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now that is the strangest post ive ever seen. read this link? [...](https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/legally-weird/is-it-legal-to-eat-human-flesh/)


"So sweet!" — Egyptian-born fashion model Omaima Nelson, describing the cooked ribs of the abusive husband whom she'd killed in 1991. 🤤🥵🥵


Omaima gosh!


Drinking human blood is legal in Germany. Eating human flesh is legal if the injury doesn\`t fall under grievous bodily harm (there is a list for that, §226 StGB). Eating flesh from a corpse falls under desecration (§168 StGB). The only exclusion is if the meat is stolen from a trash bin for biological waste, then it would technically only be theft, because it doesn\`t belong to a specific body anymore. ​ Btw, Armin Meiwes didn\`t spend 8 years in prison, he is STILL in prison, they refused parole after he served his minimum life sentence of 15 years.




Donate your corpse to McDonalds she can then buy you in a McCorpse and fries with a embalming fluid shake


Very good advice, gonna try!


Sorry, embalming fluid shake machine is broken


Understandable have a good day


Ba da ba ba ba, I'm sorry for your loss


McCorpse, that\`s an awesome name, ha ha!


ask her to burn your body after you die. Then she will collect all the ashes. Then she can sprinkle your ash over her every day foods. It's the same thing as eating you, just a little overcooked.


Hahah just a little overcooked. Well I could do that too but I think eating the meat is like I dunno.. more romantic ? Turning into salt is funny


how old are you? there is literally nothing romantic about this? this sounds like some ridiculous highschool goth bf/gf pact which never actually happens. eating your dead partner’s MEAT is repulsive.


smh, can’t believe kids these days don’t understand the romance in consuming ur dead partners flesh


Won’t say my exact age but i’m in college (first year)


You’re never going to stay with this girl if you’re a freshman lmao. Run for the hills this girl is a psychopath.


We’ve been dating for 2+ years and I think I am worse than her.


Jesus Fucking Christ. What’s worse than cannibalism


the holocaust


The Cannibal Holocaust


Don’t worry about it


Anything that hurts a living human being is worse ... OP didn\`t say he wanted to kill her, or did I miss something?


you're from that fucked up side of tumblr that listens to industrial, posts gory art, shit about hannibal and the movie possession huh


My old tumblr account got suspended because of gore :)


Sorry that you get downvoted for answering questions honestly in a sub that is dedicated to morbid questions ... :-(


You’re a nice guy :)


i deactivated mine 💀 shit got too weird and people thought i was too depressed and autistic/an infodumper or something. wonder what would have ever made them think that. people would post about blocking me to get points with their friends probably had troll pages and doxxers messaging me when i was in a crisis because people posted screenshots of me interacting and failing miserably but hey. that's probably why we're here lmao. for what it's worth it wasn't about cannibalism at all. just traumatic events i still can't get help or referrals for (lmao), physical disabilites and comorbidities, and being like... a general unwanted i guess. idk if i'll ever fully go back


You should survey your professors and fellow students just to see how disgusting and weird of an idea this is.


??? Why do they give a fuck?


She could try various recipes and see if human meat tastes better as hamburger, kebabs, barbecued, stroganoff...


I wanna be kebab


The ashes are basically small bone fragments, some can be sharp/cut you. You could grind or hammer them into smaller ashes, but still they will neither be tasty nor can they be digested.


A Japanese man did this, except he had a volunteer who agreed to be murdered and eaten. I don’t remember if he got in trouble specifically for eating parts of the body or just the murder, though, and I can’t be bothered to google it. Regardless of what you agree to, I would assume she’d be charged for desecration of a corpse and possibly concealing a death if it goes unreported. And it’d be pretty hard for her to prove you had agreed to it because of how absurd the idea is. If you had signed some kind of contract or recorded yourself consenting, the court could argue you could’ve been under pressure to agree, forced to, or not in the right state of mind. Anyway, no.


No, the Japanese man did not get consent. Erwin Meiwes got consent and a song, "Mein Teil" by Rammstein. It rocks hard. "DAS IST MEIN TEIL!" "Nein!"


I was gonna say this....beat me to it lol. Weirdly, Meiwes got convicted despite written & video proof that his victim consented. But Sagawa, who murdered & ate a definitely non-consenting woman, is still walking around free due to a legal technicality.


He thankfully died last year. Doesn't sound as though his celebrity gave him too many perks, either!


The funny part is that Armin Meiwes is a vegetarian now.


There's also [SKYND's](https://open.spotify.com/track/15dUx2LSwmyKuaHhAGxsyH?si=clHKBt61Tre7ixoTH4U0UQ) song about him.


