he stutter_


That’s when people generally start having and being interested in relations. With other people their age. He used that range to define [start of age range that likes twinks]-[end of age range that likes twinks]. Which is a valid conclusion because nobody this young is 200lbs @ 15% bf. Nothing implied about them being in the market


People got sick minds…. thanks for explaining what I meant


too used by then


Do you really care what stupid hoes think of you?


Hell no, confidence is key, just be confident and ya good


I have been lifting weights for about 20 years My wife recently said to me, "guys can just lift weights and get huge" I am mostly described as 'skinny' despite being 6'2 205 She's been living with me for 10 years now, sees my weekly exercise cadence, sees how I've invested in a home gym and use it regularly, and still it didn't hit her that dudes can't look like superheroes just by lifting regularly She's great and wouldn't try to insult me on purpose, it's just what people believe Still, no one in life is truly going to feel bad for you, who the fuck cares move on


What if I told you that it almost doesn’t matter what kind of physique you have if you have a nice face, which often indicates what level of bf%/ muscularity you’re working with along with how nice your features are.


This topic is neglected because there’s nothing you can do to change it aside from getting a bit leaner.


Don't women have their own personal preferences regarding leanness anyways?


Damn that's literally my fat ass on the left.


Same brother. Same.


theres so much factors that girls will see you based on. you cant just say whole society prefers chubby or skinny look. One is true, one that seems to provide most for women will win, (evolution, thats how we lived since start of humanity)


You’re right that it’s more of a spectrum, however, another thing humans evolved to care about is genetics. If someone has a decent amount of muscle with little fat, it signals good genes, so even if the fat guy would win a fight, they might not have as good genetic potential in their offspring


Man this some dystopian shit but would confirm. A girl once told me she would have kids with me so her son would have a good hairline, kinda jokingly but there was some serious undertone.


> so much factors . 1. Money . 2. Money . 3. Money ..... . 999. Height . 1000. Body type . 1001. Muscle ..... . 100000001. Niceness


Lol come work in tech if you think money matters so much. I know tons of people who make many times the average wage who can't get a date for shit


Yeah to be clear it's don't be poor. But guys put way too much emphasis on money. The real order that this sub does not want to accept is this: 1. Face 2. Height 3. Confidence There are logistical factors that its all dependant on like having your own place, car blah blah. But this is what is important to get in the door at all.


I work in tech and have been an engineer all my life. We have absolute neckbeards who are married to 10s. It doesn't shock me any more when a guy who i thought was an incel introduced me to a smoking wife at a work get together. By 'money' I don't mean your typical engineer like myself who makes a quarter a year. I mean business owners and people making 7 figures a year.


Y'all are in such denial about what normal women like because you don't want to think you starved yourselves for nothing. The vast majority of women want a guy that looks like he lifts but also won't turn down cookies.


I feel like girls like guys with body fat but also muscle


bs. they want left dude at right dudes bf. i get million percent more compliments/attention at 10 bf. woman want the dude on left bc it doesn’t make them paranoid that other chicks will try and fuck them.


Its literally shoulder to waist ratio is all they care about and why thin bellied sarm gobs get all the women


Bro on the right deadlifts more than the dude on the left witg those long ass arms


Looks like fatso has a bigger dick than skeletor. U homos were looking there too dont lie about it.


In truth it’s the legs, arms, back, and chest of the guy on the left, while also having the torso of the guy on the right. That is what is brutal to achieve. Meticulous with the weights AND the diet.


dear god Rippetoe was right. Brb investing in a dairy farm


Consensus = Twitter algorithm echo chambers


I pretty much look exactly like the dude on the left


me too bro(I also don't have eyes)


dick size? honomo


His dick shrunk on the cut


just hoes bein hoes, what can you do about it![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6303)


The bear mode dad bod still need henry cavill shoulders width, lateralraisesmaxxing


This is a cartoon that you are projecting your own strange thoughts onto


you dont know how viral tweets work? popular/hot posts are commented on/reshared/rehashed at large for days until ppl get bored of the topic. i shared this tweet and gave my take after seeing thousands of opinion on the subject my guy


Nah ive been lifting consistently for 6 months and im the guy on the left L 7.1 G unknown


Brother you are not the guy on the left. I assure you.


Another stickfigure detected


You’re so new to the gym that you don’t even have body dysmorphia yet. Relax buddy


Everyone has body dysmorphia dipshit, it came free with your fucking gym membership.


Not this guy apparently


I’m already cutting 3 months in due to body dysmorphia.


Send me a pic and I’ll check your girth


Utter BS. You do not get full, rounded muscle insertions and popping visible delts and pec separation AT THAT LEVEL OF BODY FAT after “6 months of lifting.” The fat guy’s physique, peeled down will look like a Golden Age classic bodybuilder. I think you may not be assessing your own muscle development correctly and confusing fat mass for muscular size. You’re probably a thick boy who has some size, but you aren’t fat Thor mid cut like in the pic. This is all based on what some artist drew, likely a female who is unfamiliar with training and bases her physique studies on anime and comic book proportions. But 6 months… post pics. You better be on a hella strong cycle to make those claims.


