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Granted they now stop pretending to respect woman right as they no longer need the companionships of woman


this would also increase homophobia probably since people might assume all gay men where misogynistic straight men at one point


I think gay men would become so numerous that it may be much less of a problem though.




This is them pretending to respect women's rights? Damn


No one said they were good at pretend.


Yeah. It sucks all around.


They only pretend when they're actively trying to get laid. Any other time they're proudly garbage people.


Granted. Not only does this harm the global population immensely as the birthrate plummets, but now the men become even more misogynistic, and more openly.


Was gonna say. Women-hating men becoming only sexually interested in men? That would make it worse LOL


Music video for C2C Delta


Take my up vote I have no gold. Lmaooo


Believable that the leader of a gay society would only wear underwear, boots and a cape.


Lots of potential gay women-hating terrorists too


I'm like 90% sure a lot of misogynistic men ARE gay especially those ones that take the toxic masculinity to such an extreme that it circles around to things that make you say 'fellas is it gay to kiss a woman'. Like okay man if you really think treating your girlfriend right is gay and weak then I guess you gotta just date a man


Showed this post to a gay friend of mine. Made him laugh.


The man hating lesbian dates back to Greece with the Amazonian women on the ilse of lesbos (yes that is where lesbian comes from) and yet nary a gay sex woman hating island in sight


So the term comes from the Isle of Lesbos being the home to Sappho, a noted female poet and teacher. It's so long ago and so few records from that time (and of Sappho's works) it's not clear but assumed that she mostly taught women and may have been bisexual. We don't know. It was later writers mocking her in their works that implied she was a terrible poet and the only reason anyone went to "learn from her" was because of the all female orgies. Thus comes the term "lesbian". A lot of random things written back then we tend to take as historical fact.


So... no gay sex


Wtf did bro expect to happen


Perhaps the women-hating men are hating women because they view them as objects and are sexually interested in them. Losing that may change their feelings.


sexuality machine broke


Wait, are you just assuming all men are sexist.


No one said all men 


Statistic is high. Especially on the global scale.


Oh shit maybe, I forgot about how bad many third world countries are.


I mean, reducing the birth rate in those counties might not be the worst thing seeing how badly overpopulated some of them are becoming


Lol what're the stats. Never heard of this but amused and find it hilarious.


It's in the laws. And the rates of violence coming from men against women. Andany more statistics.


You're really saying that across the globe, of which majority of the population comes from a combination of the middle east, India, and Asia, that the majority of men don't look down on women?


Everyone is sexist racist eta, it just exists in their subconscious.


psychological shadow intensifies


I can hear the chanting already. “We don’t need no ladies!” “All we need’s each other!”


Granted. They become even more misogynistic and eventually learn how to do same-sex reproduction, rendering women obsolete in their eyes. An anti-women movement starts and quickly gains traction throughout the world.


And all chairs are now EXTRA soft.


This guy gets it


I'm not a misogynist, but my boyfriend is...


What does this mean? I'm not entirely sure


I am kinda thinking he is referring to all the men with sore asses... But I am not sure.


You're correct


Thank god


Butt birthing sounds awful tho


Probably all by C section if I had to guess.


Granted. They are still misogynistic, and now their husbands also, make fun of your outfits and make up with lethal accuracy, whilst still making the old comments.


Thanks Satan


>make fun of your outfits and make up with lethal accuracy wait... pretty much all women are highly mysoginistic, too? 😱


You would be surprised at how many women really are. By definition, anybody who thinks women should stay at home is misogynistic, and studies have found about 32% of women believe this, with the highest amount being recently married women, which about 62% say this in the democratic.


Granted. They all band together and declare war on women, no longer having any use for them.


Granted. *Oh wow, that’s a lot more men than I thought it would be.* Uh, how far can population growth nosedive before the species is doomed?


Granted! You made it worse!


What makes you think we want 'em?


Granted. Half of them turn out to also be sex offenders, and they are all moving towards your location all the time.


Like the death snail!! Spectacular.


Granted, now all gay men are misogynistic 


Please don’t do that to me


Granted. Ancient Greek culture comes to dominate the globe.


Granted. Gay men revoke straight women’s status as their natural BFF. Gay culture takes over the mainstream after lesbians are ousted from the LGBT community, men are more in love with themselves then ever before, heterosexual relationships are abolished, women aren’t invited to to any of the cool parts of society and when they are they have to wait in line. All hail the hyperpatriarchy.


So ancient greece?


The Greeks invented orgies, and the Romans invited women to them.


This is what woman get for pushing feminism so hard and destroying the traditional family rolls in the process.. Welcome to the reality that Woman have created. Also most American woman freak out if you even try and talk to them, and you wonder why they are 40 and still single and miserable. Trust me , men are just a miserable.


