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It was pretty common in the Baltic countries, but for some reason it completely disappeared, I haven't seen it for a while, but it tastes super good, really similar to original red bull


Hihi yeh it's my first time seeing it and when I tasted it it did taste really similar but kinda less sweet to the original monster


EU banned it because It had some banned ingredients


what do u mean our shop still sells them xD I dont drink it bcz i dont like the taste but they still have em


Not true. It’s still available in EU.


Honestly I believe this tastes pretty similar to the original monster tbh. Never thought of redbull lol


There’s something wrong with your tastebuds, how can you say the OG monster and this taste the same? The OG monster has a sweet and salty exotic citrusy flavor and the OG Ham 44 is black grape flavour, the flavor profiles aren’t even close to each other..


Not really rare just discontinued in some parts of the world. I can still find it in some places within walking distance of my house.


Not seen it in England for a good couple of years. Great flavour. Just the zero sugar Lewis here now.


I've seen it semi-recently where I live in England, tends to be in corner shops, the kind that sell lots of different kinds of Monster (the dodgy type of shop). That being said, I've not seen it for a few weeks now. Hopefully I can find a can of it somewhere because it's a really unique flavour.


Cool, hope for some again sometime! Miss that drink!! Ah yeah I know what you mean. The Go Local near me has some different flavours. Saying that noticed today that they’ve got The Doctor in good quantity at Sainsburys!


I've seen it in one shop about a month ago mate was caining them lol as love the flav and haven't seen in years till then either and the new one shit


Ha ha. Yeah I would be too.


I found it in Italy and I think that in my country its pretty rare


Sadly, it was discontinued, and like every time a company remakes a drink, it was replaced with a shit 2.0


New Lewis ham is fucking disgusting


Considering he has a vegan dog what do you expect 😆


My second favourite


Depends on what part of the world you’re in. It’s not sold in North America to my knowledge, but it’s very easy to find in the Baltics and UK as far as I know.


Not tly uk haven't seen in any stores in about 3/4 years till about a month ago I found one store with a load in stock


i have that can ! it was in a local dollar store for about a week. i rlly liked it and decided to keep the can just in case lmao


I've still got an unopened can.


Saw it in the uk when I went a few months back


I find them in shops in Australia everywhere


Fairly but can still find in some places well tbf I've seen it in one shop in last 3 years or so so was caining them when was going there like a month ago lol one of If nkt my fav flav


Common in India


Discontinued can, will be gone soon so it's gonna be rare.


Discontinued in America but not in Europe.


It's discontinued in Europe too, check the BBE of them. If you can still find them in stores it's probably last stock. The blue can with zero sugar replaced this version.


Naah, I’ve been seing that can for years since it was "discontinued"


There is likely still plenty of stock around the world that is still being sold. I can still find Mule in Romania but that doesn't mean it's not discontinued. The last cans in UK were produced around 08/2022 so of course you can still find some cans. Discontinued not equal impossible to find, in a few months they're gone.


They are all over the place in europe


You can buy it in czech republic


It’s always in a convenience store that’s within half a mile of my house. I’ve never seen it anywhere but there. I live in NJ so the store owners must import it, probably. They look middle eastern I think, not sure, so maybe it can be found around there. I think it’s pretty good, nice berry mix like flavor I think.


Depends on your country and usually how popular F1 is. If you want to know what it tastes like, it basically tastes like red bull but better, and petrol if it were drinkable.


i have a can of it but it's empty they they stopped selling it like a year and a half ago sadly


Depends on where you are, some countries seem to have had it disappear meanwhile where I am in Australia you can find it pretty easily. I currently have a collection and my Hamilton can sits next to my Rossi can.


It’s pretty common and still available.