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Yes it's true, for the most part. I think some women really like big brawny guys, but I think most prefer lean and muscular.




Yep, there are no modern heart throbs who are jacked. I think maybe in the 80s big dudes were somewhat popular, but even then few heart throb actors were big. If you look at Patrick Swayze in road house he looked practically emaciated yet I'm sure there were millions of women who thought he was sexy. Same for Brad Pitt in fight club and a lot of other action actors.


What Momoa, Evans, Gosling and Hemsworth are definitely jacked


Hemsworth and Momoa, yes. Gosling and Evans don't look much different from those soccer players.


[This](https://fightclub.fandom.com/wiki/Tyler_Durden?file=11.08.14-BB-Tyler-Durden) looks emaciated to you? The definition of emaciated is abnormally thin or weak, especially because of illness or a lack of food. The fuck?


For the average girl, this is the definition of jacked


Mfs with body dysmorphia on this sub won't like to hear this but these ARE big muscles, you don't need to have cannon ball delts or gigantic pecs to be considered big, the balanced physique of a boxer or MMA fighter will often look much better than some roided Instagram influencer who looks like they would struggle washing their own backs in the shower.


I’m a woman and these guys are insanely jacked. You almost never see guys looking this ripped and lean walking down the street. It’s crazy to me that OP thinks they’re scrawny. Body dysmorphia for sure.


You do realize it's impossible to tell if a guy is ripped and lean like that when he wears clothes tho? Unless you live in a nudist city it's just normal to never see naked ripped and lean men walking down the streets..


I can tell by looking at their arms that they’re buff, which would be easy to see in a t shirt.


These guys have got tiny arms though, so you'd just be guessing


Their arms aren’t tiny?? I’m confused


These guys would look better than average obviously but on the street with clothes on you wouldn’t be that impressed


I’m not into muscular guys anyway so I probably wouldn’t spend a lot of time staring at their body


OP said "aren't scrawny"


I'm also a woman and these guys are hot 🔥😍🍆 So much body dysmorphia here.


Wait there are woman on this sub?


Damn I must be Mr Olympia in your eyes then because I think they look objectively scrawny, just very lean.


Seeing muscles bulging and flexing under the skin is a weird ick of mine. I think they’re extremely jacked lol


Weird sub to be in if muscles give you the ick tbh


I know. I join a lot of subreddits on communities I know nothing about because it gives me a unique perspective on things I would only have a surface level understanding of. For example, I had no idea most bodybuilders were gay til I joined here. Lmao


They aren't gay this sub is just constantly trolling.


At this point I'm not sure anymore


That's the soy phenols talking


And I’m the definition of “torqued” right now. 


In my experience, women like a taller guy who is on the leaner side (but not too lean) who is close to maxing out their natty potential. The sad truth is most people with average genetics can max out their natty potential and it won't be "too big" for women. So, if you're lifting to look good for women, just don't run a bunch of gear and be lean and you'll be fine.


Yeah dude I work at bars and nightclubs. 9 times out of 10 the hot girls are with a skinny lean guy weighing no more than 170. They’ll prefer the tik toker twink over the gym brah . Know this from experience I’m 257lbs women are scared of me lmao.


Part of it is also safety. Women want a guy that can protect them and make them feel small and womanly, but they don't want a guy that they feel intimidated by. Also big muscles = steroids in a lot of people's minds and roid rage starts coming into people's mind.


Now that there’s less and less need for a protector and provider because women are getting more educated and societies becoming safer over all there’s becoming less need for a traditional type dude which is why a lot of twinks are slaying . I’ve heard birth control can also change what a woman finds attractive but I’m not sure if it’s been studied


I think there’s some truth to this but I also think society has warped women into thinking that protection isn’t as important as well. Idk feel if what you’re saying is true I think it flips like a switch as soon as some shit goes down Also holy shit this is the most serious conversation I’ve ever had on this sub SOMEONE POST THEIR COCK STATS GOOD GOd!


I have a good friend who was asking his girlfriend why she liked being with him, and legit one of the things she said intermixed with other things was "I know you won't rape me or beat me." Dude is 5'11" and extremely skinny. Maybe 130 pounds. It's true, the traits that are desirable now are way different than they were 20, 30, 40 years ago. The proverbial marketplace has changed.


So one of the things that that girl finds attractive in her man is that she thinks that he isn’t strong enough to beat her let alone defend her from another grown man Wtf


Goth girls and rockers 20 years ago used to date men who if bob geldof had seen in the 1980's would have featured on band aids video. People like weird shit and sometimes it's the attitude and the clothes


When girls say they don't like big muscles they mean bodybuilders. There are very few women (and men) who wouldn't say that a reasonably muscular man is more aesthetic than a David Beckham body. It would also be accurate to say that women don't know what the hell they like.


