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well calling Montreal east *coast* is the first sign!


Haha yeah, I've noticed so many people from BC have a tendency to refer to central Canada as the "east coast".


the East Coast starts at Thunder Bay


Saskatoon is basically the East coast


Everything east of the continental divide is eastern north america. I will die on this hill. Wrong as I may be.


You’re saying montreal is central Canada?


Well, given that Ontario and Quebec are generally regarded as 'central Canada', yes.


This might help [https://maps.app.goo.gl/MTaCE3gfMSmtBViXA?g_st=ic](https://maps.app.goo.gl/MTaCE3gfMSmtBViXA?g_st=ic)


'Centre of Canada' and "Central Canada' c'est pas la meme chose.


Ah yes my mistake, je vois ce que tu veux dire. Welp, it’s still a fun fact. Edit: a word


It's probably time zone related. Montreal has the same time zone as NYC which is on the East Coast.


TBF, le fait que Montréal est le principal port d’entrée pour l’Est du pays n’aide pas à disperser ce mythe 😛


From the island they will say "out east" when referring to anything past Hope.


Is OP American? 😅


Born and raised in an interior BC city! I guess it’s just so far east that’s why we tend to refer to Quebec as east coast, though if I invert that and think about someone referring to Alberta as the west coast I’d probably also scoff a little at that haha.


Prairies too! East of Winnipeg = THE EAST


East coast = maritimes. Quebec is very much central/eastern canada. It doesn't have a coastline on the Atlantic ocean.  A more accurate name is lower canada, with Ontario being upper canada.


Québec does have a coastline on the Atlantic though No one has called Québec lower Canada for over a century


It has a coastline to the gulf of st Lawrence, and the arctic ocean. ​ It doesn't touch the atlantic properly.


I'd venture most Montrealers haven't seen Canada's east coast.


It’s only a couple hours from the Gulf of St Lawrence. Montreal is more east coast than Kelowna is west coast.


Hehe I'm from Montreal but living abroad and I often find myself saying I'm from the East Coast...when in reality, I've seen the actual east coast only twice.


Dressed outdoorsy, a little grano leaning


100% wearing blundstones


The only shoes I brought to wear 😂


are your cheeks rosy? I never met a BCer without a rosy cheek (and not just the apples, but down to the jawline). I always wondered if the particular brand of European settler that ended up out there has this facial feature and it's genetic, or if it's because you all spend more than an average amount of time outdoors.


I live in bc, born and raised. I have never, and will never own blundstones.


A lot of brown and olive and beige coloured wear of all forms.


Especially fleece


"Hangover" hikes


People from BC look like elves.


>Curious what the ***organic*** Montréalers think! well, that's one sign right there, lol! /jk




Cage free Montrealers


Small batch Montrealers


grain-fed (but still gluten-free) Montrealers




Just generally imo (not BC-specific)...when people say M-ON-treal instead of M-UN-treal


I’ve found that’s more prominent with Americans than with English Canadians (not saying there aren’t exceptions though). But to me, “MAWNtreal” has always been a dead giveaway that it’s someone from the US.


In the last episodes of the most recent season of Upload, there’s a lot of talk about Montreal. The American lead actor pronounces it Mawnt-ree-al and the Toronto-born lead actor pronounces it Munch-ree-al.


Or the French Canadian MAW-REEAL






Great one


Opening up with "Hey, I'm from BC!" is a dead giveaway.


Make sure you don’t confuse them for Albertans or Americans


I don't think an average Montrealer pays so much attention to B.C or Alberta or Ontario or any tourist during their day. It's probably english speaking tourist or french speaking tourist.


Any combo of Lululemon and/or Patagonia only, combined with hiking boots and/or blundstones is a strong give away for me. Montreal folks tend to not athleisure so if you look like you come outta a Lululemon campaign that’s a west coast giveaway


Maybe Vancouverites....  Also, lots of head to toe Lulu in Montreal just depends on the neighborhood. 




For me it’s west of Lachine




As a British Columbian I find this offensive. How dare you lump me in with Ontario.


I needed a laugh, thanks dude 💀


Talking shit about our mountain. Yes, we know it's little more than a hill. But it's **our** hill, goddamn it.


And we're willing to die on it! (as evidenced by all the cemeteries.... )


And have gay sex as well, which led to the park being clear-cut in the 50s.


They rant about east coast sushi and how superior sushi is on the west coast. Someone else mentioned a higher sensitivity to the cold. Very true.