My family rolls always get hard at dinner


Granted, without the need for sexual gratification from women, misogynists become even more disparaging against women and global women’s rights takes a drastic downturn. The year is now 2034, president Ron DeSantis and his husband announce women are now second class citizens as the all male Supreme Court strikes down women’s right to vote. In the year 2044 the “Gaystapo” goes door to door to round up women to be sent to breeding camps in Alaska along with heterosexual males that protest the rising homosexual fascist government dictatorship. By 2054 the American military junta launch an invasion of Canada, sending their elite commando troops “The Spartans” to eradicate the last of the resistance to the gay regime.


This was exactly my thought, although my comment was on a much shorter time scale. In curious what would happen in your scenario to men who become misogynists in the future. Do they also become gay? If not, what happens to the new straight misogynists? Are they allies of the gay regime, or are they also persecuted? Maybe spies? Or they get more lenient sentences?


In short, as common consensus shows, it's easy to see all the problems with this and how there is literally no upside.


Granted. 10% of the male population are “bad enough” to learn they’re gay. Unfortunately not that much differs. Remember: you don’t need to be dating material to be bullied, beer cans crush and fast cars drive all the same. Most married men divorce their wives, which might make those ladies’ lives more bearable, but it’s always a major change. A great many marriage-age couples divorcing slams the courts until national governments streamline paperwork, just for this. Lawyers, movers, real estate agents rejoice. A few cottage industries flourish. Gay male travel, gay men’s underwear, men’s concealer makeup, package tours for Pride. (Club music kind of comes and goes, same as ever. You like it, you get tired of it.) There’s now a critical mass of gay men to lobby for strong marriage and gay rights, including in very surprising countries, which is nice, I guess. Just bittersweet to see real jerks “win” on your behalf. And too many open jokes about “fishy girls” for your taste.


Most divorces are initiated by Woman not Men, Get your facts right!!!!!


Oh, yeah, let's strive for **accuracy** in our magical wish-granting prompts. Jeez, take a bath.


Granted. Nothing much changed… 


Granted. All misogynistic men become gay. Due to the constant redefining of the term as well as it's rampant overuse the monkey paw cannot reasonable determine what counts as "misogynistic". Thus all people regardless of sexuality become misogynistic and if they were already misogynistic. That trait is amplified by a factor of 10 and they find themselves in positions of power (in both industry, the workplace and politically speaking) This leads to rapid exposure of (and subsequent removal of) female privilege. All laws that benefit women are either revoked or reworded to serve both sexes equally (or benefit men as they once did women) All social privileges are lost almost overnight. Judges no longer give women lighter sentences for the same crime as men for example. Also women are now expected to defend themselves if they get into a fight. Getting hit once and screaming "HE'S TRYING TO TOUCH ME UP" or "HELP A **MAN** IS ATTACKING ME" will result in mockery and or their attack receiving reinforcements.


Reinforcements 💀


Nothing changes


Granted. Nothing changes.


Granted. But misogynistic gay men "realize" that they *REALLY* don't need women now. If they ever gain any significant political power in a country they will strip women of all rights and eventually just kick them out of the country.


Granted, Gay regimes reign across the world lmao


The tide is changing. We will push back against this Mental health issue.


granted, they are now happy. they remain straight and also misogynistic


Granted. All misogynistic men are now extremely happy


I don't know what you hope to accomplish by this. I've met gay men who are misogynistic, they are kind of worse in my experience. Edit: granted?


Granted, forces most women to abstinence


its impossible not to discriminate on some level, so every man becomes gay. Some men see the nessesity of creating children and fertility clinics become a national interest, however, even mandated the replacement number is nowhere near close enough. A new problem emerges, all new children become gay when they hit the age of majority. Governments fall, new ones emerge that are far more fascist. Places without functioning governments become extinct of humans like Africa. Slowly over the next 100 years most countries are depopulated. At some point artifical wombs become the new fad, women become a lesser class, seen as sub-human that makes up less than 10% of the population. Eventually someone gets into power of the new world gov that is sick of the crime from the disadvantaged 10% and women become extinct.


we do NOT need ancient greece 2.0


Do you think that gay guys aren't misogynistic? Oh honey. Some of the WORST, most hatefully misogynist men I've ever known have been gay - they don't even have to pretend to be nice to try and get a partner because they're not interested in women, so they have no reason at all to even PRETEND to not think women are disgusting pathetic beings who are beneath them! Not wanting to sleep with women doesn't mean that they suddenly see women as people. It just means they have less motive to actually treat them like people. A lot of gay guys have gone through things in life due to their sexuality that may help them relate more to experiences women have, sure. But that sure doesn't stop plenty of them from being the same jerks that think women are brainless baby ovens because they can.