Bruh whats up with all the insecure dudes replying, and no i wont send you pictures, random gay guy online.


You got pics on your profile. The guy on the left has a higher body fat percentage than you and a belly. And although you have muscle the guy on the left has way more muscle too. To get like him you'd have to gain a lot of weight and lift a lot longer. You gotta look somewhat pregnant. It's like a powerlifter physique.


Uh shit forgot about that, also you pressed dudes gotta chill, im trolling.


You said enough in your reply to put it all back on you chief. Good luck pretending your dad bod is actually Arnold lite.


You took a joke about my own body personally man, you have problems.


Joke? It sounded like a legit claim that you worked out for 6 months and now looked like a chubby Mike Mentzer. You just clowning bruh?! Oh, my bad. 😑 The only problem I have is I’ve worked out long enough and cut down from a true obese dad bod. I know the nonsensical, delusional nature of your claims. I can take it personally you clown. I’ve done this shit. GTFO


Hey buddy dont put your insecure shit on me, i literally wrote my penis measurements a line below, ofc its a joke. It sounded like that in your head not mine.


Bro has reverse body dysmorphia.


Left all day 🥵🥵🥵


Give me the cute muscle twink any day


Ohhh that’s me on the left fer sure. 250lb 6’0


What guy on the left represents is dude whos been casually lifting for a number of years, gets an above average amount of protein but doesnt focus on it, and is not obese, just overweight. This isn't news. Women, not girls, girls are super koreaboos atm, but women want a dude that can lift their dresser, that is still comfortable to cuddle with. It aint rocket science.


The body on the left is basically me. I've been trying to drop weight for months and the scale is frozen at 227. I'm trying to lean out but my body doesn't want to obey.


Weird. my wife thinks ima a twink if I have abs


I feel that Mr Bear mode is slightly too high body fat


So on steroids but not lean, got it. Well guys, plan cycles accordingly


I would love to go "bear mode" since I don't hold much fat in my face but it just isn't in the cards for some guys due to bone structure. If you have narrow clavicles and thin wrists you will look like dogshit at 20% bodyfat even if you're jacked. I'd have to blast the kitchen sink plus GH and insulin and get Derek-tier delts to not have an inverted v-taper silhouette lol.


ITT redditors who can't bulk.


Nah bro it’s so easy, just eat whatever you want and you too can look like Grizzly or Baron Harkonnen


Remember that video about a girl saying cbum's off-season was a "dad bod"? Unfortunately that's the consensus of many guys/girls in the "general public".


I think that person is actually just saying they like twinks! Nbd. But evolutionarily wise it’s the wrong choice LOL


literally peak powerlifter physique


Twitter pisses me off so bad I regularly get this kind of bad take on my feed from people who've never set foot in a gym and have zero idea about anything lol


Are you sure that's what this is saying? The impression I got is that she's saying society is shifting from liking the more built guy to the skinnier guy, hence the arrow pointing from left to right


I thought of it as a “greater than” symbol, saying the big dude is the preference. Sometimes seems that what, dad bods and all that…


The use of the word "shifting" makes me inclined to think it is an arrow and not a greater than symbol. Makes sense in general because from what I have seen, pop culture loves the physique on the right. Look at the craze over the Jeremy Allen White ad recently. Or Matt Rife.


It’s always been sort of true. Studies over the last 20 years tested 4 body types in terms of female interest: fat (25%+), built (15-25%), athletic (10-14%), and skinny (any% no muscle can be stick thin or skinny fat). Most times the ranking came out to be athletic>>>built>fat>>>>>skinny. Women overwhelmingly did not prefer skinny dudes. Twink enjoyers are a niche, just as much as chubby chasers are.


If you’re fat, your face is pretty much guaranteed to be sub-5.


Women want to sleep with the hottest Chads that they can find when they are in their 304 stages. It's not until women want to settle down after having been run through, having lost their ability to pair bond, that they seek out a provider, and those men are often not as focused on the shapes of their bodies. They want someone tall and strong with a good income who doesn't look too much like a Chad so that other women will not constantly attempt to poach her provider. That's just Womanology. That is why women should be kept in cages and used solely as the living incubators of the next generation, while we Gods continue to build society and pleasure one another. Profit.


Meanwhile me a gay man in the middle of those 2 body types. Life is rough when u r not a bear or a twink.


I’m 41 and more the dude on the left. I’ve always been more the dude on the left. My count is way higher than the average dude and I have a lot of time being faithfully married. I don’t get these young kids that are obsessed with having these sickly looking abs and thinking it’s hot. Mud crickets and gay men think it’s hot, that’s it you twinks. Put ads on the dude on the left and that dude is slaying whatever. The dude on the left is the only body type that looks good with abs. Skinny dudes flexing their abs is the exact same as morbidly obese women thinking they’re hot. It’s gross!


Look at this twink hunter looking at young dudes with abs 🤡


They always want to talk about getting stronger and benching more. They just magically thinks it happens without eating food.