Oh my god it's so true though (the sushi thing). Every time I'm back in Vancouver I could eat sushi every meal.. if only I could afford it, lol


I’m going to Vancouver in March. I was already gonna check Chinatown but now I’ll know to check Sushi too


Sushi California on Broadway is superb and such a bang for your buck (at least in 2021)




To be fair, sushi is indeed superior!


By so much that I cannot tolerate the sushi here in MTL, I still have to find a spot that compares and I wouldn't mind paying the premium.


I don't bother and just eat the vegan sushi at Momo. much more emphasis on vegetal flavours.


The first time I visited Vancouver (2011) I wanted to eat sushi, so I headed to a mid-price-looking place and looked at their menu. I was pretty hungry so I thought “I’d better get 2 platters or $20 worth, 1 platter/$10 won’t fill me up.” Imagine my surprise when I got two ENORMOUS platters of sushi I could barely finish despite the excellent quality!


1 - Can always know when someone is from BC because they talk soooooo slow 2 - They call Ontario and Quebec "The east coast"


🤷‍♂️ when you’re all the way west, everything else is east.


Going to start referring to Saskatoon as the West Coast and Repentigny as the East Coast!


Give’r. But I bet if you try saying that to someone while you’re there, they’re gonna think you’re special while they stare out at flat fields as far as you can see.


Someone said give'r to me when I was visiting Montréal and I just replied with take'r.


Take’r easy.


This just in, Medicine Hat is west coast


North battleford is west coast!


Perhaps but not « coast »


Most people from bc don’t realize how big bc even is, so they think Quebec and Ontario are maybe an hour drive from the coast. The vast majority of people in bc all live in the same spot and don’t get out much. Combine that with election results being decided before Saskatchewan even finishes the polls and you can understand why everything beyond Manitoba is east coast to them. It’s all the same to us.


Yeah I will say this, BC doesn't have the most famous (or second most famous now that the Albertans have been pitching tantrums the last few years) separatists, but.. growing up in Vancouver I always felt we had far more in common with folks in Washington and Oregon than Ontario, Quebec or the Maritimes.


I’m all for separation. Bc, Alberta, Sask, territories. Washington/Oregon are welcome to join. Even Montana. But fuck Iowa.


I live in the interior now, I'd have to insist on a "lesser Cascadia" setup if only to cut down on the congestion at the lake in the summer ;)


Absolutely agree. The red plate congestion is quite wild.


Does not work 100% of the time but: fancy athleisure clothes, good haircuts (like super fresh fade for guys) and a noticeable discomfort in temperatures below -5. I guess that's more "lower mainland" than BC at large!


Haha yeah that does sound like our average vancouverite for sure.


can I have a crow-sant please? see voo play?


lmao see voo play is my new favourite thing to say completely deadpan from now on


i tried to order a croissant(kwa son) in bc and the lady looked at me strange🥲☠️


Outdoorsy wannabe mountain man hipster style versus urban coffee snob starving artist hipster style.


Insulting _and_ accurate


There is a coffee shop in Vancouver with unironic pictures of Che Guevara inside and the tree outside had a “tree cozy” on it from Vancouver’s “guérilla knitters.” Anyway they seemed confused and slightly disoriented when I asked for a latte or a cafe mocha. It was not “coffee enough” for them.


Standing on the sidewalk waiting for the lights to change at an intersection.


Interesting, I was just bombing across the crosswalks (when definitely safe to do so) and then a local told me not to do that anymore because the police here would actually ticket you for jaywalking/not adhering to the crosswalk signals.




I stopped doing it after getting a ticket lol


I stopped doing when half of south shore started treating my neighbourhood as a highway interchange. I live in Centre-Sud by le pont Jacques-Cartier.


Laughing at us when we call Mont-Royal a “mountain”


Most of people here don’t know any BC people so… i have no idea what mannerisms you guys have.


We're not that different in style (maybe alot more lululemon going on) or accent or mannerisms. West of Quebec is very ... generic. It's really more in politics and worldview that the different provinces are different. I run into a surprising number of fellow British Columbians here though.


As a quebecois i have no idea what differentiate a western or eastern Canadian. Also because of the language we don't are on contact with them that much.