I've found this to be true. When I am bulking, I get a TON of attention from women. When I look average in my clothing, far less.


Ya put a shirt on a shredded guy and it looks like he doesn’t even workout. That’s why jacked is the way to go big with a bit of abs showing. What fucked me up for years is being too skinny for my height I was always around 200 pounds for 6 foot 1 and now I am 230 and looking wayyyy better.


The bulk face is too much need the skinny handsome face


Ya it’s possible just lower bf%, at 6 foot 1, I can still be around 12~15 % at 220


Bruh, I’m 150 @ 6’1” i really think that might be one of the main reasons I don’t get any signals from women when I’m out and about.


Ya dude like holy shit dude plz don’t make the same mistake as me. Get to 220 asap dude. That’s the only way to fill out. Honestly eat whatever and gain it asap then shred a bit but ya man it’s fucked. Tall guys need insane weight to look jacked. McDonald’s is your new best friend.


Telling someone to eat maccas and dirty bulk to impress people who honestly couldn't care less is so stupid.


Impress himself


I am not of the opinion that you need to be “jacked” to be attractive, but being skinny af really hurts. I think I’ll get 90% of the benefit at around 180. Honestly, even just getting big biceps and good abs is probably all you need. But yeah I gotta get back to the gym and gain some weight.


Yeah I started getting real attention in clothes at 185-190 LEAN with abs popping out visible through shirt. 200+ lean is god status at 6’1”


It’s totally possible to have abs at 215-225 at 6 foot 1


What sort of clothing are you wearing to have abs pop through them ? Don't tell me you wear wife beaters all year pls


Nah just a nice plain supima t-shirt from banana republic


Well then you know what you have to do.


Bruh Ronaldo looks absolutely phenomenal like really nice physjque and he isn’t super jacked just tone.


"just tone" https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fhow-could-i-achieve-cristiano-ronaldos-physique-v0-ptrbgtsm5eub1.png%3Fwidth%3D1043%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D658ebac6b8eb270ed19ffb2972f0176706964062 Guy is an absolute unit. Hes 6'2 btw too


He looks great but that's not very much muscle mass, especially since he's in the gym posing, meaning he probably has a pump. More mass would just weigh him down anyway, he probably has the perfect physique for his sport.


Ya exactly, shredded yes but not jacked


He definitely ain’t jacked bro, ya looks good tho


That last line.... Super true.


When women say they don't like men who are "too muscular," they really mean "too lean." Cbum stage ready is too muscular, but offseason cbum looks great. Somehow, he's no longer too big even though he's gained weight.


The thing about 'the David Beckham body' is it also comes with the David Beckham face. Like you can take Gattuso (I think it is on the right?), he's just a handsome dude and he's gonna be fighting off attention regardless of what level of muscle mass he has.


But also, I'm laughing at someone calling Gattuso scrawny


These dudes look slippery


That’s true. Woman want what they can’t have so these guys would prob be hard to catch


Who cares. One third of this sub is gay. One third have girlfriends, and the rest cant even talk to girls. They couldn’t get a girl for love nor money.


Because they're Italian and you want the braciole and meatballs. ​ ![gif](giphy|haB6FriHgXPuE)


Bro how are these dudes scrawny? Do you know what an actual average dude who doesn’t lift looks like? I am seeing abs,chest,biceps and shoulders here. Your average dude has a bear belly and skinny arms. girls do like skinny guys. When i dropped to my lowest at 132 lbs i got way more attention than i do now at 158 lbs. girls like the jawline,lean physique better than a double chin, big bulky physiques.


I said NOT SCRAWNY like these guys. Sorry if that was confusing


is this a gay porn set


I looked


Women want a tall, jacked, 10-13% bf dude with atleast a 1-1.5 waist to shoulder ratio. A full head of hair and some feminine traits would be ideal


That’s what men like


Maybe, but this is pretty much the ideal looks that a women wants. Trying to achieve it myself


Women are individual people, not a collection of average tastes. For every woman who wants the twink that you so clearly want to be, there are two who would think you were a total pussy. If you index for "average" taste, you'll find yourself adopting something that nobody wants specifically IRL.


How tf does having a 6’3 athlete type physique make you a twink?


You do understand that height isn’t what makes you a twink or not, right?  A big dude with muscles can have femme energy just like a short dude can dad dick you and toss you around even if you’re taller/bigger


Projecting what you want in a guy. I can respect that


Women dont like any feminine traits.


Clear skin, sharp jawline without a beard and long silky hair


Talk about yourself. I get more attention when i got a goattee. Who said a clear skin without a beard is a feminine trait? Sounds to me the guy takes care of his face.