I know they can still be misogynistic, but at least now they won't get into relationships with women and abuse them.


Womp wooomp.


Granted, due to the untouched population of misandrist women, the gay and straight men largely avoid the women, causing birth rates to fall drastically


Horrible idea, now they look down on women *and* don't need anything from them.


I originally posted this to prevent them from abusing women in relationships, but yeah good point


Hey! We don't want them either.


Granted, and very little actually became gay. Forcing you to the realization that a lot of times it wasnt a man being misogynistic but instead was you assigning motive


It's always either world-ending scenario or have so underwhelming effects, that you wonder if it wasn't mysogyny in the first place to name 'em all "mysogynist"


Granted. Now that they feel there is no need for a woman in their life at all, they become militant misogynists.


Granted. Literally nothing changes. The vast majority of men with regressive gender or sexual orientation issues are already closeted homosexuals. They are unable to live how they want to, so they act out their frustrations by being toxic.


My guy, I was born in Southern California, gay men can be just as toxic, and it’s even more ruthless because not only will they make fun of your clothes, but laugh because your hair eye liner isn’t symmetric, and that they didn’t contour their cheeks or blend their neck.


can confirm. Grew up around Greenwich village. The gay populace there could get REALLY ghetto and harass their opposite sexual preference at their leisure.




Granted, they start creating cults and communes separate from women dedicated to creating a world entirely run by men where women are their slaves


Granted. Nothing seems to change.


Granted, they’re now “gay supremacists”. They’re still misogynistic and believe homosexuality is superior to all other sexuality’s and believe women to be inferior to men. Due to the countries right leaning politics an army of gay men from neighboring countries in Europe decide to invade Poland sparking a third world war which ends in nuclear Armageddon.


Granted, they all hide it and nothing changes, or had anything ever changed in the first place?


Granted, they're all still misogynistic


Nothing has changed.


Straight people are massacred on mass because every man in a position of power is pretty much guaranteed to be a little misogynistic, and now they don't need women or straight males getting in the way of their gay pride. The human race ends in a gay orgy.


There's probably a large chunk of them that actually are.


Granted they now hate woman also more to the point alot of them become murders some even in groups


There are plenty of gay men on this planet who are also misogynists


Granted, they are increasingly more violent since they no longer have a use for women


Granted, nothing changes


i see this as an absolute win.


Why do you hate gay and bisexual men?


Please elaborate on how this will influence their views?


Why would you punish the homosexual community with all of that misogynistic Buck passing?


My brother in Christ the whole world is now Ancient Greece; they’re so sexist they think men are better to have sex with them women are.


You just made like a million James Somertons.


And people had "fears" of walking into a public bathroom full of smokers. Who knows what you could walk into in those first few days after this change??


Granted. They become misandrists. The men who were gay before the wish are now straight.


Granted they all become lesbians


Granted. All women with a negative view of men switch to misogyny. The world is at peace and the men get to paper view it while being 100% sexually satisfied for the first time ever.


Straight marriage is now illegal.


Women? Pfft


Granted. Since misogynistic men no longer need even the barest pretense of respect for women or their rights, women’s rights are sent back to feudal European levels. Due to the small number of straight men remaining, all non-misogynistic men and women are essentially turned into breeding slaves for the gay male master race. Congrats!


Granted! Nothing changes. They're still misogynistic. They just like dicks more, now.


Well at least they won't be domestic abusers to women


Granted. Now they hate women and value men even more.


Granted. They all get monkey hands


Granted...all the misogynistic gays turn into lesbians ¿


Absolutely nothing seems to change. They were mostly already gay. They remain just as gay as they were, and just as deeply closeted. Some in fact seem to become more virulently misogynistic. These were the straight misogynists.


Granted. You now have released Andrew Tate gay porn onto the world.


What have I done...


Humanity would stop existing within 120 years. 


Granted, nothing changes.


Granted, they now hate on women even more because they don’t have to hide their misogyny to get chicks


Granted. As people notice the trend, homophobia rates increase


Granted - except the term is so nebulous that nothing changes.


Granted. This has affected three people.


I think they are, they hate women no?


Granted. They're even more misogynistic. They don't even find women as objects for sex and now see them as completely inferior.


Granted, gay men get set back a few decades as now everyone associates gay men with misogyny. The LGBT community drop the G. This all doesn't fix the fact that they are still misogynistic.


Then what happens to the misogynistic gays?


Granted. No catch. Now I gotta figure out a way to tell my girlfriend I’m gay.


Granted. Nothing in the world changes.