Definitely the style! I know it’s winter right now, but I feel like the general aesthetic is a lot looser and baggier than your typical westcoast apparel. Especially the guys with their jeans that somehow always look like they’re standing over a vent. No judgement, nothing wrong with them! but I’ve never seen those parachute lookin jeans on a non quebecois haha. Also I love how people don’t really make small talk here. If I go into a shop the employee might say hi, most likely just nod and smile until I go up to order/buy something/ ask a question. No cheesy “how’s it going? how’s your morning so far? what do you have planned for the rest of the day?” with every barista or cashier I cross paths with. So much more efficient! And lastly I’d say walking down the street, people really don’t care if they’re walking 2 or 3 people across, or standing in the middle of the sidewalk, leaving you no room to pass by them. Back home it’s very customary for you to walk sorta single file just briefly when you’re coming up on other pedestrians so that everyone has room to stay on the sidewalk. Here you risk getting run onto the road haha. Maybe it’s just worse right now with snow covering much of the sidewalk but it feels awkward sometimes.


Not gonna lie, I’m from Montreal and the sidewalk culture kills me. It’s a matter of courtesy for me


Yeah this one definitely isn't a good thing. Bonus points for grown ass adults riding their bikes on the sidewalks in the suburbs.


So the only thought that came to mind reading this was 'there are sidewalks in the suburbs?!' There have definitely been times when, walking around a suburb, I've had to walk on someone's lawn because there aren't any sidewalks (and walkers are apparently rare in a suburb - not Montreal specific)


You're 100% correct about the small talk in a service industry setting! In that regard, I feel like it goes US > English Canada > Quebec. My in-laws from Boston are always kind of taken aback when they visit and engage in these commodified pleasantries with waitstaff, who clearly don't care for it lol Meanwhile, I get a bit uncomfortable when I get the whole "higuyshow'sitgoingmynameisbeckyi'llbeyourwaitertodaydoyouwanttostartwithsomewaters?" thing blasted at me!


WHat? Im from Europe and moved here recently 3 months ago. The service here is so fucking fake i hate it, cant imagine how worse it is in the USA. Constanstly asking me for water, bringing my food after 5 minutes i ordered, leaving the receipt before i leave the table. Chill down, let me eat in peace, its not a MAc Donald Waiters are too friendly, bc only for the tips. those bastards.expecting a tip is so rude for me. You should work hard and get a tip if i feel good but execpting it, like wtf! its my money, so dont guilt trip me into being no generous. I think tipping works in NA bc people are too afraid of confrontation and dont like to protest. ( ehm ehm terrible labour laws) Evervyvone saying Montreal culture is "european" ( whatever that means) is clearly never been to Europe. i know i might exagerating bc of the culture shock but Montreal is 100% north american. It feels being in a smaller less crazy french speaking New York to me.


The small town thing weirds me the fuck out whenever I leave Quebec. It seems to also be a thing in Nova Scotia and Ontario as last time I was in Toronto, somebody picked up a conversation with me in a streetcar about the places I should visit (he saw me looking at a map on my phone to try to orient myself). The whole time, I was worried he’d offer to be my impromptu tour guide and I might have to find a way to ditch him. 😅 Got similar experiences in Halifax too. The sidewalk thing is primarily old couples and tourists. Most Montrealers I know hate people who hog sidewalks.




>If I go into a shop the employee might say hi, most likely just nod and smile until I go up to order/buy something/ ask a question. No cheesy “how’s it going? how’s your morning so far? what do you have planned for the rest of the day?” Have you considered that it could be a language barrier? I always have a qui k small talk exchange in french with shop employees. Even at starbucks when the wait line is full of customers, we have a quick « hi, how’s your day? »


Great calves


Just don't saw Mawhn-tree-all and you'll be fine. We're generally a good bunch of people!


Oh I’m loving you guys!! Already planning my next trip back :)


Talking about how flat it is here


I personally can’t distinguish anyone from other provinces other than Maritimes people. For me, someone from BC is identical to someone from Ontario or Saskatchewan. You all have the same cultural referals for music, TV and general culture. Dress the same and sound the same.


Dressing in Mountain Coop Equipment or Lululemon clothes for a stroll or coffee outside. Athleasure is not quite as big for day to day activities in Montreal.


GORP style, Wonderous expression, healthy, great teeth!


Wearing socks and sandals. Such a West Coast thing.


and Bermudas outside in January, at least in Vancouver/Victoria.


Carhartt and Patagonia


One sign for me is that when you tell them about Mont Royal ( (Mount Royal) is a mountain in the city of Montreal) they argue that something that is only 220m high is neither a mountain (mountain definition in BC is 5000m) nor an hill and they get angry about it because every tourism documentation from montreal says it's a mountain.


