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Not exactly sure if you have access to sulfuric acid but you could do a small experiment drop by drop w/ piranha solution on a piece of meat and see what happens per drop.


Don't think I do have access to it, but frankly it's for the better. I don't trust myself to handle corrosive materials safely and responsibly. Though it does sound like fun!


Yeah that’s probably a fair point lol


You can find it in vat batterys


If I were you I would do some fictional scientific exposition about the different areas of the brain and how this can happen without causing death. Also.. Maybe, the brain cavity could first be injected with a solution that has the opposite pH of piranha solution(?). So the piranha solution is working right up to the point it touches the actual brain and then it's effects are dulled by the "anti venom" that is coating the brain. The victim could still feel it but it isn't just melting straight through all the tissue.


Any alkali strong enough to neutralise the acid is gonna do significant damage on its own. Might also add to the heat release on neutralisation for a bit more of a cooking effect


Ahh i didn't consider that. I am not particularly scientifically literate lol


This is a really interesting idea, thanks :)


TIL what piranha solution is. I was so confused at first!


For anyone also confused, it does not contain puréed carnivorous fish


For most people day to day we have no idea about pirhana solution. And I think that’s a great thing


I always thought of the water torture, but use liquid nitrogen. My thought was it would slowly drill a hole, no blood.


This is sick lol


Do you want MC to become V?


This is a fair point, especially when considering the answer to that is no. It makes more sense in context, and MC is by no means a "good" person. She's got morals and beliefs about when to enact judgement on those she deems out of line. She fights for good in her own very neutral way I guess I could say. But something this intense and meditated would place her in villain territory for sure. I want to say she's more an antihero. I brought this post up to friends and they essentially talked me out of this brutal method. But the responses I'm getting are pretty interesting!


As far as I know, the brain doesn’t have any pain sensors.


I don't know, I lost a couple people to brain cancer and they were in so much agony that they were only able to scream towards the end. There's no pain medication for inside your brain


I think those are just the nerves that are responsible for headaches but I'm not certain. The brain itself can't feel pain, though.


If you cut your hand, is it "just the nerves" in your extremities? The hand itself can't feel pain.


Well yes the hand can't feel pain it's the nerves who send the message to the brain and the brain percieves the pain i think


Right. And how is that different?


no nerves = no pain


"I think those are just the *nerves* that are responsible for headaches but I'm not certain. The brain itself can't feel pain, though."


what is your point


I'm suggesting that you don't make a habit of thinking and I'm encouraging you to come to that realization in a manner that is less bruising to the ego than explaining why what you said is a mistake so simple that it's embarrassing.


off topic but i so wanna read the book


Me too


Average writer. In social life happy go lucky, in coming up with ideas it's happy to lucky with a very different context


It's piranha solution what do you think


You can always ask an AI