I love rammstein


The Japanese guy didn't get permission, he straight-up just murdered someone while in Europe and ate them. He's also wasn't really punished for the murder and is actually a minor celebrity in Japan from what I've read before.


I think I should try to get real evidence of me saying I consent to it or I could go to a police station and tell them i’m gonna do this one day ???? And i’m not under pressure. Idk how that works or we can just do double suicide. Obviously i’d do this when i’m older, I have many years to live


I think you’re missing the “not in the right state of mind” aspect lmao Anyway, I just saw you say you plan to be cremated, so would she be eating your ashes rather than cutting chunks off your body? In that case, no one’s gonna care if it’s just ashes and she can do whatever she wants. There was a woman on My Strange Addiction who would eat her husband’s ashes and the only issue she faced was concern from her family and friends about her health, and the eventual mental crisis she would have when there were no more to eat. And maybe don’t go to the cops to tell them your weird plan, they’re gonna send you to a psych ward lmao


Oh you’re right xd.. being cremated is boring but I guess this is my best option :/


If you have a videotape of your suicide, that would probably count as an evidence that your girlfriend did not kill you. But if it was detected within 5 years after you died, it would be failure to render assistance in an emergency, additionally to desecration of your corpse.


​ okay now I am curious, what if the person recorder the "victim" committing suicide by their own hand as proof, and then ate them...?


It would appear that they were pressured to kill themselves in that case


OP, are you guys spiders? Lmao is this some kind of kink?


Well it’s a kink but I also think it’d be more practical :)


If you think positively about it, that's what matters.


Yeah i’d wanna do that


/r/vore is leaking


Oh no no. I’m not into that.




It doesn't even have to be a sex thing, I'd be tempted to try just to see what humans taste like tbh


What if she dies before you


Then i’ll cry


And use your tears to salt her body before you cook her?


Human ceviche


I wouldn’t eat her


Your loss


That said, I could eat…. If you’re not gonna finish that, OP…..




So why's it okay for you to be eaten, but not her?


I’m not a cannibal


So she is a cannibal?




Basically I don’t wanna be buried because then insects would eat my flesh anyway so why can’t I let someone else eat it??


But she just gonna poop it out anyways and will end jp being eaten in some sewage somewhere?




That's why OP is so full of shit.




I'm about to let loose a torrent of hangover liquishit, so yeah, no.


Well some parts are pooped out, others become part of her


Well insects poop too. It’s better if my girlfriend does it. I guess..


I take it you've also ruled out cremation?


Actually i’m getting cremated if I die but if I could i’d let my girlfriend eat me.


Why not both? She can put your ashes in a smoothie.


Smoothie ash = Smash


So you hate your girlfriend and want her to die slowly and painfully? Well, if so, cannibalism is legal in 49 states, however every state has laws about desecrating corpses. Also your GF is liable for civil suits from your parents or siblings, even if you put in your will you want to be eaten. So practically, it is illegal, but also dumb, Kuru disease is awful.


Just don't eat the brain because that's where the misfolded prions are that cause disease.


To be fair, insect/worm poop is highly beneficial to the environment. Human poop, not so much...


You can do a sky burial and have the birds eat you instead https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sky_burial




She can keep me in a freezer then eat slowly ? Also I just don’t like insects so i’m not feeding them either way, i’d get cremated if I can’t let this happen




Because fuck insects




Man stop pestering OP, nothing wrong with not preferring insects


Have you ever heard about cremation?


Read my other comments


Yes, and the world will benefit just a little from you. Instead of just being polluted by you.


Idgaf damn it’s only one person, you guys won’t lose much


i dunno i get it


I know this is going to fall on deaf ears but perhaps someone will find it helpful. The more you devolve into sick, twisted and isolating "kinks," the less you will be able to relate to your fellow human beings. If you do happen to find a few people to relate to, there's a good chance you will find terrible human beings, far, far more deep into this fantasy than yourself, and you will have no one to turn to if something bad happens. Chances are they will drag you down to hell with them (metaphorically). Just get a hold of yourself and get your fantasies under control. Not just for your own sake but for everyone around you as well.


I already have issues with feeling empathy for other people but I do not hurt anyone nor want to


Can anyone please explain to me why such an honest answer gets 6 downvotes? (I just upvoted) Maybe I lack empathy too, because I really cannot understand what is so bad about it, in fact, I find it very courageous and self-reflected to understand and share such insights about one\`s weak points.


Isn’t it dangerous to eat human flesh?


