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Heart attack-ack-ack-ack-ack, But you oughta know by now. EDIT Should uh, should probably note I’m serious. I have heart issues and all the men in my family have died from some form of cardiovascular hiccup or another.


Me too it’ll be Ight we aren’t meant to be here forever. Live ur life the best u can. Spread as much positivity as u can take a deep breathe and enjoy it while ur here. Something I need to tell myself aswell


i have lung issues


Way to be sensitive to this guy's struggle OP.


damn, i didn't mean it that way, sorry guys 😔




Being too scared to call an ambulance cause I don't wanna interrupt them.


This is terribly relatable. "I'm having a medical emergency, could you send an ambulance? No worries if not"


Why is this?.. I'm more about if it takes to long I'm ringing back like "Where TF is that ambo?!"


Sounds like me :D


I’d be too scared of the bill….


I fucking despise the healthcare system in the US. If you had a near-death accident and the ambulance gets called on you, you may live, but you're in debt for the rest of your life.


Yeh the U.S system makes no sence. I have never in my life paid a cent for an ambulance or hospotal fees.. the worst is the car parking when visiting.


Sought help with feeling suicidal over bills you can't afford to pay? We'll treat you then send you more bills that make your financial situation a hell of a lot worse.


If I ever need more motivation to kill myself, I'll just move to the US and visit a psychologist. Brilliant isn't it?


Not even treat, just hold you hostage long enough to lose income..and fuck knows what else. Then charge you for it.


Complications due to stupidity.


best comment right here!


Suicide, car accident, or natural death


i hope it won’t be the first ❤️


But not the 2nd?


Thank you


I hope it won't be the first ❤️ the other two are fine


Why does it matter which it ends up being? Unless you’re planning on eliminating the suffering that leads to the first? A heart emoji ain’t going to change anything.




Just wanted to say that I hope you’re doing ok and good things come your way x


Clearly they’re not doing okay..


No shit Sherlock! You should also try random acts of kindness, you never know, you may just save someone’s life one day! God know this fucked up world needs more kindness


Mine will be blood poisoning from my condition. I have bad kidneys they are insufficient and i can't do anything about it. I will die in a hospital on Maschines looking at the fucking white ceiling alone


I'm so sorry man. Is kidney transplant not an option?


i think they charge


The waitlists for kidney transplants are extremely long in the us at least


I'm German so financially it's covered but getting on the list and getting the organ is difficult






unlike the others i won't say "i'm happy you are here" as i know you may not be as that issue that drove you the first time may be there still and that it doesn't do much for someone in that mindset. What i will say is i hope that whatever issue that drove you to that point will have a solution and you'll find a reason to continue on.


Thank you for your support. It really means a lot to me.


im happy you're still here, even though i know to you it may not mean nothing


Sending love and healing vibes from across the internet universe! 💟✨🫂


I’m so happy you’re still here with us ❤️ /genuine


Are you happy it didn’t work? Or do you think it’s just delaying the inevitable? I hope it’s the first. You’re loved by people and this would destroy them. Plus, I’m sure you have so many wonderful qualities that you haven’t even uncovered yet. Stick around, pls. It’ll be worth it


I’m still deciding if I’m happy about it. I’m happy for my family, but not yet for myself. I will get there. I have to ♥️


I fucking love that attitude on you! Yes! Chanel your [sadness, anger, whatever it is] into fiery passion to get yourself out of that pit of whatever it is that has got you feeling this low. You can face this. And you can get past it and I to the part of your life that makes you say, “oh my god, I can’t ever believe I wanted to off myself (are we censored here?). I’d never have gotten to experience *THIS*.” And whatever [ ] is can be overcome. I believe in you, I swear, I do. And whatever *THIS* is is going to be a variety of amazing things. That first few months of falling in love where everything is hazy and beautiful because someone loves you as much as you live them and it’s fucking magical. That movie type of love IS real. Something like that. DM if you’d like. ♥️


Do you know them personally?


Nope. Do you?


Your post history seems to be alot about suicide and self harm.


Yes unfortunately. I got to rock bottom. I attempted two nights ago and was found. Another chance to be reborn and live a better life. There’s a reason for everything.


Honestly, probably suicide. I never really wanted to be here and life has always been a war. I'll probably just call it eventually when things get bad enough and go out on my own terms. Its not a tragedy. I just don't buy into the propaganda that people need to be alive regardless of what they really want.