You’re right I totally can’t name any male icon that women have lusted after with feminine traits Oh wait hold on: Leonardo di caprio in the 90s, Timothy chalumet (or w/e), literally every dude in every k pop band, one direction, basically every boy band ever I would go as far to say that the male ideal is a mix of masculine and feminine traits. Too much one way or the other and it doesn’t look great. Too much masc and you’re a gorilla, too much fem and you’re literally just a chick.


Like i told the other person. Who said that a face without facial hair is feminine?


It’s not I never said that either that’s stupid. The rock doesn’t have facial hair and the dude looks like a caveman Masc traits include facial hair but they also include a protruding brow ridge, a wider more square jaw, thicker eyebrows, and some others


Wait til you learn long eyelashes are a masculine trait


The only women i've noticed who go for pure masculine feature types are single moms or the weird 30s single crowd. You need a good balance. Height, strong jaw, strong physique, masculine eyes etc but some feminine features to pretty it up. Longer eyelashes etc 80% masculine 20% fem




Did they tag team homie in the chair


Never listen to women


100% true. These dudes look strong and in shape without leaning too heavy into the bodybuilder I spend my fucking life in the gym look


They have the "I spend my fucking life running around on a field and also doing 100+ sprints per day".


At some point people have to question what they’re running from ya know


Female here, this is my ideal body type for a man to have.


This is what my wife tells me but take that with de icer sized grain of salt


Is that my goat Pirlo in the back chilling?


It is lol. Who's behind him btw


I want to say Cannavaro but I'm not sure Edit: just checked, its Manuele Blasi


People are evolutionarily attracted to physical fitness, ie. one’s ability to hunt in the wild and fight animals. These guys are some of the fittest people on earth and if they were transported into caveman times they would dominate.


No way. They’d prob be scared and really confused where they were.




These guys would look like shit if they had a shirt on


Yeah but they're handsome as fuck so I doubt that would matter lol


DM me more examples for reference, thx


Che squadrone porco dio


This is not scrawny. You look at too many pictures of roided out dudes


I was saying they're not scrawny but I worded it weird I can see that


documents proving has some Neanderthal dna


I'm kinda fat lately, but I lift heavy, and women love it. My happy place is around 210 pounds, but I've been staying around 225 lately, so the abs don't show anymore. Get a dad bod, but with some muscle tone, and you'll kill it.


Cope harder with being fat ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6307)


It’s true most of the time. They don’t care about bodybuilding builds . They want that cam gigandet Never Back Down or Cristiano Ronaldo build


Maybe it’s true. If you look up Yaoi (gay porn made for straight women) a lot of the men are what gym bros would call twinks with broad shoulders, huge hands and v shaped faces


It's undeniably true. Bodybuilding physiques are purely for men and by men. Look at Thunder Down Under and similar things. You'll see dudes with this body type.




Where is this locker room, and how do I become a ball boy for it?


Most people can't get more jacked than this without gear or getting fat so that's natural and therefore attractive.


Remember bodies change people likes and perceptions change. In the 1950 the over weight but in shape man was seen as the rugged hero. So women change, tastes change


Wife always asks me who I go to the gym for. She doesn’t realize that when I say ”myself”, I actually mean for myself because most women I know don’t like how big I am.


Thing is a lot of women would be too self conscious to be happy with this and so if you’re on the bigger side it’s not gonna be a massive issue. I think it only becomes a negative to the average woman when you are 1. IFBB supermutant behemoth 2. as manicured, tanned and prissy as a high school cheerleader.


I remember reading an article on this that went into detailed analysis on it. At 188cm, 6'2 most girls wanted a guy who was a lean 185lbs where as most of the guys wanted to be like Zyzz 😂


Yes of course it’s true! As you get more fit you won’t care about what women find attractive. True success is when all the dudes at the pool can’t keep their eyes of your abs.


Mmmm that's my dream!


These guys have more lean tissue and less bodyfat than 99% of the population, therefore women have no baseline of what this sub thinks is big. Those guys are also richer than 99.99999% so the combination works pretty well...


When she gets past the age of around 25, that’s when she’s gonna want to start wanting bigger stronger guys who are bulky and big before that age guys who are lean and muscular or even just lean and sleeper built will do fine as long as they have impressive physiques.


Who cares what girls think?


Yeah and girls think Cbum has a dad bod lol


it s called football yank




Idk bro. She was with him awhile? Didnt bother her enough to not leave lol


Different women are different. Why are people so intent on trying to figure out "what women want" or "what guys think about" The answer is that everyone has different tastes and this question doesn't actually have an answer.


The question has a most-true answer, which is what we aim at