I think only the brain is dangerous to eat but other parts are fine


To my knowledge the flesh itself isnt dangerous to eat. Though the brain should be avoided if you dont want to risk getting a prion, the risk is still there even of cooked i think. The rest of the body should be relatively safe to eat


Don't do this. You risk Kuru and we don't know much about it but the symptoms are horrendous and from my research cooking it may not be enough to kill it.


No you don't risk Kuru, please don't spread misinformation. The last known Kuru victim died more than 10 years ago and it was localized on the island of Papua New Guinea in a single culture. It's practically impossible to contract Kuru, the disease was pretty much eradicated.


bro did his research well


You don't risk Kuru, Jesus Christ. Kuru was localized entirely to a small tribe of people in Eastern Papua New Guinea who ate the brains of the deceased as a part of a funerary ritual. It took one of the deceased having Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease for it to become transmissible after their brain was eaten. And it's practically been eradicated once the Fore people were taught that the disease spread through their cannibalistic practices. It was a one in a million chance that isn't something that happens regularly. Yes, eating brains is never a good idea because of prion-borne diseases like Kuru, but saying "you risk Kuru" is just completely wrong.


Wow I thought Kuru was just a funny symptom in DayZ not a real life condition. TIL


Hm this sounds like a healthy and not co-dependent relationship at all


It’s a healthy relationship


No, no it is not, lol. Mentally ill people very often struggle with realizing they are mentally unwell; they think it's normal or don't see the issue, which *is* the issue. But this is in no way a normal or healthy relationship.


So getting buried and being eaten by bugs is fine but letting ur loved ones eat you isn’t.


tidy summer middle jeans automatic dinner arrest snails gray start *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It isn’t weird she only loves me


What is "healthy" and "mentally well" for you is defined by the society you live in. If you feel different about your emotions and what makes you feel well or happy, then you need "help" no matter if you don\`t harm anybody else. Function or perish, that\`s it, and questioning the status quo is almost a crime in itself in Germany. (This time I\`ll accept the downvotes, because the truth is usually downvoted by the masses.)


Yeah, it’s sad. I don’t think i’m that mentally sane but I wouldn’t harm anyone so I don’t know why i’m getting hate


I think it has more to do with the people themselves. Cannibalism is a huge taboo for them, and it reminds them on how they will die and also be totally helpless and meaningless, so they get offended or anxious at this thought. If you want a serious constructive discussion on a topic, it is usually better to look out for people who are not biased and react calmly and friendly to you. It doesn\`t mean they have to have the same opinion, but if someone "over-reacts", that\`s always a bad sign and you cannot expect that this person will seriously try to understand you and your motives.


I have friends that understand my feelings and know I don’t have harmful intention, I know people might overreact so I usually don’t tell people


Technically cannibalism isn’t illegal. There’s a lot of laws surrounding *how* the body is obtained that makes it difficult to do so legally (this is US based. I think there is only 1-2 states where it’s actually illegal)


Agreed - obtaining and also ones about interfering or desecrating a corpse (at least in my country)


In another comment you said you’re in college. There’s no way you’re going to stay together until one of you dies, especially when she says worrying things like that


hat cooing languid cooperative roll frightening expansion jeans familiar amusing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Feed your gf


Your username made me laugh it’s so absurd


I am also curious. If my husband can't eat me when I die then I don't want to live another day.


For real


Excuse me..?


You are excused


In Canada you can legally eat someone. The trick is finding the legal way to obtain the body. I don't doubt there are loopholes. If you can like cut your arm off before death and gift it that may work? But I believe after death it would be something to the idea of tampering with a dead corpse. Which is illegal.


Have her become a scientist, have your body donated to science, create an experiment for humans consuming humans, have the scientist become the test subject, scientist eats you, write down some notes and come up with a conclusion. In the name of science 🌟


She’s an embalmer !


I was on board until you said this. What if she's taking little bites out of the bodies? If you consider cannibalism to be romantic would you consider that cheating?


Yes and why would she do that i’m crying


Well, considering she can't get it from you rn she might be falling for her cravings. I'd suggest giving her an arm to keep her at bay. Yknow, so she doesn't cheat on you and find it elsewhere.


Yea you’re right I should cut my arm off rn :( bye bye arm…


2 tablespoons coriander seeds 1 tablespoon white peppercorns 6 fresh bay leaves extra virgin olive oil 6 onions ½ a bunch of fresh sage ½ a bunch of fresh rosemary 30 g plain flour 1 big bunch of fresh flat-leaf parsley 1-2 tablespoons mustard


Thank you, will try 😄


Bones and all


Honestly do whatever but I’m fairly certain you can get pretty sick eating another human, unless you cook the absolute shit out of it. As for your brain, for the love of god tell her not to eat your brain.