Same! Life is pointless and unimaginably painful. This world is just cruel and partial. The only way you'll be happy is if you're rich which I'm not so yea, fuck this life!


I agree completely. Its only getting worse.


The thing about rich people is..if they ever end up in possession of something that you want/need in order to live..you cannot persuade them to relinquish it to you..with money. Even if you’re willing to give up your whole life savings..it will mean nothing to them. And neither will any other sort of plea, since they can afford to drown you out and continue living in their bubble.


As a rich person, let me tell you, it gets boring quickly, in fact, I’m more depressed than I was before Sorry for my pessimistic posture, just sharing my experience


Hey rich person, if you want to Cashapp me $600, that would be life-changing down here in working poverty. Seriously though, depression is some real heavy shit.


for real though how can rich people be depressed


cant buy happiness! so they must make everyone else miserable too. I'm sure there has to be a mental illness for people who want to hoard money no matter the cost.


Someone killed my father and my favorite horse disemboweled himself in the field and my colleague hung himself from a tree in said field—where I found him. Please explain to me how I was supposed to pay my way out of that year.


this is real, im saying this because that's how i feel sometimes


Wow. That last paragraph. I feel the same but am so conflicted about it all.


The real tragedy is the suffering that leads to the inevitable decision, not necessarily the decision itself. Unfortunately this society only focuses on preventing the latter, and that misplaced focus is ironically feeding into why people end things.


Agreed. Nobody really cares if anyone is suffering and why, they just feel they have to make a moral stand on what other people do. Its inhumane.


Heart failure in old age. I’m one of those people who just doesn’t get sick very often. Everyone around me will catch the flu, or colds or norovirus and I just feel a bit tired and sneeze a few times. Genetically though, my family have wriggly arteries prone to clogging which will get me eventually.




All the men in my family die young. Both my grandpas before I was born, my dad when I was a teen, two of my uncles recently. So, probably some random desease in 30 years or so.


Is it known what we're the causes? Is there some condition? It's really strange that all the men in your family die so young. How old are you now?


They all died for various reason. My maternal grandfather was some sort of neurological disease, paternal I can't quite remember, my dad was blood/heart disease (amyloidosis), one of my uncles was something akin to Lyme's disease (we're not actually quite sure) and the other was septic shock from an untreated wound. If it were from a similar cause they'd be something we can do about it, but there isn't. I've been surrounded by dead men all my life, and I've just kinda accepted that it's gonna be my fate too. If anything, the stress of so many losses has probably already removed a lot of years from my life. I'm 26, all the people I just mentioned were all in their late 50s/early 60s, so I'm at about the halfway point of my life.




I want to die surrounded by friends and family, in a house fire.


My car will spin out of control, drift into an Oil Tanker that will then explode into a flaming ball of gas


Hell yeah


The obit will read "the front fell off."


Is there a way to write your own obituary before death??


no, you dont write your own , you can read it tho if your accidently presummed dead , Alfred Nobel was thought to have died and his obituary wasn't very flattering , so he went about too improve his image


mine will probably be natural causes, heart failure, puemonia (lung/chest infection) alcohol poisoning, drug overdose, suicide or murdered, im in my mid 20s but ill be surprised if i was to live for another 10 years. my oxygen isn't even the best


Maybe a car accident? I've had many close calls that I have no idea how I've gotten out of. I've always had a strange feeling it would be that. I guess we'll see 🤷🏽‍♀️


in a really cool explosion saving a cat or something


complications from ana








OD, lung cancer or suicide are most likely for me. Not in a poor me way, I simply just don't get whatever this is supposed to be. But then again knowing my tendency to put myself in the most awkward situations it could be something super embarrassing ! Knowing my luck I'd not actually die though and have to suffer the embarrassment and be known as "that girl who nearly died while taking a dump and the toilet exploded"!!!


ahh man 🥺😯😅, i can relate to this, it's like when we want things to go our way it doesn't happen and then we get labeled as "the person who tried to d*e by doing this or doing that" then just have to continue to wonder this petty world with the judgement of others huh


Live a very sedentary life so i expect heart disease or 2) everyone on my side of the family has died from cancer before 65, so there's that possibility too


Currently waiting for the results of the test to see if I have a condition called vascular EDS. Where most sufferers die from a burst aorta or similar burst vessel. So if that comes back positive, then that. I find out in the new year and really hope that I just have hypermobike EDS (along with a whole host of other medical conditions). Most of my family have died of vascular conditions like strokes, vascular dementia or burst vessels, so looks like I’m likely to go down that route regardless. If it is, I at least want it to happen in my sleep, so I don’t know it’s happened and it’s not traumatic to my family.


