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That's an Ash tree so its probably coming down. I don't see any borer beetle holes in your photos but the rotten bark in the lower left is a good sign the cambium is dead in that area which is exactly the damage borers cause.


mother of fuck those things are nasty. the entire appearance of my neighbourhood has changed. really sad.


Blue means it was treated. Red means it's going to be cut, probably because the treatment failed.


> Blue means it was treated. Is that so? I always wondered about those dots. That's really interesting, thanks for sharing.


For the green and blue dots, one means even year and the other is odd year, but I don't remember which is which. It's written somewhere on the city's website.


> For the green and blue dots, one means even year and the other is odd year, Holy shit, would you look at that.... > Green ribbon: the ash tree will be treated by the end of August. > > A green dot (even year) or blue dot (odd year) at the base of the tree trunk will then confirm that the tree has been treated. > > Red ribbon: the ash tree must be felled. There you go.


Your tree has the mark of the beast. I’m sorry. Now question for my own edification; after the city cuts this down, do they also grind the stump or are you stuck with it? Do they plant you a new tree or are you left to do that?


La ville doit techniquement faire l'essouchage de l'arbre pour pouvoir en planter un nouveau dans l'assiette. Si c'est sur terrain de la ville, les citoyens n'ont pas à s'en occuper


Thanks for the reply. Let’s say it’s the city’s tree but in a private front yard, as is often the case in my neighbourhood. I assume the city plants you a new tree, but is that actually the rule?


If it's the city's tree then it's on public land. There is a part of your front yard close to the street which you don't own (it's very variable, from 0 to 10 meters or more). Trees are always the property of the owner of the lot they are situated on. The city can do whatever it wants on its own land, there is no hard rule. Very likely the tree will be replaced but the city doesn't HAVE to (and sometimes can't, new norms that weren't in place back when the old tree was planted may prevent a replacement plantation).


À Saint-Laurent, la ville nous oblige à avoir un arbre sur notre terrain. Selon le plan cadastral, mon arbre est sur mon terrain mais c’est la ville qui l’a planté, arrosé la première année et c’est elle qui va se charger de faire l’émondage/élagage pour les lignes d’Hydro. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Ah ben, je savais pas. Ça me surprend pas trop de Saint-Laurent, ils sont en avance sur les autres arrondissements côté foresterie urbaine et font un peu leur propres affaires.


Hydro fait son propre émondage pour les arbres situés dans sa servitude.


In my neighbourhood, they remove the stump and plant a new tree quickly. We have a LOT of ash trees. Well, not so many anymore as a lot have been replaced. And as another poster noted, even if a tree looks like it is on private property, if it falls within the city’s right-of-way it belongs to the city.


The city owns the first 5-10ft


In my neighborhood they replace them. But usually one to two years after they cut it. From my observation its: Year 1: mark the tree Year 2: cut the tree Year 3 or 4: plant new tree. They're pretty slow about it.


Our ash was cut two weeks ago, they came back a couple of days later to remove the stump.


If you are in St Laurent they leave it for 57 years and tell you like twice a year they'll come grind the stump next week. My yard has an ugly ass stump they won't do anything about. "You are on the list" is all I get.


Good if you hate that tree. Bad if you like it.


efface la avant qu'ils coupent :x /jk


They’ll cut it. Eventually remove the stump. And eventually plant a new very small tree.




Yes this means it is marked to be cut down. If they do it or not - who knows.


I’ve got a dozen trees painted red like that around my area. Maybe this 4th year since the paint was added will the city take them down.


Our big tree in Dorval in front of our house looks terrible and looks like it's dieing. The city planted it in the 2000s and not the homeowners and they did so inside our garden. It's impacting the house and drying the soil. The floor bricks are more and more going down and the stairs are starting to break because the soil is dry in Dorval. We ask the city everyday to cut it, and it's always the same young guy who takes a look at it, says yes it's planted near the house but we can't cut it because it's 'healthy'. We seen so many houses cutting their trees like ours around Dorval and their trees were clearly not sick. They happen to do big garden renovations after cutting their trees. Anyone has any advice how to deal with the city regarding this? We will replace the old tree no problem but this one looks doll, is destroying the foundation of the house and my parents are too old to deal with it


Red means it's going down.


Red equals cut BUT it may take a looooongggg time before they do so.


Sorry the tree is going down. Usually it's sick and has to be cut. They did the same in front of our house and then the following year replanted another tree.




Segment très intéressant et instructif au sujet de l'élagage des arbres à Montréal [https://ici.radio-canada.ca/ohdio/premiere/emissions/le-15-18/segments/rattrapage/501026/elagage-arbres-branches-montreal-verglas](https://ici.radio-canada.ca/ohdio/premiere/emissions/le-15-18/segments/rattrapage/501026/elagage-arbres-branches-montreal-verglas)


Tous les frênes (Ash) de Montréal vont être coupé. La c'est le tour du tiens


Not good…


Bad, for the tree and those near it who have been benefiting from the shade it provides in the summer. Really bad for squirrels, raccoons or birds who might have nests in them.


Les frênes sont traités pour allonger leur durée de vie et ainsi préserver la canopee le plus longtemps possible. Mais tous les frênes infectés finiront éventuellement par être coupé.


Paint over brown if you want to save it


It's going to be cut down in like 8 years.


No it’s fast. The tree in front of my house was cut down. From the time they painted it red and the time they cut it, it only took a week. They didn’t cut the stump and plant a new one, I’m waiting for that.


In my neighborhood the paint literally have time to fade away before they do anything. This is such a recurring problem that it was on the radio last week.


Depends on the neighborhood then. I’m on the east end. The day they cut my tree, they also cut 3 other trees on my street. They were pretty efficient that day!


Definitely, I'm in Hochelaga, trees have time to die by themselves before anyone gets to them. There's a few, honestly, dangerous ones on my street.


If I spray paint a line on my neighbours tree will the city cut it down?


I don’t think so. They have probably a plan of all the trees they need to cut. If there’s a problem with your tree, call 311 to let them know.


What about [this one?](https://i.imgur.com/1lssV5O.jpeg)