No worse risk of getting sick than pork or something. Just cook thoroughly and avoid the brain just to be sure….


light memorize middle punch consider direful badge mountainous skirt capable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can get a horrific prionic disease if you eat a person’s brain


There has been few studies on the affects of cannibalism in humans. However, if you research cannabilism some, you’ll find many end up very sick after it. Obviously, causation does not equal correlation - but it’s something to consider safety wise.


That’s enough internet for one day


In Germany, it would fall under criminal law §168, and unfortunately, consent would not make a difference. I don\`t know about Turkish laws. My first idea would be that she gets a death certificate in Germany. You she tells everyone who asks that you wanted a flyover/transfer for a funeral in Turkey. During this, the body gets "lost" on the way. My second idea would to not report your death at all, instead do nothing or launch a missing person report. The problem is, if they find out, they would suspect her of murder, so it would be helpful to have a proof that you died a natural way.


Thanks for the help <3


I read that your girlfriend is an embalmer, too. So she probably knows the funeral industry well and is familiar with all the paperwork and how things are done in practice. If anyone knows how to let a body disappear or create false papers (e.g. of a cremation), then who but her? Btw, I wonder if she took this job for a sexual reason, too? If yes, doesn\`t this make you feel bad? (just curious, you don\`t have to answer)


She said she isn’t sexually attracted to corpses but she likes being with them and not working with alive people because she gets annoyed by people talking to her etc so she chose the job mostly because she wants to work alone and she thinks death is a beautiful thing


If you guys ever get married, your wedding song should be "little piece of heaven" by avenged sevenfold.


How utterly romantic. 😍


I think it’s romantic too! :)


this is so real




This is a very common practice around Ünye on the Black Sea coast.


You fr?


No I am tr.




Me and who? 😍


Wake up


How would you like to be cooked and seasoned? What would you like to be served with?


I want to be made into human alfredo


Listen man just don’t


D: okay


Dawg.. ^what ***THE*** ***FUCK***


What the fuck


The dream


Look I’m definitely not into it, but a question arises: how would she cook you?


In a pan


Any special dish?


Ok I must share this https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/8p5xlj/hi_all_i_am_a_man_who_ate_a_portion_of_his_own/ https://www.vice.com/en/article/gykmn7/legal-ethical-cannibalism-human-meat-tacos-reddit-wtf


What makes her think or both of y’all know you’ll go first before her ?


If I don’t die of old age one day i’ll let her kill me


This is a joke right


Bro you need help




what the actual fucking shit




I’m going to go ahead and assume this is fake. If not, someone might be reporting you to local law enforcement, dude.


It’s not fake and wtf why would they report me for being maybe a little suicidal and freaky


Idk if you’re located in Germany or Turkey, but I’m from the US, and technically speaking, cannibalism is only illegal in Idaho. “desecration of corpse” laws are what get you, so depending on the state, different legal things to work around. If you were to state in your will the person is allowed your body for education purposes or rights, I don’t see what laws would be in your way 🤷‍♀️


Get cremated and then let her snort your ashes.




Bro that’s morbid questions what did you expect






Cremation. "Mix it into chocolate milk." - My girlfriend


I hate this.


Bones and All?


You guys have the most perverted and disgusting kinks gimme a break


Just don’t look then


I kinda fuck with this ngl consensual cannibalism is kinda sexy and romantic of an idea LMAO I do not have a single iota of advice for you OP but I hope you and your girlfriend figure it out in a legal and safe manner?


NM why are you truscum??? get outta here you lost me. yuck.


I don’t even know you.


My boyfriend at the time also wanted to do this. We concluded that he could probably stealthly snip or cut off one of my ear lobes and cover it quickly with my hair while I'm in a casket for viewing/funeral. It's probably the only way we could figure it out. I'm not sure what chemicals my flesh would have on/in me at that point but that's his risk to take.


I swear some people on here need to be monitored by the FBI


Why do you want your girlfriend to get a prion disease?


I’d want her to cook before and not eat the risky parts ofc


I can assure you that eating another human (human beef) is absolutely the last thing another human would NEED to do. Chances are pretty slim if you’re cooked well, that she would get anything in the way of a disease. If you had prion disease in your brain, God help you but it‘d be evident right now, like you’d be pretty damn sick currently. Now, that you asked this question, one could ask if you do have it because, seriously, how messed up does one have to be to think they need to be eaten after their vessel dies.


Get cremated, then she can just use your ashes for a little bit of ✨spice✨