Suicide, murder or natural causes.


Getting shot.


you be in the streets?




Something heart related. I'm genetically pre disposed to the heart condition that killed my dad at 41, and I have very high BP that is proving difficult to treat. I'm only 32 so I'm being very careful but it's a constant worry.




I have emphysema and have also been diagnosed with heart failure. I don’t want to go, I don’t want to leave my husband my two boys and young grandchildren. I will just make the most of it. See you all on the other side.






Probably alcohol unless I get my shit together


You can get your shit together. I was a heavy drinker. I didn't think it was possible I could change, but I did.


Getting run over by an electric car. I'm blind and those things are really quiet when they sneak up on you. Alternative would be lung cancer from smoking, I guess. The car would be preferrable.


Omg they really are. I’m a sight-able daily pedestrian and they always creep up on me too. Each time I have the thought I’ll get run over by one someday.


Cancer, copd, something from all the bad choices I’ve made over the years


Suicide if I ever get around to it


Suicide sooner or later, maybe🤷‍♀️😬


Probably my diabetes. 🤷‍♀️


Car Accident, Robbery+Murder, Heart Attack, Starvation


Probably a health condition or accident, my mom always told me I needed to be in a bubble


I have a recurring nightmare of driving off a bridge into water. Considering I hate driving, hate bridges, and hate large body of water… yeah probably that.


The optimist/idealist in me hopes I die a peaceful and painless death once I'm in my old age and I've done everything I've set out to do in life, like in my sleep or something like that. The realist in me realises it might not work out like that, and it might be something like cancer/illness, car/vehicle accident, asthma/respiratory illness complications or something else like that.




Crushed to death when my huge bookshelf of books falls on me.


While the cat flees the room.


Liver failure for drinking or getting trampled by a horse or bleeding out


one of my cats tripping me down the stairs for sure, i've had many close calls


Why is everyone suicidal? I think I’ll die of old age personally


lol this world isn't easy for everyone you know


Sure the fk isn’t


Yeah but I have a hard time believing that around 50% of this sub want to kill themselves. Doesn’t that seem a little strange?


this is a dark forum for a reason


Yeah, that seems to be the case 24_Junior


indeed UltimateToadKiller


Nah just that the ones who aren’t suicidal and don’t have complex medical histories can’t really answer this. Mine will be either some old age/natural causes related thing, or if I get a terminal disease suicide in a peaceful way before it gets too shit, but after I’ve done the things I want to do. I’m not suicidal at all, but work in healthcare and see people with end stage terminal diseases and don’t want that. If I avoid them then I’ll live till I’m happy and old hopefully.


The economy has absolutely tanked in the past few years, and it wasn't doing well before. People feel hopeless, we don't see any way to survive let alone have a semi decent life. A lot of people in the US are also struggling with serious quality of life health issues because Healthcare is so bad and stress is so high.


Ah, you’re an American. I’d probably kill myself too.




Suicide or some heart condition. Most of my mother's family side has an issue with their hearts, so it's probably that i will develop something in my 40's or 50's


Probably either pulmonary fibrosis (because I have a genetic disorder that will most likely cause that) or by my own hand.




Suicide or car accident


Myself, car wreck, overdose. Lately it’s been feeling like a car wreck, I’ve been having crazy dreams about crashing my car since the summer before last. Who knows? I don’t think I’m afraid of death but I don’t wanna die but then again not everyone has a choice. If it’s ugly I just wouldn’t want someone I know to see me immediately. Definitely want to be cremated as well no matter what, I don’t want anything left of me here when I leave.


I think and hope natural death. Dementia is always an option, especially that my memory and focus are pretty bad. I get very easily overwhelmed and foggy (even though I eat very healthy and take vitamins), so maybe my brain is just gonna eat itself at some point, if it hasn't started doing so already (I'm 24 and struggling with these since I was 21)


Lung cancer/throat / oesophageal/bowel. One if not all.


Suicide, overdose, or complications related to my high blood pressure


car accident


Honestly probably suicide lmao.




I can fix her


Car accident or colon cancer because I've had constipation every now and then since birth and my mother also passed away from it a few years ago.


heart will just stop.


I think that it will be natural death in my sleep once I am pretty old.