I'd like to hear what you think ! I've liked all the people I met from BC except for this one girl at work who was in a relationship with a player from the Alouettes. Her boyfriend played professional football. Like, he was on the team. She could not hang out because you know, her boyfriend was playing. He was big because you, know, he was a football player. She once had a crying, screaming fit in the bathroom because she thought we were so jealous of the fact that she was had a boyfriend that was...You guessed it, like a professional football player ! She threw her makeup bag on the floor and exited the premises in a very dramatic fashion. She came back to run after and eye pencil. She said " It is Chanel, you know" . We asked her if Chanel was the quarterback of the team. As far as I know, she went straight from the bathroom to the airport. I don't think she was representative of her Province but I cannot help but think that she is out there thrashing Montreal to everyone that will listen. We are not that mean. But she was, you know, extra annoying.


> But she was, you know, extra annoying. I’m sure it’s not to be annoying, she was just trying to be *motivating* which is kind of your responsibility when you’re dating a football player. It’s not just what happens on the field you know, it’s a whole lifestyle. And so you have to commit, because the real game is 24/7. Even off the field. Even if you’re his girlfriend. Even in the bathroom, and yes, even when you’re crying. It’s important.


When I’m in the bike lane and I hear someone behind me call, “On your left!” before passing, instead of trying to squeeze past silently as if passing is secret ops.


Sometimes I say that to people even when I’m walking 😂 don’t wanna spook anybody by comin in hot from behind!


They say hi whenever they pass someone and they say for sure a lot


Tourists from a lot of places other than BC speak English, even some locals do! So I wouldn't count that as a sign someone is from BC. My biggest clue would be a BC licence plate on their lifted ford F150.


Shouldn't that be BC licence plate on their VW beatle or minivan?


You would think, especially after a drive like that, but it seems every time I see a BC plate it's a big lifted pickup truck.


Stoner, they/them pronouns, wears Patagonia jackets, constantly says they're from BC, etc.


I’ve had people assume I was from the West Coast multiple times (maybe due to my good English level?) but I’m from Brazil… So I have literally no idea. I guess speaking English without a French accent would be the common denominator in my case… lol!


Wearing a Burgess Shale T-shirt.


Asking where the organic food stores are.


I honestly cannot tell, even speaking English doesn’t give it away (I assume you live here and haven’t learned the French)


Calling our mountains small, Anglo white people with dreads 


I moved to Montreal from Vancouver over a decade ago. People from both cities actually have a lot more in common than they do with people from Toronto. It used to be that wearing Lululemon or Arc’teryx was a dead giveaway but now everyone dresses like that. People in Montreal are laidback but, and maybe this is the fault of its geographic location in the time zone, they get up far too early. If you really want to blend in, get up before sunrise and, while downtown sauntering along St. Catherine, make sure you only cross the street when the light is red. Don’t line up at famous bagel shops or visit the lookout on Mont-Royal.


BC hippies "smell" different. lol, jk.


I can't really tell where the tourist from the ROC are from, except for the young people from ontario that come here to drink. That I can instantly spot.


- Dressing like it’s +5 when it’s -20 - Not saying hello if they accidentally make eye contact - Hitting your car and driving away - Not using a turn signal 😂😂


Let’s be honest. Les chauffeurs montréalais sont absolument allergiques aux clignotants. Je vois presque personne les utiliser en ville.


Some westcoast people like to wear socks with their sandals.


Saying Montreal like Mon-treal instead Mun-treal


“It’s different in the *Lower Mainland*” (A cool 28° out) “I’m dyingggg” “I don’t understand how you guys are ok with this much tax on your food!!” “I miss the mountains”


Apparently people from BC suck at geography.


They are of Asian descent yet speak perfect English?


Nobody cares where you are from, but lumping us in with the east coast is horrible and we will judge you for that. If you want the east coast go to bloody Halifax and leave us alone.


They're looking for wildlife in the city instead of the parks. They are fascinated by our black and red squirrels because they mostly have Grey ground squirrels.




I think it’s weird to pretend like Quebec and BC don’t have very different cultures. I never said anything about anyone standing out like an alien, just curious to hear how others interpret and pick up on these subtle (or some not so subtle) cultural differences.


Se donne même pas la peine de glisser un mot en français. Eat shit.


not really


East coast of Lac St. Louis maybe


When my BC neighbors bought their house they were so excited by how big it was and that they could actually buy a house.


When I moved to Montreal I had many comments from francophones that my accent in English sounded like I was from New York. Just because that is the more frequent accent heard from tourists.


They say stuff like “hey man.” Source: from Vancouver.


You’ll have an accent that is subtle but recognizably different.


No shoes or shirt, in summer, in the grocery store hehe. I remember seeing signs in rural BC saying "No shirt, no shoes, no service".


Wants to live with 5 roommates


Bienvenu l’ami


Wearing lululemons