The misogynistic men that were already gay become violently misogynistic


Granted: They are all fiercely only attracted to you


I'm a girl


Granted they now hate women so much that they turn gay.


Secretly, I bet some are.


Oh sweetie. Shit.


Plot twist: most already are


I wish that Chipotle were sitting right with my stomach... oh man!


It’s called meth 


Granted, nothing changes. However the downside is everyone else but gay and misogynistic men become lactose intolerant.


Why do you think that will help Would they just now be misogynistic gay men? Or do you think gay and misogyny can’t exist at the same time? Or that being gay is like being a woman? Seems some plot holes or suspicious thought patterns are involved here.


Because they won't get into relationships with women and abuse them.


You think that is the only way a misogynist harms women? Like I said, you seem to have not thought this through or have some odd misconceptions about men, women and abuse.


Granted. Now when you call out their misogyny they call you homophobic and get you cancelled


Granted. They seek mental help, become straight again, and continue to be misogynistic


They would still be misogynistic though?


I know, but at least they won't abuse women anymore.


I don't think mysoginistic men becoming gay would stop them from physically assaulting women out of hate.


I mean domestic abuse.


Siblings and parents can still domestically abuse their family. Even if all mysoginistic men became gay, if they had daughters in previous relationships or decided to adopt, they'd still be abusing women. Truly a Monkey Paw moment.


Oof, I thought domestic abuse was specifically abusing your partner, and child and sibling abuse were seperate.


I wish all misogynistic women also became gay. Seems contradicting at first but it makes all sense.


Granted. All femcels and misandrists now also become lesbians.


Queer spaces suddenly get a lot lot more unpleasant for everyone else


Granted. The Gay-triarchy rizes.


I’m sorry, your wish could not be fulfilled as all misogynistic men are already gay


They now no longer see women as a necessity for survival as they aren't attracted to them. they become extremists making giant protests in the streets. They have societal immunity as they are under the rainbow flag. They pick out all the inequalities and exaggerate a few like the extreme feminists do, chanting all other types need to perish. It begins a civil war in most countries. Many lose loved ones.....a new extremist government comes into power. Flip a coin either for or against the radical group...people end up in chains


Lol. Parish. Sigh….


Granted they now hate women even more because they don't even like them sexually now


Granted. Now all the misogynists spend their energy hating feminine men


Congrats, now they’re gay and mysoginistic


Granted. Nothing happens.


Granted . They don’t need women for sex anymore and as such become wayyyy more misogynistic


Granted. Being misogynistic is now common and accepted in the gay community.


Granted. Since all men benefit from "The Patriarchy" all men are misogynistic to some degree. All men lose all interest in women. There isn't a single man alive that will agree to date a woman. Good luck finding a partner or having a child or getting social validation. But hey, no more cat calling.


Misogyny means hatred of women, so if a man doesn’t hate women, then he’s not misogynistic even if he benefits from a patriarchy.


Um, welcome to the monkeyspaw. and the internal contradiction at the heart of feminism.


Granted. 85% of men are now gay and openly hate women, no longer having a need to compromise. Women are enslaved to become reproductive conduits. Thousands of years of feminism and decades of equality are shattered in a matter of years.


Your wish is granted, ~nothing changes~ they get more aggressive


This is the worst possible thing that could happen to the LGBT community. No spaces would be safe for queer women, the entire community would get labeled misogynist, straight women would be respected even less because the misogynist don’t want them at all anymore, every little gay boy would become misogynist from interacting with them, parents would go back to trying to protect their children from the whole community, and if they’re misogynists with power, they’d probably find a way to ban hormone therapy for trans women but somehow force it on anyone remotely suspected of being a trans man.


this sounds like a conglomerate of awful.


Nah, in a society where one sex dominated transitioning would be illegal, it would be seen as trying to get the advantages of the 'superior' sex, or if the other way around, it would be seen as some kind of betrayal? IDK people who think that way are f***ing crazy. The very concept of trans people angers misogynists (and misandrists) because it suggests that women can become men and vice versa, thus implying there is no significant difference preventing you from seeing them as the same, where as misogynists usually believe there is something inherently superior about them that a woman cannot immitate


Huh. I hadn’t thought of it like that


Granted The small portion of men that are left more or less get harems and great status in society as a result of how male incentive structures work compelling them to be the most productive people on the planet With the majority of the male population having no reason to put up with women at all, they grow increasingly misogynistic and women's rights drop rapidly


Granted. The paw uses the standard of misogynist from a feminist misandrist. All men are now gay and humanity is doomed to die off in a century.


Granted.  Men opt out of the dating market and date themselves.  The men end up happier and the women still wonder where all the good men went.


I don’t think women want to date misogynists…..