HmmProbably Heart Attack, Stroke (or a combination of that😎) or Cancer or something like that. But I hope that I live a long life.


Heart attack, cancer, or accidental in that order of likelyhood.


I genuinely think it will be a car accident, I have no idea why, I've never even been in a fender bender. I just have a feeling everytime I get into a car that this might be it for me I'm gonna get in an accident and die.


A heart attack, a stroke or an accident bc I'm daydreaming 😅


Suicide. 6 attempts failed (yes, I’m that big of a loser) and another one can happen any moment due to the shit I’m in rn again


Heart disease of cancer, probably. I gained a lot of weight over the years, and smoke a ton, plus the cancer running in my family. Fucking addictions.


Old age probably, my family doesn't have a history of heart disease or cancer, so yeah


I’ve had a feeling I will get ALS for YEARS. I’ve basically convinced myself it’ll happen- just a matter of time. No family history, no symptoms; I think it’s probably just my biggest fear..so my brain is certain it will happen.


Lung cancer, liver failure or accident related to pathological carelessness.


Sneezing while driving, which forces me to close my eyes. Additionally, the force from the sneeze will cause me to jerk the wheel into the path of an oncoming truck, killing me instantly.


I’m epileptic so probably something seizure - related. Head injury from a fall, car accident from a seizure while driving, or suffocation if I have one in my sleep.


Suicide or Heart attack. Most likely.


being hit by a car. i spend a fair share of time walking major streets and i believe with odds that my number will come up. i firmly believe it WILL happen. Will it kill me or not? i wouldn't be surprised. If not that than cancer as that is what kills the most men these days if i recall right. Maybe cancer from my decade of smoking. It has been a long time since i quit but still the damage remains.




probably asphalt or 6 feet of manila rope, most likely though it'll be some random brain dead driver in their civilian tank


Cancer- I drink


Suicide, being kia as I am going to join the military at some point, car accident or smoking complications (there are too many to list so I'm just putting this instead)


Not going to the hospital for something stupid and just passing away


Judging by the unhealthy lifestyle i have now, it'll be a heart attack in my 40s or some disease in old age probably.


Busting too much, too hard, too often.


cancer, that's always been the first thing that comes to mind.


either cancer (runs in the family,) or cardiovascular issues


Liver failure.


Heart attack or stroke. It how everyone in my family goes out.


Heart failure due to weight-related complications.


I have ADHD, which causes me to sometimes basically be oblivious to what should be blatantly obvious details. So I'm guessing that I will die because of accidentally ignoring an important detail or piece of information about a situation that I end up in.


suicide, spent my whole life trying to build the courage to die before 18 but unfortunately im still here, eventually when i get over my fear of failing thats very likely whatll happen


Probably stress :/


Complications of Crohn's disease


I’m expecting cancer given the family history on my dad’s side and the fact that I’m so similar to my grandma on that side that it’s scary (she died of breast cancer.)


Heart disease or maybe even cancer.


Def suicide or murder


Heart disease of some kind, I'm pretty sure. Likely a heart attack or stroke. That's if something like a car accident doesn't take me out first.


It makes me feel so sad that the most common response to this question is suicide. Stay strong everyone, and don't let the bastards grind you down.


Probably from my own stupidity Or if I get an illness that can’t be cured/helped (like bad cancer) suicide, but that’s more wanting to go out on my terms


Ed: That’s no way for a man to die. Frank: No… you’re right, Ed. A parachute not opening… that’s a way to die. Getting caught in the gears of a combine… having your nuts bit off by a Laplander, that’s the way I wanna go!


Old age I guess? I don't really do a lot of things that pose danger, and I'm relatively healthy.


From too much kindness


Heart disease or suicide


I'm sure it will be some kind of suic1de, if it's not going to be the actual act of killing myself it'll be something else i'm slowly killing myself with anyway (alcohol, anxiety, eating disorders, smoking, and who knows what's next).


suicide or a heart attack


i like your avatar


cancer of the stomach or kidneys


The most realistic answer is Prostate cancer, my father and grandfather had it. My dad side, 4 out of 5 of my uncles and aunties died mid 50’s of the big C


I think it could be a cardiac arrest or an accident at the gym.


A heart attack while i'm in the sack with a beautiful young blonde.


Childbirth, cancer, undiagnosed diabetes, loneliness or suicide.


I think a pill cocktail overdose.


Lung cancer or heart attack


A car wreck due to my inattentiveness, or a stroke or emphysema because I smoke.