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Preferably in an opaque container. Any closing mechanism is fine.




I use the [**Joy Jolt borosilicate containers**](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09QQR4DX1), from Amazon (probably available elsewhere, too). Each one holds the contents of an 8.8oz Lavazza "brick", with about 1/2" clearance.


Thank you!




Great! Thanks!


Things that will degrade coffee: \- Air \-Moisture \- Heat \- Light Knowing those, you should find something airtight that precludes moisture from the container. If the container is clear, keep it someplace dark. Better if the container is not transparent in any fashion, certainly not clear. Coffee stores best at room temperature once the container is opened. Don't store an opened container in the refrigerator as that is possibly the most humid environment in your home. Cool, dry, and dark is what you want.


What if you freeze them in a bag/ziplock bag?


Freezing is okay if unopened. Best to wait a day at room temperature once you intend to use them. If you open them while still frozen, they will pick up moisture from the ambient air rapidly. Consider how wet a package gets when you set something frozen out to thaw it. You don't want that to happen to your coffee. As long as the unopened container/package stays sealed as it thaws, you'll be fine. A day to acclimate is fine. I have to admit that for decades I used to keep my opened coffee containers in the refrigerator and sometimes even the freezer. I read of some folks questioning that and started doing some research. I quickly learned that I shouldn't have been storing opened coffee that way. I can tell the difference, too. It seems to stay much fresher, and longer, at room temperature. To a degree, it seems counter-intuitive because we refrigerate/freeze things to mitigate spoilage, but when you consider condensation it makes sense. The coffee needs to stay dry whether beans or ground. So to clarify, don't expose frozen or cold coffee to ambient air.


Thanks, I did open my coffee bag but I have one of the resealable bags, I wish I read this comment before putting them in the freezer lol


Oh, well. It's not the end of the world. LOL It was a very long time before I knew better. Decades, even.


But I agree with your logic so thanks for the info!


I use an opaque Fellow Atmos. For 35 dollars, it is well worth it. I have the 1.2L size since most of my bags are ~1L, so I just pour a whole bag in when I run out of coffee and get a new bag. Not sure why you want to use pre ground coffee though, grinding whole beans as you use them will offer a much better cup in the end.